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Journal of Peace Research

2022, Vol. 59(1) 90–104

COVID-19, state capacity, and political ª The Author(s) 2022
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violence by non-state actors
DOI: 10.1177/00223433211063034

Britt Koehnlein
Ore Koren
Department of Political Science, Indiana University

The COVID-19 pandemic has constrained the ability of states across the world to govern and control their
territories. As the state reduces its activities, space opens for violent non-state actors working for and against the
state to fill the vacuum. Highlighting this trend, the present study evaluates the effects of COVID-19 and
pandemics more broadly on attacks by non-state actors. Our theory emphasizes the incentives of both rebels and
pro-government non-state actors (PGNs) to increase their attack frequency as disease spreads and the state retracts
its governance activities to preserve resources needed elsewhere. In the first case, we highlight how the pandemic
allows rebels to reduce asymmetries of power with respect to the military and establish themselves as a viable
government alternative. In the second case, PGNs, which provide an alternative to militaries, are deployed to these
contested spaces to thwart or pre-empt rebellion during the pandemic. Employing daily-level data on the annual
change in armed conflict and COVID-19 cases across 127 countries between 1 January 2020 and 15 June 2020,
we test both claims using an econometric identification strategy. We do not find clear evidence that COVID-19
led to a higher frequency of rebel attacks, suggesting that these groups prefer to bolster their standing using
nonviolent means, or avoid fighting and preserve their resources. In contrast, we find that the frequency of PGN
attacks has increased with COVID-19 prevalence compared with last year. Case studies of insurgent and PGN
activity in Afghanistan and Nigeria lend additional support to these results, illustrating some underlying mechan-
isms. Our findings explore overlooked challenges that pandemics and other disasters pose to conflict mitigation
and the role PGNs play in these contexts.

civil war, COVID-19, pandemics, political violence, pro-government militia, rebels

This study examines how COVID-19 has affected levels governance), through service provision (e.g. healthcare),
of violence by armed non-state actors. By ‘non-state to violent pro- or anti-government action and civilian
actors’, we refer to a spectrum of armed organizations victimization (e.g. Ahram, 2011; Koren, 2017; Mitchell,
and groups, ranging from fully militarized rebel groups Carey & Butler, 2014).
to loosely structured civilian defense councils. These Theoretically, there are multiple possible linkages
groups can work for – or at least not against – the state between COVID-19 and violence by non-state groups,
or act directly against it. Our focus covers both pro- but we focus on one we believe is key – namely, the
government non-state (PGN) groups such as militias, disruption to state capacity and control caused by the
paramilitaries, auxiliaries, and mercenaries, and anti- pandemic. We argue that, as governments scale back
government groups such as rebels and insurgents (see
e.g. Carey, Colaresi & Mitchell, 2015; Raleigh & Kishi,
2020). Non-state actor activity ranges from benign orga- Corresponding author:
nizational efforts (e.g. deciding in matters of local
Koehnlein & Koren 91

their governance activities due to the pandemic, espe- Our results do not imply that pandemics, and
cially in contested regions, space opens up for non- COVID-19 in particular, are the only or predominant
state actors working both for and against the state to cause of violence by non-state actors, as ample research
establish themselves as key players. For rebels and insur- has established (Carey, Colaresi & Mitchell, 2015; e.g.
gents, COVID-19 ‘balances the playing field’, allowing Fearon & Laitin, 2003; Herbst, 2000). Rather, the
them to take advantage of the government’s sudden objective of this article is to evaluate for the first time
weakness and challenge the state both on the battlefield (to our knowledge) whether COVID-19, as an example
(e.g. Bagozzi, 2016) and as service and governance pro- of a fast-spreading global pandemic, has contributed to
vider (Cunningham & Loyle, 2020). Faced with shocks civil war, while theorizing about the precise underlying
to their activities posed by COVID-19, governments mechanism(s). Considering that our results hold across
may turn to pro-government non-state actors (PGNs) numerous sensitivity analyses, including a set of models
to help in thwarting or pre-empting rebellion intensifica- designed specifically to account for possible endogeneity
tion (Ahram, 2011; Carey, Colaresi & Mitchell, 2015; between COVID-19 and conflict (see Online appendix),
Raleigh & Kishi, 2020). our findings suggest scholars and policymakers should
Based on daily data at the country level, the empirical consider the role of pandemics when studying the deter-
results indicate that between 1 January and 15 June minants of violence by non-state actors.
2020, the spread of COVID-19 did not lead to a notice-
able increase in the number of rebel attacks compared COVID-19, state capacity, and violent
with the previous year (2019). However, we do find non-state actors
that – over the same period – the spread of COVID-
19 caused a noticeable increase in the number of PGN
Theoretical motivation
Recently, researchers began to pay more attention to the
attacks compared with the previous year, on average.
role of disasters and unplanned critical events (e.g. Jonk-
To provide a more nuanced evaluation of these results
man & Kelman, 2005; Reinhardt & Ross, 2015) – espe-
and identify the exact pathway linking COVID-19 with
cially those engendered by environmental shocks such as
violence by rebels and PGNs, we additionally report two
droughts, floods, and heatwaves (e.g. Bagozzi, Koren &
case studies of the civil wars in Afghanistan and Nigeria.
Mukherjee, 2017; Ide, 2016; von Uexkull et al., 2016) –
Importantly, even though we do not find clear evidence
in generating conflict and violence. Scholars have iden-
that COVID-19 increased the frequency of rebel attacks tified several potential pathways linking environmental
compared with last year, the results are also incompatible shocks with conflict, including through exacerbating
with the claim that COVID-19 led to an overall pacifi- grievances (e.g. Ide, 2016; von Uexkull et al., 2016),
cation in either rebel or PGN activity, although (as we intensifying competition over agricultural resources
show in the case study section) this might have happened (Bagozzi, Koren & Mukherjee, 2017), and increasing
in some contexts. strain on food and traditional herding systems (e.g. Dör-
Considering the possibility COVID-19 will become ing, 2020).
endemic, especially in developing and conflict-afflicted Natural disasters’ impacts on conflict vary, but past
states (Gates, 2020), our findings suggest that non-state research suggests that natural disasters exacerbate weak
actor conflict patterns may correspondingly intensify. state capacity and that weak states are further weakened
However, even if COVID-19 is defeated and govern- by natural disasters through a variety of mechanisms,
ment activities, including in areas of security and including unsuccessful relief operations (Chattu &
defense, return to normal, our findings still highlight the Knight, 2019), destruction of the natural environment
negative implications of pandemics and disease to con- (Eastin, 2016), and political mismanagement of the
flict and stability. Indeed, many conflict-afflicted states disaster (McLean & Whang, 2021; Nel & Righarts,
already face ongoing pandemics that are even more 2008). In the latter case, McLean & Whang (2021), for
severe and deadly than COVID-19, including tubercu- instance, find that weak states tend to divert funds away
losis, HIV, malaria, and Ebola. In line with past studies from natural disaster preparedness and mitigation, which
(e.g. Bagozzi, 2016; Cervellati, Sunde & Valmori, 2017; ultimately compounds the effects of natural disasters
Kustra, 2017; Ostergard, 2008) our findings confirm when they strike. This diversion of funds is further com-
that pandemics affect armed conflict. However, we add pounded when states are facing economic sanctions or
to this literature by including pro-government groups in are undergoing an economic crisis, as these states have
our analysis. fewer resources than average and often sacrifice funds
92 journal of PEACE RESEARCH 59(1)

