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fo en Lam cms Jo Sel pth ea Cl aula dey Agee Galgt! oo Uysal A__tam JLolly ALaL aU JACQUES LE GOFF FAUT-IL VRAIMENT DECOUPER L'HISTOIRE EN TRANCHES ? LA LIMRATRIE DU XNISIFELE SEUIL Lglaley Le gi al Yyo 9 # grtesissa-s077-3 SX wii a 789995 yaa Bahrain Authority for SLU y Aa at Culture & Antiquities ejL_2oll LA Eq—iho knowledge Transfer Project wu Medan Gb ep sLl lat Utcel sen Gd) et fol ory indy 5 pao Bade pas Gull hill, poll accel 28 Sell ge Jole OSI Goris Bale util di Gs pl pball p> Used ike delice Ty ZI Dele Gis I Us ts Enj cbr 3 ede OT gm Gp lie Se Sy ae WW dey TG clgtolucel LS al ball SH 5h BY ABs pe pee dT andy Gi OES be LB psd Mates oj aly oe 5 pall Death 6d rs Came glad pony He geball Bist Gel yoee say Pde eat gabe sl aly GUI a gS all) Ste U3 Hag) paer Ney ao Slt is J bl age all gd os slow gil Soule prcall hall USI Lia 3 Gas gb Kall leg ll wt Ba OBS YB Ay LSU Pedi iale] J] ey GUL! SI eal a 3 WyjLeoll LA Eqpiito dLmtlw U4 palbi.s wl] Boll :(2014 - 1924) 346) See Mengde pans heme sll pall 5} KelerV ph Ll OL! (1977 = 1972) jars 1B ASI GL ge Gy Les Intellectuels au Moyen Age, Seuil, 1957 Un autre Moyen Age, Gallimard, «Quarto», 1999 foayioll pte Sled 2 ge geal gall Ant SM duledl b fl lel 252) Coy J ilar 3 $5 AN tye SL ei 3 ded ode spend yao) lam i Ja . 96 pl fea KG ata Lam cums a ee 6 Teal pis Gea CU ets ee deal ys Deets (yori Grcuat! polls aw 9 by—aall a_i slog Asa Sasi Kt a> ow CE Qt hs ony wees send pets Goh Wale Was yy dels 2018 cisteadt 2 Jy! dal 2022 cdaleall sist) dadall Ba pAy oY tS lia 3 do ,1 gl YD GEIL BAY yy pad Be UES Ls ge y oe Jacques Le Goff Faut-il vraiment découper l'histoire en tranches ? © Editions du Seuil, janvier 2014 1S Ub gions tly ipl oe IG > gee Bahrain Authority for JLo y AstLatl) Culture Antiquities 2199 2. yo cep pad Klee doles +973 17 293873 :, Sl — +973 17 298777 sla e-mail: - Byatt. So cl Dbl - gh all Gas Eyl - ObS 2030 1103 wy — Lem 113-7494 e-mail: e-mail: 639 py tyg6 8 takes 343 ab 2017 /.¢.9 /447 ial teal i glob, Gly (de ISBN 978-99958-4-072-3 : Jy =U) oy Glugtonet Vivvvceescccecesccececeeeessaseesuesececeeesaeeeseeeeeeeteteeteteanas aby D1 eeeeeeceseeeneeseeneseeeeenesesnseessteresesesneenseeseees sygel US..cceecssecseecsesessecsssesuessecssesssecssessneessees ad Sly D5 ees eecsssessstesseetsseesesenees dar I pall Sleall y yglall So emnesencer ects erecta Gaolly beobelly eutl oe Lag he vies pl Lagsl Ca laed aj La gl worl cen Le + Ayl deee y Faas oe a belly dU Vy Ly bl Dyledl ole cd - iy. ole Beocune 5 O19 pA Qt Cae ody Gust BB Le] gh Cow Ant MTS aly 1950 Jee 6999 GS) aoe sll pall US cand dean Ob ols el (agrégation) jy cil blu og obs sles) Gauge fey Zell eed 3) (Femand Braudel) he 9 rll e 2 tl gle (Maurice Lombard) B5je MST ys fo gb ope5 dts dels (J ale d foo 5 0 OM Ualssen Bil ply Sha gT La Us peo ope C2Kha EAS le als y—adale ga Gl geal Le Glee Gt aubll say Jy cage the Lay ole WIS ale aT ty Gare pul Guat, WSs lez ady Ol sill ole Loy dpeZascall (ied ob (ges) Gyaet Vi ys Zyl ace AUS ye e 2 sl:I| (périodes) Typtead Le yzal GVadly Glyylrdl deyems Lobby dal (1) WWhye Cod apts Jeol by (2004, 1980 oe L’Histoire tee 3 Ysl Un long Moyen Age, Paris, Tallandier, 2004. Hachette, «Pluriel», 2010 2.4 sli oS 7 coerel 45 3 (2013 pla dsb - EAI a ad Sy ise BL rea ASU fT de yale Cl al Zadl 91 lElLbS Vy ob eel eed lke sai ? Al Gwe sib j5 JKT, tod ate eB ed Cail Gil Gilt tals oF le Gate] L 13] Lobby Call Laces gh eandlDy acrend Sat Le 55 Oil die aglD par J] Laskin] at al