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Journal of Molecular Modeling (2022) 28:334


ZORA Gaussian basis sets for Fr, Ra, and Ac

Antônio Canal Neto1 · Francisco Elias Jorge1 · Thieberson Gomes1

Received: 21 June 2022 / Accepted: 21 September 2022 / Published online: 29 September 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

Segmented all-electron basis sets of double and triple zeta valence qualities plus polarization functions (DZP and TZP) for
the elements Fr, Ra, and Ac to be used with the zeroth-order regular approximation (ZORA) were presented. These sets were
constructed from the reoptimization of the contraction coefficients of the corresponding non-relativistic basis sets. In order
to adequately describe electrons distant from the atomic nuclei, these sets were augmented with diffuse functions and were,
respectively, designated as ADZP-ZORA and ATZP-ZORA. At the ZORA-B3LYP theory level, the relativistic sets were
employed to calculate ionization energies of Fr, Ra, and Ac as well as bond lengths, dissociation energies, harmonic vibrational
frequencies, and static mean dipole polarizabilities of some diatomics. Comparing with benchmark theoretical results and
with experimental data available in the literature, it can be verified that our basis sets are able to produce reliable and accurate
results. Evaluation of the performances of ZORA and second-order Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonians was performed.

Keywords ZORA basis sets · Fr, Ra, and Ac elements · ZORA-B3LYP method · Atomic and molecular property
calculations · Performances of the ZORA and DKH2 Hamiltonians

Introduction Hamiltonians give highly accurate results, neither of

these options is the most feasible, since the computational
In recent years it has become common to use Gaussian-type cost becomes practically prohibitive for systems contain-
functions (GTFs) to perform ab initio and density functional ing many atoms. A proposal whose main objective is to
theory (DFT) calculations, since it has been verified that is reduce the number of electrons to be handled during calcu-
possible to build a Gaussian basis set, which is both compact lations and that has been used by several researchers is the
and accurate. In addition to meeting these two criteria, it is relativistic effective core potential (ECP) [4]. In the case
also desirable that this basis set belongs to a hierarchical of calculations of geometries and/or relative energies of
sequence of basis sets that systematically reduce the basis molecules containing heavy elements, the results obtained
set truncation error. with the relativistic ECP approximation are comparable
It is everyone’s knowledge that complexity increases to those computed with theoretical models that consider
significantly when treating molecules and/or clusters all electrons [5]. Some negative points of ECPs have been
containing heavy atoms [1–3], since quantum chemistry discussed in the literature [6–8]. However, the deficiencies
methods must simultaneously consider the high num- of ECPs become evident in the case of properties involv-
bers of electrons and orbitals as well as the correlation of ing electrons of inner-shells, for example, electron density
electrons and relativistic effects. In these cases, there are topological analysis, electron paramagnetic resonance, and
two obvious options. The Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian or Mössbauer and X-ray absorption spectra. To overcome all
the Dirac-Breit Hamiltonian, which consider the interac- these problems, it is necessary to use a Hamiltonian, which
tions of electrons relativistically. Even knowing that the takes into account most of the scalar relativistic effects,
solutions (four-component wave functions) of these two along with an all-electron basis set. Both the Douglas-
Kroll-Hess (DKH) unitary transformation [9–11] and the
zero-order regular approximation (ZORA) [12] satisfy the
* Francisco Elias Jorge condition mentioned in the previous sentence. We remind
you that the spin–orbit effect can be calculated a posteriori
Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal Do Espírito through perturbation theory.
Santo, Vitória, ES 29060‑900, Brazil

