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(Lessons 1–20)

ㄱ 怯(겁)(을) 주– be fearless; be bold (19) 高等學校(고등학교) high school (2, 5,

街路燈(가로등) streetlight (3, 17) 格式(격식)(을) 차리– stick to formality 9, 16)
假面(가면) mask (17, 19) (9, 14) 古來(고래)로 since olden times; from
假名(가명) false name; alias (4, 17) 格言(격언) proverb; maxim (1, 14) times past (5, 18)
假量(가량) approximately (17, 19) 格調(격조)(가) 높– be refined (11, 14) 古木(고목) an old tree (1, 18)
假說(가설) hypothesis (11, 17) 見聞(견문) experiences; information; 古物(고물) curios; antiques; secondhand
假定(가정) assumption; supposition (10, that seen and heard (6) goods (18)
17) 見學(견학) field trip (5, 6) 苦悶(고민) anguish; worry (7, 14)
干戈(간과) shield and spear; weapons; 結果(결과) result (9, 19) 古事(고사) an ancient happening, event
war (3) 結局(결국) eventually; ultimately; in the of former days (8, 18)
間食(간식) eating between meals; snack end (9, 15) 苦生(고생) suffering; hardship; difficul-
(5) 缺勤(결근) absence from work (8, 15) ties (2, 7)
感氣(감기) a cold (4, 13) 結論(결론) conclusion (9, 12, 15) 古生代(고생대) the Paleozoic era (18)
感動(감동)(을) 받– be impressed, moved 結末(결말) conclusion; an end (9, 15) 古生物(고생물) extinct animals and
(13) 結付(결부)(를) 하–/시키– link; tie; con- plants (2, 14, 18)
感謝(감사)(를) 하– thank; feel grateful nect to (9, 18) 古生物學(고생물학) paleontology (2, 18)
(13) 缺席(결석) absence (from school) (15) 高性能(고성능) high fidelity (9, 16, 17)
感想(감상) thoughts; impressions (13, 17) 決心(결심) decide; resolve (1, 3, 10) 苦心(고심)하– take pains; make every
感想文(감상문) description of one’s 缺點(결점) defect; shortcoming (8, 15) possible effort (1, 7)
impressions (8, 13, 17) 決定(결정) decision (10) 古語(고어) archaic word; ancient lan-
感染(감염) infection (13, 14) 結合(결합) union; cohesion (9, 14) guages; old saying (3, 18)
感電(감전) receiving an electrical shock 結婚(결혼) marriage; wedding (5, 9) 苦役(고역) hard work; drudgery (7, 18)
(8, 13) 結婚式(결혼식) wedding ceremony (9) 古人(고인) the ancients; ancient people
感情(감정) emotion (6, 13) 經過(경과) passage; progress (19) (4, 18)
感情的(감정적) emotional (6, 8, 13) 시간이 經過함에 따라 as time goes by 故人(고인) the deceased (4, 13)
甘草(감초) licorice root (3, 12) (19) 苦戰(고전) hard fight; tough going (7,
약방의 甘草 “licorice root in a phar- 景氣(경기) business conditions; prosper- 20)
macy” (3, 12) ity; the times; the state of the market 古朝鮮(고조선) Ancient Chosŏn (16, 18)
感歎(감탄)(을) 하– be struck with admi- (4, 6) 高卒(고졸)←고등학교 졸업 high-school
ration (13) 經路(경로) course; channel; route (3, 19) graduate (9, 20)
剛氣(강기) firmness; fortitude; strength 經理(경리) accounting (14, 19) 高層(고층) high-rise (building) (9, 17)
of character (4, 6) 經理課(경리과) [–꽈] payroll depart- 古風(고풍) old customs; ancient ways
江山(강산) rivers and mountains; scenery ment (14, 19) (6, 18)
(4, 5) 經費(경비) expenses; expenditures (15, 高下(고하) upper and lower classes; rank
開館(개관) opening of a hall, museum 19) (9, 15)
(10, 19) 警備(경비) defense; guard (10, 17) 故鄕(고향) one’s hometown, ancestral
開校(개교) the opening of a school (5, 警備室(경비실) security office (10, 13, place (13)
19) 17) 骨子(골자) pith and marrow; the essen-
開口(개구)(를) 하– open one’s mouth; 警備員(경비원) security guard (10, 14, tials (4, 8)
begin to speak (3, 19) 17) 公開(공개)(를) 하– open to the public
開國(개국) founding of a country (3, 19) 警鐘(경종) alarm bell; warning (3, 14, (15, 19)
開明國(개명국) a civilized country (3, 17) 公金(공금) public money (1, 15)
11, 19) 警察(경찰) the police (2, 17) 工大(공대) engineering college/faculty
開發(개발) development (7, 19) 警察車(경찰차) police car (2, 17) (1, 4)
開示(개시) first sale (of the day) (1, 19) 景品券(경품권)[–꿘] gift certificate (6, 公立(공립) public establishment (8, 15)
開始(개시)(를) 하– start; inaugurate; 12, 14) 公立學校(공립학교) public school (5, 8,
begin (11, 19) 經驗(경험) experience (10, 19) 15)
開業(개업) opening of a business (12, 溪谷(계곡) valley; gorge (20) 公務員(공무원) public service personnel
19) 階段(계단) stairs (11) (14, 15, 20)
開院(개원) the opening of the Assembly 階層(계층) social stratum (11, 17) 工夫(공부) study; learning; pursuit of
(or anything ending in –원) (15, 19) 計劃(계획) plan (8, 13) scholarly studies (4)
開店(개점) opening of a store (13, 19) 故(고)로 accordingly; therefore (13) 工夫房(공부방) [–빵] study room (3, 4)
開通(개통) opening to traffic (2, 19) 故國(고국) homeland; fatherland (3, 13) 工事(공사) construction work (4, 8)
開票(개표) ballot counting (1, 19) 古今(고금) past and present; all times 公式(공식) formula; official ceremony
開學(개학)(을) 하– start school (5, 19) (10, 18) (9, 15)
開會(개회) open a meeting, session (8, 古記(고기) an old record, chronicle (15, 公式的(공식적) official (8, 9, 15)
19) 18) 公約(공약) public promise; public pledge
怯(겁)(이) 많– be cowardly (19) 古談(고담) an old story (6, 18) (2, 15)
怯(겁)쟁이 coward (19) 古代(고대) ancient times (16, 18) 工業(공업) (manufacturing) industry (4,
怯(겁)(을) 먹– be scared; lose one’s nerve 高等(고등) high grade; high class; high; 12)
(19) advanced (2, 9, 16) 工員(공원) factory worker (4, 14)

工作(공작) construct; build; maneuver; 國語(국어) national language; Korean 勤務時間(근무시간) office hours (8, 20)
operate (4, 11) (3) 近方(근방) neighborhood; vicinity (4,
工場(공장) factory (1, 4) 國展(국전) the National Art Exhibition 17)
公的(공적) [–쩍] public; official (8, 15) (3, 19) 斤數(근수) poundage; weight (12, 19)
公正(공정)하– be fair (5, 15) 國土(국토) national land/territory (1, 3) 斤重(근중) weight (in catties/kŭn) (2,
公主(공주) princess (15) 國會(국회) Congress; National Assem- 12)
公職(공직) official position (15, 20) bly; Diet (3, 8) 近處(근처) neighborhood; vicinity (5,
公平(공평)하– be fair; be just (1, 15) 國會議員(국회의원) member of Con- 17)
公休日(공휴일) public holiday (1, 15, 17) gress; member of National Assembly (3, 金剛山(금강산) Diamond Mountains (1,
過(과)하– be too much (19) 8, 14) 4, 6)
過勞(과로)(를) 하– overwork; engage in 軍警(군경) military police (17, 18) 金庫(금고) cash depository (1, 15)
excessive working (16, 19) 軍國(군국) the military and the nation; a 今年(금년) this year (2, 10)
過分(과분)하– be more than one de- militant nation/nation at war (3, 18) 今方(금방) a moment ago; just now (4,
serves (2, 19) 君國(군국) monarchy; one’s sovereign 10)
過食(과식)(을) 하– overeat; engage in and country (3, 18) 金房(금방) [–빵] goldsmith’s; jewelry
excessive eating (5, 19) 軍機(군기) military secret (11, 18) store (1, 3)
過信(과신) overconfidence (19, 20) 軍當局(군당국) military authorities (15, 金曜日(금요일) Friday (7)
過言(과언) saying too much; exaggera- 18, 19) 今日(금일) today (1, 10)
tion (1, 19) 軍隊(군대) army; troops (18) 今日休業(금일휴업) closed for the day
果然(과연) as expected; sure enough (15, 軍馬(군마) soldiers and horses; military (1, 10, 12, 17)
19) horse (10, 18) 金錢(금전) cash; money; gold coins (1,
課外工夫(과외공부) taking private les- 軍務(군무) military affairs; military 10)
sons (tutoring) (1, 4, 12) service (18, 20) 今週(금주) this week (9, 10)
過用(과용)(을) 하– spend too much 軍務局(군무국) Bureau of Military Affairs 金品(금품) money and goods (1, 14)
money (19) (15, 18, 20) 金婚式(금혼식) golden wedding anniver-
過飮(과음)(을) 하– overdrink; engage in 軍民(군민) the military and the people sary (9)
excessive drinking (5, 19) (10, 18) 氣骨(기골) bones and spirit; body and
課長(과장) (company) head of a section 君民(군민) the king and his people; ruler soul; pluck; mettle; spirit (4, 8)
(1, 7) and ruled (18) 機關(기관) engine; organization; organ
課長室(과장실) (department) chairper- 軍法(군법) [–뻡] military law; martial (11, 12)
son’s office (1, 13) law (2, 18) 機能(기능) function (11, 17)
課程(과정) course of study; curriculum 軍法會議(군법회의) a court-martial (18) 機動力(기동력) mobility (8, 11, 13)
(1, 19) 軍服(군복) military uniform (16, 18) 氣力(기력) energy (4, 8)
過程(과정) task; course; process (19) 軍備(군비) armaments; military prepara- 氣分(기분) feeling; mood (2, 4)
課題(과제) assignment; question (1, 10) tions (10, 18) 記事(기사) (newspaper) article (8, 15)
過重(과중)하– (burden) be too heavy (2, 軍費(군비) military expenses (15, 18) 記憶(기억) memory (15, 19)
19) 軍事(군사) military affairs; military (8, 記憶(기억)(을) 하– remember (15)
過히 좋아하지 않는다 doesn’t like so 18) 記憶力(기억력) memory power (8, 15,
much (19) 君臣(군신) lord and ruler; sovereign and 19)
關(관)하다 concern; be related to (12) subject (18) 氣運(기운) trend; tendency (4, 16)
...에 關(관)하여 concerning... (12, 17) 軍樂(군악) military music (6, 18) 奇異(기이)하– be curious, extraordinary
關心(관심) concern; interest (1, 12, 17) 軍樂隊(군악대) military band (6, 18) (1, 12)
館長(관장) director (as of a library) (7, 軍役(군역) military service; a serviceman 記入(기입) writing in; entering (1, 15)
10) (18) 記者(기자) journalist; reporter (11, 15)
校內(교내) intramural; on-campus (5, 軍用(군용) for military use (18, 19) 記者會見(기자회견) press interview (11,
12) 軍用犬(군용견) a military dog (18, 19) 15)
校門(교문) school gate (1, 5) 軍用金(군용금) war funds (18, 19) 氣質(기질) temperament; nature (3, 4)
校服(교복) school uniform (5, 16) 軍用品(군용품) military equipment/sup- 汽車(기차) train (originally “steam train”)
校長(교장) school principal (5, 7) plies (14, 18, 19) (2, 4)
校正(교정)(을) 하– proofread (5) 軍人(군인) a soldier (4, 18) 氣合(기합) concentration of spirit; disci-
九九段(구구~단) multiplication table (9) 君子(군자) a superior man (Confucian plinary (4, 14)
舊面(구면) old acquaintance (16, 19) ideal) (4, 18, 19) 奇形(기형) deformity (1, 4)
舊式(구식) old style (9, 16) 君主(군주) king; monarch (15, 18) 機會(기회) opportunity; chance (8, 11)
九十(구십) ninety (9) 君主國(군주국) a monarchy (3, 15, 18) 機會(기회)가 當到(당도)하– a chance
口語(구어) colloquial expression (3) 窟(굴) a tunnel; lair; burrow; cave; den presents itself (19)
口語體(구어체) the colloquial style; col- (18) 金氏(김씨) Mr. Kim (1, 10)
loquial language (3, 8) 窟穴(굴혈) cave; tunnel; den (4, 18) 꼴不見(~불견) ugliness; unsightliness (6)
九月(구월) September (9) 劇場(극장) theater (1, 16)
口錢(구전) fee; commission (3, 10) 劇的(극적) dramatic (8, 16) ㄴ
舊正(구정) New Year’s Day by the lunar 近代(근대) modern times; modernity 樂天的(낙천적) optimistic (6, 8, 20)
calendar (5, 12, 16) (16, 17) 亂離(난리) uproar; commotion (16)
舊形(구형) old-fashioned model (4, 16) 近代文明(근대문명) modern civilization 亂場(난장)판 chaotic scene (1, 16)
國軍(국군) national army (3, 18) (8, 11, 16, 17) 男女(남녀) man and woman; male and
國內(국내) domestic; national (3, 12) 近代化(근대화) modernization (16, 17) female (1, 7)
國力(국력) national power (3, 8) 近來(근래) recent times; these days (5, 男女老少(남녀노소) male and female, old
國立(국립) national(ly established) (3, 8) 17) and young (7, 11, 19)
國民(국민) a nation; a people/the people 斤量(근량) weight (12, 19) 南大門(남대문) Great South Gate in
(3, 10) 勤勞者(근로자) laborer (8, 11, 16) Seoul (1, 9)
局番(국번) area code (15, 20) 勤務(근무) service; work (8, 20) 男同生(남동생) younger brother (2, 7)

