Player Agreement

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Player Agreement

● Respect the other players,and not treat anyone in an unpleasant, negative or abusive
● The purpose of this game is to have fun, to be respectful, supportive, and nice to one
another to achieve this goal
● Respect the boundaries of our fellow players and DM,and will peacefully and without
bitterness withdraw from the group if we find we cannot, or would prefer not to, respect
● Be open to new experiences, within limits, and strive to explore and grow as gamers
● Aim to always play progressively, there will be no character withdrawal (purposeful
deaths or “rage quits”) and new character creation unless said character dies due to
game play. This goes for the DM as well, they under no circumstances will ever
purposefully “kill” off the group or one spesific player out of anger or evil.
● Check-ins will happen before every session to insure the group has a fun and
comfortable time with eachother.
● If there is a dispute among the group a calm discussion will be initiated and mediated by
the DM and if a decision cannot be made the DM will have the final say.
● Breaks will always be permitted. If breaks become excessive we will discuss a way to
mitigate any disruption at the next opportunity.
● There will not be any phones at the table unless needed for play (character sheet, DM
information, definition confirmation). Emergencies or phone calls are the exception
● There will be a group discussion when it comes to where, when, and how long we play
for before each session.
● If a player is late without informing us when they will show up we will wait 15 minutes
before starting without them
● People interested in “observing” game play will only be permitted if the entire party
● Commit to all sessions unless some emergency or important life interferes. We commit
to playing and if anything changes (schedule, ability to commit, etc.) you will let the
group know as soon as possible so that we may work together to continue game play.
● The characters of absent players will be handled by the DM or be assigned “away on
business” and will regroup when the player is ready.
● If someone is unable to make a session we will do our best to reschedule to a better time
● If a DM and a player disagree on background/setting/story/gameplay a pause in game
will occur so that a discussion may be had. As to agree on what is “canon”
● Each player will be responsible for their own character sheet and items needed for
gameplay (dice, spell sheets, writing utensils, etc.) unless an agreement is made with
the DM
● Topics like politics, religion, incest, rape, slurs, racism, sexism, homophobia,
transphobia, self harm, suicide, etc. will not be tolerated in any capacity in the server nor
the sessions.
● The DM will not disclose any character information without players approval.
● Notes may be passed from DM to player and vice versa if needed
Player Agreement

● Respect your fellow players characters (no in-party stealing, no mind control
spells/psychic powers on other players, no graphic torturing, etc.)
● IGNORE: Players will not read or watch any content regarding “The Wild Beyond The
Witchlight” unless suggested by the DM
● Homebrewing will be allowed only under the DMs agreeance
● Players will endeavor to ensure they do not use or share game character knowledge in a
meta context.
● Players and DM will not cheat on dice rolls and modifiers or use out of character
knowledge to their or the other players’ advantage.
● Out of character discussion will be tolerated. Be sure to clarify
(in-character/out-of-character) when talking.
● No “backseat playing.” Advice is permissible only by the player receiving it and may be
turned down by the DM if necessary.
● Any failure to comply will result in a conversation with such player or dm.
● Repeat offences will result in removal from the group

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