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Outcomes-Based Education (OBE)

Course Module in


Purposive Communication

Prepared by :
Prof. Marife R. Villafranca
Course Name Purposive Communication
Course Credit 3 units
Course Description Purposive Communication is about writing, speaking, and presenting
to different audiences and for various purposes. (CMO 20 s 2013).

Purposive Communication is three-unit course that develops students

communicative competence and enhances their cultural and intercultural
awareness through multi modal tasks that provide tem opportunities for com-
municating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audiences in a lo-
cal or global contexts. It equips students with tools for critical evaluation of a
variety of texts and focuses on the power of languages and the impact of im-
ages to emphasize the importance of conveying messages responsibly. The
knowledge, skills and insights that students gain from this course may be
used in their other academic endeavors, their chosen disciplines, and their
future careers as they compose and produce relevant oral, written, audio-
visual and/ or web-based output for various purposes.

Contact Hours/ 18 weeks – 54 hours – 3 hours per week

Prerequisite None
Module No. 1
Module Title
Learning Out- KNOWLEDGE
 describe the nature, elements, and functions of verbal and non
- verbal communication in various and multi- cultural contexts
 explain how cultural and global issues affect communication
determine culturally appropriate terms, expressions and
 evaluate multi modal texts critically to enhance receptive ( lis-
tening, reading, viewing) skills;
 summarize the principles of academic text structure


 convey ideas through oral, audio- visual and/ or web-based

presentations for different target audiences in local and global
settings using appropriate registers
Learning Outcomes SKILLS

 convey ideas through oral, audio- visual and/ or web-based

presentations for different target audiences in local and
global settings using appropriate registers
 create clear, coherent, and effective communication materials
 present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, tone,
facial expressions, and gestures
 write and present academic papers using appropriate tone, style, con-
ventions and reference styles

 adopt cultural and intercultural awareness and sensitivity in communica-
tion of ideas
 appreciate the differences of the varieties of the spoken and written lan-
 adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas
 appreciate the impact of communication on society and the world
Learning Activities 

Module Resources/ Refer- 


Formative/ Outcomes As- 

Student Learning Activities

Unit 1

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to :

1. demonstrate an understanding of the key ideas in language and communication ; and

2. Relate your personal experiences with the input presented.
Study the following words. Which spelling is correct? Which spelling is incorrect? Tick the appropriate box. Justify your

Correct? Incorrect?

1. Aeroplane
2. Airplane

3. Colonise

4. Colonize

5. Defence

6. Defense

7. Enrolment

8. Enrollment

9. Honour

10. Honor


Together with the creation of human life is the creation of a wonderful and dynamic human
capacity—language. Animals are said to be able to communicate with each other. Whales sing.
Wolves howl, dogs bark, and birds chirp. The sounds these creatures produce often reflect the
state of their emotions. While it may be true that animals coomunicate, only human beings are truly
capable of producing language.

What exactly is language? Linguists agree that a language can only be called a language if
it has a system of rules ( also known as grammar), a sound system (phonology), and a vocabulary
(lexicon). These are the requirements for identifying a means of communication as a language. A
monkey maybe able to signal to its partner that it is sharing food. The monkey will produce sounds
and gestures, but will not be able to organize he sounds into a meaningful system with rules.
What the monkey is producing is not a language in the strictest sense of the word. Human be-
ings, on the other hand, are able to communicate their desire to share food through several ways
that are understandable to other human beings. They may utter a word (Food!), raise a question
( Want some food?), or give a statement ( I’d like to share this food with you).
When people use language, they can understand each other because they belong to the
same speech community. They can understand each other because of their speech community,
people share the same set of rules in the language system. While growing up, people acquire the
languages used by those in the community. This is the process of language acquisition. The lan-
guage acquired while growing up are known as mother tongues., which may also be referred to as
first languages. People discover later on that other languages are needed for various reasons.
These other languages may be referred to as second languages. People can learn these lan-
guages by studying formally in school or informally on their own. This is the process of language

What happens if people visit another speech community that is different from their own?
Americans and British speak English. However, they spell English words differently. They pro-
nounce words differently. They have different ways of expressing the same concepts. It can be said
that the Americans and the British elong to two speech communities which do not have exactly the
same set f rules for their languages. This is why there are differences in their languages. The
opening activity on the previous page illustrates this reality.

