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S.Y 2022-2023


A Research proposal presented to the faculty members,

College of Education

Isabela Colleges Inc.

Cauayan city


In partial fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Secondary Education



Judy rose M. Atienza


This study was conducted to determine what is the impact of technological advancement of

teaching English as second language to the academic performance of grade 12 students at Isabela

Colleges Inc.

Specifically, the study aimed to provide answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of students in terms of:

1.1 age

1.2 sex

1.3 strand

1.4 technology use

2. what is the impact of technological advancement of teaching English as second language

in terms of;

1.1 academic performance

1.2 English proficiency

3. Is there a significant relationship between technological advancement and teaching of

English as a second language

Chapter I

Technology is having a growing impact on language learning worldwide. The landscape of

language teaching and language learning has transformed so rapidly. The growing importance of

technology-assisted language learning.

The twenty-first century has witnessed tremendous changes in each field. These changes have

great impact on the entire humanity all around the globe. Technology is the most essential tool in

the development of humans’ constant progress. Since technology pays a vital role in all fields,

there have been many innovations and discoveries. High quality education system is the

backbone of the country. Research studies in foreign languages area for young learners indicate

that technological development is very important and effective in learning a new language.

Technology, internet, and some computer games could promote language learning positively if

they are used correctly. Child development and young learners like playing with language such

as using games, rhymes, songs and stories and internet is one of the good places to use language

interactively. Computers help their children be interested in language learning and improve their

brain and in the fact that children can lose their concentration in a short time. Using enjoyable

and authentic materials sometimes can make this period longer. Children are generally visuals

learners. They want to see while they are learning. Internet and computer-based activities bring

visuals materials to the children world. Children can improve their listening, reading, and writing

skills via media and internet. Young learners can experience the real value of English.

Technology can be one of the ways to create real and enjoyable atmosphere for young languages

learners and increase their language awareness when it is used correctly.

Mohammad Reza Ahmadi (2018) argued that educational technology tools appeal greatly to

language instructors due to their contribution to enhancing students’ active engagement and
maximizing positive language learning outcomes. The set of technology has become an

important part of the learning process in and out of classrooms and is viewed as the core

requirement in modern schools and universities.

Students can use technology to connect with people in their classroom and around the

world. Connecting with students across the globe promotes cultural learning and teaches how to

collaborate with people who are different from them.

Throughout the world, different aspects of English language teaching (ELT) have undergone

significant changes. These changes have made it essential to pursue reform in the educational

systems that value English as tool of communication and empowerment. Developing teachers’

effectiveness and enabling them to keep pace with new changes and developments has been a

priority for many reforms plans worldwide.

The concept of learning has entirely changed. The modern learners have an easy access

to the internet, and they are able to use mobile phones or smartphone to retrieve the required

information. Learners can learn things on their own convenience. also, it has provided the

opportunity for the teachers to make use of computers, laptop and overhead projectors,

Television, to give PowerPoint presentation in their classroom. The teachers can use the internet

to extract some useful materials for their teaching purposes. Technology brings real life situation

into classrooms and motivates the students to learn quickly Gunuc (2016) “Technology is an

integral part of today’s society, and therefore raising students’ competence in using technology,

teaches them skills that they will need in the future” Dooly (2015:19). Technology in English

Language Teaching the dawn of internet has brought several advantages for both the teachers

and the learners of English. The old fashioned and traditional concepts such as lecture method

and teacher- centeredness have entirely been replaced by interactive method, collaborative
learning approach and learner centered approach. The teachers of English have been using

technology in the classrooms to motivate and satisfy the needs and interests of the learners. The

teachers use the available technology in various ways so that the learners can understand the

concept in an easy way. While teaching English, the teachers download specific pictures related

to the topic and use them whenever and wherever they are needed. The teachers also show some

videos related to the topic so that the learners try to concentrate more on the subject taught.

When the teaching goes on by using the latest technology, the learners pay more attention on the


This change is welcomed by both primary and higher education institutes. Incorporating

digital technologies into the classroom can lead to profound advances in student engagement and

learning which can ensure that students are keeping up with the demand of technology-based

world. Instructors play an integral role in ensuring that student are engaging with technology

effectively. Technology clearly impacts education in various ways. Another advantage is the

students can learn at their own pace. Students can rewatch videos in the lesson plan when they to

review class material to better understand key concepts. In addition, better overall

comprehension, practical learning, time management, and combined learning methodologies are

just some of the impacts that technology has had on student learning.