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As for the method to be employed, it is worth drawing found in the literature. Evaluation of the performances of
attention to the accuracy of ab initio methods. However, ZORA and second-order DKH (DKH2) Hamiltonians was
when it comes to systems with many electrons, the DFT performed.
is more efficient because, in addition to considering elec-
tron correlation, it significantly reduces computational time,
making it not much different from that of a Hartree–Fock
(HF) calculation. Generation of ZORA Gaussian basis sets
Since 2009, our research group has developed relativistic
basis sets of different qualities to be used in DFT or ab initio To generate the DZP-ZORA and TZP-ZORA basis sets for
calculations. For the H–La and Hf–Rn elements, all-electron Fr, Ra, and Ac, we used a procedure similar to that employed
segmented basis sets of double and triple zeta valence quali- in Refs. [30–32]; namely, the coefficients of contraction of
ties plus polarization functions (DZP-DKH and TZP-DKH) s, p, d, and f symmetries of the non-relativistic DZP and
were reported [13–18]. These sets have been successfully TZP [28] sets were reoptimized taking into account the
used in the determination of electronic structures of atoms, minimum ZORA-ROHF (restricted open-shell HF) ground
molecules, and clusters (see, e.g., Refs. [19–22]). state energy criterion of each element [Fr (2S), Ra (1S), and
To our knowledge, there are few all-electron contracted Ac (2D)]. In the process of determining the ZORA contrac-
basis sets for Fr, Ra, and Ac available in the literature. The tion coefficients, the method of optimization of nonlinear
atomic natural orbital (ANO) sets of Roos et al. [23, 24] are parameters presented by Jorge and Canal Neto [33] in 2020
very accurate in determining electronic structures, but were and the ORCA code [34] were used. It is worth remember-
constructed to be used primarily with the DKH2-CASPT2 ing that the exponents of the GTFs and the segmented con-
method in small molecule calculations. As these sets were traction schemes remained unchanged going from the DZP
generated from the general contraction scheme, their perfor- and TZP sets to the DZP-ZORA and TZP-ZORA sets; that
mances are reduced in DFT calculations of large molecules, is, the only difference between the non-relativistic and the
since the computational cost is proportional to the number of corresponding relativistic set is the contraction coefficients.
two-electron integrals to be evaluated. In the ADF program SARC-ZORA basis sets were also originated from the reop-
[25], ZORA basis sets of different qualities generated from timization of contraction coefficients of non-relativistic sets
Slater-type functions (STFs) can be found. The applicabil- (see, e.g., Ref. [29]).
ity of these sets is limited because the number of programs Here, it is worth mentioning some peculiarities of the
that are prepared to handle STFs is reduced. We cannot help DZP-ZORA and TZP-ZORA basis sets: (i) In the process of
but mention the DKH basis sets of double up to quadruple re-optimizing the contraction coefficients of the non-relativ-
and those of double and triple zeta qualities presented by istic DZP and TZP basis sets, some contraction coefficients
Peterson et al. [26, 27] and Campos et al. [28], respectively. went to zero. In these cases, the corresponding exponents
For Ac, SARC basis sets for DKH2 and ZORA calculations of the GTFs were eliminated from the contraction scheme.
were developed by Pantazis and Neese [29]. This is the reason why the number of p-symmetry func-
As specific basis sets to be used together with ZORA tions of the TZP-ZORA set for Fr is smaller than that of the
Hamiltonian are scarce in the literature and as the number of DZP-ZORA set. (ii) For the ground state of Fr and Ra, the
quantum chemistry codes (DIRAC, ORCA, ADF, NWChem, valence orbitals considered were 7 s and 7p, while for Ac
etc.) containing this Hamiltonian is large, recently Jorge the 6d orbital also was included. Therefore, the polarization
et al., in order to address this deficiency, developed com- functions added to the DZ and TZ sets of Fr and Ra were 1d
pact and accurate DZP-ZORA and TZP-ZORA sets for the and 2d1f, respectively, while for Ac, 1f was added to the DZ
elements from H to La and from Hf to Rn [30–32]. Here, it set and 2f1g to the TZ set (for more details, see Ref. [28]).
is worth mentioning that these sets are linear combinations Relativistic effects increase through the Periodic Table,
of Gaussian type functions (GTFs) rather than STFs. causing a significant contraction of the core orbitals of the
The main objective of this work is to extend the ZORA heavier elements and, consequently, an expansion of valence
basis sets to include Fr, Ra, and Ac elements. For a better orbitals. These effects make the radial behaviors of non-rel-
description of electrons distant from atomic nuclei, diffuse ativistic and relativistic wave functions very different [35].
functions were added to these sets, which were designated Therefore, non-relativistic basis sets can give undesirable
as ADZP-ZORA and ATZP-ZORA. To evaluate the perfor- results when used together with a relativistic Hamiltonian
mances of these sets at the ZORA-B3LYP level of theory, [35]. Jorge et al. [31] have shown that undesirable results can
atomic ionization energies (Ei) and bond lengths (re), har- also arise when a DKH basis set is used in ZORA calcula-
monic vibrational frequencies (ωe), and dissociation energies tions. Given these facts, it is clear the main motivation that
(De) of F­ r2, ­Ra2, ­Ac2, AcH, AcO, and AcF were computed led us to construct basis sets for Fr, Ra, and Ac specific to
and then compared with theoretical and experimental data the ZORA Hamiltonian.