toward non-imminent threats. Given that weak states COVID-19 and weakening state capacity
have limited resources before a natural disaster strikes, From this perspective, like other natural disasters, the
using limited resources for disaster mitigation and relief sudden spread of disease constitutes a governance shock,
strains the regime. in particular to states’ administrative and bureaucratic
Moreover, if the regime is also engaged in an ongoing capacities. Accordingly, we focus on the formal govern-
conflict, it will further limit the resources available to ance aspect of state capacity, which encompasses a wide
fight that conflict as well as limiting the resources for range of concepts. For our purposes, formal governance
disaster relief (Eastin, 2016; Nel & Righarts, 2008). refers to the ability of the state to penetrate society and
Eastin (2016) specifically finds that a natural disaster control and administer its territory (Hendrix, 2010;
increases a conflict’s duration because it decreases a Herbst, 2000). This notion builds on the definition of
state’s capacity to suppress an insurgency. A regime’s bureaucratic/administrative capacity developed by e.g.
capacity therefore shrinks when its resources are split Fearon & Laitin (2003), Hendrix (2010), and Koren
between fighting a conflict and mitigating a natural & Sarbahi (2018), which ‘shifts the focus from the state’s
disaster. This limits a regime’s ability to fight (potentially ability to put boots and arms in the field to its ability to
prolonging the conflict) and provide disaster relief collect and manage information’ (Hendrix, 2010: 274).
(potentially prolonging and exacerbating the disaster’s Weak states often struggle to obtain information and
effects). Under these circumstances, the government’s control and regulate political and socio-economic activ-
attention is diverted, which creates opportunities for ity within their boundaries, providing an opportunity for
non-state actors to either launch attacks or administer rebel groups and non-state actors to use this to their
aid. This is particularly relevant for our discussion, as we advantage (Fearon & Laitin, 2003; Herbst, 2000).
explain in the next subsection. Strong states, in contrast, are far more effective at admin-
One type of disaster that has received surprisingly
istrating their territory, which allows them to collect
little attention until recently is disease. Like other
information, maintain local control, and effectively iden-
unplanned disasters, disease outbreak, and in particular
tify potential attacks by anti-state actors. Such states
pandemics – outbreaks that affect wide geographic areas
therefore have higher formal governance and state capac-
and impact the lives of hundreds of thousands if not
ity levels (Koren & Sarbahi, 2018).
millions of individuals (Bagozzi & Koren, 2021) – is
In particular, due to their high unpredictability and
often difficult to predict and challenging to mitigate.
speed of spread, pandemics can disrupt governance and
Widespread disease, especially if it becomes endemic
control in multiple ways. Addressing and combating
(constantly present), can have major negative socio-
pandemic diseases strains government resources, limiting
economic impacts on states, especially those states with
limited state capacity and resources (Bagozzi & Koren, governments’ ability to tackle issues that are not directly
2021; Gallup & Sachs, 2001). related to the pandemic (Ataguba, 2020; Bagozzi, 2016;
For example, a study by Gallup & Sachs (2001) Elbe, 2002; Enemark, 2017; Kim, 2018; Ruckstuhl
showed that during the latter part of the 20th century, et al., 2017). The government must shift its focus from
malarial countries grew 1.3% less per person per year other administrative functions to combating the disease,
compared with non-malarial states, even after accounting while simultaneously being forced to reduce its bureau-
for initial poverty, economic policy, tropical location, cratic and even security operations to avoid infection and
and life expectancy. Similarly, Bagozzi & Koren (2021) the spread of the pandemic to its employees and troops.
find that an increase from minimum to maximum in a As disease spreads, government institutions close down
given state’s malarial prevalence decreases the probability or switch to operating in emergency mode, and even
that affected states will receive a diplomatic mission from military activities are reduced to the bare minimum
another state by 6–7%. Diseases such as HIV/AIDS, (e.g. US Army, 2020). This further constrains the ability
malaria, tuberculosis, influenza, cholera, and SARS have of the state to conduct testing and establish emergency
all reached pandemic levels in the last century with facilities in many (remote and rural) areas, thus creating a
devastating effects (Bagozzi & Koren, 2021). Develop- ‘governance vacuum’ in these regions. Pandemics, espe-
ing, and especially conflict-torn countries with already cially those that emerge suddenly and spread fast, like
weak infrastructures, poor safety nets, and shaky health COVID-19, therefore lead to an overall sudden and
systems, bear a much greater cost of pandemics and often sharp decrease in state capacity and presence, thereby
suffer from graver long-term consequences of diseases reducing the state’s ability to govern and administer
and pandemics (Ataguba, 2020). remote areas, which is especially true for states that had
Koehnlein & Koren 93

