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02A Career Choices

What three factors do you consider most important in choosing a career and why? Write in 1-2
complete sentences.


2.Alignment with personal values

3.Opportunities for growth.

he three most important factors I consider in choosing a career are passion, alignment with
personal values, and opportunities for growth. Passion ensures sustained motivation and
enjoyment in the work, alignment with personal values fosters a sense of fulfillment and purpose,
and opportunities for growth allow for continuous learning and advancement in one's career
Make a list of three costs related to choosing one career over another.

1.Education and Training Costs

2.Opportunity Costs

3.Relocation Costs

Write 2-3 sentences explaining WHY a person would choose a degree that makes less money
over a degree that makes more money.

A person might choose a degree that makes less money over one that makes more money because
it aligns better with their interests, values, or long-term career goals. They may prioritize job
satisfaction, personal fulfillment, or making a positive impact in their chosen field over purely
financial considerations. Additionally, they may believe that the non-monetary benefits, such as
work-life balance, job security, or opportunities for growth, outweigh the potential higher earnings
of the alternative degree.
Budget Reflection

1. Did you have enough money for all of your expenses?

2. What expenses did you have to cut out completely?
3. What did you have to budget for that you did not expect?
4. What did you learn from this activity?

Reflecting on my budget, I found that I had enough money to cover most of my expenses, but I
had to cut out a few non-essential items like going out to eat or buying new clothes. Unexpectedly,
I had to budget for a school trip that wasn't originally planned for, which required me to adjust my
spending in other areas. From this experience, I learned the importance of prioritizing my
spending, being prepared for unexpected expenses, and the value of having a savings buffer for
emergencies or unforeseen events.

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