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Electrochemistry HS 2016

Exercise 12 – Corrosion 12.12.2016

Due date: 19.12.2016

Assistant: Tomasz Rojek
Tel: 056 310 41 88

Please note:
• Write your name and e-mail address on the top left corner of page 1
• Write your answers in English language only
• Provide numerical results to a precision of 3 significant digits and use the given units
• Indicate the final results with underline

Question 1 - Uniform corrosion

Iron surface is covered with a layer of pure water, which in turn is in contact with air (neglect pH
changes due to CO2). Assume the entire surface is homogeneous and no potential is applied.

a) Write down the two half-reactions for the iron corrosion.

b) Where is the anode and where is the cathode?
c) Where is the electric current?
d) According to Pourbaix diagram what is the thermodynamically stable corrosion product?
e) When will the corrosion process stop?
f) Is the electrochemical description of this corrosion process useful? What alternative
description would be possible?
g) Consider the same situation but without water (i.e. dry iron surface in contact with air).
Can the iron still corrode?

Question 2 – Corrosion protection

a) Explain briefly the working principle of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP)
b) Is the cathodic current higher or lower with the ICCP implemented?
c) What reactions might be occurring at the anode? (Assume the anode is non-consumable
e.g Pt)
d) Name a second method of corrosion protection which uses external power source and
explain its working principle
e) Is the cathodic current higher or lower in this case?
Question 3 – Corrosion calculation

a) Calculate the corrosion potential and corrosion current for a piece of iron in water (pH=7)
saturated with air (pO2=0.21atm). Assume concentration of Fe2+ in solution to be 0.2M
and kinetic control (Tafel approximation) of the reaction with following parameters:
 ; ; T=25°C
 ;
 ;

b) Calculate the current required for ICCP. Is it a realistic value?

Paul Scherrer Institut • 5232 Villigen PSI Electrochmistry / HS 2016 / Problem Set 12 – Corrosion, P a g e | 1/4

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