What happens if you, for example, who speaks a mother tongue and English, go to work in
China where the residents speak Putonghua (Mandarin) and a little bit of English? Will you be able
to communicate with the Chinese? The answer is yes. Though it will be a challenge for you and
your Chinese friends to try to understand each other, eventually you will be able to communicate as
you slowly learn each other’s languages. What is happening here is called language contact. The
result of such contact may be a new form of language. It is possible that in your attempt to com-
municate with each other, you and your Chinese friend will produce a new language form that is un-
derstandable to both of you. Your own languages may also change as you constantly interact and
communicate with each other. Thus, language change is the result of language contact.

Language is indeed a complete human capacity. It is , therefore, important to be aware of its

features and behavior to be able to use language more effectively and productively in communi-
cating with others.


Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions :

1. Can animals communicate?
2. Can monkeys produce language?
3. What is the difference between language acquisition and language learning?
4. What is the difference between first language and second language?
5. What happens after a language comes into contact with another?

My Language Biography

Name : _____________________________________ Date :___________________

Section : _____________________________________

Reflect on the concepts presented in the input and connect these to your personal
experience of language by creating your own Language Biography. Begin by filling in the
Language Biodata Form below.

Language Biodata Form

How many languages do you
speak? Identify these languages.

What is/ are your first language/s

or mother tongue/s?
How did you acquire your first
language/s or mother tongue/s?
What skills can you perform
using your first language/s?
What is/are your second
What skills can you perform
using your second language/s?
What are your language
What are your language
Which language is your favorite
and why?

With the information provided in your Language Biodata Form, write your Language Bi-
ography, which is a paragraph that tells the story of your languages.
My Language Biography


Language and Communication

Name : _____________________________________ Score:__________________

Section : _____________________________________ Date :__________________

Read the following statements carefully. Decide if each statement is tru or false. Write T
on the blank if the statement is true, and F if it is false. If the statement is false, re-write or revise
it to make it true. Use the space provided after each statement. (Point system : 5 items x 3 points
each = 15 points).

___________1. Not all languages have a grammar system.



___________2. Change happens to all languages.



___________3. The first language that a child acquires is called mother tongue.



____________4. All living creatures have the capacity for language.



____________5. Two persons who do not speak the same language will never be able to
communicate with each other.


Your teacher will make you listen to an audio recording or view a video of a teenager from
London who is talking about himself/ herself. Answer the following questions :

1. what information does the speaker provide about himself/ herself?

2. What does he/she tell us about his/ her country?
3. How would you describe the way he/ she speaks?
4. While listening to him/ her, were you able to understand him/ her well?


Later after the discussion, with a partner, share the language biography you wrote in the
task My Language Biography. Remember that the language biography connects one’s personal
experience of language acquisition and learning with the input about the nature of language. Read
and evaluate your partner’s language biography by filling in the table below.

QUESTIONS : Based on what your partner wrote in the Does

language biography, does he/she have the correct Yes No not
understanding of the following concepts? apply
Language acquisition

Language learning

Mother tongues

Second languages

Language change

1. Language is a human capacity that consists of (a) a system of rules ( also known as

grammar), (b) a sound system (phonology), and © a vocabulary (lexicon).

2. While growing up in a community, people acquire the languages used by those in the

community. This is the process of language acquisitions.

3. The languages acquired while growing up are known as mother tongues, which may also

be referred to as first languages.

4. Other than the first languages, there are other languages that are needed for various

reasons. These other languages are referred to as second languages.

5. People learn their second languages in school or in their own. This is the process of

language learning.

6. In our interaction with other people, our languages come into contact with their languages,

resulting in language change. Language change is a natural behavior of all languages.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to :

1. demonstrate knowledge about the role of language in human

2. identify the types of communication in relation to communication mode, context
and purpose and style.
3. differentiate verbal, non-verbal, and visual communication and their sub-forms in
relation to communication modes;
4. evaluate the differences among intrapersonal, interpersonal, extended, organizational,
and intercultural communication in relation to communication context;
5. explain the differences between formal and informal communication in relation to
purpose and style; and
6. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different communication types in
various communication settings.
Considering the complex
process of communication,
discuss the relationship
between language and
language culture. Share
insights with the class
that you have raised.


Depending on what is being considered, communication as a term takes on different

contexts resulting in people having different views on communicative types. Since communication

is generally defined as the exchange of thoughts, ideas, concepts, and views between or among

two or more people, various contexts come into play. Context is the circumstance or environment

in which communication takes place. Such circumstance may include the physical or actual

setting, the value positions of a speaker. Listener, and the relevance or appropriateness of a

message conveyed. It focuses on certain communication processes and even groupings of people

that constitute a communication situation.