limited resources and low state capacity to begin with in some contexts is far less important than the possibility
(Bagozzi, 2016). that it may lead to violence, deaths, and destruction.
In the case of COVID-19, as governments cannot
guarantee that they can exercise control over some
regions, especially remote or rural ones, non-state actors – Implications for rebel groups
operating for or against the state – move in (Cunning- As the state retreats from – or at least reduces its admin-
ham & Loyle, 2020; Fearon & Laitin, 2003; Herbst, istrative activity in – contested spaces to mitigate the
2000). Accordingly, the relationship between the state impact of the pandemic on its institutions, troops, and
employees, both anti- and pro-government non-state
and non-state actors is defined by an asymmetry of
forces see an opportunity. Especially for anti-
power; in strong states, these asymmetries of power
government troops, this sudden disruption to state gov-
greatly favor the formal state and its institutions, while
ernance and control creates opportunities to address and
in weak and weakened states these asymmetries are more
use to their benefit existing grievances against the gov-
balanced and may favor non-state actors in some (often
ernment (Wise & Barry, 2017). As we discussed above,
remote) regions (Fearon & Laitin, 2003).
this impact could result in some pacifying effects – for
It is important to emphasize that while we focus on
example, as all sides agree on a ceasefire to combat the
the violent outcomes of COVID-19-induced declines in
pandemic (Economist, 2020), rebels seek to avoid the
administrative state capacity, it is possible that, at least in
disease and bolster supply chains and sponsorship activ-
the short term, these non-state actors will seek to illus-
ity by external states is reduced. Yet, global pandemics
trate that they are a viable alternative to the state, taking
such as COVID-19 may also lead to conflict intensifica-
on local governance and even helping with tackling the
tion, as rebels push against weakened governments.
pandemic (which happened in the case of the Taliban, as
With respect to the possibility of conflict intensifica-
we discuss below). They may also lie low to avoid the
tion, scholars highlight state-weakness-related pathways
virus, especially if supply lines have been affected, requir- by which pandemics operate, such as reducing asymme-
ing them to spend time adjusting rather than fighting. tries in military capability between the government and
Third, both pro- and anti-government forces may with- rebel groups (Bagozzi, 2016), intensifying the effects of
draw to avoid adding to the instability (as happened, for ongoing environmental stress (Cervellati, Sunde & Val-
instance, in Yemen as COVID-19 began spreading). mori, 2017), reducing life expectancy and – by exten-
Finally, outside sponsors may not be able to provide the sion – the opportunity cost of conflict (Kustra, 2017),
same level of support as they deal with COVID-19’s and weakening local political and military institutions
impacts domestically, forcing them to adjust their stra- (Ostergard, 2008). Accordingly, by empowering rebel
tegic priorities as illustrated, for example, by the reduc- groups and allowing them to take advantage of the
tion in Iran’s support of rebels in Yemen or Syria regime’s weaknesses in governance, research suggests the
(Economist, 2020). In these situations, COVID-19 will many effects of pandemics in war-torn countries – and in
result in a pacifying effect on violence, or will have none our case, COVID-19 in particular – are unlikely to lead
at all, at least in the short term. to pacification. Indeed, as the state reduces its adminis-
Nevertheless, we believe that focusing on violent out- trative and security activities, which forces it to take a
comes, as we do below, is important for at least two more passive and defensive stance, the opportunity arises
reasons. First, non-state actors can deploy a mix of vio- for rebels to go on the offensive, taking advantage of the
lent and nonviolent responses to COVID-19, which can state’s suddenly reduced capacity and presence.
include, for example, both providing relief to civilians Therefore, in line with the pathways discussed in the
and increasing attacks against government outposts (the previous subsection, as COVID-19-related cases and
Taliban’s strategy, as we discuss below) or rebel groups deaths increase, rebels might take advantage of the situ-
(as did militias in Iraq). In this case, even if COVID-19 ation to reduce power asymmetries with respect to the
has induced pacifying effects in some conflict contexts it government, increasing their administrative and military
could, at the same time, led to increases in rates of vio- presence within regions where they were prevented from
lence. Second, we believe that, considering the social and doing so before. They may also benefit from local grie-
political costs of violence by non-state actors, it is crucial vances and individuals’ willingness to join due to the
to understand the factors that lead to its intensification. pandemic and government retraction. As Kustra (2017:
In light of the socio-economic and political costs of vio- 2131) notes, ‘as civilian life expectancy declines, this
lence, the fact that COVID-19 might lead to pacification opportunity cost does too, increasing the probability of
94 journal of PEACE RESEARCH 59(1)

