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Organic Farming Technical Bulletin Number 5 ~ Edition 1.

CROPP Cooperative
Organic Farming Technical Bulletin
Number 5 ~ Edition 1.0
Be aware that observations
of the hair can be very tell-tale
of an animal’s potential.
Most people look at live- Reading the Dr. Paul Dettloff

Bovine Hair Coat

stock without really seeing them. Staff Veterinarian

You can tell a great many There are three external Thymic Swirl –
things about bovines just by swirls of hair that are health This is on both sides of neck,
“reading” their hair coats – of indicators: starts at lower jugular furrow
Healthy, contented, mineralized cows. course you have to know what Pancreatic Swirl – and comes up. The hair is
Note dark line on cow at left side of photo. to look for. The hair coat of a Located ahead of the udder finer and lays forward and up.
healthy bovine can give you in- on the lower body. Works Shows a good healthy
dications of health, production, forward and enlarges with immune system.
components, reproduction and pregnancy. Shows reproduc-
Thank you to Gerald Fry for permission to behavioral traits. Long haired, tive efficiency.
use illustrations from the F. Guenon book, poorly mineralized, deficient
and photos of bulls from James Drayson’s cows will not show much.
book “Herd Bull Fertility”. They are hard to read.
F. Guenon of Germany
spent his life studying the hair
coats of cattle and published
his findings in 1888. It was
reprinted in English in 1913
by Thos J. Hand in New York.
Most of the information in this
CROPP Cooperative Membership bulletin comes from his work.
Services Hotline: 1-888-809-9297
Adrenal swirl –
The advice and techniques presented in this bulletin are provided as an educational service. No guarantees are From the ribs back to the para
implied or given. Always check with your certifier to ensure inputs are permissible under organic standards. lumbar. May be a shade lighter
than surrounding hair. Finer
hair laying forward. Tenderloin
area. Shows that the endocrine
system is working.

One Organic Way • LaFarge, WI 54963

1-888-809-9297 1
© 2008 CROPP Cooperative
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CROPP Cooperative Organic Farming Technical Bulletin Number 5 ~ Edition 1.0 Reading Hair Coats/Dr.Paul Dettloff

Top Line Cowlick

The top line cowlick is
located from the middle of
the shoulder blades forward.
Animals with a large thorax,
big heart and high lung ca-
pacity have the top of their
shoulder blades at the same
height as the backbone. Legs
should be on the outside wide
stance. Cattle with slab sides
and high backbones have a
small thorax, more respiratory
problems and are weak-lunged
cows. A cowlick that stands High butterfat
straight up shows a cow with
high estrogen. Virgin heifers Estrogen levels will show in the cowlick.
Lower left: nice foreward cowlick. Lower right: young heifer showing estrogen from cycling.
will often have a cowlick that
stands straight up when they higher progesterone from see two to four cows that will
start cycling. If the whole mane yellow body-corpus luteum of vividly display this and they will
area stands up, the hair is dull Narrow and wide escutcheons. Milk quality and quantity will be better if the escutcheon is wide.
the ovaries. be very high milk protein cows
and long and the animal’s a consistently. Watch the quality
little unthrifty, you may have a Butterfly Udder Swirls of the hair on the udder. Long, The Escutcheon Area The hair usually flows up-
magnesium deficiency in feed. On the back of the rear coarse hair means the cow will
The escutcheon runs from ward, opposite the other hair.
Any animal that is 3½ – 4 quarters, check for a butterfly not be a good milker. Fine,
below the vulva to the top of The area from udder to navel
months pregnant should have wing on each quarter. This is a short, silky hair on the udder
udder. It also runs from the ud- has not been studied. To view
a swirl that lays down since sign of high milk protein. In a is most desirable. It indicates a
der to the navel. The escutch- the escutcheon, stand behind
they have lower estrogen and 50-cow herd, you will usually good producing cow.
eon goes from the center of and move sideways slightly
the four teats up to the vulva. in good light to see the area.
The width may reach out onto Brushing the hair downward
the back of the thighs going may help show it also.
from the middle of one thigh A newborn is not easy to read.
to the other almost forming a Wait until 6–8 weeks because
shield. Guenon classified the the downy, velvety hair falls
These two escutcheons indicate high milk off, leaving the escutcheon
production and high butterfat. escutcheon into ten groups.
quite naked. At 7½–8 months,
The hair of the escutcheon
even a fetus will show an es-
is shorter, finer, softer and
cutcheon. Check your aborted
silkier and at first glance it
calves to view the escutcheon.
may appear freshly shaven. All
The escutcheon hair is duller
bovines, domestic or wild, are
in color.
marked with a visible escutch-
eon. This is also shown in If you only remember a
males. When selecting a bull, few details about reading hair
use the escutcheon to guide coats, remember these: If the
you. This characteristic is trans- escutcheon is wide, milk qual-
mitted to the offspring. ity and quantity will be higher.
2 Butterfly udder swirls can be seen in high milk protein cows. Look for short, silky hair on the udder. 3
CROPP Cooperative Organic Farming Technical Bulletin Number 5 ~ Edition 1.0 Reading Hair Coats/Dr.Paul Dettloff