Different contexts can impact one’s communication. Each communication type is governed

by a particular circumstance. Thus, it is essential to pay attention to the interplay of factors

surrounding the context of communication which may be physical, cultural, social, and

psychological in nature. Communication may then be classified according to : (1) communication

mode, (2) context, and (3) purpose and style.

A message may be conveyed via these types verbal– non-verbal and visual. Though
communication is often thought of as verbal, the non-verbal mode is equally essential as it
enhances one’s message.


Effective communication calls for the language of these two types. One cannot be

separated from the other. For instance, door-to-door salespersons who demonstrate product

knowledge can only be effective if they know how to properly punctuate what they say with

proper gestures and i welcoming smile then assessing customer needs and answering customer

queries enhanced by gestures and a friendly, happy, and pleasant disposition. It is only through

this mode that salespeople with excellent communication skills are able to provide the best

information needed, thereby convincing the client to patronize their products.

When you were in Senior High School, you were trained to blend verbal and non-verbal

modes of communication. In fact, when meeting people for the first time, as what you may have

experienced many times, the initial meeting when you speak during the first few minutes is

significant as it leaves a lasting impression on your listeners. You show interest in meeting these

people by acknowledging their presence through an amiable, congenial disposition, and a smiling

face. Rather than just speaking, it is to use the non-verbal code through a handshake, an

approving facial expression, and a kind disposition or character.

Visual communication, on the other hand, is the type of communication that uses visuals to

convey information and/ or messages. Some examples are signs, symbols, imagery, maps, graphs,

charts, diagrams, pictograms, photos, drawings or illustrations, and even various forms of

electronic communication. Some examples of electronic communication symbols or images are the

emojis, emoticons and animation among other to convey the writer’s emotions or clarify the intent

of the message sender. These are achieved through digital mode or text.

How these symbols are interpreted is a very crucial in visual communication there are some

instances when visual communication is classified under non-verbal communication. Whatever the

classification is, note that this type has now become pervasive in communication. It is then

important that the receiver of the message is able to decode the meaning correctly by

contextualizing the information received.

Visual communication now occupies an important place in any work environment. For

instance, during presentations, instructors, managers, doctors, lawyers, legislators and the like use

visuals to transfer data into digestible information. Very likely, they will have greater success in

catching the attention of the audience. Making the latter easily recall the information. What makes

visual communication even more advantageous is that it makes use of technology that provides

apps (applications), videos, and images that rely less on the printed word making presentations

more interesting. This leaves a powerful effect on the audience and prospective clients. Speakers/

presenters should, however, be mindful of the content of their presentation since wrong and

irrelevant information may lead to miscommunication or communication breakdown, thereby

defeating the very purpose fr the use of visuals. Likewise they should pay attention to graphic ele-

ments such as position, color, size, shape and orientation as all these play an important role in the

preparation of slides. Audience size should be considered as well when preparing slide presenta-

tion or other forms of visuals.

In this sib-section, context in communication is referred to as a composite of people inter-

acting with each other. Communication may also be classified according to context : (1) in-

trapersonal; (2) interpersonal; (3) extended; (4) organizational communication; and (5) intercultural



The latin prefix intra– means within or inside. Itrapersonal communication then means talk-

ing to oneself. Some label it as self or inner talk, inner monologue, or inner dialogue. Psychologists

call it it with other names such as self-verbalization or self-statement.

Do you find it normal to talk to yourself? Some say it is, some say it’s not. The gauge, how-

ever, rests on the frequency of the occurrences and how you handle such. For instance, if you

find yourself talking to yourself, there is really no need for you to answer back. You talk to yourself

because you think that there is the need to : boost your confidence when you are nervous to

speak in front of an audience, appraise yourself that you performed a good job, or console yourself

that you did a task poorly. Moreover, engaging in inner speech such as fantasizing or

daydreaming is not bad as long as you are able to distinguish it from reality.

Self-talk can be advantageous as it can enable you to practice what you ought to say in

times when you lack the motivation and confidence to speak. One magic statement that you can

try is : “I can do it!” Saying this over and over again will give you positive reinforcement that you

can do things courageously and that it is not impossible to do so. Furthermore, as you respond to

life’s challenges, you may also find yourself verbalizing your thoughts and feelings. It is then

important that as you introspect, you are able to improve on your decisions in life and likewise

enhance your self-worth as a person.

As opposed to intra, the latin prefix inter– means, between ,among, and together. An in-

teractive exchange takes place as interpersonal communication takes place. . However as it oc-

curs, a transaction does not necessarily take place since it can only be a simple interaction such

as greetings, getting to know a person, or ordinary conversations that happen between or among

the interactants. This may occur in dyads or small groups, also known as group communication.

