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Electron deflection

Lab #8

Title : Electromagntism

This lab is will be done by using the "0 physics charged particle in a magnetic field

Aim : To observe how the radius of deflection of an electron in a perpendicular magnetic

field is dependent on

a) The speed of the electron

b) The field strength of the field


This is virtual lab as powered by O physics simulations


Set the mass and charge to the standard values for an electron and press the tick
box to show radius.

Set the magnetic field strength to 5 T(Teslas ) and the velocity to

510000000m/s and press start to observe the radius pattern and radius.

Repeat this procedure for 5 other values including max speed noting the radius every
time . Screen shoot the trace and print

Next set the velocity to 7.5m/s and adjust the Field strength to 1.5Tesla and press start
observing the radius and the trace.

Repeat for 5 consecutive values of Field strength across it's range.

Screen shot and print for lab report evidence.

Discuss descriptivly how the changes radius occurred with each adjustment.

Comment on the pattern of deflection if the changes direction

Results( for constant field 5T)

Velocity Radius

Results (For constant Velocity of 7500000m/s)

Field strength/T. Radius/m

This is to done in table as before together with the screen shot of the trace.


Physics made Simple Unit #1

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