南美(남미) South America (4, 9) 能(능)하– be capable (17) 多作(다작)(을) 하– produce abundantly;
南方(남방) the South; aloha shirt (9) 能力(능력) capability (8, 17) be prolific (11, 19)
南部(남부) southern part (9) 能熟(능숙)하– be skilful; be proficient 多情(다정)하다 be kind, gentle, tender,
南北(남북) south and north (9) (17) humane (6, 19)
男性(남성) man; male (7, 16) 多足類(다족류) (insect) millipeds, myria-
男子(남자) man; a male (4, 7, 15, 16) ㄷ pods (3, 19)
男便(남편) husband (4, 7) 多感(다감)하– be sensitive, sentimental, 多幸(다행)하– be fortunate, lucky (14, 19)
男學生(남학생) male student (2, 7) susceptible (13, 19) 段階(단계) stages (of development) (11)
南韓(남한) South Korea (3, 9) 多感性(다감성) [–썽] sentimentalism; 檀君(단군) Tan’gun, the mythical founder
浪費(낭비) waste (15) sensibility (13, 16, 19) of Korea (18)
來年(내년) next year (2, 5) 多怯(다겁)하– be timid, fearful, cowardly 檀木(단목) birch (1, 18)
內亂(내란) civil war (12, 16) (19) 談話(담화) a talk; colloquy; conversa-
內面(내면) the inside (12, 19) 多年間(다년간) for many years; for a tion; a statement; an informal comment
內務部(내무부) Ministry of Home Affairs; number of years (5, 19) (6, 8)
Department of the Interior (9, 12, 20) 多年生(다년생) perennation (2, 19) 談論(담론) discussion; argument; dis-
內服(내복) underwear (12, 16) 多年生(다년생)식물 a perennial plant (2, course (6, 12)
內部(내부) the inside (9, 12) 19) 答狀(답장) letter of reply (3, 7)
內色(내색)하– let one’s face show one’s 多能(다능)하– be versatile, many-sided 當(당)치 않– be unreasonable (19)
thoughts (12, 19) (17, 19) 當(당)하– have (sth undesirable) done;
內容(내용) contents (12) 多大(다대)하– be numerous, great, huge, experience (sth undesirable) (19)
內衣(내의) underwear (12, 19) considerable (19) 當故(당고) losing one’s parents (13, 19)
來日(내일) tomorrow (1, 5) 多大(다대)한 손해 a heavy loss (19) 當局(당국) authorities concerned; re-
來週(내주) next week (5, 9) 多大(다대)한 이익 a considerable profit sponsible officials (15, 19)
冷房(냉방) air-conditioned room (3, 15) (19) 當局者(당국자) a person in authority
冷水(냉수) cold water (2, 15) 多量(다량) large quantity (19) (11, 15, 19)
冷藏(냉장) refrigeration (15) 多面(다면) many sides; many faces/ 當今(당금) at present; these days (10,
冷藏庫(냉장고) refrigerator (15) phases (19) 19)
冷戰(냉전) cold war (15, 20) 多面的(다면적) many-sided; versatile (8, 當代(당대) one’s lifetime; the present
冷茶(냉차) iced tea (3, 15) 19) age; those days (16, 19)
勞苦(노고) labor; pains (7, 16) 多面的 問題(다면적 문제) a many-sided 當代의 대음악가 a great musician of the
勞困(노곤)하– be languid (13, 16) subject/problem (8, 19) day (19)
老年(노년) old age (2, 11) 多面體(다면체) a polyhedron (8, 19) 當到(당도)(를) 하– arrive at; come upon;
勞動(노동) labor (13, 16) 茶房(다방) tearoom; teahouse (3) present itself (11, 19)
勞動者(노동자) laborer (11, 13, 16) 多方面(다방면) many-sidedness; various 當面(당면)(을) 하– face; confront (19)
勞力(노력)(을) 하– endeavor; exertion fields (4, 19) 當面問題(당면문제) the present (press-
(8, 16) 多方面(다방면)에 活動(활동)하– be ac- ing) question; the question that con-
老母(노모) aging mother; elderly mother tive in various fields (19) fronts us (19)
(7, 11) 多病(다병)하– be sickly, fragile, prone to 當番(당번) person on duty (19, 20)
老父(노부) aging father; elderly father sickness (15, 19) 當付(당부) request; entreaty (18, 19)
(7, 11) 多福(다복)하– be lucky, blessed with 當分間(당분간) for the time being (2, 5,
老父母(노부모) aging parents; elderly good luck (14, 19) 19)
parents (7, 11) 多分(다분)히 quite a lot; quite many; 當事者(당사자) the person concerned (8,
路上(노상) on the road; on the way (3, mostly (2, 19) 11, 19)
17) 多事(다사)스러w– be meddlesome, nosy 當選(당선)(이) 되– be/get elected (16,
老少(노소) the old and the young (11, 19) (8, 19) 19)
老熟(노숙)하– be mature and experi- 多事(다사)하– be busy; have much to 當時(당시: 그때 當時에는) back in those
enced (11, 17) do; be eventful; be meddlesome, nosy days... (5, 19)
老臣(노신) an old minister of state, senior (8, 19) 當然(당연)하– be natural, be a matter of
official (11, 18) 多少(다소) more or less; many and few; course (15, 19)
老人(노인) old person; senior citizen (4, some; quantity; amount (19) 當日(당일) the day (in question) (1, 19)
11) 多數(다수) large number (19) 當場(당장) right away; on the spot; im-
老子(노자) Laozi, the famous Chinese 多數決(다수결) majority vote (10, 19) mediately (1, 19)
philosopher (4, 11) 多食(다식)(을)하– eat much; make a pig 當婚(당혼)(을) 하– reach a marriageable
老處女(노처녀) old maid; old miss (1, of oneself (5, 19) age (9, 19)
11, 17) 多心(다심) overcautiousness; being fussy 對決(대결) confrontation; showdown
論(논)하– argue; discuss (12) (1, 19) (3, 10)
論理(논리) logic (12, 14) 多心(다심)스러w– be overcautious, 大口(대구) codfish (1, 3)
論理的(논리적) logical (8, 12, 14) meticulous, fussy (19) 大多數(대다수) majority (1, 19)
論文(논문) thesis; article (8, 12) 多樣(다양)하– be varied, diverse (17, 19) 對答(대답) answer; reply (3)
弄談(농담)(을) 하– joke (6, 19) 多言(다언)(을) 하– say a lot: talk much 大大的(대대적)(으로) on a large scale
農大(농대) college of agriculture (1, 14) (1, 19) (1, 8)
農民(농민) farmer; peasantry (10, 14) 多言者(다언자) a talkative person (1, 11, 對等(대등)하– be equal; be on an equal
農夫(농부) farmer (4, 14) 19) footing with (2, 3)
農事(농사) farming (8, 14) 多用(다용)(을) 하– spend lavishly; use 大量(대량) large quantity; magnanimity
農業(농업) agricultural industry (12, 14) much (19) (1, 19)
農作物(농작물) agricultural products; 多肉果(다육과) a drupaceous (pulpy) 大路(대로) big road; main road (3, 7)
crops; farm produce (11, 14) fruit; a drupe (13, 19) 代理(대리) proxy; an agent (14, 16)
農場(농장) farm; plantation (1, 14) 多日(다일) many days; a period of days 代理店(대리점) agency; commercial
農土(농토) farmland (1, 14) (1, 19) agent (13, 14, 16)

對立(대립) be facing; antagonistic (3, 8) 動機(동기) motive; incentive (11, 13) 等數(등수) [–쑤] ratings; a grade (2, 19)
對面(대면)(을) 하– meet; interview; face 洞內(동내) inside a village; the whole
(3, 19) village (12, 18) ㅁ
大門(대문) main gate (1, 4) 洞(동)네 a village, neighborhood (18) 馬力(마력) horsepower (8, 10)
大法院(대법원) Supreme Court (1, 2, 15) 東大門(동대문) Great East Gate of Seoul 馬耳東風(마이동풍) east wind in a horse’s
大便(대변) large bowel movement; def- (1, 9) ear (talking to a brick wall) (6, 9, 10)
ecation (1, 4) 同等(동등)하– be equal, of the same rank 馬車(마차) carriage (2, 10)
大部分(대부분) for the most part; mostly (2, 5) 萬年筆(만년필) fountain pen (2, 7, 13)
(1, 2, 9) 洞里(동리) village (2, 18) 萬能(만능) omnipotent (7, 17)
對比(대비) preparation (for, against) (3, 冬眠(동면) hibernation (18, 20) 萬能選手(만능선수) a multitalented
12) 冬眠動物(동면동물) hibernating animals person (7, 8, 16, 17)
對備(대비) provision (for); preparation (14, 18, 20) 萬無(만무)하– cannot possibly be; have
(for) (3, 10) 洞名(동명) name of a village, community no reason for it to exist (5, 7, 11)
大西洋(대서양) Atlantic Ocean (9) (4, 18) 萬物(만물) everything; all things (7, 14)
代身(대신) substitution; replacement 同門(동문) fellow student; schoolmate 萬病(만병) all kinds of diseases (7, 15)
(12, 16) (1, 5) 萬事(만사) all matters (7, 8)
大洋(대양) ocean; sea (9) 同門會(동문회) alumni association (1, 萬事太平(만사태평) being carefree in all
代用(대용) substitution (16, 19) 5, 8) matters (1, 7, 8, 18)
代用品(대용품) a substitute article (14, 東問西答(동문서답) irrelevant reply (3, 9) 萬人(만인) everyone (4, 7)
16, 19) 動物(동물) animal (13, 14) 萬一(만일) if (1, 7)
大人(대인) adult (for admission pur- 動物界(동물계) the animal kingdom (13, 末日(말일) the last day; the end (1, 9)
poses) (1, 4) 14, 18) 每年(매년) every year; yearly (2, 7)
隊長(대장) leader; section commander 動物性(동물성) animal property; 每番(매번) every time (7, 20)
(7, 18) “animal-ness” (13, 14, 16) 每事(매사) every matter (7, 8)
大卒(대졸)←대학졸업 college graduate 洞民(동민) villagers (10, 18) 每日(매일) every day; each day (1, 7)
(1, 20) 洞房(동방) bedroom; side room; nuptial 賣店(매점) a stand; a booth (1, 13)
對處(대처)(를) 하– cope with; deal with chamber (3, 18) 每週(매주) every week (7, 9)
(3, 17) 冬服(동복) winter clothes (16, 20) 賣春婦(매춘부) prostitute (1, 7, 20)
大體(대체)로 on the whole (1, 8) 同生(동생) younger sibling (2, 5) 賣票所(매표소) ticket office (1)
大學(대학) college (1, 5, 14, 20) 東西(동서) east and west; East and West 面(면) surface, face; one’s “face”; a plane,
大韓民國(대한민국) Republic of Korea (9) level; a face guard, mask; an aspect;
(i.e., South Korea) (3, 10) 東西南北(동서남북) east, west, south, phase; side (19)
大韓民國全圖(대한민국전도) complete and north (9) 面(면)하– face (towards), look out (on)
map of Korea (1, 10) 同性(동성) same sex (5, 16) (19)
對抗(대항) counteraction; defiance (3, 同時(동시) same time (5) 面談(면담)(을) 하– meet and talk with;
11) 同時上映(동시상영) a double feature (5, talk personally with (6, 19)
大形(대형) big-size; large model (1, 4) 15, 18) 面對(면대)(를) 하– face; sit opposite and
對話(대화) conversation; dialogue (3, 8) 同時通譯(동시통역) simultaneous inter- meet (3, 19)
大會(대회) large meeting, rally (1, 8) pretation (2, 5, 18) 面刀(면도) a razor; shaving (19)
德分(덕분)에 thanks to... (2, 9) 東洋(동양) the East; the Orient (9) 面目(면목) aspects; feature; face; counte-
度量(도량) magnanimity; liberality; gen- 同業(동업) run business together (5, 12) nance; honor (11, 19)
erosity; ability; resourcefulness (19) 動員(동원) mobilization (13, 14) 面目(면목)(을) 더럽히– stain one’s honor
都賣(도매) wholesale (1, 8) 同一(동일)하– be identical (1, 5) (19)
挑發(도발)(을) 하– provoke (7, 20) 動作(동작) motion; gesture (11, 13) 面目(면목)(을) 세우– save one’s face/
圖書(도서) books (6, 10) 銅錢(동전) a copper coin (10) honor (19)
圖書館(도서관) library (building) (6, 10) 同點(동점) same score; tie (5, 8) 面目(면목)(이) 없– be ashamed; have no
圖書館長(도서관장) library director (7, 同情(동정) sympathy (5, 6) face to show (19)
10) 同情心(동정심) sympathy (5, 6) 面部(면부) the face (9, 19)
圖書室(도서실) library (room) (6, 13) 同調(동조) acting in concert (with); 面分(면분) casual acquaintance; knowing
度數(도수) [–쑤] frequency; number of aligning oneself (5, 11) by sight (2, 19)
times; percent alcohol in liquor (19) 冬至(동지) winter solstice (18, 20) 面分(면분)(이) 있– know by sight (2, 19)
都市(도시) city; metropolis (8, 9) 同窓(동창) alumnus, alumna; schoolmate 面謝(면사)(를) 하– thank personally;
都邑(도읍) capital city; the capital; set up (4, 5) apologize in person (13, 19)
a capital city (8) 同窓生(동창생) fellow student; classmate 面相(면상) physiognomy; face; looks
挑戰(도전)(을) 하– challenge; defy (20) (2, 4, 5) (19)
到着(도착) arrival (11) 同窓會(동창회) alumni association (4, 面書記(면서기) clerk in the township
到處(도처) everywhere; everyplace (11, 5, 8) (면) office (15, 19)
17) 冬天(동천) a winter sky; winter weather 面熟(면숙)하– be familiar/acquainted
圖形(도형) figure; diagram (4, 10) (20) with (a person) (17, 19)
圖畵紙(도화지) drawing paper (7, 10, 15) 同行(동행) going together; company; 免役(면역) immunity (18, 20)
獨語(독어) German (language) (3, 11) shared journey (4, 5) 面議會(면의회) a township (면) council/
獨立(독립) independence (8, 11) 洞穴(동혈) cave; cavern; grotto (18) assembly (8, 19)
獨白(독백) monologue (6, 11) 同化(동화) assimilation (5, 16) 面長(면장) chief magistrate of a township
獨身(독신) single; unmarried person (11, 洞會(동회) village council; block council (7, 19)
12) (8, 18) 面前(면전) in the presence of / before a
獨特(독특)하– be unique (11) 斗量(두량) measuring by pecks (mal) person (2, 19)
同感(동감)이– (I) agree. (5, 13) (13, 19) 面傳(면전)(을) 하– report directly; de-
洞口(동구) village entrance (3, 18) 等分(등분) classify; divide equally; share liver directly (10, 19)
洞窟(동굴) cave (18) (2) 面情(면정) friendship; amity (6, 19)

