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(1.1) corrosion:
Corrosion has been defined as the undesirable deterioration of metal or alloy. i.e. interactions of the metal or alloy with its environment that adversely affects on those properties of metals or alloy that are preserved. Most important factors which affect corrosion are: Composition, microscopic structure, stress, emf potential of metal or alloy And chemical nature, concentration of reactive species, pressure, temperature of environment. And also metal environment interface.

(1.2) galvanic corrosion:

When two different metallic materials are electrically connected and placed in a conductive solution, an electric potential will exist. This potential difference will provide a stronger driving force for dissolution of the less noble (more electrically negative) material.

The less resistive metal becomes anode and more resistive metal becomes cathode. While the relative differences in potential will change from one environment to another, they remain fundamentally same, since the potential is related to energy required to oxidize them to metal ions in the given environment.

(1.3) significance:
the significance of this becomes more apparent when a variety of materials are listed in order of their electrical potential in a familiar environment called galvanic corrosion series, in which the more precious metals of gold and platinum are at the high potential(more noble), while zinc, magnesium are at the low potential(less noble).

(1.4) examples:
Galvanized steel in which zinc to sacrificially protect a steel part

Galvanic corrosion is often experienced in homes where more copper water tubing is connected to the older existing carbon steel water lines.

A more spectacular example occurred in yhe statue of liberty that galvanic corrosion had taken place between copoper skin and wrought iron support.

The severity of galvanic corrosion depends on the corrosion current density at the anode surface, and this in turn depends on several factors:

(2.1) electrical resistance of the metal path:

The higher the electrical resistance in the metal path between the pair of metals, the weaker the corrosion current and the amount of galvanic corrosion is less. If corrosion products form in the faying surfaces, they may increase the resistance and prevent further galvanic action.

(2.2) conductivity of the solution:

The higher the conductivity of the solution, less the electrical resistance in the solution path, and greater the galvanic current. e.g. in pure water galvanic corrosion tends to be negligible, but increase with the hardness of water(since conductivity increase with hardness), while galvanic corrosion is severe in sea water.

(2.3) cathode to anode area ratio:

The size of the cathode area controls the amount of corrosion current, while the size of anode area controls the current density. The lower the ratio of cathode area to anode area, the less severe the galvanic corrosion means in which there is a large cathode and small anode. The influence of cathode to anode area ratio in sea water can be illustrated by the case of Al and steel rivets in steel and Al plates as shown in figure.


fig. ( b )

In case (a), with an Al rivet head in a steel plate, the small rivet head attempt to feed current to a large area of plate and will soon be consumed and also due to potential difference. In case (b), the steel rivet head accepts only a small amount of current which is trying to flow from large area of Al plate. Thus there is much less total corrosion and very much less loss of Al in any one place.

(2.4) polarization:
Polarization is the main factor that prevents prediction of the severity of corrosion from a galvanic series. Some couple polarizes strongly so that very little amount of current required for corrosion and vise versa.

(2.5) distance effect:

Accelerated corrosion due to galvanic effects is usually greatest near the junction, with attack decreasing with increasing distance from the junction. two metal corrosion is readily recognized by the localize attack near the junction.


(3.1) select combination of the metals as close together as possible in the galvanic series. (3.2) avoid the unfavorable area effect of a small anode and large cathode. (3.3) insulate dissimilar metals wherever it is possible. it is important to insulate completely if possible. So they are not in electric contact. so there can be no galvanic set up. this can be done by using plastic, Bakelite or other insulating materials. (3.4) apply coating with caution. Keep the coatings in good repair, particularly the on the anodic member. Coating the two materials. If it is not possible to coat both, the coating will be applied to more noble, the material with higher potential. (3.5) add inhibitors, if possible, to decrease the aggressiveness of the environment. (3.6) in welded joint using weld of the same alloy are even better. (3.7) install third metal which is anodic to both metals in galvanic contact. e.g. if copper + cast iron in which Zn is anodic to both. (3.8) if we do metallic coating on metal, coated metal should be less noble then base metal called sacrificial coating.

Galvanic corrosion has several beneficial applications

(4.1) dry cell batteries:

Dry cells and other primary batteries derive their electric power by galvanic corrosion of an electrode. The driving force for corrosion is the potential difference between the two metals. On this principle dry cell batteries work. The carbon electrode acts as a cathode (noble) and Zn as anode which corrodes. The moist paste between electrodes is the corrosive environment that carries current.

(4.2) catholic protection:

Use one or more sacrificial anodes made of a metal which is more active than the protected metal. Metals commonly used for sacrificial anodes including Zn, Mg, Al etc. galvanized steel is the classic example of cathodic protection of steel.

(4.3) cleaning silver:

Useful application of galvanic corrosion for cleaning silverware in the home.In this process, a simple electrochemical cleaning method consist of placing the silver in an Al pan or foil containing water and baking soda. The current generated by the contact

between silver and Al causes silver sulfide to be reduced back to silver. No silver actually removed. The silver is then rinsed and washes in warm soapy water. It saves wear and tear on the silver.


Hand book by A. PHILIP.

Corrosion engineering by MARS G. FONTANA. GOOGLE SEARCH(Wikipedia)

Corrosion of light metals by W. B. JEPSON.

Corrosion (volume 1) L. L. SHREIR.

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