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TinyZine Issue 39
Written by Colin Chapman, Darren W. Pearce, & Steffie de Vaan
Editor: Alan Bahr
Interior Art: Anthony Cournoyer, Nicolás R. Giacondino, Matt Morrow, &
Chris Yarbrough
Graphic Design & Layout: Robert Denton III
TinyD6 Line Manager : Alan Bahr
Based on the game Tiny Dungeon by Brandon McFadden
Second Edition

Published by Gallant Knight Games, 2021

Tiny Dungeon 2e and TinyD6 are trademarks of Gallant Knight Games.

©2021 by Gallant Knight Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction without
the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for
the purposes of reviews, and for the blank character sheets, which may be
reproduced for personal use only.

Gallant Knight Games, Ogden UT 84404

Letter from
the Editor
Hail Loyal Gallants!
Welcome to the thirty-ninth issue of TinyZine, and the
seventh issue of 2021. We’ve worked on increasing the amount
of content in TinyZine, so we’ve got quite the issue for you!
Our longest running columnist Steffie de Vaan continues her
ongoing work in TinyZine a new Tiny Dungeon 2e expansion:
Heritages from the Deep! Featuring several new heritages from
unusual and far away places!
The impressively knowledgeable Colin Chapman continues
Beasts Beyond Bounds, this time adding more creatures from
around the world to TinyD6.
From Darren Pearce comes the Red Sail Outpost, a pirate
haven suitable for Tiny Pirates, Tiny Dungeon 2e, or any other
game you wish to adapt it for! (This is pulled deep from the
GKG archives of unpublished and commissioned work!)
- Alan Bahr
PS: As always, we’d also be remiss if we didn’t inform you of
our Gallant Knight Games Patreon, where you can get access
to previews, TinyZines, special Patron only dice, and free GKG
RPGs! Please, feel free to check it out.

The art in this TinyZine is graciously funded by our Patrons.

from the Deep
Heritages from the Deep

New player options for Tiny Dungeon Second Edition

Steffie de Vaan
Some adventurers hail from the
deepest, most inaccessible regions
of the world. These four new
Heritages count the deep-sea
Abyssals, Cosman from outer space,
Phobos from the darkest reaches of
the mind, and Skarn from the deep
earth. They’re fully compatible with
Tiny Dungeon 2E.

The Abyssals come from the deep
ocean trenches. Their underwater
empire is vast, spanning most oceans, though their usual interaction
with surface folk is confined to toll passage. A genetic mutation
(or, some whisper, a sea witch’s curse) allows a handful in each
generation to transform their fins into legs at will, and explore
the dryland.
Abyssals have pale white skin with webbed fingers and, on
land, webbed toes. Some retain patches of fish scales or gills they
can’t transform, at the player’s discretion. Abyssals have a hard
time adjusting to the surface worlds—gravity is too heavy, the
air too light, and breathing is cumbersome. That they remain on
land is a testament to their perseverance. Most view themselves
chroniclers of the surface world with its strange kingdoms based
on arbitrary map lines rather than currents, but a few have a
different reason for staying landbound.

Abyssal Attributes
Heritages from the Deep

• 6 Hit Points
• You start with the Heritage Trait Waterkin.
• Waterkin: You can change into a mermaid at will, gaining
a tail perfect for swimming and gills that can breathe
underwater. You retain your lungs and can freely switch
between breathing above and under water.

The Cosman are an avian
race originating from deep
space. They travel the cosmos
in flocks,breaking down into
smaller groups once the parent
flock grows too large. A flock
of Cosman landed planetside
centuries ago, and never took
flight again. Subsequent
evolution stripped them of
their interstellar capabilities,
though they maintained their
capacity for flight.
Cosman are exceptionally
tall, with deep blue skin on which tiny white and coloured
specks form miniature constellations. Elder Cosman claim
these constellations form a map tracing back to the Cosman’s
birth galaxy. All Cosman are born with light bones and thin
chiropteran wings, granting them an affinity for the towers and
high structures of any city. Cosman traditionally live in flocks,
and will quickly view any traveling companions as their new
family. They freely share resources and are deeply protective of
their own.