Journal of Molecular Modeling (2022) 28:334 Page 3 of 7 334

For an appropriate description of electrons distant from and from Ra to Ac. When compared to the experimental
atomic nuclei, it is necessary to add diffuse functions to a values, the ionization energies always improve going from
basis set. These augmented sets are typically employed in ADZP-ZORA to ATZP-ZORA. The agreement between
calculations of polarizabilities, electron affinity, hydrogen the ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP-ZORA and experimental results
binding, electronic circular dichroism, and optical rotation. is excellent, the largest difference of 3.0% occurring for Ac.
To the DZP-ZORA and TZP-ZORA sets for the Fr, Ra, and For Ac, Pantazis and Neese [29] found 5.18 eV with the
Ac elements, we added a diffuse function to each atomic DKH2-B3LYP/[21s13p10d7f] theoretical procedure, which
symmetry s, p, d, and f to originate the sets designated as is close to our ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP-ZORA value. For Fr
ADZP-ZORA and ATZP-ZORA. These diffuse functions and Ra, the ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP-ZORA results also agree
were taken directly from the non-relativistic ADZP and well with benchmark theoretical values [26] obtained with
ATZP sets reported in Ref. [28]. The numbers of GTFs used the DKH3-CCSD(T) method in conjunction with the all-
to describe each atomic orbital of the uncontracted and con- electron awCVQZ-DK3 basis set.
ZORA sets are listed in Table 1. Bond length

For the six diatomics studied in this work, Table 3 shows

the bond lengths, dissociation energies, and harmonic vibra-
Results and discussion
tional frequencies calculated with the ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP-
ZORA and DKH2-B3LYP/ATZP-DKH2 theoretical models.
All atomic and molecular calculations were performed with
No experimental value was found in the literature. Especially
the ZORA-B3LYP method available in the ORCA program
for dimers, as the bond lengths are large, it is necessary to
[34]. Initially, the geometries of the molecules were opti-
use our largest basis set containing diffuse functions. This
mized and, then, dissociation energies, harmonic vibrational
is why we present only ATZP-ZORA results from now on.
frequencies, and static medium dipole polarizabilities were
For dimers, even theoretical results are scarce.
Except for ­Fr2, whose difference is 0.072 Å, the other
ATZP-ZORA and ATZP-DKH2 bond lengths are very
First ionization energy similar, since the differences do not exceed 0.015 Å. It is
worth noting that, even for ­Fr2, the DKH2-B3LYP/ATZP-
Theoretical and experimental [36] ionization energies are DKH bond length is only 1.6% longer than that obtained
displayed in Table 2. with the ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP-ZORA procedure. For ­Fr2,
The trend of all theoretical results is similar to that of ­Ra2, and A ­ c2, the only values available in the literature
the experimental data, that is, it increases from Fr to Ra that take into account all electrons are those reported by

