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Accuracy and Clinical Effect of Out-of-Hospital

Electrocardiography in the Diagnosis of Acute
Cardiac Ischemia: A Meta-Analysis

From the Evidence-based Practice John P. A. Ioannidis, MD See related articles, p. 450, p. 453, p. 471, and p. 478.
Center, Division of Clinical Care Deeb Salem, MD
Research, New England Medical Priscilla W. Chew, MPH
Center, Boston, MA. Study objective: We sought to evaluate quantitatively the
Joseph Lau, MD
Dr. Ioannidis is now at the Depart- evidence on the diagnostic performance of out-of-hospital ECG
ment of Hygiene and Epidemiology, for the diagnosis of acute cardiac ischemia (ACI) and acute
University of Ioannina School of myocardial infarction (AMI) and the clinical effect of out-of-
Medicine, Ioannina, Greece.
hospital thrombolysis.
Received for publication July 17, 2000.
Revision received December 29, 2000. Methods: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analy-
Accepted for publication
sis of the English-language literature published between 1966
February 1, 2001.
and December 1998 on the diagnostic accuracy of out-of-hospital
This study was conducted by the New
England Medical Center Evidence- ECG and the clinical effect of out-of-hospital thrombolysis. Both
based Practice Center under contract prospective and retrospective studies qualified for the assess-
to the Agency for Healthcare Research ment of diagnostic performance. For clinical effect, data from
and Quality (formerly, Agency for
Health Care Policy and Research), prospective nonrandomized studies were synthesized sepa-
contract No. 290-97-0019, Rockville, rately from data from randomized trials. Diagnostic performance
MD. was assessed by using estimates of test sensitivity, specificity,
Reprints not available from the and diagnostic odds ratios and was summarized by using sum-
mary receiver-operating characteristic curves. Measures of clin-
Address for correspondence: Joseph
ical effect included time savings, early ventricular function, early
Lau, MD, Division of Clinical Care
Research, New England Medical mortality, and long-term survival.
Center, Box 63, 750 Washington
Street, Boston, MA 02111; Results: Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated in 11 studies with
617-636-7670, fax 617-636-8023; a total of 7,508 patients. Data were available for ACI in 5 stud-
E-mail ies and for AMI in 8 studies. For ACI, the random-effects pooled
Copyright © 2001 by the American sensitivity was 76% (95% CI, 54% to 89%), the specificity was
College of Emergency Physicians.
88% (95% CI, 67% to 96%), and the diagnostic odds ratio was
0196-0644/2001/$35.00 + 0 23 (95% CI, 6.3 to 85). The respective figures for AMI were
doi:10.1067/mem.2001.114904 sensitivity of 68% (95% CI, 59% to 76%), specificity of 97%
(95% CI, 89% to 92%), and diagnostic odds ratio of 104 (95%
CI, 48 to 224). Both in nonrandomized (n=4, total 1,531 patients)
and randomized (n=9, total 6,643 patients) studies, out-of-hos-
pital thrombolysis shortened the time from onset of symptoms
to thrombolytic treatment by 40 to 60 minutes. Data on short-
term ejection fraction were sparse. Hospital mortality was re-
duced by 16% (95% CI, 2% to 27%) among randomized trials,


