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Journal with Gene Keys

Golden Path –
The Core Wound
and Platonic

Gene Keys Journal, 24 October


Here are my notes on reading

Richard Rudd’s “Hologenesis and
the Sacred Wound”. I am binding
this piece together with all the
steps so far in my Golden Path
book. It comes to life for me when
I write with it, as I read. Richard’s
quotes are in italics.

Primrose path, 1986


Metaphysical wisdoms concur

that the Holy One made a
spacetime in the Uncreate
matrix to breathe into and be the
Holy One: God to behold God.

Richard calls this a primordial

rupture, or fracture, which
generates fractal numbers and
stellar and planetary orbits; into
which everything is poured back,
seeking source and from which
everything emanates. He says
this is the Sacred Wound. Each
galaxy, being a hologram,
revolves around its own black
hole of light.

I find it di"cult to absorb a

metaphysic by reading about it,
nowadays. It needs an overnight,
and it needs contemplation …
although the principle in its
essence, is my home base.


In touch across the seas, 1988


In the Gene keys cosmology – no

matter how much life tried to fill
and repair the rent, the hole
remained at the heart of the

Francis Lucille said, “A wise

artist leaves the centre empty, so it
can breathe.”

The hole is a nuclear silence and

totality around which all
emanation plays: it is
simultaneously centrifugal and
centripetal. It glows around
itself, with the activity, the
dance of Siva: the primordial
paradox of being not-being.
“The unstoppable pouring of life
into itself we call evolution: the
hole we came to know as the
Sacred Wound”. Each cell, each
molecule, each atom and each
particle contains the Hole. If you
split a tiny mustard seed there is
… no thing.



The galaxies are “wound around

their own fractal wounds”. What
is a wound? a rupture, a chasm …
regard it quite apart from the
association with pain and
emotion. Wounds are
everywhere in nature; they are
what they are – in trees and
cli#s, topography and geology,
in storms at sea.

All the billions of galactic

wounds are strung together in
the One primordial sacred
wound of Light. It is all the same
flowing dark matter.

The first geometry was the

Trinity; for (Richard says) the
one never split into two. As the
split happened there was
instantaneously the “third”, the
three to reunite the split. As the
chasm opened, the matter
poured into it, becoming life.
There is no vacuum. “Wherever a
principle was formed, instantly it
was transcended and synthesized
by another principle. Thus the 3s
gave way to the cosmic principles
behind matter – the 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s,
8s and 9s. These geometries that
arose out of the first fracture are
fractals. As the fractals went
spinning out into the void, the
fabric of space/time formed itself
according to the wheeling of these
first geometries.”


(Some of the sketches in this

gallery are inspired
by the work of Johannes Kepler
in Harmonices Mundi)



“At a certain limit, the fractals

reached a constant, and at that
constant they would once again
replicate themselves, but at
another level. Thus was born the
holographic universe. The constant
would be measured by the eight
octaves of 64. Life, time and space
were encoded within a 64-fold
matrix” – the 64-bit genetic
one. Genesis.



The sequence of Platonic

numbers suggests a dimensional
sequence – of the order of each
dimension being perpendicular
in quality to the one before it.
The 4th point for instance is
perpendicular in space to the
triad, and forms a Tetrahedron,
the most stable unit in the
universe. The 5th point
produces the idea of 4 into a
Pyramid. The 6th is dynamic
again, marrying two
Tetrahedrons to form the Cube
of space: 8 corners. The 7th is the
centre point/sphere of a circle of
6 spheres. The 8 replicates the
Circle – an electron’s parallel
dance through antimatter. The
8 is an octahedron, a Pyramid
and its mirroring: a double
square, eight rays through

The centre point of the 8 is

produced into the 9 which
numerically always reduces to
itself, the One.


Basic Numerology – to view, click

on image,
then on “view full size”, inside the


The sequence reaches 8, and

then 8 times 8 where it becomes
the 64-bit I Ching with all the
hexagrams interrelated.

This is as far as I understand; Ra

Uru Hu and then Richard worked
it out much further, producing
the 64 hexagrams in a circle,
showing all the relationships.
But when I see the Octahedron
and its mirroring, I get a glimpse
of the process replicating itself
fractally, holographically.

The octahedral unit is 8, but

each hexagram has 6 lines; just
as the Cube having 8 corners,
exists through the dynamic of
the 6 pointed double

What is chaos? What is not

understood yet. What appears to
be chaos is the endless holographic
flow of pattern and flow and
geometry. “All of this was

What is my understanding? It is
not in retaining ideas; it is
whenever I am able to be opened
into awe and relationship with
what is described.


The PRESENCE of the sacred

wound in humans as they
evolved, brought also fear and
the attempt to escape through
struggle and violence. From this
idea come the gene keys such as
38, my Pearl. At this point I hear
the way the sages in the I Ching
explain images derived from
very ancient practices in society,
like making boats or building
houses. But we humans also ask,
“Who am I?” There came an
époque of the Great Teachers
and the Great Books.

The I Ching mirrors (like an

octahedron) the mathematical
structure of DNA, unifying
microcosm and macrocosm.

Human Design laid out the

behavioural/genetic archetypes
of the human spectrum in a
circle. Gene Keys “came to
understand these not as fixed
behavioural characteristics, but as
a fluctuating spectrum of vast
human possibility.”


In this discovery it became clear

that the genetic archetype is not
fixed but acts according to the
frequency, and is influenced by
the input stemming from lower
or higher frequencies in its
environment. The cellular brain
is where it touches the world and
other cells through the
epidermis – an unending
interaction, as seen in sub-
particle collisions and
collusions. Nothing is fixed,
except in our idea of it; and that
is not fixed, because we die.

Tendencies prevail – Karmas –

on their mission towards
recognition and freedom and
release as consciousness. They
prevail through innumerable
embodiments of memory and
lifetimes. They alter their nature
when the input changes.
“Become the architect of your own
evolution”. To change a gene key
frequency influences biology and
destiny. … as the Gift and its
siddhi resonance is activated.

J Krishnamurti said, “Be the

disciple of your understanding.”

As to time being a hologram:

Time is a myriad of mirrors of
itself in the cosmos, and “there
are no coincidences” – as one
time sequence mirrors another.
“In every moment a specific
pattern is at work in the universe.”
– there are 64 fundamental
patterns or hexagrams.


Inside my DNA exists a code for

Wholeness: vibrating this code
through the correct frequencies,
unlocks its highest potential.
Activation embodies the higher
Purpose. Venus will take me back
to receiving the Sacred Wound
uniquely at point of conception.
It is wound around the DNA. It is a
journey of love into the reasons
why we do not always feel love.

Remember – Venus traces a

five-fold Star pattern in the
heavens, reflecting most


Venus five year cycle pattern as viewed

from Earth, in Keith Critchlow’s “The
Hidden Geometry of Flowers”


The Venus sequence will show

how to apply the gene key
codebook to my specific life
conditions and relationships.
The Venus sequence is feminine,
and shows how the sacred wound
radiates out in a logarithmic
pattern through the cycles of
childhood; like an egg it is hatched.

I don’t know what a logarithm

is, but it is a lovely word.


Leprechaun, struggle & egg, 1987


The first three seven year cycles:

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