Cosman Attributes
Heritages from the Deep

• 5 Hit Points
• You gain Flight as your Heritage Trait, and your choice of
Born in Darkness or Born in Space.
• Flight: You can fly at the same speed as your regular
• Born in Darkness: You can see perfectly in complete
darkness. Your night-sky skin grants Advantage on stealth
Tests relying on darkness or shadows.
• Born in Space: You suffer no ill effects from extreme cold,
pressure, or heat, or lack of oxygen. This includes frost or
fire damage from attacks.

Phobos hail from the
nightmare lands which
sit on the boundary of
the waking and sleeping
worlds. Travelers can
only come there when
they sleep, and only
then by performing
some particular rite like
walking backwards or
looking through a hag stone. How a person is supposed to perform
these rites while sleeping is a conundrum to all but the most
learned scholars. The Phobos, anyway, have no such difficulties
walking from their land to ours.
Phobos come in a wide variety of shapes, though all carry a
nightmarish quality like too-sharp teeth, six spider legs for arms,
or too many eyes. They love to terrify people and most are quickly
driven back to the nightmare lands. Those who join adventuring

parties, however, are discerning about who they terrify—like
Heritages from the Deep

corrupt officials, lazy princes, or greedy merchants. These Phobos

tend to be uncompromising, if horrifying, warriors for justice.

Phobos Attributes
• 5 Hit Points
• You start with the Heritage Trait Living Nightmare.
• Living Nightmare: Choose the nightmare you embody
and one matching physical trait. You gain Advantage on all
Tests that benefit from that trait. For example, spider legs
are good for climbing and grappling; ephemeral darkness
is good for sneaking around and blinding opponents; and
shark teeth are good for biting things (and people). The
GM remains the final arbiter.

The Skarn hail from deep under the earth, where sunlight
doesn’t penetrate and newly formed rocks are still more liquid
than solid. Seismic shifts and volcanic
eruptions forced the Skarn closer to
the surface, though most still prefer
the earth’s dark depths. A few Skarn,
however, have willingly ventured
to the surface.
Skarn are short, stocky people
with rock-like skin. Hunched
down they look more like
a small boulder than a
person. All Skarn are
driven people—they
have to be to leave
hearth and home behind.
Some are deeply curious

about the surface and want to experience everything. Others are
Heritages from the Deep

worried about additional seismic changes and seek knowledge or

magic to protect their people moving forward. Their propensity
for losing themselves to singular obsessions sometimes alienates
their fellow travelers.

Skarn Attributes
• 6 Hit Points
• For your Heritage Trait, choose one: Stone Skin, or Camouflage.
• Stone Skin: Choose one type of damage (for example:
bludgeoning, piercing, or fire). You’re immune to all damage
of that type, with the GM being the final arbiter. If an
attack counts as both (a flaming sword, for example, would
deal fire and slashing damage) your immunity applies.
• Camouflage: Choose the environment that holds the kind
of boulder you resemble. A forest has overgrown, grasy
rocks; a desert has boulders worn rugged from wind and
sand; and so on. You have perfect camouflage in that type of
environment so long as you remain immobile. If you move,
you gain Advantage on stealth Tests instead.

Beasts Beyond Bounds
Colin Chapman
Beasts Beyond Bounds is inspired by creatures from mythology
and folklore around the world. This article turns to Asia and the
mythological entities of China.

HP: 4 (Medium)
Sometimes called the Chinese phoenix, though they little
resemble their western counterparts, fenghuang are benevolent
symbols of peace, happiness, and good fortune. These beautiful
mountain-top dwelling birds have the beaks of parrots, heads of
golden pheasants, bodies of mandarin ducks, wings of a swallow,
legs of a crane, and tail of a peacock. Their plumage contains the five
Beasts Beyond Bounds

fundamental colours of black, green, red, white, and yellow making

them particularly auspicious and linking them to the heavens and
deities therein. These divine creatures hate snakes and will attack
them, but can also detect wickedness and will shy away from it.
Some are known to hurl fireballs from their talons, and others may
deliver celestial wisdom to the worthy by means of scrolls or books.
• Charismatic
• Detect Wickedness: Fenghuang can detect the presence
of wickedness and supernatural evil with unerring ability
up to 10 yards (Near) away.
• Fireball: A fenghuang may hurl a ball of flame.Test 2d6
against an enemy. If it hits they suffer 1 damage and must
make a Save Test or begin to take 1 damage per round. On
its turn, a burning foe can make a Save Test to put out the
• Flight: A fenghuang can fly.
• Lucky
• Perceptive

