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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

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Evaluating the potential impact of ototoxicant

exposure on worker health

Cody Beaver & Jennifer Schneider

To cite this article: Cody Beaver & Jennifer Schneider (2023) Evaluating the potential impact of
ototoxicant exposure on worker health, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene,
20:11, 520-535, DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2023.2240874

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Published online: 05 Sep 2023.

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2023, VOL. 20, NO. 11, 520–535

Evaluating the potential impact of ototoxicant exposure on worker health

Cody Beaver and Jennifer Schneider
Collaboratory for Resiliency and Recovery, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA

Occupational exposure to ototoxicants, substances that can cause hearing loss alone or Hearing loss; ototoxicity;
exacerbate hearing loss when exposure occurs in combination with noise, is a workplace noise; OSHA; ACGIH; NIOSH
hazard that is poorly understood. A review of existing research indicates that some solvents
and heavy metals may be ototoxic, but few studies have attempted to estimate the impact
of ototoxicant exposure on the United States worker population. Researchers examined
trends in workplace exposure to ototoxicants among workers in the United States by com-
paring exposure data collected by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
against worker hearing loss data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for 2012–
2019. The study found that the noise exposure data was strongly correlated to the hearing
loss data using Pearson’s correlation (p < .001), confirming that the exposure data collected
by OSHA is predictive of the risk of occupational illness as reported by BLS. Chi-square ana-
lysis indicates that reported hearing loss was more common among industry subsectors
with exposure to ototoxicants than those without exposure to ototoxicants. These findings
suggest that workers with coexposure to ototoxicants and noise may be at a higher risk of
experiencing hearing loss than those exposed to noise alone, and action should be taken to
minimize this risk.

Introduction cause of OHL, and it is estimated that up to 18% of

workers exposed to excessive noise in the United
Hearing loss continues to be a significant burden on
worker health in the United States. In 2019 alone, States will develop hearing loss at some point in their
16,900 work-related hearing loss cases were reported careers (Tak et al. 2009; Masterson et al. 2013).
in the United States, representing approximately 10% The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
of all work-related illnesses (BLS 2020a). Occupational (OSHA) has established requirements for general industry
hearing loss (OHL) is believed to be a substantial to identify hazardous noise and control hearing loss in
source of hearing loss in the United States. the workplace, found in 29 CFR 1910.95 Occupational
Researchers suggested in a 2008 study that OHL is noise exposure. Initially established in 1971, the standard
responsible for nearly 24% of hearing loss in the was formally amended to include the requirement for a
United States, which currently affects approximately hearing conservation program in 1981, which was final-
11.4% of the public (Tak and Calvert 2008). The ized in 1983 (OSHA 1983; Middendorf 2004). Under the
potential adverse effects of hearing loss are numerous, rule, if any employees are exposed to hazardous levels of
including difficulty communicating with coworkers noise in the workplace (defined as the equivalent of 85
and family members and increased potential for injury dBA or higher for 8 hr), the employer must establish a
resulting from an inability to hear alarms or equip- baseline audiogram to monitor the employee’s hearing
ment noises in the workplace. Extended impacts of annually so that changes in the employee’s hearing
hearing loss include reduced job performance in com- thresholds over time can be compared to baseline and
pleting complex tasks, decreased quality of life, and monitored for early identification of hearing loss. OSHA’s
lower income and higher medical costs (Themann noise standard also requires employers to record cases of
and Masterson 2019). Workplace exposure to exces- work-related hearing loss as recordable illnesses on the
sive noise is generally considered to be the primary OSHA 300 Log, to provide training and protective

CONTACT Cody Beaver Collaboratory for Resiliency and Recovery, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA.
ß 2023 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the
posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

equipment to employees included in the hearing conser- While dose-response relationships have not been
vation program, to monitor the workplace for hazardous established for most individual ototoxicants, several
noise regularly, and to maintain records collected under studies have attempted to classify chemicals as ototox-
these requirements (OSHA 1983). However, the OSHA icants based on existing research. A report by the
noise standard does not consider other workplace expo- European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
sures that could contribute to occupational hearing loss, (2009) and a study by Vyskocil et al. (2012) have
including exposure to ototoxic substances (Themann and applied a Weight of Evidence methodology, which
Masterson 2019). Research has also noted that the defin- considers the relative strength of evidence (such as
ition of a Standard Threshold Shift (STS – the standard’s animal studies vs. human studies) to determine
indicator of OHL, which is defined as a hearing threshold whether certain substances show evidence of ototox-
change of 10 dB or more at 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 hertz icity. Beginning in 2019, the American Conference of
in one or both ears) may not fully capture hearing loss Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIHV), which

that occurs due to exposure to ototoxic substances, as the also uses a Weight of Evidence methodology in devel-
STS focuses only on specific frequencies and identifies oping threshold limit values (TLVsV), which are occu-

28–36% fewer cases of occupational hearing loss than pational exposure limits (OELs) for exposure to
more recent definitions proposed by the National chemical substances, identified certain ototoxicants
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH using the “OTO” designation (ACGIH 2020). A selec-
1998; Masterson et al. 2014; Blair et al. 2022). tion of ototoxicants identified by EU-OSHA, Vyskocil
et al. (2012), and ACGIH (2023) is provided in Table
Ototoxicants in the workplace 1. OSHA has published OELs called Permissible
Exposure Limits (PELs) for most substances identified
Ototoxic substances, or “ototoxicants,” are chemical
in Table 1, but these OELs were not established based
substances that may damage the auditory and vestibu-
on the potential for ototoxicity and, therefore, may
lar systems. The list of known or suspected ototoxi-
not prevent hearing loss (Masterson et al. 2013).
cants is diverse, spanning certain pharmaceuticals
Solvent use is a common source of workplace
(including some antibiotics, antineoplastics, and diu-
exposure to ototoxicants. In a 2019 study of
retics), solvents, asphyxiants, nitriles, and heavy metals
Australian workers, researchers found that an esti-
(Campo et al. 2009). Among ototoxicants, solvents
mated 41.9% of the workforce was exposed to ototoxi-
and heavy metals appear to be those most relevant in
cants, the most common of which were toluene,
an occupational setting (Campo et al. 2013; Rosati
and Jamesdaniel 2020). Workers are most likely to be xylene, ethylbenzene, n-hexane, and styrene
exposed to ototoxicants in manufacturing sectors (Lewkowski et al. 2019). Solvents appear to target
(including manufacturing of furniture, chemicals, oil/- cochlear hair cells in the inner ear, the loss of which
gas, paint, plastics, and machinery), as well as the is irreversible, and may also cause damage to the audi-
mining, agriculture, maritime, and construction sec- tory nervous system (Campo et al. 2009). While sev-
tors (which are typically not governed by the OSHA eral solvents appear to be ototoxic on their own,
general industry standards) (OSHA 2018). However, including toluene, styrene, and ethylbenzene, most
managing occupational exposure to ototoxicants is dif- research has focused on exposure to solvent mixtures
ficult because the level of exposure at which hearing as workers are most commonly exposed to several sol-
loss begins is largely unknown. It is also suspected vents at once (Vyskocil et al. 2012; Choi and Kim
that coexposure to multiple ototoxicants and to oto- 2014; Pleban et al. 2017; Fernandes da Silva et al.
toxicants and noise together may further increase the 2018). A 2017 meta-analysis of studies related to occu-
potential for hearing loss (Campo et al. 2009). pational exposure to ototoxicants found that workers
Existing research on ototoxicants consists almost exposed to a mixture of solvents were twice as likely
entirely of cross-sectional studies, which may identify to develop hearing loss as those exposed to noise
ototoxic effects but cannot establish a dose-response alone and that the risk of hearing loss increased as the
relationship, and epidemiological studies using animal length of exposure, a weighted dose of exposure, and
data, which can identify an unsafe exposure level but the number of solvents in a mixture increased
may not accurately reflect the combination of factors (Hormozi et al. 2017). It has also been suggested that
present in an occupational setting that could augment exposure to ototoxicants at levels below the OELs may
the effects of ototoxicant exposure (Campo et al. 2013; nonetheless result in an increased risk of hearing loss
Clerc and Pouyatos 2022). (Hormozi et al. 2017; Pleban et al. 2017).

