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An Analysis of Financial Fraud through PNB Bank

Scam and its technical Implications

Dr.Gurinder Singh Dr.Shalini Srivastav Dr.Anubhuti Gupta Dr.Vikas Garg
Amity University,U.P. Amity University, U.P. Amity University, U.P. Amity University,U.P

Abstract informed about the scam to everyone. Hari Prasad says that he
The government is looking forward for the betterment of detected a huge fraud in Gitanjali Gems in 2015 and alerted
banks and coming out with various new schemes, the PNB several authorities including ED, CBI and PMO but received
scam came as a huge blow to the entire banking sector and no response.
brought almost everything on a stand still. This 11,700-crore One of PNB official after detailed investigation has informed
scam involved more than four banks which is a big question the CBI agency that majorly the culprit was the banks ,
mark on the financial safety of banks. This scam was almost Mumbai branch located at Brady house in Fort and their two
five years old and was not detected by anyone. Therefore, more employees who are majorly employed are
there are serious questions on the internal operations and GokulnathShetty , who is the retired deputy Manager of PNB
auditing processes of the bank and also a the main regulatory and Manoj Kharat , who is a single window operator issued
body RBI is also under serious mode of self-check. This case illegal LOU’s to the creditors who are based in Hong Kong
study aims to identify and analyze the major factors that led to majorly on behalf of the three firms which are mentioned
this huge scam and also tries to detect the involvement of above which are collaborated with NiravModi and Gitanjali
various businessmen who has created an impact on the group. Gitanjali group is one of the biggest branded jewellery
economy as a whole. stores in the world. It has it’s headquarter in Mumbai and sells
keywords: Fraud, Overseas bank, Letter of understanding, its jewellery all over India. These people took illegal
Swift, Nostro account, Audit advantage of its official position in the country and wrongfully
Introduction deal with people and took advantage of these organisations
Punjab National bank is involved in a major scam of above Diamonds R US, Solar Exports and Stellar Diamonds and
₹11,000 crores by issuing a certain type of bank guarantee in made a yearly loss of around Rs.280.70 crores to PNB during
a wrong way to a businessman by the name of NiravModi. the last year 2017. This information is on the basis of First
NiravModi is a businessman who is having a very famous information report released by the CBI. .
jewellery business. As per the statement given by CBI This case study is about understanding major fraud in PNB
(Central bearer of Investigation) he issued fake Letter of and will also try to discover the reasons behind a fraud of
Understanding (LOU) from Punjab National Bank (PNB) and approximately₹114,000 millionin one of its Mumbai
takes loan from foreign banks of more than ₹11,000 crore branches.
rupees.[1] Punjab National Bank was associated with three
alleged firms majorly Diamond R Us, M/s Solar Exports and Literature Review
M/s Stellar Diamonds. In simple words, a Letter of Punjab National Bank (PNB) is one of major leading
Understanding is a letter which is issued by the Indian bank government bank in India. It is the oldest bank which provides
to those people who are taking loans from foreign banks , and financial support to customers in various services like,
in case if the concerned individual is not able to pay its loans agricultural finance, personal banking, Industrial finance,
to the foreign bank the Indian bank will pay to the foreign corporate banking, and trade financing and International
bank on behalf of that individual. banking in various other forms. PNB was established in 1895
NiravModi company names as Gitanjali Gems has issued .In the initial days it has a slow start over hundred years ago ,
LOU from PNB in eight different ways and bluffed these but in last few years the bank has grown to a position to
foreign banks and taken loan from them. These loans were become one of the leading banks in India and is also having a
taken during 2011 to 2017 .These foreign banks are actually, good position abroad majorly in North Korea [2]
Indian banks with their overseas branches. Now when these PNB is considered as the second largest public sector bank in
foreign banks are not able to get their money on time from India with more than 4,600 branches all over India with
various offices working efficiently for years and also it has set
NiravModi then they contacted PNB and asked him that since a benchmark in the history of Indian banking system by
they have issued a LOU, therefore on the basis of that you initiating and implementing the Core banking solution or
should repay the loan on behalf of NiravModi. CBS. This bank has successfully completed its task much
PNB after checking the LOU’s realised that it was not issued before its targeted time frame and implemented it in March
by the bank and it is a fake document .As a result PNB filed a 31st, 2009.
