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(Sweet Pumpkin Ice Cream)

Tomada, Fairylyn
Jaraula, Glaiza Mae
Plonteras, Junavylla Fatima
Galos, Shareea Malou
Noriega, Dianne
Rapirap, Carl Owen
Mancinades, Johnloyd
Lonzaga, Karynn Dione
Magluyan, Kristine
Subang, Marian Angelli
Layos, Mia Rose
Salvino, Joseph Ray
Macaya, Rhelyn
Miake, Siahanedar


Based from the data that the researchers have gathered, out of 101
respondents, 69.3% or 70 are female and 28.7% or 29 are male and 2% or 2
respondents prefer not to say their gender. In conclusion, there are more
female respondents in Barangay Bugo than male.

What is your age?

Based from the data that the researchers have gathered, out of 101
respondents, there are 77.2% or 78 people whose age range from 18years and
above while there are 21.8% or 22 people age 13 to 17 years old and lastly,
there is 1% or 1 respondent age 12 and below. In conclusion, our target market
in Barangay Bugo consists mostly of teens and adults.

Where do you usually buy an ice cream?

Based from the gathered data, out if 101 respondents, 68.3% or 69

respondents answered that they usually buy their ice creams in the
convenience stores. 16.8% or 17 respondents answered that they usually buy
their ice creams in the sari-sari store. On the other hand, there are 13.9% or
14 respondents answered that they buy their ice creams from the mall and
lastly, only 1% or 1 respondent answered that he/she buys online. In
conclusion, respondents from Barangay Bugo mostly buy ice cream in a
convenience store.

What ice cream flavor you like the most?

The Pie Graph shows that 62.4% or 63 respondents selected chocolate as their
favorite ice cream flavor while 10.9% or 11 chose mango. 7.9% or 8 people
picked ube and 15% or 15 people answered cookies and cream. 1 respondent
answered strawberry, 2 for vanilla, and 1 for coffee crumble. Therefore, most of
the respondents of Barangay Bugo likes chocolate flavored ice cream above all
the flavors given.
Are you willing to try a new flavor of ice cream?

Based from the data that the researcher gathered, out of 101 respondents,
there are 93.1% or 94 respondents who are willing to try a new flavor of ice
cream while are 6.9% or 7 respondents who are not willing to try a new flavor
of ice cream. Overall, the result shows that most respondents from Barangay
Bugo are willing to try a new flavor of ice cream.

How much are you willing to spend for a cup of ice cream?

Based on the respondent’s answers, it shows that 53.5% or 54 of respondents

are willing to spend 20-25 for a cup of ice cream. 26.7% or 27 respondents are
willing to spend 10-15 pesos while 19.8% or 20 respondents are willing to
spend 5-10 pesos. Therefore, most of the respondents are willing to spend 20-
25 pesos for a cup of ice cream in Barangay Bugo.

Do you have any allergies from pumpkins?

The pie graph shows that 98% or 99 respondents don’t have allergies from
pumpkins while only 2%or 2 respondents have allergies. Overall, most
respondents from Barangay Bugo does not have pumpkin allergies.

Are you willing to buy our Sweet Pumpkin Ice cream? If no:
why and how can we persuade you to buy our product?

Out of the 101 respondents, 93.1% or 94 people are willing to buy our product,
the sweet pumpkin ice cream while 4% or 4 of the respondents said no because
of some personal reasons. 1% or 1 person said that he/she will buy the
product if there is a free taste, 1 person also said that it depends on the taste
of the new pumpkin flavor and lastly, the other 1% don't like pumpkin ice
cream. Asking them on how we can persuade to buy the product, there
responses was if the product is new in their taste and affordable, it might be
worth the buy. In conclusion, most respondents from Barangay Bugo are
willing to buy the sweet pumpkin ice cream.

Will this be your first time to taste an ice cream made from a

Based from the gathered data, out of 101 respondents, there are 90.1% or 91
respondents answered that this will be their first time tasting an ice cream
made from pumpkin while 9.9% or 10 respondents already tried an ice cream
made from pumpkin. In conclusion, there are more respondents that have not
yet tried an ice cream made from pumpkin in Barangay Bugo.

What time do you usually buy an ice cream? Others please


Out of 101 Respondents, 42.57% or 43 respondents answered that they

usually buy their ice creams at 3 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon, 34.65% or 35
respondents answered they only buys during occasions, and there are 13.86%
or 14 respondents who answered 12 to 2 o’clock in the afternoon. While there
are 9 respondents who specified their answers, 2 of those answered that they
usually buy their ice cream any/every time they crave for it, 2 or 1.98%
answered that it depends on their mood, another 1.98% or 2 respondents
answered they usually buys if they have money, 0.99% or 1 respondents
answered if they have time, and lastly, 0.99% or 1 respondents answered that
they buy ice cream during their break time. Based on the gathered data,
almost half of the respondents usually buy an ice cream at 3 to 5 o’clock.

Are you willing to recommend our product to your friends?

Based from the gathered data, out of 101 respondents, there are 97% or 98
respondents who are willing to recommend our product with their friends and
the remaining 3% answered no. Therefore, most of the respondents of
Barangay Bugo are willing to recommend our sweet pumpkin ice cream to their

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