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NnRRArrvE BooK

sEcTtoN -l what to do. If it isnt too late alrea$2."
"Mother, please calm down." Taqren rests a hand on Z'hana's shoulder - to ask what Z'hana means by that, but before she can, Z'hana
IIya begins
as they exit the gates of New Gravehold for what might be the last tirne in is already racing off, ducking into the treeline and vanishing from sight. Ilya
his life. She is shal<ing, shoulders trembling from the strain of holding in her sighs deeply before turning to the others. "Back to Azer, I suppose?"
indignation. "Keep your eyes peeled for Nameless," Taqren cautions as he begins
"I wouldnt mind being exiled," Z'hana snaps, pulling her shoulder out Ieading the group south. "This area is dangerous to travel through, no matter
from beneath Tbqren's hand. "I wouldnt even begrudge Brama exilingyou how many times you've done it."
and Qu from the onl;z home you've ever known. It isnt her actions that I "Maybe foryou," Kel snorts. "Us Azerians have spent generations
find unforgivable, it's her intentions. The moment a city has a leader who learning how to safel;z traverse the forest."
will not listen, who is not open to debate and change but would rather The small band of mages begin their travel, with Kel and IIya leading
silence any dissenting opinion, that is when she has been in power too long. them confidently through the woods to the south of New Gravehold. As they
Shet putting all of her people at risk for her own, selfish, outdated beliefs." go, they carve magical Sb?h. into the trees to subtly influence any Nameless
"But she is the leader the people follow," Taqren looks behind him, tilting who might be out there in a different direction.
his head back to take in the towering expanse of New Gravehold's mighg, "See? As long as you dont make a huge nuisance of yourself by cutting
wall. It is an irnposing structure, standing out tall from the cleared forest down half the forest and building a big city in the middle of it, you can travel
around it. He can just barely see the colored pennants of the marketplace easily enough." Kel holds up a dangling vine and waits as the other three
peeking up over the stone. duck beneath it.
"The people don't know what she stands for. They follow her blindly. "Sure, but that's easy to say when Azer has a third of the population of
Unquestioningly." New Gravehold," Thqren counters amicably. "'We need space for farms, or
"That's quite the high opinion of your people you have there," Kel wouldn't be able to feed everyone."
else we
says, clearly unirnpressed. "How long have you all been liwing so deeply "Well have you considered not- " Kel cuts off as Ilya grabs her arm
entrenched in ignorance?" and tugs her sharply backward. The prewiously open path in front of them
"Too long." Z'hana reaches the treeline of the forests to the south of New is suddenly cracked down the center by a mess of black veins pulsing in
Gravehold and stops, turning to face the ragged team she has assembled midair. The mages stare in horror as a Void portal coils into existence in
here. FIer son, Taqren, and Xaxos'own daughter, Qu, as well as the pair of front of their very eyes.
Tethers from Azer, Kel and Ilya. "This is exactly what I meant," Kel snaps. "Your cursed ciqr is disrupting
"This doesnt have to be your fight " Z'hana begins, but Qu cuts her off. eveg,thing!"
.We -
were withyou in the Void, Z'hana. 'We saw the Fountain of "Not our ciqz an;rmore," Qu says.
Souls taking the aether of our fallen mages and twisting it into something "Not the time !" Illza grabs Kel's hand and their matching tattoos begin
monstrous. We decided together that we'd return to Brama and try and to glow with a powerful light. The four mages stare forward at the dark,
change her mind. Our world and the world of the Nameless are already swirling portal in front of them as a humanoid figure steps out from it.
entangled. can't just go back to hiding our heads in the sand and
The man, or creature, whatever it is, seems to take in a long, deep breath,
pretending they're not."
although it's impossible to see through the heavy draping fabrics obscuring
"Besides," IISra adds, slipping her arm through Kel's and resting
its entire form. When it speaks, the voice is undeniably female, and she
against her side. "New Gravehold isnt an island. The actions ofyour ci5r, sounds as though she is smiling.
intentional or not, have been disrupting the natural patterns of Nameless in
"You smell like the Void." The cloaked figure lifts a hefr;z tome in front
the forest. Everyrthing has become more dangerous, and it won't stop unless
of her, easing it open to a page somewhere near the center. "And yet, you do
we make it stop."
not comprehend its truth."
"What are you all implying, that we should attack New Gravehold?"
"And what, you do?" Kel snaps. "Who even are you?"
Thqren takes a step back, looking over the group with a vague horror in his
eyes. "Those are our people. Our friends." "I am simply here to help, of course. To help you discover the limits
"Your friends," Kel mutters. ofyour true abilities." Through the Void portal still swirling behind her,
creatures begin to pour like water, their bodies composed of a thick and
"I dont want there to be bloodshed." Z'hana reaches up instinctivel;z to viscous liquid that starts to slowly form into individual shapes.
pull her cloak tighter around her shoulders, but she doesnt have it anyrnore. "My creatures, " the woman coos, as if the purple monstrosities swirling
Xaxos has it, wherever he is now, wandering through the Void. "But I'm not
all around her were her own children. "I think it is tirne for them, Iike you, to
naive enough to think this will be peaceful."
reach their full potential."
"We cant fight against New Gravehold, Mother. There are only five of
us." Open Envelope {. These are your mages for this ts-ame. Open Deck
"Then let's hope fighting isnt necessary." Z'hanapulls her hood up, AZ-Ia. This is your starting supply. Open Deck AZ-lb. These are
casting her face into shadows. "Until then, I'm going to gather as much help the starter cards and turn order cards for -your mag'es, along with
as I can find. Brama has made more enemies than just me in her time in plal,rs1 .i4..
"And us?" Then open envelope I and deck BS. Do not shuffle deck BS. Set
aside the top nine cards ofthat deck. Those cards are the unuamed
"You four should head back to Azer. We can regroup there and figure out

deck. The remaining can'ds are the nemesis deck. If you are playing sEcTtoN - 3
vtth l/2/5 players, discard the top 7 /5/3 cards of the nemesis deck. 'Well. That is an unpleasant sensation." Qu rests her monstrous hand
Defend the Forest Clearing from Bishop of Scrolls. on her hip and leans over it to the side, trying to stretch out an impossible
"What is?" Taqren asks, turning back to look at her.
If you win your garne versus Bishop of Scrolls, read section 74. "I think one of the monsters we just fought had some form of lasting
effect on me. I can't seem to summon up my breach magic at all."
Ifyou lose, read sectionTT.
Taqren looks alarmed. "Permane ndy? "
"I don't knowyet. Hopefully it won't b"." Q" digs in her pack and pulls
sEcTroN - 2 out her twin stones. "Until then, hopefully someone else in the group might
find these useful. Oh and of course, I've still got these." Qu lifts her jagged,
The mages spread out across the scorched battleground, searching for
Void-touched claws, and smiles. "Not entirely useless, I would say."
fragments of gems or powerful artifacts that may have been left behind
by the mages of Southpost before they left this stronghold seemingly Find Vestige 7 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any mage mat
abandoned. Ilya is poking through the grass with her foot, clearing aside immediately.
a small shrub to check for an;rthing useful beneath it, when she knocks
up against something solid. She leans over, expecting a rock or perhaps a
powerful aether-conducting geode if she's lucky, and then recoils with a sEcTloN - 4
sharp yelp. The beast lets out one final scream as it collapses in a pile of bones
"IIya?" Kel runs over immediately at the sound of her Tether's distress, and antlers, black fluid dripping from its wounds like blood. As the battle
and the rest of the mages follow quickly. "What's wrong?" finally ends, the people of Faen begin to emerge from where they'd fled
into the swamp. The mages rush to check on everyone, making sure each
"It's one of those things ! Those horrid, skittering, Void creatures ! " On
willager is safe and uninjured.
the ground, still faintly twitching, is a metallic crab-like monster. It chitters
"We cant stay long," Mazra reminds everyone. "'We need to get back to
lightly, legs spasming in a futile attempt to move.
New Gravehold and prepare to hold the line."
"We must have missed one," Qu says. "It shouldnt take us long to
Claudia lets out a Iong sigh. "This is going to be a miserable fight, no
dispatch it as well."
matter which way it goes."
"Almost a little sad," Razra says quietly. "It's just a little guy, and itt
"But Iook what these portals are doing to everyone," Soskel says, his
injured. We dont have to utterly destroy it, do we?" voice hard and pitiless. "If Z'hana truly brought this upon us, then we
"It's from the Void," Taqren says with enough open disgust in his voice need to take her down."
to make his opinion on that very clear. Qu frowns visibly and raises an "Let's get home," Kadir says, and the mages all begin the journey back
eyebrow at him. to New Gravehold, prepared to defend their home from whatever man or
"Actually, Razra has a point." IIya taps her fingers against her thigh monster might threaten it.
as she slow\r forms an idea. "We Azerians know how to imbue creatures
with pieces of our own aether. It's how Kel and I share magic, and it's Ifyou won your first game versus Paradox of Bone, your group
how Z'hanawas able to herd the monster Necroswarm to drive it into gains 4 experience per player. Othenvise, your g'roup gains 2
your Southern Outpost. With just a little bit of magic, I could make sure experience per player. Either w,ay, do not spend this experience yet.
this creature stays here, and if Brama truly does try to travel south and Record the results of this g'ame on the back of this booklet. \\rrite
threaten Azer, we'd have an early warning system, maybe even a deterrent the number of fires on the Faen location on the map, then discard
that could slow them down." all fire tokens. If you played this game trvice, *rite the higher
"I thought we all agreed that what my mother did with Necroswarm number of fires.
was wrong," Taqren says, incredulously, spreading his hands. "People Ifany unbanished rnages hane severed stickers, find the number in
died." the upper-right corner of the back of their mag'e mat and read the
"People die in wars," Thraxir intones, the words sounding ominous narrative section matching that number'.
rattling out through the hollow metal of his helmet.
Banish the Paradox of Bone nemesis mat, the Bone track, the spell
and gem./relic tokens, and all nemesis specific cards.
If you want to kill the skittron, read section 91. Return all market cards, enhanced breaches, starter cards, mage
If you want to leave it mats, enhanced starter cards, and enhancement stickers to the
as a sentinel, read section 55.
Gravehold barracks. Banish all basic and upgraded basic nemesis
cards. Save any unspent experience cards in the Gravehold

When you're ready to begin the {inal g'ame, read section 76.
sEcTroN - s SECTION -7
Yan Magda stops walking, and tilts her head back in contemplation. By "Don't forget, we need to get to the ruins and help Claudia," Malastar
her side, her student Indira stops as well, waiting patiently for her master says, staring off into the woods as if he can see through it to where his
to say whatever she is thinking. After years of training together, she knows daughter and Nook are holding off a Nameless all on their own.
how Yan Magda's mind works. "We should get going as soon as we can," Talix agrees, rolling his
"There are strange magics in this world," Yan Magda says, finally. shoulders back. "If the Nameless attacking them is anyhing Iike this one,
"Ones that even I have only rarely encountered. I knew a mage, once, who we've got our work cut out for us."
could block the flow of aethet but I have never seen a Void creature with
the same capability. And yet, I think I have met one today." Open envelope 7. Add both of the mages there to your Gravehold
"Your aether is blocked? " Indira asks, alarm growing in her voice. barracks. Open deck CN. Add them to your Gravehold barracks.
"It appears to be." Paradoxically, a smile grows across Yan Magda's
Set aside all of the Upgraded basic nemesis cards from the nemesis
face."It is nice to know that even in my old age I can still experience
deck. Open deck GH-SO. Add all of the upgraded basic nemesis
something new in this world. Take my artifacts to the others, child. They
cards to the nemesis cards you have set aside. You will ahvays use
will be able to find
some use from them."
as many of the upgraded nemesis cards as possible when building
Find Vestige 2l on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any breach the nemesis deck moving forward.
imrnediately. If there rvere 5 or more fire tokens, banish cards GH-SO-25
through GH-SO-29. If there rvere 8 or more, also banish cards
SECTION -6 GH-SO-IS through GH-SO-22. Add any remaining cards from
As the group approaches the Southern Outpost, the entire forest this deck to your Gravehold barraclrs along with your supply cards
clearing almost seems to be holding its breath. There is no one walking from this game. If any unbanished nag*es have severed stickers, find
around, and no one calls down to them from the fort itself. It's as though the number in the upper-right corner of the baek of their mage mat
everyone is in hiding. and read the narrative section matching that number'. ff you rvon
The reason for this becomes suddenly apparent as they round the side
your g*ame and there u'ere 2 or fewer fire tokens, place card L2-E-
26 into your Gravehold barracks.
of the building and catch sight of another pulsing, purple portal torn in the
air, just like the one that had opened up in the forest. A small flood of tiny, Find sticker sheet { section I and add these enhancements to your
writhing metallic creatures pours from the bottom of the portal, pooling in Gravehold barracks.
a loose pile on the ground. They look grotesque, a mound of wriggling legs
and snapping jaws that slowly starts to come together into a solid form.
It almost looks like a woman, but her flesh is made of skittering, copper Whenyou're ready to begin the next garne, read section 15
creatures that gleam unpleasantly under the midday sun.
"Readyyourself," Razra says, resting a hand on Rip's head. "This looks SECTION -8
like it's gonna be nasfr."
It s hard enough for the mages to bring themselves to fight against their
fellow humans, but it's even harder for them to beat back the sheer ferocity
You may norv spend your experience on enhancements.
of trained and Tethered mages of Azer. Before long, they find themselves
Build the supply using cards from your Azer Barracks following exhausted and on the brink ofdefeat, but they are spared in the very last
the rules on page 14 ofthe rulebook. Return any cards that you did moment when the hypnotized mages stop in place, froren, as the mask that
not use to your Azer Barracks. hovers above them ceases to give orders.
The mages watch in exhausted, though anxious relief, as the great
Open envelope 10. Open deck MR. Follorv the setup instructions
golden mask turns and drifts away, returning to the Void portal that it
on the back of the nemesis mat. Construct the nemesis deck
once emerged from. The crack in realig, closes tight behind it, severing
following the deck construction rules on page l2 of the rulebook.
Be sure to use as many upgraded nemesis cards as possible. the golden chains all at once. The Tethered mages collapse like puppets
without a master, crumpling to the ground in unmoving heaps. The chains
still wrapped around them begin to break away and dissolve into nothing,
Defend the Southern Outpost from Mother of Rust. If you won and as they do, the people they once restrained begin to slowly blink
your firstg'ame, read section 17. awake, rising to sitting and coming to terms with their surroundings. In
spite of their injuries, the mages of New Gravehold stagger over and check
If you lost your first game, record that game on the back of this on them each in turn, making sure they're all healthy and safe.
booklet and then discard all fire tokens. Your group gains 5 "We cant stay long," Mazrareminds everyone. "We need to get back to
experience per player. You may use that experience immediately.
New Gravehold and prepare to hold the line."
Then, replay this garne.
Claudia lets out a long sigh. "This is going to be a miserable fight, no
If you rvin the second game, read section 17. Otherwise, read matter which way it goes."
section 50. "But look what these portals are doing to everyone," Soskel savs, his

voice hard and pitiless. "If Z'hana truly brought this upon us, then we SECTION - I I
need to take her down."
The sharp metal pincers of the tiny creatures dig painfully into your
"Let's get home," Kadir says, and the mages all begin the journey back
skin as they start to climb your Iegs and threaten to overwhelm you.
to New Gravehold, prepared to defend their home from whatever man or Focusingyour magic, you begin to demolish them one by one until they
monster might threaten it.
finally turn and flee, seeking other targets.
Your group gains 2 erperience per player. Do not spend this yet.
Gain a charge
Record the results of this game on the back of this bool<Iet. Write
the higher number of fires betrveen your two games on the Faen
location on the map, then discard all fire tokens. SECTION - 12
"For freedom ," Z'hana says, nodding to you all before turning to face
If any unbanished mages have severed stickers, find the number in
the upper-right corner of the back of their mag'e mat and read the Brama's mages with fire in her eyes.
narrative section matching that number.
Find sticker sheet 7 section 2. If the mag'es listed in these
Banish the Paradox of nemesis rnat and all nemesis specific relationship enhancements han e the same affiliation, add therr to
cards. that affiliation's barracks. Other*'ise, banish these enhancements.
Return all market cards, enhanced breaches, starter cards, mage You may no*. spend any remaining experience in the Azer barracks
mats, enhanced stanter cards, and en}ancement stickers to the on enhancements.
Gravehold barracks. Banish all basic and upgraded basic nemesis
cards. Save any unspent experience cards in the Gravehold Open envelope 20 and deck FB. Do not shuffle deck FB. Take the
barracks. top 21 cards off deck FB. This is the mag'e attack deck. Go through
the mag'e attack deck and remove all mages that are severed, and all
mag-es currently affiliated with Azer'. Shuffle the mage attack deck
When you're ready to begin the final game, read section 76. and set it next to Brama's nemesis rrat. Then banish the top 4 cards
of deck FB. Take the next .{ cards from the top of deck FB and
sEcTroN - 9 set them facedown in order next to your Gravehold life dial. This
"'Woah," Razra drapes an arm over her pet silvopede, Rip, using him is the Z'hana Cornmander deck. These cards *,ill be revealed the
to keep her balance. "Got a lil dizzy there. I think one of those monsters first time the Gravehold life dial reaches the arnount of life shorr..
we fought knocked the mojo right out of me. I need a serious nap before I on the back of each card. The remaining cards in deck FB are the
even think about doing magic again." nemesis deck.
Rip makes a concerned warble, pressing up against her with the smooth Finall;a if you are playing with 1/2/5 players, discard the top 7/515
top of his head. cards of the nemesis deck.
"Thanks for the concern, boy. I'm lucky that you aren't bound to me by
magic, just my general charm, great personaliqy, and dashing good looks." Retake New Gravehold from Brama. If you win, read section 56.
Rip chirps happily, and Razra laughs. "I guess I ought to go see what
I can do to help the others, now that I'm wiped out on combat potential.
Ifyou lose, read section 28.
There's no way I'm sendingyou in without me being able to backyou up."
Find Vestige 8 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any mage mat As the group approaches the ruins, Claudia pulls them aside to
immediately. duck into a small alcove that must have once been the top floor of some
guard tower. It reaches up high enough to come up out of the water that
SECTION - IO submerges much of what is left of OId Gravehold. Nook is crouched
inside, along with a group of scholars and laborers who had been assisting
Gygar is the first to notice when the flame inside Lost begins to flicker,
in the excavation.
He rushes over and supports his friend before he falls to the ground.
"You arent hereyetl" Nook says, relief flooding his voice.
"Magic... gone..." Lost shudders out, the words echoing through the
hollow inside of his armor. "Oh, yeah, that's Nook talk for hello." Claudia leans over to Kadir and
"Areyou going to be all right? Willyour flames go out?" Gygar asks. Ioudly whispers, "Nook s a little bit weird. Terible at telling the time. You
get used to it."
Lost shakes his head slowl;r. "No. Can sustain." With one hear.y hand, "Has an;,thing come out of those portalsyet?" Gygar asks, leaning
Lost unhinges the front of his armor and swings the chest plate open. He
for-ward to peek around the edge of the ruin. He can see dozens and
reaches inside and retrieves a glowing stone.
dozens of swirling purple portals hanging menacingly in the air, but
"You take," he says, pushing it toward the rest of the mages. "Have everyrthing around them is silent.
As Nook is shaking his head, a figure steps from one of the portals. It
Find Vestige 5 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any mage rnat looks almost human in silhouette, but any details are obscured by thick,