rebellion’, by facilitating rebel recruitment. In these con- PGNs. When states are forced to reduce security opera-
texts, the marginal returns from continuing and intensi- tions to limit their forces’ exposure, especially if they do
fying fighting under COVID-19 conditions are higher not enjoy some level of immunity (Bagozzi, 2016), they
and might provide these groups with a stronger bargain- may actively seek the help of local PGNs, including
ing position (see e.g. Nemeth & Lai, 2022), even if they militias, paramilitaries, and even mercenaries.
choose to still pursue nonviolent strategies (such as pro- Indeed, research identified several advantages that
viding relief) simultaneously. While the government is weak or suddenly weakened governments gain by relying
distracted by disease amelioration and protecting its own on PGNs, including low costs of training and operations
employees and troops from exposure, the rebels can (such groups get little to no training and often support
extract more resources and revenues with less violence themselves, see e.g. Ahram, 2011; Carey, Colaresi &
than is typically necessary, as illustrated in a story by the Mitchell, 2015; Koren, 2017), and plausible deniability,
Telegraph about the conflict in Nigeria: that is, the ability to lay blame on PGNs if violence gets
out of control (Carey, Colaresi & Mitchell, 2015;
There is no doubt that Boko Haram recognises the Mitchell, Carey & Butler, 2014). From this perspective,
opportunity that COVID-19 offers them. Boko Har- PGNs, like rebel groups, proliferate where and when the
am’s breakaway group, Islamic State West Africa Prov-
state is weak, and provide a pro-regime alternative in the
ince, recently boasted that the pandemic is an
absence of official military capacity (Aliyev, 2016).
opportunity to step up efforts and expand activities. In
Therefore, when faced with a sudden disruption to its
an editorial in Isil central’s bi-weekly Arabic language
administrative and security operations, the government
magazine, it celebrated recent attacks in the Lake Chad
region. It said the virus and subsequent economic down-
can, in a way, ‘have its cake and eat it too’: to reduce
turn would divert government attention, weaken capacity operations and minimize the pandemic’s impact on its
and increase fragility, giving its fighters more inroads. forces, diverting resources to combating the disease’s
(Bukarti, 2020a, emphasis added) impacts, while still being able to exercise some degree
of state control, at least by name.
Accordingly, building on these points as well as the Second, the costs from pandemics are often multi-
research and anecdotes discussed above, our first hypoth- plied for larger and denser groups (Ataguba, 2020;
esis is as follows: Bagozzi, 2016; Sawyer, 1993). Organized militaries are
often large and operate in more organized and denser
H1: As COVID-19 spreads, the number of attacks by contingents (e.g. companies, battalions), with soldiers
rebels will be higher compared with pre-pandemic living and working together, allowing disease to easily
levels. spread throughout their ranks (Bagozzi, 2016; Oster-
gard, 2008). In contrast, PGNs are often composed of
Implications for pro-government militias smaller units and looser troop arrangement, considering
While the impact of pandemics on rebel and insurgent they are more likely to fight skirmishes or attack civilians
activity received some scholarly attention, there have rather than get involved in direct military confrontations
been no similar attempts (to our knowledge) to explore (Ahram, 2011; Carey, Colaresi & Mitchell, 2015;
how the prevalence of disease impacts violence by pro- Koren, 2017). Pandemics’, and by extension, COVID-
government non-state groups, namely militias, auxili- 19’s, costs are therefore higher for (typically larger and
aries, informal paramilitaries, and mercenaries (Raleigh less diffuse) government troop deployments, which are
& Kishi, 2020). Yet, there are several reasons to think likely to be bigger and better organized (and hence more
that pandemic spread can increase the probability that susceptible to COVID-19’s effects) compared with the
even in relatively capable countries, violence by pro- more loosely organized PGNs.
government non-state groups (PGNs) will rise as the Finally, and related, any costs for PGNs incurred due
pandemic progresses. to COVID-19 are often not borne directly by the
First, as we discuss above, pandemics place severe regime, making them a ‘cheaper alternative’ – in straight-
constraints on government resources and activity com- forward material terms – to formal state forces. Govern-
pared with normal times. By forcing the government to ments rarely invest the same level in recruiting, training,
reduce operations to conserve resources, protect its and equipping PGNs as they do in their official militaries
employees and troops, and combat the disease, the pan- (Ahram, 2011; Carey, Colaresi & Mitchell, 2015).
demic creates a vacuum of governance and control. Just Moreover, if PGNs encounter the disease, they bear the
as rebels can move in to occupy these spaces, so can cost themselves; any repercussions will be, to a great
Koehnlein & Koren 95

