Operation Feed Pump HGC KSB

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«sa b,) officially, do not remove the plugs at the connection points, 9.1 Pressure gege Fonmgu] Select 2 manometer with a suitable [ee measuring range. Insert the sealing gasket and secure the manometer in place by tightening the mut 9.2. Thermometer (bearing) Insert the sealing element and fix the thermometer with bolts. 9.3. Oil level gauge or constant level oiler: Tighten the cil level gauge or constant level oiler with the bolt, including the use of sealing tape or liquid seal, If necessary, provide some sealing tape or liquid seal when. supplied, 94 Resistance thermometer or thermocouple 94.1 In order to ensure that the measured length corresponds to the relevant measuring point, please refer to the list of measuring points and carefully check the length of each mounting position. 94.2 Insert the sealing clement and fix the resistance ‘thermometer or thermocouple with bolt 943 When fixing the measuring point, arrange a dedicated person to connect the cable in the cable conduit and operate the resistance thermometer or Caution! thermocouple. 9.5 Ditferential pressure contol device 9.5.1 Fix the differential pressure control device on the base plate support 9.5.2 According to the resrition conditions onsite, fix the insirument wite et the planned connection point and install tho instrument. 953 When fixing the measuring point, arrange a vlicated person to connect the cable in the cable conduit and operate the resistance thermometer or ‘thermocouple. 10 Protection at shutdown ‘If the commissioning is not carried out immediately after the installation of the pump unit is completed, the pump unit must be protected and maintained in accordance ‘with the shutdown precautions described in Chapter 5 (Commissioning, Startup/Shutdown). HG Chapter 5 Commissioning, Startup/Shutdown 1. Preparation before tet operation and starting [eatin] Improper handling of preservatives, ion | ott grease may cause environmental pollution. The disposal of pollutants nd waste ean only be enered out by specialists. 1.1 For the design of pump, and the details of Pump unit, and the supporting parts provided by KSB, please refer to the rolevant technical documents. 1.2 Generat In addition to this manual, the technical information on other auxiliary parts of the pump unit is also required during commissioning, startup and installation, If these parts are to be supplied by KSB, please refer to Chapter Shhereint for details. 1.3. Removal of preservatives 1.3116 the pump fs fled with a miture of ethanol and water for protecton, it most be érsined before conducting other work. 1.3.14 Open the drain (6B) to empty the preservative in the pump, and collect it into @ suitable container, then Aispose it in accordance with local poliuton prevention regulations 13.1.2 Close the pump dain, 1.32 Remove the residue of preservative horoughiy 1.32 Apply ail onto the housing of the pump unit components 1.4 If the pump wnit is not used for more than 12 ‘months, make sure (0 finish the following work before bringing it into operation again, 1.4.1 Remove the pamp-end coupling hub. 1.42 Disassemble the beaving. 1.43 Remove the mechanical seal and check it according to tho rolovant data provided by the manufacturer. 1.44 Ifthe mechanical seal is clean and free of damage, it can bo re-mounted for continuous use, Otherwise, iis necessary to replace it with a new one. 14.5 Keep the bearing disassembled before Mushing it cireularly with ol. aay xsab) 1.8 Bearing lubricant 1.5.1 Overview 1.5.11 For the quantity and quality of oi, please refer to ‘the relevant technics! data. If the downtime exceeds 12 months, check the ‘quality of ol, and clean or replace itif necessary. 1.5.13 Before adding the oil, filter it by using a screen with a size of 30um, 1.5.2 Oil eylinder: Fill the oil eylinder according to the relevant data provided by the manufacturer 1.6 Flushing lubricant circuit Before commissioning/startup is conducted, the lubricant is being chroulated all the time, If de commissioning/startup ‘operation is delayed for more than one month, the off pipe must be re-fushed, 1.6.1 Remove the pump-ond coupling hub. 1.6.2 Remove the beating, 1.6.3 For oil flushing, install the bearing housing. with the oxi intemal parts (bearing bush, thrust bearing, and thrust bearing plate, ete). When dismounting the bearing bush, do not put the shaft onto the bearing housing or Inbyrinh ring. 1.64 Cheek if ell the connections on the bearing housing, and the pump cover ere closed with plugs. 