Table 1  Details regarding the Fr Ra Ac

TZP-ZORA, and ATZP-ZORA DZP-ZORA uncontracted (19s16p10d4f) (20s15p10d4f) (19s15p11d5f)
basis sets for Fr, Ra, and Ac
ADZP-ZORA uncontracted set (20s17p11d5f) (21s16p11d5f) (20s16p12d6f)
DZP-ZORA contracted [9s7p4d1f] [9s6p4d1f] [9s6p5d2f]
ADZP-ZORA contracted [10s8p5d2f] [10s7p5d2f] [10s7p6d3f]
TZP-ZORA uncontracted (21s15p12d5f) (21s15p12d5f) (22s15p13d6f1g)
ATZP-ZORA uncontracted set (22s16p13d6f) (22s16p13d6f) (23s16p14d7f2g)
TZP-ZORA contracted [10s6p5d2f] [10s6p5d2f] [10s6p6d3f1g]
ATZP-ZORA contracted [11s7p6d3f] [11s7p6d3f] [11s7p7d4f2g]

Table 2  First ionization ADZP-ZORAa ATZP-ZORAa awCVQZ-DK3b Expt.c

energies (in eV)
Fr (2S) → ­Fr+ (1S) 3.830 4.051 4.018 4.0727
Ra (1S) → ­Ra+ (2S) 5.170 5.199 5.221 5.2784
Ac (2D) → ­Ac+ (1S) 5.578 5.221 − 5.3802
Present investigation (ZORA-B3LYP calculations). Basis set generated in this work. bResults from Ref.
[26]. DKH3-CCSD(T) calculations. cExperimental data from Ref [36]

