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JELIANA (19129239)
NILA OKTAVIA (19129270)






Praise be to God Almighty for the blessings of his grace, and that we were
given the opportunity to be able to compile a paper entitled "Eclipse and Calendar
System" is properly and correctly, and on time. The preparation of this paper aims
to fulfill one of the tasks of our courses which is Basic Concepts of Earth and
Space and Chemistry

The realization of this paper is inseparable from the help and enthusiasm
of various parties. Therefore, on this occasion the author would like to thanks to
Mss.Atika Ulya Akmal, S.Pd, M.Pd and Mss.Dea Stivani Suherman, S.Pd, M.Pd
as the lecturer supporting The Basic Concepts of Earth and Space and Chemistry
course that has guided the author in the preparation of the paper and to all those
who have helped in the completion of this paper.

The preparation of this paper of course is not separated from various

parties, either directly or indirectly. With all the humility I realize that the paper I
made is far from the word perfect and there are many shortcomings. Therefore,
suggestions and constructive criticism are expected. The end of the word
hopefully this paper can benefit the compilers and readers. Hopefully get a

Padang, September 2020


Group 6 i
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................1
A. Background...............................................................................................1
B. Problem.....................................................................................................1
C. Purpose......................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION..................................................................................2
A. Eclipse.......................................................................................................2
1. Definition of an eclipse..........................................................................2
2. The occurrence of an eclipse factor.......................................................2
3. Types of Eclipses...................................................................................3
4. The Effect of Eclipses on Life on Earth................................................5
5. Eclipse in Islamic Dimension................................................................7
B. CALENDAR SYSTEM............................................................................8
CHAPTER III CLOSING.....................................................................................16
A. Conclusion...............................................................................................16
B. Suggestion...............................................................................................16

Group 6 ii
A. Background
An eclipse is an event that the Earth / Moon closes the sun's rays,
resulting in a brief period of darkness on Earth. Of the two types of eclipses
that can occur, a solar eclipse has a greater impact on Earth. This is because
sunlight, which is the Earth's main energy source, is drastically reduced,
causing various anomalies, especially on Earth's weather (Founda, et al.,

To go around the sun, the earth takes 365 ¼ days or approximately 1

year. Likewise with the month. The moon has a evolution of 27 ½ days. But
because the earth also rotates, it takes more time for the moon to return to its
original position. The moon is Earth's closest neighbor in the solar system. Its
surface is paved with rock and consists of countless expanses of crater points.
Sometimes during their orbital path, the moon and earth become one line or
parallel. When this happens it is called an eclipse.

Since thousands of years ago, the calendar has been created by

humans, because the calendar is very important for humans. Like the
Egyptians who have made a solar calendar around the year 4221 BC. At that
time, the solar year consisted of 365 days divided into 12 months and each
month consisting of 30 days plus 5 days of annual feasts. In making calendars,
there are several kinds of systems used in their calculations. Among them by
using the movement of the moon, the movement of the sun and a combination
of the movements of the two celestial bodies. In people's life the calendar has
a very important meaning. Because there are many things that society do
related to time. We can realize that without a definite calendar we are only
guided by natural phenomena that occur. As humans and science develop,
humans need more practical signs in determining time. In this case, humans
think to be able to find an orderly and systematic system so that determining
time can be easier and more efficient.

B. Problem
1. What is meant by an eclipse?
2. How can an eclipse occur?
3. What is a calendar system?
4. What is the calendar calculation system?
C. Purpose
1. Can know what an eclipse is
2. Understand how an eclipse can occur.

Group 6 1
3. Knowing how the calendar system mechanism.