draping robes, and a gigantic, imposing mask. creature seems more intent on consuming the village itself."
"Ah, old Gravehold," the figure says, in a muffled but unmistakably "What do you mean consuming? " Indira asks.
female voice. She rests a hand against a chunk of rubble. "Rather pitiful in "It's been spreading like a plague, grabbing at and overwhelming
the end, weren'tyou? But we need bones before we can begin to build." eveq,.thing in its path. There's no safe way to approach it."
"Who are you?" Gygar demands, leaping out from behind the piece of "There's no safe way to approach any Nameless," Razra says, punching
- The rest of the mages follow closely on his heels.
rubble. a fist into the open palm of her other hand. "You just gotta go in headfirst."
"Me?" The woman laughs, the noise muffled oddly by the hearSr mask "I'll admit, I feel a lot better about doing that now thatyou are all here."
she wears. "I am the hopeful future that will arise from this sad and tragic Xaxos turns to Qu and flashes his daughter a brief smile. "Let's teach that
chaos. What is it that Xaxos always said? That true power is found in the monster a lesson."
The figure spreads her arms and glistening, purple creatures begin to Open envelope 1{. Add all of the mages there to your Azer
pour from every open portal, gathering threateningly behind their master. barracks. Open deck XA. Add them to your Azer barracks.
"The new children Z'hana's followers have given me should help prove the
truth of that."
Find sticker sheet { section 5 and add these enhancements to your
Azer barracks.
Find sticker sheet 6 section ,i and add these enhancements to your You may now spend your experience on enhancements.
Gravehold barracks.
Build the supply using cards from your Azer barracks following the
You may now spendyour experience on enhancements. rules on page 1{ ofthe rulebook. Return any cards thatyou did not
use to your Azer barracks.
Build the supply using cards from your Gravehold barracks
follorving the rules on page l{ ofthe rulebook. Return any cards Open envelope 15 and deck GW. Follow the setup instructions on
that you did not use to your Gravehold barracks. the back of the nemesis mat. Construct the nemesis deck following
the deck construction rules on page 12 ofthe rulebook. Be sure to
Open envelope 15 and deck BR. Follow the setup instruetions on use as many upgraded nemesis cards as possible.
the back of the nemesis mat. Construct the nemesis deck following
the deck construction rules on page 12 ofthe rulebook. Be sure to
use as rnany upts^raded nemesis cards as possible. Defend Azer from Griefrveaver. If you rvon your first game, read
section 84.
Defend the Ruins from Bishop Returned. If you rvon your first If you lost your first game, record that game on the back of this
ts^ame, read section 98. booklet and then discard all fire tokens. Your group gains 5
experience per player. You may use that experience immediately.
If you lost your first game, record that g'ame on the back of this Then, replay this game.
booklet and then discard all fire tokens. Your group gains 5
experience per player. You may use that erperience imrnediately' If you rvin the second game, read section 84. Otherwise, read
Then, replay this game. section 65.
If you win the second game, read section 98. Otherrvise, read
section 50. SECTION - 15
The village of Faen is built half in and half out of the swamp, each of
SECTION - 14 the small, carefully disguised houses edged with stinging nettles and ringed
in thorn bushes to dissuade any casually rowing Nameless from coming
Xaxos meets up with the group before they even reach Azer, they find near, while also almost entirely hiding their existence. Without Kel and
him crouched with Dezmodia and Arachnos beside him in the thick, jungle Ilya guiding them, the mages would never have managed to stumble across
undergrowth just outside the village. The odd, unnatural pale of Dezmodia this tiny, isolated settlement.
and Arachnos' skin reflecting in the sun does not look any less unsettling
They would have been even less likely to find it, considering that the
here than it did in the Void, where Taqren, Qu, Kel, Ilya, and Thra-xir had
entire village sits utterly silent. No smoke curls from the small chimneys,
so recentl;z left them.
no warm lights fill the windows of the assorted huts. The only sound that
"The situation is precarious," Xaxos explains as the mages join him
cuts across the clearing is the sucking sound of the mages's footsteps as
in his hiding spot spying out at the village. "This Nameless isn't as they trek through the swampy mud.
straightforward as we've come to expect."
"I dont like this," IIya says, slipping her hand down until it slots into
"What are you talking about?" Kel asks. She peers out towards
Kel's and squeezing tight.
the village and catches sight of a gigantic beast with hands reaching up
As the group steps into the village, they catch sight of a gigantic purple
towards the sky that stretch farther than the roofs of Azer. A swarm of tiny
beasts crowd in behind it, flooding up and over the houses in an unsettling
Void portal, easily twice as big as the last. Black flame ripples up and
down its edges, smouldering silently, a dooru,ay open with no resident in
sight. Taqren glances around, his shield already raised, but he doesn't see a
"I alreadlz helped the people evacuate," Xaxos explains. "But this Nameless.
A door creaks open from one of the houses and everyone jumps, Talix furrows his brow in confusion. "We don't have any outposts in
rushing into battle positions, but instead of a Nameless, a woman looks that direction, I don't know who would be in the swamp over there."
out, glancing nervously around the clearing. "Brama wants us back immediately, " I/razra says, shifting nervously.
"Tyreesia?" Kel steps forward, recognizing the woman as a fellow "For all we know, that battle could be with our enemies."
Azerian mage who lives in Faen. "What's going on, where is everyone?" "Z'hana can't really be our enemy. She's our friend," Claudia insists.
"Kel? " Tyreesia steps entirel;z out of the house, rushing over to "Sure, she's a little misguided right now, but if Brama is asking us to ignore
them with an air of panic around her. "You all have to get out of here. people in danger because of their petfr power struggle, then I dunno, I'd
The village is under attack by two different Portalborn at once. They rather blo*. her off. Helping is what mages are here for."
overwhelmed us. We tried to evacuate everyone safely and in all the chaos "You're right," Mazra nods. "It's our duqy."
I lost Kiryra. I don't know where she's gone."
"It's going to be okay." Kel rests a calming hand on Tyreesia's arm. Set aside all of the upgraded basic nemesis cards. Open deck GH-
"You go find your Tether and the rest of the evacuees. We'll take care of SO. Add all of the upgr-aded basic nemesis cards to the nemesis
the Portalborn. Both of them." cards you have set aside. You rvill ahvaJ,.s use as many of the
Tyreesia takes a moment to give a grateful, exhausted smile before she upgraded nemesis cards as possible rvhen building the nemesis deck
turns and sprints off into the murky swamp in the direction the rest of the moving forward.
village must have headed. Silence falls for only a second before something If there *'ere 5 or more fire tokens, banish cards GH-SO-25
that sounds like a tree snapping in halfresonates out from beyond the through GH-SO-29. If there rvere 8 or more, also banish cards
village borders. Another crack follows, and another, in a pattern that is GH-SO-l8 through GH-SO-22. Add any remaining cards from
disconcertingly reminiscent of footsteps. this deck to your Gravehold barracks along u,ith your supply cards
Rising above the treeline, the mages just barely catch sight of an eerie from this game. If any unbanished mag'es have severed stickers, find
golden face, frozen in a smile. the number in the upper-right corner of the back of their mage mat
and read the narrative section matching that number'. If you rvon
Find sticker sheet 5 section 5 and add these enhancements to vour your garne and there were 2 or felver fire tokens, place card Lz-E-
Azer barracks. 26 intoyour Gravehold barracks.
You may now spend your erperience on enhancements. Find sticker sheet 4 section 1 and add these enhancernents to your
Build the supply using cards from your Azer barracks following the Gravehold barracks.
rules on pag'e li of the rulebook. Return any cards that you did not
use to your Azer barracks. When you're ready to begin the next game, check the forest on the
left side of your map. If there is a MSrth sticker there, read section
Open envelope 18 and deck PM. Build the nemesis decks following 52.
the instructions on the back of the nemesis mat.
Otherwise, read section 57.
Defend Faen from Paradox of N\rth and Bone. Ifyou defeat M).th,
read section 95. Ifyou defeat Bone, read section 81. SECTION . 17
Ifyou lose your first game, record that garne on the back of The pile of squirming machinery finally collapses, each indiwidual
this booklet and then discard all fire tokens. Your group gains 5 piece broken open and bleeding an oily black residue that stains the grass
experience per player'. You may use that experience immediately. beneath it.
Then, replay this g'ame. "Did we get all of them?" Razra asks, struggling to catch her breath.
If you defeat M;,th in the second B^ame, read section 95. If you "It looks IiIe it," Kel answers, casting a cursory glance around the
defeat Bone in the second game, read section 81. If you lose and battlefield, but with all the kicked up dirt and battle debris it's hard to see
Myth had the same or lorver life than Bone, read section 52. lf you the tiny machines.
lose and Bone had lower life than M;rth, read section 65. "We should gather an;rthing we can salvage from around here before
we go," Taqren says, slowly lowering his shields. "These portals are
SECTION . 16 ever;rr,vhere.
going to need all the firepower we can get."
"Oh good, I found you." The group turns as they see Mazra, out of
If you won your first g'ame versus Mother of Rust, your group gains
breath, rushing up to meet them. Soskel follows just in her wake, Iooking
as immaculately pulled together as always. "Brama sent us down here to
{ experience per player. Otherrviser }our gl'oup gains 2 experience
per player. Either wa;4 do not spend this experience yet.
fetch you. We need to get back to New Gravehold. She thinks Z'hana
might be gearing up to attack soon, and she wants us all returned and Record the results of this garne on the back of this booklet. Write
prepared." the number of fires on the Southern Outpost location on the map,
"All right," Gygar begins sal ng, but, before he can continue, a litany of then discard all fire tokens. If you played this game twice, write the
screams ring out through the forest. higher number of fires.
"Where did that come from?" Kadir gasps, looking around wildly.
Read section 2.
sEcTroN - r8 If there were 5 or more fire tokens, banish cards AZ-SO-21 through
"I1'Xa*os is already it Azer, I think we should check on Faen," Ilya LZ-SO-2\.If there were 8 or more, also banish cards .{.2-50-16
says, gripping the sleeve of Kel s shirt tight as if concerned she'd run away.
through AZ-SO-20. Add any remaining cards frorn this deck to
"The_v dont have nearly as many mages defending them. If one of these your Azer barracks along w,ith your supply cards from this garne.
portals opened up, it could destroy the entire village. And all of the people
If any unbanished mages han e severed stickers, find the -number
in it..." in the upper-right corner of the back of their mage mat and read
the narrative section matching that nurnber. If you won your game
Ilya trails off, her eyebrows screwing together tight with concern. and there were 2 or fewer fire tokens, place card L2-E-28 into your
"I agree," Taqren says, after a quiet moment. "People are people, and Azer barracks.
they need defending. The war can wait until we make sure they're safe.
"While we're in Faen we can pick up more volunteers and supplies Find sticker sheet 7 section 1 and add these enhancements to your
anlnvay. It'll be worth it." Ilya steps to the front of the group and begins to
Azer barracks. Find sticker sheet 6 section 5 and add sticker H to
lead them to the east.
your rulebook.
As they travel, the forest floor grows softer and the trees thin out as
they begin to pass into swampland. The air is heavy and still, with only the ' When you're ready to begin the next game, read section 15.
buzzrng of insects and their shuffling footsteps disturbing the silence. Ilya
leads confidently, using a stick when she needs to part a prickly bush in
their path, or sweep aside low-hanging branches. SECTION . I9
"Why, is that little Taqren?" "These arent all the mages in the world," Z'hana says with a wild bark
The group turns as one to face the unexpected voice and sees an older of laughter. "I have new friends now, Brama!"
woman picking her way through the undergrowth towards them, one hand
braced on a walking stick and the other braced on the arm of a younger Place card L2-E-35 into play.
woman beside her, with starlight silver hair. Indira.
"The last time I sawyou, you were just a little boy," the old woman
says, and Taqren squints his eyes and focuses and slowly a childhood
memory begins to float to the surface of this woman he once knew. "Thankyou," Inco says, letting out a relieved breath. "I don't know
"Yan Magda?" Taqren blinks and shakes his head. "What areyou doing how much longer we could have held out."
here?" Claudia steps forward and hugs her parents. "I have to go back and
"Your mother was just by *y shack not hardly an hour ago," Yan help Nook hold off whatever comes out of those portals. We'll do our best
until you come, alright? Just be quick about it, if you can."
Magda explains, her deeply wrinkled face pulling into a smile. "It was nice
to have a visitor. Even nicer to hear we're finally making a move against "Of course," Kadir promises.
the witch who drove me out of the only home I've ever known for daring "Let's get going," Inco says, turning around to face south. "There's no
to dabble in magic she was too frightened to attempt." time to lose."
"She told us to head south to meet you all," Indira adds. "What are you
doing this far east?" Open envelope 12. Add both of the mages there to your Gravehold
"There's a village near here," Ilya steps in to answer. "'We're just coming barracks. Open deck IT. Add thern to your Gravehold barracks.
to check in on it, since there have been Void portals opening everSrwhere."
"Probably wise," Yan Magda says with a sage nod. "I feel a dark enerS/ Whenyou are ready to play the next game, check the Southern
emanating from southeast of here." Outpost location on your map for the Sentinel sticker'. If there is a
Kel's eyes widen and she grabs Ilya's hand. "Come on. There's no time Sentinel sticker present, read section 92.
to lose."
Otherwise, read section 57.
Open envelope 9. Add both of the mages there to your Azer
barracks. Open deck YI. Add them to your Azer barracks.
Set aside all of the Upgraded basic nemesis cards from the nemesis "Mrazra, areyou feeling alright?" Inco slows his pace to fall in step with
deck. Open deck AZ-SO. Add all of the upgraded basic nemesis Mazrawhere she's begun to trail behind the rest of the group.
cards to the nemesis cards you have set aside. You x.ill always use "Inco, I think something is wrong with me," Mazrawhispers, her hands
as many of the upgraded nernesis cards as possible rvhen building shaking slightly. "I cant perform magic. What good am I without my
the nemesis deck rnoving fonvard. magic?"
Banish the Mother of Rust nemesis mat and all nemesis specific "You are plenty. Just because the blossom has dropped doesnt mean
cards. the plant has died, Mazra. And the flower always blooms again." Inco
bumps his shoulder comfortingly into Mazra's. "Your sister would say it
better, if she were here." SECTION - 25
"Ptazrawould beat me up if she heard me talking like this." The mages begin to collapse under the weight of the strange metallic
"She'd beat us both up," Inco agrees with a somber nod. creatures crawling across their skin, grafting themselves onto every piece
Mazra cracks a small smile. "You're right. Even without magic, I still of exposed flesh until they can't help but fall to their knees. The great
have something to contribute."
metal beast directing them howls in victory, but before it can call out for
the killing blows, something seems to catch its attention.
It turns with robotic stiffness to stare back at the forest behind it, but
Find Vestige 19 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any Spark the mages can hear nothing that might be capturing its attention. It cries
out again and suddenly, all the miniature machines detach from the mages
and scuttle back to their master. The mages gasp for breath in the sudden
reprieve, and can do nothing but watch as the Nameless rushes off into the
SECTION - 22 woods, seeking something they cannot see.
Inco lifts a hand and catches a dead leaf as it drifts slowly free of his "Well that s concerning," Talix says, finally. "I feel like we should be
arm. He stares at it in confusion and dawning horror. "I'm wilting." concerned."
"What?" Talix is at his son's side in an instant, checking him over for "We don't have time to be concerned," Kadir shakes her head and
wounds. "What s happening?" pushes herself up to standing. "'We have a mission to complete. New
"I think one of those creatures bit through something in my soul," Gravehold is still in danger."
Inco says, pressing a hand to his chest as more of the vegetation begins to Talix turns to look around at the devastation surrounding them. The
crumble away. "Its not... I'm not dying, I dont believe, but I can no Ionger fight has taken a toll not only on the fighters, but also on Southpost itself.
feel my magic. My plants are not natural, they feed off my ambient aether.
"We should gather whatever is salvageable," Inco says. "If our
Without it, I fear they will die."
enemies were here, we need to make sure that they can't get their hands on
Inco stares sadly down at the green on his body slowl;,. turning brown.
our resources."
"But that is the way of nature. And in their place, in the future, new
"Right, plus they might be useful in protecting New Gravehold,"
blossoms will grow Until then, take a piece before it dies, it may help you
when I cannot." Kadir says.

Find Vestige l5 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any Crystal Your group gains 2 experience per player. Do not spend this yet.
immediately. Record the results of this game on the back of this booklet.
Write the higher number of fires between your tlvo games on the
Southern Outpost location on the map, then discard all fire tokens.
"You thought all your supporters were stalwart, Brama, but there are Banish the Rust Amalgam nemesis mat and all nemesis specific
other people in your city who cant stand the wayyou've oppressed us all cards.
these years!" Z'hana grins, beginning to pant a bit from the ferociSz of the
battle. "Garul"
If you just fought your second nernesis of the Gravehold carnpaign,
read section 7.
Place card L2-E-51into play.
If you just fought your third nemesis of the Gravehold campaign,
read section 16.
"'Wait." Arachnos grabs Xaxos by the sleeve, pulling him to a halt. He
stares down at his own hands, moving them in slow, experimental circles. sEciloN - 26
"I can't feel my magic. I've been cut off at the source." "We'd better hurry on to Azer," Ilya says, putting her hands
"It's entirely gone? " Xaxos asks, almost disbelieving that someone as decisively on her hips. "If these portals are as plentiful as they seem to be,
drenched in magic as Arachnos could truly be severed from it. then we can't rely on the village's natural defenses to protect it."
"I'm afraid it appears to be." Arachnos looks up at Xaxos, and then the "Hopefully my father has managed to hold the line in our
rest of the mages with a smile. "You'll all have to finish our mission without absence," Qu says.
my assistance. I'll give you what I can to help." "Your father is a man of many talents." Yan Magda wraps both
her hands around her staff and leans heawi-ly over it. "Though perhaps it is
onfr in his age that he learns the skill of defending that which matters."
Find Vestige 1 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any mag-e mat
immediately. "I wonder if my mother still wants to stand against Brama, even
now with all these attacks stretching across the land." Taqren turns back

and scans the northern treeline, as if he'd be able to see straight through it SECTION . 29
to wherever Z'hana is. "Shouldnt we all be standing together?" "Thanks for the assist there, squirt," Talix says with a pained laugh as
Kel folds her arms. "Until we change the wayyour city is run, - his hand on top of Inco's head to keep his balance. "I just got....
he rests
none of this will ever stop. It's necessary to start as soon as possible." very, very tired there, all of a sudden. "
"Right." Qu shoulders her pack and begins the trek southward. "So -
"Every leaf withers and decays," Inco says, unhelpfully, looking up at
we'd better get going." his adoptive father.
"Ouchl Heyl I'm not that oldyetl I'm just a bit injured somehow.
Set aside all of the Upgraded basic nemesis cards from the nemesis
Internally. I think my magic is bruised. Or maybe fractured. Maybe it's
deck. Open deck AZ-SO. Add all of the upgraded basic nemesis
got magic indigestion." Ttlix grins at his own jokes, and Inco stares back
cards to the nemesis cards you have set aside. You rvill ahvays use
at him, unamused. "The point is, I'm gonna have to sit out the next few..,
as many of the upgraded nemesis cards as possible when building
days? Of battles. You'll all have to go on without me."
the nemesis deck moving forrvard.
Talix drapes a hand dramatically over his forehead as he sighs. "I'll
Banish the Mother of Rust nemesis mat amd all nemesis specific leave you all something, to remember me by."