OVI go el Ne Rag war iS yo Jy ote aull SVL dibacall Lb Teed J stil 3] ip Glee play Bedl p ee pate Ue adal laf cet I te yy USI de 5725 ew gll pal cites Lag pond Lege jal rand ep diey UT Ses esb Geyb bey pad Sale! orlendl (Agel day Ql! all I] IW Od ye) pha! _ull phe oll OB daul sl coy 3} gels Wy Ald bes cI SY Lin be VY, Whe grea yo Clas YS or Olas fetal poll OF ged GUS ESI Uda Ly cogtoll tst jens aa ll Lagan gp Ul ab leaboy U slo ha pwe oo agi is CAS Oty Nig) LAN Jo he dates 5, pay dda Ll Ld Anda GI) lan dala el ye cole aT Lie Was LIZ solead pins (2) v2 Shes sce lly sgt open ba 8 Stall Of bol Sle et JS I ES All Lane lal MUD dle yy (GW ald yaad Lend) Laney GLAS Aes jlaall A) ene ol Takes Moly gests UIs BY L Gs af Lube Stl ye Gest eed Coy fo tes el Bole of cgSlbad has rpmcell OAK le ryall OLS Mle Gab SLy SEN J areal gs IS UT cilge] OS OF oN ane SP code td yell er l rates! ell deed BALM OK el 2 gail GG pS fly Tal peda GUL jy I corms Urs doe 4b dy a LU play Casas ils BLS le CIS LS DI ode OY Leg A MOT pally pant Lea nad Gale y+ Qe Leeall PW LGV js pol Fy Een E99 C5 p yaad 3 bats GSA ASA de gl I R08 22 UA culs Wy Vb «esl Yat (4 Soul Led] ESL tell ge OB ¢ fel ballavas plidced sr ces Gurbll We pelasd Clby de GS lalry Gygety Gee? ge PAT OIG cde yee TIS ode plowdy Modo) eleven gh Cas! cllvaall of J ASS Ey GS PN Ma gad ay PLL YI (periodos) gy R, Valéry et O. Dumoulin (dir.), Périodes. La construction (3) du temps historique. Actes du V° colloque d'Histoire au présent, Paris, Ed. de l'EHESS, 1991; J. Leduc, «Période, périodisation», in Chr. Delacroix, Fr. Dosse, P. Garcia et N. Offenstadt Gdir.), Historiographies, concepts et débats II, Paris, Gallimard, «Folio Histoire», 2010, p. 830 - 838; pour «Age», voir A. Luneau, L’Histoire du salut chez les Péres de l'Eglise, la doctrine des dges du monde, Paris, Beauchesne, 1964. (Krzysztof Oley Gyn S 4 teicol oii ya li L’Ordre du temps, Paris, Gallimard, 1984, Tpaeall lS _3 Pomian) chap, III «Epoques», p. 101 - 163. i OF T27 sms pe nly 26 a! GS al on cll Lie Mebellt lavas oy pal Oil gb 5 BT dC naed sf get A} Dyleatl aig) EU Lsdl (ep Galawes 0 Kaw GAN remit TAS Gp9 teal le ily BL] i A ety Bealyl CLAY obs ba DY Glan Ibe QJ ae LD Cam eM Oyabey 2 chee cle bys theall I ot la AUS gle pt als be US 5 lb ay de gate OS dad'y fos a sel lyn ce sore He I i! pen OI Lo pratee Leg obi sel sl coleazmeall jybed Lityo ple aes Vin OF se ej Gleil pares WIS 3T cpaleslly Gaall ge CP Seni Wlad ga Lally edie gl gin S Ul 2 ze pod promi Hib NS] hye ge Ll ay de qieelly JURY 35 Bele ge UU AS ial GALI Lal pS y Qacreal BLS ot Sal de ST cde lel ered dy 6B dls A] Sk fh Free gd ibe Me fas Cal lela! dpe Sai & ye ye Eajel Fale ahed be gy Ady bl] GUA! Uybedt ode Uylbmuy Shes BUI 5 IIT LT Ley tag diy Cae I pally seals 4b 4b Gi Spl Lele Ube Wyle 2p captel MAT eos Cals Ul 12 (hs 09 BIg (aI oy Carll SL SUI ed ors Vas ple te tad cans pT gl YI cla a Gee Le fei pte poldl Oa § V] 0000 be oT ta Gs PD esl lal Ly (5 (seculum) 425M LS cals jerdy tle oye dy be Le Mi pnad dae 9f (05,3 + pall fl Se OS) GT Ue yl) HE Coes Byer Deatt pal Of gd] (César) Call O39 sf Jat! Joe je (Péricles) Le 526 Cpe — pireds (92 gl ENG yiye HO aI SLS pean TM AM isis lara the (J pleat B05 Tay oF Seg od of GW OHI OT Et pe lel ae Lal Bee SN ki Be oye 3ST SY jateny dey sf Leaded HII Phe All DI Ny AIK ay 15S» ges HB — HS oye Sl ba coley 1914 gle ge pha pl Tay C1715 ple cgay Sol jb OPIS Gd day ps De gl yg S slo od Ob cyatlal ode BS pa ttl Gober» pt! gel IS) fy ers Dlblky Lives gl GLU dew Y Oly