Table 1. Weight-of-evidence summaries for potentially ototoxic substances and respective exposure limits.
Vyskocil et al. Campo et al. ACGIH TLVs Selected OSHA
Chemicala (2012) (2009) (2023) for Study PEL (TWA)b ACGIH TLV-TWAc
Arsenic SUS 0.01 mg/m 0.01 mg/m3
Cadmium SUS 0.005 mg/m3 0.01 mg/m3
Carbon disulfide N OTO 20 ppm 1 ppm
Carbon monoxide N OTO 50 ppm 25 ppm
Ethanol N – –
Ethylbenzene SUS OTO OTO X 100 ppm 20 ppm
Germanium dioxide OTO – –
n-Heptane N N 500 ppm 400 ppm
n-Hexane SUS OTO X 500 ppm 50 ppm
Lead/Lead compounds OTO OTO X 0.05 mg/m3 0.05 mg/m3
Mercury compounds N OTO 0.1 mg/m3 0.01 mg/m3
Methylene chloride N 25 ppm 50 ppm
n-Propylbenzene OTO – –
Styrene OTO OTO OTO X 100 ppm 10 ppm
Toluene OTO OTO OTO X 200 ppm 20 ppm
Trichloroethylene OTO OTO X 100 ppm 10 ppm
Trimethyl tin N OTO 0.1 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3
Xylenes (p-xylene) SUS OTO OTO X 100 ppm 20 ppm
Table Legend:
 OTO ¼ Designated as Ototoxic.
 SUS ¼ Suspected to be Ototoxic.
 N ¼ Determined to be not Ototoxic.
 Blank ¼ Not listed in study or reference.
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) as an 8-hr Time-Weighted Average (TWA) provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Threshold Limit Value (TLV) as an 8-hr Time-Weighted Average (TWA) as determined by the American Council of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

Other workplace ototoxicants include certain heavy noise-only group and the exposures were at or below
metals and asphyxiants. Heavy metals appear to cause the regulatory OELs (Metwally et al. 2012). The
hearing loss by damaging the nervous system, disrupt- potential for coexposure to be synergistic or potentia-
ing the brain’s ability to receive and process auditory tive is especially concerning as it could result in
signals (Campo et al. 2009). Lead is the heavy metal adverse health effects (such as hearing loss) at expo-
with the most evidence of ototoxicity and is also pre- sures that otherwise appear to be acceptable. This is
sent outside of the workplace (e.g., lead in drinking confirmed by several studies conducted on
water from lead pipe contamination, lead-based paint) Department of Defense personnel, which noted that
(Rosati and Jamesdaniel 2020). Other suspected oto- coexposure to metals and/or solvents with noise
toxicants include germanium dioxide, tin and organic increased the likelihood that hearing loss would occur,
tin compounds, and certain mercury compounds even though the exposures were below the PELs
(Campo et al. 2009). Asphyxiants, such as carbon (Schaal et al. 2017; Schaal et al. 2018).
monoxide, may cause hearing loss in certain condi- Controlling occupational exposure to ototoxicants,
tions due to the loss of oxygen to cochlear cells especially in the presence of noise, is very difficult due
(Campo et al. 2009). to the complexity of workplace exposure and the lack
Coexposure to both ototoxicants and noise is of of knowledge of “ototoxic thresholds,” or concentra-
particular concern. Research has found that many oto- tions at which exposure to a substance begins to cause
toxicants interact with noise during coexposure, either hearing loss. As described in the EU-OSHA report by
increasing the impact of noise on the ear (potenti- Campo et al. (2009), it is difficult to draw conclusions
ation) or causing damage to hearing greater than on the dose-response relationship between ototoxi-
expected from each exposure individually (synergism). cants and hearing loss due to the variation of study
One meta-analysis of ototoxicant studies found that conditions and possible exposures in different work-
coexposure to solvent mixtures and noise raised the places. However, there is evidence that the risk of
risk of experiencing hearing loss three-fold (Hormozi hearing loss can be mitigated by minimizing ototoxi-
et al. 2017). Another study of Egyptian workers at sev- cant exposure. Sch€aper et al. (2008) found no differ-
eral facilities found that workers co-exposed to oto- ence between exposure to noise only and coexposure
toxicants and noise were more likely to develop to toluene and noise, concluding that toluene was
hearing loss than workers exposed only to noise, even controlled to a low enough level to prevent ototoxicity
though the average duration of exposure was nearly as the average toluene exposure was below 50 ppm
eight years less for the co-exposed group than the and the average noise exposure was approximately 82

dBA. Juarez-Perez et al. (2014) found that, while hear- sample number, exposure concentration (measured as
ing loss was present in the studied population, the ppm for solvents or mg/m3 for lead), exposure type,
prevalence was much lower than in similar studies, and sample duration. Other information reported for
which was likely because both noise and solvent expo- each sample included the establishment name and
sures, on the whole, were below regulatory OELs for NAICS code, any emphasis campaigns (focused efforts
all workers monitored. Indeed, for those substances at the federal or state level to collect samples of spe-
that ACGIH has designated as ototoxicants, the TLVs cific exposures, industries, or job functions) that may
are generally five to 10 times lower than the respective be connected to the sample, relevant OEL, and job
PELs regulated by OSHA. While research continues, title. The years 2012–2019 were selected due to limita-
ototoxic threshold concentrations for exposure to tions in the availability of OSHA chemical and noise
individual substances may be unknown, especially for exposure data related to the transition from the
employees who are also exposed to noise. These Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) to
examples suggest that lowering exposure to ototoxi- the OSHA Information System (OIS) in 2011. Data
cants to the greatest extent possible may be the best from 2020 were excluded to avoid bias introduced by
defense against hearing loss. There is also evidence changes in working or OSHA inspections and data
that controlling exposure to ototoxicants is most collection due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
important at noise exposures near or below 90 dBA. Data related to work-related cases and incidence of
As noise exposures increase, noise becomes the pre- hearing loss were obtained from the annual Survey of
dominant cause of hearing loss, even in the presence Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Data published by
of ototoxicants (Schaal et al. 2017). BLS (BLS 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019b,
2020b). These reports are published annually, based
Purpose on data reported to OSHA on occupational injuries
and illnesses from the previous year. The supplemen-
This study aims to examine if industries with expos- tal news release Table SNR08 provides rates of hearing
ure to ototoxicants have an increased risk of hearing loss (meeting the OSHA definition of a Standard
loss compared to industries without exposure to oto- Threshold Shift) and other occupational illnesses per
toxicants, using chemical exposure data provided by 10,000 workers categorized by the NAICS code for
OSHA and hearing loss data provided by the Bureau each year from 2012–2019. Each year of data was
of Labor Statistics. used individually for this analysis, and the average
rates of hearing loss over this period are provided in
Methods Table 3.