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Table 3  Theoretical bond lengths (re in Å), dissociation energies (De universal Gaussian basis set (UGBS), the agreement is still
in eV), and harmonic vibrational frequencies (ωe in ­cm−1) for the good. Agreement improves when our results are compared
ground states of some diatomics
with those obtained with the theoretical procedures PP-
Molecule ATZP-ZORAa ATZP-DKHb Previous values CCSD(T)/[8s7p6d5f2g] for Ac and aug-cc-pVQZ for H, O,
and F (2.125, 1.930, and 2.118 Å) [39] and DKH2-PBE0/
Fr2 (1Σ g+) re 4.588 4.660 4.665c
SARC (2.128, 1.915, and 2.098 Å) [29].
De 0.564 0.546 0.409c
ωe 32.07 − 33c
Ra2 (1Σ g+) re 5.445 5.460 5.478c Dissociation energy
De 0.087 0.089 0.079c
ωe 16.93 − 17c It is known that the ground state alkali and alkaline earth
Ac2 (3Σg−) re 3.714 3.700 3.635c dimers besides being stable molecules and having large
De 1.468 1.461 1.336c bond lengths, they have small dissociation energies. These
ωe 83.02 − − statements can be confirmed through the results shown in
AcH (1Σ+) re 2.051 2.063 2.159d Table 3. As mentioned earlier, the origin of the chemical
De 3.744 3.670 3.57d bonds in R­ a2, ­Ac2, and AcH is due to the pairing of electrons
ωe 1492.64 − 1373d 7s, 6d, and 6d and 1s, respectively. Unlike bond lengths, dis-
AcO (2Σ+) re 1.956 1.967 2.020d sociation energies increase over the course of this series. As
De 7.706 7.732 7.11d in AcF and AcO, there is a pairing of electrons 6d and 2p, it
ωe 758.99 − 708d is also expected that the dissociation energies of these two
AcF (1Σ+) re 2.118 2.117 2.163d molecules are greater than that of ­Ac2 (cf. Table 3).
De 7.663 7.638 7.00d The ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP-ZORA and DKH2-B3LYP/
ωe 559.73 − 521d ATZP-DKH2 corresponding dissociation energies are very
a close to each other, and the largest difference of 0.074 eV
Present investigation (ZORA-B3LYP calculations). All-electron
basis set generated in Ref. [13] and in this work (sixth-row elements). occurs for AcH. For all dimers, even if the ZORA-B3LYP/
DKH2-B3LYP results from Ref. [28]. cDKH2-CASPT2 results ATZP-ZORA results are systematically higher than the
from Refs. [23, 24]. All-electron ANO basis sets ([12s11p8d5f] and DKH2-CASPT2/ANO ones, the orders of magnitude of
[9s8p6d5f2g1h] for Fr and for Ra and Ac, respectively. dResults from
the ZORA-B3LYP and DKH2-CASPT2 dissociation ener-
Ref. [38]. ZORA-BP86 method together with the large uncontracted
universal Gaussian basis set gies are the same. For ­Fr2, Lim et al. [37] found 0.431 eV.
Here, it is important to emphasize that as these dissocia-
tion energies are small, they become very susceptible to
Roos et al. [23, 24]. These calculations are a combination
the theoretical procedure employed. For AcH, AcO, and
of the DKH2-CASPT2 method with the [12s11p8d5f] and
AcF, even though our results are higher than those reported
[9s8p6d5f2g1h] ANO basis sets for Fr and for Ra and Ac,
in Ref. [38], the agreement between them is satisfactory.
respectively. In general, the ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP-ZORA
As occurred for the bond lengths, when we compared
and DKH2-CASPT2/ANO bond lengths are in good agree-
ment. It can be noted that for F ­ r2, the ATZP-DKH2 bond
[8s7p6d5f2g] for Ac and aug-cc-pVQZ for H, O, and F dis-
length is closer to the ANO than the ATZP-ZORA, while the
sociation energies (3.63, 7.71, and 7.65 eV) [39], the agree-
value (4.593 Å) reported by Lim et al. [37] using relativistic
ment is excellent.
pseudopotential [9-ve PP-CCSD(T)/(14s13p8d5f3g)] is only
0.005 Å higher than ours.
The reason the bond lengths of F ­ r2 and R
­ a2 are greater Harmonic vibrational frequency
than that of ­Ac2 is that the bonds of the first two molecules
are characterized primarily by pairing 7s electrons, while Like dissociation energy, harmonic vibrational frequency is
the latter is by 6d electrons. Another significant reduction small for large bond length. Another determining factor for the
in bond length occurs by going from ­Ac2 to AcH. This was magnitude of vibrational frequency is the mass of the atoms
already predicted by chemical intuition, since for the last that form the chemical bond. Therefore, it is expected that the
molecule, the pairing of electrons is between the orbital 1s harmonic vibrational frequencies of the dimers studied in this
of H with the 6d of the Ac. It is worth mentioning that the work to be small. The results shown in Table 3 confirm our
ionic character of the bond increases from left to right in expectation. Going from ­Ac2 to AcH, the two factors men-
the AcH, AcO, and AcF series. For these diatomics, even tioned above contribute to a significant increase in vibrational
the ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP-ZORA bond lengths being shorter frequency. On the other hand, the main reason for the reduc-
than those obtained from a calculation [38] for all electrons tion of harmonic vibrational frequency through the AcH, AcF
using the ZORA-BP86 method and a large uncontracted and AcO series is the increase in molecular mass.

Journal of Molecular Modeling (2022) 28:334 Page 5 of 7 334

Table 4  Static electric mean dipole polarizabilities (in a.u.) ATZP-DKH2 approximations agree very well with each
9-ve PP-
other. For ­Ra2 and ­Ac2, we did not find any other theoreti-
CCSD(T)c cal or experimental results; however, from the discussions
presented in the previous paragraph, the ZORA-B3LYP/
Fr2 (1Σg+) 589.00 630.51 636.3
ATZP-ZORA mean dipole polarizabilities are in line with
Ra2 (1Σg+) 520.41 532.01 −
chemical intuition.
Ac2 (3Σg−) 317.65 330.09 −
Present investigation (ZORA-B3LYP calculations). All-electron
basis set generated in this work. bDKH2-B3LYP results from Ref.
[28]. cResult from Ref. [37]. (14s13p8d5f3g) valence basis set for Fr Conclusions
was used