complaint to the CBI complaining about the fraud. Besides RIS Sidhu , the chief general manager – IT ,PNB once in his
this, it was quite clear that since PNB has issued a LOU to the statement to a press conference said on 5 th Feb ,2009 that now
bank, then there are some bank officials who are also involved PNB has become a core banking system in totality or 100
in it and are playing a major role in this process. After percent. It is so active that it works all over India, like if a
investigation two people were find accused, Gokulnath Shetty customer is depositing Rs.100 in any of its branches, it will
and Manoj Kharat. Besides this NiravModi ‘s entire family is automatically be posted in its servers in Delhi and nearby
involved in the fraud ,like NiravModi’s wife Ami Modi areas. Hence, it proves to be a leading bank in India.
brother NeeshalModi and his uncle MehulChoksi .All these Objectives of study
names were clearly mentioned in the complaint registered to  To make people aware about the PNB issue and also to
CBI.. On the other hand Hari Prasad –a whistle blower has providing the correct information about the issue.
 To study the impact of scam on stock market, banking sector
and jewellery sector.
Research Methodology abroad parties. A Nostro account is the
record an Indian bank (here, PNB) has
5W2H tool is used for analysis of the bank scam. The scam with an abroad bank.
came in news in the month of January in 2018.Newspaper 1. PNB is left holding bank ensures
articles published between January to March 2018 and all worth Rs 11,400 crore which it needs
national and international periodicals were reviewed. to pay to, among others, State Bank of
Relevant data related to bank stock market was obtained from India, Allahabad Bank and Union
Sensex and other related data was taken from other financial Bank. These installments are expected
information News Company like Bloomberg. over the next few months.
5W2H is a quality management technique which focuses at
investigating the issue with the point to arrive at achievable What is the
2. This has influenced the financial
solutions. This assessments the issue in parts and subsequently scope
division, dornments segment and the
takes after the different and manage everything. This tool has protection segment.
any kind of effect in grabbing a reasonable perspective around
the various constituents of an issue and along these lines has 3. This additionally questions the
any kind of effect in making progress the for the most part believability of the Public Sector
handle. When working on improving a process this is a very Banks, the job of controllers in
simple tool to help think thorough improvement opportunities. particular RBI and SEBI
When? PNB recorded an extortion grumbling
Detailed Analysis of the issue by 5W2H against Modi bunch firms with RBI on
5W2H stands for 5 Ws and 2Hs: O4/02/18 :CBI issues lookout notice
1. WHO: Who is/will be responsible for the thing? Can against NiravModi
we decrease the number of people involved? When did it
05/02/18 : PNB advises stock trades
2. WHAT: What is done in the step? Can some steps can happen?
about the Rs 281 crore
be reduced? Misrepresentation from the Modi
3. WHEN: When did it start and finish? Can it involve group.
lesser time? 14/02/18: PNB tell the stock trades of
4. WHERE: This defines the place of occurrence. Can it the size of the Fraud.
occur somewhere else? As indicated by the FIR, two junior
5. WHY: Why it should be done? What is the need? representatives of PNB had been
6. HOW: How it should be done? Can it be done in sending these unapproved guarantees
another way? for a long time.
7. HOW MUCH: How much does it cost? Can the cost be At that point one of them resigned. In
reduced? When did it January, when delegates of Modi
start? firms requested a new guarantee, the
TABLE 1: Analysis of the scam by When did it new PNB worker in that position
5W2H stop? requested guarantee security. On
What? On 14 February 2018 , state-claimed being informed this was never
Punjab National Bank (PNB) requested before, the bank began
unveiled that it has found $ 1.77- researching and found
billion (around Rs 11,400 several guarantees associated with
crore) worth of false exchanges at one these organizations
of its Mumbai This issue had been going on for as
What Branches. In a grumbling to the far back as seven years with regard to
happened? Central Bureau of Investigation, the NiravModi case. PNB had likewise
bank had named the organizations and Is it been influenced by the Winsome
individuals related with very rich continuous Diamond group scam in 2013.
person diamond merchant r Nirav problem? With regards to frauds, it isn't new to
Modi to have caused this huge the financial sector as it has seen
misrepresentation utilizing the bank Intermittent? various degrees of scams at various
guarantees occasions. Thus this is a constant
What is thePNB workers gave counterfeit LoUs(In issue.