By Any Other Name
Húli Jīng With the profound cultural
HP: 4 (Medium) influence China had over its
neighbours, it’s no surprise many
Mischievous, sometimes of its mythical creatures are also
vicious, fox spirits, húli found elsewhere. Húli jīng are
jīng are shapeshifters. known as kitsune in Japan and
Able to assume the forms kumiho in Korea. Xīng xīng are
of beautiful women, they known as shōjō in Japan, though
always maintain the tell of these are red-furred. Fenghuang
their fox tail or tails, though are called hō-ō in Japan,
these are typically cunningly bonghwang in Korea, and phung
hidden beneath clothing. As hoàng in Vietnam. Jiangshi are
gangsi in Korea, hantu pocong in
they age, they grow extra
Malaysia, phi dip chin in Thailand,
fox tails, the most powerful and vampir cina in Indonesia.
having nine. Although most In Korea and Japan, the qilin is
are content to deceive and called a kirin, while in Vietnam it
Beasts Beyond Bounds

seduce, others are known is a ky lân, and in Thailand a gilen.

to actively eat other sapient
species. Nearly all wield a
variety of magical powers.
• Charismatic
• Insightful
• Perceptive
• Shape Shifter: Fox
spirits can assume the
form of a beautiful woman
at will.
• Sneaky
• Spell Touched

HP: 4 (Medium)
An undead corpse afflicted with rigor mortis that prevents it
from walking or running, the jiangshi hops around stiffly with
its arms in front of it, earning it the nickname, hopping vampire.
Animalistic if cunning, they seek to kill living beings and absorb
their lifeforce, throttling, biting, or clawing at them with long
nails and great strength.
Jiangshi may appear as fresh corpses or in a serious state of
decay depending on how long they were buried, but always have
a greenish cast to their skin and white hair.
Though not harmed by it, they shun and fear sunlight, resting
in their coffins or dark locales such as caves during the day. Like
western vampires they are horrified by mirrors and fear fire, but
may also be harmed by peach wood. A rooster’s call, heralding
Beasts Beyond Bounds

daybreak, may also cause them to flee. Many have a variety of

• Dark-Fighter
• Fear of Daylight, Fire, and Mirrors: Jiangshi must make a
Save Test to approach any source of fire larger than a torch,
mirrors, or enter an area of daylight
• Strong
• Vulnerability to Peach Wood: The touch of peach wood
or strike of a peach wood weapon, automatically causes 1
extra damage to a jiangshi.

HP: 12 (Heroic)
Divine enemies of the wicked, qilin are majestic creatures the
size and shape of a great elk. Their golden-scaled hides shine as
they move gracefully through air or over water, and they have
flowing, lionesque manes, beards, stag-like antlers, and cloven

hooves. Qilin radiate a sense of peace and wisdom and when
they talk, their voices sound like bells tinkling in the wind. They
may breathe fire like a dragon or envelope their form in flame.
Many also display a selection of magical powers.
• Charismatic
• Defender
• Detect Wickedness: Qilin can detect the presence of
wickedness and supernatural evil with unerring ability up
to 10 yards (Near) away.
• Fire Breath (Ranged Attack): Test 2d6 against an enemy.
On a success, any enemies adjacent to your target also take
1 point of damage.
• Fire-Wreathed: Any melee attack that strikes a qilin
causes the attacker to make a Save Test. On a fail, they
Beasts Beyond Bounds

take 1 damage.
• Flight: A qilin can fly, running over clouds or through the air.
• Insightful
• Lucky
• Perceptive
• Resolute
• Spell Touched
• Water Walker: Qilin may walk upon water.

