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Mental health challenges.

By : Danya , Hikma, Karla, Fadak.

In this presentation we are going
to talk about ;

- what is the anxiety disorder?

- And how anxiety could affect
you ?
- Important Statistics.
- Questions related to anxiety.
- Fun Facts of anxiety.
- 10 tips for coping with an
What is anxiety disorder ?

Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of

tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like
increased blood pressure.

People with anxiety disorders usually have recurring

intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may avoid
certain situations out of worry. They may also have
physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling,
dizziness, or a rapid heartbeat.
How anxiety could affect you ?
It can affect the body in different ways, including the cardiovascular, urinary, digestive, and
respiratory systems. A person with anxiety may feel nervous, restless, tense, or fearful.

Examples of medical problems that can be linked to anxiety include:

Heart disease


Thyroid problems, such as hyperthyroidism

Respiratory disorders, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma

Drug misuse or withdrawal

Withdrawal from alcohol, anti-anxiety medications (benzodiazepines) or other medications

Chronic pain or irritable bowel syndrome

Rare tumors that produce certain fight-or-flight hormones

Important Statistics

-Anxiety disorders are the world’s most common mental

disorders, affecting 301 millions people in 2019.
- More women are affected by anxiety disorders than men.
- Approximately 1 in 4 people receive treatment for anxiety
disorders .
- Symptoms of anxiety often have onset during childhood
and adolescence .
Questions related to anxiety

1. Do the most teenagers who struggle with anxiety get treatment?

2. Anxiety are partially caused by our biology.

3. Is our feelings anxiety are tied to our fight ?.
4. Approximately 25% , or 1 out of every 4, teens struggle with
anxiety disorders ?.
5. Men and women are equally susceptible to getting anxiety
disorders. ?
Fun facts of Anxiety Disorder

● Anxiety can be helpful and debilitating.

● Generalized anxiety disorder often begins in childhood.
● Anxiety may be partly genetic.
● Anxiety disorders increase your risk of health problems.
● There is link between anxiety and depression.
● Exercise may alleviate anxiety.
● Anxiety treatment can dramatically improve symptoms.
9 Tips for coping with an anxiety disorder:

1. Keep physically active.

2. Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs.
3. Use stress management and relaxation techniques.
4. Make sleep a priority.
5. Eat healthy foods.
6. Learn about your disorder.
7. Keep a journal.
8. Stick to your treatment plan.
9. Socialize.


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