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Student: Edy Alberto Marin Gutierrez

Teacher: Luis Alfonso López Lerma

Assignments: ANSI and IEEE What are their purposes? What are they?
Activity 1
Ansi and IEEE: is a nonprofit organization that oversees the development of standards for
products, services, processes, and systems in the United States.

IEEE stands for The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a global technical-professional
association dedicated to standardization, among other things.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is a global association of engineers dedicated
to standardization and development in technical areas

What are your purposes? The objectives of the IEEE's work are the following: Promote debate and
analysis on new scenarios that affect our security and, on the doctrines, and strategies to
guarantee it.

IEEE 802: IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks--Virtual Bridged Local Area
Networks: This standard defines standards for virtual local area networks (LANs) and may be
relevant in industrial environments with Ethernet networks.

IEEE 802.3 IEEE Standard for Ethernet:

It establishes standards for the implementation of Ethernet networks, which are widely used in
industrial environments for data communication.

IEEE 802.1Qbu: Frame Preemption:

Defines the frame priority mechanism to improve the transmission of critical frames in industrial

IEEE 802-1 is a part of the IEEE 802 family of standards that focuses on the architecture and
services of local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs). The IEEE 802. 1 working
group is responsible for developing standards to provide a unified framework that addresses
aspects such as traffic management, security, quality of service (QoS), authentication, among
others, in local area networks.

IEEE 802-2 is a standard that specifies the frame header format for the data link layer in local area
networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN) that follow the IEEE 802 reference architecture.
This standard establishes the rules for data encapsulation and medium access control at the data
link layer.
Ansi standards seek to ensure that the characteristics and performance of products are aware that
people use the same definitions and terms of the products.

The American National Standards Institute, better known as ANSI, is a nonprofit organization that
oversees the development of standards for products, services, processes, and systems in the
United States.

The standards developed by ANSI cover a wide range of sectors, including technology information,
health, security, electrical engineering, industry, and many more. These standards are adopted
voluntarily by companies, government organizations and other stakeholders to improve efficiency,
interoperability and security in different fields.

ANSI's goal is to facilitate the development and implementation of standards that benefit society at
large by promoting standardization and quality in various aspects of everyday life and industry.
The organization also represents the United States on international standards bodies and
collaborates with other national standards organizations around the world.

What are your purposes? The objectives work organization, processes and systems create
guidelines that are widely accepted across a wide range of sectors. Its goal is to create uniformity
for goods and industry processes.

ANSI SQL (Structured Query Language): Defines the structured query language used in databases.

ANSI C: Specifies the C programming language.

ANSI/NFPA 70 (NEC - National Electrical Code): National Electrical Code, establishing standards for
electrical installation.
5 levels Automation

Level 1: Assisted control refers to a level of industrial automation in which some degree of
automatic assistance is incorporated to facilitate tasks performed by human operators. At this
level, although there are automatic systems that can monitor and adjust some parameters,
decision making still falls to human operators. Assisted automation aims to improve efficiency and
safety in task execution without completely eliminating human involvement.

Level 2: Sequential automation refers to a level of industrial automation in which processes and
operations are carried out following a predetermined sequence of steps or stages. At this level,
control logic is based on a predefined sequence of actions that are executed in response to specific
events or conditions. Each stage of the process is performed sequentially, and automation is used
to coordinate and control these stages in the established order.

Level 3: Programmable Logic Controller) is an electronic device used in synthetic automation to

care and interpret machines and processes.

Level 4: Expert Systems-Based Automation is an advanced level of automation that incorporates

artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to improve decision making and problem solving in a specific
environment. An Expert System is a type of artificial intelligence system designed to imitate the
reasoning and knowledge of a human expert in a particular domain.

Level 5: control level This level aims to control a set of processes through a specialized computer,
such as a programmable logic controller (PLC), which has a CPU and memory that receives input
and output signals and processes the information.
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