HP: 2 (Low)
These mischievous nocturnal forest spirits are found in
mountain forests and resemble scruffy, one-legged mandrills, half
the size of a man. They hop and swing around deftly and are canny
individuals, hunting mountain rivers and streams for crabs and
crayfish. Shānxiāo are not scared of other sapients, and are known
to make use of traveler’s campfires to cook their food. They also
sometimes steal from the unwary, especially foodstuffs. A rare few

have even been known to attack those wandering through their
territory. Shānxiāo may curse those who attack them, afflicting
them with disease. They are frightened of loud noises.
• Acrobat
• Curse of Disease: A Shānxiāo may curse a single individual
it can see, once per day. The victim must make a Save Test
or be stricken with sickness. While sickened, all Tests
performed by them are at a Disadvantage. They may make a
Save once per day to throw off the disease.
• Fear of Loud Noises: Shānxiāo must make a Save Test not
to briefly flee from any sudden loud noises.
• Perceptive
• Sneaky

Xīng Xīng
Beasts Beyond Bounds

HP: 2 (Low)
Dwelling in forests, xīng xīng are bipedal, sapient simian
creatures with very humanistic faces, white ears, blue or green fur,
and long, monkey-like tails. Half the size of humans, they live a
wild existence but are generally benevolent, lively, and protective
of their forest homes. Though they often shy away from direct
contact with other sapients, they have been known to converse
with them and even aid the more benign individuals they meet.
They have a fondness for alcoholic drinks such as wine.
• Acrobat
• Fleet of Foot
• Insightful
• Perceptive
• Sneaky

Red Sail Outpost
Darren W. Pearce

Infamous Sea Dogs

The Red Sail Outpost came about as an idea, a dream by the
originators, and a coming together of like-minded folk who had
a desire to pool their resources as well as their plunder. It gave
the Red Sails an opportunity to put aside petty rivalries, old
grudges, and turn their eye towards the pirate hunters and their
ilk who sailed under the auspice of the government. Red Sail
was the creation of brother and sister corsairs, the children of the
infamous Black ‘Jack’ Galligan and Mary Coster.
Julian and Adara, the pirate children had always dreamed of
being their own boss, and one day after a particularly dangerous
raid against a royal galleon, they realised they would gain far
more if they pooled their resources rather than trying to outdo
one another as lone-wolf corsairs.
They took their ill-gotten but hard-won gains and set about
transforming a hidden cove on a remote island. This became
the location of the Red Sail Corsairs and their now-infamous
Red Sail Outpost

Red Sail Outpost. Shale Island drew the attention of many a

local pirate, and some from far off waters. One by one they came,
drawn by the promise of a united front against a ruthless royal
navy concerned with wiping them off the face of the map.
There were fractures, there were rivalries as the outpost grew day
by day and year by year. This was only to be expected. Eventually
things settled and the outpost flourished, gaining a reputation
for being a safe haven for those of a criminal mind – yet not a
lawless place where anything and everything goes.
Now these folks of the outpost follow the Red Sail Code and ply
their trades against those deserving of their ire. Even ships that are
not flying the colours of the pirates, or dancing to that tune can
find a safe berth at the Red Sail Outpost as long as they’re willing
to follow the code and do not put the corsairs in danger.

Red Sail Outpost
Shale Island
One of three interconnected islands in the mist-shrouded
waters of the Amethyst Sea, Shale Island enjoys fair winds and
glorious weather for most of the year. Yet for all its wonders and
idyllic tropical appearance, there is a dark heart beneath the lush
vegetation and thriving pirate community which lurks just out
of sight in the shadows of ancient caves and long-forgotten halls
built by those who came before.
Far from this though is the Red Sail Outpost itself. The outpost
enjoys a prime spot on the island’s most eastern shore, sheltered
from the storms that blow in from the west and protected from
scrutiny by high cliff walls and a natural secluded bay.
It is approachable by sea only and through a very narrow track
of sharp reefs, this ensures that only those who are capable
navigators or who have the reef chart can reach the outpost
without either damaging their ship, or crashing into the rocks.

