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Health Technology Assessment With Diminishing Returns to Health: The

Generalized Risk-Adjusted Cost-Effectiveness (GRACE) Approach
Darius N. Lakdawalla, PhD, Charles E. Phelps, PhD


Objectives: Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) embeds an assumption at odds with most economic analysis–that of constant
returns to health in the creation of happiness (utility). We aim to reconcile it with the bulk of economic theory.
Methods: We generalize the traditional CEA approach, allow diminishing returns to health, and align CEA with the rest of the
health economics literature.
Results: This simple change has far-reaching implications for the practice of CEA. First, optimal cost-effectiveness thresholds
should systematically rise for more severe diseases and fall for milder ones. We provide formulae for estimating how these
thresholds vary with health-related quality of life (QoL) in the sick state. Practitioners can also use our approach to account
for treatment outcome uncertainty. Holding average benefits fixed, risk-averse consumers value interventions more when
they reduce outcome uncertainty (‘insurance value’) and/or when they provide a chance at positively skewed outcomes
(‘value of hope’). Finally, we provide a coherent way to combine improvements in QoL and life expectancy (LE) when people
have diminishing returns to QoL.
Conclusion: This new approach obviates the need for increasingly prevalent and ad hoc exceptions to CEA for end-of-life care,
rare disease, and very severe disease (eg, cancer). Our methods also show that the value of improving QoL for disabled people
is greater than for comparable non-disabled people, thus resolving an ongoing and mathematically legitimate objection to
CEA raised by advocates for disabled people. Our Generalized Risk-Adjusted Cost-Effectiveness (GRACE) approach helps align
HTA practice with realistic preferences for health and risk.

Keywords: CEA for disabled persons, value of hope, value of insurance, optimal CE decision threshold, severity of illness.

VALUE HEALTH. 2021; 24(2):244–249

Introduction Institute for Health and Care Excellence regularly makes excep-
tions for rare diseases (up to ₤300 000, based on the extent of
Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is widely used to evaluate health improvement) and end-of-life care (up to ₤50 000) and in
new medical technologies—for example, by the UK’s National 2011 established a separate “cancer fund” for new cancer drugs,
Institute for Health and Care Excellence or by the Institute for most of which did not meet the required ₤30 000/QALY limit.4
Clinical and Economic Review. Standard methods calculate the In parallel, researchers have raised concern that traditional CEA
average increase in treatment cost per average quality-adjusted discriminates against the severely ill or disabled.5,6 The U.S.
life-year (QALY) gained, also known as the incremental cost- Affordable Care Act forbids using CEA that discriminates against
effectiveness ratio (ICER). In this standard approach, an inter- persons with disabilities, both by the Patient-Centered Outcomes
vention improves economic welfare if ICERhDQALYS , K, where K is Research Institute and in determining Medicare coverage and
the cost-per-QALY decision threshold adopted by the decision- reimbursement. To address this concern, the Institute for Clinical
making authority. and Economic Review now calculates the equal value of life-years
Existing theory implies that decision thresholds should not gained in parallel with standard CEA analyses,7 and other de-
vary with disease.1 The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review partures from CEA have been proposed as ad hoc ways to repair
recommends using a range of thresholds, now set from $50 000 to this problem.6
$200 000 per QALY, depending on disease characteristics.2 The These exceptions, exclusions, and prohibitions call for deeper
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence uses an official examination of CEA’s theoretical foundations. In a new analysis,8
threshold of K = ₤20 000 to ₤30 000 per QALY, perhaps opera- we develop a generalization of standard CEA methods that re-
tionally going as low as ₤13 000 per QALY.3 However, the National solves many of these issues. We begin with one of the simplest

1098-3015/$36.00 - see front matter Copyright ª 2020, ISPOR–The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Published by Elsevier Inc.