Group 6 2
A. Eclipse
1. Definition of an eclipse

In Arabic, eclipse is known as kusuf and khusuf. Kusuf means to

cover; describes the natural phenomenon that (seen from the earth) the moon
covers the sun, resulting in a solar eclipse. While khusuf means to enter;
describes the natural phenomenon that the moon enters the earth's shadow,
resulting in a lunar eclipse (Alimuddin, 2014).
The word 'eclipse' comes from the Greek word eclipsis which means
relic or neglect. The phenomenon of an eclipse in astronomy means that the
observer's direction of view to the celestial body is closed by other celestial
bodies that are closer to the observer (Alimuddin, 2014).
According to Falak Science (Ii & Gerhana, 2009), an eclipse is simply
an event of blocking the Sun's rays from reaching the Earth's surface (during a
solar eclipse), or blocking the Sun's rays by Earth reaching the Moon's surface
at a full Moon (Lunar Eclipse). All of this is indeed the greatness and will of
God alone (Body of Hisab and Rukyat, Ministry of Religion of the Republic
of Indonesia, 1981: 20)
The phenomenon of an eclipse is a natural event that often occurs
periodically. The area through which the eclipse occurs varies, depending on
the position and distance of the sun, earth and moon at the time of the event.
Lovers of astronomy or arthronomy often research and study eclipses in order
to find out the significance of these events. Researchers often do things in an
eclipse, such as to find out when the eclipse occurred and to find out which
area of the earth was passed (Dakwah, 2017).

2. The occurrence of an eclipse factor

The factors that cause an eclipse, among others (Ii & Gerhana, 2009):
 The Sun's Pseudo Circulation
As with the Moon and Stars, if you pay attention to the Sun, it will
experience a shift or displacement and will not experience stagnation or
remain in its position continuously but will change. There are several
things that can be seen about the phenomenon of the movement of the Sun
which is constantly shifting in its position, such as the setting of the Sun,
sometimes at the West point, sometimes at the Northwest point and
sometimes also in the Southwest position. (Marsito, 1960: 49)
The daily journey of the Sun rising from the East and setting in the
West is not the actual motion of the Sun, but occurs due to the Earth's
rotation. Such a course of the Sun is called the daily pseudo motion of the

Group 6 3
Sun whose intermediate period is 24 hours. The slope of the Sun's daily
trajectory depends on the geographic latitude of the observer. If the
observer is at the equator, it is a vertical circle, at the horizontal pole, in
the southern hemisphere tilted to the north and in the northern hemisphere
tilted south. The slope is according to the latitude (Ramli, 2010: 22)
The solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse are basically inseparable
from the pseudo motion of the Sun which is always shifting in its position,
the daily journey of the sun which occurs due to the Earth's rotation, the
rotation of the sun around its axis so that it intersects the equator and
forms an angle of 23.5 °.
 Earth's Motion and Circulation
The earth rotates around its axis from west to east or clockwise
which is commonly known as rotation, so that the sun appears to be rising
from east to west. One rotation of the Earth takes 24 hours a day, so there
is day and night. The area that crosses the Sun becomes light (day) and
that which is turned away from the Sun becomes dark (night). Because of
the circulation of the Earth, there is also winter and summer on Earth,
except in the equatorial regions (Fachruddin, 1992: 264). Apart from
causing these things, the motion of the earth's circulation can also cause an
eclipse to occur.
 Moon Motion and Circulation
The moon is a dark celestial body that does not emit light. The
moon is a celestial body that circles the Earth, it is the only satellite of the
Earth. The visible light from Earth comes from the reflection of sunlight.
Every day, the shape and size of the Moon's light changes according to the
position of the Moon towards the Sun and Earth (Khazin, 2005: 131).
Eclipses can occur because, in evolving around the Earth, one day
the Moon will be in the same direction as the Sun, this time it is called the
New Moon phase or Conjuntion or Ijtima. On the other hand, when the
Moon is in the opposite direction to the Sun, it is called the Full Moon
Phase. In the new Moon phase, the entire dark part of the Moon will face
Earth. Whereas in the Full Moon phase, the entire bright surface of the
Moon will face Earth (Azhari, 2007: 21).

3. Types of Eclipses

An eclipse can be divided into 2, namely (Jayusman, 2010):

a. Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon conjuncts (New Moon) right
at the knot or at least approaches the knot, and occurs during the day (Xiv,
2017). A solar eclipse occurs because the umbra or lunar penumbra covers
the sun. The solar eclipse can be divided into 3, namely:

Group 6 4
 Total Solar Eclipse / GMT (Total Solar Eclipse / Kusuf Kulli)
At GMT, the entire solar circle in the sky is covered by the moon's
circle, the angular diameter of the moon is greater than the angular
diameter of the Sun. Occurs in areas of the earth's surface that are
exposed to the shadow of the moon's umbra. Duration for 7 minutes,
because the size of the moon is smaller than the earth. Begins and ends
with a partial solar eclipse.
 Ring Solar Eclipse / GMC (Annular Solar Eclipse / Kusuf Halqi)
Occurs when the moon's circle is inside the sun's circle, because the
angular diameter of the moon is smaller than the angular diameter of
the sun; in the area of the earth's surface is exposed to further umbra.
During this eclipse, the sun looks luminous and is shaped like a ring.
Occurs when the moon is at its farthest point from the earth (point of
Aphelion). Because the part of the sun's globe that is visible from the
earth is like a disc that is not completely covered by the shadow of the
moon. The part that is visible to us on earth is only a small part like a
sun crescent shaped ring. This is the ring of partial sunlight.
 Partial Solar Eclipse (Kusuf Ba'dhi)
Occurs when a part of the moon's circle covers a part of the sun's circle
in the earth's surface area is in the hazy shadow (penumbra) of the
partial moon so that there is a part of the sun that doesn't look normal
(bright). than the core image. The circulation of the Earth and the
Moon also causes lunar and solar eclipses.
 Hybrid solar eclipses
The hybrid solar eclipses is a shift between a total eclipse and a ring.
At certain points on the surface of the earth, this eclipse appears as a
total solar eclipse, while at other points a ring solar eclipse. Hybrid
eclipses are relatively rare.

b. Lunar eclipse
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are in a
knot line, with the Moon facing the Earth (opposition) (Xiv, 2017). Of
course, a lunar eclipse occurs on a full moon night. Lunar eclipses occur
because the Moon enters Earth's umbra. Due to the influence of the
Moon's inclination on the ecliptic, total eclipses do not always occur
during the Full Moon. If the Moon is only near the knot, there will only be
a penumbra eclipse. If the Moon is very far from the knot, there will be no
lunar eclipse at the time of the full moon. Light is not scorching like
sunlight. So, a lunar eclipse can be seen with the naked eye. The shape of
the lunar eclipse is divided into 3 (Jayusman, 2010):
 Total lunar eclipse

Group 6 5
If during the maximum eclipse phase, the entire Moon enters the core /
umbra shadow of the Earth, then the eclipse is called a total lunar
eclipse. This total lunar eclipse can have a maximum duration of more
than 1 hour 47 minutes.
 Partial Lunar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse occurs when only part of the Moon enters the Earth's
umbra region, and another part is in the Earth's penumbra shadow at its
maximum phase.
 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
A Total Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is where the entire Moon enters the
penumbra at its maximum phase. Penumbral lunar eclipses are usually
not very attractive to the observer. Because in this type of lunar
eclipse, the appearance of the eclipse is almost indistinguishable from
that of an ordinary full moon

4. The Effect of Eclipses on Life on Earth

In addition to a solar eclipse being a rare and amazing natural

phenomenon, this eclipse also has several effects, namely (Jayusman, 2010):

a. Effects on the human eye

Looking directly at the sun's photosphere (the bright ring of the
sun) even for just a few seconds can result in permanent damage to the
retina of the eye due to the high radiation emitted from the photosphere.
The damage caused can result in blindness. Observing a solar eclipse
requires special eye protection or using the indirect method of seeing.
Sunglasses are unsafe to use because they do not filter out infrared
radiation, which can damage the retina of the eye.
The radiation waves from the sun reaching the earth's surface range
from ultra violet (more than 290 nm) to radio waves. On the other hand,
the ability of the tissues in our eyes to receive sunlight is between 380-
1400 nm. When the eye receives UV radiation, it will accelerate aging in
the outer layer of the eye. This is what will cause cataracts.
If the light / light reaches the eye, it will cause damage to the eye's
stem and cone cells, which are known as light-sensitive cells. This is what
triggers the appearance of complex chemical reactions in the cells of the
eye and can damage them, even in extreme cases, can blind the eyes. Part
of the impact caused by the eye damage is decreased / loss of vision
function, either temporarily or permanently (depending on the level of
damage to the eye.
b. Effect on chicken embryo development
The principle of hatching in an artificial egg incubator is to
maintain the temperature and humidity of the air in the hatchery room to