problem? global banking framework, Letter of
Undertaking (LOU) is an arrangement Is it linked to The PNB Scam all things considered
of bank ensure, under which a bank a specific is connected to Nirav Modi, the
enables its client to fund-raise from customer tycoon in this debate, is an
another Indian bank's remote branch as usage? extravagance precious stone gems
a short term credit. The LOU fills the merchant who was positioned #57 in
need of a bank ensure), on the back of the Forbes rundown of India's tycoons
which remote parts of a couple of in 2017. He is the organizer and
Indian banks — counting Axis and imaginative chief of the Nirav Modi
Allahabad Bank — gave dollar credits chain of precious stone gems retail
to PNB. These outside money locations, and is the Chairman of
advances were utilized to subsidize Firestar International, the parent of
PNB's Nostro accounts and from these the Nirav Modi chain, which has
records subsidizes moved to certain stores in key markets over the globe.
The organizations have Nirav Modi, significant stretch to Nirav Modi with
his sibling Nishal Modi, Mr. Nirav's no security, which produced a fraud of
spouse Ami Nirav Modi, and Mehul Rs.11,400 crores. The quick informing
Chinubhai Chokshi as accomplices. framework had circumvent the center
The inner financial framework isn't financial framework and worked.
deliberate and is inclined to deceitful There is not one or the other
exercises. PNB is currently liable for appropriate interior coordination nor
Why is it athe misrepresentation sum. The clients any inward control or observing
problem? are frozen that their cash in the bank process. This has brought about the
Why? might be under hazard while the bank operational hazard.
has guaranteed to respect all its true
blue responsibilities. Thus 5W2H helped to understand the entire issue. We assume
It is mandatory to have the standard that there is an importer who buys goods and services from
Is it a must or
operating system of responsible and other countries , in case of PNB we can name him NiravModi
nice to have?
responsive banking. . This importer wants to buy diamonds and pearls and then sell
PNB has confronted the issue adding it in his own country or any other country to earn profit. This
up to 11,400 crores. Concurring to purchase requires a large amount of money and in that case
Who faced banking circles, PNB should profit the importer Mr.NiravModi approaches a bank which is
the problem? despite the fact that actually named as Punjab National bank (PNB).
Allahabad Bank and Axis Bank took PNB: In lieu of your requirement we can provide you loan in
the exposure. ₹ an interest rate of 10%
Who NM: I think the amount of interest is too high for me .Anyway
The scam was detected and reported
reported the all my purchases are in dollars so in that case, I would prefer
by PNB to RBI and CBI.
Who? problem? if I could get a loan in foreign currency.
Customers of the Bank, Employees, PNB: Yes! It is possible.
Who are the Board of Directors, Auditors, NM: So, in that case which bank will provide me the loan in
stakeholders? Creditors, SEBI,RBI(Regulators), The foreign currency as I don’t know any one abroad and also they
Government of India don’t know me...? Neither have they had my financial history
Ex- employees of PNB who issued of past records nor any guarantee.
Who are the You are my banker so can you provide me some kind of
the money, Nirav Modi and
parties guarantee?
Allahabad and Axis bank who
involved? PNB: Yes, we can provide you a guarantee by issuing a Letter
honoured the payment
Where did it It did happen within the PNB’s of undertaking (LOU) on your behalf.
happen? operations. NM: What is Letter of Undertaking (LOU)?
It could be named as in house in light PNB: A letter of Undertaking is a letter of credit which is
of the fact that the quick exchange on issued by one bank which provides an option to the other bank
Is it in-house demand was cleared by the PNB to pay money to the supplier of the previous banks customer.
or at authorities. Consequently we have an For eg Dena Bank is transferring money to the supplier of
customer? inquiry on the legitimacy of the PNB ‘s customer by the help of NOSTRO Account which
framework for Letter of Credits at PNB holds in previous Dena bank outside the country.
PNB. .NM: Great!! So, please help me by issuing a Letter of
Where? Undertaking (LOU) for my loan purposes.