A communication situation is interpersonal if it is meat to establish or deepen one’s rela-

tionship with others. However, if the objective is to achieve something at the end of the conversa-

tion, it becomes transactional. While the former is characterized by less seriousness and formality,

the latter is more formal and profound. Whereas interpersonal talks are meant for maintaining so-

cial relationships, transactional talks aim to accomplish or resolve something at the end of the con-

versation. Note the examples below.

Analyze the following two situations :

1. Speaker A : Hello! I am Kaeselle Ramos. And you?

Speaker B : Oh, I am Venice Mendoza. Glad to meet you. How are you related to

the bride?

Speaker A : She is my cousin. Her mom and mine are sisters. How about you?

Speaker B : She was my high school classmate. I never knew anything about her

personal life so we were kind of surprised when she sent us the invita

tion. As always, she is very private.

Speaker A : I see. Well, she’s really like that. Ever since we were kids, she has al

ways been a very quiet person.

2. Speaker A : Excuse me. Would you know how to get to the nearest mall?

Speaker B : Yes. In fact, you may go there on foot or simply take a jeepney. If you

walk, it will take you about 20 minutes to get there. You can just take the exit gate near the hospi-

tal then turn left and walk straight ahead. You won’t miss it because of the big sign. Jeepney’s take
2. Speaker A : Excuse me. Would you know how to get to the nearest mall?

Speaker B : Yes. In fact, you may go there on foot or simply take a jeepney. If you

walk, it will take you about 20 minutes to get there. You can just take

the exit gate near the hospital then turn left and walk straight ahead.

You won’t miss it because of the big sign. Jeepney’s take the same

route and it should not take you more than 10 minutes even with the


Speaker A : Thank you very much. I think I will just take the public transportation as I

am running out of time. You have been really helpful. Thanks again.

Could you tell which is interpersonal and which is transactional in the two situations above?

Explain the objective, the language, and the nature of the conversation.

Extended communication involves the use of electronic media. Unlike before when it only

called for the use of television and radio, nowadays, the description of extended communication

may be expanded as to include tele, audio, or phone conferencing; video conferencing; Skype

calls; and other technological means. For example, linked by a telecommunication system, people

who are far apart, or are far from the venue, can participate in a meeting or a conference. In an

e-conference like this, participants may not be physically present but are still able to track down the

lectures and participate actively because of the mass articulation and dissemination of information,

allowing speakers to reach a wider group of listeners. Since extended communication is public in

nature, speakers are expected to be prepared when they speak, making their language more


With the use of electronic media, messages are transmitted quickly. For instance, with the

use of Internet, recorded videos maybe transmitted in seconds/ minutes and may be viewed by a

greater number of people. With extended communication, your own thinking, behavior, and

attitude may be influenced by other people and you may be persuaded to take the views you
Hear. It is important then that you weigh what you hear and assess them against those beliefs that

you hold onto so you do not get easily swayed by other people’s convictions.

With this type, the focus is on the role that communication plays in organizational contexts.

Organizations comprise individuals who work for the company. When you graduate, for example,

you become a professional, either working for a company or putting up your own. Whichever, you

should know that each organization has expectations that you as a communication professional

should meet or that you as the owner may establish.

For an organization to be successful, a system of communication should be put in place. A

set of rules or standards for communication protocol should be made clear so that interaction pat-

terns are established. On the part of the individual, you should be equipped with the needed oral

and written communication skills that the organization expects you to possess.

These are two types of organizational structure : (1) formal; and (2) informal. Formal struc-

ture allows communication to take place via designated channels of message flow between posi-

tions in the organization. This may make use of four approaches : (1) downward communication;

(2) upward communication; (3) horizontal communication;(4) crosswise communication. As the

term implies, downward communication is the type that flows from upper to lower positions, i.e

president to a manager or supervisor, a manager to an ordinary staff. The flow of communication is

top-down or from a supervisor to a subordinate, usually asking certain individuals to perform a cer-

tain task. Conversely, message transmission is upward communication is bottom-up in which sub-

ordinates send communication to their superiors/ bosses bearing their views/ feedback on organi-

zational policies, issues related to their jobs, and the like. Horizontal communication is lateral in ap-

proach as it takes place among people belonging to the same level but coming from different de-

partments or units to facilitate performance of tasks through proper coordination. Crosswise ap-

proach is diagonal in nature as employees from different units or departments working at various

levels communicate with each other. Each of these communication approaches has its own
Advantages and disadvantages. Note that these structures are usually presented in the company’s

organizational chart and policy manuals.