Group 6 6
match the temperature and humidity required at the stages of embryo
development. When a total solar eclipse occurs, sudden changes in
temperature and air pressure occur. This affects the humidity and life of
the embryo, so the success rate for hatching eggs will decrease
c. Effect on plankton
The life of aquatic organisms, especially plankton, is greatly
influenced by the intensity of sunlight and the duration of exposure. Light
is very necessary for the purposes of photosynthesis, although for this
purpose each plankton has its own tolerance for light intensity.
The penetration of sunlight on the earth's surface is influenced by
several factors, including water content in the atmosphere, the position of
the sun and other temporary factors such as a solar eclipse against
plankton. The life of aquatic organisms, especially plankton, is greatly
influenced by the intensity of sunlight and the length of irradiation. Light
is very necessary for the purposes of photosynthesis, although for this
purpose each plankton has its own tolerance for light intensity. The
penetration of sunlight on the earth's surface is influenced by several
factors, including the water content in the atmosphere and the position of
the sun.
d. Influence on nature
Observations of the gravitational field and altitude show that the
solar eclipse directly affects the earth's crust, which can lead to maximum
rising tides. This maximum rising tide causes changes in the earth's crust
that have the potential to cause earthquakes.
During a total solar eclipse, most of the sunlight does not reach the
earth. The sun's rays gradually diminished on first contact, then
completely darkened and eventually returned to normal. This change takes
place on a relatively short scale. Therefore, the effect on meteorological
elements occurs only on a few parameters, including a decrease in
temperature, changes in winds to become strong, air pressure drops, and
increased air turbidity.
e. The effect of a solar eclipse on several types of animals, including:
 Birds
Eclipse Situation is a false night for several types of birds. In general,
birds in the wild react more to eclipse events than do domestic birds.
Birds tend to head for their nests when an eclipse occurs
 Frogs
Mammals are less sensitive to environmental changes caused by solar
eclipses than other vertebrate animals. Frogs are very responsive to
changes caused by a solar eclipse, and apparently their vocal activity
 Fish

Group 6 7
During an eclipse, the herring (Clupea harengus harengus) likes to
cluster, as it does when night falls.
 Monkey
Behavioral changes also occur in apes. In India the monkeys will look
up to the west and sit in a relaxed state, as if night had fallen.

5. Eclipse in Islamic Dimension

Allah SWT invites people to pay attention to the open nature that can
be seen daily. Allah brings up the morning light which erases the darkness of
the night.The light is visible from the eastern horizon after the sun rises sothe
world seemed to glow brightly. Allah did not create them except withshows
the greatness of his creation. Allah destined according to their respective
places. Attempts to determine the process during an eclipse from the
beginning (first contact) to the end (last contact) requires a very careful and
detailed observation, because the time of occurrence is brief or short with a
short time. If depicted will form a tangent between the sun, moon and earth
(Dakwah, 2017).

Some of the hadiths of the Prophet were stated regarding this matter,

First, Rasulullah SAW said:

‫ َفاْد ُعوا الَََّّل َو َص ُّلوا‬،‫ َفِإَذ ا َر َأْيتُُم وُهَم ا‬،‫ َال َيْنَك ِس َفاِن ِلَم ْو ِت َأَح ٍد َو َال ِل حَياِتِه‬، ‫ِإَّن الَّش ْمَس َو الَقَم َر آَيَتاِن ِم ْن آَياِت الََِّّل‬
‫َح ّت‬

‫ىَيْنَج ِلَي‬


"Indeed, the sun and the moon are signs of the greatness of Allah SWT.
Neither of them becomes eclipsed due to one's death or birth. If you find an
eclipse, then pray and pray until the phenomenon is over. " (HR.Bukhari no.
1043, Muslim no. 915)

In addition, there are also other related hadiths, which mean the

"When the sun experienced an eclipse at the time of Rasulullah SAW, people
were called to pray with lafaz: As-shalatu jamiah". (Narrated by Bukhari). "

From the hadith above we can see that, when an eclipse occurs, we are
encouraged to perform eclipse prayers, this prayer is offered to anyone,
whether in a muqim state in their country or in a safe state, for both men and