Ioannidis et al

and a similar estimate of effect was seen in nonrandomized vention trial.4,13 The 2 reports provided complementary
studies. There was no clear effect on long-term mortality, but data on different diagnostic criteria and outcomes.
data were sparse. Qualifying studies are summarized in Table 1.
All studies targeted populations with chest pain who
Conclusion: Out-of-hospital ECG has excellent diagnostic per- required an ECG and did not have any significant exclu-
formance for AMI and very good performance for ACI. Out-of- sion criteria. Nevertheless, in the study by Bertini et al,6
hospital thrombolysis achieves time savings and improves 8% of the hospitalized and 24% of the nonhospitalized
short-term mortality, but the effect on long-term mortality is patients were excluded because no data were available.
unknown. Similarly, in the study by Aufderheide et al7 with 680
enrolled patients, 149 had unsuccessful transmission of
[Ioannidis JPA, Salem D, Chew PW, Lau J. Accuracy and clinical ECG results by telephone, 72 patients were transported to
effect of out-of-hospital electrocardiography in the diagnosis of nonparticipating facilities, and 20 had no medical
acute cardiac ischemia: a meta-analysis. Ann Emerg Med. May records. Finally, in the study by Millar-Craig et al,11 2
2001;37:461-470.] phases were planned. During phase I, paramedics were
trained, and the out-of-hospital ECG was not used for
INTRODUCTION decisionmaking, whereas in phase II, only those para-
medics with accuracy of greater than 80% in their phase I
Several studies have addressed the diagnostic performance ECG interpretations participated. In phase II, the out-of-
of out-of-hospital ECG for evaluating patients with sus- hospital ECG was used to decide whether the patient
pected acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and acute car- should be directly admitted to the cardiac care unit (CCU).
diac ischemia (ACI). Furthermore, out-of-hospital ECG We excluded 2 studies that also addressed the accuracy
has formed the basis of strategies making use of early of chest pain protocols by paramedics. One study de-
thrombolytic therapy among patients with suspected scribed 25 patients fast tracked by paramedics to the CCU
AMI before arrival to the hospital. Several studies have on the basis of out-of-hospital ECG findings.15 The diag-
been published since the original National Heart Attack nosis of AMI was verified subsequently in 14 patients, but
Alert Program report,1 and the accumulated evidence is no information is given on how many patients that were
amenable to meta-analysis. The present meta-analysis not fast tracked to the CCU had AMI, and therefore, the
therefore addressed 2 major questions. First, what is the diagnostic characteristics cannot be determined. Another
diagnostic accuracy of out-of-hospital ECG? Second, study addressed the diagnostic accuracy of initiation of a
what is the clinical effect of out-of-hospital initiation of chest protocol by paramedics, but it was based on a sin-
thrombolysis (in conjunction with out-of-hospital ECG) gle-strip ECG.16 We also excluded 2 studies pertaining to
compared with hospital initiation of thrombolysis? computerized interpretations of ECGs as part of chest
Details on methods for the systematic review and gen- pain algorithms in the out-of-hospital setting.17,18
eral study selection criteria for the meta-analysis are pre- Data on diagnostic accuracy for AMI on the basis of the
sented in the accompanying synopsis of the evidence re- overall ECG interpretation were available in all 8 qualify-
port on ACI.2 The characterization of population category ing studies, and data on diagnostic accuracy for ACI were
and study quality assessments are also based on algorithms available from 5 studies. Three studies also provided diag-
described in more detail in the same synopsis.2 nostic accuracy data for specific observed ECG changes. To
avoid duplication of patients in the summary calculations,
DIAGNOSTIC PERFORMANCE OF when more than one set of diagnostic accuracy data ob-
O U T- O F - H O S P I TA L E L E C T R O C A R D I O G R A P H Y tained with different ECG criteria are reported in a study,
only one set is used, generally the one approaching best
the definition of other studies.
A total of 11 reports qualified.3-13 There were overlapping Table 2 summarizes the results of the out-of-hospital
reports for 2 studies. Two reports were derived from the ECG studies considered for diagnostic performance. The
same population,7,9 and only the first was used. In addition, diagnostic odds ratio was 104 (95% CI, 48 to 224) for
the same team also performed a retrospective evaluation AMI and 23 (95% CI, 6.3 to 85) for ACI.
of the diagnostic accuracy of specific ECG changes (not Figure 1 A displays the summary receiver-operating
qualifying for the data synthesis).14 Another 2 reports characteristic curve of 8 studies to assess the diagnostic
stemmed from the Myocardial Infarction Triage and Inter- performance of out-of-hospital ECG for AMI. The study


Ioannidis et al

by Millar-Craig et al11 operated at different sensitivity- teria in the definition of coronary ischemia and different
specificity values compared with the other studies be- criteria in the definition of an abnormal ECG result, there
cause it used very soft criteria for determining the need was significant heterogeneity of the sensitivity and speci-
for direct admission to the CCU rather than for diagnosing ficity estimates.
AMI. The heterogeneity in the reported sensitivity may be Three studies addressed the diagnostic accuracy of
due to different criteria used to define an abnormal ECG specific ECG changes. One study suggested that consid-
result. eration of reciprocal changes in addition to ST-segment
Figure 1B displays the summary receiver-operating elevation may be necessary to increase the positive pre-
characteristic results for ACI. The diagnostic accuracy is dictive value to the acceptable range (>90%) for consider-
very good but far from excellent. Because of different cri- ation of early out-of-hospital thrombolysis.9 Kudenchuk

Table 1.
Characteristics of studies assessing the diagnostic performance of out-of-hospital electrocardiography.