If the escutcheon is narrow there is a downward interrup- Guenon’s Escutcheon the better. The greater the
or missing, the cow will not tion of the escutcheon area, it Classifications width on the thighs means
give as much milk. If the hair is means less milk and a down- more butterfat. The width up
long and sparse, the milk will grading of the female line of 1st class: Flandrines – to the vulva means a large
be low in protein and butterfat. genetics. When downward Wide escutcheon that is way quantity of milk holding deep
If the hair is short and furry, it feathers appear in this area, it out onto the thighs and cover- into lactation. On these cows,
will be rich milk. If the thigh is not a good sign. Sometimes ing the entire udder. Ascend- check the tail for yellow, flaky
area is wide, way out to the downward feathers of long ing silky hair flowing up with butterfat on the tail end and
middle of the thigh, it will be coarse hair will appear next to a different colored tint. Two yellow secretions in the ear.
high butterfat and a lot of milk. the vulva in the buttocks area feathers of descend- This shows up more on
Butterfat can also be evalu- or escutcheon area. This means ing oval colored breeds than on
Virtually no escutcheon. ated by scratching the skin shorter milk flow and a drop patches on Holsteins.
from the inner thighs to the off after becoming pregnant. the back of
vulva. If it is yellowish and the udder.
you get a little fatty, flaky, oily The finer
substance, you have a high the hair,
butterfat animal.

Long, course udder hair

Narrow, widening at base

Double escutcheons
(above and below left & right)
Butterfat indicators on the ears and tail F. Guenon‘s
study of the
Also, check the skin on the hair coats of
switch of the tail. High but- cattle was
originally pub-
terfat cows will have a yellow
lished in 1888.
flaky dander there. Another It was reprinted
butterfat indicator is the inside in English
of the ear. This sometimes will in 1913. .
be very yellow and almost oily.
I have witnessed this especially
on Jerseys. If the escutcheon is
wide at the vulva and narrow
in the middle take an average.
Don’t judge the escutcheon
a few days before calving, as it
will expand like a flower. Wait
4 5
until after calving. Whenever
CROPP Cooperative Organic Farming Technical Bulletin Number 5 ~ Edition 1.0 Reading Hair Coats/Dr.Paul Dettloff

2nd class: 5th class: Bicorns – 6th class: Double Selvedge – 8th Class: Square Cows – Other indicators to ob-
Left-handed Flandrine – This group has a bifurcated The escutcheon is widely split, The top of the escutcheon serve: The vulva should be
These appear the same as the escutcheon and the left one is all the way down onto the is shaped like a carpenters larger and void of hair, except
flandrine except the hair runs usually longer (taller). These udder. square. The same for a few coarse hairs on the
up to the are not rare and are seen often principles apply. bottom. A large fleshy vulva
left. Same in Brown Swiss. The same means more estrogen and
principles principles apply as with other stronger heats.
apply for classes. The bigger, taller and Any long, coarse hair on
judging wider, the the udder is not a good sign
them as better. for production
the flan- A thick-skinned cow is not
drine class. a quality milk cow. Cows with
thin, silky skin tend to be better
Fairly good producers for dairy. This was noticeable
3rd class: Selvedge – on cows that someone did a
This group is very similar to DA (displaced abomasums)
the previous ones, but has 9th Class: survey on. Skin thickness varies
a narrowing of the escutch- Limousines very noticeably. When sew-
eon as it approaches the ing cows up, the skin of some
vulva. This characteristic can would be so thick it was hard
get dramati- to get the needle through the
Poor producer
cally smaller, skin. For others, it was a snap.
revealing a The thin skinned cows that
poor cow. were a breeze to sew on did
7th Class: Demijonngs – a better job. Any incision that
Same production principles got infected always seemed
apply. to be on a thick-skinned, big
,coarse-haired animal. I must
add that very few got infected,
but a few do become infected
in a barn atmosphere.
4th class: Curve lines – For some reason, butterfat
This group tends to have 10th class: Carresines on the tail and in the ear is
a rounding curve on the negated by feeding alfalfa hay.
The last two classes
top of the escutcheon that The hair is definitely harder
tend to be lower
doesn’t reach the vulva. to read in the winter months,
producing groups.
These can be good milkers especially with long hair. The
if the bottom part is wide. Good one
escutcheon area is easier to
They will not hold up read than the pancreatic,
as long in the thymic and adrenal swirls. The
lactation. best time to read cow hair is
when it is on pasture and the
hair is shed, out in the sun. On
healthy cows, when you look
closely it is often very evident.
Poor cow
The hair is a road map.
6 7
CROPP Cooperative Organic Farming Technical Bulletin Number 5 ~ Edition 1.0 Reading Hair Coats/Dr.Paul Dettloff