Sources of data
Selection of ototoxicants
The data used in this analysis was sourced from the
United States federal government. Data were sorted The substances shown in Table 1 were selected for
according to the North American Industry review in this research-based, in part, on a review of
Classification System (NAICS) number throughout the literature (Campo et al. 2009; Vyskocil et al. 2012
the study. NAICS is an economic classification system which both used a weight of evidence methodology;
that indicates the industry subsector (ranging from ACGIH 2023) and based on substances for which
2–6 digits, based on the desired specificity) where the exposure monitoring was available from OSHA.
exposure occurred. Three-digit NAICS codes were Campo et al. (2009) and Vyskocil et al. (2012)
selected for this analysis, corresponding to the indus- reviewed existing animal and human research and
try subsector level. Basic employment information classified substances as an ototoxicant, suspected oto-
(the number of employees and establishments in toxicant, or not an ototoxicant based on the number
2019) was collected from the Bureau of Labor and type of studies (animal vs., human) and the rela-
Statistics (BLS) website and is provided in Table 2. tive strength of the findings. Substances that did not
Occupational noise and chemical exposure data, as have strong evidence in any reviewed study to be des-
collected by OSHA during workplace inspections ignated as an ototoxicant (or as a suspected ototoxi-
between 2012 and 2020, were provided by OSHA via cant) were not considered in this research effort. Of
a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA request the 18 substances reviewed, 13 were formally desig-
no. 2021-F-08919, filed on May 13, 2021; OSHA nated as ototoxic by at least one source. Five of the
2021). This data included the sampling date, analyte, remaining substances (carbon disulfide, germanium

Table 2. NAICS information and Summary Table (BLS 2019a).

Number of Establishments Number of Employees
NAICS Code Industry Subsector Description (2019) (2019 Average)
112 Animal Production 26,553 265,193
212 Mining (except Oil and Gas) 7,049 191,206
213 Support Activities for Mining 18,510 342,235
221 Utilities 18,860 548,712
236 Construction of Buildings 225,276 1,660,005
237 Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 51,912 1,070,287
238 Specialty Trade Contractors (General Industry) 523,432 4,721,184
311 Food Manufacturing 34,708 1,633,572
312 Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing 13,053 287,284
313 Textile Mills 2,671 108,077
314 Textile Product Mills 6,456 112,453
315 Apparel Manufacturing 6,653 108,416
316 Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing 1,381 27,474
321 Wood Product Manufacturing 14,874 405,851
322 Paper Manufacturing 5,369 364,546
323 Printing and Related Support Activities 28,117 423,311
324 Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing 2,334 113,076
325 Chemical Manufacturing 19,424 849,032
326 Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 13,260 730,565
327 Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 16,637 416,591
331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 5,479 386,363
332 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 58,522 1,480,500
333 Machinery Manufacturing 30,944 1,123,635
334 Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing 20,769 1,073,336
335 Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing 8,334 400,602
336 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 15,235 1,731,176
337 Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing 17,658 384,825
339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 33,143 615,473
423 Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods 301,252 3,196,542
424 Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods 168,231 2,157,409
425 Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers 145,851 529,996
441 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers 117,640 2,024,832
442 Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores 46,849 470,918
444 Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers 69,017 1,292,446
445 Food and Beverage Stores 146,161 3,059,858
446 Health and Personal Care Stores 111,179 1,044,197
448 Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores 120,395 1,299,874
451 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores 48,753 548,221
452 General Merchandise Stores 64,649 3,027,793
453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers 112,932 843,349
454 Nonstore Retailers 55,327 576,032
481 Air Transportation 5,980 505,340
484 Truck Transportation 141,139 1,528,166
488 Support Activities for Transportation 47,529 743,527
491 Postal Service 938 7,348
493 Warehousing and Storage 18,736 1,249,145
532 Rental and Leasing Services 55,243 579,043
541 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 1,265,969 9,542,312
561 Administrative and Support Services 538,734 8,836,614
562 Waste Management and Remediation Services 29,606 447,873
611 Educational Services 127,507 2,937,234
621 Ambulatory Health Care Services 614,776 7,685,316
622 Hospitals 10,904 5,125,766
624 Social Assistance 931,702 4,012,063
711 Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries 60,933 514,461
713 Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries 86,750 1,740,461
722 Food Services and Drinking Places 654,217 11,972,247
811 Repair and Maintenance 231,285 1,343,563
812 Personal and Laundry Services 229,628 1,526,217
N/A Other industry subsectors not included in this analysis 1,960,691 24,284,752
Total 9,777,116 126,227,895
Industry Subsectors Included in this Analysis 7,816,425 101,943,143
Industry Subsectors Included in this Analysis (%) 79.9% 80.8%

Table 3. Comparison of BLS hearing loss data against OSHA noise exposure data (2012–2019, manufacturing industry
NAICS Code Industry Subsector Description Total Records Average Noise Level (dBA) Average Rate of Hearing Loss
311 Food Manufacturing 464 93.2 17.4
312 Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing 64 90.3 10.6
314 Textile Product Mills 32 88.0 5.0
321 Wood Product Manufacturing 1267 93.8 22.4
322 Paper Manufacturing 98 88.2 13.9
323 Printing and Related Support Activities 87 85.4 5.6
325 Chemical Manufacturing 168 88.6 3.5
326 Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 602 90.1 9.6
327 Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 706 89.4 11.7
331 Primary Metal Manufacturing 565 97.7 20.8
332 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 1594 91.0 11.3
333 Machinery Manufacturing 295 90.9 7.7
334 Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing 39 92.8 1.1
336 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 342 89.5 11.5
337 Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing 308 86.2 9.8
339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 79 88.8 4.1