If there rvere 5 or more fire tokens, banish cards AZ-SO-21 through Find Vestige 9 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any mage mat
AZ-SO-25,If there'rvere 8 or more, also banish cards AZ-SO-16 immediately.
through AZ-SO-20. Add any remaining cards from this deck to
your Azer barracks along with your supplv cards from this game.
If any unbanished mages have ser.ered stickers, find the rrrmber SECTION - 30
in the upper-right corner of the back of their mag€ mat and read Each individual creature is tiny, but taken altogether they become
the narrative section matching that number. If you won your game a terrifiiing wave that fully overwhelms the mages. The flood threatens
and there rvere 2 or ferver fire tokens, place card L2-E-28 into your to destroy them entirely, but just before they are taken under, each little
Azer barracks. automaton stops in its tracks simultaneously as if commanded by a central
Find sticker sheet 7 section I and add these enhancements to your
As one, the flood reverses, flowing bacL up and into the portal, which
Azer barracks. Find sticker sheet 6 section 5 and add sticker H to
snaps shut behind them.
your rulebook.
"H-hey," Razra pants, struggling to catch her breath. "Did all those
Iittle things go back inside?"
When you're ready to begin the ner-t garne, read section 14.
"Not sure," Qu answers, wiping the sweat off her brow. "But I cant
see any, and honestly, I dont think I could fight one single more of those

SECTION . 27 things."
"We should gather an;,thing we can salvage from around here before
Brama frowns, her frustration with the tide of the battle apparent on
we go," Taqren says, slowly lowering his shields. "These portals are
her face. "Lash I" she calls, "'We need you l"
ever;,,where. We're going to need all the firepower we can get."
Place card L2-E-31 into pla;,,.
Your group gains 2 experience per player'. Do not spend this yet.
SECTION .28 Record the results of this game on the back of this booklet.
"All right! All right," Z'hana drops her swords to the ground and lifts Write the higher number of fires betrveen your trvo games on the
her hands in surrender. "I admit it then. The people stand foryour ideals. Southern Outpost location on the map, then discard all fire tokens.
And what will become of us, will you exile us all again?"
Brama opens her mouth to respond, but before she can, the sky above
her goes entirely black. Read section 2.

If you lost the game against Brama, choose one of the follou,ing:
AnJ, sxhau.ted player sets their life to 10, Gravehold gains 15 life, SECTION - 3I
or remo\.e 8 fire tokens from your location on the map. "For peace," Brama says, nodding to you all before turning to face
Z'hana's mages with fierce determination.
Reveal and discard cards from the nemesis deck until you reach
card L2-FB-25. Resolve that card.
Find sticker sheet 7 section 2. Ifthe rnages listed in these
relationship enhancements have the same affiliation, add them to
that affiliation's barracks. Othenvise, banish these enhancements.
You may now spend any rernaining erperience in the Gravehold SECTION - 33
barracks on enhancements.
You feel a shiver creep down your spine as the strange purple creature
Open envelope 21 and deck FB. Do not shuffle deck FB. Thke the turns and begins to stalk toward you. You don't know what you did to
top 2l cards off deck FB. This is the mage attack deck. Go through catch its attention, butyou're not one to ignore a direct challenge. Tirrning
the mage attack deck and remove all mages that are severed, and to face it fully, you focus all of your magical acumen and engage the
all mages currently affiliated rr.ith Gravehold. Shuffle the mage creature in combat. As you fire off your final spell, the creature s liquid
attack deck and set it next to Z'hana's nemesis mat. Take the next { body dissolves beneath your assault and melts away into nothing.
cards from the top of deck FB and set them face dolr,n in order next
to your Gravehold life dial. This is the Brama Commander deck. Gain 2 charges.
These cards will be revealed the first time the Gravehold life dial
reaches the amount oflife shoxm on the back ofeach card. Then, SECTION - 34
banish the top 4 cards of deck FB. AII remaining cards in deck FB
It s horrible to watch the mage you were forced to fight collapse to
are your nemesis deck.
the ground like a puppet with its strings cut. The woman next to her,
Finally, if you are playing with l/2/5 players, discard the top 7/5/5 her Tether, slowly opens and closes the hand that had so recently been
cards of the nemesis deck. entwined with her partner's. There is still no mind, no consciousness
behind her eyes, but it does not stop the scream ofpure rage and pain as
she turns and lashes out atyou.
Defend New Gravehold from Z'hana.If you win, read section 28.

Ifyou lose, read section 56. The player who discarded IGl1n'a suffers 5 darnag'e. Discard
T;,reesia and return Tethered to the event deck.

The golden mask wobbles in the sky, almost dipping for a second
"What is this," Dezmodia says with a gasp as she falls to her knees. To
before it regains itself. It has nearly fallen, but it isn't enough, and the
beast that it is chained to is sti-ll a dangerous threat. It paws at the ground, her side, the conjured right hand that had been floating in the air at the
readying another charge at the mages, one they are sure they will not end of her missing arm flickers once, and then disappears.
survive, not with how exhausted and battered they already are. "What is it, what's happening?" Indira kneels by her side and tries to
However, before the beast can atlack, it sudden\r freezes in place, its take some of her weight onto her own shoulder.
not-quite-a-head tipping to the side as it appears to listen to something the "I have never felt so empty before. My magic, it has fled me."
mages cannot hear. With a sudden twist of its powerful torso, the beast Dezmodia's voice wavers with grief, and for once she actually Iooks like
wrenches itself around and runs back towards the Void portal that is still the child she never got a chance to grow out ofbeing. "I can no longer
swirling behind it. It kicks off the ground and leaps entirely through it. fight with you. I can give you some of my strength, for the battle ahead,
Just as it passes through the border of black flame, the portal snaps shut, but that is all I have to offer."
severing the golden chains that once restrained it.
The great floating mask writhes in pain, whipping its amputated chains Find Vestige 16 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any Spark
back and forth as it struggles to get its bearings. But alone, and already
weakened, the creature is no match for the mages, even with their wounds,
With the last of their strength, the mages focus their spells on the golden sEcTtoN - 36
mask and blast it with magic until it is nothing but a smouldering pile of "Stop. I surrender." Brama closes her breaches and hangs her head in
dust on the ground. defeat, her chest heawing as she struggles to catch her breath. "Apparently
the world has gone on without me. There is nothing left for me to do but
Your group gains 2 experience per player. Do not spend this yet. stand by ihe wayside and watch as you condemn my city to destruction."
Record the results of this game on the back of this booklet. Write Z'hana opens her mouth to respond, but before she can, the sky above
the higher nurnber of fires tretween your two garnes on the Faen her goes entirely black.
location on the map, then discard all fire tokens.
If you lost the game against Z'hana, choose one of the following:
Find the Bone sticker on sticker sheet 5 section { and place it on Any exhausted player sets their life to 10, Gravehold gains 15 life,
the blank space in the forest on the left of your map. or remove 8 fire tokens fi'om your location on the map.
Reveal and discard cards from the nemesis deck until you reach
If you just fought your second nemesis, read section 66.
card L2-FB-25. Resolve that card.
If you just fought your third nemesis, read section 80.
SECTION - 37 braced on a walking stictrr and the other braced on the arm of a younger
woman beside her, with starlight silver hair. Indira.
The mages would never have found the tiny willage in the swamp if
not for the chaos that was currently running rampant through the middle "The last time I saw you, you were just a little boy," the old woman
of it. A gigantic stag-like monster rampages through the village, driving says.
civilians fleeing left and right as it topples houses and tears its way through Taqren squints his eyes and focuses, and slowly a childhood memory
everything in its path. begins to float to the surface of this woman he once knew.
"That thing looks even more destructive and crazed than your average "Yan Magda?" Taqren blinks and shakes his head. "What are you doing
Nameless," Claudia says. here?"
"It's entirely mindless. There's no strategz to its movements." Soskel "Your mother was just by *y shack not hardly an hour ago," Yan
Iifts a hand to his chin as he peers at the beast. "It seeks only to destroy, Magda explains, her deeply wrinkled face pulling into a smile. "It was nice
not to fight." to have a wisitor. Even nicer to hear we're finally making a move against
'Well, either way," Talix says with a shrug. "It's our job to take it the witch who drove me out of the onl;r home I've ever known for daring
downl" to dabble in magic she was too frightened to attempt."
"She told us to head south to meetyou all," Indira adds. "What areyou
Open envelope 17. Add all of the mages there to your Grar.'ehold doing this far east?"
barracks. Open deck MS. Add them to your Gravehold barracks. "There's a willage near here," Ilya steps in to answer. "We're just coming
Find sticker sheet 7 section ,{ and add these enhancements to your to check in on it, since there have been Void portals opening everSrwhere."
Gravehold barracks. "Probably wise," Yan Magda says with a sage nod. "I feel a dark eners/
You may norv spend your experience on enhancements. emanating from southeast of here."
Kel's eyes widen and she grabs Ilya's hand. "Come on. There's no time
Build the supply using cards frorn your Gravehold Barracks
to lose."
following the rules on pag'e l,{ of the rulebook. Return any cards
that you did not use to your Gravehold Banacks. Open envelope 9. Add both of the mages there to your Azer
Open envelope 5 and deck PB. Follow the setup instructions on the barracks. Open deck \tI. Add them to your Azer barracLs.
back of the nemesis mat. Construct the nemesis deck following the Find sticker sheet r{ section 2, add, stickers E and F to your
deck construction rules on page12 ofthe rulebook. Be sure to use rulebook, and read them.
as many upgraded nemesis cards as possible.
you're ready to begin the next game, read section 15.
Defend Faen from Paradox of Bone. If you won your first game,
read section {.
Ilyou lost your first game, record that game on the back of this "Talix, may I speak to you in private for a moment?" Soskel tips his
booklet and then discard all fire tokens. Your group gains 5
head backwards quickl;r, gesturing for his husband to follow him a little
experience per player'. You may use that experience immediately.
ways away from the group. Once they're out of earshot, Soskel slips his
Then, replay this game.
eyes to the side and begins to fidget minutely with his fingers. "I have
If you win the second game, read section 4. Othenvise, read section a bit of an embarrassing confession to make. Ever since that last battle,
59. the longer we've walked, the more I've become sure of it. Something has
happened to my magic."
SECTION - 38 Talix shakes his head a bit, trying to rattle his thoughts out. "I'11 admit,
"Okay," Taqren concedes. "You know these woods best, after all." that is not what I was expectingyou to say."
"While we're in Faen, we can pick up more volunteers and supplies "Everyone looks up to me as a leader, Talix! They'll be crushed to learn
anJ Vay. It'll be worth it." IIya steps to the front of the group and begins that I've fallen so low."
to Iead them to the southeast, away from the top of the Southern Outpost "Hun, they'll still respect you, I promise." Talix does his best not
where it looms above the treeline. to laugh at how melodramatic Soskel is being. It would be deep\z
As they travel, the forest floor grows softer and the trees thin out as inappropriate. "You never had very much breach magic before your
they begin to pass into swampland. The air is heaqy and still, with only the incident with Arachnos anJrway. You don't need it in order to be a leader."
buzzing of insects and their shuffling footsteps disturbing the silence. Ilya The light in Soskel's eyes reignites and he rolls his shoulders back.
leads confidently, using a stick when she needs to part a prickly bush in "You're right. Of course you're rightl And while I myself may be out of
their path, or sweep aside low-hanging branches. commission, I have valuable lessons I can pass on to everyone else to aid us
"Why, is that little Taqren?" in our battle."
The group turns as one to face the unexpected voice and see an older
Find Vestige 15 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any Crystal
woman picking her way through the undergrowth towards them, one hand

sEcTroN - 40 SECTION - 42 -
As the metal beast finally falls, Talix turns to look at the devastation "Ilyal" Kel has her arms outstretched to catch her Tether when she
around them. The fight has taken a toll not on\z on the fighters, but also on falls even before she starts to wobble. Together, they sink to the ground in
Southpost itself. a puddle, Kel bracing Ilya's weight against her chest. "What's happening,
"We should gather whatever is salvageable," Inco says. "If our enemies what's wrong?"
were here, we need to make sure that they can't get their hands on our "I think these monsters might have the abiliS, to interrupt a person's
resources," flow of aethea" Ilya says, before breaking down in a coughing fit. "I
"Right, plus they might be useful in protecting New Gravehold," Kadir wonder how they could have attained it."
says. "If they interruptedyour aether then-"
"Yeah," Ilya leans her head against Kel's vr.ith a sigh. "I don't think I
If you won your first game versus Rust Amalgam, your group gains can do magic anymore, for a while at least. I'm sorry, everyone."
4 experience per playen Otherwise, your group gains 2 experience "I need to take care of IIya," Kel adds, above Ilya's protests. "But I'll
per player. Either way, do not spend this experience yet. teach you how to use the Azerian artifacts that power our breach magic.
Hopefully they will helpyou."
Record the results of this game on the back of this booklet. Write
the nurnber of fires on the Southern Outpost location on the map,
then discard all fire tokens. If you played this game twice, write the Find Vestige 5 and Vestige 18 on sticker sheet 5. Add Vestige 5 to
higher number of fires. any mage mat and Vestige 18 to any Spark immediately'

Banish the Rust Amalgam nemesis mat and all nemesis specific
cards. SECTION - 43
It's horrible to watch the mage you were forced to fight collapse to
the ground Iike a puppet with its strings cut. The woman next to het
If you just fought your second nemesis of the Gravehold campaign, her Tether, slowly opens and closes the hand that had so recently been
read section 7. entwined with her partner's. There is still no mind, no consciousness
behind her eyes, but it does not stop the scream ofpure rage and pain as
If you just fought your third nemesis of the Gravehold campaign,
fire spreads from her in a sudden inferno.
read section 16.

Place 2 fire tokens on your location on the map. Discard IGryra and
SECTION - 4I return Tethered to the event deck.
"No, no, this cannot be," Xaxos mutters to himself as he begins
straining to the edges ofhis focus, flexing his dark, corrupted fingers as far
as they will go. "Not now. How can this be happening now?" SECTION - 44
"Father?" Qu asks, Iooking over at him with concern. A few steps "Hey, Mal?" Kadir rests a hand on her husband's arm, using him for
away, Arachnos looks on, curiously. "Is everlrthing all right?" balance. "Remember when I was wondering what it would be like to be
"One of those blasted creatures must have had the ability to block my without breach magic? WeIl I have a new data point and it's not a very
enjoyable one."
magic," Xaxos spits. "The moment before my triumph, the moment before
the battle to decide ever;,thing I have stood for, to validate my life's work, "Are you all right?" Malastar asks, pressing the back of his hand gently
and I am suddenly struck powerless." against Kadir's forehead.
"Maybe it will help to remember that it isn't just your work anymore." "Oh physically fine, yeah, just entirely incapable of combat." Kadir
Qu turns and gestures to the group of waiting mages. 'We "It's my legacy, and waggles her fingers demonstratively in the air, to no effect. "I figure the
your students'Iegacies, and it's Z'hana's mission, too. all believe in it. best thing I can do for the team is to pass out rr5/ gems, see if anyone
-We're else can use them to enhance their own combat but," Kadir pulls an
all fighting for a more tolerant world, together."
"You're right," Xaxos says with a tired nod. "When did you grow to exaggerated face, "I really dont want everyone mucking up my gems."
be so wise? I'm sure I never gave you such good adwice while you were "I'll make sure they're properly washed before being returned to you,"
growing up. Here, take these to the others. I want to give what little I still Malastar says with a chuckle, kissing his wife on the forehead.
can to contribute to our cause."
Find Vestige 4 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any mage met
Find Vestige 20 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any Spark immediately.
"It's almost funny," Thraxir says, half to himself, half to Razrawhere As the metallic Nameless finally falls, Tirlix turns to look at the
she walks beside him. "Once you have felt death, everlrthing else is but a devastation around them. The fight has taken a toll not only on the
paltry echo. A drop in an endlessly deep pond." fighters, but also on Southpost itself.
"Areyou d;ring again?" Ptazra asks. "Because ifyou are we should "We should gather whatever is salvageable," Inco says. "If our enemies
definitely tell the others." were here, we need to make sure that they can't get their hands on our
"No, Iittle one, I am not dying. I am merely cut off from my magic. This resources."
body will sustain, but I can no longer cast spells." "Right, plus they might be useful in protecting New Gravehold," Kadir
"That sucks," P.azra responds, sticking out her tongue. says.
"Indeed. But I have spent centuries in battle. I can persist a few
days without it until my spirits recover. Until then, perhaps what I have If you won your first game versus Rust Superion, your group gains
accumulated in my many travels can be of assistance to the others." { experience per player'. Otherwise, your group gains 2 experience
per player'. Either way, do not spend this experience.yet.
Find Vestige I I on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any mage mat Record the results of this garne on the back of this booklet. Write
immediately. the number of fires on the Southern Outpost location on the rnap,
then discard all fire tokens. If you played this game trvice, write the
higher nurnber of fires.
The fetter curls in on itself as it withers like a flower shriveling Banish the Rust Superion nemesis mat and all nemesis specific
up in the sun. It must have been powerful, because the release of its cards.
magic spreads through the swarming fetters like a ripple on a pond. For a
moment, they loosen their grip, and you have time to recover.
If you just fought your second nemesis of the Gravehold carnpaign,
read section 7.
If this w,as discarded during any player's turn, Gravehold gains 5
life. If you just foug'ht your third nemesis of the Gravehold campaign,
read section 16.