面質(면질)(을) 하– confront; question 無效(무효) invalidity (5, 19) 未婚(미혼) unmarried; single (2, 9)
face to face (3, 19) 文段(문단) paragraph (8, 11) 美貨(미화) American money, US cur-
面託(면탁)(을) 하– request/ask a favor in 文明(문명) civilization (8, 11) rency (4, 13)
person (18, 19) 文名(문명) literary fame (4, 8) 美化(미화) beautification; embellishment
免許(면허) license (20) 文物(문물) civilization (8, 14) (4, 16)
面會(면회) an interview, meeting (8, 19) 文法(문법) [–뻡] grammar (2, 8) 民間(민간) the people, the folk; civilian
面會時間(면회시간) visiting hours (8, 問病(문병) visiting a sick person (3, 15) (5, 10)
19) 文書(문서) document; record; archive 民間人(민간인) civilian (4, 5, 10)
面會人(면회인) a visitor, caller (4, 8, 19) (6, 8) 民泊(민박) lodging at a private house
面會日(면회일) a visitors’ day (8, 19) 文選(문선) selection of literary works; (10)
名答(명답) brilliant answer; repartee (3, anthology (8, 16) 民俗(민속) folk customs (6, 10)
4) 文身(문신) tattoo (8, 12) 密度(밀도) density (17, 19)
明白(명백)하– be clear; be evident (6, 11) 文語(문어) literary language; written 密閉(밀폐) shutting tightly; sealing up
明示(명시) clear statement; elucidation language (3, 8) (17, 19)
(1, 11) 門外漢(문외한) outsider; layperson (1,
名言(명언) wise saying (1, 4) 4, 12) ㅂ
名作(명작) masterpiece; fine work (4, 問議(문의) inquiry (3, 11) 班員(반원) member of a neighborhood
11) 文人(문인) a literatus, man of letters (4, organization (7, 14)
名筆(명필) excellent handwriting (4, 13) 8) 班長(반장) squad leader; class chief (7)
母校(모교) alma mater (5, 7) 文字(문자) [–짜] writing; writing sys- 飯饌(반찬) side dish (12)
母國(모국) homeland; mother country tem; letters (4, 8) 發見(발견) discover; detect; chance
(3, 7) 問題(문제) problem; question; subject; upon; spot (6, 7)
母國語(모국어) mother tongue (3, 7) issue (3, 10) 發動(발동)(을) 거–ㄹ– start an engine
母女(모녀) mother and daughter (7) 文體(문체) literary style (8) (7, 13)
模樣(모양) shape; form (17, 20) 問招(문초) interrogation; question (3, 發明(발명) invention (7, 11)
母音(모음) vowel (7, 8) 17) 發生(발생) occurrence (2, 7)
母親(모친) one’s mother (formal) (7, 16) 文學(문학) literature (5, 8) 發音(발음) pronunciation (7, 8)
木馬(목마) rocking horse (1, 10) 文學作品(문학작품) literary work (5, 8, 發作(발작) fit; spasm (7, 11)
木手(목수) carpenter (1, 8) 11, 14) 發展(발전)(을) 하– develop; grow; pros-
木曜日(목요일) Thursday (7) 文化(문화) culture (8, 16) per (7, 19)
沐浴(목욕) bathing (12) 物件(물건) article; goods (14) 發電所(발전소) power plant (1, 7, 8)
沐浴湯(목욕탕) bathhouse; bathing room 物件(물건)(을) 하– make a wholesale 發車(발차) departure (of a vehicle) (2, 7)
(12) purchase (14) 發行(발행)(을) 하– publish; circulate;
目的(목적) purpose; object; goal (8, 11) 物理(물리) laws of nature; physical law issue (4, 7)
目的語(목적어) target language (3, 11) (14) 方今(방금) just now; just a moment ago
目的地(목적지) destination (11, 15) 物理學(물리학) physics (5, 14) (2, 4, 10)
目前(목전)의 危險(위험) imminent 物色(물색)을) 하– search for; hunt (14, 方面(방면) direction; field (4, 19)
danger (11, 15) 19) 房門(방문) door of a room (1, 3)
目下(목하) now; at present (11, 15) 物議(물의)(를) 빚– bring on public criti- 方法(방법) method; way; means (2, 4,
無經驗(무경험) no experience (5, 10, 19) cism (11, 14) 19)
無關心(무관심) indifference (1, 5, 12) 物情(물정) condition of things (6, 14) 方席(방석) cushion (4, 15)
無男獨女(무남독녀) only daughter (1, 5, 物質(물질) material; matter (3, 14) 方式(방식) form; method (4, 9)
7, 11) 物質的(물질적) material (3, 8, 14) 方言(방언) dialect (1, 4)
無能(무능)하– be incompetent (5, 17) 物體(물체) a physical solid; an object (8, 方便(방편) expedient (4)
無慮(무려) as many as; approximately 14) 輩出(배출) appear in succession; produc-
(5, 18) 物品(물품) goods; articles (14) ing (scholars) (3, 7)
無慮(무려) 5000名(명) as many as / 未開(미개)하– be uncivilized (2, 19) 白骨(백골) a skeleton; whitened bones
approximately five thousand people (5, 未開人(미개인) primitive people (2, 4, (6, 8)
18) 19) 白金(백금) white gold (1, 6)
無料(무료) no charge (5, 13) 美國(미국) USA (3, 4) 百萬(백만) million (6, 7)
無料入場(무료입장) free admission (1, 美軍(미군) US Armed Forces (4, 18) 百萬長者(백만장자) millionaire (6, 7, 11)
5, 13) 美男(미남) good-looking man (4, 7) 白飯(백반) plain cooked rice (6, 12)
無理(무리)하– be unreasonable; over- 美德(미덕) grace of character; noble 百發百中(백발백중) 100% accurate (5,
work (5, 14) virtue (4, 9) 6, 7)
無事(무사)하– be safe (and sound) (5, 8) 未來(미래) the future (“not-yet-come”) 白熱燈(백열등) incandescent light (4, 6,
無事(무사)히 safely (5, 8) (2, 5) 17)
無色(무색) colorlessness (5, 19) 米色(미색) cream color (9, 19) 白人(백인) Caucasian; white person (4,
無生物(무생물) inanimate object (2, 5, 14) 未成年(미성년) underage person; a 5)
無數(무수)하– be innumerable (5, 19) minor (2, 3) 百日(백일) one hundred days (1, 6)
無心(무심)코 unwittingly; inadvertently 未熟(미숙)하– be inexperienced; im- 白衣(백의) white clothing (6, 19)
(1, 5) mature (2, 17) 百點(백점) a hundred points; full marks
無心(무심)하– be unwitting, absentmind- 未安(미안)하– be/feel sorry (1, 2, 7) (6, 8)
ed, inadvertent (1, 5, 11) 未完成(미완성) unfinished (2, 3, 9) 白鳥(백조) swan (6)
無顔(무안) shame (5, 11) 美容(미용) beauty; cosmetology (4, 12) 白紙(백지) paper; white paper; blank
無情(무정)하– be heartless (5, 6) 美容室(미용실) beauty parlor (4, 12, 13) paper (6, 7)
無罪(무죄) not guilty (5, 19) 美人(미인) beautiful woman (4) 百八十度(백팔십도) 180 degrees (6, 19)
無職(무직) being unemployed (5, 20) 美粧院(미장원) beauty parlor (4, 15, 16) 百貨店(백화점) department store (6, 13)
無責任(무책임)하– be irresponsible (5, 未定(미정)이– be undecided (2, 10) 番番(번번)히 habitually; all the time (20)
14) 美八軍(미팔군) US Eighth Army (4, 18) 飜譯(번역) translation (18)

番地(번지) house number; number (of from the army; resuming one’s studies as 分業(분업) division of work; specializa-
an address)(15, 20) a student (2, 5) tion (2, 12)
犯過(범과)(를) 하– do a wrong; commit 婦女子(부녀자) womenfolk; women and 分店(분점) store (2, 13)
a fault (19, 20) girls (4, 7) 不景氣(불경기) downturn, slump; (busi-
犯法(범법)(을) 하– [–뻡–] break the law, 不當(부당)하– be unjust, unfair (6, 17, 19) ness) depression (4, 6, 17)
violate the law (2, 20) 部隊(부대) military unit; troops; large 不公平(불공평)하– be unfair (1, 6, 15)
犯分(범분)(을) 하– forget one’s place/po- group (9, 18) 不過(불과) no more than; only (6, 17,
sition; exceed one’s authority (2, 20) 婦德(부덕) womanly virtues (7, 9) 19)
犯用(범용)(을) 하– misappropriate 不德(부덕)하– be unvirtuous, immoral 不問(불문)하고 regardless of (3, 6, 17)
(funds); use illegally (19, 20) (6, 9) 不利(불리)하– be disadvantageous, unfa-
犯人(범인) criminal (4, 20) 不同(부동)하– be unequal, uneven; be vorable (6, 13, 17)
犯入(범입)(을) 하– trespass; enter il- dissimilar, disparate (5, 6, 17) 不利(불리)한 立場(입장) disadvanta-
legally (20) 不動(부동) immobility; stability (6, 13) geous position (6, 8, 17)
犯罪(범죄) crime (19, 20) 不動物(부동물) immovable, fixed thing 不眠不休(불면불휴) no sleep and no rest;
犯罪者(범죄자) an offender, criminal, (6, 13, 14) work without surcease (6, 17, 18)
convict (11, 19, 20) 不動心(부동심) imperturbable mind (6, 不分明(불분명)하– be unclear, indistinct
犯行(범행)(을) 하– commit a crime (4, 13) (2, 6, 11, 17)
20) 部類(부류) category (9, 11) 不備(불비)하– be defective, deficient,
法大(법대) law school; college of law (1, 父母(부모) parents; mother and father incomplete (6, 10, 17)
2, 4) (7) 不備(불비)한 點(점) defect; omission (6,
法院(법원) court (of law) (2, 15) 夫婦(부부) husband and wife (4, 7) 17)
便秘(변비) constipation (4, 17) 夫婦間(부부간) husband-and-wife rela- 不時(불시)에 by surprise; out of season;
便所(변소) toilet, restroom (not an tion (4, 5, 7) all of a sudden (5, 6, 17)
elegant word) (1, 4) 部分(부분) portion; part (2, 9) 不信(불신) distrust; lack of trust (6, 20)
別(별)꼴 obnoxious thing/person; eye- 部分的(부분적)으로 partially (2, 8, 9) 不安(불안)하– be uneasy, anxious, ill at
sore (19) 釜山(부산) Pusan (city name in Korea) ease (1, 6, 17)
別(별)나– be peculiar; be eccentric (19) (4, 13, 16) 不安定(불안정)하– be unstable, shaky,
別(별)다르– be of a particular kind (19) 部首(부수) Chinese character radical (9, unsettled (1, 6, 10, 17)
別(별)다른 일 sth in particular (19) 10) 不運(불운)하– be unfortunate, unlucky
別(별)도리 없다. There is no alternative. 富裕(부유)하– be wealthy (17, 19) (6, 16)
(19) 富裕層(부유층) wealthy class (17, 19) 不察(불찰) carelessness; mistake (6, 17)
別(별)일 [별릴] particular thing (19) 婦人(부인) lady; married woman (7) 不親切(불친절)하– be rude, unkind (6,
別(별)일 없으면 if you don’t have any- 夫人(부인) (sb else’s) wife (4, 7, 16) 16, 17)
thing particular to do (19) 富者(부자) rich person (11, 17) 不通(불통) no communication (2, 6, 16)
別故(별고)(가) 없– be well (13, 19) 不自然(부자연)스러w– be unnatural, 不便(불편)하– be uncomfortable, incon-
別館(별관) annex (10, 19) artificial, strained (6, 14, 15) venient (4, 6, 17)
別名(별명) alias; pseudonym; nickname 部長(부장) section director; department 不平(불평)(을) 하– complain (1, 6, 17)
(4, 19) director (7, 9) 不幸(불행)하– be unfortunate (6, 14)
別食(별식) rare dish (4, 19) 父傳子傳(부전자전) like father like son 不幸(불행)하게도 unfortunately (6, 14)
甁(병) bottle (13) (4, 7, 10) 比(비)하– compare (12)
病(병)(이) 나– fall sick (15) 不定(부정) uncertainty; indefiniteness 非公開(비공개) closed to the public; not
病(병)(이) 드–ㄹ– fall sick (15) (6, 10, 17) available to the public (14, 15, 19)
病(병)(이) 나(ㅅ)– recover from illness 不正(부정)하– be unjust (5, 6, 17) 非公式(비공식) unofficial; informal (9,
(15) 不定(부정)하– be indefinite, unfixed, 14, 15)
病問安(병문안) checking on someone’s mutable (10, 17) 比較(비교)하– compare (12)
well-being (1, 3, 15) 不足(부족)하– be insufficient, lacking, 比較가 안 되– there’s no comparison
病身(병신) deformed or maimed person; scarce, scanty, short of (3, 6, 17) (12)
cripple; idiot (12, 15) 不正當(부정당)하– be improper, wrong, 比較的(비교적) comparatively (8, 12)
病室(병실) sickroom (13, 15) unrighteous (5, 6, 19) 非理(비리) wrongdoings (of public of-
病院(병원) hospital (15) 父親(부친) father (formal) (7, 16) ficials) (14)
病者(병자) sick person (11, 15) 付託(부탁) asking a favor (18) 非賣品(비매품) articles not for sale (1,
病的(병적) pathological; sick (8, 15) 部品(부품) parts (e.g., for cars) (9, 14) 14)
病患(병환) sickness (hon.) (15, 19) 部下(부하) underling; subordinate (9, 秘密(비밀) secret (17)
普通(보통) (being) ordinary; common 15) 秘法(비법) [–뻡] secret method (2, 17)
(2, 16) 復活(부활) resurrection (5, 7) 非常(비상) emergency; extraordinariness
復古風(복고풍) revival of old fashions; 北美(북미) North America (4, 9) (12, 14)
vintage (5, 6, 18) 北部(북부) northern part (9) 非常(비상)하– be extraordinary (12, 14)
復舊(복구)(를) 하– repair; restore (5, 16) 北辰(북신) the North Star (aka 북극성) 非常口(비상구) emergency exit (3, 12,
福券(복권) lottery ticket (12, 14) (9, 14) 14)
福德房(복덕방) realtor’s office (3, 9, 14) 北韓(북한) North Korea (3, 9) 非常金(비상금) emergency money (1,
福(복)스러w– be (chubby and) prosper- 分校(분교) branch campus (2, 5) 12, 14)
ous looking (14) 分量(분량) amount (2, 19) 非常時(비상시) an emergency; (during)
復習(복습) review of studies; review (5) 分類(분류) classification (2, 11) times of emergency (14)
服用(복용)(을) 하– take (medicine) (16, 分離(분리) division (2, 16) 秘書(비서) secretary (6, 17)
19) 分明(분명)하다 be clear; be obvious (2, 匕首(비수) a dagger; a dirk (9, 10)
福點(복점) good-luck freckle/mark (8, 6, 11, 12) 飛魚(비어) flying fish (16, 18)
14) 分數(분수) one’s place; one’s means; frac- 飛言(비언) = 飛語(비어) rumor; false
復學(복학) resumption of studies (5) tion (2, 19) report (1, 3, 18)
復學生(복학생) returning (to college) 分水界(분수계) watershed (2, 18) 費用(비용) expense; cost (15, 19)