The Outpost
Just like the Red Sail Corsairs themselves, the outpost is unique
Red Sail Outpost

in design and eschews the very things that make up cities in the
world beyond the bay. The pirate port is built on the concept
that those who are worthy live by the sea, so the captains and the
nobility (if you can call them that) are closest to the ocean and
enjoy the prime real estate near the bay itself. With the rest of the
folk of the port and the other locations spreading outward and
up toward the edge of the mountain cliff near the western side of
the outpost. There is no poor quarter, since the Red Sails provide
simple houses and jobs for even the lowliest of their people. They
ignore the social strata of the modern world outside the port,
preferring instead to operate on a simple concept: Captain is law,
crew are family, leave no soul behind.

A Life of Adventure
The Red Sail Outpost is a place that seethes with opportunity
for anyone brave or foolhardy to explore it. Over time, the port
has undergone changes and ructions. These have left some soggy
skeletons in some rather deep lockers, and whilst it appears that
all is well upon the surface of the port – make no mistake – there
are things for folk to do there which the siblings would rather
not reach the ears of the rest of their populace.
Each particular location in this port is described in brief detail,
then presented with several short adventure seeds and options to
allow you to bring it to life. Non-Player Characters are presented
as sketches that you can build upon and there are options
throughout to let you weave the port into your own Gallants &
Glory tales.

The Bay or Captain’s Wharf

On the eastern shore dozens of small lanterns dot the bay at night,
replete with the gentle lap of waves as the many galleons that
belong to the corsairs and their allies jig on the bay waters. The
Bay is the common name to describe the Captain’s Wharf and is
the closest the pirates even have to a proper noble’s quarter. It is
Red Sail Outpost

here that the various captains live in their accommodations, and

again, these homes oft reflect the particular captain. Some range
from manor-like sprawling estates on the shore, to smaller more
frugal cottage-like homes. Some have crew who stay and tend to
the building, some are strictly private affairs and thus allow no
other within their door save for the captain and select folk.
The Captain’s Roster
The Tide Weaver: Captain Jane Garrick and crew, small manor
house on the beach.
Galligan’s Pride: Julian and Adara Galligan, rulers of the port,
siblings, large stone-built manor right at the shore’s edge. Many
guards, several crew, plenty of swords for hire.

The Mist: Captain Silas Brand, no crew, small house near the
far edge of the eastern shore leading up to the Mid-Section of
the port. Notes: Lone Wolf captain.
Crimson Sky Dancer: Lady Karoline Crucer and large crew,
big stone-walled manor, prime location next to the shore’s edge.
Manor is haunted, ghost of a former lover who was murdered by
a rival. Karoline’s grandmother lives in the attic.
The Icon: Captain Lucan Wraith. Smuggler, debonair, rogue,
no fixed abode. Lives on his ship, refuses to be tied down to
anyone. Large dependable crew, frequent trouble-maker and a
good source of spiced rum. Never dumps his cargo at the first
sign of a Royal Customs Ship.
The Swallow: Captain Harley Jones. Small crew, lives close to
crew, has a tiny cottage on the north-west edge of the Bay pier.
Likes magic, magical things, has an interest in sea-based lore and
a map which leads to the inner most area of Shale Island.
Note: This is not the full list, just a sample of the kind of folk
who live in the Bay and have their ships berthed there.
The Bay features a fully functional shipwright for construction
and repair, this particular location is run by the Red Sail siblings
Red Sail Outpost

and charges only a modest fee for the services it provides.

Salty Tales
The Bay has various folk who make it an interesting place to live.
These folks all have their own stories, and of course there are
numerous threads for the adventurer to follow when they go a
wandering in the port outpost.
• Sabotage: Someone is breaking things in the bay, no one
knows who it is, and the pirate siblings have finally had
enough. A Captain’s Conclave has been called and for the
first time in ever – outsiders are invited – this is where the
PCs come in. They get to listen to the various accounts of
vandalism and then solve what’s going on. It could be a rival
ship captain, a troublemaker, a royal spy, or even a monster
that has emerged from beneath Shale Island.

