Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts PDF

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The Ultimate Time Savers

Key Name What it do Variations

Deletes everything from the playhead to the previous

q Ripple trim
edit point (on activated tracks) and closes the gap
Use shift and alt to alter the type of deletion


Deletes everything from the playhead to the next edit
point (on activated tracks) and closes the gap
Use shift and alt to alter the type of deletion

SHORTCUTS [ Decrease clip volume Decreases the volume of the selected clip by 1db Use shift to change the volume by many

ACTUALLY WORTH USING ] Increase clip volume Increases the volume of the selected clip by 1db Use shift to change the volume by many

\ Zoom to sequence Show everything in your timeline Tap again to zoom back in to your previous zoom level

The Basics cmd-left Nudge by 1 backwards Move the selected clip 1 frame to the left
Hold shift to move by several frames. Frame amount
can be changed in preferences
Key Name What it do Variations
Hold shift to move by several frames. Frame amount
cmd-right Nudge by 1 forward Move the selected clip 1 frame to the right
can be changed in preferences
j Shuttle left Play backwards one notch
Slip the footage inside the selected clip by 1 frame Hold shift to move by several frames. Frame amount
Use shift to play a few frames behind and
cmd-alt-left Slip clip left
to the left can be changed in preferences
k Shuttle stop Stop playback in front of the playhead. Use alt to play
only between in/out points Slip the footage inside the selected clip by 1 frame to Hold shift to move by several frames. Frame amount
cmd-alt-right Slip clip right
the right can be changed in preferences

l Shuttle right Play forwards one notch Applies default transition to selected video or audio You can change what the default transition is in your
shift-d Apply default transition
clips. Default transition is a fade. Very useful preferences
Hold shift to move several frames. Frame
left-arrow Step back 1 frame Move the playhead 1 frame back
amount can be changed in preferences

right-arrow Step forward 1 frame Move the playhead 1 frame froward

Hold shift to move several frames. Frame
amount can be changed in preferences
Advanced - sort of
Key Name What it do Variations
Go to previous edit Move playhead to previous edit point on
up-arrow point selected tracks Makes the window under your mouse cursor fill the entire
` Maximise frame
Premiere window
Tap again to go back to normal
Move playhead to next edit point on selected
down-arrow Go to next edit point
d Select clip at playhead Selects the clips on active tracks underneath the playhead

- Zoom out Zooms out of the timeline

Shows the original source file in your source monitor of the clip
f Match frame
that you have selected
= Zoom in Zooms in to the timeline
g Audio gain Boost the volume of the selected clips
Use alt to delete in point and shift to
i Mark in Sets the in point
move playhead to in point Audio toggle while
shift-s scrubbing
Toggle on and off the sound of each frame as you scrub
Use alt to delete out point and shift to
o Mark out Sets the out point
move playhead to out point Changes your mouse to a tool that allows you to select
a Track select forward
everything on active tracks forward of the mouse
Hold shift to select singular active tracks
Inserts the footage from source monitor into
, Insert timeline at playhead and moves everything Use this tool to stretch your clips to slow down/speed up the
forward r Rate stretch tool
clip to your specific duration
Overwrites the footage from source monitor
. Overwrite over the top of anything forward of the v Arrow tool Change your cursor back to the generic arrow
timeline playhead
Decrease audio track Remember, a tidy timeline is a today
alt- - Decreases the height of all your audio tracks
cmd-s Save Saves your project. Obviously. height mind. Or something.

Increase audio track

Copies the selected clips/effects/parameters alt- = Increases the height of all your audio tracks
cmd-c Copy
to the clipboard

Decrease video track

Cuts out the selected clip/effects/parameters cmd- - Decreases the height of all your video tracks
cmd-x Cut
and puts it in the clipboard

Increase video track

cmd- = Increases the height of all your video tracks
cmd-v Paste Pastes the clipboard height

Add edit point (/cut) at the playhead for cmd-m Export Open the export window for selected sequences
cmd-k Add edit
selected clips (or active tracks if no selection)

Deletes selected clips and closes the gap left

alt-backspace Ripple delete
behind My custom keys
cmd-z Undo Undoes the previous action. Duh Key Name What it do Variations

Turns the rest of the selected clip into a freeze frame from the
hold shift Multiple select Hold down shift to select more than one thing shift-c Add frame hold
playhead forwards

Hold cmd and drag the mouse to draw a Source monitor panel: Reveals in the project window the clip that is showing in the source
hold cmd Select edit points Hold down cmd to select edit points
marquee around many points alt-f Reveal in project monitor

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