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Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 89 (2017) 1086–1091

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Expression of VRK1 and the downstream gene BANF1 in esophageal

Jin Lia , Tingting Wanga , Lu Peia , Junpeng Jingc, Wentan Hua , Tiange Sunb ,
Hongchun Liua,*
Department of Medical Laboratory, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450052, China
Department of Geriatric Endocrinology, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450052, China
Department of Medical Laboratory, Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China


Article history:
Received 27 October 2016 Esophageal cancer is considered one of the most malignant tumors, being characterized by rapid
Received in revised form 20 February 2017 progression and poor outcomes. China has the highest incidence of esophageal cancer in the world.
Accepted 24 February 2017 Hence, it is necessary to clarify the mechanisms underlying esophageal cancer progression. In this study,
we examined the expression of vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) and barrier to autointegration factor 1
Keywords: (BANF1) in tumor tissues at the mRNA and protein levels via real-time PCR and immunohistochemical
Esophageal cancer analyses. The mRNA and protein expression levels of VRK1 and BANF1 were higher in tumor tissues than
Vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) in adjacent normal tissues. ROC curve analysis showed that VRK1 and BANF1 yielded AUCs of 0.790 and
Barrier to autointegration factor 1 (BANF1)
0.735, respectively, for the detection of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC) patients. In
conclusion, our study indicates that VRK1 and BANF are promising novel therapeutic targets for
esophageal cancer.
© 2017 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

1. Introduction VRK2 and VRK3 [4]. VRK1 plays a role in cell cycle progression,
chromosome condensation, nuclear envelope breakdown and
Esophageal cancer, one of the most common types of malignant reassembly and the DNA damage response [3,5]. Some studies
tumors, accounts for 5% of all cancer deaths. Esophageal cancer have suggested that VRK1 can phosphorylate histone H3 and play a
occurs more frequently in males than females and is prominent in coordinating role in different signaling pathways in mammalian
both western countries and eastern countries. In western DNA damage responses [6]. A large body of evidence suggests that
countries, most esophageal cancers are esophageal adenocarcino- VRK1 plays an essential role in cancer progression [3,5–7]. VRK1
ma, while in eastern countries, squamous cell carcinomas are very depletion or overexpression has an impact on the proliferation and
common [1,2]. According to population-based cancer registration survival of cell lines from normal or malignant tissue [4]. VRK1 is
data from the National Central Cancer Registry (NCCR), the required for several processes in cell division. A study by Moura [8]
incidence rate of esophageal cancer was 21.62/100,000 in 2011, suggested that the expression of VRK1 can be regulated by Sox2
and it was the sixth most common type of malignant tumor in and that VRK1 acts as a tumor suppressor gene or tumor
China [1]. Recently, chemoradiotherapy has become one of the predisposition gene.
treatment options for EC, but not all patients exhibit good clinical VRK1 can mediate the phosphorylation of the barrier to
responses. Therefore, it is important to clarify the mechanisms autointegration factor protein, which is encoded by the barrier
underlying esophageal cancer progression. to autointegration factor 1 (BANF1) gene [9]. BANF1 is a small,
We can obtain vast amounts of information for tumor conserved and abundant DNA-binding protein. A study by Zheng
characterization from gene expression analysis [3]. Vaccinia- [10] concluded that BANF1 binds to double-stranded DNA with a
related kinase (VRK) is a member of the Ser/Thr kinase family in high affinity in sequence-independent manner. Some findings
mammals. There are three subtypes of VRK in mammals: VRK1, have suggested that BANF1 is a high-affinity substrate for the VRK1
protein kinase [9]. BANF1 can affect gene expression either
positively or negatively. For example, when BANF1 was knocked
* Corresponding author.
out in mice, the expression of SOX2, Oct4 and Nanog decreased in
E-mail address: (H. Liu). embryonic stem cells [11]. BANF1 is known to repress a gene
0753-3322/© 2017 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
J. Li et al. / Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 89 (2017) 1086–1091 1087