Subjects Mean Male Inclusion

Evaluated Age Sex (Exclusion) Test
Study (Enrolled) (y) (%) Criteria Criteria Blinding Bias

Aufderheide et al, 151 (166) 64 52 Stable, active CP (SBP <90 mm Hg, AMI: ST-segment elevation ≥0.10 Test and No data
19903 life-threatening arrhythmia) mV in at least 2 of 3 diaphrag- outcome
matic leads, in at least 2 adjacent
precordial leads, or in leads 1 and
aVL. ACI: ST-segment depression,
T-wave inversion, other changes
considered ischemic
Kudenchuk et al, 1,189 (1,189) 57 66 Symptoms <6 h, age <74 y, Para- AMI by computer interpretation on Outcome No data
19914 medic checklist of history and the basis of ST-segment elevation
physical examination criteria
(increased risk for bleeding)
Dalzell et al, 19915 94 (94) 61 67 CP >15 min and <6 h (no data) AMI: ST-segment elevation >0.1 mV Test 3 patients admitted twice
measured 80 ms from J point
Bertini et al, 19916 605 (706) 66 68 No data (no data) No data No data Diagnosis unknown for 95
subjects; 6 subjects died
during intervention
Aufderheide et al, 439 (680) 65 46 Stable, age >18 y (ventricular AMI: ST-segment elevation ≥1 mm No data 265 ECGs excluded (24 poor
19927 arrhythmia, 2o or 3o heart block, in at least 2 anatomically adjacent quality, 149 failed to transmit,
SBP <90 mm Hg) leads 72 subjects transported to
other hospitals, 20 subjects
had no records)
Arntz et al, 19928 1,226 (1,226) No data No data No data (no data) AMI: ST-segment elevation >0.1 mV No data No data
or tall peaked T waves in ≥2
contiguous leads with no BBB or
ventricular pacing
Otto and 428 (439) 65 45 Stable, age >18 y (ventricular AMI: ST-segment elevation ≥1 mm Test and 11 ECGs excluded (8 fully
Aufderheide, 19949 arrhythmia, 2o or 3o heart block, in 2 contiguous leads; other outcome paced, 3 poor quality)
SBP <90 mm Hg) criteria available (see study)
Foster et al, 199410 155 (155) No data No data CP or other referred pain, age AMI: ST-segment elevation ≥1 mm No data No data
>21 y (malignancy, DNR, cardiac in ≥2 contiguous leads and with re-
arrest, unable to give history) ciprocal depression in opposite wall
Millar-Craig et al, 162 (162) 66 80 No data (no data) No data No data No data
Brown, 199712 32 (no No data No data Maryland AMI protocol (no data) No data No data No data
Kudenchuk et al, 3,027 (3,027) 60 66 No data (no data) ACI: ST-segment elevation, ST- Test 10 ECGs excluded (poor quality)
199813 segment depression, T-wave
inversion, Q wave, left BBB
CP, Chest pain; SBP, systolic blood pressure; BBB, bundle-branch block; DNR, do not resuscitate order.


Ioannidis et al

et al13 evaluated the improved diagnostic performance of patients with chest pain. The accumulated evidence is
serial out-of-hospital and in-hospital ECGs. Both studies substantial, and the data have been gathered from patient
show the anticipated tradeoff between sensitivity and populations with few exclusion criteria. Therefore, an
specificity when more stringent ECG criteria are used. out-of-hospital ECG should be considered in all patients
Dalzell et al5 provide data on specific ECG changes on a with chest pain when first seen by paramedics.
highly selected population with a very high prevalence of Differences in the stringency of the definition of ECG
AMI. abnormalities may result in tradeoffs of sensitivity and
Finally, one study compared computer interpretation specificity, and the operating point may need to be deter-
of out-of-hospital ECGs with interpretation by physi- mined on the basis of whether these out-of-hospital
cians.4 Computer-interpreted ECGs had better specificity ECGs will be used for deciding on the need for out-of-
(98% versus 95%) and worse sensitivity (52% versus 66%) hospital thrombolysis and what positive predictive value
than those undergoing physician interpretation. is therefore needed. Expertise in interpretation may
The out-of-hospital ECG, as expected, has diagnostic affect the estimated diagnostic performance. Obviously,
accuracy for AMI and ACI similar to that of the standard the performance characteristics would be worse if the
ECG, which is the gold standard in the management of ECGs were interpreted by less-experienced practition-

Table 2.
Diagnostic test performance of out-of-hospital ECG studies.

