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‫غیراملتلو‬ ‫املتلو‬

‫السنة‪/‬الحدیث‬ ‫القران‬


‫القلب‬ ‫الجوارح‬ ‫العقل‬

‫احکام االخالقیة‬ ‫احکام الفقهیة‬ ‫احکام العقلیة‬

‫علوم الحدیث‬ ‫علم التصوف‬ ‫علم الفقة‬ ‫علم الکالم‬ ‫علوم القران‬

‫محدثین‬ ‫صوفیاء‬ ‫فقهاء‬ ‫متکلمین‬ ‫مفسرین‬

‫علم االصول‬

▪ Communication of Allah related to the accountable.
▪ ُ Muslim (‫)مسلم‬, sane (‫)عاقل‬,
A subject must be alive )‫(حي‬, freewill (‫)حر‬,
and biologically mature (‫ )بالغ‬for accountability.
▪ Revelation has two types; Recited revelation (‫ )وحی متلو‬and Non-
recited revelation (‫)وحی غیر متلو‬.
▪ Recited revelation is in the form of Quran and Non recited
revelation is in the form of Sunnah/Hadith.
▪ In the literal sense, the word Quran comes from the Arabic root
word qa-ra-a’ which means to read. It is a book to be recited.
▪ The Quran is the words of Allah, revealed by the angel Gabriel or
Jibrīl to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), transmitted to us
through narration chains known as Tawātūr, written between the
▪ First condition: a large number of people narrate the narration.
There is no specific number that constitutes a “large number”.
▪ Rather, this is defined by the impossibility of the fact or event being
misperceived, misinterpreted, forgotten, or any agreement to tell a
lie and misinform the entire next generation.
▪ Second condition: There are a large number of people in every
link of a chain of narrators.
▪ Third Condition: The narration itself is about something (event)
that is tangible or perceptible such as “we saw”, “I heard” and so on.
▪ For example, the universe began with a Big Bang cannot be
Mutwatir, since it is something scientific & conceptual, something
that none of us were capable of observing. However, that does
not mean that the Big Bang is false. It just means that it is not a
▪ “Sunnah” (plural: Sunnan - ‫ ) ُسنن‬linguistically, means a path or a way.
▪ Technically, the meanings of the word “Sunnah” when used in its
most general sense, the word Sunnah is a reference to the overall
teachings and way of life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
▪ “Hadith” (plural: Ahadith - ‫)أحاديث‬, literally means talk, news, or story.
▪ In the technical sense, the hadith is the collected Sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) based on his sayings, actions, and tacit
▪ Each hadith usually begins with the chain of the narrators
(sanad/isnad) going back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) and his companions, which is then followed by the text of
the Sunnah itself.
▪ Six recognized hadith collections are widely accepted by Sunni
Muslims; Sahīh Bukhārī, Sahīh Muslim, Sunan Tirimidhī, Sunan Abū
Dāwūd, Sunan Nasā’ī, and Sunan Ibn Mājah.
▪ The direct addressees of the revelation were the people of Makkah
and Madīna who were native Arabs.
▪ They heard the Quran directly from the Messenger of Allah
(PBUH) and observed his Sunnah without having a filter of any
interpretative rules of Arabic language and chains of
▪ But over time, different disciplines were developed for the
transmission and the methodology of the Quran and the Sunnah
to the next generations (including non-Arabs) securely and safely.
▪ When the early Muslims began to contemplate revelation, they
concluded that the revelation generally contains three kinds of
rulings directed towards various human faculties.
▪ The rulings directed towards the intellect of the believer are
called ‘rulings of intellect’ (‫)احکام العقلیة‬.
▪ The rulings directed towards the limbs of the believer are called
‘rulings of limbs’ (‫)احکام الفقہیة‬.
▪ The rulings directed towards the heart of the believer are called
‘rulings of morality’ (‫)احکام االخالقیة‬.
▪ The discipline that specializes in the study of the rulings of
intellect is called ‘the discipline of creed’ (‫العقیدة‬/‫)علم الکالم‬, and the
specialists of this discipline are called ‘specialists of creed’ (‫)متکلیمین‬.
▪ The discipline that specializes in the study of the rulings of
limbs is called ‘discipline of Islamic Jurisprudence’ (‫)علم الفقة‬, and
the specialists of this discipline are called ‘specialists of Islam law
and Jurisprudence’ (‫)فقہاء‬.
▪ The discipline that specializes in the study of the rulings of
ethics and morality is called ‘the discipline of Sufism’ (‫التصوف‬ ّ ‫)علم‬,
and the specialists of this discipline are called ‘specialists of Sufism’
▪ The conceptual paradigm )‫ (مبادی العلم‬is adopted for the traditional
study of knowledge. if one is not familiar with this paradigm, then
no knowledge can be studied.
▪ It consists of the definition (ُّ‫ )الحد‬of the knowledge, its subject
matter (‫ )املوضوع‬outcome (‫ )ثمرۃ‬merits (‫ )فضل ُُّه‬its relation with another
knowledge (‫)نسبة‬, derivation of the term (‫ )اسم‬derivation of sources
and methodology (‫ )استمداد‬its legal value (‫ )حکم الشارع‬and Issues that