sEcTloN - 47
"You don't even know whatyou're up against," Brama snaps. She SECTION - 50
lifts her staff to the side in a broad gesture and a woman darts out of the The constant stream of monsters is overwhelming, and eventually, the
shadows, blade bared and read;z for battle. mages simply cannot hold out any longer. First one, then another falls
to the ground, exhausted, as the laughing, masked woman directs her
creatures towards their throats.
Place card L2-E-52 into play.
"Wait," she says, holding up a hand, and every monster freezes in its
tracks. One by one, she folds the fingers ofher upraised hand in, cracking
SECTION - 48 her knuckles leisurely as she mulls over the fate of the mages before her.
"This is better, but still not strong enough. It's not time for you all to
"Uhhhhh, this is not great," Claudia says, waving her arms around in
crumble just.yet."
wider and more dramatic patterns. She jumps up and down and wiggles
"'We're not done with you," Kadir spits, and the woman simply laughs.
her full body, but nothing happens.
"Whats happening?" Malastar asks, watching his daughter as she flails "Correct. You most certainly are not." The woman snaps her fingers
around wildly. and mutters a few *ords, and the creatures turn away from the mages and
rush back towards the portal, leaping through and back into the Void. The
"I'm doing eveqrthing I can think of, but my magic is poofedl" Claudia
woman is the Iast to leave, stepping gingerly into the portal and letting it
gestures outward with her hands like an e*plosion. "One of those creatures
close behind her. Just before it shuts, she turns around and calls out, "Give
must have mixed something up inside me with one of those attacks.
your Brama my regardsl"
Hopefully it shouldn't last forever, but...."
"Did she say Z'hana's followers helped her make these creatures? To
Claudia shrugs. "I'm basically useless for now. But heyl You can have
throw at us?" Malastar rounds on the group, his face growing red with
my stuff until I'm better."
"No way, she wouldnt do that, would she?" Claudia kneels to the side
Find Vestige 12 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any Crystal of one of the felled monsters, poking at its remains. It looks just like a
immediately. normal Void creature as far as she can tell. "She might be a little upset but
she wouldn't try and kill us all!" puppets who are mindlessly destroying the town around them.
"How much can any of us really say we know her anymore?" Malastar "Are they alive?" Claudia asks with horror in her voice.
furrows his brow. "She's been off traveling the Void, working with Xaxos. "I dont know," Malastar says, putting a reassuring hand on his
We know she can control Nameless and use them to attack us, she's done it daughter's shoulder. "But we need to protect everyone we still can. No
already. Can we really say this is truly out of character for her?" matter what it takes."
The mages fall into an uncomfortable silence as they each realize their
comrade may be beyond the point of no return.
Open envel ope 17 . Add both of the mag'es there to your Gravehold
barracks. Open deck MS. Add them to your Granehold barracks.
Your group gains 2 erperience per player'. Do not spend this yet.
Find sticker sheet 7 section { and add these enhancements to your
Record the results of this garne on the back of this booklet. Write Gravehold barracks.
the higher number of fires betrveen your t$/o ganes on the Ruins
location on the map, then discard all fire tokens. You may norv spend your experience on enhancements,

Build the supply using cards from your Gravehold barracks

follorving the rules on pag'e 14 of the rulebook. Return any cards
If 5,s11 just fought your second nemesis of the Gravehold campaign,
that you did not use to your Gravehold barracks.
read section 70.
Open envelope 6 and deck PY. Follorr. the setup instructions on the
If you just fought your third nemesis of the Gravehold campaign,
back of the nemesis mat. Construct the nemesis deck following the
read section 96.
deck construction rules on page 12 ofthe rulebook. Be sure to use
as rnany upgraded nemesis cards as possible.

"Oh, good," Claudia says, wiping the sweat frorn her brow. "I was Defend Faen from Paradox of A\rth. If you win, read section 72.
try^.rg to be cool and pretend I could handle this, but we are in way over
our heads out there. You guys are lifesavers." If you lose your first game, record that game on the back of
Inco tosses his head and pushes himself to standing. "I understand, the this booklet and then discard all fire tokens. Youl group gains 5
ruins hold powerful artifacts that can help you protect more people. I just experience per player. You may use that experience irnmediately.
hope that my and Talix's strength is enough to hold out on our own."
Then, replay this game.
Malastar puts a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "As soon as we finish If you win the second game, read section 72. Otherwise, read
helping Claudia, we will come lend our aid to you." section 8.
"Come on!" Claudia slips out from beneath Malastar's hand and rushes
forward, before turning around with an exasperated expression. "It's life or
death here, peoplel
have to movel" SECTION - 53
"It will be all right, Taqren," Qu says, slinging an arm around Taqren's
Find the Ruins sticker on sticker sheet 5 section 2 and place it in waist and squeezing him into her side. "Just because you cant seem to do
the blank space on the Ruins on your map. magic doesn't mean we're going to leave you behind. I'll be atyour side
until it returns to you."
Open envelope 7. Add both of the mages there to your Gravehold "I know, Qu," Taqren sayswith a tired smile. "I'm just sad because....
barracks. Open deck CN. Add them to your Gravehold barracks. because this is probably the most important fight of my life. New
Gravehold is on the brink, my mother is fighting for our right to our
own home, ever;,thing is at stake and here I am. Forced to the sidelines.
' When you are ready to play the next game, read section 15. lJseless. "
"Every fight seems like the most important fight of your life, Taqren.
Almost all of them aren't. And just because you cannot fight doesnt mean
sEcTroN - s2 you have to sit on the sidelines." Qu gives Taqren a knowing look. "There
The mages would never have found the tiny village in the swamp if not are plenty of other ways you can help the team."
for the chaos that was current\z running rampant through the middle of it.
Drifting over the village is a gigantic golden mask in the shape of a human
face, suspended in midair. As the mages watch in horror, a long chain Find Vestige l0 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any mage rnat
whips out from the creature and wraps itself around the tattooed arm of a immediately.
mage trying to fight back and the mage goes limp in its grasp.
The mask pulls the captive mage back, dangling it beside a host of other
SECTION - 54 accoutrements for battle you can salvage from the marketplace and go
With a powerful burst of magic, you rip your arms free of the chains. find what mages you can. 'We need to consolidate our forces here in New
For a moment, you feel a spark of something powerful, some kind of Gravehold."
ener$/ surging through the metal. Perhaps it's the same magic that is "Brama... not coming?" Lost asks.
empowering the great hulking beast the floating mask is attached to. Even "New Gravehold needs a leader, and a defender if worst comes to
just a little touch of the magic is enough to send energy surging through worst. Besides," Brama looks sad\z down at her staff, "I would only slow
you. There's no doubt it could be dangerous if someone was left exposed to you down."
that amount of magic for a long enough period of time. "You can count on us." Malastar steps forward. "New Gravehold is our
home. not going to let it go without a fight."
Gain a charge
If you are playing w.ith 1-2 players, banish all of the tier 2 basic
cards from the nemesis deck. Set aside the remaining upgraded
SECTION - 55 basic tier 2 and tier 5 cards and all ofthe basic tier I and 5 cards
"I suppose I'm outnumbered then," Taqren concedes. He steps back that rveren't already banished. Open deck GH-lc. Add all of the
and lets IIya kneel to the ground beside the twitching creature. She upgraded basic nemesis cards to the nemesis cards you have set
reaches out and begins tracing a complicated looking rune onto its back, aside. You will akvays use as many of the upgraded nemesis cards
her fingers leawing glowing trails of magic in the air behind them. as possible rvhen building the nemesis deck mowing forward.
"Just a little bit of power," Ifza murmurs. The golden energy sinks
Banish the Fate Shepherd nemesis mat and all nernesis specific
down, slipping into the cracks running along its metallic casing. "To help
you survive."
If there rvere 5 or more fire tokens, banish cards GH-l c-27 through
Find the Sentinel sticker on sticker sheet 5 section 5 and place it in GH-lc-51. If there were 8 or more, also banish cards GH-lc-22
the blank space on the Southern Outpost location on your map. through GH-lc-26. Add any remaining cards from this deck to your
Gravehold barracks along w.ith your supply cards from the prer.ious
If you just foug'ht your second nemesis, read section 18.
Your group gains 4 experience per player. If you won this garne and
If you just fought your third nemesis, read section 26. there were 2 or felver fire tokens, your group gains an additional
2 experience per player. Add sticker sheet 1 section I (all starting
enhancements) to your Gravehold barracks. Do not spend your
SECTION - 56 experience yet.
"This is more than bad luck." The mages turn to see Brama, making
her way through the rubble towards thern. "Z'hana comes back and Read section 90.
immediately afterwards a portal opens in the middle of my ciqy? I refuse to
accept that it's a coincidence.
Z'hana is back?" Kadir asks. SECTION - 57
"She was in the Void. With Xaxos. She's the traitor mage as well As the group approaches the Southern Outpost, they can already see
as one of his power hungry followers. I exiled her only a few hours ago, the metallic glint of the sun off the exoskeleton of the creature prowling
and now she must be continuing her plan to overthrow New Gravehold. the outskirts of the fort. The ground is littered with massive pieces of stone
We know she has the abiliS, to control Nameless. She did the same thing and broken pieces of architecture. The remains of a fight.
when she was attacking our Southern Outpost, and she's found some new "I know a back entrance," Inco says. "Follow me."
mages somewhere who must be able to do the same. I didn't recognize the Following Inco's lead, you sneak around the back of the massive stone
people with her. Perhaps she's discovered an entire new force of recruits, structure and down into the basement. Tialix is waiting there in the light of
enough to overwhelm our defenses." his own burning gem, keeping guard over the people of the outpost. Some
"Why would she do that?" Gygar recoils. "Send monsters into a crowd civilians, some scouts, some hunters, none trained to fight against an actual
of civilians? That's awful." Nameless.
"There can only be one explanation." Brama sets her staff firmly in the "Oh, Inco, you made it," Talix says, relief breaking in his voice as he
ground. "This is a declaration of war." steps for-ward to fold his son up in his arms. "The Ou{>ost came under
"Wa.," Kadir breathes out, taking Malastar's hand. "Don't we already attack whileyou were gone."
have enough troubles without mages fighting mages?" "It was already being attacked before I left," Inco tries to protest, but
Brama's stern expression softens. "I don't like it any more than you Talix shakes his head and cuts him off.
do. But if it is true, we cannot be caught undefended. You four, take what "It was being attacked, yeah, and I made sure to keep everyone inside
and safe until you returned. But that's when things got really weird. I calling.
didn't see most of it because I was down here, but I could see just the With one {inal howl, the Nameless turns away from the battered and
edges of the fight. Some mages I didn't recognize were out there and also beaten mages and leaps back through the portal.
Taqren, maybe? They defeated the Nameless and headed back into the "Well. That's certainly something." Gygar steps back from the
forest and that's when the second Void portal opened."
battlefield and rolls his shoulders slowly, stretching them out.
"The second one?" Inco's eyes widen.
"I didn't think Void portals could manifest inside the ciqr," Malastar
"A person came out of this one," Talix continues explaining. "All draped says as he picks through the shattered planks of wood that once were
in robes and such. Picked up one of the little tiny metal creatures those a marketplace. "'We've always had weeks of warning from our scouts,
other mages had just defeated and started whispering to it and feeding tracking these monsters before they could attack."
magic into it. Next thing I know, boom, it's as big and bloodthirsqr as its "I guess we've just always been lucky," Kadir says, shaking her head
"That must be one of the new people Z'hana has recruited to fight
against New Gravehold," Gygar says, tapping his chin with his finger. "It Record the results of this garne on the back of this booklet. \Vrite
sounds like a similar power to Z'hana's ability to control Nameless, after the number of fires on the Nerv Gravehold location on the map,
all." then discard all fire tokens.
"Fight against New Gravehold?" Talix tries to ask, but Inco shakes his
Read section 56.
"Not important right now. 'What is important is protecting these people,
and this place."
"You're right," Talix agrees. "Is everyone ready to fight?"

Find sticker sheet 5 section 5 and add these enhancements to your

Gravehold barracks.

You may norv spend your experience on enhancements.

Build the supply using cards from your Gravehold barracks
following the rules on pag-e 14 of the rulebook. Return any cards
that you did not use to your Gravehold barracks. Vl Z
Open envelope 16. Open deck RA. Follorv the setup instructions on \ =$j
the back of the nemesis mat. Construct the nemesis deck follorving
the deck construction rules on pag^e 12 of the rulebook. Be sure to
use as many upga'aded nemesis cards as possible.
Defend the Southern Outpost from Rust Amalgam. If you won

your first game, read section 40.
If you lost your' first game, record that g'ame on the back of this
booklet and then discard all fire tokens. Your group gains 5 \
s -
experience per player. You may use that experience imrnediately \r

Then, replay this game.

If you the second game, read section 40. Otherwise, read /i/.
section 25.
The feathered creature roars again, but the mages are too exhausted
to do an;rthing but watch in horror as the creature descends. Malastar
reaches out and grabs Kadir's hand tight, squeezing it as he waits for the
final blow. A long moment of waiting passes, but no teeth come snapping
shut. When he peeks an eye open, the beast isn't even paying attention
anymore. Instead, it is staring backwards into the black {ire of the Void
portal it came through, its head straining towards it as though something is
SECTION - 59 sEcTroN - 6r
The beast is relentless, just an unending barrage of pain and carnage, Z'hana snarls, focusing on the fierce battle. "That's not the last of our
and eventually the mages begin to flag in the face of it. Exhausted and comrades who you've betrayed with your refusal to grow," she shouts, and
standing in a ruined village, they can't summon the strength to fight any from the shadows behind her, a glowing blue figure floats into the fray.
Suddenly, the monster begins to scream, a long, horrific noise dragged Place card L2-E-35 into play.
straight from the core of it, with no visible mouth to let it out. It tries to
set its feet against the ground, but it cannot stop its own inexorable slide SECTION - 62
backwards as it is dragged unwillingly back towards the Void portal it
Fate Shepherd screeches in fury and reaches out again for the powerful
came through. The mages watch in fascinated confusion as the Nameless is
forced back into the portal and it seals shut behind it. artifacts surrounding it. It whips them wildly around, magic and aether
surging dangerously to the surface and spilling out in a fi,ery deluge that
"That is concerning and unnatural behawioc" Mazra says into the
quickly catches and spreads.
silence that falls over the village.
"What s important is we defeated it," Inco answers before heading off Boost the top card of a supply pile that can be boosted.
to check on the willagers as they begin to filter nervously back from where
they'd fled into the woods.
"We can't stay long," Mazra reminds everyone. "'We need to get back to
The gigantic Nameless lifts its many, bulbous fists, holding them in the
New Gravehold and prepare to hold the line."
breathless moment before dropping them for the killing blow. A killing
Claudia lets out a long sigh. "This is going to be a miserable fight, no
blow that never comes as the Nameless turns suddenly to regard the
matter which way it goes."
gaping Void portal from which it came.
"But look what these portals are doing to everyone," Soskel says, his
The mages, weak and all but defeated, wait and watch and hold their
voice hard and pitiless. "If Z'hanatruly brought this upon us, then we
breath as the monster before them turns its back and lumbers back
need to take her down."
through the portal, bringing all its horrific grasping followers along with it.
"Let's get home," Kadir says, and the mages all begin the journey back
to New Gravehold, prepared to defend their home from whatever man or The portal shuts behind it, and after a long, tense moment, everyone
monster might threaten it. finally lets out a collective breath.
As silence and peace fall over the village once again, the Azerians begin
Your group gains 2 experience per player. Do not spend this yet. to emerge from where they'd fled deeper in the woods. Kel and I\za rush to
check on everyone, making sure each villager is accounted for.
Record the results of this g'ame on the back of this booklet. Srrite
"Is my mother here yet?" Taqren asks Xaxos as he pulls him aside.
the higher number of fires between your two g-ames on the Faen
location on the map, then discard all fire tokens. Xaxos shakes his head and shades his eyes against the blinding sun beating
down on them.
If any unbanished mages have severed stickers, find the number in "We'll be ready for when she arrives. 'Whatever needs to be done."
the upper-right corner of the back of their mag'e mat and read the "Are you willing to stand against Brama again?" Taqren lowers his
narrative section matching that number.
shield to the ground and leans against it. "What happened to regretting
Banish the Paradox of Bone nemesis mat, the Bone track, the spell your actions from the past?"
and gem/relic tokens, and all nemesis specific cards. "I regret many of my actions. But the simple act of trying to learn more
about my world? That I do not, and will never regret." Xaxos turns to face
Return all market cards, enhanced breaches, starter cards, mage
the woods to the north , as if Z'hana might walk out of them any second. "I
mats, enhanced starter cards, and enhancement stickers to the
think it's finally time we fought for what we believe in."
Gravehold barracks. Banish all basic and upgraded basic nemesis
cards. Sar.e any unspent experience cards in the Gravehold Your group gains 2 experience per player. Do not spend this yet.
Record the results of this ts-ame on the back of this booklet. Write
When you're ready to begin the final game, read section 76. the higher nurnber of fires between your two games on the Azer
location on the map, then discard all fire tokens.