The two representatives of PNB
PNB: We can issue you a (LOU) on some conditions.
legitimately utilized SWIFT - the
NM: What are those conditions?
worldwide money related informing
PNB: Condition is that if you are willing to take a loan
Where is the administration used to move a huge
amount of say Rs.100 crores then in that case you have to pay
stakeholder’s number of dollars over fringes each
us something of worth Rs.100 crore as collateral.
location? hour — and avoided the center
(But as per the existing scenario PNB was not able to take the
financial framework (CBS) which
collateral amount of Rs.100crore from Mr.NM due to certain
forms day by day banking exchanges
negotiations made by him or any benefits which the bank can
and posts refreshes.
enjoy or any other reason which is not known and the bank
Which other issued a LOU to Mr.NM and that was the turning point of the
The information exchange between
location fraud game.)
Which? CBS and Swift transactions has to be
should be PNB: We will send the message to the concerned foreign
considered? bank by the help of SWIFT and if accepted by the foreign
How? How many Letter of credit,Letter of bank, they will transfer money to our NOSTRO account.
parts were Undertakings(which were faked), (SWIFT is known as Society for the Worldwide Interbank
involved? Swift Network Financial Telecommunication, it is founded in Brussels in
How much is 1973. It is a cooperative body prepared for smooth global
12,000 crore
the loss financial transactions and global interactivity to maintain a
How did itOperational risk (OR) indicates a strong global communication for international financial
happen?(step failure in any of the banking systems, transactions. In other words it is the message service which is
by stepprocesses or people. used by banks to transmit messages from one bank to another
explanation) A significant operational hazard had bank. It is a written message in stone which declares that in
happened at PNB. case of any mishap or default PNB will be held responsible to
Two bank authorities of PNB had been pay the entire amount. This society contains a messaging
giving Letter of Credits for a service for various financial messages such as payments ,
letter of credit and transactions of security with all the banks said that since there is no fund then why he needs all over. No
across the world, Majorly , it is into delivering messages from rollover means a default, since there is no money to pay. [6]
one party to another.) As a result PNB files a FIR against this case , just to check
(NOSTRO account majorly refers to an account that a bank how much they have actually lost in year 2018 .It is recovered
normally holds in another bank in foreign currency.” Nostros” that it is Rs.280 crores that they lost by the letter of
is a Latin word which means “ours” in English and is Undertaking or LOU. Further it was detected that the loan
normally used to help and support foreign trade transactions. amount was increased to Rs.11, 400 crore. This web link tells
Another term opposite to it is “VOSTRO “ is a Latin word us about the First Information Report (FIR) lodged by
which means “ yours ”in English which states that what kind PNB. .After detailed investigation it came out to be
of accounts these banks are having in its home currency. ) 12,700cr.or 1.27 billion approximately. But by the time this
With reference to this case, it is an account which PNB investigation is done, it was already very late and PNB was
maintains with foreign banks where these banks will send under the crisis situation. Mr .NiravModi’s has never intended
money for PNB customers. Both these accounts are two hands to pay back the money ever otherwise there would have no
of a clock with different viewpoints. need to roll back the LOU year after year. In order to hide him
For example, Bank X has an account with Bank Y in Bank Y's Modi was asking for rollovers so that his records can be
home currency. To Bank X, that is a nostro, meaning "our shown clean. Thus it worked for NiravModi.
account on your books," while to Bank Y, it is a vostro, Who’s at major fault??
meaning "your account on our books." These accounts are PNB - can be either Yes or No, because: They should have
used to facilitate international transactions and to settle followed the rules and policies properly given by RBI. They
transactions that hedge exchange rate risk. should have taken the collateral amount form Mr.Modi as per
the LOU on priority.
If the collateral amount is there the bank would have been able
to recover its dues easily by selling the collateral and paying
the foreign bank. PNB or any other government bank in
normal cases , provide LOU’S in the form of guarantee for the
amount which is comparatively larger than the amount taken
in the form of a collateral from the concerned party due to
professional relations and goodwill of the organisations in the
society .This is practically done by almost every bank in India.