Test Performance
Study Population Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity Study
Study Size Category* of Disease (%) (%) (%) Quality†

Aufderheide et al, 19903 151 I ACI 40 90 53 A

AMI 16 54 99
Kudenchuk et al, 19914 1,189 I ACI 46 — — A
AMI 33 66 95
Dalzell et al, 19915 94 II ACI 92 78 88 B
AMI 51 77 98
Bertini et al, 19916 605 II ACI 52 95 93 B
AMI 26 76 94
Aufderheide et al, 19927‡ 439 I ACI 54 43 87 B
AMI 21 42 99.7
Arntz et al, 19928 1,226 II ACI No data — — B
AMI 34 64 99.5
Otto and Aufderheide, 19949‡ 428 I ACI 60 — — B
AMI 23 60 81
Foster et al, 199410 155 II ACI No data — — B
AMI 14 81 100
Millar-Craig et al, 199711 162 II ACI 66 — — B
AMI 44 99 41
Brown, 199712 32 II ACI No data — — C
AMI 22 100§ 80§
Kudenchuk et al, 199813 3,027 II ACI 53 46II 96II A
AMI 38 — —
Overall 7,508 I ACI 46–92 76 (54–89)¶ 88 (67–96)¶ B
AMI 14–51 68 (59–76)¶ 97 (89–92)¶
Category I studies included patients with symptoms suggestive of ACI; category II studies included only patients with chest pain; and category III studies included patients with nondiagnostic ECGs.
See accompanying synopsis article.2

Study quality A articles are high-quality, well-documented, unbiased studies. Study quality B articles are fair quality and incompletely documented, with no evidence of significant bias. Study quality
C articles are poor quality and poorly documented, with possibly significant bias. See accompanying synopsis article.2

Aufderheide et al3 and Otto and Aufderheide9 pertain to the same study population.
ACI criteria and ST-segment elevation. Other criteria are available (see study).
Reporting of the data in the article is inconsistent, incorrect, or both. This study is not used in the quantitative synthesis.

Results of meta-analyses (95% CIs) with random-effects calculations.


Ioannidis et al

ers, but even experienced staff may miss ECG changes on showed short duration of time to potential out-of-hospital
the scene.8 thrombolysis, as well as possible gains compared with
waiting for arrival to the hospital and obtaining an ECG
C L I N I C A L E F F E C T O F O U T- O F - H O S P I TA L there before administering treatment. One more early
E L E C T R O C A R D I O G R A P H Y A N D T H R O M B O LY S I S study was excluded because although both home- and
hospital-treated patients were considered, their outcomes
The clinical effect of out-of-hospital ECG has been could not be separated.26 Finally, the formal meta-analysis
addressed in comparisons of the initiation of thromboly- did not consider a study that looked only at the quality of
sis (on the basis of out-of-hospital ECG) before arrival at transmission of out-of-hospital ECGs.27
the hospital versus hospital initiation of thrombolysis. Retrospective studies were excluded from the evidence
Both prospective nonrandomized studies and random- synthesis, but the largest is worth discussing here, given
ized trials have been performed. On the basis of the avail- its sample size.28 This was a retrospective evaluation of
ability of data reported in the literature, we analyzed the 70,763 patients in an AMI registry, including 3,768
following outcomes: (1) time savings; (2) early differ- patients with out-of-hospital ECGs. Only patients with
ences in left ventricular function; (3) hospital mortality; AMI presenting to the hospital within less than 12 hours
and (4) long-term mortality. of the onset of symptoms were included; in-hospital
We considered separately randomized trials and non- infarction, transferred-in referrals, and self-transported
randomized studies with prospectively enrolled control patients were excluded. The median time from onset of
subjects. We excluded observational studies that did not symptoms to hospital arrival was prolonged among
use control subjects but instead, in most cases, calculated patients who had an out-of-hospital ECG (152 versus 91
the observed time delays and speculated on potential time minutes), although the median time from hospital arrival
that could have been saved if thrombolysis was initiated to therapy was shortened both for thrombolysis (30 ver-
in the out-of-hospital setting. Such reports19-25 invariably sus 40 minutes) and for primary angioplasty (92 versus

Figure 1.
A, Summary receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis of out-of-hospital ECG in the diagnosis of AMI. B, Summary receiver-operat-
ing characteristic curve analysis of out-of-hospital ECG in the diagnosis of ACI. Plotted in each of the summary receiver-operating charac-
teristic graphs are individual studies depicted as ellipses. The x- and y-dimensions of the ellipses are proportional to the square root of the
number of patients available to study the specificity and sensitivity, respectively, within the analysis. Also shown is the unweighted summary
receiver-operating characteristic curve limited to the range where data are available. The cross (x) represents the independent random-
effects pooling of sensitivity and specificity values of the studies.

