Pembahasan Soal Listening

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1. Woman : How inexpensive these shoes are!
Man : Do you really think so?
Question : What does the man imply?
a. The shoes are really cheap.
b. The shoes suit the woman very much.
c. The shoes are expensive.
d. The woman should think before buying them.
Jawaban: c
Key Word: inexpensive, do you really think so?
Key Problem: exclamations, negative prefix
Kuncinya terletak pada kata seru serta prefix negatif. Si pria melontarkan pertanyaan “Do you
really think so?” untuk menyatakan ketidaksetujuannya terhadap opini si wanita.

2. Man : What would do if your boss walked in right now?

Woman : I’d wish I were dead.
Question : What does the woman mean?
a. She does not want the boss to come in at this moment
b. She’d like to be with her boss now
c. She’ll pretend to be dead
d. She’s not feeling very well
Jawaban: a
Key Word: I’d wish I were dead
Key Problem: wishes, Idioms
Kata ‘wish’ dapat digunakan sebagai idiom untuk mengekspresikan perasaan, tanpa
menunjukkan makna yang sebenarnya. Seperti contoh di atas, si wanita mengucapkan “I’d wish
I were dead’, bukan berarti ia benar‐benar menginginkan hal itu, tapi merupakan caranya
mengekspresikan bahwa ia tidak ingin bertemu dengan atasannya.

3. Man : Before I moved to California I lived in Maine

Woman : Oh, I thought you lived in Chicago
Question : Where does the man live now?
a. Maine
b. Chicago
c. California
d. Manhattan
Jawaban: c
Key Word: before
Key Problem: order of events, previous action
Yang mungkin menjadi masalah adalah urutan peristiwa. Si pria berkata “before I moved to
California” yang menegaskan bahwa ia pernah tinggal di kota lain sebelum memutuskan untuk
tinggal di California.

4. Woman : Which model is the best for me in your opinion, the two‐door, the four‐door
or the hatchback?
Man : Well, I prefer the two‐door, but for you, I think the hatchback is best, not the
four door.
Question : Which model will the woman probably buy?
a. the hatchback
b. the four‐door
c. none of them
d. the two‐door
Jawaban: a
Key Word: in your opinion, for you, is the best
Key Problem: comparatives, reference (listening)
Si wanita memberikan tiga pilihan mobil yang menurutnya bagus dan si pria memberikan
opininya. Kemungkinan besar si wanita akan membeli mobil sesuai dengan pendapat si pria.
5. Man : What’s the matter? You’re looking flushed.
Woman : It’s the food. It’s so spicy.
Question : What is the woman’s opinion of the food?
a. she’s too rushed to eat it.
b. It’s very hot
c. It’s too expensive
d. It’s been cooked too quickly
Jawaban: b
Key Word: flushed, the food, spicy
Key Problem: cause and effect, similar sounding words, synonyms
Kata kuncinya adalah kata ‘flushed’ yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan si wanita. Yang
menyebabkan wajah si wanita memerah adalah makanan pedas yang disantapnya.

6. Woman : I feel much better now I’ve started walking to work.

Man : Are you eating less too?
Question : Why does the woman feel better?
a. Because she’s eating less
b. Because she’s working harder at work
c. Because the man cares about her
d. Because she’s taking exercise
Jawaban: d
Key Word: feel better, walking
Key Problem: cause and affect
Percakapan ini menunjukkan faktor sebab dan akibat. Si wanita merasa kondisi tubuhnya lebih
baik sejak ia mulai berjalan kaki menuju tempat kerjanya.

7. Man : Well, so long!

Woman : But you have only just arrived!
Question : What is the man going to do?
a. Stay a long time
b. Leave
c. Go along with the others
d. Go for a walk
Jawaban: b
Key Word: so long
Key Problem: exclamation, next action
Kunci dalam percakapan di atas adalah kata ‘so long’ yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan
‘goobye’ atau ‘see you’, tapi tak ada kaitannya dengan kata ‘long’ yang bermakna panjang.
Ketika si pria mengucapkan ‘so long’, berarti ia akan segera pergi meninggalkan lawan

8. Man : I wouldn’t buy anything from that store if I were you.

Woman : I wasn’t planning to.
Question : What does the man advice the woman to do?
a. Not to do as he would do
b. Not to buy anything from this particular store
c. To start planning what to buy
d. To buy from this store
Jawaban: b
Key Word: wouldn’t, if I were you
Key Problem: Conditions, idioms, negatives
Terdapat syarat, idiom serta kalimat negatif pada percakapan di atas. Si pria menggunakan
kalimat “I wouldn’t buy anything from that store if I were you” sebagai saran agar si wanita tak
membeli apapun dari toko tersebut.