Informal communication, on the other hand, comes from unofficial channels of message

flow. Also known as “grapevine,” messages coming from different levels of the organization are

transmitted. This occurs due to the dissatisfaction of some employees accompanied by uncertain-

ty, such as superiors playing favorites and unfavorable or unacceptable company rules and regu-

lations,. Some employees even resort to baseless gossips and rumors which they spread like wild

fire. Tracing the origin of a rumor is almost next to impossible. In fact, when some people are

confronted, they impute the blame to others so they can get out of the mess quickly.

Each organization has its own culture. This is referred to as organizational culture. Based

on its history and development, an organization develops its own core values, vision and mission

statements, goals, and objectives. Organizational culture is of utmost significance since it will dic-

tate the kind of behavior that employees should possess as well as the extent of commitment ex-

pected from them by the organization. They all share in the values, practices, vision, and mission

of the organization. Peter Drucker’s famous quote, “Company cultures are like country cultures.

Never try to change one. Try instead, to work with what you’ve got,” underscores the view that in-

deed, culture is within the control of the entrepreneur or company owner. If at the outset, you think

you cannot adapt to the organization’s culture, better look for another job or workplace where you

will be happy and in harmony with your superiors and colleagues.

Another type of communication is intercultural communication. As the term implies, it is com-

munication between or among people having different linguistic, religious, ethnic, social and pro-

fessional backgrounds. Even gender difference affects communication. Individuals having different

orientations communicate and interpret messages differently. This particularly happens with non-

verbal communication. For instance, Australians consider eye contact as important as assessing

the sincerity of a person while for Indians, looking straight ito the eyes of a person while talking is

inappropriate. This does not, however, mean that they are dishonest or insincere. Moreover, Indi-

ans interpret waving of hands from side to side as no or go away while it means hello among

Westerners. For Filipinos, twitching of lips means to refer to something or someone. When some-

one asks: “Where is my book” instead of responding: “There it is,” the response may be twitching

or puckering lips. When seen by people from other cultures, such facial expression maybe taken

to mean as “seduction.” It is important then not to be judgmental or to rush into interpretations as

cultures sometimes vary enormously.

Similarly, linguistic differences are of the essence. With the advent of World Englishes, dif-

ferent cultures develop different lexicon peculiar only to the speech community. In the Philippies, a

local variety of English called Philippine English has been developed which has introduced lexical

innovation, not found or used in other varieties, such as thrice, batchmates, CR ( comfort room),

solons, barangay captain, and high blood. Even in terms of pronunciation, words are pronounced

differently by Filipinos, which, to some, are considered erroneous. For instance, these supposedly

pronounced with a hard /th/ represented with a /ʠ/ is pronounced instead with a /d/ by the average

Filipino since hard /th/ is not part of Filipino phonology.

Finally, communication can be classified according to purpose and style. Earlier, formal
and informal communication have been discussed in relation to organization communication.
Similarly, the types of communication in relation to purpose and style are formal and informal.
However, rather than focusing on the transmission of message and message flow, the focus
here is on the communication setting and the mode of delivery. Formal communication employs
formal language delivered orally or in written form. . Lectures, public talk/ speeches, research and
projects proposals, reports, and business letters, among others are all considered formal situa-
tions and writings. Note that while lecturers and speeches are delivered orally, the texts have been
thought out carefully and written well before they are delivered. To inform, to entertain, and to
persuade are the main objectives of this type of communication.

On the other hand, informal communication certainly does not employ formal language It
involves personal and ordinary conversation with friends, family members, or acquaintances about
anything under the sun. The mode may be oral as in face-to-face, ordinary or everyday talks and
phone calls, or written as in the case of e-mail messages, personal notes, letters, or text messag-
es. The purpose is simply to socialize and enhance relationships.


Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions :

1. how do you differentiate the types of communication in relation to communication mode?

2. How can visual communication enhance the message conveyed by a speaker? Cite a
particular situation when it is best to employ visual communication?
3. What are the types of communication in relation to context? How do they differ from one


4. How can you listen to speaker’s opinions through electronic media without being easily

swayed into accepting their opinions?

5. Of the four approaches employed in formal organization structure, which do you think is the

best? Cite situations which will call for the use of each approach. Give one advantage and

disadvantage of each.

6. Would you know any strategy or method by which you can reduce the complexity of under-

standing another culture? Do you think it will work with your current set of foreign classmates/


7. How do you differentiate formal communications from informal communications in relation

to purpose and style? Provide situations to illustrate the differences.


