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1. What’s your view? I’m more like my mother

2. In what ways are you more like your Father? In what ways are you more
like your mother?
3. Make list by filling up the matrix below.

More like your Father More like your Mother

1.We both have brown eyes 1.We both have straight hair
2. We both have curly baby hair 2.We both have same skin tone
3.We both have voluptuous body

What is the basic of your listing? Please check.

1. I have straight hair as I see/ observe myself
2. I am more like my mother As other tell me.
3. Other reasons
3.1 We both have same height
3.2 We both have same size of the palm

Buntis: Namatay sa Panganganak


Good news
1. If you were pregnant women/expectant mother, how will you feel about the
poster’s content? Why?

I would feel sorry, terrified and at the same time encourage because
the woman dies giving birth hasn’t given a chance to see her little
bean grow and take care of. And I feel encourage because I don’t
want to be like her. I feel like I’m obliged not to die, thinking that what
could possibly my child would be someday, who’s gonna encourage
him/her if she/he feel down. I want to be there for her/he’s memorable
2. If you are not in interested condition, what do you think expectant
mothers, especially those in the low income group will feel the good
news? Why?

I think they would feel sorrow, I know most of the expectant mothers
wish to have safe delivery, no complications on the baby not just
because they have low income but because who’s mother don’t want to have
safe delivery. The low income group expectant group would feel like all the
hardships they’ve been through hasn’t pave away, a thorn that hasn’t pluck up and
they would feel like they were physically alive but dead in it’s inner self.

Bad News

What was the thing or questions that came to your mind when you saw the
headline? Why?

The first thing pop up into my mind is that how would possibly a mother dies
in giving birth, I know during labor the mother has been surrounded by
nurses who’s checking, assessing and observing her vital signs and doctor
whos in charge of the patient and the baby but then if it’s your fate to die on
that day you can’t avoid it even if you have billions of money, luxury cars
and mansions.

Study Questions

1. What things are done to prevent complications?

Get a prenatal care
2. How important are prenatal care and support especially to expectant
It is important especially to expectant mother because it helps to
prevent complications during pregnancy, gives healthcare while
you’re pregnant and inform you what are the best steps to do.

Check your Understanding

A. Differentiate between the two words listed together. As much as possible

defined terms based on your own understanding and learning gained the
1. Cephalocaudal vs. proximodistal direction
Cephalocaudal means head to toe while proximodistal
directions refers to motor skills all over the body.
2. Chromosomes vs. genes
Chromosomes carry heredity information from eye color to
height while genes gives instructions for what an
organisms is like.
3. Dominant vs. genes
Dominant means superior to all others in influence or
importance while genes gives instructions for what an
organisms is like.
4. .Prenatal vs. recessive genes
Prenatal means existing before birth while recessive genes
means genes effects are masked.
Sex linked- inheritance vs. multifactorial transmission

Sex linked-inheritance refers to the inheritance of traits that

are located on genes on the sex chromosomes while
multifactorial transmission is traits that involve multiple
genes and complex patterns of inheritance.

B.Arrange in sequence of development from the first to the last. Use number
1 as the starting point up to 10. The last happening. Write the numbers on the
blanks before the development.

___10 1. Lungs begin to expand

___8 2. Digestive, excretory system fully develop
___6 3. Eyes, ears, nose, mouth start to form
___4 4. Implantation in the lining of the uterus
___2 5. Rapid cell division
___1 6. Fertilization (sperm. Ovum)
___3 7. Process of differentiation (inner and outer cells)
___5 8. Head, blood vessels begin to develop
___7 9. Upper arms, forearms, hands, legs, feet, toes appear
___9 10. Brain increases sixfold in size.

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