• Bodyguards: A group of rival corsairs are here to parlay; they
have arrived on the island and the PCs are hired on as extra
protection by the Red Sails pirates. They can work for any of
the named captains, another captain, or the siblings. Things can
go off without a hitch, or a troublemaker can stir up animosity
between the factions. This is also a great time to have a bunch
of monsters roar out of the water and set about everyone –
showing a hidden threat to the people of the islands.
• The Theft: The PCs are called to see the siblings and asked
to recover a family heirloom. Adara has learnt that a captain
who docked here of late has a relic of her past. Her mother’s
magical matchlock pistol. How he got it she doesn’t know,
but she is sure he did not get it fairly. She would recover
it herself, but her brother has counselled her to use a third
party as to avoid any further unpleasantness at the port.
Plus, she punched the captain of the Fetlock and currently
she’s persona non grata on his ship.

The Mid-Section or Corsair’s Row

Westward and up several sets of wooden stairs from the Bay is
the Mid-Section. This is the very heart and soul of the Red Sail
Red Sail Outpost

Outpost and it is where the rest of the corsairs, rabble-rousers

and crew come who do not have a home down in the Bay. It is a
colourful, lively, and somewhat dangerous place. It is also one full
of tall tales, heady brews, and folk who have coin to give to the
right soul who dare to ply their trade amongst the hard-working
hard-drinking folks who reside there.
Here in the Mid-Section there is the constant hubbub, day
or night, of pirates who go about their business. From educated
scholars, prostitutes, and nefarious rogues to the salt of the
earth sea dogs who have wholesome stories to tell, you can find
anything and everything you want if you know where to look.
The Mid-Section also takes up a large amount of the port,
from the east of the steps to the west of the shadowy mountain
that blocks access to the port on that side of the island.

Notable Places
The Mid-Section is a place where folk come to buy and sell
various goods. The ill-gotten gains are expertly passed-on by
a couple of very talented folk who know their prices and offer
good deals. There is much local cuisine and drink to be had and
sundries to be purchased. This is just a small cross-section of
interesting places to visit when taking a tour of the Mid-Section.
Sargasso Sundries: This small, smoky, dim-lit shop is the
perfect place to get all sorts of gear and equipment that you
might need whilst on Shale Island. The owner, Irina Sargasso is
a friendly, chatty sort that can hold her own in a fight. She sells
choice items from a special collection out back and has tales of
treasure and terror aplenty.
The Cuttlefish Tavern: Joe Crombie keeps a tight ship in the
Cuttlefish. He packs a blunderbuss under the counter, and hires
a couple of hefty folks to ensure law and order is maintained
in his establishment. The brightly lit interior and almost garish
décor is at odds with the slightly shabby exterior and run-down
appearance of the tavern. His prices are on the high side, but the
quality is excellent and the entertainment isn’t bad either.
The Black Lantern: Those who seek pleasure and other such
Red Sail Outpost

diversions can look no further than the Black Lantern. Here all
kinds of entertainment are at the beck and call of the Lantern.
A mysterious benefactor and owner of the beautiful dark-wood
establishment. The finest entertainers and decoration are on
offer, and out of all the places in the Mid-Section, this is the
most outrageously expensive – quality at a price and a night to
remember. It is said, behind curtains, that the Lantern may well
be a non-human or even a creature of the night. No one knows
for sure, since they wear voluminous robes, a mask, and are never
met in anything but dim lantern light.
Viggo’s Inn: For those looking to stay at the port, Viggos inn
is the best, and one of a few places to offer good quality rooms
for a reasonable price. Liam Viggo is a fair man, an honest one,
an ex-ship captain who retired and used his fortune to establish

his business. Rooms vary from good to exceptional and the prices
match. Liam is also not averse to letting someone work off a stay
if they can’t quite afford a room. Many illicit card games take place
in his back room, not as though there’s much here that’s illicit, the
players just like the feel of doing something that will irk the law.
Smoke and Match: If you require fire arms, the Smoke and
Match is the place you come to. Janna Asro runs her shop with
her sisters Tika and Erika. The girls know firearms and they can
sell you one, clean, strip, repair, and build a custom one as well.
The prices are reasonable and the service is excellent – they also
carry supplies to restock the ardent shootist arsenal.
The Red Coin: Another dingy tavern, run by a couple of
smuggler rogues known as the Lark Brothers. The Larks are
friendly enough, but secretly plot to overthrow the rulers of the
outpost port. They smile in your face, and ply you with rum.
Behind your back though, they are already trying to work out
which knife to stick you with. Soon, the port will learn that Silas
and Barnabus Lark cannot be trusted.
Henley’s Pawn Shop: A shop of quiet voices and quick
transactions. Orion Henley takes goods of all kinds and gives
you coin for them. It’s that simple, and he doesn’t like to talk
Red Sail Outpost

much unless it’s business.