SECTION - 60 If any unbanished mages have severed stickers, find the number in
The tiny machines don't seem intelligent, but they spread like sludge, the upper-right corner of the back of their mage mat and read the
wrapping around your Iegs and interlacing themselves into your skin. It narrative section matching that number.
takes almost all the energ/ you have to keep your focus on running your
Banish the Griefrveaver nemesis mat and all nemesis specific cards.
magic through your own bodlz and forcing them out ofyour flesh.
Return all market cards, enhanced breaches, starter cards, mage
Place a parasite card into your hand. mats, enhanced starter cards, and enhancement stickers to the Azer

barracks. Banish all basic and upgraded basic nemesis cards. Save SECTION - 66
any unspent experience cards in the Azer barracks. These cannot be As silence falls over the abandoned village, survivors begin to poke
used rvhile playing the Gravehold campaign.
- their heads out of the surrounding vegetation. T;,reesia limps back into the
village, her Tether helping her stand.
When you're read;r to begin the Gravehold campaign, read section "It! over," Ilya says, crossing to them quickly and supporting T;rreesia
97. from the other side. "You're all safe to come back."
"Thank you," Tyreesia responds, the exhaustion ewident in her words.
"We'll start gathering everyone who scattered into the woods and make
sEcTloN - 64 sure they make it back safe."
Mist screams with laughter as the final Nameless fragment fuses into
"'We can help," Kel begins to say, but Yan Magda lifts a hand into
place and the monstrosiq, she has sculpted comes to life with a roar. From
the air, and just the single motion is powerful enough to draw everyone's
across the battlefield, Brama and Z'hana lock eyes and communicate in a
single instant built up over a shared lifetime of battles fought side by side.
"There is another darkness. To the west. A powerful Void essence that
As one, they leave the rest of the mages to distract the giant, hulking would match even this one."
Nameless and run around behind Mist, finding their way to her flank.
"The Southern Outpost," Taqren realizes with dawning horror.
Z'hana slashes glowing golden Sb?h. into the air, focusing all her ener6/
to hold Mist's creation in place while Brama rushes past her and stabs the "That's New Gravehold territory." Kel crosses her arms tight and kicks
burning end of her staff directly into Mist's heart. at a piece of rubble that used to be a house. " Can't they take care of their
own? This is their problem. They caused it; they should at least be able to
Read section 82. deal with the repercussions."
"People are people." Taqren settles his shield onto his back. "We
protect them. It's the right thing to do."
SECTION - 65 "And who knows," Indira adds, her voice full of quiet wisdom.
The antlered monstrosiqz stumbles, almost collapsing for a second "Conflicts are never as simple as they first seem. An enemy today could be
before it regains itself. It has nearly fallen, but it isn't enough, and the an all;z tomorrow."
great, golden mask floating above it keeps it standing, suspended by the Kel tosses her head. "Fine. Let's hurry then. We sti,ll need to get back to
chains that connect them. The mask fi-xes its sightless eyes on the mages Azer."
and prepares another attacl<, one they are sure they will not survive, not
"Before you go," T;,reeisa pipes up, "not ever;rthing was destroyed by
with how exhausted and battered they already are.
that Nameless. Let us give you what we can, to help you in your fight. It's
However, before the beast can be urged forward, the mask suddenly the'least we can do to thank you. "
freezes in place, its hollow face tipping to the side as it appears to listen to
something the mages cannot hear. Just as suddenly as it came, the mask Open deck AZ-FA. Add all of the upgraded basic nemesis cards to
begins to float backwards towards the Void portal that is still swirling the nemesis cards in your Azer barracks. You'will alr.vays use as
behind it. It slips entirely through the border of black flame and the portal many of the upgraded nemesis cards as possible rvhen building the
snaps shut, severing the ends ofthe golden chains, and leaving the great nemesis deck moving forward.
hulking beast stranded on the other side of the portal with the mages.
Banish the Paradox of Myth and Bone nemesis mat and all nemesis
The beast shakes its head in pain, tryang to refocus after losing its specific cards. Banish the M;rth and Bone turn order cards and
partner. But alone, and already weakened, the creature is no match for the return the normal nernesis turn order cards to the turn order deck.
mages, even with their wounds. With the last of their strength, the mages Banish the M;rth life dial.
focus their spells on the beast and blast it with magic until it is nothing but
a pile of blackened bones.
If there were 5 or more fire tokens, banish cards AZ-FA-23 through
AZ-RA-27 . If there were 8 or more, also banish cards AZ-FA- l8
through AZ-FA-22. Add any remaining cards from this deck to
Your group gains 2 experience per player. Do not spend this yet.
your Azer barracks along with your supply cards from this game.
Record the results of this garne on the back of this booklet. Write If any unbanished mages have severed stickers, find the number
the higher number of fires betw,een your two g*ames on the Faen in the upper-right corner of the back of their mage mat and read
location on the map, then discard all fire tokens. the narrative section matching that number. If you rvon your game
and there were 2 or ferver fire tokens, place card L2-E-27 into your
Find the M;,th sticker on sticker sheet 5 section 4 and place it on Azer barracks.
the blank space in the forest on the left of your map.
Find sticker sheet 6 section 1 and add these enhancements to your
Azer barracks. Find sticker sheet 6 section 2 and add sticker G to
If you just fought your second nemesis, read section 66.
your rulebook.
If you just fought your third nemesis, read section 80.
Read section 94

"What. Was that." Kel stares into the thin air where moments ago a Void Set aside the Mist Revealed nemesis mat. Return all cards and the
portal had sliced open the fabric of reality. nemesis mat you set aside this game. Return the three cards rvith a
"Probably another mage exiled by Brama," Taqren reasons. "Just like card number beginning with L2-Eyou removed this garne to deck
Xaxos or Arachnos turned mad and attacked people." E. Remake the Mage Attack deck with all mages not severed or
"Didyour mom send that monster?" affiliated to the side you are currently pla;nng. Shuffle these and
"She rvould nevet" Taqren answers quickly, though he cant help but set the deck to the side of the nemesis rnat. Rebuild the nemesis
look away, unable to maintain eye contact. deck with all the remaining cards with L2-FB in the bottom left
"That's not important," Ilya snaps, her usual cheerful demeanor stripped corner. Rebuild the deck in numerical order, using that code, so that
away as she paces with barely contained agitation. "She made it sound like card L2-FB-57 is the top card. Then if you are playing with l/2/5
something big was coming. What if New Gravehold is already planning an players, discard the top 7/5/5 cards of the nemesis deck.
"Bramawouldn't..." Taqren tries to defend the leader of the ci5z he'd
devoted his life to, but when he remembers the scathing cruelty he'd seen
Defend New Gravehold again. If you won, read section 82.
as their leader banished his mother without even Ietting her explain herself,
Ifyou lost, read section 64.
he finds it hard to dismiss the potential. Ever since the Fall, his mother told
him, Brama had become stricter and stricter in her precautions to protect
the ciqy. Taqren had always thought it was worth the sacrifices, but New
Gravehold shouldnt have to be protected from its own people. sEcTroN - 69
"If we don't even know what Z'hana is planning, we cant assume what The battle comes to a sudden halt as the sky above the mages goes
Brama will do," Qu reasons. black. They turn and look up as one as a Void portal, dark and swirling
"'We need to talk to her. My mother. I need her to explain." and massive enough to entirely block out the sun, rips itself into existence,
and that same masked figure holding that giant tome steps out from it and
Qu reaches out and takes Taqren's hand with her own human one, descends slowly to the ground.
entangling their fingers in a quiet attempt at comfort. "We don't have time
to go hunting through the forest for her. She told us to meet her at Azer, so "No, no, nol What is happening here?" The figure asks, her voice
we'll see her once we get there and make sure eveq,.thing is all right." choked with fury.
"Before we go, we should see what we can scavenge from the "Look at what meddling with Void magic has done!" Brama shouts,
surrounding area. There might be something useful." Kel glances around at turning to rall;r the mages. "Corrupted what was once human and turned it
the ravaged forest, scarred from the battle. "That is, if there's anl,thing left." into an enemyl"
"Look at what Brama has donel" Z'hana counters, cr)rrng out even
If you are playing rvith I -2 players, banish all of the tier 2 basic cards
from the nemesis deck. Set aside the rernaining upgraded basic tier louder. "Turned someone who we probably once knew into an enemy,
2 and tier 5 cards and all ofthe basic tier I and 5 cards that werent driwing them to the end of their rope I "
already banished. Open deck AZ-lc. Add all of the upgraded basic "You're both wrong!" The figure shouts, ripping the mask from her
nemesis cards to the nemesis cards you have set aside. You will face and dropping it roughly to the ground. Brama and Z'hana stare on
allvays use as many of the upgraded nemesis cards as possible when in horror as the woman underneath shakes out her dark hair and glares at
building the nernesis deck mowing forrvard. them.
Be sure to follou, the rules regarding the end of the game on the "Mist?"
nemesis rnat, then banish the Bishop of Scrolls nernesis mat and all "You're both wrong," Mist snaps again, and then slowly her expression
remaining nemesis specific cards.
softens into a wide smile. Her eyes are hazy, swirling strangely purple.
If there x,ere 5 or more fire tokens, banish cards AZ-lc-29 through "Or maybe, or maybe you're both right. The answer was in the Void, the
AZ-1c-53.If there rr.ere 8 or rnore, also banish card,s AZ-lc-22 strength was there, the abiliqr to save us all was there, but I couldnt have
through AZ-lc-28. Add any remaining cards from this deck to your found it without my beloved Brama's helpful push!"
Azer barracks along with your supply cards from the prewious game. "What didyou do to her?" Z'hana demands, rounding on Brama.
Find sticker sheet I section 2, and sticker sheet 5 section I in the "She did nothing but give me what I needed," Mist cuts in. "Back in
Insights folder. Sticker rulebook stickers A, B, C, and D into the Gravehold, she was always so proud of me, her good little Void walkec
rulebook (experience and sticker enhancements) and read them. killing the Nameless where they lived, before they could reach our cit;r."
Your group gains { experience per player. If you rvon this game and
there rvere 2 or ferver fire tokens, your group gains an additional 2 Brama stares at Mist, speechless, shaking with emotion at coming face
experience per player'. At the beginning of each game, you will be to face with the mage she'd once considered a daughter.
able to spend erperience to gain enhancements. Add sticker sheet 2 "But after everlrthing Xaxos did," Mist glances over at Xaxos where
section I (all starting enhancements) to your Azer Barracks. Do not he lingers near the back of the fight and wiggles her fingers in a friendly
spend experience 1,et. wave, "she didnt trust it an;rmore ! She thought eveqrthing that touched
the Void was tainted, was dangerous, was bound to kill us all! She didnt
Read section 95. want me Void walking aryrnore, but it's really the only skill I've ever had,
and I couldn't just stand back and watch people get hurt." If you your game versus Mist Revealed, read section 82.
"So she exiled you when she found out whatyou'd done?" Z'hana spits
the words like acid from her tongue.
Ifyou lose, read section 68.
"No, no," Mist shakes her head. "No, I exiled myself. Into the Void
forever with mel If I couldn't practice my skills in New Gravehold where
they might hurt people, I just needed to do it where the only ones I could
hurt deserved it. Just like Dezmodia, one h"ppy sacrifice to unite the Gygar falls to his knees and presses a hand against the exposed
world, to make us all safe. Didyou notice I was gone?" stonework of the ruins. "So much history," he moans, "lost in a pointless
"I didn't know what had happened," Brama breathes, reaching out a
hand toward where Mist floats, beyond her reach. "Hey, I mean, they were already ruined," Claudia says, cheerfully.
"And with all that time in the Void, I had plenry of time to think." "Now they're just more ruinedl"
Mist's smile widens as she begins to giggle manically, her eyes swirling "There will be helpful artifacts here. There were helpful artifacts here.
with that strange purple haze that is the only evidence of the Void madness There are helpful artifacts here."
that must have taken root deep inside her. "After the Fall, we were all so "Good idea, Nook." Claudia turns to the group. "We should get
scared, werent we, weren't we Brama? So scared, but all together. Afraid eveqrthing we still can out of here. It'll probably come in useful for
and united. We were h.ppy then. Mages never fought against mages."
defending New Gravehold.
"We were sufferingl" Z'hana argues back, gripping the hilts of her
"It! despicable for Z'hanato be sending Nameless after innocent
swords tight.
people, no matter what her goals," Kadir snaps, her hands tightening into
"'We were bonded by a common goal," Mist corrects, her laughter
fists. "I can't believe she would do something like this."
giving way to a mournful tone. She stares over at New Gravehold and
"Inco," Lost pipes up.
shakes her head. "Necessiqz, as they say, is the mother of creation. AII I
want is for us to be that way again. I'm here to make all the fighting stop. "Right, of course," Malastar nods. "As soon as we ve got everyrthing we
You are both wise, Brama, Z'hana, but you are also nearsighted. I will give can, we need to get to Southpost. Inco still needs our help."
you the true answer to your petty squabble."
Mist lifts her arms above her to the dark and swirling sky, and Open envelope 12. Add both of the mages there to your Gravehold
around her come pieces of Nameless, all the monstrosities that had been barracks. Open deck IT. Add them to your Gravehold barracks.
rampaging through the world, the bodies of those the mages had defeated
and ever;,thing that vanished back into those dreadful Void Portals that Set aside all of the upgraded basic nemesis cards from the nemesis
they had hoped to never see again. deck. Open deck GH-R. Add all of the upgraded basic nemesis
"I will create the ultimate Voidbeast, the flesh and blood of Nameless cards to the nemesis cards you have set aside. You rvill alw,ays use
knit together into the most powerful threat of all." Mist laughs as the as many of the upgraded nemesis cards as possible u,hen building
pieces of the fallen Nameless begin to attach themselves to each other and the nemesis deck mowing forrvard.
fuse. "You will all be blood brothers, bonded in adversiqr, brought together
by tragedyl And from the ashes of our cigz, whoever remains will truly rise Banish the Bishop Returned nemesis mat and all nemesis specific
to create the utopia we always dreamed of. Gravehold, perfected I " cards.

Set aside all nemesis cards in pla;,, the nemesis discard pile,
If therervere 5 or more fire tokens, banish cards GH-R-25 through
and the mage attack deck. Do not banish the nemesis deck or GH-R-29. If there rvere 8 or more, also banish cards GH-R-18
the Commander deck. Set aside the current nemesis rnat. Open through GH-R-22. Add any remaining cards from this deck to your
envelope 19. Set up the Mist Revealed mat, set the nemesis health Gravehold banacks along with your supply cards from this game.
to be her health, and skip nemesis deck setup. First, set aside If any unbanished mages have severed stickers, find the number
the top 7 cards of the nemesis deck. This is the Fragrnent deck. in the upper-rig'ht corner of the back of their mag'e mat and read
If the Sentinel sticker is on your map, banish the top card of the the narrative section matching that number. If you rvon your g'ame
Fragment deck, otherwise banish the bottom card of the Fragment and there rvere 2 or felver fire tokens, place card L2-E-25 into your
deck. Grar.ehold barracks.

Refer to the back of this book rvhere you recorded your games. If Find sticker sheet 2 section 2 and add these enhancements to your
you recorded a loss in the final game against any nemesis that is not Gravehold barracks.
Bishop of Scrolls or Bishop Returned, reveal cards from the top of
the Fragrnent deck until you reveal one that references a nemesis
you lost ag'ainst. Place that card into play, and return the rest to the \44ren you're ready to begin the next game, check the Southern
facedown Fragrnent deck. Then, ifthere are no Fragrnent cards in Outpost location on your map. If there is a Sentinel sticker there,
play, place fivo Fragment cards into play. read section 92. Otherwise, read section 57.
If you are playing w:rth l/2/5 players, discard the top 3/2/l cards of
the nemesis deck.

SECTION - 7I Gravehold barracks. Banish all basic and upgraded basic nemesis
"Oh. Something is about to happen." Nook freezes in place where he cards. Save any unspent experience cards in the Gravehold barracks.
"Nook? Is eveg,thing good?" Claudia stops When you're ready to begin the final game, read section 76.
as *ell, doubling back to
check on the odd, tirne-jumping mage.
Nook nods his head. "It has been, prewiously, I remember it once being SECTION - 73
so and now in this moment there is no longer a past where it will have been "Ohatl Ulgimorl" Brama calls, and in a swirl of darkness the mage
all right." appears, flanked by the shadow creature bound to his soul. Brama turns to
Claudia blinks. "Uh huh." Z'hana with a grin. "What, did you think the rest of the mages hadn't made
"Maybe the lack of magic will have improved the clariqy I once and will it back yet?"
lack again."
Place card L2-E-50 into play,
"I dont think I'd use you and clariqy in the same sentence, Nook."
Nook contemplates this for a moment. "You are as wise as you once
could have been when you would have grown, Claudia. Take my orb, it
might be the thing that has already saved someone in our group." "Enoughl" The masked woman grabs the nearest Void creature to her
by the viscous scruffofits neck and drags it backwards. "Enough," she
Find Vestige 6 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any mage mat repeats again, staring down each of the mages. In spite of the fierce battle,
irnmediately. she doesn't even appear winded, although it's difficult to tell through the
heaqy covering obscuring her face. "You are strong already, and sooner than
I anticipated, I'll give you that, but this is only a fraction of the true power
SECTION - 72 of my children. Next time we meet, you will see the true potential of the
The golden mask falls from the sky, clattering to a rough landing on Void. At last, Brama will recognize the wonderful power that rvill unite all of
the forest floor. Its chains go slack, the metallic sheen fading from them as Graveholdl"
they corrode away into nothing before the mages'very eyes. As the chains "Who areyou?" Taqren demands, stepping forward. "Ifyou're a mage,
dissolve into nothing, the people they once restrained begin to slowly blink
why are you attacking us?"
awake, rising to sitting and comihg to terms with their surroundings. The
mages go around, helping the victims up and fetching water, making sure
"Oh, little Taqren. So taken in by the stories your mother weaves. She
everyone is all right. seeks only to destroy what we are trying to buildl I cannot allow these
malcontents to tear us apar-t any longer. I will be the savior Gravehold
"'We cant stay long," Mazra reminds everyone. "We need to get back to
needs ! "
New Gravehold and prepare to hold the line."
With a crack, the masked woman snaps her book shut and leaps back
Claudia lets out a long sigh. "This is going to be a miserable fight, no
into the Void portal alongside her menagerie of monsters. Before the mages
matter which way it goes."
can react, the rift narrows to a single point and then winks out of existence.
"But Iook what these portals are doing to everyone," Soskel says, his
voice hard and pitiless. "If Z'hana truly brought this upon us, then we need Record the results of this game on the back of this booklet. Write
to take her down." the nurnber of fires on the Forest Clearing location on the map, then
"Lett get home," Kadir says, and the mages all begin the journey back discard all fire tokens.
to New Gravehold, prepared to defend their home from whatever man or
monster might threaten it. Read section 67.
If you lvon your first game versus Paradox of M;,th, your group gains
{ erperience per player'. Otherrvise, your group gains 2 erperience SECTION - 75
per player. Either N,ay, do not spend this erperience yet. "Kell" Ilya has her arms outstretched to catch her Tether when she falls
Record the results of this g'arne on the back of this booklet. \Vrite the even before she starts to wobble. Together, they sink to the ground in a
number of fires on the Faen location on the map, then discard all fire puddle, IIya letting Kel rest on top of her thigh. "What's happening, what's
tokens. If you played this game tw'ice, rvrite the higher number of wrong?"
fires. "Some monster mucked up my abiliqy to draw and channel aether," Kel
says, spitting on the ground beside her. "I'm useless to you now."
If any unbanished in
mages have severed stickers, find the nurnber
"Kel, you're never useless to me," IIya says, Ieaning over her Tether to
the upper-right corner of the back of their mage mat and read the
press a kiss to her cheek. "I'll take care of you until you recover, I'm not very
narrative section matching that number.
well trained in solitary combat anJ vay. And until then," Ilya looks up at the
Banish the Paradox of tr\.th nemesis mat and all nemesis specific other mages, "I'll teach you all how to use the Azerian artifacts that power
cards. our breach magic. Hopefully they will help you."