If using herd bulls for clean-
up or full time, they show the
same things in their hair as
cows do, except for pregnancy.
The first place to look at a bull
is his head. On the top of the
poll, the hair should be coarse
and wavy or coarse and curly
and it should lie down, not
stick up. If it sticks straight up,
that means infertility.
Anyone using a bull should
read “Herd Bull Fertility,” by
James Drayson and published Compare the curly neck hair on the young bull in the foreground with the steer behind him.
by Acres; and anyone milking There should be a good No or little hump means no or
cows should read Charles Wal- Checking the scrotum – near the base of or on the hump on the neck and withers. little testosterone for the bull’s
ters and Gerald Fry’s “Repro- A bull should have very fine, scrotum. They will not produce This is the testosterone hump. sex drive. Periods of infertility displayed in the horns
duction and Animal Health,” downy hair on the scrotum. a nice uddered cow. All four
also published by Acres. A bull’s horns can give a life
Long, coarse hair on the scro- teats should be neatly placed
Fine, straight hair, even if it history. Dairy bulls are usually
tum is not a good sign. The ahead of the scrotum.
isn’t standing up yet (that takes dehorned for safety, but some
scrotum should not have an For length and width,
a few months) is a sign of in- beef bulls are not. Fertile bulls
inverse V on the bottom in the check Drayson’s book to see if
fertility also. Neck hair should will have a red, rosy color on
middle. The bottom should your animal fits into the proper
also be curly and coarse, not the basal 2/3 and the rest will
be rounded. A bull with a big parameters. The tail is a good
straight and fine. To compare, be creamy white before pu-
V will throw a female with a fertility indicator, also. The
go look at a big steer and see berty. After about three and a
weak suspensory ligament in hair on the tail from the head
his fine, straight hair. half years of age, the color will
her udder. Check the bottom down should be like the poll, become an olive green. If inter-
of both testes. The epididymis curly and coarse. rupted with a white band near
should be the size of a walnut
the base, it means the bull went
and the testes should be even Coarse, wavy tail hair – high fertility through a period of infertility.
in size. Always check for teats

Fertile bull showing color at base of horns

Above: young bull getting curly poll hair

Below: an older bull showing curly hair

Look for deep body, well muscled, wide thorax,

strong male head. The yearling above already
looks more masculine than the two-year old bull
below it (in the inset).

Fine, silky hair on scrotum –

8 note cleavage between testes 9
CROPP Cooperative Organic Farming Technical Bulletin Number 5 ~ Edition 1.0 Reading Hair Coats/Dr.Paul Dettloff

Healthy animals will show

a dark line on their top line.
This indicates good minerals
and trace minerals.

Typical cow today with long legs, backbone

sticking way above the shoulder blades
and narrow, slab-sided chest. This is a A dark line on the top line indicates good
pneumonia-weak animal waiting to get sick. minerals and trace minerals.
Very poor longevity.
Proper proportion. Notice the grazing stance – cows always graze this way.

Body Conformation
We lost good body confor-
mation when we locked cows
up and gave up grazing.
Large capacity is always
desired, with legs wide set on
both males and females. The
cow on the horizon should be
two-thirds body and one-third
legs, with a big wide chest, Wide shoulders – backbone even with the
a big heart and lung capac- shoulder blades.
ity. Look for wide shoulders Wide stance; notice the cannon bone. This
with the backbone even with should be like an hour glass.
the shoulder blades. The legs Pre-breeding heifer. Use the escutcheon in
should be wide apart and High backbone, low shoulder blade – should be level.
culling heifers when selling off oversupply.
short. The cannon bone should Photos above and left:
be shaped like an hourglass. happy lines
Happy Lines
Happy lines appear in the
mid-thoracic area as horizontal
parallel lines in the skin. These
lines on a cow’s sides are as-
sociated with a healthy relaxed
animal on high forage. It shows
up most on grazing cows.
Some herds will run up to
40–50% with happy lines.

10 Narrow, slab-sided 11

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