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Request Letter for Tool Validation

May 5, 2023


Good day!

We, senior high school students of Macambol National High School is currently
working on our research entitled: "Reading Comprehension Competence in
English of the Senior High School Students of Macambol National High
School". A written test questionnaire as instrument will be used in the said research.
In view with this, the researcher would like your expertise to validate the attached
questionnaires to qualify for conduction. Knowing your experience in the field of
research and education, I would like to ask for your help in validating the said
instrument before administering it to the participants of this study.

I have attached here with the validation sheet, questionnaire with table of
specification, and the objectives of the study. I will be glad to hear your suggestions
and comments for the improvement of the instrument.

I am looking forward that my request would merit your positive response. Your
positive response is highly appreciated.

you and God bless.

Truly yours,

Sherwin L. Gumobao Student- Researcher

Khen Mariel Calma Student- Researcher

Letter of Respondents

Dear Respondents,

We are conducting a research study entitled "Reading Comprehension

Competence in English of Senior High School Students of Macambol National
High School" and we would like to ask for your participation in this study.

Your participation is valuable to us, and all information that you provide will be used
for research purposes only and will be kept confidential. The study aims to assess
the reading comprehension competence of senior high school students in

English, and your insights will be critical to the success of our research.

We believe that the results of this study will help us better understand the reading
comprehension abilities of senior high school students, and this understanding can
be used to develop effective strategies for improving reading comprehension
competence in English.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We appreciate your willingness to
participate in our study.

-The Researchers


Name(Optional)_________________ Sex ________________

Grade level_____________________ Age________________

Directions: Please answer each question by checking (✓) the number that can
best indicate what you really do while reading in English. The numbers stand
for the following responses.
5- This statement is completely or almost completely true of me
4 This statement is usually true of me
3- This statement is somewhat true of me
2. This statement is usually not true of me
1-This statement is never or almost never true of me

1.I grasp the main idea of the material while reading English.

2. I turn to dictionaries when coming across new words in the English.

3. I do not bother with the grammatical structure of sentences while reading in


4. I predict the main idea of the whole passage from its title or subtitles.

5.I guess the meaning of new words by analysing their roots or prefixes or suffixes.

6.I do not pay attention to the implied meaning of the reading material

7. When I read English articles, I skip the words that are new to me.

8. I pause and analyse the structure of sentences when reading in English.

9. I try to guess the main ideas of the text on the basis of pictures, charts
or figures.

10. I try to understand complicated sentences by analysing their structure.

11. I grasp the gist of the reading material through quickly reading the first and the
last paragraph
12. I guess the meanings of new words in context when reading in English.
13. I try to interpret the writer's intention while reading in English.
14 I overlook the sentences with complicated structures.
15. I use simple words to replace difficult ones in sentence understanding.
16. I predict the main idea of the whole passage from key words.
17. I try to grasp the general idea of a sentence before going to read.

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