Return all market cards, enhanced breaches, starter cards, mage Find both Vestige 5 and Vestige 18 on sticker sheet 5. Add Vestige l8
mats, enhanced starter cards, and enhancement stickers to the to any Spark and Vestige 5 to any mage mat immediately.
SECTION - 76 destroyed Gravehold, are you really willing to stand by and excuse yet
The air is thick with si,lence as Z'hana approaches the gates of New another Void-addled exile while she takes ever;,rthing from us?" Brama
Gravehold. The assorted discontented mages she has gathered like strays gestures behind her at the heaqr plume of smoke still rising from the
trail behind her. The uncertaint;z of what is to come hangs heavily around rubble of New Gravehold's marketplace.
their heads. This could be it, the snapping point ofyears of tension, the "I haven't sent anyone," Z'hana counters, raising her voice. "All this
final boiling point after generations of tiny, unsuccessful rebellions. Xaxos's devastation is your fault. You think this mage would have been driven
betrayal. Arachnos's insurgency. Z'hana's attempted siege. But now the to this level of madness if she had community? Support? Who have you
outcasts are united. Now they have a leader. exiled recently, Brama? Who have yo, d.i.r,".r fro* thei. home for d"".i.rg
"Mother," Taqren says, speeding up enough to catch pace with Z'hana to think? Our cities are burning, and you are the one who forged the
where she walks at the head of the group. "'We havent discussed the plan monster."
at all. You're not really planning to wage war on New Gravehold, are
you?" Find sticker sheet 7 section 5 in the Insights folder.
"I cant say," Z'hana responds, not looking away from her goal, the
stone walls rising high above the thinning treeline. "I suppose that's up to If Kel and Il5,a are not severed and Azer fias fir.e 01 1nole lires, read
Brama. She can be reasonable and accept our demands or she can try and the follou'ing section.
banish us again. Her friends, her comrades." Z'hana's hands tighten into
"You're both so entitledl" Z'hana and Brama break from their
fists at her sides. "The ones who dare to refuse to bow to her every whim."
argument to stare over at Kel as she steps forward, boldly. "Acting like
"What about all these portals that are opening up?" Taqren tries again,
we have the luxury of standing around debating this while your petfiz
not backing down. "We still don't know why they're appearing. Are you argument has spilled over and impacted people who had no say in this.
sure this is the time for this?"
Our village is burningl"
"This is the perfect time for this. There will always be another
IIya steps forward as well, linking her hand with Kel's. "New
catastrophe. It's time our people had a new kind of leadership to face this Gravehold itself is a plague upon the surface. 'We took you rn, Z'hana,
one." taughtyou our magic, in the hope thatyou were our ally in this fight. And
Z'hana sets her jaw, the picture of determination, ready for anything now we learn that you seek to defend the corrupted monster that has been
that is waiting for her at New Gravehold. But when Taqren glances killing our people?"
behind him and scans the faces of the mages trailing them, all he sees is Ilya's glare tightens. "For once, I agree with Brama. Our feud is less
uncertaint;r. And he cant help but feel it echoed in his own heart. important than stopping that human turned monster before it takes more
Z'hana's mages reach the clearing in front of New Gravehold, from us all than it already has."
Brama is there to meet them. Behind her is her own assortment of mages,
the faces of their family and friends cut with the same wariness Z'hana's Place Gravehold stickers on Kel and I\ra's affiliations.
followers feel. No one wants a war, but the tension of it dangles like heat
lightning in the air. Brama is the first to step forward, planting her staff
is not severed and the Southern Outpost has eight or
firmly in the soft earth, daring Z'hanato try and move her.
total, read the follorving section.
"Stop this."
"Stop what? Stop questioningyou? Stop trying to learn about our " Z'hana, I can never forgive you for leading Necroswarm to Southpost.

world?" Z'hana flings an arm out to the side, gesturing to all the mages You destroyed my home, you endangered my family." Talix rests a hand
arrayed behind her. "How many of us have suffered because we dont fit on his adoptive son, Inco's, shoulder. Then he glances behind him, and
into your irnpossible standards?" Soskel's milky white eyes meet his own. "But almost losing my home again
"I meant the portals," Brama snaps. "Look whatyou've brought to us, has reminded me how important that all is. I cant imagine what I would
be like without the support system I've always had, without Southpost to
to our city. Are you so blind that you cant see all the destruction raining
grow up in, and the people who love me. This enemy isnt mindless, she's
down aroundyou?"
a mage, someone we must have all known. It's just ignorant to pretend the
"I didnt cause this," Z'hana hisses, narrowing her eyes. same thing couldn't have happened to any of us if we'd taken the same
"Right. You come back from an ill-prepared trip to the Void and then path."
by pure coincidence portals begin popping up left and right, and Nameless Talix turns to face Z'hana. "You're right. If we don't change how we
are attacking at unprecedented rates. Haveyou learned nothing from the treat our people, the same thing is just going to keep happening."
mistakes of the past?" Brama stabs a finger forward accusingly at Xaxos.
"He also thought it would be innocent to experiment with the Void, and we
Iost our home. You lostyour husband." Place an Azer sticker on Thllx's affiliation.
"Don't bring Soren into this." Z'hana's hand drifts down to grip tightly
around the hilt of the sword at her hip. is not severed and the Ruins have three or more
"This mage you've sent to attack us is just another one of your qrye the following section.
who think that they can control the horrors of the Void. Just as Xaxos

SNr*:'-'-'.ffi1,-, .,- -. ...*


"I am just returned from the Void. And just returned to myself, in "Enough I" Brama slams the bottom of her staff down on the ground,
mind and spirit." Thraxir's voice commands attention, hollow and echoing glaring across the clearing at Z'hana. "This is not about places. Places
through his helmet. "I see ruins. I see devastation. I see my home, the only can be rebuilt. We lost one home and we gained another, and we can gain
home I ever knew, reduced to rubble at the hands of something much like another again after Z'hana destroys this one."
myself." "How dare you," Z'hana snarls. "New Gravehold was doomed from the
Thraxir lifts his great sword and plunges it decisively into the ground at start underyour narrow minded leadership. That which does not evolve
his feet. "Creatures of the Void know only destruction, and I cannot turn will crumble."
away from that anymore. I have nothing left to return to, and this is due "Yet more threats." Brama shakes her head slowly. "You will never
to the selfish egotism of mages who thought they could control that which understand the sacrifices I make, the difficult choices that are forced upon
stripped the heart from me." me. It is easy to be selfish from your own power-hungry perspective.
"There is still hope," Brama says, gently. "You can use this second life You think you should have the choice to meddle in the magic of the
to protect what we have left. There will still be a place foryou, ifyou fight Void. But that choice does not merely affectyou alone. That decision has
for it." repercussions for everyone around you, for the ciqr you live in, for the
people you love. It is easy to spew sweet-sounding philosophies about
Place a Gravehold sticker on Thraxir's affiliation. freedom. It is harder to face the reality of what your decisions mean for
everyone else."
"You claim to be protecting people, but whatyou're doing is reinforcing
is not severed and the Ruins sticker is not on the map,
the following section. your own restrictive status quo." Z'hana holds an arm out to the mages
arrayed behind her. "Didyou protect me? Yan Magda? Xaxos and
"I'm really not into all of this political posturing," Gygar interrupts with Arachnos? The Void gave us back Dezmodia, Brama, how can you
a shrug. "I'm not cut out for leadership or government, so it isn't my place possibly close your eyes and pretend that everything the Void touches is
to judge. But this squabble has erupted far beyond the point of politics. corrupted when it is already so wrapped up in all of our lives? "
This monster, whoevtjr is more at blame for creating hec is destroying Brama stares at Dezmodia, a momentary hesitance in her eyes at the
our very history. Any hope we have at understanding our past, gone up in sight of the young prodigu standing like a ghost returned from the grave.
smoke." "You are a minority, who made your choices. I protect all the people."
Gygar rounds on Brama, glaring directly at her. "Maybe we could have "You protect no one," Z'hana counters. "Ald if you keep exiling
protected it if we'd been there sooner. Maybe we could have saved it if you everyone who doesnt agree withyou, soonyou'll have no one left."
hadnt been so focused on your obsession with warring against her." Gygar
points violently at Brama. "Butyou couldn't see pastyour paranoia, and If A.r'achnos is not severed and Xaxos is severed, read the following
look where it's gotten us. Another former ally, driven into destroying my section.
life's workl"
"Brama is right." Brama and Z'hana's argument comes to a sudden
Place an Azer sticker on Gygar's affiliation. stop as they both turn to stare in open faced amazement at Arachnos's
is not severed and Faen has seven or more fires total, "Arachnos?" Z'hanatries to say more, but the words catch in her
follou,ing section. throat.
"Brama is right," Arachnos says, again. "I made the choice to study
"Brama." Brama turns to face Mazra at the sound of her quiet, stern Void magic. Nobody forced me. I knew it was dangerous and I chose
voice. "I have always admired your leadership. I worked harder than to accept that danger for everyone around me, without their consent. I
anyone to achieve my position on the Council at my young age. I saw you may have been exiled, but Brama did not force me to begin injecting my
as my mentor." experiments into my best friend. Into myself. I cost myself everyrthing I
"I am your mentor," Brama starts to respond, but Mazra cuts her off, Ioved because I thought I knew better."
anger threading through her words. Arachnos glances over at Xaxos where he stands, pale and drained of
"Butyou didn't consult with anyone before exiling Z'hana. You didn't power. "And now the same poor decisions have taken my teacher's magic
stop to consider the safet;r of the surrounding outposts and settlements entirely. How much more does the Void have to take from me before I
before recalling everyone for the safeqz of New Gravehold from a threat recognize that I was in the wrong? It's time to repent for the actions of my
you can't even recognize your own hand in making." past. It's time to stop hurting people for my own selfishness."
"Mazra," Brama says, her voice turning soft pleading.
"I thought you were my mentor," Mazra snaps. "But I would never Place a Gravehold sticker on Arachnos's affiliation.
want to grow up to be as close-minded and paranoid as you are."
Claudia is not severed and either IGdir or Malastar are
Place an Azer sticker on Mazra's affiliation. the section.
"That's all well and good," Claudia interrupts, her voice swimming "I am still a simple bud, yet to bloom into the flower of adulthood, and
on the edge of tears, "but we've all been fighting horrible Void monsters I have only come to this place and you people recently. Until this point,
all day because of someone you exiled, Brama. You claim that you're however, I stood as the child of a Nameless, who cared for me. The roots
protecting people by getting rid of folks who dabble in Void magic, but of understanding the divide betr,veen what is truly ewil and what is good
how are you protecting them if those exiles just keep coming back and are not simple. I do not think one philosop\z or another can truly protect
hurting us worse?" everyone."
Claudia scrubs furious\r at her eyes, t$,lng to keep her focus. "I had to Inco lifts a hand to the sky, a gentle breere ruffling through the
watch those things hurt my parents. And we dont even know how being leaves wrapped around his wrist. "All I can judge by is the actions taken
now. is protecting the people I care about at this moment. And
cut off from your magic works. Maybe someone would know if they had
the followers of Brama left my father and I to fend for ourselves at our
done research, but they can't because if they had, you would have kicked
home when we needed protection. Sometimes, the world must be wiewed
them outl It's not worth a short term safegz if all you're doing is dooming
us in the long term. And I can't very well call myself an inventor if I'm
going to hide away in fear from progress."
Place an Azer sticker on Inco's affiliation.
Place an Azer sticker on Claudia's affiliation.


If Dezmodia is not severed and Indira is severed, read the following
section. "How can any of you follow her?" Brama demands, anger growing
in her voice. "Do none ofyou see what she's doing? Don't any ofyou
After a moment of silence, Dezmodia herself speaks up. "I may be from remember what she's done? Z'hana is the traitor magel She is the very
the Void now, but I did not choose this second life. I chose to give my life one who wrote the Sb?hr that herded Necroswarm up from the south and
to fight back against what Xaxos's indiscretion had forced upon us. My caused the destruction of our Outpost! How can you believe her actions
own explorations into the Void notwithstanding, I see now that my original are good?"
assessment was correct. Dipping our toes into the darkness Ied to pain "Ihave made mistakes in my past, Brama, but I'm not afraid to admit to
and suffering in the past, and in this time I have returned to, nothing has them." Z'hana rolls back her shoulders, standing to her full height. "What
changed. Another mage following in the path of Xaxos has now taken yet aboutyou?"
more friends from us. And I will make the same choice as I did before, to "Of course I've made mistakes." Brama glowers. "But exilingyou was
fight against it and protect the people I care about." not one of them."
"Soyou refuse to repent?"
Place a Gravehold sticker on Dezmodia's affiliation. "It is pure arrogance that makes you think you aren't making the same
mistakes as you have made before." Brama lifts a hand to encompass the
IfRazra is not severed and Inco is severed, read the following entire world, the attacks that have been raining down around them all this
time. "You brought one Nameless to New Gravehold, and nowyou have
brought another."
"This is all making my head hurt," Razra whines, sliding an arm
around Rip and resting the side of her head against his. "There's so much If Kadir is not severed and the Sentinel sticker is on the map, read
arguing and debating, when it feels like it should be simplel This masked follou,ing section.
ladv who's been running around opening portals is hurting all of us, she's
attacking the people we care about, and she made my Inco's flowers wilt "Maybe there's some truth to that, Brama," Kadir says, stepping
which is a reall;z bad look on him." forward and speaking in a stern voice. "But I'm a scientist. I always
have been. Maybe it's nothing but luck that my interests fell in accepted
Inco shoots his girlfriend an unamused look, and she shrugs,
pursuits lile gem studies, rather than something forbidden like Void
unaffected. "Clear\2, the masked woman is the bad guy. Brama is obwiously
research. What I saw out there, a Void creature being controlled by aether,
right to think she's dangerous, because how can we argue that she isn'tl
that is something we've never accomplished before. Just imagine what we
She's dangerous, and it's our job as mages to keep the danger away from
could do with that kind of magicl. Z'hana influenced Necroswarm, and her
the innocent people. Feels prett;r cut and dry to me."
followers accidentally made the monstrosity we had to battle, sure, but just
imagine what that kind of magic could be used for if we accepted it, and
Place a Gravehold sticker on Razra's affiliation.
gave its users the proper resources and support."

If Inco is not severed and the Ruins sticker is on the map, read the
Place an Azer sticker on Kadir's affiIiation.
follorving section. I
If Malastar is not severed and the Sentinel sticker is on the map,
read tl.rc following section.
"Hiding our heads in the sand doesn't help anyone," Malastar says, firm gaze and a proudly lifted chin. "I'm sorry."
running a thoughtful hand down his beard. "If there is magic and "Taqren," Z'hana's voice breaks just a bit, over the name. "Please."
technologr out there beyond our current capabilities, how does it help "You always taught me, above ever;rthing, that I need to protect-my
anyone to decry it as ewil? We could use the capabiliqr of controlling
people. The innocent people, who cant protect themselves. You wanted me
Nameless to achieve all kinds of thingsl Progress isn't the enemy, and
to be the shield of New Gravehold, do you not rememb er that?"
neither is learning things outside the little bubble we've trapped ourselves
"I am protecting them," Z'hana argues. "You can do it by my side."
"I'm afraid I cannot. Not anymore." Taqren turns to the side and stares
Place an Azer sti&er on Malastar's affiliation. at the smoke rising slowly from the wreckage of New Gravehold. "It's time
I decided for myself what I believe in."
If Qu is not severed and the Sentinel sticker is on the map, read the Place a Gravehold sticker on Taqren's affiliation.
follou'ing section.
"No, Brama is right," Qu says, almost too quietfr to be heard. "I was READ THE FOLLOWING SECTION.
there when Ilya offered to leave that Void creature behind to guard our
"So where does that leave us?" Brama asks, the weight of her many
flank. It was wrong, and I felt it. I grew up in the Void, I know how
years weighing down in her voice.
it works, and I know how dangerous it is to think we have complete
control over any piece ofit that we take. I do not know if I can, in good
"If you won't listen to your people when we ask for change, then we
conscience, continue to follow along with a philosophy that believes any will have to demand it from you." Z'hana takes a step forward and there is
action taken with good intentions is excusable." a promise of violence in the motion.
"You do not speak for the people," Brama snaps.
Place a Gravehold sticker on Qu's affiliation. "I speak for enough. I speak for the people you want to ignore and
overlook. For the people you think dont deserve to belong in your perfect
world. For the people who are yet to come, future generations who deserve
Indira is not severed and the Azer campaign recorded more lost
better than the box you'd like to trap them inside of."
than the Gravehold campaign, read the following section.
"Z'hana, please." Brama reaches out a hand. "You stood by my side
"Yan Magda always taught me that true strength, true conviction, as we watched the destruction of Gravehold. Another monster just Iike
comes from full belief in yourself and your path," Indira says, nodding that has come and is threatening our new home, why can we not stand
slowly. "I follow Z'hana's beliefs, my master's beliefs because they led together? Give up this silly feud and fight her with me. Protect everyone."
me to strength when I could not master the sister-words and traditional "You don't get it, Brama. You never will." Z'hana shakes her head
breach magic. I stayed in New Gravehold even when Yan Magda was slowly, regretfull;z. Silently, Xaxos steps up behind her and pulls out her
exiled because it was a stronghold, the position of the greatest power. I will cloak, the or,e Z'hana had returned to him in the Void when she resolved
believe in strength again, and then make my way in the new world once all to convince Brama instead of fight against her. With one fluid motion, he
the towers have toppled." drapes the cloak back over her shoulders. "I am going to protect everyone.
And when I say everyone, I actually mean everyone. Not just the chosen,
Place a Gravehold sticker on Indira's affiliation. pure few who meetyour standards."
"You think you can defend against this threat better than I can? You
have no idea how hearSr the burden of leadership rests."
Nook is not severed and Indira is affiliated to Azer', read the
"Then I guess I'm about to find otfi." Z'hana reaches down and draws
her blades out, leveling one in front of her, directly at Brama's chest.
"It seerns foolish to look into the past when that was once the future "Brama, I challenge you for leadership of New Gravehold. Let's see whose
and will be our future again." Nook places a hand flat against his chest and philosophy is strong enough to protect our people."
closes his eyes. "I have never, will never, did never see the truth of what
would happen in the end. How can I presume to know what would have Mages affiliated with Azer are on the side of Z'hana. Mages
happened in the beginning? I follow where I once followed, and can follow affiliated u.ith Gravehold are on the side of Brarna. If you side with
again." Z'hana, you w.ill only be able to play with the mages, enhancements,
and rnarket cards in the Azer barracks. If you side with Brama, you
Place an Azer sticker on Nook's affiliation. rvill only be able to play with the mages, enhancements, and market
cards in the Gravehold barracks.