Group 6 8
According to (Zein et al., 2009) to find out your age you can use a
calendar or almanac. There are two ways to determine the almanac or
calendar, namely:

a. Based on the calculations of the motion of the sun or the motion of the
earth, it is called the solar year or the solar year. For example, AD.
b. Based on calculations of the movement of the moon or the revolution
of the moon against the earth, it is called the lunar year or lunar year.
1. Syamsiah year
The syamsiah year is calculated based on the length of time the earth
circulates around the sun, which is 365 days, 5 hours 48 minutes, 46
seconds or rounded to 365 days. Having determined that each year consists
of 365 days, but each year is less - days. So, so that the calculation of this
date remains, every 4 years plus one day (in February). This year is called a
leap year, which is a year with 366 days in number.
2. Sharia Year
The lunar year is calculated according to the cycles of the month. The
moon circles the earth in 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes or is rounded up to 29
- days. One year there are 12 months, which alternates the number of days,
namely 29 days and 30 days per month. In one year there are 354 days. The
lunar calendar is also called the Hijri calendar, which means moving,
preceded by the migration of the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW from
Mecca to Medina. The lunar calendar is 11 days ahead of the Gregorian
calendar. Therefore, the 1st of Shawwal falls in different Christian months.

According to (Rofiuddin, 2016) the calendar is a time system that

reflects the resilience and strength of a civilization. Calendar is an organizing
system for calculating time during a certain period. By convention, the day is
the smallest calendar unit, while for the measurement of a part of a day the
time calculation system is used (hours, minutes, and seconds). Some calendar
systems refer to an astronomical cycle, following fixed rules. However, some
calendar systems exist which adhere to an abstract rule and simply follow a
cycle that repeats itself without astronomical significance. There are calendars
coded under written law, but some are conveyed by oral messages.

Until now, it is estimated that there are about 40 kinds of calendar

models used on earth. Each calendar system has a different method of
determination according to the references used. Forty kinds of calendars, all of

Group 6 9
which have anomalies that are influenced by several factors on each
calendar.5 In general, calendars are categorized into three major schools of
calendar calculations. First, the Christian calendar or the Christian calendar,
which is a calendar system that makes the movement of the sun a reference for
its calculations (syamsiah or solar system).

Second, the lunar calendar (lunar) or lunar calendar which is based on

the course of the moon during its orbit (evolves towards the earth). The
Islamic calendar or Hijri calendar is a pure lunar calendar that follows the
cycle of the phases of the moon without any connection with tropical years.
Third, the luni-solar calendar, which is a combination of the lunar system and
the solar system. The luni-solar calendar has a lunar sequence which refers to
the cycles of the phases of the moon, but at each different year an insert is
given to keep this calendar in sync with the seasonal calendar. Hijri is a type
of calendar used by the world's Muslims. This calendar was formed based on
the lunar revolution against the earth.

Because based on the circulation of the moon, in determining the start

of the month there is often a difference caused by the discrepancy between the
lunar calendar cycle and the solar calendar cycle that is commonly used. The
problem that arises is that there is a difference between where the day begins
and where the day begins. Based on the author's reading of several works and
writings of scholars and scientists, there are some fundamental differences
about the beginning of the day which determines the beginning of the
beginning of the month of the lunar month. Seeing the turmoil about the
differences in determining the start of the day in Islam, the author intends to
do a critical study of the beginning of the day, both in terms of time and place.

Determining when the start of the day, Islam makes natural events
which are the effects of the sunnatullah regarding the movement of the sun,
earth and moon as a reference in calculating time on earth. As an example, is
the word of Allah in surah al-Isra 'verse 12:

This verse puts day and night as a reference in calculating the years.
Night and day are known as al-yawm (day / date), which is the shortest period
of time in takwim that starts from the moment when the day comes and ends
at the time of the day. So, the determination of the beginning of the month is

Group 6 10
basically observing the time of sunset, the time of conjunction, and the time
and position of the moon's moon data. Since the beginning of the beginning of
the lunar month is the determination of when and where a day starts, then
determining when the day starts lies in the concept of lunar crescent visibility.

According to (June, 2018) the term calendar comes from the modern
English "calendar", comes from the old French "calendier" which originated
from the Latin "kalendarium" which means a money lender's notebook. In
Latin itself kalendarium comes from kalendae or calendae which means "the
first day of a month". The calendar equivalent in Indonesian is calendar.

As for the term, the calendar is interpreted as a table or a series of

pages showing the day, week and month in a certain year. According to
Susiknan Azhari, the calendar is a system of organizing time units, for the
purpose of marking and calculating time in the long term. The term calendar
in classical and contemporary literature is usually called the date, takwim,
almanac and calendar.