degree, spared from state employees and troops. As for- increase their levels of attacks. As we discussed above, it is
mal militaries become increasingly concerned about the possible that – at least in the short term – rebel activity
pandemic’s effect on their combat preparedness and may actually decrease due to different reasons. Just as
capability, they or their governments are more likely to declines in formal state activities open doors for rebels
switch to using PGNs to retain some control or at least to to challenge the state, declines in rebel activity and mil-
prevent potential anti-state groups from making gains, itary capacity due to the pandemic can open doors for
increasing – by extension – the degree of PGN violence the state to root out the rebels. However, as the state is
the country experiences. dealing with its own local governance and military capac-
There are, however, inherent problems with relying ity problems, it may ‘contract’ these pre-emptive attacks
on PGNs, including incompatibility of goals between against the weakened rebels to PGNs.
the government and the group, or creating the possibility The pre-emptive motivation is agnostic to whether
of agency loss (Carey, Colaresi & Mitchell, 2015; Mitch- hypothesis H1 is true or not. Anticipating or being
ell, Carey & Butler, 2014). Moreover, once militias have informed by the state about an impeding governance
been initiated by the state, they have a staying power, vacuum and the potential for rebel violence, PGNs may
and may even fight the government if it tries to scale increase their rates of attacks in an effort to squash any
back their operations because they do not align with its potentials for rebels to gain territory. In doing so, PGNs
strategic goals (Ahram, 2011; Aliyev, 2016). In normal are able not only to weaken the rebels, but also establish
times, PGNs often operate where formal governance is themselves as an invaluable ally to the state, thereby
low either because the regime cannot or does not want to increasing potential revenues and resource support from
be present in these regions (Aliyev, 2016; Mitchell, the latter. These PGNs’ moves essentially become pre-
Carey & Butler, 2014). Accordingly, if COVID-19 is emptive because they fear what rebels can do with the
impacting the ability of the state to operate effectively, opportunity.
militias can fill this gap, although the impact will often In both the reactive and pre-emptive cases, PGNs
be negative for the government over the long term. substitute for government capacity, but their motiva-
Indeed, due to its sudden onset and comprehensive and tions for action are inherently different. However,
overwhelming impact, the COVID-19 outbreak might because the pre-emptive motivation is agnostic as to
be particularly illustrative of these trends. For instance, whether hypothesis H1 is true or not, we derive hypoth-
in Iraq, COVID-19 has undermined ‘the fledgling gov- esis H2 independently of whether H1 gets empirical
ernment’s legitimacy, as militias have stepped in to sup- confirmation, as follows:
ply medical and humanitarian services’ (Bussemaker,
2020). H2: As COVID-19 spreads, the number of attacks by
Importantly, the motivations of PGNs to engage in PGNs will be higher compared with pre-pandemic
violence can be combined into two broad categories: levels.
reactive and pre-emptive engagements. The first engage-
ment type, reactive, refers to situations where PGNs Empirical analysis
react to increases in rebel attacks due to retraction of
formal governance and military activity because of the Cross-national analysis
pandemic. From this perspective, PGNs serve as direct We test our hypotheses statistically on a sample encom-
substitutes for the formal state, engaging in combat to passing 167 days (1 January to 15 June 2020) in 127
protect pro-government enclaves and populations from states,1 which correspond to the availability of data on
rebels. This is the case if hypothesis H1 (derived above) conflict and COVID-19 death estimates (as defined
is correct, as the government relies on PGNs, due to the below). Our unit of analysis is the country-day, although
reasons discussed above, to stave off rebel attacks. Here, in the Online appendix we report different models at the
especially as PGNs are often more violent than regular (higher) country-week and country-month levels of
forces (Ahram, 2011; Koren, 2017; Mitchell, Carey & aggregation.
Butler, 2014), the retraction of formal governments Data on attacks by rebels and PGNs were obtained
should lead to a higher incidence of violent conflict from the Armed Conflict Location Events Dataset
involving PGNs due to the corresponding increase in (ACLED), which relies on reports by nongovernmental
rebel activity.
The pre-emptive engagements category refers to 1
A list of the countries analyzed is reported in Table A2, Online
increases in PGN activity that occur before rebels actually appendix.
96 journal of PEACE RESEARCH 59(1)

organizations (NGOs) and the media to code informa- important to emphasize that even information on
tion on political violence incidents (Raleigh et al., 2010). COVID-19 deaths might still suffer from reporting bias.
To ensure that conflict intensification constitutes a trend For example, some (authoritarian) regimes might
unique to 2020 (considering that our temporal period of exclude atypical pneumonia and other probable cases
interest can only go back as far as the origins of COVID- of COVID from the daily death counts, meaning such
19), we operationalize our dependent variables in two estimates likely underreport pandemic casualties in a
steps, by (i) retaining only conflict events (namely inci- potentially non-random way. Partly, the reliance on
dents coded by ACLED as direct attacks on armed country fixed effects should account for such across-
actors, remote attacks such as IEDs, and violence perpe- context biases, ensuring that only within-country varia-
trated against civilians) initiated by rebels and, sepa- tions are analyzed. We also estimate several robustness
rately, PGNs; and (ii) ensuring that any changes in models addressing some sources of this potential bias
conflict trends constitute a trend that is unique to (e.g. in Tables A5 and A8, Online appendix).
2020, by subtracting the number of attacks by each actor Considering our data structure and building on
type in a given day from the number of attacks the same Angrist & Pischke (2008), our identification strategy is
day in 2019. Each of our two dependent variables – D as follows:
Rebel attacksit and D PGN attacksit – hence captures the
annual change in the number of attacks by each actor yit ¼ b0 þ b1 lncit1þ b 2 y it1 þ b3  t
type, with a mean and range of –0.095 and –98 $ 39, þ Ψ i þ m þ i ð1Þ
and –0.089 and –37 $ 17, respectively.
Descriptively, 35 and 37 countries within our sample where yit is a vector of annual change in conflict events
experienced rebel attacks in 2020 and 2019, respectively; by rebels or PGNs in a given country i during day t, and
and 96 and 99 experienced PGN attacks in 2020 and yit-1 the dependent variable lags (and b 2 its coefficient);
2019, respectively. For illustration of the average geo- lncit-1 is a vector of (logged) lagged daily coronavirus
graphic distribution of each indicator globally, Figures deaths per million people in a given country and b 1 its
A1 and A2 (Online appendix) map the collapsed values coefficient; t t is the time trend accounting for changes in
for each variable by country. Additionally, as Figures A3 conflict that are constant over time and b 3 its coefficient;
and A4 show, the data on both indicators are normally Ψ i are fixed effects by country to account for all country-
distributed, even when zero-change incidences are constant features; φm are fixed effects by month to
removed. When zero-change incidences are removed, the account for seasonal trends; and Ei are standard errors
mean and median of D Rebel attacksit are 34.12 and 5, clustered by country to account for heterogeneities over
respectively; for D PGN attacksit, the mean and median time. Considering that our dependent variables are con-
when zero-change incidences are removed are 89.25 and tinuous, unbounded from below or above, and (as Fig-
11.5, respectively. ures A3 and A4, Online appendix illustrate) normally
To code our main independent variable, which mea- distributed, we rely on ordinary least squares to estimate
sures the impact of COVID-19 in each country at the the effect of COVID-19 on annual change in conflict.
daily level, we rely on information on the number of Summary statistics of all variables are reported in Table
COVID-19 deaths (per million people) from each coun- A1, Online appendix.
try collected by the World Health Organization Table I reports the results of our analysis of each
(WHO). We chose to use the number of deaths rather hypothesis on a country-day sample. Interestingly, the
than the number of cases because of the larger error of results lend support only to hypothesis H2: the coeffi-
measurements caused by variability of testing across and cient of COVID-19 deathsit-1 is positive and highly sta-
within states. In contrast to COVID-19 cases, deaths tistically significant (to the 1% level), suggesting that
from COVID-19 must be recorded with the virus or COVID-19 incidence indeed increased the frequency
antibody present in the body. To account for some lag- of attacks by PGNs compared with the previous year
ging that may occur between the spread of the pandemic (2019). For illustration, in substantive terms, an
and its effects on conflict, we lag this variable by one day increase of ten deaths per million from COVID-19 will
(t–1). We therefore use deaths from COVID-19 to oper- generate an expected 0.13 increase in the number of
ationalize our main independent variable, COVID-19 PGN attacks, compared with last year. Considering
deathsit–1, as the count of deaths from the pandemic (per that the average annual change in PGN attacks during
million people) within a given country the previous day our period of interest is –0.08, this is a substantive
and log it prior to entering it into our model. It is increase.
Koehnlein & Koren 97