Lidl d| bs OLY I Gilad! Cyt Gb ge VY] HS 3% Y lol OIG cecal AL aglt lS corpol Late ileal ew OF er ale glee dal Ugle cle did Bye pte alll Bl te abd Ol og Pagll ly yo gS ale 053 Jf hae Uy duod Lyre jal phe Le 9e5 Tte Goold! oa Lone AYU cand [Rta Ma fo dab I LEY sary lady 13 Be PU ST cal Seal le gad aimall IS lay Of tll psd SOIT Ulal Wt ob Whol Lis dently DL oly oT gp Jy wees he atl ins Fh age lly coll GUE gl Dye te Bol Jd! Ot Sul Epo y Hina dad be 1d he WAST oF gail Lie ple (3 35h JS + Sash 5 al (Berard Guenée) az8 by Lele BS pb Of Bre Eye e Melee Vl pslall- Gusts erat of Mabel G pall oda Vir [Rts oly Udi YI 3 lp Gabe lubed 4b ge Cte gall Oa SY at fen, bey GW desl jl ze NS ter Gass Of ytally edo G58 gid ghana Wipe SUI Rall yay cdi ae B. Guenée, «Histoire», article «Histoire», in J. Le Goff et (4) J.-Cl. Schmitt (dir.), Dictionnaire raisonné de l’Occident médiéval, Paris, Fayard, 1999, p. 483 - 496. 14 Bolder oe (gyro ge Ugh the JS td dodID 255 Cals DIS yc pBla poles) Uantone Zsa stl Dodds LiL eye) sce BUS el gh (pele sor gs ctll Dbz y fas ye Ne ope I pees Barer bared MN esr tl sf dyall juleall hy cythe abel GLAT LOLS yo bee Gite Uf Ley Lota AS FB pA SAU ESM) Lol Lajladly Brat! I gil ob We Ugg al J Meal all obbes Si, isl. Jet CSS Cel A) YL lee OLY Gp wo Lardl alee Labst esl Beth Esmall aby Golee lp ae 2 ad chal gall dye a9 it gh9 © (Patrick Boucheron) dy 52 5 A rhe lll OA B pL! Oy ibd pLa yt gli, Nobeall oe ots Gut be Cried gee WS ott of oye dell SI Gaull Gyeell deat Galt! Zs SLU samy Gees Bl eds GA Slut any gill P. Boucheron (dir.), Histoire du monde au xv* siecle, Paris, (5) Fayard, 2009. 15 ASS UES Moth Oye cdltes olen of aeorl Jo AM ple ye Lj Laadl pa diy Sell & gh LI Lobby, UGE 3B Mode Cab iy de Ley I] Gy rll Uae AL! galas Yl cyl! (Philippe Norel) 555 Gd GUS .© (L'Histoire économique globale) orisd GLA GB Gremdl- Gesell Lust Clay She Gemoes 4 dy Hae WT Lage JS Yarns Gaal cys OP URRY si) EN OLY jae gb) oe: 6 piay cd pail 42 AI Le si SU ge Valse 1526 op ned LS od LP pSball AGEN 45 550 Lar 3 gis SLs pol LEY BAS SSS Gebel ge USM Gayl opary dat Gd Ly Gall Us gb sd all tell Cbs Ueyere fer Gilly tiled eM Wht Lead tle Ugo olay cals oS] ae dee IU Ll gall (3 lee let ete — Qo Well oda BL ay Ssh wd eGbdly AS OS) a fas of aul SH ell hes] Bah elASI GLE ar ele lates GLE gay aba Syrtll ary EKley ey Gia. (UY! qual ollaol P. Norel, L’Histoire économique globale, Paris, Seuil, 2009, (6) p. 243 - 246. A. Paravicini Bagliani, «Ages de la vie», in J. Le Goff et (7) J. - Cl. Schmitt, Dictionnaire raisonné de l'Occident médiéval, op. cit, p.7-19. 16 Jaze VY Gal GlbLs ar LS ed Bar EI, YY PREY a ySley Sp (Krzysztof Pomian) Oley Ge S Sd Lilt, YY] dbs 31 GU el deh ol gS Uy GLEN BSB Ny pb sig Ge patel amy le phe Sl OAM oye buy Sileg May sb Vl 3 G5 gil (translatio imperii) 34 fa OM By Adds! Shi Sbybleal AT By tl al (1560 — 1497) (Melanchthon) Oytole gid ete oltl Be 1557 (lB Ge tay SL at I gall Sts Shy shh aM DW! Oo (3 3, hss Le Gly Qe (Trois Livres Lass disly eatis ube oh gal Solel des quatre empires souverains, a savoir de Babylone, Gean dlsbu dle 4,>Lal de Perse, de Gréce et de Rome) -(1556 ~ $1506) Sleidan) GU cab FW Grmell- gored! Gdyall Ll sant sl oli ye oly dad Lil Cd yeiy cages oul og thas pall Zope! SU! 5255! «(Saint Augustin) jv (427 _ 413) (Cité de Dieu) al\ KLurJ ent Ges AS os AN pT ge Sa te Cee oer Geen l 231 G4 dash 25s Ml pala o+ WW earl A cy Dn, VII, 13 - 28, (8) -K. Pomian, L’Ordre du temps, op. cit, p. 107 : jail (9) 17 Semel BS NaI gall ope Leabilly ell