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A u v e r s -s ur - O i s e
his final months

e x h i b i t i o n at

musée d’orsay

f ro m o c t o b e r 3 rd, 2 0 2 3 to f e b r ua r y 4 t h , 2 0 2 4
t h e l i f e o f va n g o g h
3 0 m a rc h 1 85 3 ................... Vincent van Gogh
is born into a middle-class family in Zundert (Holland).
His father, Theodorus van Gogh, is a pastor.

1 8 6 9 – 1 8 7 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Van Gogh is employed

at Goupil & Co. art dealers, in The Hague, London and
then Paris.

1878 – 1880 ........................ After abandoning his

theological studies, he becomes a lay preacher in Borinage,
near Mons in Belgium, ministering to a population of
coal miners.

1880 – 1886 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He decides to become an

artist, takes painting lessons but for the most part teaches
himself, in The Hague, Drenthe and Nuenen. His brother
Theo supports him.

february 1886 – february 1888 .... He lives with Theo in

Paris, gets to know Émile Bernard, Paul Gauguin, Henri de
Toulouse-Lautrec and Paul Signac, and exhibits his works.

february 1 8 8 8 – may 1 8 8 9 ......... He moves to Arles.

On October 23, Gauguin joins him there and works with him.
On December 23, after a quarrel with his fellow artist,
Self-Portrait, 1889 Van Gogh cuts off his left ear. He suffers his first bouts
Paris, musée d’Orsay of dementia.
Painted in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence

may 1 8 8 9 – may 18 9 0 ............... He is committed to

the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole asylum near Saint-Rémy-de-

2 0 may – 2 9 j u ly 1 8 9 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Van Gogh moves to the

Ravoux inn in Auvers-sur-Oise. He dies as the result of
a revolver shot to the chest, fired on 27 July.
The Potato Eaters , 1885
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
(Vincent van Gogh Stichting) *
Painted in Nuenen

The Hague

Self-Portrait , 1887
Paris, musée d’Orsay *
Auvers- Painted in Paris


Arlésienne , 1889
Paris, musée d’Orsay *
Painted in Arles


Saint-Paul Hospital at

The Church at Paris, musée d’Orsay *

0 200 400 km
Auvers-sur-Oise , 1890 Painted in
Paris, musée d’Orsay
Painted in
Auvers-sur-Oise * Works not shown in the exhibition
p r e s e n tat i o n o f map of
the exhibition the exhibition
Vincent van Gogh arrived in Auvers-sur-Oise on May 20th 1890 and
died there on July 29th following a suicide attempt. Although the A
painter only spent a little over two months in Auvers, the period 7 6
was one of artistic renewal with its own style and development,
marked by the psychic tension resulting from his new situation as
well as by some of his greatest masterpieces.
5 3 2 1 ←
E F G 4
Sorely tried by the various crises suffered in Arles and then
at the asylum in Saint-Rémy, Van Gogh decided to settle near
Paris and his brother Theo in an attempt to find fresh creative ↓ Gift shop
Virtual reality

energy. The choice of Auvers had much to do with the presence

there of Dr Gachet, a physician specializing in the treatment
of melancholia who was also a friend of the impressionists, a
collector and an amateur painter. Van Gogh moved to the Ravoux
inn in the village centre and explored every aspect of the new
1 Introduction
world in front of him, while struggling with the many anxieties
2 “Auvers is seriously beautiful…”
connected with his health, his relationship with his brother, and 3 Bouquets and plants studies
his place in the art world. 4 The modern portraiture
5 Graphic studies
No exhibition has previously been exclusively devoted to this 6 The heart of the countryside, distinctive and picturesque...
final yet crucial stage in his career. In just two months, the artist 7 The double-square format
produced 74 paintings and 33 drawings, including some iconic
works: Doctor Paul Gachet, The Church at Auvers-sur-Oise,
and Wheatfield with Crows. Comprising some fifty paintings and Cabinets
around twenty drawings, the exhibition will highlight this period
thematically: first landscapes featuring the village, portraits, still A Dr Paul Gachet, doctor, collector and amateur painter
lifes, and landscapes depicting the surrounding countryside. It B Letters from Auvers-sur-Oise
will also present a series of paintings in elongated double-square C Van Gogh: color in relief
D Auvers-sur-Oise, a picturesque village
format, unique in Van Gogh’s body of work. Contextualization and
E Rapid and explosive recognition
interpretation rooms enable better understanding of Van Gogh’s
F The death of Van Gogh
time in Auvers-sur-Oise.
G Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise in film

Virtual reality “La palette de Van Gogh”:

Immerse yourself in Van Gogh’s palette as if you were strolling through
a landscape to discover the artist's works and techniques.
Alongside the exhibition Curators

Visit Emmanuel Coquery, General Curator, Director

of Cultural Development and the Museum at the
Virtual reality “La palette de Van Gogh” Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris;
Activity available for the duration of the exhibition Nienke Bakker, Curator of Paintings at the Van Gogh
Online booking on Museum, Amsterdam.
Duration: 10 min. / full rate: 6€ (museum entrance fee In collaboration with Louis van Tilborgh and Teio
not included) Meedendorp, researchers at the Van Gogh Museum,
Audioguide (French, English)
Full price €6 / reduced rate and members €4 Exhibition organized by the Établissement public du
Young visitors’ audioguide (French) €3.50 musée d’Orsay et du musée de l’Orangerie – Valérie-
Giscard-d'Estaing, Paris, and the Van Gogh Museum,
Guided tours (French, English, FSL) Amsterdam.
Program available online

Find Van Gogh in the Musée d’Orsay’s collections:

Level 5, Rooms 43–45.


Van Gogh à Auvers-sur-Oise, les derniers mois

Exhibition catalogue, Musée d’Orsay / Hazan
co-publication, 256 pages, €45 With the generous support of

Van Gogh à Auvers-sur-Oise, les dernières lettres

Artist’s correspondence, Musée d’Orsay / Hazan
co-publication, 120 pages, €14.95

Van Gogh, le dernier tableau

Graphic novel, Musée d’Orsay / Hazan co-publication, Media partners
128 pages, €18.95 Libération, Le Point, Arte, France Culture

Online Colophon
Conception: Visitors’ Department
Discover the interview with the curator Emmanuel Editorial coordination: Publishing Department
Coquery on video and podcast, exhibition texts, Graphic design: ZAINA
articles, documentary videos, and the program of Printing: on recycled paper, France, Galiote Prenant,
visits and events alongside the exhibition: September 2023
© Établissement public du musée d’Orsay et du musée
de l’Orangerie – Valérie-Giscard-d’Estaing, 2023

Photo credits
Cover: Vincent van Gogh, Wheatfield under
Thunderclouds, 1890, oil on canvas, Amsterdam, Van
Gogh Museum (Vincent van Gogh Stichting).
Program and bookings Page 2: Photo © musée d’Orsay, dist. RMN-GP / Patrice Schmidt. Page 5: tl: Amsterdam, Van Gogh
Museum (Vincent van Gogh Stichting); ml: Photo ©
Follow us on RMN-GP (musée d'Orsay) / Stéphane Maréchalle;
bl: Photo © musée d’Orsay, dist. RMN-GP / Patrice
Schmidt; tr and br: Photo © RMN-GP (musée d'Orsay)
/ Adrien Didierjean. All the works reproduced in this
#VanGoghAuvers document are by Vincent van Gogh.

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