dioxide, mercury compounds, n-propylbenzene, and dose percentage. The Action Level (AL) criteria, which
trimethyl tin) did not have available exposure moni- determines whether a hearing conservation program
toring from OSHA and were eliminated from the must be established, uses a sound level threshold of
review. Carbon monoxide was also eliminated because 80 dBA and a 100% dose of 85 dBA during measure-
the majority of the available exposure monitoring ment. The PEL criteria, by contrast, determines
were instantaneous data rather than data from a time- whether an employee’s exposure exceeds the regula-
weighted average (TWA) assessment. The remaining tory OEL and uses a sound level threshold of 90 dBA
ototoxicants selected for this study (as indicated in and a 100% dose of 90 dBA during measurement.
Table 1) are: ethylbenzene, n-hexane, lead, styrene, The data set included the substance identification
toluene, trichloroethylene, and xylenes. number (either “8110” for PEL measurements or
“8111” for AL measurements), the Exposure Type
(“Dose,” “AL,” or “PEL”), and the applicable OEL (as
Data preparation
85 dBA or 90 dBA); however, the data was not con-
While the BLS data collected did not need to be pre- sistently coded. For example, some items coded as
pared for this analysis, the OSHA noise and chemical 8110 would have the exposure type noted as “Action
exposure data contained some data that was incom- Level” or were compared against an OEL of 85 dBA.
plete (indicated as “draft” or otherwise not final), The researchers could not discern which was the cor-
erroneous (e.g., blank exposure results), reported in rectly noted field and which was incorrectly noted.
incorrect units (such as percent dose, when the units For consistency, it was assumed that the substance
should be ppm or mg/m3), or not applicable to this selected (8110 for PEL and 8111 for Action Level
study. Other studies using OSHA noise exposure data, measurements) was the correct identifier if the expos-
namely Middendorf (2004) and Sayler et al. (2019), ure type or OEL did not match the expected values.
also excluded or transformed some data. This study This method is similar to that used by Sayler et al.
followed a similar approach. All data was maintained (2019), which was built upon the method employed
and analyzed using Microsoft Excel for Microsoft 365 by Middendorf (2004) to filter out data that was
MSO (Version 2202 Build 16.0.14931.20128). incomplete or inconsistent with this analysis. This
method removed any records that met any of the fol-
Noise exposure data lowing criteria: no dose level provided; average sound
The noise exposure data obtained from OSHA was pressure level below 60 dBA or above 120 dBA; sam-
provided in Microsoft Excel in 2-year increments ple duration below 6 h (360 min) or above 16 h
(2011–2012, 2013–2014, 2015–2016, 2017–2018, and (960 min); area samples and any other non-personal
2019–2020). First, the years 2012 through 2019 were monitoring; measurement units blank or unrelated to
combined into one sheet, yielding 109,197 rows of noise (degree, parts per million, or milligrams per
data. Then, the noise exposure data were separated cubic meter); site NAICS code blank; or any substance
based on which measurement criteria were used dur- other than noise. Records were also removed if the
ing sample collection to interpret data presented as a sampling sheet status was set as “Draft,” “Invalid,” or

“Ready for lab.” Saylor et al. (2019) did not mention the OSHA noise exposure data was used as a proxy, as it
the sampling sheet status in the data cleaning method. shares the same sample collection strategy. According to
The data reported as a dose percentage were con- the OSHA Field Operations Manual and the OSHA
verted to a full-shift time-weighted average (TWA) Technical Manual, both noise and chemical samples are
dose using Equation 1. selected by the compliance officer based on a review of
  illness and injury records, hazard assessments, and other
Dose ð%Þ
TWA ¼ 16:61  log10 þ 90 dBA (1) documentation provided by the employer that indicates
potential exposure to a chemical or noise hazard (OSHA
An evaluation of the noise sampling dataset also 2019, 2021). It is also well-established that a causal rela-
found data that appeared to be duplicated. A review tionship exists between exposure to noise and hearing
of the data found that the duplicate records appeared loss. Therefore, if the OSHA noise exposure data and the
to be multiple instantaneous readings taken during BLS hearing loss data are correlated, then it can be
the same dosimetry record, which resulted in dupli- inferred that the OSHA sample collection strategy—that
cate exposure records when reported by OIS. is, allowing the compliance officer to make a professional
However, because the number of instantaneous read- judgment of potential exposure risk as described above –
ings differed by exposure record, these duplicates is predictive of the risk of adverse health effects. By
could have misrepresented the dosimetry data col- extension, the OSHA data for worker exposure to ototox-
lected and introduced bias into the analysis. To avoid icants can then be reliably compared to BLS hearing loss
this, duplicate records with the same exposure record data for this analysis.
number were eliminated. This reduced the number of First, the noise exposure data from OSHA and the
PEL records from 42,346 to 8,319 (a reduction of hearing loss data from BLS were stratified according to
80.3%) and the number of AL records from 47,970 to the NAICS code corresponding to the inspected site.
969 (a 98% reduction). The PEL noise exposure measurements were selected
due to the larger dataset size after data preparation
Chemical exposure data and cleaning were performed. The manufacturing
The data relating to chemical exposure monitoring per- industry was chosen for this analysis because 82% of
formed by OSHA was also reviewed to remove any data all noise samples and 75.8% of all reported hearing
inconsistent with this analysis or incompletely entered. loss cases were from subsectors in the manufacturing
OSHA originally sent a total of 161,849 records. Records industry, although the manufacturing industry subsec-
that met the following criteria were removed: monitoring tors are 21 out of 92 three-digit industry subsectors
type was not "personal"; sample sheet status was not represented in the NAICS code. The average hearing
"Final" or "Ready for Exposure Assessment and E.A. loss rate (per 10,000 workers) from 2012 through 2019
Completed"; sampling time of 0 or greater than 16 h; was determined (as reported in Table 3), and the mean
exposure concentration was blank; or the OEL was blank. noise measurement over the same period for each sub-
This reduced the data set to 131,254 records, of which sector in the manufacturing industry was calculated.
12,545 were related to ototoxicant exposure. Subsectors with fewer than 24 total measurements
(fewer than three taken each year, on average) were
removed due to insufficient data. Next, the average
Data analysis
hearing loss rate was plotted against the mean noise
Evaluating the Compatibility of OSHA and BLS data exposure measurement, and a Pearson correlation ana-
The first step in this analysis was to determine lysis was performed to determine whether the OSHA
whether the data obtained from OSHA and BLS were and BLS datasets were correlated. This analysis was
comparable. This is necessary because the collection repeated with the median noise measurement for each
methods for these two data sets were different. The industry subsector to determine if the OSHA sampling
BLS dataset is a collection of injury and illness data method (which may target “worst case” exposures) was
that must be recorded annually by OSHA and there- skewing the data by introducing outliers (Table 4).
fore represents a population rather than a sample. The
OSHA data, by contrast, are collected during OSHA Comparing ototoxicant exposure and hearing loss
inspections. As OSHA does not inspect each employer data
annually, this dataset represents a sample. The second step of the analysis was to compare the
To determine whether the OSHA chemical exposure OSHA data on ototoxicant exposure to the BLS hear-
data can be compared to the hearing loss data from BLS, ing loss data. First, the data were stratified by the

