Suci - UAS CCU

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Name : Suci Ramadaniati

NIM : 215608006

CLASS/SEM : English Education / 5

Course : Cross Culture Understanding


1. The increase in the elderly population and many who decide to live separately from their children in old
age is an improvement in the population structure, especially in Indonesia. Based on data from the
Central Statistics Agency, the results of the 2020 Population Census show that there are 9.93% of the
elderly population in Indonesia. Progress in the health sector and demographic developments which
have an impact on the economic and social sectors have increased individual life expectancy.
There are many reasons why elderly people decide to live separately from their children.
First, they don't want to be a burden on the family, the presence of elderly parents is often considered a
burden on their children, so parents prefer to live alone and separately from their children, not wanting
to be a nuisance and be considered a burden.
Second, because of neglect, some parents have lost contact with their families and even their children
and are forced to live alone, far from their families and relatives.
Third, the desire to live independently by managing one's life with one's partner to spend one's old age
together and away from one's children who are already married and to allow one's children to
independently manage their own family lives.
Fourth, because of the retirement period, elderly people no longer work and go to their hometowns to
enjoy their retirement.
However, the desire to live alone rather than with one's children cannot always be maintained if health
conditions do not allow living alone (Sudirman, 2016). Living alone in old age often causes psychological
problems in the elderly because they are getting older, they feel lonely, depressed and less prosperous
than living with other people.
The advantages and disadvantages of a culture like this
Advantages :
- More independent
- Always take care of your health because you are away from your children
- Provide opportunities for children to live more independently and manage their own lives
- Avoid getting involved in family conflicts with your child
- Feel more free to do activities when you live alone
- Living alone becomes a desired moment and a place to get closer to God.

Disadvantages :

- Feeling lonely because you are far from children with whom you often chat and share stories
- The problem of income is that you have to find it yourself
- Fear of becoming a victim of crime
- Social support issues
- Social alienation
- Increases depression
- And the elderly are a special concern for families and the government.

2. Culture is the best and most selected thing ever produced by a community or society that has been
thought about or planned and produced in relation to the daily life or daily activities of many people or a
group of people.
Cultural products are the most powerful media or tools for maintaining the character of a nation.
Through films, books, the internet or similar advertisements, we can learn about the interior and
surroundings so that we become more familiar with foreign cultures.
Regarding culture, making films that show a country's culture can be used as a tool for cultural
diplomacy between nations to understand the values of their culture. Technological advances have had
an impact that provides support to society and strategies are urgently needed so that culture becomes a
national character that can be maintained and compatible in this era of globalization. Cultural
representation is an important thing, improving culture is always formed through meaning and
language, because language is a form of symbol or a form of representation. The importance of
language as a tool or means of communication and social interaction and a basic need for
communication between countries.
From films we can see a reflection of how culture grows from century to century in a country and lives in
a society. Films as cultural representations not only construct certain cultural values for their own
circles, but also how these values are produced and consumed by the people who watch or read the
films or books. Without realizing it, when watching or reading there is a kind of process of exchanging
cultural symbols.

Several Indonesian films contain cultural elements, for example the Bumi Manusia Movie, Cek Toko
Sebelah, and Imperfect The Series.

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