ideas in economics—that of diminishing returns. For example, an diminish, happiness continues to rise proportionately with QoL,
additional $10 000 is worth more when base income is $50 000 and uH ¼ 1. However, with positive but diminishing returns to
than when it is $100 000. This diminishing returns assumption is
health, 0 ,uH ,1, so uuHC , u1C . Other things equal, this reduces
already embedded into the way CEA values nonhealth consump-
tion gains (in a period utility function where the other argument is the traditional WTP threshold K.
health-related quality of life). However, the existing CEA frame- Next consider R, the disease severity ratio. R adjusts cost-
work imposes the restriction that returns to health-related quality effectiveness thresholds for disease severity. Quantitatively, R is
of life (QoL) never diminish.1 Our new study relaxes this restric- the ratio between the marginal utility of health in the sick state
tion, resulting in major changes to the proper conduct of CEA. This and the marginal utility when healthy. The traditional model
leads to our Generalized Risk-Adjusted Cost-Effectiveness (GRACE) imposes the restriction that R = 1. This is essentially correct for the
framework. mildest diseases, but it understates the WTP threshold—some-
The Generalized Risk-Adjusted Cost-Effectiveness framework times considerably—for highly severe illnesses.
justifies the longstanding hypothesis that illness severity should Variation in R results from diminishing returns to health. If you
affect the per-unit value of health improvements. We also show are very sick, you derive more incremental value from a fixed QoL
why QoL gains for persons with disabilities are more valuable than gain than if you are mildly sick. Greater severity means larger
for comparable nondisabled persons, how to assess the value of values of R and—consistent with prior empirical research16—
reducing variable treatment outcomes (“value of insurance”), and higher WTP for any given health improvement.
why risk-averse consumers may still place value on risky outcome Rz1 for trivially minor illnesses, but rapidly rises with illness
distributions skewed toward more favorable effects (“value of severity. The rate of increase depends on how rapidly diminishing
hope”).9 Finally, GRACE directly responds to a recent ISPOR task returns set in. Long-established results in economics imply that
force urging development of methods to “augment” CEA by consumers experience diminishing returns if and only if they
widening the scope of cost-effectiveness models.10 exhibit risk aversion.17 Therefore, the rate at which R rises with
disease severity also depends on relative risk aversion over QoL
ðrH Þ; which we define as analogous to relative risk aversion in
Methods nonhealth consumption, ðrC Þ. The GRACE framework demon-
strates how to estimate R using the relative QALY loss from a
Background disease and the degree of relative risk aversion in QoL. Later, we
In standard CEA frameworks, the willingness to pay (WTP) for present some numbers to make this result concrete.
health equals the marginal utility of health divided by the mar- We know of no estimates of rH currently, so estimates of this
ginal utility of consumption. Willingness to pay per QALY (defined parameter are needed; we suggest estimation approaches below.
as K) satisfies K ¼ uCC , where C is annual nonhealth consumption In the interim, we suggest a benchmark assumption of rH ¼ rC z1,
and uC is the rate at which utility changes with income.11 The with appropriate sensitivity analysis around it. Because of the
more consumption-related utility sacrificed by diverting spending mathematical relationship between diminishing returns and risk
to healthcare, the larger is uC and the smaller the CEA threshold, aversion, one can show under this assumption that uH ¼ uC . In
and conversely. Recent estimates put uc in the neighborhood of this special case, the WTP threshold becomes CR. Thus, for
0.3 to 0.5, making K about 2 to 3 times annual nonhealth con- example, if annual average nonhealth consumption were $55 000,
sumption.11,12 The World Bank estimates that 2019 GDP per capita the threshold becomes $55 000 3 R. Under GRACE, WTP for
in the United States was $65 118, implying (with 17% of GDP spent health increases with illness severity. We call this the risk aversion
on healthcare) that Cz$55 000: For the United States, this trans- and severity-adjusted WTP, or RASA-WTP.
lates to about $110 000 to $165 000 per QALY, within the range
recommended by the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review,2 Measuring Risk-Adjusted Health Gains
several prominent clinical organizations,13 and previously by the
Recall that diminishing returns to QoL imply consumers will be
World Health Organization.14
averse to risky QoL outcomes.17 This requires accounting for risky
treatment outcomes. To meet this need, we incorporate the utility
Introducing Diminishing Returns to Health
cost of risky outcomes into the standard QALY measure. We pro-
Our model employs a scalar health index, defined on a [0,1] duce a new, more general measure of QoL improvement that we
interval. This could be a QALY or an alternative QoL index defined call the risk-adjusted QALY, or RA-QALY. Conveniently, the
over the same interval (eg, one constructed using multicriteria RA-QALY can be expressed as the standard average QALY gain
decision analysis methods15) that has not been converted to util- multiplied by a single mathematically defined value, ε, that com-
ities (eg, by use of standard gamble techniques). Multicriteria bines statistical measures of treatment variability with consumer
decision analysis combines different dimensions of health into a attitudes toward QoL risk. As discussed further below, our study8
single index by introducing importance weights for each compo- provides details on how to estimate ε from data already gathered
nent of health.   in standard randomized, controlled trials or technology assess-
Under GRACE, WTP for health gains generalize from K ¼ C u1C ments, and from consumer risk preference parameters. If a new
treatment and its comparison therapy have the same risk pa-
to KuH R ¼ C uuHC R. We define 2 new parameters, R and uH . The
rameters, then ε = 1, but if the new treatment reduces overall risk,
traditional framework restricts both to equal 1.0. What are these 2 then ε . 1, and conversely.
new multipliers, uH and R, and why might they differ from one? The GRACE framework shows that reducing variance in health
Formally, uH is analogous to uc . It describes how utility outcomes adds value to a treatment—akin to “the insurance value”
identified in earlier literature.18 In principle, this includes both the
(happiness) changes with health-related QoL. The ratio uuHC ex-
value of physical risk reduction and the value of financial risk
reduction implicit in insurance value. With complete health in-
tends the traditional multiplier u1C by adding the parallel concept
surance, this reduces to the value of physical risk reduction
of diminishing returns to health ðuH Þ: When returns to QoL do not alone.18 Allowing for physical and financial risk reduction together