Table 4. Summary of BLS hearing loss data. hearing loss. Samples that did not meet these criteria,
Private Industry including industry subsectors with only 1 sample (lack
Industry Manufacturing (All)
of samples), were marked as "No" for ototoxicant
Average Hearing Loss Rate 10.1 1.7
(per 10,000 workers) exposure in the given year.
Average Hearing Loss Case Count 12.5 16.5 Finally, industry subsectors were subdivided into
Percentage of Private Industry Cases 75.8% 100% the following categories: those that had ototoxicant
exposure and reported hearing loss; those that had
ototoxic exposure and did not report hearing loss;
Table 5. OSHA Chemical exposure data summary. those that did not have ototoxicant exposure but did
Number of Exposure Samples Taken, 2012–2019 131,254 – report hearing loss; and those that did not have oto-
Samples taken under Strategic Programs 46,848 35.7%
Samples taken under National Emphasis Programs 93,033 70.9% toxicant exposure and did not report hearing loss.
Samples taken of Ototoxicants 12,545 9.6% The sum of industry subsectors in each category was
Ethylbenzene 485 3.9%
n-Hexane 76 0.6% counted for each year and arranged in a matrix for
Lead 7,482 59.6% Chi-square analysis to be performed. For the analysis,
Styrene 1,276 10.2%
Toluene 2,175 17.3% the null hypothesis was that, for each given year, there
Trichloroethylene 173 1.4% was no association in hearing loss between the indus-
Xylene 878 7.0%
Number of Inspections, 2012–2019 average 9,797 – try subsectors with ototoxicant exposure and those
Number of Exposure Samples Taken per Inspection 13.4 – without. A p-value of .05 was selected for the analysis.
To ensure that no single ototoxicant was skewing
the results, based on the fact that lead comprised
NAICS code to determine the number of exposure nearly 60% of the ototoxicant samples collected by
samples collected in each industry subsector from OSHA, the Chi-square analysis described above was
2012 through 2019 and to exclude industry subsectors also performed based on exposure results to each
without adequate data from further analysis. Industry selected ototoxicant individually. As before, the null
subsectors were excluded if fewer than 39 samples, the hypothesis was that, for each given year, there was no
equivalent of three average inspections (see Table 5), association in hearing loss between the industry sub-
were collected over the 8 years. After eliminating sectors with exposure to the selected ototoxicant and
industry subsectors with inadequate data, 59 those without. A p-value of .1 was chosen for this
remained, representing more than 100 million workers analysis because the size of each dataset was smaller.
or approximately 81% of the private industry work-
force (see Table 2). The data was then filtered to iden- Qualifying ototoxicant exposure risk by industry
tify the 12,545 samples collected for ototoxicant The final step of the analysis was to determine the
exposure (see Table 5 for a summary). risk of ototoxicant exposure by industry qualitatively.
Next, the samples were stratified by year, and the An exposure risk ranking was calculated for each sub-
number of total samples, samples over 0, and samples sector based on three factors calculated from the
over the PEL for each selected ototoxicant were OSHA chemical exposure data and the 2019 employ-
counted and summed for each year. Along with the ment data provided by BLS: the number of workers
BLS hearing loss data for each industry subsector each represented per sample of the selected ototoxicants,
year, the ototoxicant data was used to determine the percentage of samples for the selected ototoxicants
whether each industry subsector identified ototoxicant which were greater than the limit of detection, and
exposure and hearing loss for each year of the ana- the percentage of samples for the selected ototoxicants
lysis. Hearing loss was straightforward—if the hearing which were greater than the PEL. Each industry was
loss rate was greater than 0 for the industry subsector, ranked in each category from 1 to 59, with 1 repre-
it was marked as "Yes" for that year; otherwise, it was senting the smallest number of employees per sample
marked as "No." An industry subsector was considered or the greatest percentage, respectively. Then, the col-
to have ototoxicant exposure (i.e., marked as "Yes" for lective exposure risk ranking was determined by cal-
that year) if any samples were over the PEL or if at culating the geometric mean of each risk rank and
least 20% of the samples had measurable exposure ranking the geometric mean values for each industry
(i.e., a result greater than the limit of detection, LOD). from 1 to 59, with 1 being the smallest mean rank
This criterion was selected because existing research and 59 being the greatest.
suggests that coexposure to noise and ototoxicants Each category was selected to represent one facet of
below the PEL or TLV may nevertheless result in exposure risk. The number of workers represented by

each sample collected was chosen to represent the positive correlation with the average rate of hearing
relative risk from the use of the selected ototoxicants loss, r(14) ¼ .8203, p ¼ .0001 (see Figure 2).
qualified by the relative size of the industry—a smaller
ratio means that more samples were collected, indicat- Comparing ototoxicant exposure to hearing loss
ing a higher risk of exposure (given OSHA’s sample data
collection strategy). The percentage of exposures Table 5 provides a summary of the chemical exposure
greater than the LOD represents the risk of overall data provided by OSHA. After applying exclusion cri-
exposure to the selected ototoxicants, as a larger per- teria, a total of 131,254 samples remained, of which
centage indicates many of the samples collected iden- 93,033 (70.9%) were coded under a National
tified exposure. The percentage of exposures greater Emphasis Program (NEP) and 12,545 (9.6%) were
than the PEL likewise represents the risk of higher samples of the ototoxicants selected for analysis in
exposures to the selected ototoxicants. The geometric this study. Most of the ototoxicant samples collected
mean was selected due to the potential variation were lead (7,482, or 59.6% of the ototoxicant sam-
between the rank scores of each category. ples). The next most common sample was toluene,
totaling 2,175 samples. The most sampled industries
included fabricated metal product manufacturing
Results (31,165 samples collected), primary metal manufactur-
Evaluating the Compatibility of OSHA and BLS ing (21,603), transportation equipment manufacturing
data (12,216), and machinery manufacturing (10,286).
Industries with the broadest ototoxicant sampling
A chart plotting the average rate of hearing loss included: printing (24% of all samples were for oto-
against the mean noise exposure reading is provided toxicants), plastics/rubber manufacturing (23%), furni-
in Figure 1. Sixteen manufacturing industry subsectors ture manufacturing (21%), and amusement, gambling,
are shown in the chart. The mean noise exposure and recreation industries (22%).
ranged from 85.4 in the Printing and Related Support For each year, the ratio of industry subsectors with
Activities subsector (NAICS code 323) to 97.7 in the reported hearing loss to those without reported hear-
Primary Metal Manufacturing subsector (NAICS code ing loss was greater for the group of subsectors with
331). The rates of hearing loss per 10,000 workers ototoxicant exposure than the group without ototoxi-
ranged from 1.0 in the Computer and Electronic cant exposure. A summary of the Chi-square analyses
Product Manufacturing subsector (NAICS code 334) for each year of the analysis is provided in Table 6.
to 21.7 in the Wood Product Manufacturing subsec- The Chi-square analyses for 2014 through 2019
tor. The Pearson correlation test indicated a moderate showed that hearing loss was more common among
positive correlation between the mean noise exposure industries with exposure to ototoxicants than indus-
and the average rate of hearing loss, r(14) ¼ 0.5959, p tries without exposure and were significant at the p <
¼ .0149 (see Figure 1). The same analysis performed .05 level. The analyses performed for 2012 and 2013
using median noise exposure revealed a strong showed a similar trend to the remaining years, but the

Figure 1. Comparing average noise exposure (OSHA data) and Figure 2. Comparing median noise exposure (OSHA data) and
average hearing loss for selected industries (BLS data). average hearing loss for selected industries (BLS data).
Table 6. Chi-Square analysis results.a
Year Ethylbenzene n-Hexane Lead Styrene Toluene Trichloroethylene Xylene All Ototoxicants
2012 5 33 v2: 3.0190 2 36 v2: 0.0070 11 27 v2: 0.6991 5 33 v2: 3.0190 9 29 v2: 3.4404 1 37 v2: 0.5622 8 30 v2: 2.7767 15 23 v2: 1.4811
0 21 p: .0823 1 20 p: .9331 4 17 p: .4031 0 21 p: .0823 1 20 p: .0636 0 21 p: .4534 1 20 p: .0956 5 16 p: .2236