Table I. Determinants of non-state actor attacks hand (in the case) is judged according to whether it
validates the stipulated causal mechanisms or not’.
D rebel attacksit D PGN attacksit
We provide detailed background discussion on each
COVID-19 deathsit-1a 0.012 0.054** context in the Online appendix and summarize it here.
(0.021) (0.018) First, while Afghanistan (a Muslim majority country) is
DVit-1 0.450** 0.189** less religiously diverse than Nigeria (with a Muslim-
(0.006) (0.007) majority North and Christian-majority South), both
countries are ethnically and linguistically diverse and
Observations 21,209 have faced similar ethnolinguistic challenges in forming
a unified national identity, in addition to addressing
R2 0.313 0.187
issues of diverse ethnolinguistic representation in their
Adjusted R2 0.309 0.182
parliaments. Second, in both Afghanistan and Nigeria,
*p < .05; **p < .01. Variable coefficients are reported with standard failures to create an effective ethnic coalition have
errors clustered by country in parentheses. Fixed effects by country induced the government to resort to violence at various
and month are included in each model although not reported.
Natural log.
points to maintain control over these varied groups.
Third, both Afghanistan and Nigeria are currently pres-
idential democracies with rotating leaders who are elec-
In contrast, we do not find a similarly strong relation- torally elected and both states have had to deal with local
ship with respect to attacks by rebels; while the coeffi- and regional power structures that have been incompa-
cient is positive, it is very small, and is not statistically tible with their central governments. Fifth, although
significant according to any traditional thresholds. This, Nigeria has a stronger military force than Afghanistan,
of course, does not mean COVID-19 will not have any both states have been enmeshed in decades-long conflict
effect on rebellions and insurgencies – as time goes by with a primary opposition group (the Taliban and Boko
and the pandemic continues to spread, it may exert Haram, respectively, which each have ties to interna-
stronger effects on rebel group behaviors in conflict- tional organizations and have been impacted by the ‘War
torn states – but for now we do not find support for this on Terror’) in addition to other, less significant opposi-
trend in the data. Nevertheless, that we find support for tion and insurgent groups. Finally, both states are also
H2 but not H1 might suggest more support for the pre- heavily primary commodity dependent, relying on their
emptive PGN attack logic we discussed in the previous oil reserves as a primary source of economic prosperity,
section. Indeed, the results are robust to potential con- making both governments susceptible to both corrup-
founders, operationalization choices, and endogeneity tion and conflict.
and serial correlations, as illustrated by a battery of addi-
tional models estimated, reported, and discussed in the The Taliban and PGNs in Afghanistan. The current
Online appendix (Tables A3–A10). Crucially, these sen- conflict in Afghanistan began in 2001 but follows a series
sitivity analyses confirm hypothesis H2 in every case and of conflicts that started in the late 1970s. During the
in some models, hypothesis H1. 1990s, the Taliban gained a significant portion of Afgha-
nistan’s territory and established Islamic rule of law in
the country. The US-led invasion of Afghanistan quickly
Case-based evidence: Afghanistan and Nigeria pushed out the Taliban and established a new US-
Overall, the quantitative analysis of our global country- supported Afghani government, but the government
day sample confirms our theoretical expectations regard- remains weak to the present day and heavily relies on
ing the role of PGNs, although not necessarily for rebel US support for its strength and legitimacy as well as
groups. To determine the generalizability of these find- PGNs for fighting the Taliban in more inhospitable ter-
ings to other world regions and identify more nuanced rain. Despite the establishment of a non-Taliban-led
relationships, we conduct two short case studies of government, the Taliban continues to be active in much
conflict-afflicted states: Afghanistan and Nigeria. Our of the country and is in full control of between 10 and 15
decision to study these two specific countries relies on districts (see Figure A5, Online appendix, for a map of
the ‘typical’ case selection approach advocated by Sea- areas under Taliban control).
wright & Gerring (2008: 299), whereby an effective The Taliban’s attacks on health facilities and health
analysis ‘focuses on a case that exemplifies a stable, workers have got the attention of the UN, who recently
cross-case relationship [ . . . ] in which the evidence at made a plea for the Taliban to cease their attacks while
98 journal of PEACE RESEARCH 59(1)