Taqren is not severed and Nerv Gravehold has 7 or more fires, If you want to side with Z'hanaand fight against Brama, read
the follorving section. section 12.
If 5.6s $,ant to sidelvith Brama and fight against Z']r'ana, read.
"Mother," Taqren begins, gravely. Z'hanawatches him silently as he
section 51.
walks forward from the group of waiting mages, approaching her with a
SECTION . 77 sEcTtoN - 79
The masked woman snaps her book shut suddenly, and the bang Kel steps forward. "Faen is safer than Azer, it's well defended by the
ricochets through the forest clearing. All at once, the creatures freeze in thorn shield. It's better to head straight to Aze4 no matter the risk."
place, their fangs inches from sinking into the throats ofthe exhausted and Ilya shrugs and nods along. "Alright then. I'll trustyou."
defeated mages.
"Just follow my lead this time," Taqren says. "If the people at the
"There now, I think that's enough, don't you?"
Southern Outpost try to give us any trouble, I know how to handle them."
The mages can do nothing but watch in confusion as the woman begins The group continues along with Taqren using the visible top of the
to reel her creations back in towards her with nothing but a few careful Southern Outpost where it pokes out from the forest canopy to guide their
words and incantations. path. Ever since it came under attack by Necroswarm, the people who live
"I appreciate your cooperation," the woman says as her creatures wind in Southpost have been hard at work repairing it, but the once imposing
in between her legs like affectionate cats. Ilya can hear the smile in her and defensive guard tower is still looking a little worse for wear. In a world
voice even though her face is obscured by her mask. "But all I needed like this, nothing can ever survive for long.
was to properly name my creations. Though powerful already, this level "Carefull" Kel's hand closes around Taqren's wrist and tugs him
is not nearly enough to accomplish our greater goals. When we meet backwards and he immediately drops his gaze from the sky to focus on
again, perhap s Z'hana will finally see the futiliqz of her petqz crusade. And what's right ahead of him.
together, we will see the world unified."
"A silvopede i' Ilya says quietly, pointing through the undergrowth to
"Wait!" Taqren steps forward. "What crusade? Is my mother planning
a flash of reflective silver skin that's barely visible. "They're a very feral,
something?" dangerous animal. We should give it a wide berth."
"Oh, little Taqren." The masked woman shakes her head. "The war is "Hold on, that's Ripl" Q" steps forward, ignoring Ilya's warnings and
coming whetheryou want it or not. You cannot pretend it away. Ifyou pats her knees invitingly. The smooth, featureless head of Razra's constant
want to save the world, you need to take action. Do what must be done, companion pokes out ofa bush and lets out a happy squeak. Rip turns and
even when you feel like the villain in your own story." waggles his tail, a clear invitation to follow.
With that, she snaps her fingers and leaps back into the Void portal, Taqren and Qu hurry after Rip and, after a moment's hesitation, Kel
with her menagerie of monsters following in her wake. Before the and Ilya follow as well. It isnt long before they emerge into a clearing and
mages can react, the rift narrows to a single point and then winks out of spot Razra herself. Rip rushes up to his master and headbutts her happily,
existence. waiting for pets and scratches. Razra blinks in confusion as she looks at
the group of mages approaching.
Record the results of this game on the back of this booklet. Write "Thraxir?" Qu says with a gasp and the heap of metal beneath Razra
the number of fires on the Forest Clearing location on the map, shifts a bit and lets out a groan. "Razra, what are you doing?"
then discard all fire tokens. Razra shrugs. "I caught him wandering around here all suspicious and
Voidy and I thought maybe he was the traitor mage.
"Z'hana is the traitor mage." Qu steps forward and reaches out to try
Read section 67,
and help Thraxir up, displacing Razra from her seat. "This is Thraxir,
he's an old mage of Gravehold who was turned into a Nameless and is
regaining his saniqz."
SECTION - 78 "Ohl I get it." Razra says, and then screws her face up tight in
"Woah, didyou guys feel that?" Gygar asks as he stumbles over his
confusion. "No, wait, I don't get it at all. Z'hana is a traitor? Why?"
own feet.
"Because of stuff Iike this," Qu explains as she gets Thraxir to his feet
Kadir turns back to look at Gygar. "Feel what?"
and helps him straighten out his helmet. "Z'hana's methods may be a little
"It was like vertigo, the world tilting entirely on its axis, and then misguided, but all shet been tSnng to do is get Brama to acknowledge that
righting itself in or,e drzz5ing moment. Except, it left me entirely drained." there is room for a middle ground between our world and the Void." Qu
Gygar presses his fingertips together and focuses, trJnng and failing to touches the black scales on her own face gingerly. "It's not so black and
summon up a breach. "I think I might be entirely sapped of magic. That white as tradition would have us believe."
would be a fascinating discovery if it weren't currently happening to me at
"Plus there's another one of Brama's malcontents out there opening
this very inopportune moment."
Void portals and putting everyone in danger," Kel adds. "She drove Z'hana
Gygar looks up at the other mages with an apologetic smile. "I guess I to the brink, and this new mage is even worse. Your precious traditions are
ought to showyou how my artifacts work, huh?" unsustainable. But Brama wont listen to us."
"Huh." Razra crosses her arms. "That all does sound pretgz bad."
Find Vestige 2 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any mage rnat "I came back from the Void," Thraxir says, his voice slow and halting.
immediately. "I came back to tellyou. There are portals opening everynvhere. Xaxos
went to Azer."

"Xaxos is working with you?" Razra's eyes widen. in the upper-right corner of the back of their mage mat and read
"He's not ewil, he just wants to understand the Void so we can defend the narrative section matching that number. If you won your game
better against ;1," Q, answers. "It's half our world, we ought to understand and there were 2 or fewer fire tokens, place card L2-E-27 into your
rt. Azer barracks.
"I'm all for connecting with another half, even when it seems scary." Find sticker sheet 6 section I and add these enhancements to your
Razra scratches the side of Rip's neck and he rubs his head up and down Azer barracks. Find sticker sheet 6 section 2 and add sticker G to
her side. "Especially when it helps us kick butt. What do you need me to your rulebook.

Open envelope 8. Add both of the mages there to your Azer When you're ready to begin the next game, read section 14
barracks. Open deck TR. Add them to your Azer barracks.

Find sticker sheet 4 section 2, add stickers E and F to your

rulebook, and read them.
The gigantic beast stumbles and collapses, a thick black fluid leaking
'When from its wounds like blood. The chains that had been embedded in its flesh
you're ready to begin the next game, read section 6,
slowfz slide free with a sickening squelch and the great face in the sky
floats silently for a long moment, the chains pushing at the unresponsive
body of its former partner. Finally, it seems to understand, and the chains
SECTION - 80 suddenly lash out wildly, toppling stone work and leaving the mages diving
As silence falls over the abandoned village, survivors begin to poke to the ground to avoid their violent swinging.
their heads out of the surrounding vegetation. Tl.reesia limps back into the The mages gather themselves together, readying more spells, but before
willage, her arm looped over the shoulders of her Tether, who is helping her they can do anyhing, the golden mask twists itself around and floats back
to stand. through the Void portal still swirling behind it.
"It's over," Ilya says, crossing to them quickly and supporting Tirreesia The portal snaps shut, and the mages are left in a stunned silence.
from the other side. "You're all safe to come back."
"Thankyou," Tyreesia responds, the exhaustion evident in her words.
"We'll start gathering everyone who scattered into the woods and making If you won your first game versus Paradox of Myth and Bone, your
group gains 4 experience per player. Otherwise, your group gains 2
sure they make it back safe."
experience per playen Either rvay, do not spend this experience yet.
"We can help," Kel begins to say, but Yan Magda lifts a hand into
the air, and just the single motion is powerful enough to draw everyone's Record the results of this game on the back of this booklet. Write
attention. the number of fires on the Faen location on the map, then discard
"There is a darkness. A Void essence as powerful as this one, emanating all fire tokens. If you played this game trvice, write the higher
from the south." number of fires.
Kel and Ilya look at each other in the same moment, panic reflecting Find the l\,th sticker on sticker sheet 5 section 4 and place it on
back through their eyes. " Azer." the blank space in the forest on the left of your map.
"My father is there. He should be able to hold the line until we arrive."
Qu steps forward, resting a comforting hand on Kel's arm.
Ifyou just fought your second nemesis, read section 66.

Open deck AZ-FA. Add all of the upgraded basic nemesis cards to If you just fought your third nemesis, read section 80.
the nemesis cards in your Azer barracks, You will ahvays use as
many of the upgraded nemesis cards as possible when building the
nemesis deck moving forrvard. sEciloN - 82
Banish the Paradox of M5rth and Bone nemesis mat and all nemesis Mist falls to her knees as the great fused Nameless creature shatters
specific cards. Banish the Myth and Bone turn order cards and into pieces before her and evaporates into dust. Above her, the gigantic
return the normal nemesis turn order cards to the turn order deck. swirling Void portal still hangs in the air, and Mist stares up into it as she
Banish the M;,th life dial. collapses entirely to the ground.
"But why?" Mist pants out, staring up at Brama and Z'hana as they
If there lvere 5 or more fire tokens, banish cards AZ-FA-25 through approach her. "Don'tyou want everyone united?"
AZ-FA-Z7.If there rvere 8 or more, also banish cards AZ-FA-IS "Oh, Mist," Brama drops down to her knees beside Mist and rests a
through AZ-FA-22. Add any remaining cards from this deck to
gentle hand on her cheek. "I'm so sorry. I drove you to this, didnt I?"
your Azer barracks along rvith your supply cards from this g'arne.
If any unbanished mages hane severed stickers, find the number "I need to help everyone," Mist whimpers, her eyes darting around

in confusion. "I need to use these powers for something. I need to help Brama settles her staff in the ground. Her shoulders are stooped with
everyone." age and exhaustion. "I have seen many things in my long life. I have
"You did." Brama smooths the messy hair out of Mist's eyes. "You seen the world change. And yet, after all that time, I still fell prey to
helped. You can rest now." complacency. I refused to see the pain my own actions had caused." Brama
"I helped?" Mist clutches at Brama's arm tightly, blinking rapidly as the glances behind her briefly, mournfully, toward Mist's body, and then she
looks back at Xaxos. "And I refused to see how the Void could be used to
purple fog slowly bleeds out of her eyes.
help. I do not forgive your actions of the past, Xaxos. But for today, all I
Suddenly, the ground beneath them starts to shake, a rumble like can say is thank you. If no one had been here with knowledge of the Void,
something massive is approaching. Mist stares up in horror at the sky full we all would have perished."
of purple fire. "Brama, Brama, we need to close that portal. There's more
"You weren't wrong, though," Z'hana says, walking up behind Brama.
coming. Every Nameless who has attacked us, I called to them all. They're
"The Void is dangerous. It got in Mist's brain and drove her mad. We
still coming."
wouldn't have been put in this situation in the first place if we'd avoided
Brama's blood goes cold as she looks up at the darkness, their it."
impending doom hanging huge and inescapable above them. "Mist, I don't
"l\{ist was right, though. Back in Gravehold, I'd encouraged her Void
know how to close Void portals," she says, nervously. "You have to show
walking, and it protected us. I'm sure she was out there these past thirfr
us how. Please, please tell me how to fix this."
years, protecting us even when we didn't know it. I only saw the bad of
"I'm so sorry," Mist says, a tear running down her cheek. "I'm so sorry, working with the Void. I refused to see the good."
Brama." With a final squeeze of her fingers around Brama's wrist, Mist
Z'hanagazes over the scorched and blackened battlefield that once
falls still, slumping entirely to the ground. As she goes silent, magic rushes
was her home. The stones of New Gravehold lie cracked and scattered. "I
through the mages like taking in a sudden breath. Ever;,thing that had
suppose there's nothing left to fight over anymore."
been cut off and stolen by Mist through her creations drifts back out like a
breath, exhaled. "That! not true." Taqren steps forward and smiles at his mother. "'We're
"Leave this one to me." Xaxos steps up behind Brama, squaring his all still alive, aren't we? 'We can rebuild again."
shoulders as he stares up at the Void portal. "If all my expertise isnt useful "Gravehold perfected?" Brama asks, ruefully, echoing Mist's earlier
now, there was no point to any of it." promise.
Brama watches, transfixed, as Xaxos digs the tips of his corrupted "There is no such thing as a perfect Gravehold." Z'hana crosses the
claws into the emp$r air and tears reality open into another Void portal, battlefield to stand by her son.
dark purple and ringed in black flame. Brama nods, slow\2. "I understand whatyou mean. We used to think
"What are you doing? We dont need another onel" Brama cries, we were the last bastion of humanity. I thought I had to keep us all safe.
starting to rise to her feet, but Z'hanaputs a hand on her shoulder. But that's not true, is it?"
"Just trust hrrn," Z'hana says. "He wants the same thingyou do. To " Azer already exists, and Faen too, and who knows how many other

protect people." communities and villages and people there are scattered all across the
surface." Z'hana scans the edges of the treeline, the forest stretching out all
His eyebrows furrowed in determination, Xaxos dives into his Void
around New Gravehold. "We ve barely explored an;r of it."
portal. A few feet up, the air shimmers and with a crack, another Void
portal opens and Xaxos tumbles back out. Before he can fall, he forms "No one person can lead this many people, or keep them safe," Brama
another portal just beneath himself and drops back into the Void. Higher agrees.
and highea Xaxos continues his zig-zagging path upwards from portal "'We have Southpost already, or at least what's left of it," Talix chimes
to portal, toward Mist's huge black rift in the sky. Beneath Brama, the in.
ground shakes harder, the rumble traveling up her legs and rattling Soskel steps forward and rests a hand on his shoulder. "And we have
through her chest. She puts a hand flat against the grass and stares up at the Northern outpost as well."
Xaxos. She can trust him. Just this once. She has no other choice.
"Parts of the ruins are definitely livable," Gygar adds. "And some of the
Xaxos appears just above Mist's huge portal. He falls for just a second tunnels beneath old Gravehold are uncollapsed. I don't even know how far
before grabbing onto the edge of the portal and sinking his monstrous they go."
claws into the edge of it. He brings up his other hand and starts to force
"There are places for people to live," Z'hana says, gazing out at the
them closer together. With a single scream of rage and concentrated force,
horizon, dimly lit by the setting sun. "Until we all get back on our feet.
Xaxos claps his corrupted hands together and the entire Void portal snaps
And this time, we can build something more realistic."
"So what, we all just...go our separate ways?" Claudia tries and fails to
When Xaxos makes his way safely to the ground, Brama rises to her
keep a waver out of her voice. "This is our home. You guys are my fami\r."
feet and walks past Mist's body to meet him.
"No," Brama shakes her head. "We'll still be connected. We'll travel,
"I have made so many mistakes," Xaxos says, looking Brama directly in
we'll cooperate. No single communiqz will ever have to stand on its own
the eyes. "I have killed so many people. I can't ever repent for that, but I'd
and be all things to all people."
like to try. Give me a chance to use what strength I have to help the people
who are left." Brama pushes herself to her feet and turns to face the assembled mages.
Her stooped and aged figure is silhouetted black against the setting sun your actions from the past?"
behind her. The sky is stained in brilliant reds and oranges, and far in the "I regret many of my actions. But the simple act of trying to learn more
distance, the dark blue ofapproaching evening. about my world? That I do not, and will never regret." Xaxos turns to face
"The world is too large and too new for us to resist growth," Brama the woods to the north, as rf Z'hana might walk out of them any second. "I
says. "Change is inevitable. Change is healthy. It is time we welcomed think it's finally time we all joined together to fight for what we believe in."
it. It is time that I welcomed it. But we will always be the children of
Gravehold. Each and every one ofus." If you avon your first game versus Grief-weaver, your group gains
Brama rests a hand on Z'hana's arm and squeezes it once. A vestige of { experience per player. Otherrvise, your group gains 2 experience
their long friendship, that even war could not break. And when she smiles per player. trither rvay, do not spend this experience yet.
at Z'hana, Z'hana smiles back.
Record the results of this g'arne on the back of this booklet. Write
the number of fires on the Azer location on the map, then discard
Congratulations! You have completed the campaign of Legacy o/ all fire tokens. If you played this game twice, write the higher
Gratelaol). You may now open the End of Campaign booklet to nurnber of fires.
learn how to integrate the Legacy of Grae,ehol) components into
your other-4eon? En) products. If any unbanished mages have severed stickers, find the nurnber in
the upper-right corner of the back of their rnage mat and read the
narrative section rnatching that numben
SECTION - 83 Banish the Grief-weaver nemesis mat and all nernesis specific cards.
"Master," Indira says, pulling Yan Magda aside. "I know I am far from
the days of being your student, but there is still much in this world that I Return all market cards, enhanced breaches, starter cards, rnage
havent come across. May I ask a question?" mats, enhanced starter cards, and enhancernent stickers to the Azer
"You will never stop being my student, Indira," Yan Magda says with barracks. Banish all basic and upgraded basic nemesis cards. Save
any unspent experience cards in the Azer barracks. These cannot be
a fond smile. "No matter how old you get, or how powerful, I will always
used while playrng the Gravehold campaign.
answer your questions."
"After that beast attacked me, I felt a sort of draining within me,"
Indira explains, holding her hands against her stomach. "Arrd now it seems When you're ready to begin the Gravehold campaign, read section
I have lost my connection to my magic." 97.
Yan Magda nods slowly, thinking it over. "It is rare for a creature to be
able to sever the flow of aether, but I've seen it in my time. From mages
though, not Void creatures. It should wear off in time."
"That is a relief," Indira responds, "though it is a shame to have to Ieave These machines dont fight like normal Nameless, it feels almost as
though they've been designed to absorb the aether generated by breaches
you all to battle without me. I'[ pass on my weaponry at least, in the hopes
and turn it into magical fuel. When you break through the metallic armor
that it might come to aid someone."
of the monster, golden ener5/ flows out of the cracked metallic casing. You
cant irnagine who could have imbued them with aether, butyou do know
Find Vestige 17 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any Spark how to turn it to your own benefit.
Focus your breach with the lowest focus cost trvice.
The hulking monstrosity finally falls, and one by one each of its fetters SECTION - 86
fall alongside it, shriveling into dust as their master dies. Everyone drops
The feathered creature stumbles back, its legs giving out beneath it as
their stance, taking a moment to relax after the long battle.
it collapses under the weight of its grievous wounds. The mages jump back
As silence and peace fall over the village once again, the Azerians begin as it collapses entirely to the ground, throwing up a massive cloud of dust
to emerge from where they'd fled deeper in the woods. Kel and Ilya rush to and debris where it lands.
check on everyone, making sure each villager is accounted for.
"Well. That's certainly something." Gygar steps back from the
"Is my mother here yet?" Taqren asks Xaxos as he pulls him aside.
battlefield and rolls his shoulders slowly, stretching them out.
Xaxos shakes his head and shades his eyes against the blinding sun beating
"I didnt think Void portals could manifest inside the city," Malastar
down on them.
says as he picks through the shattered planks of wood that once were
"We'll be ready for when she arrives. 'Whatever needs to be done."
a marketplace. "'We've always had weeks of warning from our scouts,
"Are you willing to stand against Brama again?" Taqren lowers his tracking these monsters before they could attack."
shield to the ground and leans against it. "What happened to regretting "I guess we've just always been lucky," Kadir says, shaking her head.
Your group gains 2 experience per player'. Do not spend this yet.
Record the results of this game on the back of this booklet. Write
Record the results of this garne on the back of this booklet.
the number of fires on the Nerv Granehold location on the map,
Write the higher number of fires between your trvo garnes on the
then discard all fire tokens.
Southern Outpost location on the map, then discard all fire tokens.