2013 11 30 v2: 3.4939 1 40 v2: 0.4466 13 28 v2: 0.0911 9 32 v2: 2.3887 14 27 v2: 3.3582 4 37 v2: 1.8838 16 25 v2: 4.5970 20 21 v2: 2.2596
1 17 p: .0616 0 18 p: .5040 5 13 p: .7628 1 17 p: .1222 2 16 p: .0669 0 18 p: .1699 2 16 p: .0320 5 13 p: .1328

2014 8 34 v2: 1.6225 2 40 v2: 0.0315 18 24 v2: 3.3550 4 38 v2: 1.7368 12 30 v2: 1.8888 1 41 v2: 0.4117 14 28 v2: 1.4517 22 20 v2: 4.0870
1 16 p: .2027 1 16 p: .8592 3 14 p: .0670 0 17 p: .1875 2 15 p: .1693 0 17 p: .5211 3 14 p: .2282 4 13 p: .0432

2015 9 29 v2: 3.4404 4 34 v2: 2.3713 19 19 v2: 2.5434 6 32 v2: 1.5729 15 23 v2: 4.0475 1 37 v2: 0.5622 14 24 v2: 7.3415 21 18 v2: 4.4631
1 20 p: .0636 0 21 p: .1236 6 15 p: .1108 1 20 p: .2098 3 18 p: .0442 0 21 p: .4534 1 20 p: .0067 5 15 p: .0346

2016 12 30 v2: 3.6265 4 38 v2: 1.7368 21 21 v2: .0419 7 35 v2: 3.2147 22 20 v2: 11.000 2 40 v2: 0.8379 16 26 v2: 3.9574 30 12 v2: 4.7363
1 16 p: .0569 0 17 p: .1875 8 9 p: .8378 0 17 p: .0730 1 16 p: .0009 0 17 p: .3600 2 15 p: .0467 7 10 p: .0295

2017 10 32 v2: 2.5641 3 39 v2: 0.0304 17 25 v2: 4.5693 8 34 v2: 0.4560 16 26 v2: 2.3176 1 41 v2: 0.4530 17 25 v2: 4.5693 24 18 v2: 7.6057
1 16 p: .1093 1 16 p: .8615 2 15 p: .0326 2 15 p: .4995 3 14 p: .1279 1 16 p: .5009 2 15 p: .0326 3 14 p: .0058

2018 9 28 v2: 6.3146 2 35 v2: 1.2309 17 20 v2: 4.6392 9 28 v2: 6.3146 13 24 v2: 3.2264 1 36 v2: 0.6048 13 24 v2: 7.1332 23 14 v2: 10.752
0 22 p: .0120 0 22 p: .2672 4 18 p: .0312 0 22 p: .0120 3 19 p: .0725 0 22 p: .4367 1 21 p: .0076 4 18 p: .0010

2019 8 29 v2: 1.5390 2 35 v2: 1.2309 18 19 v2: 5.4765 7 30 v2: 2.4319 12 25 v2: 6.2457 3 34 v2: 1.8793 11 26 v2: 3.4209 20 17 v2: 5.5448
2 20 p: .2148 0 22 p: .2672 4 18 p: .0193 1 21 p: .1189 1 21 p: .0124 0 22 p: .1704 2 20 p: .0644 5 17 p: .0185
No. Industries with Exposure and HLNo. Industries with
HL and No Exposure v2: Chi-Square Statistic
No. Industries with Exposure and No HLNo. Industries with
No Exposure and No HLp: p-value
Statistically significant results are highlighted in gray. p-value is set at .05 for aggregated ototoxicants and .1 for individual ototoxicants.

Table 7. Top quartile industries with ototoxicant exposure risk.

Rank Rank Rank (OTO Samples Mean
Rank NAICS Description Employment (% > LOD) (% > PEL) per Worker) Rank
1 335 Elec. Equip., Appl., and Comp. Mfg. 400,602 9 (62%) 4 (22%) 4 (1,122) 5.24
2 331 Primary Metal Mfg. 386,363 35 (35%) 9 (2%) 1 (257) 6.80
3 237 Heavy and Civil Engineering Const. 1,070,287 14 (57%) 1 (34%) 25 (8,845) 7.05
4 713 Amusement, Gambling, and Rec. Ind. 1,740,461 7 (69%) 3 (24%) 20 (5,258) 7.49
5 337 Furniture and Related Product Mfg. 384,825 6 (75%) 32 (0%) 3 (974) 8.32
6 238 Specialty Trade Contractors (Gen. Ind.) 4,721,184 18 (54%) 2 (25%) 24 (8,126) 9.52
7 316 Leather and Allied Product Mfg. 27,474 2 (100%) 28 (0%) 16 (3,434) 9.64
8 326 Plastics and Rubber Products Mfg. 730,565 8 (66%) 23 (2%) 5 (1,129) 9.73
9 454 Nonstore Retailers 576,032 1 (100%) 27 (0%) 38 (64,004) 10.09
10 562 Waste Mgmt. and Remediation Svcs. 447,873 19 (53%) 7 (15%) 9 (1,653) 10.62
11 325 Chemical Manufacturing 849.032 10 (60%) 12 (7%) 12 (2,542) 11.29
12 332 Fabricated Metal Product Mfg. 1,480,500 38 (28%) 22 (1%) 2 (600) 11.87
13 451 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book Stores 548,221 13 (58%) 6 (15%) 26 (9,137) 12.66
14 322 Paper Mfg. 364,546 5 (83%) 31 (0%) 22 (6,179) 15.05