A Sensitivity B Sensitivity
100 100
90 90

80 80

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30
20 20

10 10

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
100–Specificity 100–Specificity


Ioannidis et al

115 minutes) in the out-of-hospital ECG group. The out- and coronary artery bypass grafting than the control group.
of-hospital ECG group was more likely to have reperfusion In-hospital mortality was 8% in the out-of-hospital group
therapy with thrombolysis or angioplasty, angiography, versus 12% in the control group (P<.001), and the survival

Table 3.
Characteristics of prospective nonrandomized studies of out-of-hospital thrombolysis.

Size, Mean Male

Out-of-Hospital/ Age Sex
Study Design In-Hospital (y) (%) Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Outcomes

Koren et al, 1985,29 51 55 93

Age <75 y, CP >30 min and <4 h, SBP >220 mm Hg, history of severe Mortality, ejection fraction
prospective cohort unresponsive to nitrates and hypertension, previous CABG,
nifedipine, ST-segment elevation malignant tumors or terminal
≥0.2 mV, persisting 0.08 s after noncardiac illness, contraindi-
J point in ≥2 surface leads and cation to streptokinase
associated with reciprocal changes
Weiss et al, 1987,30 34/84 57 85 CP <4 h, ST-segment elevation Age >76 y, active peptic ulcer, previous Time from symptom onset to
case-control study ≥2 mm in ≥2 leads and reciprocal cerebrovascular accident, bleeding treatment, ejection fraction
changes, unresponsive to nitrates tendency, SBP >200 mm Hg, history
and nifedipine of AMI
Roth et al, 1990,31 72/44 59 81 Age <73 y, CP >30 min and <4 h, DBP >120 mm Hg, left BBB, history of Time from symptom onset to
case-control study ST-segment elevation ≥0.1 mV in CHF or cardiac surgery, terminal treatment, ejection fraction,
≥2 contiguous leads illness, bleeding predisposition mortality
Kereiakes et al, 1990,32 13/196 No data No data No data No data Time from admission to
case-control study treatment
Bouten et al, 1992,33 226/220 59 81 Age ≤75 y, CP >30 min and <6 h, Cardiac massage before evaluation, Time from symptom onset to
case-control study unresponsive to sublingual nitro- stupor, paresis or paralysis, history treatment, mortality
glycerin, ST-segment elevation of cerebrovascular accident,
≥0.3 mV in ≥2 leads of V1-V6 or uncontrolled hypertension, bleeding
0.2 mV in 2 leads of II/III/aVF with disorder, fall or head injury after
total ST-segment deviation of ≥1.0 onset of symptoms
mV in absence of QRS complex of
≥130 ms
Rozenman et al, 1995,34 114/646 57 82 CP <4 h, ST-segment elevation >2 mm Bleeding tendency, peptic ulcer, or Time from symptom onset to
case-control study in ≥2 leads, unresponsive to previous recent cerebrovascular treatment, mortality
sublingual vasodilators accident
CP, Chest pain; SBP, systolic blood pressure; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; BBB, bundle-branch block; CHF, congestive heart failure.

Table 4.
Outcomes in nonrandomized studies of out-of-hospital thrombolysis.

Mean (SD) Time to Mean (SD) Mortality

Thrombolysis (min) Ejection Fraction (n/N)*
Study Size Out-of-Hospital Hospital Out-of-Hospital Hospital Out-of-Hospital Hospital Study quality

Roth et al, 199031 118 94 (35) 137 (45) 49 (17) 45 (19) 4/72 3/44 B
Bouten et al, 199233 446 100 (56) 166 (56) No data No data 0/226 6/220 B
Rozenman et al, 199534 760 84 (48) 126 (60) 58 (13) 54 (15) 5/114 11/645 B
Overall 1,324 Mean difference† –50 (49–58)‡ (45–54)‡ Risk ratio† 0.84 (95% CI, 0.17–4.2) B
(95% CI, –32 to –68)
Number of subjects who died over total number of subjects.

