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Carlos Enrique Pérez Santamaria
Ingles Técnico
Midterm evaluation.
Jean gesner jean giles
Summary of two pages on the topic "Computers Today"

In Unit 1, titled "Living in a Digital Age," the integral importance of computers in today's daily life is
highlighted. These devices are used in a variety of contexts, from work and entertainment to education
and communication. The digital age has fundamentally transformed the way we live and interact with
the world around us.

"Living in a Digital Age" refers to the current era in which digital technology, such as computers, mobile
devices, and the internet, has profoundly transformed how we live, work, and relate to one another. In
this era, information and communication have become more accessible than ever, leading to significant
changes in society and culture. People increasingly rely on technology for everyday tasks, such as work,
education, shopping, and socialization. However, this has also posed challenges, such as concerns about
online privacy and the digital divide, which is the disparity in access to and ability to use technology. In
summary, living in a digital age entails a growing dependence on digital technology in all aspects of life,
resulting in significant benefits and challenges for society.

Unit 2, "Computer Basics," introduces the essential elements of a computer. These elements include
hardware, comprising physical components like the CPU, memory, hard drive, and screen; and software,
consisting of operating systems and applications that guide the computer's operation. Additionally, the
importance of data is highlighted, which is the information processed by these systems.

Computer basics refer to the essential fundamentals that everyone should understand to use and
comprehend how computers work. These basics include:

- Hardware and Software: Computers consist of physical components (hardware) like the CPU, memory,
and hard drive, and programs or applications (software) that run on them.

- Operating System: It's the fundamental software that manages a computer's resources and enables
programs to run. Examples include Windows, macOS, and Linux.

- Peripherals: These are external devices like keyboards, mice, printers, and monitors that connect to the
computer for specific tasks.

- Storage: Computers store data on devices like hard drives, SSDs, or USB drives. Data is organized into
files and folders.
- Networking: Computers can connect to each other through networks like the Internet to share
information and resources, enabling communication and online information access.

- Data Processing: Computers process data by executing program instructions. This includes performing
calculations, displaying information on the screen, and running applications.

- Cybersecurity: Protecting the computer against viruses, malware, and cyber threats is crucial. Security
software and best practices are used to maintain data integrity and privacy.

- Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting is an essential skill in computing, involving identifying and resolving

technical issues that may arise.

- User Interface: The user interface (UI) is how we interact with the computer, often through windows,
icons, and menus in the operating system.

- History of Computing: Understanding the historical evolution of computers and the key contributions of
individuals and companies in this field.

These basic concepts are essential for anyone wishing to use a computer effectively and understand how
they function. As technology advances, it's important to stay updated on these concepts to make the
most of computer capabilities in daily life and work.

Unit 3, "Inside the System," delves into the internal architecture of a computer, explaining how hardware
components interact with each other. This is fundamental to understanding how a computer processes
and stores data, and how software instructions are executed.

Unit 4, "Buying a Computer," provides helpful guidelines for choosing the right computer. It emphasizes
the importance of considering the user's needs and budget when making decisions about screen size,
processor power, memory, and storage capacity.

Buying a computer is a significant decision that involves several factors. Here is a summary of the key
steps to follow when buying a computer:

- Determine Your Needs: Before buying a computer, identify what you will use it for. Is it for work,
gaming, web browsing, photo or video editing, or school tasks? This will help define the type of
computer you need.

- Choose the Type of Computer: You can opt for a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet, depending on
your portability and performance needs. There are also options like all-in-one computers that combine
the screen and CPU.
- Select the Operating System: The most common operating systems are Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Choose the one that best suits your preferences and software needs.

- Technical Specifications: Consider aspects like the processor, RAM, storage, and graphics card. These
specifications should align with your planned computer activities.

- Budget: Set a budget that fits your financial capabilities. Computers can vary in price from budget
models to high-end options.

- Research and Comparison: Research different brands and models, read reviews, and compare prices
and features to find the computer that best suits your needs and budget.

- Stores and Sellers: Choose a trustworthy store or seller to make the purchase. Make sure to check
warranty and return policies.

- Accessories and Software: Consider purchasing accessories like keyboards, mice, additional monitors,
and necessary software. This can increase the total cost.

- Make the Purchase: Once you've made a decision, make the purchase following the steps of the online
store or by visiting a physical store.

- Configuration and Maintenance: After buying the computer, set it up according to your needs and
ensure it stays up-to-date and secure with software updates and antivirus.

In summary, buying a computer involves assessing your needs, selecting the right type of computer,
setting a budget, researching and comparing options, and making the purchase from a reliable source.
It's also important to remember maintenance and security to ensure optimal performance over time.

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