Organizational Culture

Name : _____________________________________ Score :__________________

Section : _____________________________________ Date :__________________

I. Seek permission and interview online a certain head of an organization/ company and ask

him/ her the following questions :







2. Do you think cultures can be created? Modified? Changed?






II. In the school where you are currently enrolled what is the prevailing organizational culture?
What are some of the practices/ rituals that you observe?

Non-Verbal Cues

Name : _____________________________________ Score :__________________

Section : _____________________________________ Date :__________________

Choose two cultures from among the ASEAN countries and differentiate some of their non-

verbal messages. Share at least three differences in their non-verbal codes.


Vision, Mission and Core Values

Name : _____________________________________ Score :__________________

Section : _____________________________________ Date :__________________

I. Presume that you are going to put up your own organization. Decide on the nature and the

objective/s of the organization you wish to establish. Draft your vision and mission statements

but access first the website below and view it so you will be properly guided.

Vision, Mission, & Core Values : The Foundation of Every Great Company


After viewing the clip, you are now ready to draft your own vision-mission statements. On the

other hand, remember too that a vision statement states an aspiration and focuses on something

that you want to be in the future. It states he high-level goals of the organization which coincide

with the owner’s/ founder’s objectives.




Remember that a mission statement is a statement communicating the purpose of the or-

ganization. It states the following points :

1. What the organization does for its clients

2. What the organization does for its employees

3. What the organization does for the owner/s

4. What the organization does for the community

5. What the organization does for the world

II. Now that you have your vision-mission statements identify at least three (3) powerful core val-

ues that will serve as the organizations guiding principles. Explain what each means and why

you have chosen them. Remember that these core values should help you fulfill your business

goals which should also be imbibed by your employees.























Visit your college website and look for the vision-mission statements and the core values
that characterizes your identity as a student of your college. Evaluate them using the tables


Using the following indicators, evaluate the vision, mission statements and core values
being prepared.

Vision Statement
Indicators Strongly Somewhat Disagree Comments
Agree Agree
1. The vision statement focuses
on the future.

2. The vision statement shows

an aspiration.

3. The vision statement is clear

and concise

Mission Statement
Indicators Strongly Somewhat Disagree Comments
Agree Agree
1. The mission statement focus-
es on the present.

2. The mission statement is

concise and direct.

3. The mission statement states

what the organization does.
4. The mission statement states
how the organization operates.
5. The mission statement states
for whom the organization does
Core Values
Indicators Strongly Somewhat Disagree Comments
Agree Agree
1. The core values can be easily
2. The core values are not too
3. The core values can be trans-
lated into action.
4. The core values are unique to
the organization.
5. The core values are connect-
ed to the organization’s vision-
mission statements.


1. There are various types of communications. These types can be divided according to mode,
context, and purpose and style, In terms of communication mode, the types of
communication are verbal, non-verbal, and visual. In terms of context, the communication
types are interpersonal, intrapersonal, extended, organizational, and intercultural. In terms of
purpose, and stylw, the types of communication are formal and informal.
2. Verbal and non-verbal codes should complement each other. With visual communication,
interpretations of signs and symbols is crucial since people have different ways of interpreting
them. It is important to always contextualize the symbol/ sign received in order to arrive at the
correct interpretation.
3. In any organization, a system of communication should be put in place, Transmission of
messages and message flow also play an important role in effective organizational
4. People have different linguistic, religious, ethnic, social and professional backgrounds. It is
then necessary to pay attention to intercultural communication to avoid miscommunication
and/ or communication breakdown.
5. Formal communication and informal communication have different uses depending on the
situation. Both types may be in oral or written mode.

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to :

1. explain the various communication models and how they help in understanding the
communication process;
2. identify the variables involved in the communication process;
3. discuss the value of communication in enhancing one’s personal and professional
4. determine the principles for effective oral and written communication;
5. evaluate the difference between oral and written communication;
6. point out the ethical issues involved in communication; and
7. recognize the importance of a code of ethics in communication.
Recall the first time you engaged

in a public oral presentation. What were

the different factors that you considered

at that time? Relate how challenging it

was for you especially when viewed by

different kinds of audiences. Share

your experiences to the class.


In the earlier discussion, you learned about the types of communicative mode, context, and purpose

and style. In this lesson, you will review the nature of the communication process and some important

communication models.

Why is it important that you know the communication models? You will realize their importance be-

cause they will help you understand how a communication process works. It is only by knowing the flow of

communication that you will be able to make the communication process effective.

A model is often abstract. It is a representation of a real world phenomenon applied to different

forms. The interplay of variables in the model is represented graphically. Try to assess later what comprises

the communication models and what variables are common to each of them.