the pandemic sweeps through the country even though notoriously unreliable and violent even before the pan-
the Taliban was initially deeply involved in pandemic demic (Al Jazeera, 2019; Badalič, 2019: 109–128). The
relief efforts (Guterres, 2020). When COVID-19 began government’s reliance on PGNs has adversely affected
to spread, the Taliban, at least temporarily, reduced its not only the regime’s military capacity but also – due
conflict activities, and was actively working with the to the violent nature of most of these groups and the fact
USA and the Afghanistan government to create a peace that many militia members often defect to the Taliban
agreement (Economist, 2020; USSD, 2020). Instead of (Derksen, 2017) – its relationship with civilians. This
maintaining this peaceful trajectory, the group has used has often left the government worse off, and serves as
the power vacuum created by COVID-19 to build up its telling evidence of the potential long-term governance
support base and reputation among local civilians. To impacts of COVID-19 via the PGN pathway we
this end, the Taliban initially helped civilians with pan- hypothesized. Indeed, the rapid spread of COVID-19
demic relief, for instance, by initiating public informa- through Afghani military forces has further weakened
tion campaigns, distributing goods, and enforcing an already weak military, intensifying these PGN-
quarantine measures. Many Afghani hospitals and clinics related problems and the government’s need to rely on
are continually at a limited capacity, and numerous these groups (Gul, 2020).
Afghanis do not have access to a hospital because it has It is important to emphasize that despite providing
been closed, destroyed, or never existed in the first place relief efforts and having to deal with COVID-19 effects
(Karim & Alimi, 2020). Knowing this, the Taliban has within the group, the Taliban has re-intensified its
actively moved into towns and cities without a hospital attacks on the government (O’Donnell & Khan, 2020;
to provide pandemic relief to help mitigate the spread of Rasheed, Alsaafin & Najjar, 2020). Although a February
COVID-19 (Rasheed, Alsaafin & Najjar, 2020; Econo- 2020 peace agreement looked promising (as we discuss
mist, 2020). in the Online appendix), by providing the Taliban with
Another reason that the group may have reduced its the ability to take advantage of the government’s focus
violent operations relates to the impact COVID-19 had on pandemic response and its weakened military,
on its own structure and capacities. Despite these COVID-19 has empowered the group further with
COVID-19 relief efforts, many of the Taliban’s top lead- respect to the government (Feroz & Zaman, 2020). The
ership, including its supreme leader, have contracted the disease has also given the Taliban the opportunity to
virus, initiating a very sudden change in the governance exploit an already weak state and regain some of its lost
structures (O’Donnell & Khan, 2020). While it is territory and control. Using a system of pacification fol-
unclear whether this change in leadership will have lowed by violence, it has been able to exploit the pan-
long-term effects, the Afghani government’s incapable demic for its own gain, although it is important to note
response has allowed the group to leverage the pandemic that this pattern of aiding and then attacking is a char-
for its own gain. Perhaps as a result, it does appear that, acteristic tactic used by the Taliban (Feroz & Zaman,
at least in Afghanistan, COVID-19 did not have an 2020; Jackson, 2020; Kapur & Saxena, 2020; Marx
insurgency-intensifying effect during the first few et al., 2020).
months of the pandemic. Figure 1 – which plots D Rebel attacksit (left) and D
With the global spread of COVID-19 and the US PGN attacksit (right) values for Afghanistan over the 1
government having to focus efforts on its own January 2020 to 15 June 2020 period – lends some
COVID-19 relief, the already weak Afghani government support to these patterns. For rebels, the figure shows
has become even weaker (O’Donnell & Khan, 2020). It that over the period, violence has consistently stayed
normally relies heavily on the USA for guidance and below its 2019 levels, as illustrated by the fact that the
assistance and now that the USA has turned its attention trend-line (which plots the smoothed average in non-
inward, the Afghani government has struggled to main- parametric terms with 95% confidence intervals) never
tain the weak hold it had (Feroz & Zaman, 2020). With goes above zero, suggesting an overall pacifying effect of
the government’s primary sponsor withdrawing its sup- COVID-19 on violent insurgent activity in Afghanistan,
port, other governments are also being less attentive, which is generally lower than last year. The figure also
leaving Afghanistan to fight both COVID-19 and the suggests that Taliban attacks may be resuming their
Taliban on its own. 2019 level, as shown by the fact that rebel violence
To at least partly compensate for this weakness, and as pushes to the zero line by the end of the period. Never-
suggested by our theory, the government has relied on theless, in line with the qualitative evidence discussed
the help of some PGNs, but these groups have been above, the data do not lend support to hypothesis H1
Koehnlein & Koren 99

Figure 1. (Left) D Rebel attacksit and (Right) D PGN attacksit values for Afghanistan, 1 January 2020 to 15 June 2020

and suggest that the pandemic did not have, overall, an sudden slackness in offensive and defensive measures,
intensifying effect on Taliban violence, compared with Boko Haram has focused its attacks since March 2020
last year’s levels, at least as of yet. For comparison, while on smaller, less defended towns and cities on the border
the left subfigure does not provide clear support for between Nigeria and Cameroon (Kishor & Meghna,
hypothesis H2 – PGN attacks seemed to have also 2020). The group has also released statements that
decreased somewhat as COVID-19 began to spread COVID-19 measures put in place by the Nigerian gov-
(compared with 2019) – it does suggest that by June ernment are an attack on Islam and many top leaders
2020 these attacks have already exceeded their June within the group are not taking proper safety precautions
2019 level. (Campbell, 2020b). These lax precautions have also
caused COVID-19 to spread rapidly through the ranks
Boko Haram and militias in Nigeria. Boko Haram, of Boko Haram, potentially weakening the group but
officially the People Committed to the Propagation of also further instigating it to conduct attacks (Bukarti,
the Prophet’s Teachings and Jihad, is an extremist group 2020b).
that began its insurgency against the Nigerian govern- Responding to both the supposed increase in rates of
ment in 2009. Building on support from al-Qaeda and Boko Haram attacks and to potential further intensifica-
al-Shabaab, Boko Haram was able to gain significant tion, several militia groups, many of whom had been
territory in a relatively short time frame with the ultimate working with the government, have similarly intensified
aim of establishing an Islamic state. Known for its their actions against the group (Felbab-Brown, 2020b).
extremely violent tactics and brutal attacks on civilians, The government’s reliance on militias has increased sub-
Boko Haram seized large swaths of northeastern Nigeria, stantively since the Nigerian military has experienced
but were eventually stymied by a coalition of forces from infighting and high turnover of its leadership. Here, the
Nigeria and surrounding states. The Nigerian state is cost-saving benefits of PGNs we discussed in the theory
under a lot of pressure from human rights organizations section were important – militias cost less money and
and the international community to defeat Boko Haram, require less training than official military forces, which
but limited resources and Boko Haram’s foreign support prompted the government to rely on them as an alter-
have made this difficult. As a result, the government, native even before the pandemic.
even before the pandemic, has become increasingly reli- As soon as the government started shifting its focus to
ant on militias to do much of the fighting against Boko pandemic mitigation, PGNs, particularly these anti-
Haram. Boko Haram groups, began preparing their defenses in
COVID-19 has intensified these pressures, forcing anticipation of increased attacks (Felbab-Brown, 2020a),
the government to focus on pandemic relief and eco- supporting not only the reactive but also the pre-emptive
nomic stability while simultaneously fighting Boko logic we discussed in the theory section. Indeed,
Haram (Campbell, 2020a; Maclean, 2020). Given the although these groups were initially ready to act as a
100 journal of PEACE RESEARCH 59(1)