Kimberly’s Pride: On the opposite side of the street, and
with a similar kind of business to Henley is the irrepressible
and talkative Kimberly Warwick who runs a pawn shop with a
difference. Not only does she give you good coin for any kinds of
goods, she’ll also donate money to a charitable cause if you need
a loan. She wants it back, but as a nice lady, she often gives a long
time to pay and only after a while without pay do her ‘collectors’
come knocking. Play fair with her, she’ll see you right. Play foul,
and well… can you float?
The Brass Fly: A small and interesting shop. A shop of pretty
things, old things, things brought in by the various captains
and found on Shale Island. There are mundane things, magical
things, intriguing things and of course the Brass Fly ornament

Red Sail Outpost
which is something that the owner Mister A is never going to
part with. Prices vary, and it is possible to buy something which
will land you in a dangerous situation down the line.
The Watch House: Captain Carlotta Hamanas, a raven haired,
fire-tempered captain is the appointed long-pistol arm of the
law in Red Sail. She has a group of well-trained souls who follow
her, and she works for the siblings to ensure things don’t get too
out of hand. The Watch House operates out of a fortified keep
built from the hulls of the first ships to sail to Shale Island. This
includes cannons that are aimed firmly out to sea and can reach
the bay, just in case.
Salty Tales
The Mid-Section has much going for it, and much that transpires.
Day and night there are things to see and do, and folks here are
willing to hire adventuring types to get their jobs done so they
can concentrate on the day to day goings on of the port.
• Three Sheets Murder: This transpires at night, quite late,
and involves the PCs meeting a ghost. This man does not
wish them harm, he cannot move on, and requests the
help of the PCs to send him to the afterlife. He has tried
Red Sail Outpost

everything, they even kidnapped a priest, a necromancer,

nothing works. He is victim of a curse, and a powerful one
at that. He might have been a good man in life, or an evil
one. He might have been at the wrong place at the wrong
time. He doesn’t remember how he was murdered, but he
knows that it was within the last five years. It is up to the
PCs to investigate, find the murderer and discover a way to
send the ghost on.
• Gedd’s Ill-Gotten Gains: Another day, another night,
another theft. Only this time it’s from Kimberly and concerns
a map to a secret place on Shale Island. A place that’s rife for
adventure. Kim wants the PCs to get the map back for her.
She is pretty sure it was stolen by a treasure hunter known as
Captain Gedd. She knows the good captain’s ship is moored

off the north shore of the island, but lacks the resources to
go get the map herself. She offers a choice reward from her
stores, not including the map of course and some cash to the
PCs if they’ll get it back for her.
• Blood Banquet: Carlotta Hamanas has a problem. A murderer
of sorts is stalking Mid-Section at night. The bodies are always
drained of blood and the crime scenes are messy, as though a
butcher went to work on the corpses. She has no idea what
is doing it, if it is a monster, or a person. She wants the PCs
to investigate and offers them a lucrative reward for doing so.
The truth on this one is stranger than fiction, our murderer
Red Sail Outpost

can either be a very messy monster (for high level players) or a

deranged criminal who believes they are a vampire and covers
up the murders by mutilating the corpses. Either way, it will
lead the PCs to the caves of the island and a confrontation
with the murderer.

Also From Gallant Knight Games:

The versatile and minimalist TinyD6
ruleset hits the road in this post-
apocalyptic sourcebook. Containing
new rules for settlements, vehicles,
and mutations, Tiny Wastelands is
your trust companion in the blasted
landscapes of the near-future.
Powered by the TinyD6 engine, with
streamlined mechanics, characters
that fit on a 3x5 notecard, and
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Wastelands is here to be a rules-lite
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