involved in somatic cell fusion [12]. Additionally, BANF1 directly Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was used as
bind to histones H1.1, H3 and H4, and this binding has many an internal control for the mRNA expression analysis. Relative gene
implications, including potential roles in chromatin remodeling expression levels were determined using the delta Ct method and
during transcription [13,14]. Based on these data, we suspected expressed as the average of three independent experiments  the
that VRK1 and BANF1 play an important role in the physiology of standard deviation. The primers employed for these assays were as
cancer cells. follows: VRK1 (forward: CTACCAACGAGCTGCAAAACC, reverse:
To address the role of VRK1 and BANF1 in esophageal cancer TCACTCCCAAAGCGATCCATTA); BANF1 (forward: TGGCTGAAAGA-
cells, we enrolled 120 patients with esophageal cancer and CACTTGTGG, reverse: CACTCTCGAAGGCATCCGAAG); and GAPDH
analyzed the expression of VRK1 and BANF1 in tumor tissues at (forward: GGAGCGAGATCCCTCCAAAAT, reverse: GGCTGTTGTCA-
the mRNA and protein levels through real-time PCR and TACTTCTCATGG).
immunohistochemical analysis, respectively.
2.4. Immunohistochemistry
2. Materials and methods
IHC was used to assess VRK1 or BANF1 expression in tumor
2.1. Ethics statement sections. Paraffin-embedded esophageal tissue samples were cut
at a thickness of 5 mm and then mounted on coated microscope
A total of 120 human esophageal cancer tissues and 120 slides. Briefly, antigen retrieval was conducted via immersion of
adjacent normal tissues were collected from the First Affiliated the slides in citrate-EDTA buffer, followed by heating in a
Hospital of Zhengzhou University. All patients provided written microwave oven for 2 min at high power and 20 min at low
consent. power. Non-specific staining was blocked using 5% goat serum.
After blocking, 50 ml of the primary antibody (VRK1 or BANF1)
2.2. Patients and samples were applied to each section overnight at 4  C. A mouse IgG isotype
control antibody was used at the same concentration as the
A total of 120 esophageal cancer patients were enrolled in this primary antibodies. On the day after incubation with the secondary
study. These patients were hospitalized during May to November antibody, sections were incubated with DAB until the desired
2016 for thoracic surgery at the First Affiliated Hospital of staining developed.
Zhengzhou University. They were all newly diagnosed with
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, which was histologically 2.5. Statistical analysis
confirmed using surgical specimens and biopsies. All of these
patients were previously untreated (including surgery, chemo- Student’s t-test was used to evaluate significant differences
therapy and radiotherapy). All clinicopathological characteristics between two groups of data from all appropriate experiments. The
of the patients, including their age, gender, lymph node metastasis receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the area under
and TNM stage, are presented in Table 1. Tumors were staged the ROC curve (AUC) were used to evaluate the diagnostic power of
according to the TNM staging system of the Union for International tissue VRK1 and BANF1 for ESCC. A P value <0.05 was considered
Cancer Control (UICC). significant.

2.3. RNA extraction and quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) 3. Results

Total RNA was extracted from tissues and cells using TRIzol 3.1. VRK1 and BANF1 are over-expressed in poorly differentiated
reagent (TAKARA, Dalian, China) and reverse transcribed using the esophageal cancer
PrimeScript RT Reagent Kit (Takara, Dalian, China) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. For VRK1 and BANF1 detection, the The relationship between the expression of VRK1 and BANF1
obtained mRNA was reverse transcribed using Oligo dT Primers. and tumor differentiation is shown in Fig. 1. In the 120 normal
SYBR Premix Ex Taq (TAKARA, China) was employed to quantitate esophageal tissues, positivity for VRK1 and BANF1 was observed
mRNA expression using a real-time PCR system (Agilent, U.S.A.). in 19 cases and 16 cases, respectively, and the corresponding rates

Table 1
Expression of VRK1 and BANF1 in 120 human esophageal cancer tissues.

