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Unity Through Humility

Philippians 2:1-4
Php 2:1 If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the
Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,
Php 2:2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
Php 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other
better than themselves.
Php 2:4 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

Three things about serving the Lord

1. Serve God even without recognition
2. Serve God without regret
3. Serve God even without reward or blessings

 Mga magulang na nagsusumikap para maitaguyod ang kanilang isa, isang dosenang anak, ano
ang hinihiling ng magulang sa mga anak nila? Ang sila ay?...

Magmahalan sa bawat isa, magtulungan, magbigayan, magkaisa…

 Pag malayo ang magulang, ano ang laging habilin sa mga anak?

Paul was imprisoned in Rome and was not with the Philippian brethren.
Philippi was a city from the province of Macedonia.
They were colonized by Rome and they were proud of their citizenship.

Paul is urging the Philippian church to be united and they can only do that if they will be humble to each
Therefore, pride can’t bring the church in unity.

Unity Through Humility

v. 1 Encouragement in unity
When the church is united it brings encouragement to the pastor
v. 2 Enjoyment in unity
When the church is united it brings joy to the pastor
v. 3 Esteem/regard others for unity
 Do not do anything out of selfish ambition and pride
ex. Mag-follow up nga ako ng makilala ako ng member na masipag akong worker tapos
para mabigyan ako ng blessing sa WORKERS’ APPRECIATION
Makapaglinis nga kila pastor para malakas ako kay pastor
 Think of yourself less than others (not low self-esteem but in the aspect of valuing others more
than yourself),
Wag naman yung pa-humble effect na di mo kaya e kaya mo naman talaga.
The right example here is giving less importance to yourself
Di mo iisipin na dahil sayo kaya maganda ang gawain ng church or kailangan ako ng
church, kaya magkakaroon ka na ng pride. Kundi ang lahat ay biyaya lang ng Dios.
 think of others better than yourself
Di mag-iisip na mas magaling ka kaysa sa iba. Kundi you appreciate others and you
recognize them in the ministry.
v. 4 Enrich others for unity
not looking for own interest but considering the interest of others
ex. Pag may gawain sa church isipin mo na din na nirerepresent mo ang Pastor, workers,
at church
Nagkaroon ka ng opportunity na magdala ng maraming bisita sa isang school, ipapakita
ko sa inyo mga tamad kayo, ako lahat may gawa nito.
We always represent our pastor
8,We want others also to grow in the Lord and in His work.
Let others minister. Delegate. Share your ministry to fellow ministers.
Blessing na tatanggapin. Gusto mo ikaw lang komo iniisip mo liliit yung tatanggapin mo.
v. 5 Emulate Christ for unity
Christ shown us what it means to humble. HE BEING GOD BECAME MAN. HE SUBMITS TO HIS

The way up is the way down. God honors humility. God blesses and exalts those who know how
to be lowly.

Humility cures not only pride but even others sins like envy, wrath, hatred, and etc...
If we could just be humble like Christ, then the church will be united.

Differences will not be a problem

Cultures will not be a problem
Family backgrounds will not be a problem
Life Status will not be a problem
Educational attainment will not be a problem
Talents will not be a problem
NOTHING will be a problem

Why? Because we know that there is Unity in Humility.

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