Figure-1 Model of PNB process of Money transfer to other Majorly banks provide two types of loan “Fund based limit”
banks- By AshishJajodia, March 27, 2018 [3] and “Non fund based limit. [7]
As per the above mentioned transactions, it becomes clear that Major Features of the policy are:
the foreign bank is giving money to Punjab National bank as it 1. a) The Group Medi claim Policy is available to any
is transacted by PNB’S Nostro Account. In other words, Account Holders or Employees of Punjab National Bank
Mr.NiravModi who is purchasing diamonds from this amount (PNB).
is not in any contact with the foreign bank. b) The group policy is issued as per IRDA guidelines, in the
The foreign banks don’t know Mr.NiravModi and they are name of PNB (called insured) with a list of names of the
only aware about the guarantee given in the form of (LOU) on Account Holders or Employees of PNB including his/her
the SWIFT message service. [4] eligible family members as per the following definition. [8]
Thus, Mr.NiravModi has a full chance to commit fraud, which 2. Definition of Family as per the policy says that, family
is due to carelessness of PNB bank. includes mainly the PNB account holder or the employee,
The hard reality!! along with their wife or husband, two children who are minor
 Mr .NeeravModi has not paid any amount to PNB. The money and dependent on their parents.
was intentionally used for some other purposes. In case of adopted children they should be more than 3 years
 He played a ball game by rolling the bank’s money itself to of age.
repay his loan by taking another loan from the bank. 3. The policy reimburses reasonable and necessary expenses
Suppose, he had a LOU of say ₹ 10 million, then he issued of Hospitalisation and / or Domiciliary Hospitalisation
another LOU of ₹ 11 million in order to cover the loan expenses as detailed below only for illness / diseases
interest on first. Therefore this money is used to repay the loan contracted or injury sustained by the Insured Persons during
amount of the first and so on. the policy period up to the limit of Sum Insured.
How it worked?? - Mr.NiravModi took loans from various 4. Cash less Facility is available in the Network Hospitals
foreign branches of various Indian banks by issuing guarantee through the appointed TPAs of the company.
in the form of LOU from PNB. This LOU is issued by SWIFT This type of loan was a Non fund based limit loan, therefore in
message service of PNB .These business transactions are exact sense it means that bank is only liable to pay, if the other
never shown in the banking system at the time of monitoring party defaults or any event occurs in a way that the LOU
of banks financial accounts called as CBS or Core banking issued by the bank is considered to be wrong or invalid. Thus,
system. [5] As a result these LOU’s were issued by the PNB in that case the chances of a bank to be considered guilty is
from time to time and this process started in 2011 which kept very less, because companies are liable to pay their loan
on increasing from time to time. These letters were issued by a themselves.
rouge employee or employees of PNB from past many years. This is an alarming situation in the banking industry
This alleged official like, Gokulnath Shetty etc retired in 2017, where majorly public sector banks have to work on.
and as a result a new officer joined and he has his own  Banks do not keep a collateral amount against non fund based
rules .He refused to roll over the old LOU for the year 2018(6) limits for importing customers so even if the bank has
.His main point of concern was that he was not able to collateral it cannot serve any purpose.
calculate the past transactions in his current financial record.  In the case of PNB Bank, it is not revealed to the public that
He questioned on Mr.NiravModi’s financial transaction and they are funding massive amounts of non fund based amount.
 It is also found from certain sources that even when PNB reduce fraud in banks which are having great impact on
declared a scam of Rs.11, 000crore they filed an FIR for only various industries and trade in the country.