Modern language teaching and learning technology facilitate faster and more

comprehensive language progression. For example, the application of multimedia content in

class could integrate print text, video, learning games, and the internet to familiarize students

with language vocabulary and structure compare with traditional language teaching method that

could make student passive and bored, modern language strategies primarily utilize multimedia,

communicative language teaching approaches, various available resources, and educational

games giving students opportunities to meaningfully increase their exposure to the target

language thus make their own knowledge.

Transforming from passive recipients to active learners, students might feel very excited

about language learning and are motivated to practice more, using devices with which they can

practice a language through feature such a voice recognition and interactive multimedia

exercises. Learning how to pronounce foreign words and sentences is a key starting point of

language learning. Speech recognition technology will help students correctly pronounce

common words and phrases. Hence, teachers can manage language class more effectively and

allow student too invest more time to speaking and active learning. Teachers can launch a wide

range of graded listening resources specifically designed Second language L2 learners to

improve listening skills. A number of available websites and authentic listening skills materials

such as TED talk and news broadcast. Whatever language you teach and whatever language

teaching approach you use to teach it include a wealth of unique features that help language

educators teach languages more efficiency and more successfully. Its why the world leading to

connect and progress.

Appropriate classroom technology boosts student academic achievement, self-

confidence, motivation in class, and attendance. Technology facilitates students’ transition from

sitting attentively and listening to more hands-on learning. Whether technology is used in class

or after school, students have more opportunities to communicate with instructors, collaborate

with peers, and participate in the learning process.

Through the use of technology, every student basically has the world in their hands with just few

clicks, student can easily access all the information and materials they need in order to

comprehend different topics better and succeed in the process.

One aspect of technology that has had the big effect on society is it involves teaching. It’s

made teaching more interactive and cooperative, that help people better pursue with the

substance that they are studying and have difficulty with. Likewise, it makes you greater access

to resources. With the existence of the internet, it gives us access to data in the twenty-four-hour

pace and you get access to virtually anything online. Additionally, it allows students to make job

done easier. It also extends the limit of room, promoting self-pace education. People will make

teaching through YouTube and social media. That help students see better than sitting down for

lectures and learning from texts. These technological advances made teaching more fun and


English is an important way to increase and lighten up the outlook on the world. Without

English, the way to the world of knowledge would be restricted. Once you are fluent in English,

you can get more chances to discover about different cultures through writings as its so that most

of these common international books are translated into English rather than other languages and

most of this knowledge on the net is in English, too.

Studying English is important for everyone. firstly, English is the international language,

so that all people from other countries will interact with each other. English language encourage

us to see about different civilization and it gets people closer to each other from one nation to

another nation. Secondly, English is important in this area of education. English is the widest

used language in schools and colleges. It is a very useful tool for students who want to learn


The impact of technological advancement in learning English has been a major factor in

the development of education. The introduction of technology has change the way we learn

English. English is one of the most widely spoken language in the world. The use of computers
and other technologies has increased the speed at which people communicate with each other.

This has led to the development of new ways of teaching English. This has also helped to

improve the quality of education for all students. The internet has provided an opportunity for

many people to learn English. The internet has also brought about a huge amount of

opportunities for those who are not able to speak English to learn English. It has also made it

easier for people to communicate with each other, as well as to find jobs. There are many

benefits that come from using technology in education, such as; increased communication skills;

improved academic performance; and better job prospects. Technology has also a positive on the

way we learn. For example, computer have been used to teach us how to use our own words.

This is very useful when we need to study or write in order to get information. However, it can

also cause problems if we don’t know how to use them correctly. Technology has also helped

students become more independent. This is beneficials because they can be able to communicate

with others easily and effectively without any difficulties in communicating with other people.

Technology has also made it easier for students to learn English by using different tools such as

online resources. These tools are very helpful for students who want a better education. They can

access a wide range of materials that help them learn English faster and easier.

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