trend was not statistically significant. The Chi-square for evaluation based on a hazard analysis) is predictive
analysis performed for the selected individual ototoxi- of the risk of adverse health effects (in this case, noise,
cants is also provided in Table 6. When analyzed indi- and hearing loss, respectively). This finding is signifi-
vidually, ethylbenzene, lead, styrene, toluene, and cant, because the same collection method is used for
xylene show a statistically significant difference chemical exposure assessments by OSHA, and the
between hearing loss among exposed and non-exposed comparison of OSHA inspection data to BLS injury
industries. Trichloroethylene and n-hexane did not and illness data is an understudied area. These find-
yield statistically significant results. ings may allow other sources of occupational injury
and illness to be studied to identify trends in worker
exposure and control methods.
Qualifying ototoxicant exposure risk
OSHA chemical exposure data confirms that many
The upper quartile of industries with higher ototoxicant industries have measurable ototoxicant exposure.
exposure risk is provided in Table 7, representing 13.7 Unsurprisingly, the largest number of samples were
million workers. The majority of the upper quartile were collected in subsectors representing larger numbers of
manufacturing industries, eight out of the fourteen indus- establishments and employees. However, when factor-
tries. The three manufacturing sectors with the highest ing in the ratio of ototoxicant samples out of all sam-
exposure risk were 335 (Electrical Equipment, Appliance, ples collected, and the proportions of those samples
and Component Manufacturing), 331 (Primary Metal over the LOD or PEL, the risk of exposure was evi-
Manufacturing), and 337 (Furniture and Related Product dent. Many of the manufacturing subsectors men-
Manufacturing). The three non-manufacturing sectors tioned in OSHA’s 2018 Technical Bulletin regarding
with the highest exposure risk were 237 (Heavy and Civil ototoxicants were confirmed to have a higher risk of
Engineering Construction), 713 (Amusement, Gambling, ototoxicant exposure, including the manufacture of
and Recreation Industries), and 238 (Specialty Trade electrical equipment and components, metal products,
Contractors [General Industry]). furniture, leather, plastics and rubber products, chemi-
cals, and paper. In addition, some non-manufacturing
industries were shown to have a high risk of ototoxi-
cant exposure, including amusement, gambling, and
This paper assessed data related to hearing loss, noise recreation, heavy construction, specialty trade contrac-
exposure, and exposure to ototoxicants among U.S. tors, and sporting goods and hobby stores.
workers across various industries, resulting in several Ototoxicants are ubiquitous and exposure to ototoxi-
findings. First, the noise exposure samples collected cants extends well beyond the manufacturing indus-
during OSHA inspections were correlated with cases tries. While the OSHA Technical Bulletin mainly
of hearing loss reported to the Bureau of Labor focuses on exposure in a manufacturing setting, this
Statistics. This confirms the relationship between noise analysis shows that exposure can also occur in many
exposure and hearing loss. In addition, it also suggests non-manufacturing workplaces.
that the methods used by OSHA to identify individual In addition, OSHA inspection data showed that
exposure assessments (i.e., to select tasks/personnel industry subsectors with exposure to ototoxicants

were more likely to exhibit cases of hearing loss than hearing loss in individuals co-exposed to selected
those without exposure to ototoxicants. This trend heavy metals and organic solvents than unexposed
was observed across ototoxicant data assessed in com- individuals. Though Choi and Kim’s analysis differed
bination and individually. It was not immediately evi- in scope (Choi and Kim analyzed each individual’s
dent to the researchers why the analyses for the years records and later aggregated at the industry level
2012 and 2013 were not statistically significant, whereas this analysis was performed at the industry
though the ratio of hearing loss among exposed level only), their findings are consistent with this
industries was greater than that among unexposed study’s. This study confirms the findings of Vyskocil
industries, as observed in the remaining years. These et al. (2012), which suggested that several chemicals
findings confirm the general consensus among the exhibit ototoxicity at concentrations found in occupa-
existing body of research that ototoxicants play a role tional settings.
in occupational hearing loss. In addition, the results One of the reviewed studies, Sch€aper et al. (2008),
suggest that ototoxicant exposure represents a poten- conflicts with the results of this study, finding that
tial workplace hazard in the U.S. that warrants further there was no significant difference in hearing loss
research. between individuals exposed to both toluene and noise
When examined individually, many of the selected and those who were exposed to noise alone. Sch€aper
ototoxicants showed a similar trend: industries with et al. suggested that one possible reason for this dis-
exposure to the selected ototoxicant tended to exhibit crepancy was that the exposure concentration to tolu-
hearing loss more commonly than industries without ene was too low to elicit ototoxic effects. By including
exposure to the selected ototoxicant, even though the all exposures greater than the LOD, this analysis may
number of samples for each ototoxicant varied. Lead, be erroneously counting some exposures that are at or
the most frequently sampled ototoxicant by OSHA below ototoxic threshold concentrations, and therefore
with 60% of the total samples, showed statistically sig- not likely to result in hearing loss. However, Metwally
nificant results for 4 of the 8 years. Ethylbenzene, et al. (2012) reported differently, finding that hearing
toluene, and xylene provided statistically significant loss occurred earlier in co-exposed individuals than
results for 5, 6, and 7 years, respectively. those with exposure to noise alone, even at exposure
Trichloroethylene and n-hexane did not yield similar levels similar to those in Sch€aper et al.’s (2008) study.
results, likely due to the much smaller number of Schaal et al. (2017) and (2018) also identified hearing
samples. While Campo et al. (2009) and Vyskocil loss in populations exposed to concentrations well
et al. (2012) considered these chemicals to be ototoxic, below the applicable exposure limits.
ACGIH has not formally designated either n-hexane This study yielded two additional unexpected find-
or trichloroethylene as ototoxic but states that these ings. First, an examination of the noise data provided
are “under investigation for ototoxic effects” by OSHA revealed that the vast majority of noise
(2023, 133). exposures appeared to be "repeat measurements" due
Of the research in this field, Clerc and Pouyatos to the reporting of instantaneous readings taken dur-
(2022) is the most analogous to this study. Clerc and ing a single dosimetry measurement as multiple lines
Pouyatos attempted to use several public databases of of data. Neither Middendorf (2004) nor Sayler et al.
occupational exposures and disease among the French (2019) noted this in their analysis of data from IMIS,
workforce to identify whether trends in hearing loss the sample management system previously used by
could be observed in workers exposed to ototoxicants OSHA to store exposure monitoring data. Future
and noise. Ultimately, Clerc and Pouyatos (2022) were researchers should use care when using noise dosim-
unable to produce a predictive model and theorized etry data collected by OSHA to avoid skewed findings
the results were due to underreporting of occupational resulting from duplicate samples. Second, a review of
hearing loss and the fact that hearing loss is only con- available literature found that several substances were
sidered work-related due to exposure to noise and not suspected or likely to be ototoxic but were not identi-
ototoxicants. This analysis faced similar limitations, fied as such by ACGIH, even though several studies
with slightly different analyses, demonstrating that (Campo et al. 2009; Vyskocil et al. 2012) used a
public databases may produce limited but viable Weight-of-Evidence model similar to that employed
results. by ACGIH. The Audible Sound section of the ACGIH
Choi and Kim (2014) reviewed audiometric reports TLV book does mention additional substances in an
and chemical exposure data for 30,000 Korean work- endnote that may exacerbate hearing loss or are under
ers across various industries and identified increased investigation for ototoxicity, but there is no respective