非運(비운) ill luck; adverse fate (14, 16) to the head; get dizzy (4, 18) 西方(서방) West (4, 9)
非人(비인) inhuman person; a beast; 相談(상담) counsel (6, 19) 西部(서부) western part (9)
outcast (4, 14) 相談所(상담소) counseling bureau; con- 西洋(서양) West; the Occident (9)
非人間的(비인간적) inhuman; inhumane sulting office (1, 6, 19) 西洋文物(서양문물) things Western;
(5, 8, 14) 相當(상당)하– be proportionate; be Western civilization (8, 9, 14)
非人情(비인정) callousness (6, 14) considerable (19) 書店(서점) bookstore (6, 13)
非戰論(비전론) pacifism (12, 14, 20) 相對(상대) rival; relativity (3, 19) 鮮明(선명)하– be clear; be distinctive
非戰論者(비전론자) pacifist (11, 14, 20) 相對(상대)(를) 하– keep company with; (11, 16)
非情(비정)하– be heartless (6, 14) contend with (3, 19) 膳物(선물) present; gift (5, 14)
非正常(비정상) not normal; abnormal 相對方(상대방) the other person; one’s 膳服(선복) food and clothing (14, 16)
(5, 12, 14) interlocutor (3, 19) 先輩(선배) senior at school (who over-
比重(비중)이 크– relative importance is 相對性(상대성) relativity (3, 16, 19) laps with you) (3)
great (12) 相對便(상대편) the opposite party (3, 4, 先生(선생) Mr./Mrs. (2, 20)
備品(비품) fixtures (10, 14) 19) 選手(선수) an athlete; sb good or expert
非行(비행) misconduct (4, 14) 相對的(상대적) relative (3, 8, 19) at sth (8, 16)
飛行(비행) flying (4, 18) 相等(상등)하– be equal/equivalent to, as 先約(선약) prior engagement (2)
飛行機(비행기) airplane (4, 11, 18) good as (2, 19, 20) 先入見(선입견) preconception; prejudice
飛行機票(비행기표) airline ticket (1, 4, 18) 上等(상등) top class; first-rate; A1 (2, 18) (2, 6)
飛行隊(비행대) air corps; flying corps 上等品(상등품) quality article; quality 選定(선정) selection; choice (10, 16)
(17, 18) goods (2, 14, 18) 先祖(선조) ancestor; forefather (2, 6, 18)
飛行服(비행복) flight uniform (16, 18) 相連(상련)(을) 하– be contiguous with, 先進國(선진국) developed country (2,
飛行場(비행장) airfield, airstrip (1, 18) linked with (19, 20) 3, 20)
相面(상면)(을) 하– see each other; meet 先天的(선천적) inborn; innate; inherited
ㅅ with; have an interview (19) (2, 8, 20)
事件(사건) [–껀] happening (8, 14) 常務(상무) regular business; daily rou- 選出(선출)(이) 되– be/get elected (7,
謝過(사과)(를) 하–/드리– apologize (13, tine; managing director (12, 20) 16)
19) 上席(상석) an upper/higher seat; seat of 選好(선호)(를) 하– prefer (over) (1, 16)
事故(사고) accident; mishap (8, 13) honor (15, 18) 說明(설명)(을) 하– explain (11, 17)
事務(사무) work; business matter (8, 20) 上手(상수) a “good hand”; an expert; skill 性格(성격) [–껵] personality (14, 16)
事務室(사무실) office (8, 13, 20) (8, 18) 成果(성과) [–꽈] result; outcome (3, 19)
事務的(사무적) businesslike (8, 20) 常習(상습) a convention; common prac- 成功(성공) success (3, 4)
事物(사물) objects; things; affairs; mat- tice; regular practice (5, 12) 成功(성공)(을) 하– succeed (3, 4)
ters (8, 14) 常習犯(상습범) habitual criminal (5, 12, 誠金(성금) donation (of money) (e.g.,
四方(사방) the four directions; every- 20) offering at church) (1, 14)
where (4) 上映(상영) a screening; showing (15, 18) 性能(성능) performance, efficiency,
四方八方(사방팔방) in all directions; 上院(상원) Upper House; Senate (15, 18) capacity (e.g., of arms)(16, 17)
everywhere (4, 6) 相議(상의)(를) 하– take advice; consult 性別(성별) sex distinction; by gender
社說(사설) editorial (article) (8, 11) (11, 19) (16, 19)
事業(사업) business (8, 12) 相傳(상전)(을) 하– inherit; transmit; 性病(성병) [–뼝] venereal disease (15,
社員(사원) employee (8, 14) hand down (10, 19) 16)
社長(사장) (company) president (7, 8) 上體(상체) upper part of the body (8, 18) 成分(성분) ingredient; component; ele-
事前(사전)에 before the fact; in advance 相通(상통)(을) 하– understand each ment; constituent (2, 3)
(2, 8) other; accommodate each other; be in 成熟(성숙)하– be mature (3, 17)
事情(사정) circumstances; the situation; touch with each other (2, 19) 性慾(성욕) sexual desire (13, 16)
leniency; indulgence; personal reasons 上行(상행) going up toward Seoul (4, 18) 成人(성인) an adult (3, 4)
(6, 8) 色(색)다르– be of a different bast; be 成長(성장)하– grow up; grow older;
寫眞(사진) photo (11) unique (19) mature (3, 7)
寫眞館(사진관) photo shop (10, 11) 色鉛筆(색연필) [생년–] colored pencil 性質(성질) nature; disposition; tempera-
寫眞機(사진기) camera (11) (13, 14, 19) ment (3, 16)
四寸(사촌) cousin (3, 4) 生氣(생기) vitality (2, 4) 成就(성취) accomplishment, realization
社會(사회) society (8, 19) 生理(생리) physiology; physiological (2, (of a dream or plan) (3, 20)
山谷(산곡) mountain valley (4, 20) 14) 成就感(성취감) sense of accomplishment
山所(산소) ancestral grave(s) (1, 4) 生物(생물) living thing (2, 14) (3, 13, 20)
山羊(산양) goat; antelope (4) 生物學(생물학) biology (“the study of 成形(성형)수술 plastic surgery; cosmetic
山戰水戰(산전수전) all sorts of hardships living things”) (2, 5, 14) surgery (3, 4)
(2, 20) 生色(생색)내– pose as a benefactor; em- 成火(성화) irritation (3, 4)
三世(삼세) third generation (3, 18) phasize a favor done for sb (2, 19) 世界(세계) the world (18)
三寸(삼촌) uncle (3) 生生(생생)하– be vivid, fresh (2) 世界大戰(세계대전) World War (18, 20)
上件(상건) [–껀] excellent goods; first- 生鮮(생선) (fresh) fish (2, 16) 世界的(세계적) worldwide (8, 18)
rate article (14, 18) 生水(생수) mineral water (2) 世界化(세계화) globalization (16, 18)
相見(상견)(을) 하– interview; meet with 生辰(생신) birthday (hon.) (2, 14) 世代(세대) generation; time; era (16, 18)
(6, 19) 生日(생일) birthday (1, 2) 世上(세상) world (18)
上計(상계) capital plan; best plan; wisest 生前(생전) 처음 for the first time in one’s 世上物情(세상물정) world affairs (6, 14,
policy (13, 18) life (2) 18)
上古(상고) ancient times; remote antiq- 生活(생활) life; living (2, 7) 世上天地(세상천지)에 in the world (15,
uity (18) 書庫(서고) book depository (6, 15) 18, 20)
相關(상관) connection; meddling; con- 西大門(서대문) Great West Gate of Seoul 洗手(세수) wash up; wash the hands and
cern (12, 19) (1, 9) face (8)
上氣(상기)(를) 하– have a rush of blood 書類(서류) document (6, 11) 洗劑(세제) laundry detergent (8, 18)

洗車(세차) car washing (2, 8) 水量(수량) water volume (2, 19) 時日(시일) the date; the day; time; days
洗車場(세차장) car wash (the place) (2, 8) 數量(수량) quantity; volume (19) (1, 5)
所感(소감) one’s impression, opinion (1, 水力(수력) water power; hydraulic power 始作(시작) start; beginning (11)
13) (2, 8) 市場(시장) market (9)
小計(소계) a subtotal (as opposed to 총계 睡眠(수면)(을) 하– sleep (18) 市長(시장) mayor (7, 9)
[總計] grand total) (13, 19) 睡眠劑(수면제) medicine (18) 市中(시중) open market (5, 9)
小國(소국) (minor) country; weak nation 水門(수문) floodgate; lock (1, 2) 試合(시합) match; game (10, 14)
(3, 19) 數百(수백) several hundred of (6, 19) 試驗(시험) exam (4, 10)
少女(소녀) girl; a young girl; a maiden 手法(수법) [–뻡] technique; technical 食口(식구) family members (3, 5)
(1, 19) skill; trick (2, 8) 食券(식권) meal ticket; meal coupon (5,
少年(소년) a youth; a boy (2, 19) 水分(수분) water content (2) 12)
少年輩(소년배) boys; young people (2, 殊常(수상)하– be suspicious; be ques- 食堂(식당) dining room; cafeteria (5)
3, 19) tionable (12, 20) 食量(식량) provisions; foodstuff (5, 19)
少年犯(소년범) a juvenile offender (2, 首相(수상) prime minister; premier (10, 食母(식모) kitchen maid (5, 7)
19, 20) 19) 食費(식비) food expenses (5, 15)
少年文學(소년문학) juvenile literature (2, 首席(수석) the top seat; head seat; the 食事(식사) (taking a) meal (5, 8)
5, 8, 19) head (10, 15) 食性(식성) likes and dislikes in food;
小農(소농) small (petty) farmer (14, 19) 水洗式(수세식) flushing (toilet) (2, 8, 9) taste (5, 16)
小隊(소대) platoon; troop (18, 19) 手數料(수수료) commission; fee; service 食水(식수) drinking water (2, 5)
少量(소량) small amount; small quantity charge (8, 13, 19) 食慾(식욕) appetite (5, 13)
(19) 授業(수업) lesson; class (12, 20) 式場(식장) ceremonial hall; venue for
小路(소로) narrow path; an alley (3, 19) 授業料(수업료) tuition (12, 13, 20) ceremonies (1, 9)
小利(소리) small profit; little gain (13, 水泳(수영) swimming (2, 16) 食前(식전) before meals (2, 5)
19) 水泳服(수영복) swimsuit (2, 16, 19) 食卓(식탁) dining table (5, 12)
小賣(소매) retail sale (1, 19) 水泳場(수영장) swimming pool (1, 2, 16) 食品(식품) foodstuffs; groceries (5, 14)
所聞(소문) gossip; hearsay (1, 6) 水曜日(수요일) Wednesday (7) 食品店(식품점) grocery store (5, 13, 14)
小便(소변) urine (4, 19) 手足(수족) hands and feet; limbs (3, 8) 食後(식후) after meals (3, 5)
小說(소설) novel; work of fiction (11, 水準(수준) standard; water level (2, 10) 神經(신경) nerves (9, 19)
19) 水質(수질) water quality (2, 3) 神經戰(신경전) psychological warfare;
少數(소수) small number; minority (19) 數千(수천)의 thousands of (6, 19) war of nerves (9, 19, 20)
小數(소수) fraction (19) 手票(수표) check (1, 8) 神經質(신경질) nervousness; hysteria (3,
小市民(소시민) petit bourgeois (9, 10, 數學(수학) math (5, 19) 9, 19)
19) 宿泊(숙박) staying at; accommodation 新館(신관) new building; extension (10,
小食(소식)(을) 하– eat little (4, 19) (10) 12)
小心(소심)하– be timid (1, 19) 宿泊料(숙박료) lodging charges (10, 13) 新舊(신구) new and the old (12, 16)
所用(소용)있–/없– be useful/useless (1, 宿泊費(숙박비) lodging expenses (10, 新舊約(신구약) the New and the Old
16, 19) 15) Testament (12, 16)
所願(소원) one’s wish or desire (1, 17) 宿所(숙소) lodging; (temporary) abode 神奇(신기)하– be marvelous; be super-
所有(소유) possession; ownership; prop- (1, 10) natural (1, 9)
erty (1, 5) 宿食(숙식) food and room, lodging and 新年(신년) New Year (2, 12)
小人(소인) child; pygmy; dwarf; a small- boarding (5, 10) 信念(신념) faith; belief; a conviction (18,
minded person; I, me (4, 19) 熟語(숙어) idiomatic phrase (3, 17) 20)
小作(소작) farming; sharecropping (11, 宿題(숙제) homework; assignment; 新聞(신문) newspaper; news in the
19) pending question; task (10) papers (6, 12)
小作農(소작농) tenant farming; tenant 瞬間(순간) moment; instant (5, 17) 新聞紙(신문지) newsprint (6, 7, 12)
farmer (11, 14, 19) 瞬間的(순간적) instantaneous (5, 8, 17) 臣民(신민) officials and the people;
小作人(소작인) tenant farmer (11, 19) 數字(숫자)/(수자) [–짜] number; nu- subjects (10, 18)
所重(소중)하– be important, valuable (2, meral; numerical figure (4, 19) 身病(신병) bodily sickness; illness (12,
14) 時間(시간) an hour (5, 10, 14, 20) 15)
所行(소행) one’s actions; behavior (1, 4) 時間浪費(시간낭비) waste of time (5, 15) 神父(신부) priest, father (Catholic) (7, 9)
小形(소형) small size; compact model 時計(시계) clock (5, 13) 新婦(신부) bride; new bride (7, 12)
(4, 19) 時局(시국) the times (5, 15) 身分(신분) standing/position; identity
小形車(소형차) small vehicles (2, 4, 19) 時機(시기) the (right) time (5, 11) (2, 12)
俗(속)되– be secular; be earthly (6) 市內(시내) the city; downtown (9, 12) 神秘(신비) mystery (9, 17)
俗談(속담) proverb (6) 時代(시대) era (5, 16) 新鮮(신선)하– be fresh (12, 16)
俗物(속물) vulgar person; person of low 試圖(시도) trying out; attempt (at imple- 身世(신세) one’s circumstances; lot in life
taste (6, 14) mentation) (10) (12, 18)
俗世(속세) the vulgar world; mundane 始動(시동)(을) 거–ㄹ– start an engine 身手(신수) bearing; air; appearance (8, 12)
life (6, 18) (11, 13) 身數(신수) one’s luck, fortune (12, 19)
俗語(속어) slang (3, 6) 市立(시립) municipal; city-established 新式(신식) new-style (9, 12)
手巾(수건) towel(8, 9) (8, 9) 新約(신약) New Testament (12)
手工(수공) manual work; handiwork (4, 市民(시민) citizen (9, 10) 身熱(신열) body temperature; fever (4,
8) 市民會館(시민회관) city hall (8, 9, 10) 12)
手記(수기) a note; memorandum (take 時事(시사) current events (5, 8) 信用(신용) credit (19, 20)
down “by hand”) (8, 15) 市外(시외) periphery of a city; suburbs 新人(신인) new face (entertainer) (4, 12)
手段(수단) means; resource (8, 11) (9, 12) 新入社員(신입사원) incoming employee
手當(수당) compensation (8, 19) 市外電話(시외전화) long-distance call (2, 8, 12, 14)
首都(수도) capital city (2, 8, 10) (9, 12) 新入生(신입생) new student; “freshman”
手動(수동) manual operation (8, 13) (2, 12)