1.6.5 Mount the coupling cover (if applicable). 1.6.6 Check all oiling fitings, if necessary, connect and seal them properly. 1.6.7 Cul the oil supply to the coupling cover (if applicable). 116.8 Open each throttle valve atthe il inlet 1.69 Activate the oil supply unit or auxiliary oil pump to check the leakage. 1.6.10 Check the flow rate of oil in the retum pipe through the flow moter 1.6.11 Check the level of the oil tonk and fill it if necessary. When the cooler and pipe are filed with oil, the oil level should be between the maximurn and ‘minimurn marks ofthe sight gauge. 1.6.12 Replace and clean the oil tank sereen on a regular Caution! 1g Inbyrinth sing and il stinger, rather than Caution! ue 445 HG basis according to the relevant documents provided by ‘he manufacturer 1.6.13 Deactivate the oil supply unit or auxiliary oit pump after filtering dint with the soreen for at least 8h, 1.6.14 Check the oil quality and clean ot replace the oil if necessary, 16615 Re-mount the beating and li the rotor component, 1.6.16 Re-moont the pump-end coupling. 1.7 Checking the direetion of rotation Ifthe pump unit is driven by a motor, always check the irection of rotation of the motor before commissioning/starup, AN 1.7.1 Prerequisites 1.7.11 Check the direction of rotation before the final installation of the motor coupling. 1.7.1 Condoet the operation aeconting to the relevant documents provided by the manufacturer 1.7.13 Cut the oil supply to the coupling cover (if applicable). The motor is provided with lubricant 1.72 The direction of rotation of the pump should be consistent with the direction indicated by the arrow on the motor diive-end bearing. In order to ensure the correct direction of rotation, the direction of rotation of the motor must be consistent withthe direction specified in the installation plan, 1,73. Check the direction of rotation with a phase detector and validate the direction of rotation of the ‘motor with an electromagnetic phase detector. 1.74 Check the direction of rotation without phase detector. If a gear coupling is used, mount the drive-end coupling sleeve onto the hub with a spacing plate, as shown in the figure “Arrangement of Spacing Plate’ wre the safety of the motor and prevent it from aceldental startup. Layout of Spacing Pate 1.7.42 The star of the motor for a short time must be carried out by a specialist. 1.7.43 Tur off the motor immediately before the motor speed reaches the specified value, 1.7.44 Check the direction of rotation of the motor. If the direction is incorrect, the electrode connection must be reversed by a specialist. Then check the direction of rotation again, ‘The wiring in the terminal box should bbe marked clearly! Ensure the safety of the motor and prevent it from accidental startup! 1.74.5 If the motor has an axial toleranee, the coupling bub ofthe motor shaft needs to be re-arranged according to the actual magnet field, If the coupling is provided ‘with a spacing plate, mount this spacing plate and move it accordingly. 18. Direction of rotation of pump rotor 18.1 Hf a gear coupling is used, mount the pump-end. coupling sleeve onto the hub with a spacing plate, as shown inthe figure "Layout of Spacing Plate 1.8.2 Activate the oil supply unit or auxiliary oil pump before carrying out the work, 18.3 Check the flexibility of the rotor manually, only according to the direction of rotation of the pump. If necessary, install an appropriate tool on the coupling hub, the figure "Rotation of Pump Rotor" 1.8.4 If the balance dis is not equipped with a start-stop device, move the rotor about 1 mm toward the drive end ‘before turning the rotor by hand, as shown in the figure me AMO HG ‘Az approx.t60mm/8in Rotation of Pump Rotor 1.9. Installation of pump shaft coupling ‘Mount and arrange the pump shaft coupling according to the relevant documents provided by the manufactures, 1.10. Installing the proteetion devices Install all protcotive devices to prevent accidental contact. 1.11 Performance test and of instruments 1.11.1 Check all instruments and if necessary, make an adjustment according 10 the relevant calibration data provided by the manafucturer separately, 1.112 Set the alarm and stop values under the guidance of the engineering specials. adjustment 1.12 Setting of lubricating system 1121 Set the switching point of the pressure control ‘switch and contol the ausiliary pump. Then turn off and ‘operate the mater. Even when the pump is deactivated, the performance of the pressure control switch can be {ested through the throttle valve, 1.122 Adjust the upper orifice plate at the lubricant outlet to adapt it to the gear or hydraulic coupling and ‘operate according to the relevant documents provided by the manufacturer, 1.12.3 Check the oil level and flit if necessary. 