In this work, the DZP-ZORA and TZP-ZORA basis sets

For ­Fr2 and R­ a2, the ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP-ZORA and developed by our research group were extended with the
DKH2-CASPT2/ANO harmonic vibrational frequencies purpose of encompassing the elements Fr, Ra, and Ac. A
agree very well. For ­Fr2, the value of 33.5 ­cm−1 presented diffuse function was added to each atomic symmetry (s, p,
by Lim et al. [37] adds credibility to the results obtained d, and f), giving rise to the sets called ADZP-ZORA and
by us and Roos et al. [23], while for ­Ac2, we did not find ATZP-ZORA. In addition, the main objective of the arti-
any results in the literature to compare; therefore, our value cle, which was to generate compact and reliable basis sets,
seems to be unique. For AcH, the ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP- was achieved. The recommendation is to use them together
ZORA harmonic vibrational frequency is somewhat larger with the sets of similar qualities previously published for
than the values of 1373 and 1401 ­cm−1 calculated with the the H–La and Hf–Rn elements [30–32].
procedures ZORA-BP86/UGBS [38] and MP2 perturbation The most relevant conclusions drawn from our results
theory for all electrons using the Dirac-Coulomb Hamilto- are the following:
nian [40], respectively. The agreement between our results
and those found in Ref. [38] significantly improves from • With the exception of the mean dipole polarizability of
AcH to AcO and AcF. For AcO, the vibrational frequency ­Fr2, all other ZORA-B3LYP and DKH2-B3LYP results
(764 ­cm−1) reported by Konings et al. [41] is close to the listed in Tables 3 and 4 are very close to each other.
value computed in this work. Hong et al. [38], studying electronic structures of a set of
selected diatomic molecules containing lanthanides and
Polarizability actinides, also found that the ZORA and DKH2 results of
various properties were essentially of the same quality.
In order to compare with the DKH2-B3LYP/ATZP-DKH • For Fr, Ra, and Ac, the ZORA-B3LYP/ATZP-ZORA
mean dipole polarities for ­Fr2, ­Ra2, and ­Ac2 previously cal- ionization potentials agree well with experimental data
culated by our research group, in this article, the ZORA- [36] and benchmark theoretical values [26].
B3LYP/ATZP-ZORA results were also included in Table 4. • In general, the agreement between the bond lengths, dis-
It can be seen that the mean dipole polarizability decreases sociation energies, and harmonic vibrational frequencies
going from F ­ r2 to R
­ a2. The origin of this reduction is that the calculated in this study and the relativistic all-electron
electrons of the 7s valence orbital of Ra and Fr come from and pseudopotential results found in the literature is
a closed and open subshell, respectively, so Ra electrons are good, indicating once again that our basis sets are reli-
less diffuse than those of Fr. In the formation of A ­ c2, valence able to perform ZORA calculations.
electrons belong to an inner subshell (6d); therefore, once • For ­Fr2, ­Ra2, and A
again it is expected a reduction in the mean dipole polariz- mean dipole polarizabilities are slightly smaller than
ability from ­Ra2 to ­Ac2 (cf. Table 4). those predicted with the DKH2-B3LYP/ATZP-DKH
For ­R a 2 and A ­ c 2, the ZORA and DKH2 results are procedure; however, both theoretical models show a
very close to each other, while for F ­ r2, there is a differ- decrease in polarizability throughout the series, a fact
ence of approximately 7%. We remind you that the ZORA that is in accordance with chemical intuition.
bond length is about 0.072 Å smaller than the DKH2 one
(see Table 3), which is enough to affect polarizability. The XZP-ZORA and AXZP-ZORA (X = D and T) basis
For ­Fr2, the values obtained with the 9-ve PP-CCSD(T)/ sets for the H–La and Hf–Ac elements are available on dif-
(14s13p8d5f3g) (636.3 a.u.) [37] and DKH2-B3LYP/ ferent formats at https://​qcgv.​ufes.​br/.

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Declarations 19. Baykova SV, Semenova AV, Presnukhinaa SI, Novikova AS, Shet-
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20. Grudova MV, Novikov AS, Kubasov AS, Khrustalev VN, Kiri-
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