Result of meta-analysis by using random-effects calculations.

Range of studies.


Ioannidis et al

benefit persisted after adjusting for various predictors of ysis include Koren et al,29 Weiss et al,30 Rozenman et al,34
mortality. and Weiss et al35 in chronologic order. For data synthesis,
we used the latest update on hard end points.34 Compared
Prospective nonrandomized evidence with earlier reports, this report also includes patients
Prospective nonrandomized evidence was available with significant systemic hypertension and patients older
from 4 different teams (Table 3).29-34 Key publications of than 75 years. The most recent report does not contain
the Israeli team that pioneered out-of-hospital thrombol- any data on the prespecified end points.35

Table 5.
Characteristics of randomized trials of out-of-hospital thrombolysis.

Size, Mean Male

Out-of-Hospital/ Age Sex
Study In-Hospital (y) (%) Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Outcomes

Castaigne et al, 198936 57/43 56 91 Age <75 y, ischemic CP >30 min and History of severe hypertension, Time from symptom onset to
<3 h, unresponsive to nitrates, ST- contraindication to thrombolysis treatment, mortality, ejection
segment elevation ≥2 mV in ≥2 fraction
standard or 3 precordial leads
Barbash et al, 199037 43/44 58 80 Age <72 y, CP >30 min and <4 h, ST- Left BBB, history of CHF, cardiac Time from symptom onset to
segment elevation of 0.1 mV in ≥2 surgery, DBP <120 mm Hg, terminal treatment, mortality, ejection
contiguous leads illness, bleeding disposition fraction
Karagounis et al, 199038 34/37 No data No data Age <76 y, CP >20 min, unresponsive Contraindications to thrombolysis Time from hospital arrival to
to nitroglycerin, ST-segment treatment, time on scene
elevation ≥0.1 mV in ≥2 limb leads,
0.2 mV in ≥2 precordial leads, or both
Schofer et al, 199039 40/38 55 85 Age ≤70 y, CP >30 min and <4 h, ST- History of AMI, contraindications to Time from symptom onset to
segment elevation ≥2 mm in ≥2 thrombolysis treatment, mortality, ejection
leads for inferior AMI and ≥3 mm in fraction, wall motion
≥2 precordial leads for anterior AMI
Kereiakes et al, 199240 11/11 No data No data No data No data Time from hospital to treatment
McAleer et al, 199241 43/102 60 78 Symptoms <6 h, ST-segment elevation Bleeding disorders, anticoagulants, Mortality
≥0.1 mV in ≥2 standard leads, 0.2 active peptic ulcer, recent stroke
mV in at least 2 precordial leads or surgery, BP >220/120 mm Hg,
or both life expectancy <2 y
GREAT, 199242 163/148 63 70 Strong clinical suspicion of AMI, Thrombolysis <6 mo, surgery or major Mortality
symptoms >20 min and <4 h, ECG trauma past 10 d, bleeding <6
recorded by general practitioner months, cerebrovascular accident
or neurosurgical procedure <2 months
or known intracranial aneurysm or
neoplasm, history of bleeding disorder,
anticoagulant, risk of pregnancy or
heavy vaginal bleeding, diabetic
proliferative retinopathy, BP >200/
120 mm Hg, recent resuscitation
with chest compression
EMIP, 199343 2,750/2,719 61 77 CP >30 min and <6 h, ST-segment Anticoagulants, bleeding disorder, Time from symptom onset
elevation ≥1 mm in 2 limb leads, recent active peptic ulcer, stroke, to treatment, mortality
elevation >2 mm in ≥2 precordial surgery or major trauma <6 mo,
leads, or both, history of ACI allowed recent cardiac massage, BP >200/
120 mm Hg, pregnancy, PTCA <2 wk,
contraindications to thrombolysis
MITI, 199344 and 199645 175/185 58 82 ≤75 y, CP ≤6 h, ST-segment elevation Risk of serious bleeding including Ejection fraction, infarct size,
>1 mm in ≥2 leads, history of CAD history of stroke, recent bleeding mortality, time from symptom
or ACI allowed or surgery, known liver or kidney onset to treatment
disease, uncontrolled BP >180/120
mm Hg, hypertension
CP, Chest pain; BBB, bundle-branch block; CHF, congestive heart failure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; BP, blood pressure; PTCA, percutaneous transluminal coronary arteriography; CAD, coronary
artery disease.