信者(신자) believer (11, 20) 洋服店(양복점) tailor shop (for men) (9, 年代記(연대기) chronicle (2, 15, 16)
身長(신장) stature; height (7, 12) 13, 16) 年度(연도) year (2, 19)
新正(신정) New Year’s Day (by the solar 樣相(양상) aspect; phase (17, 19) 連絡(연락) contact; communication (20)
calendar) (5, 12) 樣式(양식) mode; style (9, 17) 年老(연로)하– be old, aged (11)
新天地(신천지) new world (12, 15, 20) 洋食(양식) Western food (5, 9) 年末(연말) end of the year (2, 9)
身體(신체) physique (8, 12) 洋式(양식) Western style (9) 年末 大賣出(연말 대매출) year-end
新出(신출) new product of the season; 量的(양적) [–쩍] quantitative (8, 19) bargain sale (2, 9)
newcomer (7, 12) 洋鐵(양철) tinned sheet iron (9, 13) 年上(연상) senior in age (17, 18)
神託(신탁) a divine message, oracle (9, 語感(어감) feel for words; sensitivity for 年少者(연소자) minors; underage people
18) language (3, 13) (11, 19)
信託(신탁) committing (to the care of); 魚物(어물) dried fish; stockfish (14, 16) 年長者(연장자) seniors (7, 11)
entrusting (18, 20) 魚市場(어시장) fish market (9, 16) 鉛筆(연필) pencil (13, 14)
信託物(신탁물) a trust (14, 18, 20) 魚肉(어육) fish and meat (12, 13) 年下(연하) junior in age (2, 15)
信託業(신탁업) trust business (12, 18, 語調(어조) tone (of voice); accent (3, 11) 連休(연휴) consecutive holidays; long
20) 言論(언론) speech; the press (1, 12) weekend (17, 20)
信託會社(신탁회사) trust company (18, 言語(언어) language (1, 3) 熱(열)(이) 나– become feverish, get
20) 言語學(언어학) linguistics (1, 3, 5) angry (4)
神通(신통)하– be marvelous, extraordi- 業務(업무) business; work (12, 20) 熱(열)띤 heated; enthusiastic (4)
nary (2, 9) 女高(여고)←여자고등학교 girls’ high 熱(열)(을) 받– feel angry and heated (4)
臣下(신하) statesman; subject; vassal school (1, 9, 16) 熱氣(열기) heat; heated atmosphere (4)
(17, 18) 女工(여공) female factory worker (1, 4) 熱量(열량) calorie (4, 19)
神學(신학) theology (5, 9) 旅館(여관) hotel; inn (4, 10) 熱誠(열성) earnestness; enthusiasm (4,
新婚(신혼) new marriage; recently mar- 女軍(여군) female soldier (1, 18) 14)
ried (9, 12) 旅券(여권) [–꿘] passport (4, 12) 熱心(열심)히 enthusiastically; in earnest
新婚夫婦(신혼부부) newly married 餘念(여념)(이) 없– be absorbed (in) (18, (1, 4)
couple; newlyweds (4, 7, 9, 12) 19) 熱戰(열전) hot battle; close game (4, 20)
新婚生活(신혼생활) newlywed life (2, 7, 女大(여대) women’s university (1, 5) 熱情(열정) ardor; passion (4, 6)
9, 12) 女同生(여동생) younger sister (1, 2, 5) 熱中(열중)(을) 하– be absorbed (in) (4,
新婚旅行(신혼여행) honeymoon (4, 9, 餘分(여분) remainder; excess; leftover 5)
12) (2, 19) 念慮(염려)(를) 하– worry; be worried;
神話(신화) myth (8, 9, 18) 餘生(여생) the rest of one’s life (2, 19) concerned about (18)
室內(실내) indoor (12, 13) 女性(여성) woman; female (1, 16) 染色(염색)(을) 하– dye (14, 19)
室外(실외) outdoor (12, 13) 女神(여신) goddess (1, 9) 念願(염원) one’s heart’s desire; one’s
甚(심)하– be extreme, severe (12) 餘暇(여가) spare time; leisure (17, 19) dearest wish (17,18)
心亂(심란)하– be in mental turmoil (1, 餘念(여념) distraction; irrelevant 英國(영국) England (3)
16) thoughts (18, 19) 英文學(영문학) English literature (3, 8,
心理(심리) psychology (1, 14) 餘裕(여유) extra (time, money, space, 5)
心理學(심리학) psychology (as an aca- etc.); composure (19) 英語(영어) English (3)
demic field) (1, 5, 14) 旅人宿(여인숙) second-class inn (4, 10) 英作文(영작문) English composition (3,
心情(심정) one’s feelings (1, 6) 女子(여자) female; woman (1, 4) 8, 11)
十代(십대) teen years; teens (5, 16) 如前(여전)히 as before; as ever (2, 6) 英特(영특)하– be wise, sagacious; be
十四金(십사금) fourteen-karat gold (1, 5) 餘地(여지) extra room/space; margin exceptional (3, 11)
十月(시월) October (5) (15, 19) 映畵(영화) movie (15)
十字(십자) plus sign (4, 5) 의심할 餘地가 없다. There is no room for 映畵館(영화관) movie theater (10, 15)
十中八九(십중팔구) eight or nine out of doubt. (19) 映畵上映(영화상영) movie showing (15,
ten; most likely (5, 6, 9) 女便(여편)네 married woman; one’s wife 18)
十八金(십팔금) eighteen-karat gold (1, (vulgar)(1, 4) 豫感(예감) premonition; hunch (13, 17)
5, 6) 女學生(여학생) female student; school- 豫見(예견)(을) 하– foresee (6, 17)
十八番(십팔번) one’s forte; one’s favorite girl (1, 2, 5) 豫賣(예매) advance sale (1, 17)
(5, 6, 20) 旅行(여행) travel; trip (4) 豫備(예비) reserve; spare; preparation
氏名(씨명) surname and personal name 旅行社(여행사) travel agency (4, 8) (10, 17)
(4, 10) 旅行用(여행용) for travel (4, 19) 豫備軍(예비군) reserve army (10, 17, 18)
役軍(역군) laborer; construction worker 豫想(예상) expectation (17)
ㅇ (18) 豫想外(예상외) unexpectedness (12, 17)
顔面(안면) face; acquaintance (11, 19) 役夫(역부) laborer; coolie (4, 18) 豫選(예선) preliminary selection/match
顔色(안색) countenance (11, 19) 役事(역사)(를) 하– do construction work (16, 17)
安心(안심) peace of mind; relief (1) (8, 18) 豫習(예습)(을) 하– preview (of studies)
安全(안전) safety; security (1) 譯書(역서) a translation; translated book (5, 17)
安定(안정) stability (1, 10) (6, 18) 豫約(예약) reservation (2, 17)
安打(안타) a safe hit (in baseball) (1, 20) 譯語(역어) translated words; translation 豫言(예언) prophecy; foretelling (1, 17)
約束(약속) promise; appointment (2) equivalents (3, 18) 豫定(예정) a schedule; a plan (10, 17)
約婚(약혼) engagement (2, 9) 譯者(역자) translator (11, 18) 娛樂(오락) entertainment (6, 13)
約婚女(약혼녀) one’s fiancée (2, 9) 連(연)거푸 consecutively; in a row (20) 娛樂室(오락실) arcade; game room (6,
約婚式(약혼식) engagement ceremony 連(연)달아 continuously; one after 13)
(2, 9) another (20) 汚水(오수) dirty water (2, 14)
約婚者(약혼자) one’s fiancé(e) (2, 9) 連結(연결) connection; linking (9, 20) 五十(오십) fifty (5)
量(양)껏 as much as one can (eat) (19) 年金(연금) annuity; pension (1, 2) 汚染(오염) pollution (14)
洋服(양복) (men’s) western clothes; suit 年代(연대) years and generations; chro- 五月(오월) May (5, 6)
(9, 16) nology (2, 16) 午前(오전) the morning; AM (2, 9, 16)

午後(오후) the afternoon; PM (3, 9) latticework shaped like the character 有效(유효)하– be valid; be effective (5,
玉色(옥색) jade green (7, 19) “用” (4, 19) 19)
玉石(옥석) jade; precious stones; jade 用紙(용지) forms; stationery (7, 19) 六感(육감) sixth sense (6, 13)
and stone (6, 7) 用品(용품) article for the use of...; neces- 肉感的(육감적) voluptuous; sensual;
玉水(옥수) clear water (in a brook or sities; supplies (14, 19) fleshly (8, 13)
stream) (2, 7) 牛車(우거) ox cart (2, 11) 肉類(육류) meats (11, 13)
玉篇(옥편) Chinese character dictionary 雨量(우량) rainfall; amount of rainfall 六書(육서) the Six Categories of Chinese
(for Koreans) (7, 12) (8, 19) characters (6)
完工(완공) completion (of construction) 憂慮(우려) worry; apprehension (18, 20) 肉水(육수) beef broth (2, 13)
(4, 9) 牛馬(우마) cattle and horses (10, 11) 肉食(육식) meat diet (5, 13)
完備(완비) being fully equipped (9, 10) 偶發(우발) contingency; happen acciden- 六十(육십) sixty (6)
完成(완성)(을) 하– complete; finish (3, 9) tally (7, 15) 肉體(육체) the body; the flesh (8, 13)
完全(완전)하– be perfect, complete, 雨備(우비) raincoat; rain gear (8, 10) 肉體勞動(육체노동) physical labor (8,
entire (9) 右手(우수) the right hand (8, 10) 13, 16)
外國(외국) foreign country (3, 12) 牛市場(우시장) cattle market (1, 9, 11) 肉體美(육체미) physical beauty; body
外國語(외국어) foreign language (3, 12) 偶然(우연) chance; accident (15) building (4, 8, 13)
外國語學院(외국어학원) foreign language 偶然(우연)히 by chance; by accident 六寸(육촌) second cousin (3, 6)
institute (15) (15) 音階(음계) the musical scale (8, 11)
外國人(외국인) foreigner (3, 4, 12) 憂鬱(우울)하– feel depressed; feel 音量(음량) volume (of voice or sound)
外燈(외등) outdoor lamp (12, 17) gloomy (20) (8, 19)
外來語(외래어) borrowed/adopted word 雨中(우중) in the rain; while raining (5, 飮料(음료) beverage (5, 13)
(3, 5, 12) 8) 飮料水(음료수) soft drink; beverage (2,
外面(외면)(을) 하– turn one’s face away; 憂患(우환) anxiety; grief; sorrow (19, 5, 13)
look away (12, 19) 20) 音色(음색) tone color; timbre (8, 19)
外務部(외무부) Ministry of Foreign Af- 運(운)(이) 나쁘– be unlucky (16) 飮食(음식) food and drink; food (5)
fairs (9, 12, 20) 運(운)(이) 좋– be lucky (16) 飮食物(음식물) foods; foodstuffs (5, 14)
外泊(외박) sleeping away from home 運動(운동) sports; exercise; campaign 飮食店(음식점) restaurant (5, 13)
(10, 12) (13, 16) 音樂(음악) music (6, 8)
外部(외부) outside; external (9, 12) 運動場(운동장) playground; stadium (1, 音樂會(음악회) concert (6, 8)
外三寸(외삼촌) maternal uncle (3, 12) 13, 16) 音程(음정) musical interval; tone (8, 19)
外食(외식)(을) 하– eat out (5, 12) 運數(운수) fortune; luck (16, 19) 音調(음조) tune; rhythm; melody (8, 11)
外出(외출) going out (7, 12) 運轉(운전) driving (16, 20) 音質(음질) sound quality (of a sound
外出服(외출복) street wear (7, 12, 16) 運轉免許(운전면허) driver’s license (20) system) (3, 8)
外貨(외화) foreign money; foreign cur- 運行(운행) (vehicle) running; operation 音訓(음훈) pronunciation and gloss (of a
rency (12, 13) (4, 16) Chinese character) (8)
料金(요금) fee; fare (1, 13) 鬱火(울화) pent-up anger (4, 20) 邑內(읍내) town; in town; head village of
搖動(요동) rocking (13, 17) 願(원)하– desire; want (17) a township (8, 12)
搖亂(요란)하– be rowdy, noisy, raucous, 願書(원서) application form (6, 17) 邑長(읍장) town mayor (7, 8)
tumultuous (16, 17) 院長(원장) director of an institute (7, 15) 議論(의논) consultation; discussion (11,
料理(요리) cooking (13, 14) 月末(월말) end of the month (5, 9) 12)
樂山(요산) love of mountains (4, 6) 月曜日(월요일) Monday (7) 衣類(의류) garments; clothing (11, 19)
要約(요약)(을) 하– summarize; sum up 危機(위기) critical moment; crisis (11, 衣服(의복) clothing; a set of clothes (16,
(2) 15) 19)
曜日(요일) day of the week (1, 7) 危險(위험) danger (15) 利(이)로w– be profitable; be beneficial
要點(요점) main point; gist (2, 8) 危險物(위험물) dangerous article (14, (13)
浴室(욕실) bathing room (12, 13) 15) 異國的(이국적) exotic (3, 8, 12)
慾心(욕심) greed (1, 13) 有能(유능)하– be competent (5, 17) 利己的(이기적) selfish; egoistic (8, 13,
用(용)돈 [–똔] spending money; pocket 有力(유력)하– be influential, powerful 16)
money (19) (5, 8) 理念(이념) ideology (14, 18)
用件(용건) [–껀] important matter; mat- 有料(유료) toll (5, 13) 移動(이동) movement; migration (13,
ter of business (14, 19) 有料駐車場(유료주차장) toll parking lot 16)
用量(용량) dosage (19) (2, 13) 移動圖書館(이동도서관) bookmobile
用力(용력)(을) 하– exert oneself; labor 有利(유리)하– be advantageous (5, 13) (16)
(8, 19) 有名(유명)하– be well-known, famous 理論(이론) theory (12, 14)
用水(용수) water for use (rainwater, well (4, 5) 耳目(이목)(을) 끄–ㄹ– attract attention;
water) (2, 19) 有無(유무)를 相通(상통)하– minister to catch the public’s eye (6, 11)
用心(용심) concentration of the mind; each other’s wants (5, 19) 移民(이민) emigration; immigration (10,
wariness; malice; spite (1, 19) 有別(유별)나– be distinctive; be peculiar 16)
用心(용심)(을) 부리– take out one’s (5, 19) 二泊三日(이박삼일) two nights, three
grudge on (19) 裕福(유복)하– be rich, wealthy, well-off, days (10)
用心(용심)꾸러기 a malicious, spiteful well-to-do (14, 19) 離別(이별) parting; separation (16, 19)
person (19) 有婦男(유부남) married man (5, 7) 移徙(이사) (house) moving (16)
用心(용심)쟁이 a malicious, spiteful 有夫女(유부녀) married woman (1, 4, 5) 理事(이사) director; trustee (8, 14)
person (19) 有備無患(유비무환) Preparing is prevent- 移徙(이사)(를) 가–/오– move out/in (16)
用語(용어) terminology; words (3, 19) ing. (5, 10, 19) 理事長(이사장) chairman of a board of
用言(용언) verb; inflected word (1, 19) 有心히(유심–) attentively; carefully (1, 5) directors (7, 8, 14)
用人(용인)(을) 하– employ a person (4, 有用(유용)하– be useful (5, 19) 異狀(이상) abnormality; sth wrong (7,
19) 六月(유월) June (6) 12)
用字窓(용자창) [–짜–] a window with 有罪(유죄) guilty (5, 19)