ell GI AM AT Mesaty asl Gal p Leolly lyst oe ey Legends Ur gehut gly JLil eel aa) ley cia) Spaily Gilles qu dbils Land cangdall hee ot Ell GES (UTM eee Cul Geel od (infantia) JyNV yale) 2M poll Cae I asl ge os Guventus) oLtJly (adolescentia) déal ,aJ1y (pueritia) Lally Jlsls finds (senectus) sty (gravitas) quail, Jat GoM BY say D> ogeedod a geland sh jaydily Gales abla 0455 oT ySar Y aad Goll oj Gleall UG oped 4228S Ley gill elif dade oles ge Sa Lally es KD Ble Oy 8 og bydell 35501 raided ss ge Ml de 42,6 Gill hsb {93 ud Apten Klee Js af e JN! Waa! ULL. (Nabuchodonosor) E> Aaya Nay Uso Coll SLM I Lal [Sloat 355) PEL ol GON GI] JL yb Ul Yety gl Lt Lee ot Gio! laces I fae le Ure oh, ba 537 (10) ool pede gibt ol pedi panel oe dard GSU tg oye Ly Jy Vpwil Bb jens Joy rey re «556 iy (chronographes) (:y 331 Ape «Ordre des temps: chronographie, : ,4il (Francois Hartog) # sje chronologie, histoire» in Recherches de Sciences Sociales, 1910 - 2010. Théologies et vérité au défi de l'histoire, Leuven-Paris, Peeters, 2010, p. 279 sq. «Fils d’homme», Dn, VII, 13. aby 18 OLY gly Cg gene 8 LY uly o peated OF LSU ALT ogi 5 SS adel Win OF Say 2 gb! J] BAS y ILS opie Bt fetes DIL IYI ebsll ye a yell busy! Alig pl Le say Gearerl YAY Flity pall Ja Bale oS. Cand ob po hile ee rvll ell 3,53 le St ES hel Ul Via Qaod pty dt Seth es ol GA) shall Usts Bah GOLA ET op Wale O15 SHUI Go gl gig SI G5LES td all EM I BLsL, JK Lilt wall Ayill 40d yAAU enol AS Wy La EY by od (mundus senescit) tej4 plldW ile carols «fail ode Se By dame gl pall oe Jo 9H 3 Lay, Lyle Ae Al OA del) SLU Sew pall de Stl Sym 4 el pall 855 5 546 O59 SW ghar ge od yw pdneyd obts of sy Ces Ep Lad crap LL I Leal Cabell (5 hat wall oy HY cle! Tle S5G Oles g AU oll! Ladd gd Gay Le dle ps GU ge OLY es c fie al Ui gbee A5 9b y che Jy aebs tBu ib OL gd ball panll ony diSay MAU! By yr0 ler LES AS Le pay Bp tty ILS! dudes Gale Lge Molag sing 19 a2 Ol cond SoU pt ager 9 tong Lats ch Vo SAI pall Oa Ge SIL gay Ul SE gd Que I Liew dike oy oul GIS! (Denys le Petit) tus) yar Moa yg Carla tad Ge] oy thes od pmally (Scythia) PV lec iy cage OT AGI ge costes Lay aeell Epes BB IS OF Soy Mada Ag Lolys Bole HEY Up old ges gant of geod La rN le WS qed Ty cle BN peg glee 3] clin Us age V AU 2S) a 3 gall Geb oy cea darrell ley pl LU SB eps tally pllal os Bri Sh bbs VI Hee Ls] Garza! I tale 0585 SiN Hadas Led gf cemmall Gye KS LD BSB Fe putd ign tally oN, a da dle Jy cegesMl dad a Cd yl oye Bal Jot oye llall go Bate bE yy CValally clea poll ye 25 3 Gerd Si Ve Eyes collard da be Cp, pI Cadell abs Vy ole Clos, Cin AMI SAI CE J dey pall o seen odin 0 sll ysl J Aeecdly LoL Thee wigs oye pb Mle eget dee pall oo Label Gull gel oy Stall oat oy ot Slee 83 phy Sal ford yall J ym Lisle’ gS a al be (Isidore de Séville) ZY! ssa] teal pS St 5.93 GAN Jb (Chronique) sbe\ p siiwany (636 - 570 yes) 20 pK — Vy (Etymologies) AW Cts Wy PY gry 735-673) (Béde le Vénérable) 55351 a AM geld GS J Lolbuy esl the J yetaies jb cll ol plat gteL fe Ul (De temporum ratione) (Vincent de Beauvais) 435 32 Obed (ploumnd ail Ll .725 Gal sa (Royaumont) d y+ y155 oF dee Gall (1260 you) PI copy Cad Gd aut Gad Ast (Speculum historiale) ¢.,\3\ Te. OY Wye o sacl Ge Cel Hels cals a EAT Ob pat honsll pall GZ, CAL MN ay leet YY SST oy dll Ola Base GD Creal abou pay urbe Glad] LS OLS! Sg Tele GA Kr sll Gola (Légende dorée) Tail oo gl ass) Jacques de Voragine) 1) 53 oe Se Basho Of Obs Gly GUE 3 ZI,b aid Gate QIU dal ot Lally Edges See yb yj fb LS coh Lal srg Ml ale Gill all gb Lila CW ity Lines AAS pol hai Cael! othe ele LSD Toetl Gila, dee eer Go Guo eepapll May a fot he decay (taal OLS M3] y Aes (aed J. Le Goff, A la recherche du temps sacré. Jacques de (12) Voragine et la Légende dorée, Paris, Pertin, 2011. 