Rs.280 Crore with CBI. This news has changed the view point Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor HR Khan, talking at
of Indian customers against PNB.[9] a meeting, mentioned that the circulation of a large sum of
The main lookout from the above points is that it is not PNB cash in the market results in many issues, including
who is following these guidelines but there are other banks corruption. Recommended treatment was to go into a system
who are actually working on the same policy as well. where payments were less in cash. As well as reducing
Therefore, it is essential to start checking that how many corruption, this kind of move will resolve transmission
NiravModi’s exist even today in other banks. problems of policy in addition to cash management problems
Also, the major issue is that all the non fund based limits have in the banking program. In a recently concluded research
no collateral limit to support it. If government is asking all the performed by the India Development Foundation (IDF), it was
non fund based limits of the bank and they are also required to claimed that, in addition to these, the shift towards a less cash-
match it with the collateral amount against them in that case utilizing market will result in an improvement in financial
the amount funded will be extremely high. A huge number of inclusion, more electronic document-keeping of trades, a
importers of commodities are following this for years and they decrease in the prices of transactions and support greater
all are rotating credit. increase. [14]
The Enforcement Directorate ( ED ) on Tuesday dated 6 th Some of the major observations of the committee include:
November 2018 has declared in its current investigation that Discontinuation of LoUs and LoCs: The first step to reduce
NiravModi is having 11 properties which is costing ₹ 56 banking fraud is to discontinue the issuance of various LoU
crores along with the PNB fraud case which is already of 2 and LoC which is effective from March 2019. It is suggested
billion USD. Moreover , the Central probe agency declares by the committee that these LoU and LoC is used as a cheaper
that all the assets where under the name of “Modi” and his medium of raising funds which is very effective for short term
company by the name of M/s Firestar Diamonds and at that credit transactions in foreign currency. Almost all the
point of time it is having a market value of 7.79 million USD industries and federations and various organisations ate not
which is almost considered to be ₹ 56.8 crore .[10] After considering these LoU and LoC as instruments which can be
being exposed to the government the ED has issued a issued illegally and can be a part of financial fraud. Due to this
provisional letter under the Prevention of Money laundering decision by the RBI of discontinuation was a shock and a big
Act for arresting all those assets, as the agency is under the jerk to various illegal financial transactions and since it is
process of attaching various assets in the month of October most widely used medium of business transactions, it is
which is worth ₹637 crore, which consists of two apartments decided it revive all such instruments with proper
at Iconic Central Park in Newyork belongs to Modi and the precautionary safeguards.
members of his family. Collateral requirements for issuing LCs
The ED has become active because ED will be getting The committee has decided that banks are considering very
multiple judicial requests and letters for legal attachment of all high collaterals which are between 35percent to 50 percent in
these assets of Mumbai with its other counterparts in Dubai. the current situation which is much more than previous levels
As soon as these letters are issued India will be able to reduce of 15percent to 25 percent respective .Higher levels of
injustice and can keep a check on all the foreign assets which financial requirements can result in fund diversion and can
are the part of criminal matters in any global legal create an impact on industry competitiveness. In order to
organisation Modi is continuously escaping the bank’s illegal avoid this it is suggested that the RBI can specify their
activities, by the time the biggest bank fraud in the country collateral requirements to issue LCs and bank guarantees to
was in limelight in the month of February this year and as a MSMEs.
result an arrest warrant is declared to catch him when found. It Is also been observed that many banks are not taking care of
is found through sources that he is in UK, when last checked various business transactions related to various countries like
and govt is working against him. [11] Syria , Sudan , as they are kept under sanctions by United
Various agencies have reported that almost ₹700 crores of States of America (USA) . It is also noted that these sanctions
money is in India even today of Modi and his family. They are not applied in export import trade activities of
have also filed various charge sheets against this jeweller , pharmaceuticals and food products in these countries
informing and putting allegations that he has over ₹6,400 Impact on Stock Market
crores of bank money which is earned illegally and invested There are all thirty nine banks which are listed in India. All
in dummy and fraud companies abroad and are control by his the share prices of all the 34 banks which fell between Feb 12
family. [12] Not only Modi there are also other people who and Feb 15. The sudden change in the stock prices have
are equally involved like , his uncle MehulChoksi who is changed the market capitalization of all these thirty four
already a criminal in terms of law , has already cheated PNB stocks by a maximum of Rs.36,380 crores.As per the
more than over ₹13,000 crores with involvement of some benchmark of BSE Sensex there is a loss of 1.2 percent .PNB
other or lower workers. has spoiled the investors wealth of Rs.8,077 crores and its
According to a special report on “ Impact of banking stock has reduced 20.6 perceent in between Feb 12 and Feb
misappropriation on Trade and Industry ” on 6 th August , 2018 15, 2018.
, the chair of Standing Committee on Commerce Mr.Naresh Impact on banks
Gujral mentioned that normally various industries are using The values of all the illegal transactions of PNB are majorly
different financial borrowing instruments for trading 50 times more than the banks third quarter financial year 2018
purposes , like Letter of Credit (LoC ) . Letter of Undertaking with a net profit of Rs 230.11 crores.There are normally 5
(LoU) and Letter of Comfort .As a result; it is observed by the banks which are most affected with the PNB fraud and illegal
committee that banks are under detailed investigation as it is transactions as they all have issued credit on the Letter of
found that the banks are having a very high level or a high understanding issued by PNB.These banks are UCO bank ,
amount of fraud in terms of financial transactions. [13] Allahabad bank, Axis bank , Union bank of India and State
As a result of which the Reserve Bank of India has started Bank of India. Table 2 shows the bank’s exposure to the PNB
taking various precautionary steps regarding trade financing to scam in crores.