complicates the notation, but it is a straightforward extension of Dealing With Disability

our approach.
As discussed earlier, many people object to CEA’s valuation of
The GRACE framework further implies that increasing positive
health improvement for people with disabilities. If permanent
skewness in treatment outcomes provides value to consumers
disability reduces people’s life expectancy, then standard CEA
who are risk-averse and “prudent” in their risk preferences. Both
methods say that improving their QoL is not as valuable, because
risk aversion and prudence seem to characterize real-world con-
there are fewer remaining life-years over which to enjoy the
sumer risk preferences.19 The idea that patients will prefer treat-
improvement. Standard CEA also says that improving life expec-
ments that provide a chance for a large positive benefit has been
tancy is not as valuable, because people with disabilities start with
called the “value of hope,” which has been measured in
lower baseline QoL. These issues are exacerbated by the phe-
patients with cancer.20,21 The RA-QALY properly incorporates
nomenon of adaptation. People with a particular disability often
these risk preferences. It penalizes treatments with more variance
rate it as less costly than would nondisabled persons (cf. 24). Thus,
in outcomes but rewards those with a high degree of positive
health ratings based on general population surveys may under-
skewness—that is, hope.
state QoL for disabled people.
The GRACE framework mitigates these concerns, because it
Distinguishing Health and Utility implies that the value of improving QoL of permanently disabled
According to The Handbook on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (2nd people is greater than for otherwise comparable nondisabled
edition, page 52), “Most CEA analysts consider QALYs as measures people. Due to diminishing returns, greater preexisting disability
of health.”22 It further states that “For those who aspire to connect implies greater per-QALY value in improving QoL. In some cases,
QALYs to utility theory, a number of important issues must be analysts may wish to consider differences in nonhealth con-
addressed.” Indeed, these issues have created confusion in the sumption levels between people with and without disability. Here,
practice of CEA. one should account for baseline consumption and any disability
Several CEA theorists have recognized that patients may have insurance payments. Higher consumption levels translate into
risk preferences over QALYs, even though these are not explicitly higher WTP for health, and vice versa.
measured (cf. 23). The current solution relies on the result from
expected utility theory that consumers remain risk-neutral on the
Changes in Life Expectancy
level of utility, even if risk-averse over levels of consumption and Medical technologies affect both QoL and life expectancy (LE).
health. To implement it, analysts convert measures of health into Many interventions extend LE, including cancer therapies, cardiac
measures of utility using standard gamble, time trade-off, or visual drugs, stents, various surgeries, vaccines against contagious dis-
analogue scale methods. From this perspective, the ICER is eases, or smoking cessation support. Some of these come with
correctly interpreted as incremental costs per unit gain in health- risks of reduced QoL (eg, chemotherapy for cancers). Others, such
related utility. In principle, this allows for risk aversion over QoL. as monoclonal antibody therapies for some diseases (eg, lupus,
Unfortunately, one cannot reconcile this approach with a cost- Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis), increase risks of
effectiveness threshold that remains fixed when disease severity serious infections and even death, with the hope of increasing
varies. If ICERs measure costs per utility gain, then cost- QoL. Our methods show how to combine the upside and downside
effectiveness thresholds reflect WTP for a gain in health-related risks to LE and in QoL in a unified way.
utility. Standard economic analysis implies that the WTP for Since returns to QoL diminish, the “exchange rate” between
gains in utility varies with the level of health. Briefly, WTP for gains in LE and gains in QoL will vary with disease severity. For
gains in utility is the inverse of the marginal utility of consump- example, a person in a highly disabled but long-lived state might
tion (cf. 1). Cost-effectiveness analysis presumes that utility is the be willing to give up more LE in exchange for QoL improvements
product of consumption-related utility and health-related utility; than a less disabled person. Consequently, GRACE shows that
therefore, the marginal utility of consumption will vary with disabled persons would have different preferences about this ex-
baseline health. Thus, while health-related utility measures change rate than otherwise similar nondisabled persons. Greater
remain valid under QoL risk aversion, cost-effectiveness thresh- permanent disability leads to stronger preferences for QoL
olds that fail to vary with health become invalid. improvement over LE improvement. This does not represent bias
The GRACE framework solves this problem by using measures against disabled persons in terms of extending their LE, but rather
of health, not utility, as inputs and then by explicitly accounting the plausible reality that a given gain in QoL is worth more to a
for how risk aversion in health affects valuation. Using the mean, person in a disabled state. As noted before, our model heightens
variance, and skewness of distributions of health outcomes, we the value of improving QoL for disabled persons, which should
create a Taylor series approximation to any sufficiently differen- translate directly (in value-based healthcare finance systems) into
tiable utility function to estimate the expected utility of the health stronger incentives for improving QoL among those with perma-
outcome. nent disabilities. Many such treatments, of course, will also extend
Generalized Risk-Adjusted Cost-Effectiveness framework LE for people with the same disability.
practitioners have several existing options for health measure-
ment. One is the widely used EQ-5 measure. It assesses health in 5
domains (mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/suffering, and Results and Implementation
anxiety/depression), each rated on a 5-point severity scale (none,
slight, moderate, severe, extreme). Each of these is a measure of Within current CEA methods, a marginal change in QALYs is
health. They can be combined into a single scalar measure of defined as ðDSÞQ 1 SðDQÞ, where S is baseline LE, DS the change
health by assessing the relative importance of each domain—for in LE, Q baseline QoL, and DQ the change in QoL. DC is the incre-
example, using multicriteria decision analysis models (cf. 15). mental cost of the new technology. In this traditional framework, a
Another option is the HUI-3 model, which uses 8 domains but is technology with incremental cost, DCost, is welfare-improving if:
otherwise similar. However, the HUI-3 is often converted into
utilities (eg, with standard gamble methods), an unnecessary step #K (1)