There are many conceptual models for human communication but in this lesson, you will be exposed

to only four : (1) Aristotle’s model; (2) Laswell’s model; (3) Shannon-Weaver’s model ; and (4) David Ber-

lo’s model of communication.

Classical rhetoric dates back to ancient Greece during the time of Plato, Aristotle, and the

Greek Sophists who were great rhetoricians. Effective public speaking was an important consid-

eration in the study of communication. They were good at argumentation and debate and speech

was characterized by repartee.

Aristotle emphasized that there are three variables in the communication process: speaker,

speech, and audience as illustrated in the communication flow below :

Speaker Speech Audience

Note that the speaker variable here is very important. Without the speaker, there will be no

speech to be produced. Depending on the profile of the audience, the speaker adjusts his/ her

speech. Some considerations for the audience demographics are age, sex, status, and political

orientation or inclination, among others. Even beliefs, views, and attitudes also play an important

role when talking about audience consideration since oftentimes, the audience bring these with

tem when they decode a message in any given situation.


In 1948, Harold Dwight Laswell described communication as being focused on the

following Ws: Who says What in Which channel to Whom and with What effect as seen in the

model below :

Who Says What In Which To Whom With What

Channel Effect

Communicator Message Medium Receiver Effect

The whole process of communication begins with the communicator (who) sending out a

message (what) using a medium (in which channel) for a receiver (to whom) experiencing an

effect ( with what effect) afterwards. The process maybe analyzed through the content sent, the

medium used, as well as the effect on the recipient of the message.

While this model is similar to Aristotle’s in the sense that both are linear and have the same

components, Laswell’s also differs in that there are five variables involved, with the addition of

two : medium and effect.


Claude Elwood Shannon and Warren Weaver’s model of communication was introduced in

1949, a year after Laswell’s, for Bell Laboratories. Originally, it was conceptualized for the tech-

nical communication and, later on, adopted in the field of communication. In this model, other

components such as noise, reception, destination, and feedback have been identified. Other

terms such as information source for the sender, transmitter for the encoder, decoder (reception),

and receiver (destination) were introduced.

Source Transmitter Reception Destination

Sender Encoder Channel Decoder Receiver



Could you explain the communication flow in the preceding model? How different is it from

the first two models discussed earlier?

David Berlo’s model conceptualized in 1960 is probably the most the most well-known

among the communication models. Initially, Berlo’s model was called SMCR which stands for

sender of the message, set through a channel or medium to a receiver. However, it was

modified later on to include noise, hence the acronym SMCRN.


Source Message Channel Receiver

Communication Skills Content Hearing Communication Skills

Attitudes Elements Seeing Attitudes

Knowledge Treatment Touching Knowledge

Social System Structure Smelling Social System

Culture Code Tasting Culture

The major variables involved in the communication process are (1) source, (2) message,

(3) channel, and (4) receiver.

The source being the originator of the message acts as the encoder. As such, the encoder

should practice communication skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. His/Her atti-

tude toward the audience or the subject as well as his/ her knowledge about the topic on hand

likewise counts along with the social system hat he/she is in which includes values, beliefs and

practices, and culture.

The second variable which is message includes (1) content; (2) elements such as the lan-

guage used and gestures employed; (3) treatment or the manner by which the message is trans-

mitted; and (4) structure which refers to the arrangement of parts or flow of the message. The

code shows how the message is sent : that is, the language ( verbal code ) used and the accom-

panying gestures ( non-verbal code ) employed. Note that there should be no mismatch between

the verbal and non-verbal codes.

1. Be clear with your purpose. You should know by heart your objective in communicating.

2. Be complete with the message you deliver. Make sure that your claims are supported by

facts and essential information.

3. Be concise. You do not need to be verbose or wordy with your statements. Brevity in

speech is a must.

4. Be natural with your delivery. Punctuate important words with the appropriate gestures

and movements. Exude a certain degree of confidence even if you do not feel confident enough.

5. Be specific and timely with your feedback. Inputs are most helpful when provided on



1. Be clear. Be clear about your message. Always be guided by your purpose in communicating.

2. Be concise. Always stick to the point and do not beat or run around the bush. Be brief by

focusing on your main point.

3. Be concrete. Support your claims with enough facts. Your readers will easily know if you are

bluffing or deceiving them because there is nothing to substantiate your claims.

4. Be correct. It is important that you observe grammatical correctness in your wiritng. Always

have time to revise and edit your work. Even simple spelling errors may easily distract your


5. Be coherent. Your writing becomes coherent only when you convey a logical message. The

ides should be connected to each other and related to the topic. Make sure that you observe a

sound structure that will present a smooth flow of your ideas. Use transitional or cohesive de-

vices so that the ideas cohere with one another.