Table 2: Credit Risk Exposure Of Public Sector Banks


1 UCO bank 2624
2 Allahbad bank 2411
3 Axis Bank 201
4 Union bank 1919
5 SBI 1359

Figure-2 Credit Risk Exposure Of Public Sector Banks

The Rs.11,400 crore banking fraud was illegally penetrated by
various other companies of Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi
which has a created difficulties for Punjab National bank with
some other banks which later has an impact on other major
Life Insurance corporation is a single largest investor in all Figure-3 Impact on Jewellery Stocks
the below four organizations namely PNB , Union bank of
India , Allahbad bank is having a major impact on them . Conclusion:
There is a major loss of of approximately 1,200 crore as per As per the PNB fraud we can understand some major reasons
the last three trading sessions on investment in companies. of its failure –
Table 3: Decline in LIC investet due to PNB fraud case a) Systems like SWIFT and CBS should be linked as per the
Changes in current RBI guidelines. All the financial functioning should be
Investment strictly monitored of all the employees and all the employees
value ( Cr)
S.N Organisatio change in Decline in should be trained to do all kinds of job by initiating job
O n LIC sghare prices rotation in banks.
b) The process of marker and checker should be improved so that
13.82 22.18 1215.35 before taking any final decision the process should be
1 PNB authorised in order to reduce frauds.
c) Beyond banks, various other financial institutions should also
Union Bank 13.15 7.33 105.35
2 have a strict policy of giving funds to companies by rigorous
of India
checking in order to avoid fraud.
13.28 10.36
65.72 Bibliography:
Allahbad [1] Business News ,8th March 2018 , “Developments in the $2 billion Punjab
bank National Bank fraud case ”
[2] MuntazirAbbas,February 05,2018 ,“PNB Sets Benchmark in Indian Banking
[3] AshishJajodia, March 27 , 2018 , “A case study on niravmodi& the punjab
national bank fraud”
[4] Wikipedia, “ Punjab National Bank scam ” ,
[5] NDTV Profit team, February 20, 2018, “What Is An LoU? Five Things To Know ”,
Figure-3 Decline in LIC investet due to PNB fraud case [6] Investopedia, Nostro
Some jewellery stocks are also witnessing varied changes in Account ,
[7] “ PNB other popular products ”
the society with a similar changes after the PNB products.html
scam.Jewellers like PC Jewellers reduced to 19.5% and [8] Times of India, Business ,
reached to 303.00 crore , Tribhuvandas reduced to 4.32 % business/punjab-national-bank-fraud-case-key-points/articleshow/
which leads to 110.60 crores.Another ,Thangamayil fell to
[9] Business today , March 15,2018,Nirav Modi case: How PNB was defrauded
1.34 % to nearly about 558.55 crore. of Rs 11,400 crore ,
case-pnb-fraud-11400- crore-scam-ed-cbi-raid/story/270708.html
[10] PNB Fraud Case: “MehulChoksi Says Can't Travel to India Due to Mob
Table 4: Impact on Jewellery Stocks Lynching Trend on June28, 2018 ”,
[11] The Financial Express , November 15,2018 , “PNB fraud case: Can’t travel to
% loss after India, threat to life due to mob lynching trend, says MehulChoksi ”
S.NO Organisation Amount
PNB fraud
P.C Jewellers
1 19.5% 303.00 crore [12] Devesh.K.Pandey ,February 26 , 2018 ,“CBI books UP-based sugar company in ₹ 109-
crore bank fraud”
Tribhovandas bhimji
company-in-109-crore-bank- fraud/article22851568.ece
2 zaveri 4.32% 110.60 crore
3 Jewellery 2% 558.55 crore
[13] Business Line, “ED attaches 11 properties of NiravModi in Dubai”
[14] Gupta, A. (2015).Can India Afford to Be A Cashless Economy?-A Detail
Study.International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, 5(1), 313-324.

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