Figure 2. (Left) D Rebel attacksit and (Right) D PGN attacksit values for Nigeria, 1 January 2020 to 15 June 2020

defense mechanism while the government was dealing but also that PGNs have actually been more aggressive
with COVID-19, these groups have gradually moved on in these attempts (Bukarti, 2020b).
the offensive over the summer of 2020 (Agbiboa, 2020; For illustration, Figure 2, which (again) plots D Rebel
Felbab-Brown, 2020a). Moreover, responding to the attacksit (left) and D PGN attacksit (right) values for
original increase in Boko Haram attacks in March Nigeria over the 1 January 2020 to 15 June 2020 period,
2020, these PGNs have started taking more drastic lends support to the pattern elucidated by this qualitative
action, intensifying the number and the degree of vio- evidence. Specifically, the right subfigure illustrates that
lence used in their retaliatory attacks (Campbell, 2020c; PGN attacks strongly (and differently from zero)
Felbab-Brown, 2020a). increase as COVID-19 spreads throughout Nigeria com-
As suggested by our theory, both rebels (Boko pared with their 2019 levels, which provides additional
Haram) and PGNs such as the Civilian Joint Task confirmation of the qualitative evidence discussion
Force (CJTF) and the Vigilante Group of Nigeria above, and hypothesis H2 broadly. In contrast, the left
(VGN) have taken advantage of the power vacuum subfigure shows that rebel attacks remain relatively
engendered by COVID-19 and increased their violence unchanged (with a possible slight and significant increase
within these opening governance spaces, knowing around April) compared with their 2019 levels, which,
the government is heavily focused on pandemic again, does not support hypothesis H1. Overall, then,
relief and does not have the resources to get heavily the qualitative evidence discussed above and the data
actively involved (Bukarti, 2020b; Dixit, Ogundeji & plotted in Figure 2 confirm the statistical results pre-
Onwujekwe, 2020; Felbab-Brown, 2020b; Ikelegbe, sented in Table I and illustrate the viability of our
2005). But while Boko Haram, a rebel group, is hypothesized theoretical mechanisms.
using the pandemic to try and gain territory and sup-
porters, PGNs are using the pandemic to both defend Scope conditions
against and to pre-empt attacks by Boko Haram. It Our central question is whether the spread of COVID-
seems that at least part of the reason behind the inten- 19 has shaped violence trends by rebels and pro-state
sification of pre-emptive PGN attacks is that these armed groups. It is also important to acknowledge some
groups hope to become more central actors in the gov- potential limitations of this study. First, as stipulated
ernment’s apparatus after COVID-19 and its impacts above, we focused on violent outcomes due to their
have passed, prompting them to further their own goals importance for academics and policymakers, recognizing
while also attempting to stymie Boko Haram (Bukarti, that violent and nonviolent outcomes can occur simul-
2020b). The evidence does suggest that pro- and anti- taneously. However, the possibility that the spread of
government groups have taken advantage of the govern- COVID-19 has also reduced violence in some contexts
ment’s focus on pandemic relief to further their own and any confounding effects therein should be
goals while also attempting to stymie the other groups, acknowledged.
Koehnlein & Koren 101

Second, as we discussed in our theoretical section, a and identify potential high-risk cases. They also illustrate
variety of mechanisms may underlie the empirically the advantages of adding pandemics to quantitative
observed relationships between the spread of and qualitative models of conflict and mass killing
COVID-19 and violence by either rebels or PGNs. It forecasting. In increasing instability and reducing state
is also possible that COVID-19 affected mobilization strength, pandemics open the door for violent beha-
via other pathways, not expressly discussed above, or viors by groups seeking to replace the state. As such,
that its effects have varied based on rebel or PGN pandemic prevalence – especially where there are
centric attributes – their leadership, structure, etc. already active PGNs – serves as a threat multiplier, and
While, considering the exogeneity of COVID-19 highlights where and when intervention and aid should
deaths to conflict and the identification strategy be directed.
employed in Equation (1), our results – especially the
GMM models reported in Tables A4 and A7, Online Acknowledgements
appendix – are consistent with a causal interpretation,
The authors would like to thank the three anonymous
they do not verify any of the causal mechanism(s) at
work. We recognize that there are different pathways reviewers and editors of JPR, contributors to the special
issue on natural disasters, and Gina Yannitell Reinhardt
that can generate this observed relationship, and we
believe that future work could focus more specifically and Carmela Lutmar.
on comparing and validating the different particular
mechanisms at work. Replication data statement
The dataset, codebook, and do-files for the empirical
analysis in this article, along with the Online appendix,
can be found at Analy-
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