The third variable which is channel refers to the different senses : seeing, hearing,

smelling, tasting, and touching. Finally, the fourth variables is receiver, the one who decodes the

message. Note that the components of this last variable are similar to those of the first since for

communication to be effective, both the source and the receiver should have good communication


If you were to insert noise as an additional variable for SMCR, where do you think will it fit?


Since communication is a two-way process, it is important that you know the principles to

be observed to take it effective. For both oral and written communication, you should be able to

apply the following principles :

1. Know your purpose in communicating. Are you communicating basically to inform, to

entertain, or to persuade? While you may have more than one purpose, there is still a
more dominant objective or reason why you communicate.
2. Know your audience. In both speaking and writing, you should know your audience as it
will dictate the speaking or writing style you are going to employ. Consider the age,
educational background, profession, culture, and other salient features of your listeners or
3. Know your topic. You communicate essential because you want to share something. In
speaking situations, speakers are invited because they have something to share. This
also applies to writing. You write because you wish that other people learn something
from you. You may then utilize several or multiple communication techniques to easily
catch the attention of the audience.
4. Adjust your speech or writing to the context of the situation. The environment in which
your speech or writing is to be delivered determines the kind of language you will use.
5. Work on the feedback given you. Once you receive comments from the listeners/
readers, work on them. Take kindly to criticisms. In the long run, constructive criticisms
will prove beneficial to you as you learn to address them.
6. Be complete. Your writing becomes coherent only when you convey a logical message.

The ideas should be connected to each other and related to the topic. Make sure that

you observe a sound structure that will present a smooth flow of your ideas. Use

transitional or cohesive devices so that the ideas cohere with one another.

7. Be courteous. The tone of your writing should be friendly. Avoid any overtone/ under

tone or insinuation to eliminate confusion and misinterpretation.

Communication ethics emphasizes that morals influence the behavior of an individual,

group, or organization thereby affecting their communication. For instance, given the unethical

communication practice of a certain company of concealing the non-remittance of deducted pre-

miums from employees’ salaries to the SSS or the Social Security System ( or GSIS or Govern-

ment Service Insurance System in the case of government offices), the company’s accountability

to its employees is undoubtedly affected. Compare this situation with that of an organization that

observes ethical practice and remits the employees’ monthly contribution to the SSS or the GSIS

regularly. It is important to note that one’s behavior should be regulated by honesty, decency,

truthfulness, sincerity, and moral uprightness.

Be guided by the following to achieve ethical communication :

1. Establish an effective value system that will pave the way for the development of your

integrity as a person. One’s behavior and decision-making style affect, in turn, the

operation of an organization

2. Provide complete and accurate information. Whether it I needed or not, the data you

provide should always be contextualized and correct.

3. Disclose vital information adequately ad appropriately. Never conceal or hide information

that are necessary for purposes of transparency.

Observing a code of ethics is essential as it determines the kid of behavior that is proper and

desirable over that is displeasing and offensive. A code of ethics sets the standards to be

observed by a person or a company that will create a good reputation or a positive image not only

for an individual but also for the organization. It will, therefore, pave the way for the attainment of

the desired results leading to the success of an individual or the entire company. Success in

decision-making will likewise impact the company’s reputation


Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions :

1. What are communication models? Why do you think they were introduced?

2. How does one model differ from the other/s?

3. If you were to choose a conceptual model for communication, what would you prefer and

why? How can you be guided by any of these models when you communicate?

4. How do the principles of effective oral communication differ from those of effective written

communication? Do they have similarities at all?

5. How can one observe ethics in communication?

6. Why is it important to have a code of conduct or a code of ethics?


Effective Oral Communication

Name : _____________________________________ Score:__________________

Section : _____________________________________ Date :__________________

View on YouTube the speech of President Rodrigo Duterte at Philippine China Trade and

Investment Forum Beijing, China on October 20, 2016.

Do you think the five principles of effective oral communication were followed? Which ones

were followed? Which ones were not? Why or why not?

What advise would you give to make the speaker more effective? Write your thoughts on

the space below.

















Effective Written Communication

Name : _____________________________________ Score:__________________

Section : _____________________________________ Date :__________________

Read the Translated English version in 2015 President Noynoy Aquino’s speech on the

Mamasapano incident below then write your reaction to it. Do you think the speech followed the

principles of effective written communication? Why or why not? What advice can you suggest?

Write your answer on the space provided after the speech.

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