異狀 있다/없다. There is something/noth- 一時的(일시적) transient; passing (1, 5, 子女(자녀) sons and daughters; children
ing wrong. (12) 8) (4)
理想(이상) an ideal (14, 17) 一心同體(일심동체) being one in flesh 自動(자동) automatic movement (13,
理想的(이상적) ideal (8, 14, 17) and spirit (1, 5, 8) 14)
異常(이상)하– be strange; be unusual 日語(일어) Japanese (language) (1, 3) 自動門(자동문) automatic door (1, 13,
(12) 日曜日(일요일) Sunday (7, 10) 14)
異性(이성) opposite/other sex (12, 16) 一人當(일인당) per person (1, 19) 自動車(자동차) automobile (2, 13, 14)
理性(이성) reasoning power (14, 16) 一一(일일)이 one by one; in detail (1) 自動車部品(자동차부품) auto parts (2,
理性的(이성적) rational (8, 14, 16) 日程(일정) daily activities; day’s schedule 9, 14)
二世(이세) second generation (2, 18) (1, 19) 自立(자립) independence; self-support
利用(이용)(을) 하– use; take advantage 一定(일정)하– be fixed; be regular (1, 10) (8, 14)
of (13, 19) 一週年(일주년) first anniversary (2, 9) 自鳴鐘(자명종) alarm clock (3, 14)
異議(이의) different opinion (11, 12) 一切(일체) entirely (not) (1, 17) 自發的(자발적)으로 voluntarily; of one’s
利子(이자) interest (on money) (4, 13) 一品(일품) (article of) top quality (1, 14) own accord (7, 8, 14)
里長(이장) village chief (2, 7) 一行(일행) troupe; company; fellow 自白(자백) confession (of one’s crime)
移轉(이전) (business, office) moving travelers (1, 4) (6, 14)
(16, 20) 任務(임무) duty; task (14, 20) 自費(자비) one’s own expenses (14, 15)
利點(이점) [–쩜] advantage (8, 13) 任員(임원) an executive (14) 自首(자수)(를) 하– give oneself up; sur-
二重(이중) double; twofold (2) 入口(입구) entrance (1, 3) render oneself (10, 14)
二重言語(이중언어) bilingualism (2) 入國(입국) entry into a country (1, 3) 自習(자습) self-study (5, 14)
離婚(이혼) divorce (9, 16) 入金(입금) receive funds; pay on account 自習書(자습서) self-study manual (5, 6,
人間(인간) human being (4, 5, 18) (1) 14)
人間性(인간성) human nature (4, 5, 16) 入隊(입대) enlistment (1, 18) 自身(자신) one’s self (12, 14)
人格(인격) [–껵] character; personality 入力(입력) input (1, 8) 自信(자신) self-confidence (14, 20)
(4, 14) 立方體(입방체) a cube; a solid (4, 8) 自信感(자신감) confident feeling (13,
人工(인공) human work; artificiality (4) 立法(입법) legislation; law-making (2, 8) 14, 20)
人口(인구) population (3, 4) 立法機關(입법기관) law-making organ; 自然(자연) nature (14, 15)
人口密度(인구밀도) density of popula- legislative institution (2, 8, 11, 12) 自然(자연)스러w– be natural (14, 15)
tion (3, 4, 17, 19) 立法部(입법부) the legislature (2, 8, 9) 自然美(자연미) natural beauty (4, 15)
人氣(인기) [–끼] popularity (4) 立法者(입법자) legislator; lawmaker (2, 自然食品(자연식품) natural food (5, 14,
人類(인류) humankind (4, 11) 8, 11) 15)
人類學(인류학) anthropology (4, 5, 11) 入社(입사) becoming a member of a 自然的(자연적) natural (8, 14, 15)
人名(인명) personal name (4) company (8) 自願(자원)(을) 하– volunteer (14, 17)
人物(인물) person; character; figure (4, 立席(입석) standing room (8, 15) 子音(자음) consonant (4, 8)
14) 入選(입선) being selected for a competi- 自轉車(자전거) bicycle (2, 14, 20)
人事(인사) greeting; thanking; personnel tion (1, 16) 自進(자진)(을) 하– do sth of one’s own
management (hiring and firing) (4, 8) 入手(입수) coming to hand; obtaining accord (14, 20)
人事性(인사성) courteousness (4, 8, 16) (1, 8) 自體(자체) oneself; itself (8, 14)
人事異動(인사이동) personnel changes 入試(입시) entrance exam (for a school) 自招(자초) bring upon oneself; incur
(4, 8) (1, 10) (blame) (14, 17)
人生(인생) life; human existence (2, 4) 入院(입원) hospitalization (1, 15) 自退(자퇴) voluntary withdrawing (from
人心(인심) human heart (1, 4) 立場(입장) position; situation (1, 8) school) (14, 20)
人魚(인어) mermaid (4, 16) 入場券(입장권) [–꿘] admission ticket 自筆(자필) one’s own handwriting (13,
人員(인원) the number of persons (4, (1, 12) 14)
14) 入場料(입장료) entrance fee (1, 13) 作動(작동) (machine) operation (11, 13)
人情(인정) humaneness; compassion (4, 立體(입체) a solid (body); three-dimen- 作文(작문) composition (3, 8, 11)
6) sional body (8) 作別(작별) leave-taking; good-bye (11,
人質(인질) hostage (3, 4) 立體映畵(입체영화) 3-D movie (8, 15) 19)
人體(인체) human body (4, 8) 立體的(입체적) three-dimensional (8) 作別人事(작별인사) farewell expression
人形(인형) doll (4) 入學(입학)(을) 하– matriculate; enter a (4, 8, 11, 19)
日課(일과) daily task; schedule (1) school (1, 5) 作成(작성) drawing up (the papers);
日記(일기) diary (1, 15) 入學試驗(입학시험) entrance exam (for a writing out (a contract) (3, 11)
日氣(일기)예보 weather forecast (4) school) (1, 5, 10) 作業(작업) working; operations (11, 12)
日當(일당) daily allowance (1, 19) 立會(입회)(를) 하– be present; be in at- 作業服(작업복) work clothes (11, 12, 16)
一同(일동) all the persons involved (5) tendance (8) 作用(작용) action; function; effect (11,
一等(일등) first rank; top (1, 2) 19)
一理(일리)가 있– contain an element of ㅈ 作品(작품) a work; production (11, 14)
truth (1, 14) 自決(자결)(을) 하– commit suicide (10, 作戰(작전) strategy; tactics (11, 20)
一方的(일방적) one-sided; unilateral (1, 14) 作定(작정) decision; intention (10, 11)
4, 8) 自古(자고)로 from ancient times; tradi- 長男(장남) eldest son (7)
一方通行(일방통행) one-way traffic (1, tionally (14, 18) 長女(장녀) eldest daughter (1, 7)
2, 4) 自故(자고)로 from ancient times; tradi- 長老(장로) an elder; a senior/superior
一部(일부) a part (9) tionally (13, 14) (7, 11)
一分(일분) one minute (2) 自己(자기) self; one’s self (14, 16) 場面(장면) scene; place; setting (1, 19)
日常(일상) everyday; usually (1, 12) 自己自身(자기자신) one’s own self (12, 長方形(장방형) rectangular form; a
日常生活(일상생활) everyday life (1, 2, 14, 16) rectangle (4, 7)
7, 12) 自己中心的(자기중심적) self-centered (1, 長白山(장백산) Changbaishan (Long
一生(일생) one’s lifetime (1, 2) 5, 14, 16) White Mountain), another name for
一瞬間(일순간) flash; moment (1, 5, 17) Paektusan (4, 7)

長生(장생)하– live long; enjoy a long life 田土(전토) cultivated land; fields (1, 7) 正體不明(정불명)의 unidentified; (a per-
(2, 7) 前篇(전편) first volume; part one (2, 12) son) of dubious background (5, 8, 11)
長成(장성)하– grow up; grow to maturity 轉學(전학) change of schools (5, 20) 題目(제목) subject; title (of a work) (10,
(3, 7) 全(전)혀 (not) at all; totally (1) 11)
場所(장소) place; spot; location; site (1) 電話(전화) telephone; phone call (8, 10, 第三者(제삼자) the third party; outsider
長所(장소) strong point; merit; one’s 20) (1, 3, 11)
forte (1, 8) 電話局(전화국) telephone company (8, 第一(제일) first; number one; primary
長時間(장시간) many long hours (5, 7) 15) (1)
長子(장자) the eldest son (7) 電話機(전화기) telephone (the actual 第一課(제일과) lesson one (1)
長點(장점) merit; good point (7, 8) instrument) (8, 11) 祖國(조국) one’s fatherland (3, 18)
長足(장족) great stride; great progress 前後(전후) before and after (2, 3) 鳥類(조류) birds; fowl (6, 11)
(3, 7) 切開(절개) incision; section (17, 19) 祖母(조모) grandmother (7, 18)
長篇(장편) long piece (writing) (7, 12) 切親(절친)하– be on the best terms 朝飯(조반) breakfast; morning meal (12,
長篇小說(장편소설) book-length novel (with) (16, 17) 18)
(7, 11, 12, 19) 點數(점수) marks (grade); score (8, 19) 朝服(조복) court dress; court attire (16,
赤十字(적십자) Red Cross (4, 5) 點心(점심) lunch (1, 8) 18)
赤字(적자) red letters; deficit (4, 5) 店員(점원) store clerk (13, 14) 祖父(조부) grandfather (7, 18)
的中(적중)(을) 하– hit the mark; guess 定(정)하– decide; settle (10) 調査(조사) investigation; survey (11)
right (5, 8) 情(정)(이) 드–ㄹ– become attached to 祖上(조상) ancestor (18)
傳(전)하– convey; transmit (10) (6) 朝夕(조석) morning and evening (12,
展開(전개)(를) 하– unfold; develop (a 情(정)다w– be affectionate, friendly (6) 18)
story) (19) 正答(정답) a correct answer (3, 5) 朝鮮(조선) “morning freshness”; Chosŏn
戰警(전경)←전투경찰 combat police; 程度(정도) extent; degree; amount; level; (16, 18)
riot police (17, 20) grade; limit(19) 朝臣(조신) court officials; courtiers (18)
全校(전교) the whole school (1, 5) 正當(정당)하– be just, right, proper; 朝日(조일) the morning sun (1, 18)
電球(전구) light bulb (8, 15) legitimate (5, 19) 調劑(조제) medicine compounding (11,
全國(전국) the entire country (1, 3) 正當化(정당화) justification (5, 16, 19) 18)
轉勤(전근) transfer to another office (8, 精力(정력) vigor; energy; vitality (8, 9) 朝會(조회) morning meeting; morning
20) 程里(정리) mileage; distance (2, 19) session in school (8, 18)
傳記(전기) biography (10, 15) 正面(정면) front side; facade (5, 19) 足(족)하– be enough, sufficient (3)
電氣(전기) electricity (4, 8) 正門(정문) front gate; main entrance (1, 足(족)히 enough; sufficiently (3)
前男便(전남편) former husband (2, 4, 7) 5) 卒業(졸업) graduation (12, 20)
前年(전년) past/former years; a few years 精密(정밀)하– be minute, accurate, 卒業生(졸업생) graduate; alumni (2, 20)
ago (2) refined (9, 17) 卒業式(졸업식) graduation ceremony (9,
全圖(전도) whole map (1, 10) 正常(정상) normality (5, 12) 20)
電燈(전등) electric lamp; electric light 正常的(정상적) normal (5, 8, 12) 卒業狀(졸업장) graduation diploma (7,
(8, 17) 正色(정색)(을) 하– put on / wear a seri- 20)
傳來(전래) transmission; handing down ous look (5, 19) 鍾路(종로) Chongno (main street in
(5, 10) 正書(정서) square handwriting; printed- Seoul) (3)
全力(전력) all one’s energies (8) style writing (5, 6) 左手(좌수) the left hand (8, 10)
電力(전력) electric power (8) 定石(정석) formula; established form (6, 左右(좌우) right and left; people in at-
全面(전면) the whole surface (1, 19) 10) tendance; influence; control (10)
前方(전방) the front (line) (2, 4) 精誠(정성) true heart; devotion (9, 14) 左右(좌우)(를) 하– control; sway; affect;
前番(전번) the other day; former occa- 正數(정수) [–쑤] a whole number (5, influence (10)
sion (20) 19) 左右間(좌우간) at any rate; anyway;
全部(전부) all; the entire (1, 9) 正式(정식) proper, regular form/style; anyhow (5, 10)
前生(전생) former life (2) legal formalities (5, 9) 罪(죄) crime; sin (19)
全世界(전세계) the whole world (1, 18) 定食(정식) (restaurant) regular meal; set 罪(죄)(를) 받– suffer punishment (19)
傳說(전설) legend (10, 11) meal (5, 10) 罪(죄)(를) 지(ㅅ)– (짓다, 지어요) com-
傳說的(전설적) legendary (8, 10, 11) 精神(정신) mind; spirit; soul (9) mit a crime (19)
傳授(전수)(를) 하– deliver; instruct (10, 精神力(정신력) mental strength (8, 9) 罪過(죄과) a crime, sin, wrong (19)
20) 精神病(정신병) [–뼝] mental disease (9, 罪名(죄명) name of a crime or offense;
展示(전시) exhibition; display (1, 19) 15) “charge” (4, 19)
展示會(전시회) exhibition (show) (1, 8, 精神病院(정신병원) mental hospital (9, 罪目(죄목) crimes; offenses (11, 19)
19) 15) 罪狀(죄상) the circumstances of a crime
全身(전신) whole body (1, 12) 精神的(정신적) mental; psychological (7, 19)
傳染(전염)(이) 되– get infected (10, 14) (8, 9) 罪悚(죄송)하– be/feel sorry, regrettable
傳染病(전염병) [–뼝] contagious/com- 情熱(정열) passion; enthusiasm (4, 6) (19)
municable disease (10, 14, 15) 情熱的(정열적) passionate (4, 6, 8) 罪業(죄업) (in Buddhism) acts that will
傳染性(전염성) [–썽] contagiousness; 正午(정오) noon (5, 9) lead to sin (12, 19)
infectiousness (10, 14, 16) 定員(정원) the fixed (seating) capacity 罪人(죄인) criminal, sinner; I, me (as
全員(전원) all the members (1, 14) (10, 14) used by a son mourning his father) (4,
電子(전자) electron (4, 8) 精肉店(정육점) butcher shop (9, 13) 19)
前者(전자) the former (2, 11) 正字(정자) [–짜] printed letters; correct 罪責(죄책) liability for a crime (14, 19)
前職(전직) previous post (2, 20) characters (4, 5) 罪責(죄책)을 묻– charges with a crime/
電鐵(전철) electric railway; subway (8, 正正堂堂(정정당당)하– be fair and offense (14, 19)
13) square (5) 罪責感(죄책감) guilty conscience (13,
全體(전) the whole (1, 8) 定着(정착) settling down (10, 11) 14, 19)
全體的(전적)으로 on the whole (1, 8) 正體(정) real form; true character (5, 8) 週年(주년) anniversary (2, 9)