According to Slamet Hambali, the calendar or almanac is a calculation

system that aims to organize time in a certain period. Month is a unit that is
part of the calendar. The day is the smallest unit of the calendar, then the time
system is hours, minutes, and seconds.

The form of the calendar is quite diverse, even in the calculation it has
its own cycle rules. In addition, there are calendars that have their own
characteristics. Of the many forms of calendars, at least three types can be
divided, namely:

1. Solar system calendar.

This calendar in principle uses the earth's journey when it evolves
or orbits the sun. There are two considerations used by this system:
First, there is a change of day and night. Second, the changing of
seasons is caused by the elliptical orbit around the sun. Calendars that
use this system include the Ancient Egyptian calendar, the Ancient
Roman calendar, the Mayan calendar, the Julian calendar, the Greek
calendar, and the Japanese calendar.
2. Lunar system calendar
This calendar uses the lunar system, meaning that the moon
travels when it orbits the earth (evolves towards the earth). This
calendar is purely lunar because it follows the phases of the moon.
The lunar calendar, on the other hand, has no effect on seasonal
changes. Because the appearance of the month in one year for twelve
times is very easy to observe. The calendars that use this system

Group 6 11
include the Hijriyah calendar, the Saka calendar, and the Javanese
Islamic calendar.
3. Lunar-solar system calendar
This calendar uses solar-moon, meaning that the travel of the
lunar and solar systems in the first calendar is based on the cycles of
the moon. However, this is not accurate with the circulation of the
earth around the sun. The sun then became the basis for calendar time
(solar) because the lunar (lunar) system did not match the earth's orbit
around the sun. Initially, both the lunar and solar systems were
combined. However, recently the lunar and solar calendar systems
became independent.
At religious celebrations, the lunar system is for example used as
a guide, as in the Christian Easter. Starting in Hinduism and Yom
Kippur in Judaism, as well as Islamic holidays. So many religious
celebrations use the lunar system, while for business systems and
administrative records, many use the solar system. Calendars using
this system included the Babylonian calendar, the Jewish calendar,
and the Chinese calendar

According to (Jayusman, 2010) Said Aqiel Siradj stated that before the
arrival of Islam, Arab society used the lunisolar calendar, which is the lunar
calendar (month) which is adjusted to the sun. The Islamic calendar was originally
a lunisolar calendar that used the lunar month (the calculation is based on the
cycles of the month). This calendar has been used by Arab society since pre-
Islamic. In one year there are twelve months. Each month is 29 or 30 days old so
that one year totals 354 days. It is not clear about when the month was inserted.
At the end of his life, the Prophet forbade the insertion for one month. In pre-
Islamic times, the 13th month as an intercalated month was used as a ceremony
for pagan Arab society. In the feast there is idolatry and binges. In addition, in the
13th month, manipulation often occurs. This manipulation was carried out in
determining the beginning and end of the Haram months.

The new calendar broke with the pagan traditions that existed in pre-
Islamic Arab society. On the other hand, the Christian calendar, for example, is
unable to escape from this pagan tradition. In their calendar there is still a
tradition of worshiping the goddess of fertility, so that the celebration of Easter is
always commemorated by involving the symbols of spring fertility such as:
rabbits, flowers, and colorful eggs (easter). Meanwhile, the birthday of Jesus was
always accompanied by a pagan winter celebration in the form of a wine party.
Thus, we can see how Islam strives to purify the monotheism of its adherents and
keep them away from idolatrous practices.

Group 6 12
The Qur'an provides an explanation of the pre-Islamic calendar system in
Surah Taubah verses 36 and 37.