Read section 56. Banish the Rust Superion nemesis mat and all nemesis specific

SECTION - A7 If you just fought your second nemesis of the Gravehold campaign,
"Kadir, I think something is a bit wrong with me," Malastar says with read section 7.
forced jovialiqz as he rests a hand on his wife's shoulder for balance. She
turns to him, her eyes full of concern. "You see, I think I might be rather If you just fought your third nemesis of the Gravehold campaign,
abruptly cut off from my magic." read section 16.
"Oh." Kadir says, eloquently. "What can I do?"
"Not much," he admits with a shrug. "But I'd appreciate your SECTION - 89
assistance in instructing the others in how to use my machines since I The terrified willager Iooks up atyou with gratitude in his eyes. "Thank
wont be able to run them very well in this condition." you, thank you so much. Please, let me help a little. I got separated from
"Of course, sweetheart." Kadir grins. "And I'll happily take them off my Tether, but I'm still a mage. I can give you some of my aether to help
your hands until you're better." you fight."
"Please, please don't tinker with them," Malastar says, but he knows it's The man grasps you by the hand and for a moment, the tattoos on his
a losing battle. arm seem to swirl with the faintest bit of energr. Warmth flares beneath
your skin, and you feel empowered.
Find Vestige 14 on sticker sheet 5. Add this to any Crystal
The player who discarded this minion may gain a spell that costs 6 $
or less.
The mages begin to collapse under the weight of the strange metallic
creatures latching onto their breaches, eating tway at the edges of their sEcrroN - 90
magic until they can barely hold their breaches open. The great metal As the group reaches the outskirts of New Gravehold, they find a few
commander directing them stares the mages down with its empty, artificial mages already waiting for them. Inco is leaned up against the gate, out of
gaze,but before it can call out for the killing blows, something seems to breath, and a few feet away, Claudia is far more anxious looking than her
catch its attention. usual chipper self.
It turns with robotic stiffness to stare back at the forest behind it, but "Moml Dadl" Claudia calls out as she sees them.
the mages can hear nothing that might be capturing its attention. As if "Claudial" Malastar rushes up to check on his daughter and make
with one singular mind, the horde of miniature machines detach from the sure she's alright. "What's wrong, why have you come back from your
breaches and scuttle back to their master. The mages gasp for breath in the
expedition to the ruins?"
sudden reprieve, and can do nothing but watch as the Nameless rushes off
"Eveq,thing was going super great for so long but all of a sudden out of
into the woods, seeking something they cannot see.
the blue," Claudia makes a huge gesture with her hands like an explosion.
"Well that's concerning," Talix says, finally. "I feel like we should be
"All these portals started opening up I Nothing's coming out of them yet,
but I've never seen so many portals open all at the same time, it's super
"We dont have time to be concerned," Kadir shakes her head and concerning. I came back here to find you guys, we need help right away!"
pushes herself up to standing. "'We have a mission to complete. New "At the ruins?" Gygar asks, looking pale at the news of his life's work
Gravehold is still in danger."
being threatened.
Talix turns to look around at the devastation surrounding them. The "A portal opened at Southpost as well," Inco says, his voice and
fight has taken a toll not only on the fighters, but also on Southpost itself.
expression dark. "We're pinned down by a Nameless that came out of
"We should gather whatever is salvageable," Inco says. "If our nowhere. Our scouts didn't have a chance to see it, the thing appeared
enemies were here, we need to make sure that they can't get their hands on right in front of us. We have some fortifications, but they've never been the
our resources." same since Necroswarm attacked. We won't hold out much longer without
"Right, plus they might be useful in protecting New Gravehold," help."
Kadir says. Gygar steps forward. "All these Nameless, they're being summoned by
Z'hana. She was a traitor to the Council all along. Brama sent us to gather

as many mages as we could to defend New Gravehold in case she attacks Tiallx shakes his head helplessly. "It did not look like a healthy diet."
outright." "So what," Inco asks, "this monster might feed off our breaches?"
Inco scowls and spits on the ground. "Hasn't Z'hanaalready hurt "That's certainly new," Gygar chuckles.
Southpost enough? One poisoned root infects the whole plant." "We'll just have to do our best," Malastar cuts in. "What is important
"Nook and I would be happy to help defend New Gravehold, but we now is protecting these people, and this place." -
can't let the ruins be destroyed, they're too important. And letting these "You're right," Talix agrees. "Is everyone ready to fight?"
Nameless just run rampant isn't good eitherl"
"Yes, I am willing to help as well," Inco agrees. "As soon as I know the
Outpost is secure." Find sticker sheet 5 section 5 and add these enhancements to your
Gravehold barracks.

Ifyou lvant to help Inco, read section 20. You may norv spend your experience on enhancements.

If you want to help Claudia, read section 51. Build the supply using cards fi'om your Gravehold barracks
following the rules on page 1{ of the ruleboo]r. Return any cards
that you fid not use to your Gravehold barracks.
SECTION - 9I Open envelope 2. Open deck RS. Follorv the setup instructions on
"You're right, Tlaqre"," IIy" agrees, shaking her head. "'We're trying to
the back of the nemesis mat. Construct the nernesis deck follo.rving
be better than our mistakes of the past."
the deck construction rules on page 12 ofthe rulebook. Be sure to
"Thank you." With a decisive movement, Taqren brings a fist of use as many upgraded nernesis cards as possible.
crackling ener6/ down on the metallic creature and crushes it. The hard
metallic shell casing splits open and a dark, inky essence soaks down into
the ground beneath it. Defend the Southern Outpost frorn Rust Superion. If you win, read
section 49.
Ifyoujust foughtyour second nernesis, read section 18. Ifyou lose your first game, record that garne on the back of
If you just fought your third nemesis, read section 26. this booklet and then discard all fire tokens. Your group gains 5
experience per player'. You may use that erperience irnmediately.
Then, replay this game.
SECTION - 92 If you win the second garne, read section,l9. Otherrvise, read
As the group approaches the Southern Outpost, they can already see section 88.
the metallic glint of the sun off the exoskeleton of the creature prowling
around the fort. The ground is littered with massive pieces of stone and
broken pieces of architecture. The remains of a fight. SECTION - 93
"I know a back entrance," Inco says. "Follow me." "All right, let's go." Kel stares off into the forest impatientl;r. "Azer
Following Inco's lead, you sneak around the back of the massive stone might be in danger."
structure and down into the basement. Tllix is waiting there in the light of "You're right," Taqren agrees. "Let's head south."
his own burning gem, keeping guard over the people of the outpost. Some "Well, hold on," Ilya counters, holding up a hand. "If we go straight
civilians, some scouts, some hunters, none trained to fight against an actual south we'll pass right byyour ciSr's Southern Outpost. We risk being seen
Nameless. Maybe even stopped. It's better if we avoid it."
"Oh, Inco, you made it," Tallx says, relief breaking in his voice as he
Taqren rests his hands on his hips. "There's no problem with being
steps forward to fold his son up in his arms. "The Outpost came under seen, the people at the Southern Outpost know Qu and I, we can get by
affack while you were gone." fine."
"It was already being attacked before I left," Inco tries to protest, but "But they don't know Kel and IV"," Q" pipes up. "Not to mention our
Talix shakes his head and cuts him off. recent exile."
"I heard the sounds of fighting outside, and I thoughtyou'd come back "It s unlikely they would have already heard aboutyour exile," Kel
with reinforcements, but when I peeked out, I saw something strange. says, stepping to the side to stand next to Taqren, offering her support.
Instead of a battle, I saw that woman I didn't recognize crouched over a "Besides, it's the most direct route. Azer needs our help as soon as we can
creature from the Void. She was," Talix fumbles with his hands, trying give it."
to proper\r explain. "I think she was funneling aether into it? After they
"Orly hypothetically." Ilya folds her hands in front of her resolutely.
left, another Void portal opened up, a second one, and the Void ener5/
"I think it's safer to swing out to the east. 'We can wisit the village of Faen
mixing with that aether, it did something strange to the creature. It started
while we go and make sure they're all right as well."
consuming the edges of the portal, and getting bigger as it went."
Open envelope 8. Add both of the mages there to your Azer
Ifyou rvant to go directly south, read section 79. barracks. Open deck TR. Add them to your Azer barracks.

Ifyou rvant to travel around to the east, read section 58.

When you're ready to begin the next giune, read section 6

The group travels quickly through the forest, but just before they reach
the Southern Outpost, Kel grabs Taqren's wrist and tugs him backwards. The golden mask falls from the sky, clattering to a rough landing on the
"Careful," she says in a hushed whisper. "That's a silvopede ahead of us. marshy ground. Its chains go slack, the metallic sheen fading from them as
They're a very feral, dangerous animal." they corrode away into nothing before the mages'very eyes. As the chains
"Hold on, that's Ripl" Qu steps forward, ignoring Ilya's warnings and dissolve, the beast they once restrained breaks free and screams with pain
pats her knees inwitingly. The smooth, featureless head of Razra's constant and anger, tossing its head wildly as if seeking the partner it can no longer
companion pokes out ofa bush and lets out a happy squeak. Rip turns and
waggles his tail, a clear inwitation to follow. The mages gather themselves together, readying more spells, but before
Taqren and Qu hurry after Rip and, after a moment's hesitation, Kel they can do anyhing, the monstrous beast turns, runs back toward the
and Ilya follow as well. It isnt long before they emerge into a clearing and still-swirling Void portal, and leaps entirely through it.
spot Razra herself, sitting on a heap of metallic armor. Rip rushes up to his The portal snaps shut behind it, and the mages are left in a stunned
master and headbutts her happily, waiting for pets and scratches. Razra silence.
waves at the mages as they approach. If you rvon your first game versus Paradox of l\.th and Bone, your
"Thraxir?" Qu says with a gasp and the heap of metal beneath Razra group gains 4 erperience per player. Othenr.ise, your group gains 2
shifts a bit and lets out a groan. "Ptazra, what are you doing?" experience per player. Either u,ay, do not spend this experience yet.
Razra shrugs. "I caught him wandering around here all suspicious and
Record the results of this game on the back of this booklet. Write
Voidy and I thought maybe he was the traitor mage."
the number of fires on the Faen location on the map, then discard
"Z'hana is the traitor mage." Qu steps forward and reaches out to try all fire tokens. If you played this game twice, write the higher
and help Thraxir up, displacing Razra from her seat. "This is Thraxir, number of fires.
he's an old mage of Gravehold who was turned into a Nameless and is
regaining his sanity." Find the Bone sticker on sticker sheet 5 section 4 and place it on
"Oh! I get rt." Razra says, and then screws her face up tight in the blank space in the forest on the left of your map.
confusion. "No, wait, I dont get it at all. Z'hara is a traitor? Whv?"
"Because of stuff like this," Qu explains as she gets Thraxir to his feet
Ifyou just fought your second nemesis, read section 66.
and helps him straighten out his helmet. "Z'hana's methods may be a little
misguided, but all she's been t$ri"g to do is get Brama to acknowledge that If you just fought your third nemesis, read section 80.
there is room for a middle ground between our world and the Void." Qu
touches the black scales on her own face gingerfr. "It's not so black and
white as tradition would have us believe." SECTION - 96
"Plus we're trJnng to stop New Gravehold from opening all these Void Gygar falls to his knees and presses a hand against the exposed
portals that are pouring Nameless into our world," Kel adds. "Your way of stonework of the ruins. "So much history," he moans, "lost in a pointless
life is unsustainable. But Brama wont listen to us." battle."
"Huh." Razra crosses her arms. "That all does sound preff;z bad." "Hey, I mean, they were already ruined," Claudia says cheerfully. "Now
"I came back from the Void," Thraxir says, his voice slow and halting. they're just more ruinedl"
"I came back to tell you. There are portals opening ever;zr, Xaxos "There will be helpful artifacts here. There were helpful artifacts here.
went to Azer" There are helpful artifacts here."
"Xaxos is working *ith yor?'; Razra's eyes widen. "Good idea, Nook." Claudia turns to the group. "We should get
"He's not ewil, he just wants to understand the Void so we can defend eveqrthing we still can out of here. It'll probably come in useful for
better against i1," Q, answers. "It's half our world, we ought to understand defending New Gravehold.
it." "It's despicable for Z'hana to be sending Nameless after innocent
"I'm all for connecting with another half, even when it seems scary." people, no matter what her goals," Kadir snaps, her hands tightening into
Razra scratches the side of Rip's neck and he rubs his head up and down fists. "I cant believe she would do something like this."
her side. "Especially when it helps us kick butt. What do you need me to "Oh good, I found you." The group turns as they see Mazra, out
do?" of breath, rushing up to meet them. Soskel follows just in her wake,
looking as immaculately pulled together as always. "Brama sent us down
here to fetch you, we need to get back to New Gravehold. She thinks up and running here, we might as well enjoy them. I've missed the dirt
Z'hana might be gearing up to attack soon, she wants us all returned and market so much, I'm owed a little bit of overindulgence."
prepared." "Fine," Malastar says with a long suffering sigh.
"Alright," Gygar begins saying, but, before he can continue, a litany of "Besides," Kadir continues, a teasing note in her voice. "You're the gem
screams ring out through the forest. crazy ofle here. That is entirely on you."
"Where did that come from?" Kadir gasps, looking around wildly. "My work with gems is pure\r professional."
Talix furrows his brow in confusion. "'We don't have any outposts in "Uh huh, and I've never caughtyou cooing over them inyour
that direction, I don't know who would be in the swamp over there." workshop."
"Brama wants us back immediately, " Mazra says, shifting nervously. Malastar's cheeks redden and he scowls.
"For all we know, that battle could be with our enemies."
"Giving them little voice," Kadir adds, mockingly.
"Z'hana cant really be our enemy, she's our friend," Claudia insists.
"Alright, alright. I give in. I'm a little invested in my gems." Malastar
"Sure she's a little misguided right now, but if Brama is asking us to ignore
wraps an arm around his wife and pulls her into his chest, pressing a kiss
people in danger because of their pet$z power struggle, then I dunno, I'd
to the side of her head. "You win."
rather blow her off. Helping is what mages are here for."
"Ah, Kadir, Malastarl Did you come to see the new market too?"
"You're right," Mazra nods. "It's our duty."
Malastar and Kadir looL forward to see Gygar, standing beside the
gigantic metal form of his friend, Lost.
Open deck GH-R. Add all of the upgraded basic nemesis cards "We did," Malastar replies. "Good to seeyou both returned safe from
to the nemesis cards you have set aside. You will always use as your trip to the ruins of Gravehold."
many of the upgraded nemesis cards as possible when building the "The excavation process is really coming alo.g," Gygar says, his eyes
nemesis deck mowing forrvard.
sparkling. "Your daughter is a wonder with a pickaxe. I expect we'll be
Banish the Bishop Returned nemesis mat and all nemesis specific heading back to rejoin her and Nook out there in a few days.
cards. "Portal," says Lost, his voice creaking out from beneath the suit of
armor encasing his form.
If therervere 5 or more fire tokens, banish cards GH-R-25 through
Gygar looks up in confusion. "What was that, Lost?"
GH-R-29. If there were 8 or more, also banish cards GH-R-18
through GH-R-22. Add any remaining cards from this deck to your "Portall" Lost repeats, more emphaticall;r.
Gravehold barracks along with your supply cards from this game. Kadir looks past him and sees a thin black line cracking down through
If any unbanished mages have severed stickers, find the number the open air in the middle of the market. "Portal I Everybody run ! "
in the upper-right corner of the back of their mage mat and read The merchants and market goers start to run as Malastar and Kadir
the narrative section matching that number'. If you won your game shoulder their way forward, weapons drawn to face whatever monstrosifr
and there were 2 or fewer fire tokens, place card L2-E-25 into your is about to come out of the breach. The tear widens until it is a vivid purple
Gravehold barracks. swirl, and a creature steps from it, strangel;r bird-like and elongated. With
each sweep of its wings, timbers shatter and goods go flying, the town
Find sticker sheet 2 section 2 and add these enhancements to your
square descending into chaos. It reaches out towards one ofthe colorful
Gravehold barracks.
market stalls surrounding it and grabs for the gems piled up all around,
greed reflected in the shine ofits eyes.
When you're ready to begin the next game, check the forest on the "Oh, you'll pay for that," Kadir says, pulling out her emerald and
left side of your map. If there is a M;rth sticker there, read section readying herself for battle. "Nobody messes with our gems."
52. Otherwise, read section 57.
Open Envelope I l. These are your rnages for this game. Open Deck
GH-1a. This isyour starting supply. Open Deck GH-lb. These are
SECTION - 97 the starter cards and turn order cards for.your mages, along with
MEANWHILE... player aids.
"Really, Kadir, you're an adult, can you try to have a bit of decorum?"
Then open envelope 5 and deck FS. Do not shuffle deck FS. Ifyou
Malastar takes his wife by the shoulder and pulls her back away from the
are playing :ivith I /2/5 players, discard the top 7 l5l5 cards of the
jewelry display she is bent nearly in half over.
nemesis deck.
Kadir grins. "Dontyou just find it fascinating how aether can come
together in so many geometric shapes and forms, contain immense power,
and also be so incredibly shiny?" Defend New Gravehold from Fate Shepherd. Ifyou rvin, read
' Malastar looks over at Kadir, exhausted. "You are why our daughter is section 86.
so gem crazy."
Ifyou lose, read section 58.
Kadir snickers. "Oh, come on. It's taken long enough to get the markets
SECTION - 98 i,L,
"How?" The masked woman snarls as her final monstrosifr falls
beneath the onslaught. Furious, she opens her thick, leather book and
begins to flip through the pages, frantically looking for something. "No
no," she mutters, "this cannot be as powerful as they become when fully
named. This won't be nearly strong enough."
"Nowyou tell us whoyou are," I(adir demands, stepping forward and
crossing her arms.
The woman laughs, high and reedy in her throat. "No, I don't think so.
There's still so much to dol"
She turns and rushes towards the Void portal still pulsing behind her,
Iaughing as she goes. Kadir lunges for her, but misses, and then she's \ 1r
too far away, already leaping into the portal. As it begins to close behind
her she turns around and calls back through it, "Give your Brama my
regards l "
"Did she say Z'hana's followers helped her make these creatures? To
throw at us?" Malastar rounds on the group, his f'ace growing red with
"No way, she wouldn't do that, would she?" Claudia kneels to the side
of one of the felled monsters, poking at its remains. It looks just like a
normal Void creature as far as she can tell. "She might be a little upset but
she wouldn't try and kill us all l"
"How much can any of us really say we know her anymore? " Malastar I
furrows his brow. "She's been off traveling the Void, working with Xaxos.
know she can control Nameless and use them to attack us, she's done it
already. Can we really say this is truly out of character for her?"
The mages fall into an uncomfortable silence as they each realize their T
-.IL- t_
comrade may be beyond the point of no return.

If you won your first game versus Bishop Returned, your group
gains 4 experience per player. Otherrvise, your group gains 2
experience per player'. Either way, do not spend this experience yet

Record the results of this game on the back of this booklet. Write
the number of fires on the Ruins location on the map, then discard
all fire tokens. If you played this game t'rvice, rrtite the higher
number of fires.

If you just fought your second nemesis of the Gravehold campaign,

read section 70.

If you just fought your third nemesis of the Gravehold campaign,

read section 96.

Passage # read at Passage # read
Affiliation Nemesis the beglnning of Location Result # of Hres at the end of the
the fight fight

Missing any components? Email

Have rules questions? Msit https://boardga,,-,egeel<.com/boardgarne/191189/aeons-er.rd
& gcmds @ 2021Indie Game Studios. Oakland, CA94610. A1l rights reserved.

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