Table 1. R multipliers for various relative risk aversion and of expected survival (LE) they would give up within this disease
health loss values. state in exchange for restoring ideal QoL. For this disease, the
estimate would be d ¼ LE willing 0:2
to forego
. Once this parameter is
estimated for a disease state, it can be reused for all diseases with
Relative Health Relative Risk Aversion in HealthðrH Þ
Lossð[ Þ the same baseline severity. This can also be achieved, of course,
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 using discrete choice experiment methods.
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 The term ε can be estimated using: (1) relative risk preferences
0.1 1 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.11 1.13
over QoL, and (2) statistical moments characterizing the distri-
bution of QALY gains. Relative risk preferences measure the degree
0.3 1 1.09 1.2 1.31 1.43 1.56 of consumer risk aversion over risky QoL outcomes. Relative risk
0.5 1 1.19 1.41 1.62 2 2.38 preferences can be used over the full range of diseases and
0.7 1 1.35 1.83 2.47 3.33 4.5 treatments, without estimating them anew each time.
A number of approaches to estimating relative risk preference
0.9 1 1.78 3.15 5.61 10 17.7
are available. One is a structured series of discrete choice experi-
Note. This is a condensed version of the table in [8, Table 2]. ment questions that elicit not only relative risk-aversion, but also
higher-order risk parameters, following the methods of Noussair
et al.25 Another might use direct measures of happiness26 and
The GRACE framework produces a similar expression, but with a relate them to income and QoL measures for the same subjects,
few additional parameters. We define the generalized risk- using measures such as the EQ527 to measure health levels.
adjusted QALY (GRA-QALY) as ðDSÞd 1 SðDQÞε. Here, d reflects Properly done, this could provide estimates of the relevant mea-
the QoL units a consumer would give up in exchange for 1 more sures of rC ; rH ; uC ; and uH from the same population.
life-year. In the conventional framework without diminishing Finally, to characterize the distribution of QALY gains, analysts
returns to QoL, this equals the baseline QoL level, Q. With need to estimate: average QALYs in the treated and untreated
diminishing returns, this restriction evaporates. Separately, as states, the variance of QALYs in the treated and untreated states,
noted previously, ε reflects the change in value associated with and the skewness of QALYs in the treated and untreated states.
uncertain treatment outcomes. Treatments with high outcome The second and third pairs of parameters are not typically re-
variance are worth less to risk-averse consumers, so ε , 1. In ported but are simple to calculate from cost-effectiveness models
contrast, treatments with high positive skewness produce “hope” or other studies estimating QALYs gained. Again, we assume that
to consumers who are “prudently” risk-averse,19 so that ε . 1. QALYs continue to be used as a single summary measure of QoL.
In the GRACE framework, technologies should be adopted if Our model admits a range of approaches, so long as they are
and only if: applied uniformly across a wide spectrum of disease conditions.