Ioannidis et al

The Cincinnati Heart Project addressed the effect of groups, but data were limited, and some heterogeneity
obtaining an out-of-hospital ECG on the time from reach- was present (Table 4).
ing the hospital until initiation of thrombolytic therapy.32
Thrombolysis was not given in the out-of-hospital set- Randomized evidence
ting. The 13 patients enrolled in the project had average A total of 10 published randomized trials pertaining to
delays of 36.3 (SD 11.3) minutes versus 62.9 (SD 14.7) the comparison of out-of-hospital with in-hospital strate-
minutes for 196 patients seen in the same facilities where gies were identified.36-45 One small trial was excluded
the out-of-hospital ECG protocol was not applied and because the comparison was between thrombolysis in the
88.8 (SD 54.4) minutes in 211 historic control subjects. CCU and thrombolysis in the ED or at home.46 Seven of
No data are available on time from onset of symptoms to the 9 qualifying trials (Table 5) compared out-of-hospital
thrombolysis. with hospital administration of thrombolysis and typi-
Results on the time from onset of symptoms to treat- cally considered populations of patients with short dura-
ment are summarized in Table 4. Overall, among the more tions of symptoms (up to 3-6 hours when stated), age less
than 400 patients given thrombolysis in the out-of-hospi- than 75 years, and no contraindications to thrombolysis,
tal setting, the time gained was approximately 50 minutes as perceived by each trial’s investigators. The other 2 trials
compared with that of control subjects receiving hospital evaluated whether obtaining an out-of-hospital ECG
thrombolysis. might increase the time spent in the field38 or might affect
In 2 studies, ejection fraction in the short term (within the time to administration of thrombolysis after admis-
1 week after admission34 or on discharge31) was better in sion to the hospital.40 Karagounis et al38 found no in-
the out-of-hospital groups but reached statistical signifi- crease of in-field time (16.4 versus 16.1 minutes).
cance only in the larger study (616 subjects).34 In-hospi- Kereiakes et al40 found that the 11 patients randomized to
tal mortality did not differ significantly between the 2 have an out-of-hospital ECG had a 15-minute reduction

Table 6.
Outcomes in randomized trials of out-of-hospital thrombolysis.

Mean [Median] Ejection

(SD) Time to fraction,
Thrombolysis (min) % (SD) Mortality
Population Out-of- Out-of- Out-of- Study
Study Size Category* Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital Quality†

MITI, 199344 360 IV 92 (58) 120 (49) 53 (12) 54 (12) 10/175 15/185 A
EMIP, 199343 5,469 IV [130] [190] No data No data 266/2,750 303/2,719 A
GREAT, 1992,42 1994,48 311‡ IV [101] [240] No data No data 11/163 17/148 A
and 199749
McAleer et al, 199241 145 IV 138 172 57§ 52§ 1/43 12/102 A
Kereiakes et al, 199240 22 IV No data No data No data No data No data No data A
Schofer et al, 199039 78 IV 85 (51) 137 (50) 51 (10)II 53 (14)II 1/40 2/38 A
Karagounis et al, 199038 71 IV 48 (12) 68 (29) No data No data No data No data A
Barbash et al, 199037 87 IV 96 (36) 132 (42) 48 (15) 48 (15) 1/43 3/43 A
Castaigne et al, 198936 100 IV [131] [180] 57 (no data) 53 (no data) 3/57 2/43 A
Overall 6,643 IV No synthesis possible Range 48–57 Range 48–54 Risk ratio¶ 0.84 A
(95% CI, 0.73–0.98)
*Category I studies included patients with symptoms suggestive of ACI; category II studies included only patients with chest pain; category III studies included patients with nondiagnostic ECGs; and

category IV studies included hospitalized patients only or other inclusion criteria. See accompanying synopsis article.2

Study quality A articles are high-quality, well-documented, unbiased studies. Study quality B articles are fair quality and incompletely documented, with no evidence of significant bias. Study quality
C articles are poor quality and poorly documented, with possibly significant bias. See accompanying synopsis article.2

Data from 3 publications of the same study.
§Ejection fraction was measured only in 45% of the patients enrolled.
IIEjection fraction was measured only in 28 patients of each arm.
¶Results of meta-analysis with random-effects calculations.


Ioannidis et al

in the in-hospital time to thrombolytic treatment com- available data are controversial about survival benefits
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