21 Twas SLY ote ye otal Way LIF ceed y Uy Keg sles aakes (ga SP OB tye dgalld J ijrnes Bp 43 0) OLY Ul Ge SALAM y shy (GT Kad Ley GSS clymy po Ul ary cil eM 2 grlsd oo GU edt Cpe cep We dedal ualy Le Hs «LSS WG rd Gye dey BN ope py Ny D gleedl Eyer SO yery PM Ghouls bul 5 A i> Ql gel hill a ge cons ad Ah ct I gel easy cee I) pT gy Shady ta and gal sd y SiS 3) Cyd a5 yay Geena oe tye ay GALA Ey tad IU Rie GUI I all Tali ily apa pps erally oe BIL tlle Na OLIN Gos) Ne gerald ej tle I i> a teal II Ra MG GE lod Sols y Syl ay pain gill ee EL be Gam eat de pila! lla ast bs G2! Ju (Le Siécle p40 ah N pag) o5 4b5 5 (Voltaire) 3) 93 > 51 11751) de Louis XIV) boy gd BIS pally egrets Wal coal Ys Ea S18 op Mane Y oe J) eal 8 tagline Uhre Ql ally Abe Gy 60 Sai oat abet Gl Ol ty HR sy ote 22 US Sta eG BF O58 WaT VEY aT Mins 1593 GS SS 3h ay cyl Uged 25% Coll yprasl gs Deadly pall GW Sk geod Gill tl Ugli «fal dale ger Gd tye gaally Vd 5D calvan pcb arte Ke te lll Ol pl g salle jay IIB pee J Wess Miia deal Lod gay te aL O all 3 VI tal L es) Be W oy A MG Ash Of iy sil oye EF Gils Gill Agel pres Philippe) ahs Hb y days SOF yo ps J Ey ghusly (Démosthéne) dtu yasoy ot Sony eS iy lent sly pad 03 gl da als, gl] dbl, SSI LT paige ( Okey II OES LS pitas Zod ale cshsiy Madera le HII domes eae! Ged (cil 94d Be CN pa) 85 GLO all ols lay) (3 LT A) a 5 all Sle oe ow U5 AY! OLS Lay abs didily Jal gale J dee; ey peel Lond was ILS poly DEW, on Sally dpally tobee fs cols SBY LT Cae 5 1 ols Oy cnteel Lila rad TS Gl Fae fl 3 Kis ale op BUA gh sh 5 MiSs ll Lin GS 3 ey Las] Lael PAE OF ILS Alar oh ASI Milles (Spas dase gll pal LOnbe disp dig bg Soi p pad gall BE temps, op. cit., p. 123 - 125. 23 A) Sk B88 Gj od OTF ued! BaGNI yf Lagi Pe bd OA ge BU Hall Daal Goi YN ced ASU) 3 CQ! Alsls lad Lilyll oleiotl, fanll jared ad Vr] te ltl Oil ose Ell bee ot wail joey eA Bh ym spder Sai Bay Waa yp gt dane ll pal OF YY we soap s915 SH yas 24 dang tt pusalt SLiet ppg lati A rLacthy Sle Sof gb GLY sad Gate de hey oe ABI aed YIM gle of Zane! pile (3 [tle Vas lst> BiG Y OF bb ay LyilS (laiques) (cS Uly optll crated yybl ol Glzel a Lola ema syples Mute Gl test ol U3 aby ley cel sl Ot Gly bd Zane FA MeN Zag) yy SI tab Cb, ttl pees abe ste AN oda BV cell tay] 55 ply qenell othe ll Gel Bt hes cals oil tal oT og ote ply dae gS pasdl ccf leytos 65 OU pS Aptathy pital Leggin OLS 13] act Lewd, all go cpdsle (pumas el ofistias L de ol GAall pallr ch cain ? idl at All oad claw ll (naa pall) ASS cals lay 952 IB GS oe «(Antiquité) WS hp be gay Ae jelio gs TSW (antiquitas) 5 G2) cole PU pee spall apes Grell pall AH yet ‘lay ee PLSI Le cys 20 ye eel Jat (14) 25 heli pte alll OHI dy ote als Oval gy ly Synth egal dor yy allan oye OES al atl pay ple TUB AUS CLS Ohta pay de Ele gad Opto MIS gl taal) Comes Ula Lyal T UH oil Lge Hye CAS Oy Hara ocd 3] Ue Gyel no Lay yale agit Lynr BPs HS My sbl Yl ALG er OLY UB gee cogs Fe tS ES aS gt y Uy gill Jes Lae pa jb trast se Ne Leyte Bae Se oh le pede [sls Cape SH pasdl ob artnall tol ght ots) o bul, GS) --Ovide) 43 33h ly (Virgile) Lx 35 «(Cicéron) d5 -2.5 ooh Bhs elt Ugane dl] Lee ail Lal od als Say Ulf Ly stels cilisce Blt y SLs ped par get roy jae Lgl -(media ztas) (Ua !F.26) pire y gS Mar jolts 2 Bla! ode ptdeal ge dul df rte gl SIO all J