DCost Risk- and severity-adjusted willingness to pay (RASA-

# KuH R (2)

or, in an acronym-rich formulation, ðDCostÞ=(GRA-QALY) # RASA- Conveniently, once relative risk preference parameters are
WTP. When uH ¼ 1 (constant returns to QoL), ε = 1 (risk neutrality estimated, KuH can be calculated directly. This leaves the question
in health or non-risky QoL outcomes), and d = Q, this collapses to of how to quantify the disease severity ratio, R. Table 1 shows how
the traditional formula for cost-effectiveness. R varies with relative risk aversion over QoL, rH , and disease
severity, measured as the percent loss in QoL, [ . The Table 1
values of the risk-aversion parameter, rH , span from rH ¼ 0, the
Generalized risk-adjusted QALY
assumed value in the traditional CEA model, to rH ¼ 1:25. As
The GRA-QALY incorporates 2 new parameters that can be context, most modern estimates of rC fall between 0.7 and
readily estimated. First, d is the marginal rate of substitution be- 1.0.11,25,28 The QoL loss, [ , ranges from 0 (no health loss) to 0.9
tween LE and QoL. It can be estimated via time trade-off survey (90% reduction from perfect health). If [ ¼ 0:1; then QoL = 0.9 on
methods applied to each disease of interest. For example, consider a [0,1] scale. If [ ¼ 0:5, QoL = 0.5 on the same scale, and so on.
a new treatment for a disease with a baseline QALY level of 0.8. The R multiplier is somewhat sensitive to rH , particularly for
The time trade-off survey would ask respondents how many years the most severe illnesses. For [ ¼ 0:9, if rH ¼ 1:25, the R value

Table 2. Severity of illness measures for representative illnesses and disabilities.

Relative Disease Representative Diseases and Conditions

0.0 to 0.1 Peptic ulcer, stress urinary incontinence; benign prostatic hyperplasia
1.1 to 0.2 Grave’s disease (hyperthyroidism), sleep apnea, hypertension (uncomplicated)
0.2 to 0.3 Hypercholesterolemia (familial), end-stage knee osteoarthritis, peripheral arterial disease
0.3 to 0.5 Type 1 diabetes; acute lung injury; moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis; relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis
0.5 to 0.7 Transient ischemic attack and carotid stenosis; traumatic brain injury; nursing home resident at risk for pressure
ulcers; secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
0.7 to 1.0 Alzheimer’s disease; metastatic colon cancer; acute pulmonary embolism

Note. All values derived from the Tufts Center for the Evaluation of Value and Risk. This table is taken from [8, Table 3].