are addressed within a discipline of knowledge (‫)مسائل‬.
▪ Discipline of the Quran includes all debates associated with the
Quran directly or indirectly like, the knowledge of recitation,
history of collection, understanding, and implementation of the
▪ With regards to recitation, this discipline deals with the science of
pronunciation (‫)تجوید‬, the different methodologies of reciting the
Quran (‫)قرات‬, the blessings of reciting the Quran, and the etiquette
of its recitation.
▪ With regards to the history of the Quran, the discipline deals with
the stages of the revelation, its compilation, the art of writing the
Quranic script (‫)رسم املصحف‬, and the preservation methods of the
▪ With regards to its understanding and implementation, this
discipline covers the causes of revelation )‫(اسباب النزول‬, the knowledge
of makkī and madanī revelation, the understanding of its abrogated
rulings and verses (‫)الناسخ واملنسوخ‬, the knowledge of the textual
implications (‫ املقید‬،‫ املطلق‬،‫ الخاص‬،‫ العام‬،‫ املتشابه‬،‫)املحکم‬, the principles of its
interpretation (‫)اصولُّ التفسیر‬, the grammatical analysis of the Quran
(‫ )اعراب القرآن‬and the knowledge of the strange words in the Quran
(‫)غریب القرآن‬.
▪ It has been said that the discipline of the Quran is the knowledge
that is necessary for the correct interpretation of the Quran.
▪ Discipline of Hadith include all debates associated with hadīth
directly or indirectly like, history and compilation of hadith ‫(تدوین‬
)‫الحدیث‬, authority of hadith )‫(حجیت الحدیث‬, terminologies of hadith
(‫)اصولُّ الحدیث واملصطلح‬, criticism and praise (‫)الجرح والتعدیل‬, biography of
the narrators (‫)اسماء الرجال‬, methodology of the scholars of hadith
(‫ )مناہج املحدثین‬etc.
▪ Almost all the sciences, deal with the transmission of the hadith
which helps to confirm whether the narrated hadīth is really
connected with the Messenger of Allah or not.
▪ The discipline of Kalām & Akqīdah has two notions; positive notion
& negative notion.
▪ Positively, the rational justification of Islam is provided in this
discipline. Kalām specialists claim that the truth of Islam cannot be
established by referring to the Quran & Sunnah, because Muslims
don’t need to do that, and for the non-Muslim Quran & Sunnah are
not binding authorities.
▪ That is why it is needed to refer to something common among
everyone which is the reason.
▪ The negative notion of the science of Kalam/Aqidah is to defend
Islam. So, once Islam is known to be true, it can be defended
internally and externally. That is an ongoing process because the
criticism keeps changing.
▪ There are three Sunni schools of creed; 1. Asharites (‫)اشاعرۃ‬, 2.
Maturidites )‫ (ماتریدیة‬3. Muhaddithīn )‫(محدثین‬.
▪ For specialists of Sufism, Shariah is the name of the collection of
rulings which includes both outward and inward rulings.
▪ But later the Shariah is divided into two parts. The part of Shariah
which deals with outward deeds is called Fiqh, while the part
which deals with inward deeds is called Tasawwūf.
▪ Sufism is a path that leads to closeness with God by way of self-
purification and for those who have purified their hearts, and who
have come to know God’s attributes & actions, the veils in front of
the unseen are removed slightly & they begin to gain familiarity
with the unseen. In terms of Sufiism, it is called manifestation (‫)تجلی‬.
‫العمل اب ألحاکم الرشعية العملية املکتس بة من أأدلهتا التفضيلية‬
“The knowledge of the rulings of Shariah, related to conduct derived from their
specific evidences”
▪ The restriction of ‫ األحکام الشرعية‬specifies that the knowledge of fiqh is
about the Shariah-oriented commandments which derive directly or
indirectly from it. Intellectual, observational, experimental, or
intuition based laws and rules are not included in Fiqh.
▪ The restriction of ‫ العملية‬specifies that the knowledge of Fiqh is only
related to the practical matters of Muslims. It does not include
Aqida, Tasawwuf, ethics, and morality related matters.
▪ The restriction of ‫ املکتسبة‬specifies that the knowledge of fiqh derives
through an inferential and deductive effort. So, the knowledge that
Allah, His Prophets, and Muqallidīn possess is not considered Fiqh.
▪ The ‫ أدلتها التفضيلية‬means the knowledge that is acquired from the
primary text such Quran and Sunnah.
▪ Fiqh is actually the human understanding of shari‘ah, not the
shari‘ah itself. From this, it should not be concluded that fiqh is one
thing and the shari‘ah another, or fiqh is something that has been
developed by Jurists independently of the text of the Quran and
the Sunnah. There is no way of knowing shari‘ah without fiqh.
▪ There are four famous Sunni schools of Fiqh; 1. Hanafis (‫)احناف‬, 2.
Malikis )‫ (مالکیة‬3. Shaf‘is )‫ (شوافع‬4. Humbalites )‫(حنابلة‬

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