In fact, the number of months with Allah is twelve months, in the decrees
of Allah when He created the heavens and the earth, including four haram months.
That is the (stipulation) of a straight religion, so do not persecute yourself in that
four month, and fight against all the polytheists as they also fight against you all,
and know that Allah and those who fear. (QS Taubah / 9: 36)

Even though the names of the months from Muharram to Zulhijah are still
used because of their popular usage. The months shift every year from season to
season, so Ramadan (burning) is not always in summer and Jumadil Awal (first
frost) is not always in winter. Haram month means the great month. Allah has
appointed four certain months to be the great months. It may not be changed by
anyone, by changing the date and month or postponing or advancing from the
time that has been determined by Him. Almost all pre-Islamic Arab societies,
recognize and glorify these four months. Until even if someone finds the killer of
his father, son or brother in one of these months, he will not injure his enemy
unless those months have passed. A calendar based on the cycles of the month. In
one year there are twelve months. Each month is 29 or 30 days old, so that one
year totals 354 days for the Basitah year and 355 days for the Kabisah year

Takwim Hijriah is Takwim Based on True Reckoning The calendar

system and time measurement are needed in our lives to record, record; the
process of documenting and planning important events and activities in personal
and social life in a broader sense. In a practical and simple sense we need a
calendar for determining days and dates (Hijriah, 2010).

In the beginning, the calendar was an astronomical table depicting the

movement of the sun and moon for the purposes of worship and cultivation only.

Group 6 13
So that the unit of year is not important. Years often or begin with historical
events or a change of power. Absolute reckoning is a system of reckoning based
on the actual circulation of the moon and earth. According to this system, the age
of the moon is neither constant (fixed) nor irregular, but depends on the position
of the new moon at the beginning of the month. The age of the month may have
alternated between twenty-nine and thirty days.

Summer and Jumadil Awal (first frost) are not always winter. Haram
month means the great month. This verse explains that Allah made the four
months of the year Haram months. Time also gets honor and glory because it can
give birth to a lot of goodness and abundant rewards. At that time Allah opened a
great opportunity to obtain grace and multiply His rewards. Allah has appointed
four certain months to be the great months. It may not be changed by anyone, by
changing the date and month or postponing or advancing from the time that has
been determined by Him. Almost all pre-Islamic Arab societies, recognize and
glorify these four months. Until someone finds father's killer, children or siblings
in one of these months, he will not injure his enemy unless the months have
passed. In one year there are twelve months. Each month is 29 or 30 days old, so
that one year totals 354 days for the Basitah year and 355 days for the Kabisah

The calendar system and the measurement of time are needed in our life to
record, record; the process of documenting and planning important events and
activities in personal and social life in a broader sense. In a practical and simple
sense we need a calendar for determining the day and date.9 In the beginning, the
calendar was an astronomical table depicting the movements of the sun and moon
for the purposes of worship and cultivation only. So that the unit of year is not
important. Years often start with historical events or a change of power. 10
Islamic calendar system; Hijri calendar which can be used as a reference in terms
of worship is a calendar based on calculations or essential reckoning.

Absolute reckoning is a system of reckoning based on the actual

circulation of the moon and earth. According to this system, the age of the month
is neither constant (fixed) nor irregular, but depends on the position of the new
moon at the beginning of the month. The ages of the months may vary between
twenty-nine and thirty days. Or it could be twenty-nine consecutive months or
thirty days in succession. All of this depends on the actual circulation of the moon
and earth; position of the new moon at the beginning of the month.

The hijri calendar is categorized as an astronomical calendar system,

because it is based on the reality of astronomical phenomena that occur. This is
different from the Gregorian calendar which is only based on numerical rules (the
average calculation of astronomical phenomena), so it is also called the arithmetic

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calendar. In the hijri calendar, a day / date begins when the sun sets each day. The
Hijri calendar, which is based on astronomical phenomena, does not recognize
leap years. This is the hijriah calendar or calendar which is based on true
reckoning, which can be used as a guide in carrying out worship in Islam. And
this is distinguished from a calendar which is based on the calculation / reckoning

In the hijri calendar, a day / date begins when the sun sets each day.
Determination of the beginning of the month; The new moon is marked by the
appearance of the new moon on the western horizon at Maghrib after the
conjunction or ijtimak occurs. This is based on the word of Allah:

The pure Hijri calendar uses the lunar calendar system. This calendar
system is based on the actual phase of the moon's cycle so that it does not require
correction. In this calendar system, there is no longer any recognition of the
existence of an intercalated month, which in its history in the early Islamic period
was prone to deviations with a nuance of idolatry. The period of one year is equal
to 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, 35 seconds which if we simplify it can be said
that one year is equal to 354 11/30 days. In a 30 year cycle, there will be 11 years
of Kabisah which is 355 days old and in addition one day is placed in the month
of Zulhijah (the month of Zulhijah is 30 days old). While the remaining 19 years
are the Basitah year which is 354 days old. Thus the number of days in a period of
30 years = 30 x 354 days + 11 days = 10 631 days,