Total VRK1 BNF1

Positive (n = 97) P Value Positive (n = 93) P Value

Gender; N (%) 0.555 1.000
Male 74 60 (81.1) 57 (77.0)
Female 46 37 (80.4) 36 (78.3)

Age; N (%) 0.348 0.386

<65 years 66 52 (78.8) 49 (74.2)
65 years 54 45 (83.3) 44 (81.5)

Tumor differentiation; N (%) 0.020* 0.002*

I–II 85 64 (75.3) 61 (71.8)
III–IV 35 33 (94.3) 32 (91.4)

Lymphatic invasion; N (%) 0.157 0.186

Yes 50 37 (74.0) 42 (84.0)
No 70 60 (85.7) 51 (72.9)
P < 0.05.
1088 J. Li et al. / Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 89 (2017) 1086–1091

Fig. 1. VRK1 and BANF1 expression in esophageal cancer tissues. VRK1 expression was higher in tumor tissues than in adjacent normal tissues (A–C) (P = 0.020, N = 120). (A)
Adjacent normal tissues, (B) para-carcinoma tissues, (C) esophageal cancer tissues. BANF1 expression was higher in tumor tissues than adjacent normal tissues (E–G)
(P = 0.002, N = 120). (E) Adjacent normal tissues, (F) para-carcinoma tissues, (G) esophageal cancer tissues. Cells in region no. 1 were judged as negative. Cells in region no. 2
were judged as positive.

of positivity were 15.8% and 13.3%. In the 85 cases of poorly differentiated esophageal cancer, the numbers of
well-differentiated esophageal cancer, 64 and 61 cases were VRK1- and BANF1-positive cases were 33 and 32, respectively,
positive for VRK1 and BANF1, respectively, and corresponding and the corresponding rates of positivity were 94.3% and
rates of positivity were 75.3% and 71.8%. In the 35 cases of 91.4%.

Fig. 2. The difference in the tissue expression level of VRK1 between esophageal cancer tissues and adjacent normal tissues. The results are presented in box plots (A) and
scatter plots (B) (P = 0.044, N = 120). The difference in the tissue BANF1 expression level between ESCC patients and healthy controls. The results are presented in box plots (A)
and scatter plots (B) (P = 0.040, N = 120).
J. Li et al. / Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 89 (2017) 1086–1091 1089