主動(주동) masterminding (13, 15) 中篇小說(중편소설) novella (5, 11, 12, 進退(진퇴) advance and/or retreat;
主動者(주동자) ringleader (13, 15) 19) course of action; resigning or remaining
週末(주말) weekend (9) 中風(중풍) palsy; paralysis (5, 6) in office (20)
主犯(주범) chief criminal; main culprit 中學校(중학교) middle school (5) 進學(진학) continuing one’s schooling at
(15, 20) 至高(지고)의 highest; most supreme; the next level (5, 20)
主婦(주부) housewife (7, 15) sublime (9, 18) 進行(진행) progress; advance (4, 20)
主成分(주성분) main ingredient (3, 15) 至公至平(지공지평)하– be absolutely fair 進行(이) 빠르–/더디– make rapid/slow
主食(주식) staple food (5, 15) (15, 18) progress (20)
主語(주어) subject (of a sentence) (3, 地球(지구) the earth; the globe (15) 進行中(진행중) in progress (20)
15) 至今(지금) right now (10, 18, 20) 進化(진화) evolution (16, 20)
主要(주요)하– be main; be principal (2, 至當(지당)하– be quite right; be reason- 進化論(진화론) the theory of evolution
15) able (18, 19) (12, 16, 20)
主人(주인) proprietor; owner (4, 15, 17) 至大(지대)하– be enormous, immense 進化論者(진화론자) an evolutionist (20)
主人公(주인공) protagonist; main char- (1, 18) 質(질) quality (as opposed to quantity)
acter (15) 地圖(지도) map (10, 15) (3)
週日(주일) week (1, 9) 地理(지리) geography (14, 15) 質問(질문) question (3)
主任(주임) person in charge; a head (14, 地理學(지리학) geography (as a field of 質的(질적) qualitative (3, 8)
15) study) (5, 14, 15)
主題(주제) theme; subject (10, 15) 地名(지명) place name (4, 15) ㅊ
駐車(주차) parking (2, 13) 至美(지미)하– be extremely beautiful (4, 車庫(차고) garage (2, 15)
駐車券(주차권) [–꿘] parking ticket (2, 18) 車費(차비) carfare (2, 15)
12, 13) 地方(지방) area; locality (4, 15) 車票(차표) railroad/bus ticket (1, 2)
駐車場(주차장) parking lot (1, 2, 13) 至上(지상) the supreme; the highest (18) 着工(착공) starting (construction) work
主着(주착)없– be senseless; be wishy- 至誠(지성) perfect sincerity; one’s true (4, 11)
washy (11, 15) heart (14, 18) 着服式(착복식) celebration for wearing
主體性(주체성) subjecthood; self-reli- 至誠(지성)스러w– be thoroughly sincere; new clothes (9, 11, 16)
ance (5, 15, 16) wholehearted (14, 18) 着席(착석)하– take a chair; sit down
竹馬(죽마) stilts (1, 10) 至誠心(지성심) sincerity; one’s true heart (formal) (11, 15)
準備(준비) prepare; arrange (10) (14, 18) 着手(착수) launching; embarking on (8,
中間(중간) the middle; midway (5) 至人(지인) a sage; man of highest virtue 11)
中間層(중간층) middle layers/class (5, 17) (18) 着用(착용) putting on; wearing (formal)
中古(중고) secondhand (article) (5, 18) 至親(지친) close relatives; members of (11, 19)
中古車(중고차) used car (2, 5, 18) immediate family (16, 18) 着着(착착) steadily; in orderly fashion
中古品(중고품) used goods, secondhand 地下(지하) underground (15) (11)
goods (5, 14, 18) 地下水(지하수) underground water (2, 窓口(창구) wicket; window at a box of-
重工業(중공업) heavy industry (2, 4, 12) 15) fice (3, 4)
中國(중국) China (3, 5) 地下室(지하실) basement (13, 15) 窓門(창문) window (1, 4)
中國語(중국어) Chinese (language) (3, 地下駐車場(지하주차장) underground 窓戶紙(창호지) paper for sliding doors
5) parking lot (2, 15) (1, 4, 7)
中年(중년) middle age (2, 5) 地下鐵(지하철) subway (13, 15) 責務(책무) duty; obligation; responsibil-
中年男子(중년남자) middle-aged man 職工(직공) factory worker (4, 20) ity (14, 20)
(2, 4, 7) 職業(직업) job; occupation (12, 20) 責任(책임)(을) 지– take responsibility
中年女子(중년여자) middle-aged woman 職員(직원) staff; personnel (14, 20) (14)
(1, 2, 4) 職場(직장) one’s place of work; one’s job 責任感(책임감) sense of responsibility
重勞動(중노동) heavy labor (2, 13, 16) (1, 20) (13, 14)
重大(중대)하– be important; be serious 進軍(진군)(을) 하– march; advance (18, 責任者(책임자) person in charge (11, 14)
(1, 2, 4) 20) 處(처)하– face (a crisis, etc.) (17)
中東(중동) the Middle East (5, 9) 眞談(진담) serious talk (6, 11) 處男(처남) a (male) virgin (7, 17)
重量(중량) weight (2, 19) 進度(진도) rate of progress (of classwork) 處女(처녀) Miss; virgin (1, 17)
重力(중력) gravity (2, 8) (19, 20) 處理(처리)(를) 하– manage/handle;
中立(중립) neutrality (5, 8) 進路(진로) the way ahead; one’s path in dispose of (a matter) (14, 17)
重病(중병) serious illness (2, 15) life (3, 20) 處方(처방) prescription (4, 17)
中部(중부) middle part (5, 9) 眞理(진리) truth (11, 14) 處分(처분)(을) 하– dispose of; sell off
中部地方(중부지방) central area (4, 5, 9, 眞相(진상) real facts of a case; true pic- (one’s property) (2, 17)
15) ture (11, 19) 處世(처세) conduct of life (17, 18)
中性(중성) sexlessness; neutral gender 眞心(진심) true heart; sincerity (1, 11) 處身(처신) behavior; conduct (12, 17)
(5, 16) 進入(진입)(을) 하– enter; penetrate into; 處地(처지) situation; position (15, 17)
中心(중심) the center; the middle (1, 5) make one’s way (20) 天干(천간) the ten heavenly stems (十干
中心街(중심가) main street (1, 5, 17) 進展(진전)(이) 빠르– make rapid prog- 십간) (20)
重役(중역) director (of a company) (2, ress (19, 20) 天球(천구) the celestial sphere (15, 20)
18) 眞情(진정) genuine feeling; true heart 天國(천국) heaven, paradise (3, 20)
重要(중요)하– be important, consequen- (6, 11) 天機(천기) secrets of nature; doings of
tial (2) 診察(진찰) medical examination (17, 19) the king; a state secret; deep secret (20)
重要性(중요성) importance (2, 16) 進出(진출)(를) 하– advance/launch 天堂(천당) heaven (5, 20)
重點(중점) emphasis; importance (2, 8) oneself into; go into (7, 20) 天理(천리) a natural law (14, 20)
中止(중지)(를) 하– stop; suspend; dis- 進就(진취)(를) 하– make gradual prog- 千里(천리) a thousand li; long distance
continue (5) ress (achievement) (20) (2, 6)
中篇(중편) medium piece (writing) (5, 進就性(진취성) [–썽] a progressive/en- 天理(천리)에 어긋나– goes against nature
12) terprising spirit (16, 20) (14, 20)

千萬(천만) ten million; countless num- 體力(체력) physical strength (8) 出國(출국) departure from a country (3,
ber; extreme (6, 7) 體面(체면) one’s “face,” honor, prestige 7)
天命(천명) one’s preordained lifespan; (8, 19) 出勤(출근) going to work (7, 8)
God’s will (20) 體面問題(체면문제) a matter of “face” 出動(출동) going out; mobilization (7,
天文學(천문학) astronomy (5, 8, 20) (8, 19) 13)
天分(천분) one’s natural talents (2, 20) 體面上(체면상) for honor’s sake (8, 17, 出力(출력) output (8)
天上(천상) the heavens; paradise (17, 19) 出馬(출마) running for election (7, 10)
20) 體重(체중) body weight (2, 8) 出發(출발)(을) 하– depart; leave; set out
天上(천상)에서 from heaven; from on 體質(체질) physical constitution (3, 8) (7, 14)
high (20) 體驗(체험) personal experience (8, 10) 出生(출생) birth (2, 7)
天上天下(천상천하) heaven and earth; 體形(체형) body shape; body type (4, 8) 出席(출석) (school) attendance (7, 15)
the whole world (15, 16, 20) 草堂(초당) a thatched cottage (3, 5) 出世(출세) success (in life); rising in the
天生(천생)의 음악가 a born musician 招來(초래) bringing about; incurring (5, world (7, 18)
(20) 17) 出身(출신) a graduate; affiliation; origin
天性(천성) nature; innate disposition 草木(초목) grass and trees; plants; veg- (7, 12)
(16, 20) etation (1, 3) 出入(출입) exit and entrance (1, 7)
天時(천시) a good opportunity; help 草食動物(초식동물) herbivorous animal 出入口(출입구) exit and entrance (3, 7)
from Heaven (5, 20) (3, 14) 出戰(출전) participating in an athletic
天神(천신) the gods of heaven (9, 20) 招人鐘(초인종) call bell; doorbell (3, 14, contest (7, 20)
天心(천심) the will of Heaven; divine 17) 出題(출제) making questions for an exam
providence (20) 寸劇(촌극) skit; short drama (3, 16) (7, 10)
天然(천연)스러w– be natural, unaffected 最高(최고) the highest; the best (9, 16) 出處(출처) (information) origin; source
(15, 20) 最近(최근) the latest; the most recent (7, 17)
天然記念物(천연기념물) a natural monu- (16, 17) 就業(취업) taking up a job; employment
ment (15, 20) 最大(최대) the largest; maximum (1, 16) (12, 20)
天然美(천연미) natural beauty (4, 15, 20) 最上(최상) the best (16, 18) 就任(취임)(을) 하– assume/take up of-
天然色(천연색) natural color(s); tech- 最上品(최상품) highest-quality article fice (14, 20)
nicolor (15, 19, 20) (14, 16, 18) 就任式(취임식) inauguration ceremony
天然水(천연수) natural water (2, 15, 20) 最小(최소) the smallest; minimum (16, (9, 14, 20)
天運(천운) destiny; fate; one’s “star” (16, 19) 就職(취직)(이) 되– get a job; gain em-
20) 最新(최신) newest; latest (12, 16) ployment (20)
天子(천자) the Son of Heaven; the Em- 最新式(최신식) the newest style (9, 12, 層階(층계) stairs (11, 17)
peror (4, 20) 16) 親(친)하– (relationship) be close (16)
千字文(천자문) Thousand Character 最下(최하) the lowest; the most inferior 親舊(친구) friend (16)
Classic (4, 6, 8) (15, 16) 親近(친근)하– be close; be familiar (16,
天主(천주) the Lord of Heaven; the Lord 最後(최후) the last (3, 16) 17)
(15, 20) 秋氣(추기) a suggestion/hint of autumn 親近感(친근감) feeling of closeness (13,
天地(천지) heaven and earth; being full (4, 20) 16, 17)
of (15, 20) 秋色(추색) a sign/hint of autumn (19, 親父母(친부모) one’s birth parents (7,
天地萬物(천지만물) all creatures; uni- 20) 16)
verse (7, 14, 15, 20) 秋夕(추석) Autumn Moon Festival, 親熟(친숙)하– be familiar; be well ac-
天職(천직) divine calling; mission in life; Ch’usŏk (12, 20) quainted (16, 17)
calling; vocation (20) 秋月(추월) the autumn moon (5, 20) 親切(친절)하– be kind (16, 17)
天眞(천진)하– be simple and innocent, 秋風(추풍) an autumn wind (6, 20) 七面鳥(칠면조) turkey (6, 7, 19)
naive (11, 20) 蹴球(축구) soccer (15) 七十(칠십) seventy (7)
天窓(천창) a skylight (4, 20) 春困(춘곤) spring languor; spring fever 七月(칠월) July (7)
天體(천) a heavenly body; celestial (13, 20)
sphere (20) 春眠(춘면) spring drowsiness; spring ㅌ
千層萬層(천층만층) countless varieties; fever (18, 20) 打者(타자) (baseball) hitter (11, 20)
innumerable ranks (6, 7, 17) 春服(춘복) spring wear (16, 20) 打字(타자) typing (4, 20)
天下(천하) the universe; the world; the 春色(춘색) spring scenery/finery; hints 打字機(타자기) typewriter (4, 11, 20)
realm (15, 20) of spring (19, 20) 打作(타작) threshing (11, 20)
天下(천하)에 in the world (20) 春情(춘정) sexual desire; lust; amour (6, 卓見(탁견) brilliant ideas (6, 12)
天下(천하)의 萬物(만물) all the creatures 20) 卓球(탁구) table tennis (12, 15)
of the world (7, 14, 20) 春秋(춘추) spring and autumn; time; 卓子(탁자) table (4, 12)
天下萬國(천하만국) all countries under years; (hon.) one’s age (20) 度地(탁지)(를) 하– survey the land (15,
heaven (7, 20) 春秋服(춘추복) spring-and-autumn wear 19)
天下一色(천하일색) a woman of match- (16, 20) 太古(태고)부터 since time immemorial
less beauty (1, 20) 春風(춘풍) a spring breeze; spring wind (18)
天下一品(천하일품) the best (quality) on (6, 20) 太高(태고)하– be extremely high (9, 18)
earth (1, 14, 20) 春夏秋冬(춘하추동) the four seasons; all 太公(태공) a prince; grand duke (15, 18)
天幸(천행) a godsend; piece of good luck year round; always (20) 太白山(태백산) Mount T’aebaek (4, 18)
(14, 20) 春夏秋冬(춘하추동)(을) 두고 throughout 太子(태자) the crown prince; heir appar-
天幸(천행)으로 as good luck would have the year (20) ent (4, 18)
it (14, 20) 春畵圖(춘화도) an obscene/pornograph- 太祖(태조) name of founder of Chosŏn
鐵分(철분) iron content (2, 13) ic picture (10, 15, 20) dynasty (18)
鐵物店(철물점) hardware store (13, 14) 出缺(출결) attendance and absence (7, 太平洋(태평양) the Pacific Ocean (1, 9,
鐵絲(철사) wire (2, 13) 15) 18)
體格(체격) physique (8, 14) 出口(출구) exit (3, 7) 土木(토목) engineering works (1)