Ld (1374 — 1304) (Pétrarque) 1 1 Holbys ete aelbll OI Boland Salar or cle shy (oS pasion IS CGEM lake y UUM oye cL gb 3 oSaill Ups O58) Rude USy Boel dpatew pel syrt Keegy call gle Gyds Ly cel jny SLddy abled, OLS MIS dF LST pgrrend Coole Le oe rel] sesgyemailly Gals AHS OIE Sy! GLI GULLS 5 1469 ple ani Js 614751417) Giovanni Andrea) Lyat fU ye 26 (IIIS Glee pw Chew gi pall Clee) Sani gins media tempestas Lae y)l pall alii? yo: jees OSs Mla Sst SS pb egy Le gb tage sll wall? syle OF pe LASILy Way Lad te Qld OA abs Lb ell pe IS Che GLI Owl gS Lelbay te lll Ol J Cialbaall pyar she gS Mlb ,d ye EVE IS! Botello» Ets Es | sy | cod Wlaxca! a15 (dark ages) Ep gos WS 1688 pL) fy Are AL ol gia BLA] Cp cpl (Christoph Keller (yp )% GLS) Gyn S Pete Gill (Histoire gol eysi5l ailye gl ejzdl § Collarivs) Tal SI Hard athe, bane gl pall Bie go dsl universelle) ple Cac le SEMI tal cplatlend sybl ord cnt TD agles cal elles tyball ode Copel aid 1453 ot phe Call DA AE GU Tle BS alge WS (Rousseau) 45, .,)] (Leibniz) j=. Gres ll Gl 1518 iMedia Fie a es ALIM OgUal Jory Gal 1604 ley Joachim von Watt) 26 335 ply G. L. Burr, «How tll Medium tum i2 ye (Goldast) cul > the Middle Ages got their name?», The American Historical Review, vol. XX, n° 4, Juillet 1915, p. 813 - 814, Lin le 5 gill Gean-Claude Schmitt) eget 215 ole Sly Jill 27 Raheny Sy phe aetdl Opal Ua yo HS ar Uy Y ols y Wise GIVI Gary ey LU Ys dwell wall ates 5 gS) (Notre-Dame de Paris) ls j395 ool pM ats GU Laydl Lyall Gali sl «(Victor Hugo) so 50 Gest BES Glea] J ga tll WIS ST Ls J 1821 ple Wut g (Monumenta Germaniae Historica) sl pull Lilet B45 solve rd ass 1824-1819 ple 3 IFS ety GB gle Jd dhwy AI LL Lobbyy dail oP US of typ 11840 lll 545 2S: Of (Victor Cousin) 315 55 cobyyo5ly & WAS) deg pad! Lagl Jy GeV! dad Atl of Oda, op typloy deals le US god be Wale gay aly Tp Colarrly Cale ened gil dawy pl SIM Co bees! pall Sosy gyat gb CLS! GI] 465 (1937-1870) (Charles Haskins) ;S.0 3), (The Renaissance of the Twelfth “” te ol oll Lag (Mare Bloch) &s4 S5u gill Ct toby pb Century) belay GE par Gl] col pul Laws (1944 - 1886) Gli y Gane gpa le Colshulsl 905) OLS) Tall Be OY cgetagell Ga Genel eae Gllaradll sa gy Victor Cousin, GEuvres, t. I: Cours de l'histoire de la (16) philosophie, Bruxelles, Hauman & C"*, 1840, p. 17. Ch, H. 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I) oy oJ] aseuy 1840 ple (College de France) «i154 EY 3 HY beg gig SU OB lel OV bs ye be BL, 355 CAS cher pall gb 5% ATV, Epes ssl ESM y Leg dy Ogi clalall oye taraiee (nytill pall cell andl ool sf digg 5 at pyuall pall Oo] Us Mina OS U3 OT ge Shad Cte Yoltl Oa! fs gi ol 30 dd le le GAS us Be Raed! UUs ob We cing PANS Sed gull ley WE GI] Hl cd yal «f (Montaigne) shige plbcal AB pgm Eye yey clam sll (nAdl asl Cella (1581 — 1580) LSU] J ely obs Vy cape pall GLI add prey gh di gall all U0 aly. 4 (Joachim] Du Bellay) ek: «52 [etl ye] al YY) aby oe (1558) (Antiquités de Rome) log) 4,2) wee ane ced Ua] deal Leyte Lge LY abled it gill Agel be 3) ce Gedy Glace! ght Q till Lia BOUT Go A cpejll olde Ley) CUES Caroll oye ory (Romulus) ys y09) J} ad GU Gage abd oy Tar yall ode SL S315) stall J 753 ple (Remus) yo yas eel aged ileal LeU OY randl LS doy ye OS PF ee ot WY Saou pb anal Gain G Wi ye WY cane cel jatar segs (pall oa! ego aler gl 3 5AU lee ps as eees ill lll 3 Le pastes ws ey UWI oy55 (Charlemagne) OLS Ls 53 ce pls els chat TytH Syl toy Lreall Lees ad, «Sal pla dsl! Ly ast J (Commune) tot SI ede dareny .cyill Gaal, (G5) @ Lobys) Hew! Zul, Mag claves 599 gb Say! Ero pasall 31 Cedall al okt Le SLEVL UI ded! 