3.2. VRK1 and BANF1 are over-expressed in esophageal cancer biopsies 0.657–0.922) for the detection of ESCC. As shown in Fig. 3 B, at the
compared with adjacent normal tissues optimal cut-off value for BANF1 of 0.654, the sensitivity was 70.4%;
the specificity was 62.5%; Youden’s index was 32.9%; and the AUC
To verify our hypothesis, VRK1 and BANF1 protein levels were was 0.735 (95% CI, 0.592–0.877) for the detection of ESCC. In terms
assessed immunohistochemically in 120 esophageal cancer speci- of the authenticity and diagnostic evaluation of the screening test,
mens. The clinical characteristics of the esophageal cancer patients VRK1 performed better than BANF1.
were catalogued, and the intensity of VRK1 and BANF1 staining in
each sample was assigned a score of 0 (negative staining), 1 (<5% 4. Discussion
staining), 2 (<25% staining) or 3 (25–50% staining). VRK1 and
BANF1 levels were markedly higher in tumors than in non-tumor The present study was conducted to elucidate the role of VRK1
specimens. Representative immunohistochemical images of VRK1 and BANF1 in esophageal cancer tissues and cell lines, and the
and BANF1 in tumor and non-tumor samples are shown. A greater results highlighted the oncogenic role of VRK1 and BANF1 in
number of VRK1- and BANF1-positive cells was observed in the esophageal cancer. The expression levels of VRK1 and BANF1,
tumor region than the adjacent non-tumor region (Fig. 1). which were higher in tumor tissues than in adjacent normal
tissues, were associated with the clinical characteristics of
3.3. Difference in the VRK1 and BANF1 mRNA expression levels esophageal cancer patients. We assumed that VRK1 and BANF1
between tumor tissues and adjacent normal tissues promote cell proliferation in esophageal cancer cell lines, and
depletion of VRK1 and BANF1 using siRNA significantly suppressed
To identify the role of VRK1 and BANF1 in esophageal cancer the growth of EC109 and EC1 cells.
tissues, VRK1 and BANF1 mRNA levels were examined via real- Unlimited proliferation is a major hallmark of cancer cells and is
time PCR in several paired tumor tissues and adjacent normal closely related to an uncontrolled cell cycle. A large amount of
tissues. Without exception, VRK1 levels were higher in tumor evidence suggests that there is an intimate connection between
tissues than in adjacent normal tissues (Fig. 2A and B). VRK1 is tumor development and cell cycle dysregulation [15]. Several
known to regulate the phosphorylation of BANF1 [9]. Therefore, we studies have suggested the CDK family and other mitotic kinases as
examined the levels of BANF1. BANF1 expression was also higher in potent pharmacological targets for anti-cancer therapy; these
these tumor tissues (Fig. 2C and D). The possibility that VRK1 and kinases play pivotal roles not only in tumorigenic cells but also in
BANF1 might be oncogenic in esophageal cancer led us to normal cells [16–18]. For example, a study by Martin [19] found
hypothesize that VRK1 and BANF1 may be highly expressed in that VRK1 gene expression could be used as a significant
esophageal cancer patients’ tissues and that their expression may prognostic indicator in the development of estrogen receptor-
be predictive of a poor prognosis. positive breast cancers. However, cell cycle progression is also a
critical process in normal cells, and these kinases are unsuitable
3.4. Diagnostic evaluation of the ROC curve drug targets for clinical trials. VRK1 belongs to the mitotic kinase
family and is expressed in normal cells, similar to other mitotic
Finally, ROC curve analysis was performed to evaluate the kinases. However, VRK1 plays an important role in the growth of
diagnostic power of tissue VRK1 and BANF1 expression for the some tumors, such as lung cancer and head and neck squamous
detection of ESCC. As shown in Fig. 3A, at the optimal cut-off value cancer [20,21]. In studies by Kim [21] and So [22], VRK1 was
for VRK1 of 0.542, the sensitivity was 89.3%; the specificity was identified as a critical mitotic protein kinase in the proliferation of
62.5%; Youden’s index was 51.8%; and the AUC was 0.790 (95% CI, lung cancer cells. They found that VRK1, which is specific for the

Fig. 3. ROC curve analysis of VRK1 for ESCC detection in patients (A), and the analysis of BANF1 for ESCC detection in patients (B).
1090 J. Li et al. / Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 89 (2017) 1086–1091

cancer cell cycle network and correlates with cell cycle markers, is VRK1 and BANF1 expression could potentially serve as an
a potential druggable target in the lung cancer-specific mitotic indicator of a poor prognosis and/or a therapeutic target in
network. In addition, VRK1 is down-regulated, causes G1 cell cycle esophageal cancer.
arrest and reduces the proliferation of cancer cells. These results
are similar to our observations obtained through tissue analysis.
Conflict of interest
There are several lines of evidence supporting the important role of
VRK1 in tumor biology. Another early study suggested that VRK1 is
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
an upstream kinase for 53BP1 focus formation in response to DNA
damage leading to tumor-specific cell death [23]. In addition,
several studies have demonstrated that VRK1 depletion impairs
tumor proliferation and metastasis, and suppressing VRK1-
This work was supported by a grant from the science and
mediated BAF phosphorylation induces abnormal nuclear enve-
technology development plan of Education Department of Henan
lope dynamics and tumor cell death [4,24]. However, the molecular
Province (No. 2013020036, No. 14A320026) and Henan Provincial
mechanism of the VRK1 inhibition-mediated anti-proliferative
Healthbureau (No. 201304015). It was also supported by scientific
effects on tumor cells still requires further detailed research.
and technological project of Science and Technology Department
Inhibition of VRK1 could target several hallmarks of the cancer
of Henan Province (No. 172102310028) and Science and Technolo-
phenotype [25]. For this reason, VRK1 might be a suitable target for
gy Department of Zhengzhou (No. 141PPTGG437).
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