土曜日(토요일) Saturday (7) 八月(팔월) August (6) 下行(하행) (train) going down from
土地(토지) land (1, 15) 八字(팔자) destiny; fate (4, 6) Seoul (4, 15)
土質(토질) soil quality (3) 貝類(패류) shellfish (1, 11) 學課進度(학과진도) progress of class-
通(통)하– (air, electricity, etc.) circu- 貝物(패물) shellware; shell goods (1, 14) work (19, 20)
late; communicate; understand (one 便(편)하– be convenient, comfortable 學校(학교) school (5)
another) (2) (4) 學校當局(학교당국) school authorities
通過(통과)(를) 하– pass; get through (2, 便利(편리)하– be convenient (4, 13) (5, 15, 19)
19) 便安(편안)하– be comfortable; be peace- 學(校)用品(학[교]용품) school supplies
通關(통관) customs clearance (2, 12) ful (1, 4) (14)
通勤(통근) commuting to work (2, 8) 便紙(편지) a letter (4, 7, 18) 學年(학년) school year; grade (2, 5)
通路(통로) passage; aisle (2, 3, 17) 便紙紙(편지지) letter paper (4, 7) 學問(학문) (the pursuit of) learning;
通俗文學(통속문학) popular literature (2, 平等(평등) equality (1, 2) studies (3, 5)
5, 6, 8) 平面(평면) a plane; a level (1, 19) 學部(학부) undergraduate school (5, 9)
通俗的(통속적) popular; nontechnical 平面圖(평면도) a plane figure; ground 學父母(학부모) parents of students (5, 7)
(2, 6, 8) plan (1, 10, 19) 學父兄(학부형) parents of students (5,
通信(통신) correspondence; communica- 平方(평방) 미터 square meters (1, 4) 7, 10)
tion (2, 20) 平常服(평상복) everyday/ordinary/regu- 學費(학비) school expenses (5, 15)
通譯(통역) interpreting (2, 18) lar clothes (1, 12, 16) 學生(학생) student (2, 5)
通風(통풍) ventilation (2, 6) 平常時(평상시) ordinary times; normally 學說(학설) an academic theory (5, 11)
通學(통학) commuting to school (2, 5) (1, 5, 12) 學習(학습) study; drill; studying (5)
通行(통행) passing; passage (2, 4) 平生(평생) lifetime (1, 2) 學院(학원) educational institution (5,
通行料(통행료) toll (2, 13) 平生所願(평생소원) a lifelong desire (1, 15)
通話(통화) telephone conversation (2, 8) 2, 17) 學者(학자) scholar (5, 11)
退勤(퇴근) getting off work (8, 20) 平泳(평영) breaststroke (16) 學長(학장) college dean (5, 7)
退院(퇴원) discharge from a hospital (15, 平日(평일) weekdays (1) 學點(학점) (college) credit (5, 8)
20) 平準化(평준화) equalization; leveling (1, 學會(학회) academic conference (5, 8)
退場(퇴장) leaving (the hall/venue); exit; 10, 16) 漢江(한강) Han River (4, 5)
walkout (1, 20) 平地(평지) flat land (1, 15) 韓國(한국) Korea (3)
退職(퇴직) retirement (20) 平平(평평)하– be flat; be even (1) 韓國語(한국어) Korean language (3, 5,
退職金(퇴직금) retirement allowance (20) 平行(평행) parallel (1, 4) 12)
退學(퇴학) expulsion from school (15, 閉館(폐관) closing of (a building) (10, 漢文(한문) Classical Chinese; Chinese
20) 19) characters (4, 8)
退化(퇴화) degeneration; atrophy (16, 閉門(폐문) door closed (1, 19) 漢方(한방) Chinese medicine (4)
20) 閉院(폐원) the closing (recess) of the 韓服(한복) Korean (traditional) dress
特(특)히 especially (11) Assembly (or anything ending in –원) (3, 16)
特大(특대) outside; extra large (1, 11) (15, 19) 韓食(한식) Korean food (3, 5)
特賣(특매) special sale (1, 11) 閉場(폐장) closing of a place (1, 19) 韓牛(한우) Korean cow; Korean beef (3,
特別(특별)하– be special; be particular 閉店(폐점) closing (down) a store (13, 11)
(11, 19) 19) 韓人(한인) Korean person (3, 4)
特別市(특별시) special city (Seoul) (9, 閉會(폐회) closing a meeting (8, 19) 漢字(한자) Chinese character(s) (4, 12)
11, 19) 抛棄(포기)(를) 하– give up (12) 合(합)하– unite; combine (14)
特色(특색) specific character; character- 品目(품목) a list of articles/items (11, 合(합)치– unite; combine (14)
istic (11, 19) 14) 合格(합격)(을) 하– pass (an exam); make
特性(특성) distinctive quality; character- 品切(품절)(이) 되– go out of stock (14, the grade (14)
istic (11, 16) 17) 合計(합계) the total (sum) (13, 14)
特殊(특수)하– be special, unique (11, 品質(품질) quality (3, 14) 合金(합금) alloy; compound metal (1,
20) 品行(품행) conduct; behavior (4, 14) 14)
特室(특실) special room; VIP room (11, 風景(풍경) landscape; scenery; a scene 合當(합당)하– be suitable, appropriate
13) (6) (14, 19)
特有(특유) be peculiar (5, 11) 風景畵(풍경화) landscape painting (6, 合同(합동) combination; union (5, 14)
特異(특이)하– be unique (11, 12) 15) 合理的(합리적) rational; reasonable (8,
特定(특정) specification; designated (10, 風浪(풍랑) wind and waves (6, 15) 14)
11) 風俗(풍속) customs; manners (6) 合理化(합리화) rationalization (14, 16)
特定人(특정인) designated person (10, 風習(풍습) customs; manners (5, 6) 合法的(합법적) lawful; legal (2, 8, 14)
11) 風車(풍차) windmill (2, 6) 合席(합석) sitting together (14, 15)
特出(특출)하– be outstanding; be promi- 疲困(피곤)하– be tired (11, 13) 合宿(합숙) lodging together (10, 14)
nent (7, 11) 疲勞(피로) tiredness; fatigue (13, 16) 合心(합심)(을)하– be united; be of one
特許(특허) a patent (11, 20) 筆記(필기) note-taking (13, 15) mind (1, 14)
特許品(특허품) patented article (11, 14, 合作(합작) joint work (11, 14)
20) ㅎ 抗生劑(항생제) antibiotic (11, 18)
特效(특효) special efficacy (11, 19) 夏服(하복) summer clothes; summer 抗議(항의) protestation; remonstrance
uniform (16, 20) (11)
ㅍ 下宿(하숙) boarding; lodging (10, 15) 行動(행동) behavior; action (4, 13)
八等身(팔등신) a well-proportioned 下人(하인) servant (4, 15) 行方(행방) whereabouts (4)
figure (6, 12) 夏至(하지) the summer solstice (18, 20) 行方不明(행방불명) whereabouts un-
八方(팔방) the eight points of the com- 下車(하차) getting out of a vehicle (2, known (4, 6, 11)
pass; all directions; everywhere (4, 6) 15) 幸福(행복) happiness (14)
八方美人(팔방미인) a jack-of-all-trades; 下體(하체) lower part of the body (8, 15) 行事(행사) event; function (4, 8)
sb who is good at everything (4, 6) 下層(하층) lower (social) class (15, 17) 行先地(행선지) destination (4, 15)

幸運(행운) good luck (14, 16) 化粧品(화장품) cosmetics (14, 16) 後世(후세) future generation (3, 18)
行人(행인) passerby (4) 話題(화제) topic of a conversation (8, 後食(후식) dessert (3, 5)
行進(행진) parade; march (4, 20) 10) 後任(후임) successor (to a post) (3, 14)
鄕土(향토) a country; one’s native land 化學(화학) chemistry (5, 16) 後者(후자) the latter (2, 3, 11)
(1, 13) 患部(환부) affected part (9, 19) 後天的(후천적) acquired; postnatal (3,
許多(허다)하– be numerous; be common 患者(환자) a patient (11, 19) 8, 20)
(19, 20) 活氣(활기) vigor; vitality (4, 7) 後篇(후편) second/last volume (3, 12)
許容(허용) permission; allowance (12, 活動(활동) activity (7, 13) 後退(후퇴) backing down; retreat (3, 20)
20) 活動的(활동적) active (7, 8, 13) 後進國(후진국) backward country (3,
險(험)하– be rugged; be rough (15) 活力(활력) vitality; vital power (7, 8) 20)
險談(험담) slanderous remark (6, 15) 活用(활용)(을) 하– utilize; make the 後患(후환) future trouble; evil conse-
險狀(험상)궂– be rough; be savage-look- most of (7, 19) quence (3, 19)
ing (7, 15) 活字(활자) printing type; font (4, 7) 後患(후환)(을) 두려워하– fear future
玄關(현관) entrance; porch; vestibule 會計(회계) finance; treasurer (8, 13) troubles (3, 19)
(12, 17) 會計年度(회계연도) fiscal year (2, 8, 13, 訓(훈) Korean gloss or moniker of a
玄米(현미) unpolished/unhulled rice (9, 19) Chinese character (8)
17) 會計學(회계학) accounting (5, 8, 13) 訓民(훈민) instructing the people (8, 10)
兄夫(형부) husband of a girl’s elder sister 會館(회관) assembly hall (8, 10) 訓民正音(훈민정음) Correct Sounds for
(4, 10) 會談(회담) parley; a talk (6, 8) Instructing the People (original name of
形狀(형상) shape; form (4, 7) 會費(회비) membership fee (8, 15) the Korean script) (8, 10)
形成(형성) formation (3, 4) 會社(회사) corporation; company (8, 14) 訓手(훈수)(를) 하– give hints/tips (in
形式(형식) formality (4, 9) 會食(회식) dining together (in a group chess, etc.) (8)
形式的(형식적) formal; perfunctory (4, with co-workers) (5, 8) 訓示(훈시)(를) 하– instruct; direct;
8, 9) 會員(회원) member (of an association) admonish; counsel (1, 8)
形體(형체) form; shape (4, 8) (8, 14) 訓長(훈장) village schoolmaster (7, 8)
形便(형편) situation; circumstances (4) 會員券(회원권) [–꿘] membership card 訓話(훈화) admonitory speech; pep talk
好感(호감) good feeling; favorable im- (8, 12, 14) with advice (8)
pression (1, 13) 會議(회의) conference; meeting (8, 11) 休暇(휴가) (workers’) vacation; time off
好景氣(호경기) economic boom time (1, 會議室(회의실) conference room (8, 11, (17)
4, 6) 13) 休校(휴교) (temporary) closure of a
好奇心(호기심) curiosity; inquisitiveness 會長(회장) (committee) chairperson (7, school (5, 17)
(1) 8) 休業(휴업) suspension of business (12,
好轉(호전) favorable turn (1, 20) 會話(회화) conversation (8) 17)
戶主(호주) head of a family (1, 15) 劃(획) stroke (in Chinese characters) (8) 休日(휴일) holiday (1, 17)
火(가) 나– get angry (4) 劃數(획수) number of strokes; stroke 休戰(휴전) armistice (17, 20)
火(를) 푸–ㄹ– release/vent one’s anger (4) count (8, 19) 休紙(휴지) wastepaper; toilet paper; tis-
火力(화력) thermal power (4, 8) 劃一(획일)하다 be consistent, uniform, sue (7, 17)
畵面(화면) screen (15, 19) standard (1, 8) 休職(휴직) temporary rest from office;
貨物(화물) freight (13, 14) 劃定(획정)(을) 하– delimit; mark out (8, leave of absence (17, 20)
貨物車(화물차) freight car; freight train 10) 休學(휴학) temporary absence from
(2, 13, 14) 効果(효과) [–꽈] effect (19) school (5, 17)
火山(화산) volcano (4) 效果的(효과적) effective (8, 19) 黑白(흑백) black and white (6, 8)
化石(화석) fossil (6, 16) 效力(효력) effect; validity (8, 19) 黑心(흑심) evil intention (1, 8)
火曜日(화요일) Tuesday (7) 效力(효력)(이) 있– be effective (8, 19) 黑鉛(흑연) graphite (8, 14)
化粧(화장) makeup (16) 後年(후년) the year after next (2) 黑人(흑인) a black person (4, 8)
化粧室(화장실) toilet; bathroom (13, 16) 後門(후문) back gate; back door (1, 3) 黑字(흑자) black letters; bold face; “in
化粧紙(화장지) tissue paper; toilet paper 後方(후방) the rear (base) (3, 4) the black” (as opposed to “in the red”)
(7, 16) 後輩(후배) junior at school (2, 3) (4, 8)


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