note or designation within the TLV table where other loss, such as a desire to avoid regulatory inspections or
target organ toxicities are mentioned, including desig- fines (Masterson et al. 2015). Blair et al. (2022) noted
nated ototoxicants (ACGIH 2023, 133). that the OSHA definition of a standard threshold shift
may not capture ototoxicant-related hearing loss. A case
of occupational hearing loss occurs only when an
Study limitations and assumptions
employee is included in a hearing conservation program
There were several limitations to this study. First, (HCP) which includes annual surveillance. Under the
NAICS codes, used to stratify the data in this study, OSHA standard, an employee is only required to be
are economic classifications. The risk to all workers in entered into an HCP when exposed to high noise levels.
the same industry subsector is not equal and may This would, by definition, exclude employees exposed to
vary from company to company or from occupational ototoxicants if workers are not already entered into an
setting to occupational setting within the industry HCP, or to both ototoxicants and noise at a level too low
subsector. Additional research should be performed to trigger inclusion in an HCP. The employee may
along other stratifications, such as setting or specific experience undetected hearing loss as a result. BLS data
work environment, to reduce any potential impact of also does not indicate why an employer was monitoring
other variables not considered in this study. hearing – the employer may be monitoring the hearing
There are several limitations inherent to the data of employees exposed to lower noise levels, or those
provided by OSHA. Primarily, because the noise and exposed to ototoxicants as recommended by the 2018
chemical exposure data are anonymized, it is impos- OSHA Technical Bulletin. The monitoring may also
sible to tie exposure to an individual. As a result, the occur at the employee’s request. However, because the
analysis cannot directly control for noise, determine data is reported in the aggregate, it is impossible to differ-
whether coexposure to both ototoxicants and noise is entiate these cases from hearing loss reported by compa-
present for an individual sample, or to tie a specific nies strictly following the OSHA standard. To conduct
exposure assessment to an incidence of disease. this analysis, it was assumed that hearing loss was
Instead, this analysis examined exposure results as an recorded per the OSHA standard.
aggregate at the industry level, in which the assessed The final limitation of this analysis is the presence
exposure results are assumed to be representative of of confounding variables. One confounder present in
the industry as a whole. The exposure data collected this analysis is that of noise. As previously noted,
by OSHA may not represent average worker exposure because the chemical and noise exposure data pro-
(as it is based on a hazard assessment performed by vided by OSHA is anonymized and the hearing loss
the compliance officer) and does not include other data provided by BLS is aggregated at the industry
information about the exposure risk, such as the per- level, the relationships shown in the current analysis
sonal protective equipment worn by the assessed may be present due to noise exposure alone.
worker. When worn correctly (alongside additional However, the researchers believe these findings never-
exposure controls an employer may choose to imple- theless support further mitigation of factors contribu-
ment), PPE reduces the exposure and potentially miti- ting to workplace hearing loss. It is widely agreed that
gates the adverse effects of exposure to ototoxicants ototoxicants increase the risk of hearing loss during
and noise. This study attempts to ameliorate these co-exposure with noise, and this study confirmed that
limitations by considering the OSHA data to represent ototoxicants are present in many workplaces in the
"worst-case" exposure. This matches the approach U.S. This study also showed statistically significant
taken by Sayler et al. (2019), who nevertheless consid- results that industries with exposures to the selected
ered "worst-case" evaluations to be crucial to minimiz- ototoxicants, both alone and as a group, were more
ing adverse health effects because workers exposed to likely to exhibit hearing loss than industries without
"worst-case" levels are those most at risk for occupa- such exposures. If nothing else, this strongly suggests
tional illness. that ototoxicants may present an under-controlled
The data provided by BLS also introduces several limi- hazard in the workplace and that further research to
tations. First, the rates of hearing loss reported by BLS address these confounders is warranted.
may underrepresent the actual rates of OHL. NIOSH and
others have recognized the OSHA definition of a stand-
ard threshold shift may undercount hearing loss by up to
28–36% (Masterson et al. 2014). In addition, other factors This study compared occupational ototoxicant expos-
may encourage employers to underreport cases of hearing ure data collected by OSHA during workplace

inspections to work-related cases of hearing loss It may also be beneficial to consider other applica-
reported to BLS to determine whether exposure to tions of the analysis method used in this study. To
ototoxicants increased the risk of OHL. It was deter- the authors’ knowledge, no other study has compared
mined that the exposure assessments performed by OSHA inspection data against BLS injury and illness
OSHA compliance officers are predictive of the risk of data to identify trends. Other researchers (including
hearing loss as reported by the Bureau of Labor NIOSH and other governmental research bodies)
Statistics. A review of the chemical exposure data also should review available data to determine other trends
identified specific industries with a higher risk of that could further minimize worker injury and illness.
exposure to ototoxicants, which confirmed a 2018 Future research should also review different stratifica-
OSHA Technical Bulletin for manufacturing sectors tions, such as occupation, job title, exposure fre-
but also identified non-manufacturing sectors that quency, and exposure quantification or concentration
may be at risk. A chi-square analysis of data from triggers (e.g., above/below PEL, AL, TLV).
2012 through 2019 found that industry subsectors Finally, OSHA should consider updating the
with exposure to selected ototoxicants individually Technical Bulletin (2018) to further emphasize that
and as an aggregate were more likely to have reported ototoxicants exist in many workplaces and that the
hearing loss than those without exposure to ototoxi- research is still evolving. The technical bulletin briefly
cants for six years out of the eight years. The individ- mentions hearing conservation programs, but this
ual ototoxicants that showed a similar trend were should be expanded based on these findings and
ethylbenzene, lead, toluene, styrene, and xylene. While others that have reviewed the applicability of pure-
individual worker exposures will vary across the tone audiometry for ototoxicant-driven hearing loss
selected industry subsectors, these findings provide (OSHA 2018). OSHA should also consider imple-
evidence that workers co-exposed to ototoxicants and menting a National Emphasis Program (NEP) regard-
noise may be at increased risk of experiencing hearing ing occupational exposure to ototoxicants. NEPs can
loss and that further assessment is needed to better be particularly successful at driving sample collection
understand the impact on the workforce. during inspections, and additional data would create a
further understanding of this emerging occupational
Recommendations health concern.

This study supports several recommendations. First,

employers should consider limiting employee exposure Disclosure statement
to ototoxicants for any employees exposed to noise No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
over the OSHA Action Level (85 dBA). As ototoxic author(s).
threshold concentrations have not been identified for
these substances, employers should consider using As References
Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) principles to
ACGIHV R. 2020. Operations manual: Threshold Limit
control ototoxicant exposure in these workplaces.
Values (TLVV R ) for Chemical Substances Committee.
Employers should also consider including employees Cincinnati (OH): ACGIH Signature Publications.
who may be exposed to ototoxicants and noise in a ACGIH. 2023. 2023 TLVsV R and BEIsV R Based on the
hearing conservation program, as recommended by Documentation of the threshold limit values for chemical
ACGIH. To further support these efforts, ACGIH substances and physical agents & biological exposure
should adapt its "OTO" determination to include a indices. Cincinnati (OH): ACGIH Signature Publications.
Blair M, Slagley J, Schaal NC. 2022. Pure tone audiometry
"potential ototoxicant" designation, as many of the
evaluation method effectiveness in detecting hearing
substances identified as a potential ototoxicant in this changes due to workplace ototoxicant, continuous noise,
study were not formally designated by ACGIH. Other and impulse noise exposures. Ear Hear. 43(4):1291–1299.
studies applying a weight of evidence model have uti- doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001178.
lized a “potential” designation, and ACGIH itself has Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor (BLS).
identified some substances as “under investigation for 2013. Table SNR08. Incidence rates of nonfatal occupa-
ototoxicity” in the TLV/BEI handbook. The potential tional illnesses, by industry and category of illness, 2012;
[accessed 2021 Nov 21].
ototoxicity hazard should be identified in the main
TLV table alongside the other hazard definitions to Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor (BLS).
identify the potential risks of exposure more 2014. Table SNR08. Incidence rates of nonfatal occupa-
prominently. tional illnesses, by industry and category of illness, 2013;

[accessed 2021 Nov 21]. of hydrocarbons present in gasoline: a literature review.
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