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(21) 33 antl y ebay feats IS OW GB ping oe W pai Gebel E55 coy MB SGD nd bey Ga pbb yo Maly the pas By po chy ysl BP eral ary dey Hornell OaLsI go trs gd wolsinall JS dla Logi! Chile yay AU Obs OL pi Soy JB y Hana} Dade ye ll shard a INI pall A Obaie «Jean-Claude Schmitt) cyo4 9415 dle pte QI o all Uy » vm Lp LS og tll paljall pie i gal Ladys gud, A pnt Of Kay Mall (55. (Blanche de Castille) “p05 ees Jae gle SL east Vy Es thigh lie ye dee Ul pele ABT a a Al Ub pee gall or alll ese Fx LS) gay cotta aut Vy chilace Sin} b> dl) huts of yu L’Ancien Testament) Gp SiaS) GUS oy. (Pentateuque) ined pry jlind Sf Lge SEM ey Syl be fo Cat LA Yel FAL Bae od Gl og sla jl olay aad By BAD UG YS AN Ly pnad Of eps Mio yd ye Rs J,-Cl. Schmitt, «L'imaginaire du tomps dans histoire (22) chrétienne», in PRIS-MA, t. 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OI B pla § All plas fous BIR (Ugadlary Ug Card ol Lust! yalranll ge Cay as DLS op Fecal oye gS poze claws diy cy ghasll We ans 455 + (Du Cange) gil 52 Jarl Lew cilia poet cts ell 3 Labia aby Gall perrenell y ba ell J jedull (1688 — 1610) TW Sbodnes oy ya Lhuy a LSU Up Lo pli (Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis) \iiNy Jax y\ (Dom Jean Mabillon) Oyb oy (p52) WIS y (1678) Oar he po Bb foe gl GS] aL tI «(1707 — 1632) cl Glee gle (Saint - Germain - des - Prés) 4 SP 37 (De re diplomatica) Ugh ple pb ys oS Us te yy U pegs bey label, lates ple pI) wy 6(1681) gtd 3329) May gacly daaall OLLI ple Yoda, isWL 5 gill (Lodovico Antonio Muratori) .5, 1) 5« (Rerum cSlasY 350 OLES oy op pty WL ely gle Wace Cole Slee «(1751 — 1723) Italicarum Scriptores) dn Ogle olasil J St BG bes padl Wed! Bas! lest ol ad Shake ge AUN lie Le poe lf pte ell) pte ell God Co at J <9 exgzall (3) 504 (Amaldo Momigliano) bse oles led 6 Je aeel tase) Xe GL Syl Hao GAs GUT J ans Ola BU UG Ba Nope Salsa y abi af yy AY Sid Late Gast OY uersall lle Upto oye ellie A Slee Cai ply Cue aay cb cal jor Sam Bb QU alas pte JUlOa ph be bad go ab saga We 3 ala Joe agi UES) gs aed Pl Oa JS deg pb ot LSS I Gal of stay daltls (G9 Nguil S QSax rs qv wd SYjbu pte A. Momigliano, Problémes d'historiographie ancienne et (26) ‘moderne, trad. A. 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Paris, Belin, 1998, 39 G92 GUI (L’Abrége méthodique de l'histoire de France) Gogh a A Lis Syl dled pSeul 346 Lb jc (Desmarets de OV) y» Ol» yo alu (Le Jeu de cartes) ES Le lated J y> 0 shed «(1676 — 1595) Saint-Sorlin) esl erp de BIS eee Id yell eels 99 1683 ple o p25 gal Sst pemnall pelea GS Le le Voss Yiyoyls cowl gill «(de Fleury) 6,98 Col FS od able PLN of ei VS w ble Pad dV] USS camel ly PEN cae ails yay plc tale Weall par Ot Kary he ell OBI Ylyy pte cpl dal oe pase ha gd} yah Hs il opty OLS Le LS gd AVL as Gd dele i) SIT pa slel yay alice Tine, plas gy 0 paadtal cP YG coetasell oe ot PUY oF galled get jall red PBL pol GH 45 «Bollandistes) to YJ \l 5 sy «(1665 — 1596) (Jean Bolland) oY», ol- ao J.-CL. Dhotel, Les Origines du :Jltal) Joo le pail (29) catéchisme moderne d'aprés les premiers manuels imprimés en France, Paris, Aubier, 1967, p. 431: OV paral obs le gagld yo gaye fll J baby VI aa pe Ande 5 yet cpa) ded CASI ad BGA mall egal HLS st) renal! 40 ra) s(Acta sanctorum) onus! US 5 1643 oy Uy JES Qdy greplilll lod Leaded! opal ola JIE ye dnb! oie JUS! Os: Agee baiy (ghd wSL BAe ols Wepes 1882 oye ly Upee Gey do ye Dele Sl jldof LLY Wa od s> QS .