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a useful handbook for the hospital di- major function of the volunteer cited in
rector planning to initiate or to re- the report as: "to act to improve avail-
organize a volunteer program. The final able services and meet unmet needs by
chapter contributes a succinct statement sponsoring and supporting social legisla-
of ten guiding principles for a volunteer tion, budgets, .
program of services to the psychiatric MARION F. LANGER
The problems in the development of EPIDEMIOLOGY OF COMMUNICABLE DIS-
constructive volunteer programs of serv- EASES-Edited by Ahmed Mohamed Kamal.
ices to the psychiatric patient in the Alexandria, Egypt: Imprimerie du Commerce
communitv are analyzed in the report (Anglo Egyptian Bookshop), 1958. 567 pp.
based on topic 4. The general conclu- This book was written primarily for
sion reached is that there is urgent need the use of local medical and public
for creative experimentation and for the health students. Only those communica-
initiation of studies, scientifically based, ble diseases important from the Egyptian
of volunteer programs oriented to serv- point of view are discussed. These dis-
ices of the patient in the community. eases are, however, of concern in other
The appendixes are a valuable infor- parts of the world, and the book should
mation source to those concerned with prove useful to a wider audience, espec-
volunteer services. Included are: tables cially in areas with similar climatic, geo-
showing spread in this country of volun- graphical, and socioeconomic conditions.
teers serving psychiatric patients, insti- In the United States and Canada the
tutions concerned, and kinds of pro- book can be recommended to those
grams. A variety of source materials, schools of public health receiving stu-
such as data on medical care, disability dents educated in Egypt. The faculty of
insurance and workmen's compensation these schools might wish to know details
for volunteers, and tax deductibility of of elementary information and some-
-olunteers' expenses are given; as well times misinformation which the students
as job descriptions for volunteer direc- may have. Furthermore. consultants in
tors. an extensive bibliography, and epidemiology of communicable diseases,
available volunteer program manuals. proceeding to Egypt or neighboring
This reader found a significant weak- countries, could undoubtedly read the
ness in the study. The report stresses book with profit to learn where they
the importance of using the volunteer's need to start.
service as the unique contribution of The opening chapter briefly indicates
an interested outsider who comes to help the modern concept of epidemiological
with the program, not to substitute for practice as applied to noninfectious and
shortages in paid staff. However, back- infectious disease, both in field research
ground that is essential for review of and in evaluation of public health prac-
volunteer services with the psychiatric tices. The remainder of the book is con-
patient. or delineation of the necessary cerned only with the epidemiology of
services by paid staff who provide ade- infectious diseases.
quate service to the patient is not pre- Succeeding general chapters give ex-
sented. That framework is necessary to amples of the mechanisms involved in
define the pluses in services that fall the spread of infectious diseases, a short
within the proper function of the volun- discussion on immunity, and some prin-
teer in the program. Without this basic ciples on control of diseases including
differentiation, it would be difficult for disinfection and disinfestation. Few
the volunteer to be in a position to learn would agree with the statements that im-
enough about unmet services to fulfill a munity after typhoid fever lasts only a

FEBRUARY, 1960 271

few years and that yellow fever vaccine Especially since the opening of the
gives life-long protection. If this gen- Suez Canal in 1869, Egypt has occupied
eral section were written more criticallv. a ke- place in international traffic and
the volume would be more useful. particularly for those coming from Asia.
Five-sixths of the book is devoted to parts of which still have endemic cholera.
the epidemiology, prevention. and con- plague and smallpox. Therefore. it is
trol of some 30 diseases now found in fitting that the role of the WHO In-
Egypt or potentially important from the ternational Sanitary Regulations in the
viewpoint of international traffic. The international control of disease should be
latter are cholera, plague, smallpox. and fully discussed in a later chapter.
yellow fever, the last never having been It would be desirable in a subsequent
present although the country is con- printing to proofread the text more care-
sidered a receptive area for yellow fever. fully, especially the syllable divisions at
The cholera epidemic in 1947 is con- the end of lines. The book will prove
sidered at some length. The mechanism useful to many readers concerned with
of the introduction of this disease is still the diseases described because of the
not proved, but the statement (Page orderly epidemiological approach to
556) that the water of the Ismailia Canal each one. Those wishing to consult
was no doubt infected through an act of original papers of authors mentioned
sabotage does little to advance studies will miss the usual references. There is
of this serious outbreak. an index. ROBERT I. HoOD

Listing in this column acknowvledges the receipt of books and our appreciation to the senders.
Space and the interests of readers wvill permit review of some, but not all, of the books listed.

ACCEPTED DENTAL REMEDIES 1960. Chicago. Ph.D.. Editor. New York, N. Y.: Josiah
Ill.: American Dental Association, 1960. -Macy. Jr. Foundation, 1959. 358 pp. Price.
226 pp. Price. $3.00. $4.75.
SEARCH. Charles V. Kidd. Cambridge, glish-German-French-Italian. Edited by Lore
Mass.: Harvard Uni-versity Press, 1959. 272 Lettenmeyer. New York, N. Y.: Philosophi-
pp. Price, $6.00. cal Library, 1959. 298 pp. Price, $6.00.
CAL INFECTIONS. Reprinted from the Ameri- F. J. L. Blasingame. Chicago, Ill.: American
can Journal of Nursing, Vol. 59, December, Medical Association, 1959. 779 pp. Price.
1959. Mary R. Lester. New York, N. Y.: $5.00.
American Journal of Nursing, 1959. 25 pp.
Price, .S.25. DOCTOR STRAND. Boris Sokoloff. Newv York.
BIRTH AND DEATH REGISTRATION IN MIASSA- N. Y.: Vantage Press, 1960. 205 pp. Price.
CHUSETTS 1639-1900. Robert Gutman. Newv $3.50.
York, N. Y.: Milbank Mlemorial Fund, 1959. EV ALUATION OF PROTEIN NUTRITIO-N. A Re-
115 pp. Price, $1.00. port of the Food and Nutrition Board. Wash-
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND BEHAVIOR. ington, D. C.: National Academy of Sci-
Transactions of the Second Conference, ences, National Research Council, 1959. 61
February 22-25, 1')59. Mary A. B. Brazier, pp. Price, $2.00.

272 VOL. 50. NO. 2, A.J.P.H.

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