According to (Kurniawan, 2014) although it is only by means of

astronomical calculations that a proleptic Islamic calendar can be compiled, one
thing that Muslims need to pay attention to is the fact that the rukyat method for

Group 6 15
determining the beginning of the Islamic month is not necessarily the wrong way.
What is more precise is that the rukyat method has many obstacles in practice,
both due to weather constraints, limited eye sensing capabilities, the geometric
position of the hilal and the lighting of the Sun at the time of observation and so

In the time of the Prophet Muhammad, all of these obstacles could not be
avoided because there was not enough technology available so that this method
was the only option. However, with the current advances in science and
technology, and for the sake of creating the principles for composing a proleptic
Islamic calendar, it is very clear that the rukyat method cannot be used for the
preparation of a proleptic Islamic calendar as mentioned above.

However, although an Islamic calendar that is universal throughout the

world can be compiled, it should be realized that mainly due to the astronomical
positions of the Earth and Moon in the solar constellation, the geometric shape of
the Earth (sphere), the movement of the Earth (rotation and revolution), the
movement of the Moon orbiting the Earth, position (latitude, longitude, and the
height of the observer on Earth) and others, it is impossible to determine the
beginning of the Islamic month which is universally applicable throughout the
globe. The principle of defining time in the Qur'an and Hadith is described that
the new moon visible on a certain part of the Earth's surface is not necessarily
visible in other parts of the Earth at the same time. There are many factors that
will affect the parameters of the hilal. Therefore,

So far there are two major views, namely first, which puts forward the idea
of a zonal calendar which divides the world into a number of date zones where
there can be differences in lunar dates in one zone from another. The weakness of
this calendar is that it does not accommodate the reality of globalization that is
experienced in our world today, where in today's globalized world, one unified
date should apply. In addition, it can cause problems in implementing Arafah's
fast in the event of a difference in the date for the month of Zulhijah between one
zone where Mecca is in another zone. Second, the unification calendar system
(unified) which seeks to unite the whole world in one date under the principle of
"one day one date and one day one day worldwide. "This calendar can avoid
problems with the implementation of the Arafah fast because there will be no
difference in dates because all over the world there is only one same date. The
disadvantage is that if the conjunction is closed at 12:00 WU or 00:00 in the
eastern end zone, it is possible (although not always) that there is a mismatch with
the rule of reckoning.

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A. Conclusion
According to Zein (2009) to find out your age you can use a calendar
or almanac. There are two ways to determine the almanac or calendar, namely:
a. Based on the calculations of the motion of the sun or the motion of the
earth, it is called the solar year or the solar year. For example, AD.
b. Based on calculations of the movement of the moon or the revolution
of the moon against the earth, it is called the lunar year or lunar year.

The word 'eclipse' (eclipse) comes from the Greek word ekleipsis
which means relic or neglect. The phenomenon of an eclipse in astronomy
means that the observer's direction of view to the celestial body is closed by
other celestial bodies that are closer to the observer.

The factors that cause an eclipse, among others:

 The Sun's Pseudo Circulation

 Earth's Motion and Circulation
 Moon Motion and Circulation

An eclipse can be divided into 2, namely:

1. Solar Eclipse
2. Lunar eclipse

According to Rofiuddin (2016) the calendar is a time system that

reflects the resilience and strength of a civilization. Calendar is an organizing
system for calculating time during a certain period. By convention, the day is
the smallest calendar unit, while for the measurement of a part of a day the
time calculation system is used (hours, minutes, and seconds). Some calendar
systems refer to an astronomical cycle, following fixed rules. However, some
calendar systems exist which adhere to an abstract rule and simply follow a
cycle that repeats itself without astronomical significance. There are calendars
coded under written law, but some are conveyed by oral messages.

B. Suggestion
Continue to be a reviewer of sciences, including Earth and Space
sciences, because in fact Earth and Space science is absolutely necessary and
studied in order to create generations of nations who are sensitive to the
universe, the surrounding environment, both environmental damage itself or
how to take advantage of the environment without overexploit nature. Also as

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a material for meditation on the greatness and power of Allah SWT who
created this universe in all its regularities.

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