(Analecta Bollandiana) TY y3\ ols! OA Abad ay Gey gh jet JB geball 3 oe Fuca ys daw gl pe ent Rested 5S all yay Bp) AS Cod ou L Os CBIEN Stall 0 ALS pte call OA ge XVI QU GS Celt SIE ptr Kall po all (9 63 ISL Le de (Maison royale de 55) Oly 45! UI ss 1776 ple Ole den phe ope ye Sel ly feed Gils J Saint-Louis) pba Mid G55 poll Gag pass yal (Sain-Cyr) «(Historia magistra vitae) GLa sl. qv QJ dana Gage IS poled U3 oF yoy Ld 3 G13) eo pan A Sy VBE olny cortlee Goch y+ on 9S J Lely vod Lal BE om tally grape ct AalLeSt 1802 cle (Bonaparte) o pb da ws ale CAB OL (gsi pablo Ube] Quel uw ane! BY lS Ly oP SSL tye i Ul dole Ui AUS po ated By og ltl pala B agate ag pa Gadel 41 «(Marcel Gauchet) tye Jo Jays sVy GyLil ear pAily 61819 ple UALS Alen! 3 Gesell 5jtle Coudl 5f sly Ul .1820 pe Get Las Obaeal 5 Gebel tale LS see 29 1830 ple cttsT a LIL Aad abl 3 5 al BED ae gill Leja pagel J yo Vibe 53 be 0 ge Gel 1821 ple Keb Og GB Tb ill ball a egal cles Vr Coane (gil Jalal og Ay asl Js LS Les By ddl pall Gubiy Lag steclly Gesilly Gaull ab) La ccdgall AUS plSad dat tg oul Guirul Le Ke Cerna ASE ob el yer (ea sE os sd Gd ull le ela Y Bal Jel Koala yl Gare Gill eal Sas Iss 3 3 ead swat OF rg Gan Eh LI GB te etl od Gey He 3 OWS Guizot) 9555 Colt) lb dS lel ciel! CASHIN 15454 18485 1830 -y (Louis-Philippe) A135 9) UI ap ES O95 AU pad tly cgeyell pale Uhais of sl pela ja5y dS (Victor Duruy) 54552 a3 OM HT gy IW Oy hE Age 5 18695 1863 on sie dh yléy (Emest Lavisse) pdY Cy] ye JS ols (Charles Seignobos) 5s. JjL+s (Gabriel Monod) le de My cyst agell slay Bylie cary ame on 42 sud (Histoire de France) wis Gy AS anol Geel Ul Gees OES I] LLY ea Sos gd) 0 Ge a ysl OT Sad cgaeledll pled! ob Gy! Ska] J] EL tl a B Laasce)l ol SI Gey IE ge bad dali OP BLS ode Shee ST 305 Bd 9d Gill ad! Go Llal cals, SEB Gay ZG ads Jlisly dle Bee ath Vanda Sj, Y OS ALS Lia OF by she caer gill Coy Sy galel rll Od! fp Bbaty dS! Guill ey bel wy LL dl pl) Gust prt OLS) -pplll Wigh Weis te dey epte oll Ol Sl, ie (Wittenberg) 7 ww 3 Pl Sak y J) (Marbourg) gy ye Leake (gb Lge Liye Aplus ll (Tibingen) gay 95 dake Jy 1527 ple coal WSs ecg AT Bales O58! Gest jaya OISy .1536 — 1535 na fr S tele 3 etl Gl BUY) QUE pS J rjliea! Jlil wejedl Wa Gi) Gall elt thay Eleeel GO) P. Garcia et J. Leduc, «Enseignement de !’histoire en France», in Chr. Delacroix, F. Dosse, P. Garcia et N. Offenstadt (dir.), Historiographies, Concepts et débats I, op. cit. p. 104 - 111. ASM LU le) Hy Lol Li, Clad GD A. Momigliano, Tra storia e Storicismo, Pise, «WW o5 WI 2S! Nistri - Lischi, 1985, 43 gil ably Gast gS stb] Jy 11544 ole (KOnigsberg) wo 5 sth] Bs (Greifswald) slit 2 3 Yd i J gpl ee S AB] gs 1548 ple (Tena) bal 3 GEV, gu tal gs $1558 gle Heidelberg) ¢ Jule J Zatlly abil Cede ime Je S pot Lely .1564 ple (Rostock) 4) yy -1738 ple (Vienne) 5 (35 1568 ple (Fribourg) gold 3 Sila fod Gp Uitae dike 251 fall Of Jail gS (Gottingen) gai ye nel cles 116505 1550 on gel pall Gyn re All Oa ge IS eal ge Uy eu gual oS GB pall Ladd ope gull gS Erg Of HIS Ler Lod 3 addons 955 Le le ill GG atl aye 33 gill (1815 — 1733) (Carsten Niebuhr) 54.3 2S 2 Daye 39995 Ey hell Lobby pb bel an Lo site Obey Il ge hr) Bat 5 gNl (1903 - 1817) (Theodor Mommsen) cde pal ay tll BES Ue G tT oly I ge Ges gee 3 cbaeall Lda 3 Gu (Sy LAN AS] cals, BGS pall Gest y 11622 Jew dygtS bP tS pull tl GF cated aut Bas all Ls 1627 ska gonls EPA 3 da sind of eye JS og 1724 (Bale) Jy tnale J Qu Ge S del dee 1659 plo 44

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