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Universidade Federal do Acre

Centro de Educação, Letras e Artes

Coordenação de Letras Inglês
Disciplina: Língua Inglesa V
Docente: Prof. Me. André Alexandre
Discente: ____

Face2Face Intermediate – Extra Practice Unit 2

2A (p14)
❶ Choose the correct verbs.
I 1(x) SPEND / ( ) DO a lot of time at work because I sometimes have to 2 ( ) TAKE / ( ) MEET
importante deadlines. Some people say that I must 3 ( ) HAVE / ( ) BE a workaholic because I 4( )
SPEND / ( ) WORK very long hours, but I never 5 ( ) TAKE / ( ) HAVE work home with me, I think
it’s very importante to 6 ( ) HAVE / ( ) SPEND time to relax and I always 7 ( ) BE / ( ) HAVE time off
work when I need it. Yes, I can 8 ( ) BE / ( ) HAVE under pressure at work sometimes, but I’m
Lucky because I 9 ( ) HAVE / ( ) MEET good working conditions and I don’t usually have to 10 ( )
TAKE / ( ) WORK overtime.

❷ Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets. Begin each sentence with You… .
1 You must tell him. (have to) ⇨ __You have to tell him____
2 You should apologize to him. (ought) ⇨ ____
3 You can’t go into that room. (not allowed) ⇨ ____
4 People expect you to wear a tie. (supposed) ⇨ ____
5 You’re not allowed to tell your father. (mustn’t) ⇨ ____
6 You can leave work early on Friday. (be able to) ⇨ ____
7 It isn’t necessary for you to call him back. (not have to) ⇨ ____
8 You can wear jeans in the office. (allowed) ⇨ ____

2B (p16)
❸ Which word is the odd one out? Why?
1 ( ) avocado (x) beef ( ) lettuce.
2 (_) flour (_) fry (_) grill
3 (_) peach (_) pineapple (_) cucumber
4 (_) herbs (_) bakes (_) spices
5 (_) coconut (_) boil (_) barbecue
6 (_) hot dog (_) red pepper (_) lamb
7 (_) onions (_) beans (_) pie
8 (_) sauce (_) cream (_) noodles

❹ Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
A What 1_are_ you _ doing_?
B I 2 ____ (make) a pie.
____you____ (want) some?
A I 4 ____ (think) street food 5____ (become) more popular these days.
B Oh, I 6____ (never eat) street food. I 7____ (prefer) going to restaurants.
A I 8____(work) in a café for a few weeks.
B 9____ you ____ (like) working there?
A I enjoyed it at first, but now it 10____ (get) a bit boring.

2C (p18)
❺ Choose the correct words.
1 fall SLEEP ( ) / ASLEEP (X)
2 FALL ( ) / HAVE ( ) a nap
3 get back to SLEEP ( ) / ASLEEP ( )
4 be wide WAKE ( ) / AWAKE ( )
5 have trouble SLEEP ( ) / SLEEPING ( )
6 be fast SLEEP ( ) / ASLEEP ( )
7 HAVE ( ) / SLEEP ( ) insomnia
8 be a HEAVY SLEEP ( ) / SLEEPER ( )

❻ Write the strong adjectives.

1 good ⇨ fantastic_
2 big ⇨ en ___
3 frightened ⇨ te ___
4 angry ⇨ fu ___
5 interested ⇨ fa ___
6 beautiful ⇨ go ___
7 tired ⇨ ex ___

❼ Choose the correct adverbs. Sometimes both are possible.

1 VERY ( ) / ABSOLUTELY ( ) good
3 FAIRLY ( ) / REALLY ( ) expensive
4 VERY ( ) / ABSOLUTELY ( ) awful
6 FAIRLY ( ) / REALLY ( ) boiling

2D (p20)
❽ Fill in the gaps with these words/phrases.

the matter A What’s 1_the matter_?

I’d B I’m very stressed at work.’
worth a try A Oh, 2 ____ to hear that. Maybe you 3____ talk to your boss.
I’m sorry B Well, it’s 4____, I guess.
could be A And 5____start looking for another job.
should B Yes, you 6____ right.

good idea A What’s wrong?

I’ve tried B I’ve lost my mobile phone.’
ought to A Oh, dear. What 7 ____. Have 8____ calling it?
you tried B Yes, 9____ that, but it’s switched off.
a shame A Perhaps you 10____ contact the phone company.
B Yes, that’s a 11____. I’ll do that now.

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