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FC Rad Diag(SA) Part I


Incorporated Association not for gain
Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part I Examination for the Fellowship of the

College of Diagnostic Radiologists of South Africa
30 January 2019
Paper 1 Physics
All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one is
required for the one answer)

2 a) Discuss the influence of the following: Target material, Voltage (kVp) applied, and tube
current (mA) on beam quality and beam quantity of the x-ray beam produced from an x-
ray tube. (6)
b) Discuss the effect of scatter on image contrast, also list methods that can be used to
reduce it. (6)
c) Write short notes on the following
i) Inherent filtration. (2)
ii) Added filtration. (2)
iii) Wedge filter. (2)
d) Using a simple schematic diagram, show the major components of an x-ray tube and
briefly explain the production of x-rays. (6)
e) Using the Characteristic (H&D) Curve, distinguish between a high speed and a low speed
screen film system and give one advantage and disadvantage of a high speed system.

3 a) Name and briefly describe the ways ultrasound interact with soft tissue. (2.5)
b) Name and define the three types of spatial resolution qualities of an ultrasound beam,
also state whether they are affected by depth or not. (4.5)
c) You start your rotation in interventional radiology and realise it is a high radiation
exposure component of your work. Categorise and list the measures you could take to
minimise radiation exposure to yourself and others in a modern interventional radiology
theatre. (5)
d) List the benefits of compression in mammography. (3.5)
e) Name the three main methods currently used for production of radionuclides for use in
nuclear medicine and mention a single radionuclide produced by each. (3)
f) Regarding cellular sensitivity to radiation, please state the law of Bergonie and
Tribondeau. (2)
g) Give the two broad categories that the biologic effects of radiation exposure can be
classified under, also briefly describe each and give one example. (3)
h) Describe the organ system’s response to radiation. A diagrammatically illustration can be
used. (6.5)

PTO/Page 2 Question 4…

4 a) How are gyroscopic and heel effects reduced in modern day computed tomography (CT)
scanners? (2)
b) Name and describe the function of the 4 main components in a modern image intensifier
used in fluoroscopy. (6)
c) Where should a personal dosimeter be worn by fluoroscopy personnel? (1)
d) In fluoroscopy, where is the dose from scattered radiation more, tube or image intensifier
side? (1)
e) Describe beam hardening artefact in computed tomography (CT) scanning. Mention a
clinical occurrence of the artefact and its clinical significance. (3)
f) Discuss proton density weighting in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning and
mention its image quality advantage. (4)
g) What is the difference between axial and high pitch helical computed tomography (CT)
scanning? (2)
h) What is the advantage of dual energy radiography? (1)
i) Describe magnetic resonance spectroscopy. (3)
j) What are the concerns with regards to scattered radiation in projection radiography? (2)
k) Briefly describe a charge-coupled device (CCD) detector in DR imaging. (4)
l) What is the main advantage of last-frame hold fluoroscopy? (1)

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