1.124 Activate the oil supply unit or auxitiary oil pump to check the ol pressure. 1,125 Adjust the throttle valve at the oil inlet of the pump radial bearing and thrust bearing through the manometer, xsab.) HG ‘The adjustment is limited to the ‘operating temperature in the presence of oll, Oil overflow between the labyrinth ring (423) and the shaft (210) is not permitted. Caution! There is no flow passing through the ‘ttle valve when it is in the “OF* position, Refer to related data Adjust the auxiliary manometer on the throttle valve (if applicable). 1,12.5.2 Protect the throtle valve by using a tightened screw (ifap plicable). the oil supply unit or the auxiliary pump, move the auxiliary manometer and close the connection carefully (if applicable). Caution! 2, Test operation and starting 24 Prerequisites 21.1 ‘The installation and calibration process must confor to the engineering practices and be recorded and approved bythe operator. 211.2 Cheek the onibility of the rotor manually. 2.13 Validate ifthe ols circulated for Mushing 2.1.4 Check the oil supply unit according tothe relevant documents provided by the manufacturer. 21.5 Chock all pamp uit components accord relevant documents provided by the manofactures. 221.6 Check the dtetion of rotation ofthe motor. 2.1.7 Tat all protective covers in place. 2.1.8 Clean and connect ll pipes. 2.1.9 Ital loos in place and check them for proper operation. to the 22 Starting 22.1 Close all drains and drainage pipes 22.2 Open the coolant main valve and the coolant thyottlc valve completely. 22.3 Cooling water circuits emptying 2.2.4 Drain the mechanical scal cooling circuit. 22.5 Monitor the coolant flow rate through the flow moter or flow indicator. ‘The untreated water can not be used to coo! the cooling chamber and the hhent exchanger, Cantiont 2. 226 Cheek the filter in the mechanical seal coolant pipeline and, if necessary, clean it. 22.7 Open the valve in the minimum flow pipeline. 22.8 Check the oll lovel and fllitif necessary. 22.9 Activate the oil supply unit or auniliry cheek the oll pressure. 22.10 If thee is no bypass, open the gate valve in the inlet pipe by 102-20%, 22.11 Fill the inlet pipe, pump and outlet pipe until the cullet gate valve is closed, preferably with cooled condensate, If the outlet pipe is mounted with check valve, the valve in the outlet pipe ean be kept open, provided thatthe back pressure is normal. 22.12 Drain the manometer piping until no further ait escapes, 22.13 Open the valve in the inlet pipe completely. 22.14 Inspect whether the inlet water pressure is normal, ump to 23. Inspection before startup 23.1 Fil the inlet pipe, pump and outlet pipe with water tocxpel ait 2.3.2 Open the valve 23.3 Close the valve in the outlet pipe. Ifthe outlet pipe js mounted with a chock valve, the valve in the outlet pipe exn be kept open, provided that the back pressure is wormal, 23.4 Close the tap pipe (if applicable). 2.3.5 Ifa heating pump system is installed, please refer to the logie diagram. 2.3.6 Open tho shut-off valve in the minimum flow pipe. 23.7 Validate that the coolant system is operating. normally 23.8 The cuohant pressure at the water jnlet may not ‘exceed 6 bar 23.9 The coolant temperature at the outlet can not exceed 55°C. 23.10 All indicated temperatures must be below the the inlet pipe completely limits. 23.11 Adjust the coolant through the shut-off valve so ‘thatthe speed of the propeller (shown in the coolant flow meter) is not grester than 50~10 rpm. 23,12 Activate the oil supply system or auxiliary oil pump. 23.13 Inspecting ol pressure. 447. KSB 6) 23.14 If the pump unit is equipped with a hydraulic coupling, check the positon of the scoop pipe according to the relevant documents provided by the manufacturer. If necessary, adjust it in accordance with this mama 23.15 Check all pipes, flanges, serew/bolt connections and pipelines (o prevent leakage. 24 Startup and commissioning “Cautont | Mf am alarm signal or a fautt occurs during startup and commissioning, follow the _instruetions Chapter 7 (Troubleshooting). ‘The minimum head lift may not be Jess than 150m except during the artup and shutdown process. The revolution speed may not be less than the minimum speed n=1000 min-1 except during the startup and acess, After startup, the minimum speed must be reached as soon as possible (

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