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Creating an amortization Schedule

I. Principal = const.
Additional calculated data
Main data
The amount of the loan 3000 Periodic interest rate r' (r' of the repayment period)
Annual interest rate 4% Number of payments (n)
Time of the loan 3 years Periodic Principal Credit/n
Periodicity of payments semi annual
Number of payments in
one year

Credit/n r'*OB. Principle +I OB.-Principle

No of payment Opening Balance Principle Interest PMT (P) Ending Balance

II. PMT = const. Additional calculated data
Main data
The amount of the loan 3000 Periodic interest rate (r of the repayment period)
Annual interest rate 4% Number of payments
Time of the loan 3 years Periodic PMT
Periodicity of payments semi annual
Number of payments in one
PMT-Interest r'*OB. OB.-Principle

No of payment Opening Balance Principle Interest PMT (P) Ending Balance

PV ==> Amount of Credit
P => PMT

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