rises to 17.7, and for rH ¼ 0:25 it falls to 1.78—a 10-fold difference. The GRACE framework shows how to generalize traditional
This emphasizes the importance of acquiring more precise esti- CEA models to incorporate the effects of diminishing returns to
mates of rH . The sensitivity to rH falls as [ falls. health improvements as severity of illness increases. This creates
To improve familiarity with these ideas, Table 2 shows some cost-effectiveness thresholds (stated as multipliers of consump-
estimated QoL levels for a series of disease and disability condi- tion) that incorporate risk preferences both in consumption and in
tions, all taken from the Tufts Cost-Effectiveness Analysis QoL and that increase with severity of illness. Our model also
Registry.29 incorporates measures of treatment outcome uncertainty, valuing
Combining these 2 tables (and the assumption that risk pref- interventions more when they not only improve average out-
erences in health and consumption are approximately identical), comes but also reduce the uncertainty surrounding those out-
we come to a clear conclusion: Current CEA methods overvalue comes. Finally, it provides a coherent way to combine
treatments for mild illnesses (eg, peptic ulcer, benign prostatic improvements in QoL and LE in this more generalized framework.
hypertrophy, urinary incontinence) and undervalue treatments for Using this approach will lead to more sensible reimbursement
highly severe illnesses (eg, Alzheimer’s disease, metastatic can- of medical treatments, will improve the well-being of the most
cers, acute pulmonary embolism, pressure ulcers in nursing vulnerable members of our society—those with severe acute ill-
homes). We could be overpaying by a factor of 2-3 for mild ill- nesses and chronic disabilities—and will rationalize financial sig-
nesses and underpaying for severe illnesses by factors of 4-5 or nals sent to innovators of medical technologies as to where best to
more. The exact valuations will hinge on better estimates of risk apply their efforts toward successful innovation.
preferences in consumption and health. For the sake of
concreteness, suppose that rH z1, and average annual nonhealth
consumption is $55 000. In this special case, the cost-effectiveness Article and Author Information
threshold is $55 000  R. Mild illnesses would require a threshold
of $55 000, even though traditional CEA would often ascribe Accepted for Publication: October 3, 2020
thresholds of 2 to 3 times average annual consumption. Highly
severe illnesses would call for thresholds of up to $600 000 per Published Online: January 12, 2021
QALY, even holding average annual consumption fixed. doi:
To ease estimation of R, researchers can build a comprehensive
Author Affiliation: Quintiles Professor of Pharmaceutical Development
table of illness severity—that is, values of [ —for various health
and Regulatory Innovation, School of Pharmacy, Price School of Public
conditions. This table can be built up over time, similar to ways in Policy, Leonard Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics, Uni-
which the Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) system has improved versity of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA (Lakdawalla); National
calibration of severity to compensate hospitals properly that have Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, USA (Lakdawalla); Univer-
different blends of case-mix severity. As with the DRG system, this sity Professor and Provost Emeritus, University of Rochester, Rochester,
should be done by neutral parties who have no specific financial NY, USA (Phelps).
interest in the outcome. The Tufts registry29 provides one starting Correspondence: Darius N. Lakdawalla, PhD, Schaeffer Center for Health
point for such efforts. Policy and Economics, University of Southern California, 635 Downey Way,
VPD 414K, Los Angeles, CA 90089-3333. Email:
Conclusions Author Contributions: Concept and design: Lakdawalla, Phelps
Acquisition of data: Lakdawalla
As health payers increasingly turn to CEA for value assessment, Analysis and interpretation of data: Lakdawalla, Phelps
it becomes even more important to assure that it reflect the Drafting of the manuscript: Lakdawalla, Phelps
preferences of real people. Current models run an important risk Critical revision of the paper for important intellectual content: Lakdawalla,
by not considering the consequences of diminishing returns and
Statistical analysis: Phelps
risk aversion over health. Continuing to assume that the incre- Obtaining funding: Lakdawalla
mental value of health is invariant to severity of illness endangers Administrative, technical, or logistic support: Lakdawalla
the foundations of CEA. The combination of the diminishing
returns and severity of illness adjustments suggests that we are Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Lakdawalla reported holding equity in
probably overvaluing treatments of low-severity illnesses Precision Medicine Group outside the submitted work; and personal fees
from GRAIL, Pfizer, Novartis, Amgen, Otsuka, and Genentech outside the
(possibly by a factor of 2 or more) and undervaluing treatments of
submitted work. Dr Phelps reported receiving personal fees from
very high-severity conditions (possibly by a factor of 5 or more). Audentes Therapeutics, Merck Sharp & Dohme, and Pfizer Pharmaceuti-
Following other economic literature,25,28 we suggest initially cals outside the submitted work.
assuming that risk-related preference parameters (ε; R; d; uH Þ are
constant across the population, but more refined estimates can Funding/Support: The National Institute on Aging (1R01AG062277-01)
allow these to vary across subgroups. provided funding for this research.
Value assessments drive reimbursement, which signals to in-
Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funder had no role in the design and
novators where best to apply their efforts. Our analysis shows that conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation
value hinges strongly on untreated illness severity, a factor that of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and de-
current reimbursement processes ignore. This distorts incentives cision to submit the manuscript for publication.
for innovation, tilting toward treating relatively mild illnesses,
whereas the greatest value comes from treating the most severe Acknowledgment: The authors thank Hanh Nguyen, MA, for providing
valued technical assistance.
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