9. Woman : The illustrations in this book are superb.

Man : And that’s all that’s good about the book.
Question : What is good about the book?
a. Everything
b. Nothing
c. The drawings
d. The price
Jawaban: c
Key Word: illustrations, superb, that’s all that’s good
Key Problem: Synonyms, inference (listening)
Kata ‘superb’ disini memiliki arti yang sama dengan ‘very good’. Kalimat “And that’s all that’s
good about the book” yang diucapkan oleh si pria menegaskan opininya bahwa satu‐satunya
yang bagus dari buku tersebut hanyalah ilustrasinya.
10. Man : If we invite all your relatives to the wedding, there’ll be one hundred and
thirty guests.
Woman : And that’s not counting my fourteen classmates.
Question : How many guests will be coming to the wedding?
a. 130
b. 170
c. 116
d. 144
Jawaban: d
Key Word: one hundred and thirty, not counting, fourteen
Key Problem: computation, synonyms
Frase ‘not counting’ merupakan sinonim dari ‘not including’. Jadi 130 ditambah 14 sama dengan

11. Man : Does this soup contain monosodium glutamate? I’m allergic to it.
Woman : I think all the food in this restaurant has it.
Question : What won’t the man do?
a. He won’t get an allergy
b. He will not eat at this restaurant
c. He will not eat anything else expect the soup
d. He won’t eat any the soups
Jawaban: b
Key Word: allergic, all the food
Key Problem: cause and effect, inference (listening)
Percakapan di atas menunjukkan sebab dan akibat. Si pria menyatakan bahwa ia alergi
terhadap monosodium glutamat. Karena restoran itu menggunakannya untuk semua
masakannya, ia tak mau makan di tempat itu.

12. Woman : You’re going home already?

Man : What does it look like?
Question : What is the man doing?
a. Looking for her home
b. Leaving for home
c. Leaving home
d. Going to the woman’s home
Jawaban: b
Key Word: going home, already, what does it look like?
Key Problem: intonation, idioms, reference (Listening)
Pernyataan negatif yang dibuat menjadi pertanyaan menunjukkan bahwa si wanita menduga si
pria akan pulang meskipun ia tidak menginginkannya pulang dahulu, terutama dengan adanya
tambahan kata keterangan ‘already’ di akhir kalimat yang menunjukkan bahwa sebenarnya saat
itu belum waktunya bagi si pria untuk pulang. Jawaban si pria sesungguhnya menunjukkan
makna “Yes, I am.”

13. Man : How about a stroll before lunch?

Woman : Why not?
Question : What are the man and the woman going to do?
a. Have lunch
b. Go shopping
c. Eat a roll
d. Go for a walk
Jawaban: d
Key Word: stroll, before, how about, why not?
Key Problem: synonyms, next action
Kata kunci dalam percakapan di atas adalah ‘stroll’. Kalimat ‘going for a stroll’ adalah sinonim
dari ‘go for a walk’.

14. Man : Wendy’s just gone to Washington.

Woman : Really? She’s just come from there.
Question : What’s Wendy doing now?
a. Traveling from Washington
b. Traveling to Washington
c. Staying in Washington
d. Arriving from Washington
Jawaban: b
Key Word: just gone
Key Problem: order of events, inference (listening)
Kata kuncinya adalah ‘just gone’. Ucapan “ just gone to Washington” menunjukkan bahwa
menurut si pria Wendy baru saja berangkat ke Washington, sementara jawaban si wanita “She’s
just come from there” berarti bahwa Wendy baru saja tiba dari Washington. Percakapan di atas
tidaklah membingungkan, sebab ucapan kedua orang itu bisa saja benar, Wendy mungkin baru
saja tiba dari Washington, namun kemudian berangkat lagi.
15. Woman : So, what do you think of the concert?
Man : We couldn’t have better seats and the music couldn’t have been better.
Question : What did the man think of the concert?
a. Their seats weren’t good enough
b. The music could have been better
c. He didn’t like it at all
d. He liked it very much
Jawaban: d
Key Word: couldn’t have had, shouldn’t have been
Key Problem: negative, exaggeration
Kata kuncinya adalah ‘couldn’t have had’ dan ‘shouldn’t have been’. Meskipun kalimat yang
diucapkan oleh si pria negatif tapi sesungguhnya bermakna positif, yang berarti bahwa si pria
sangat menyukai konser tersebut.

Man : New York, New York

Woman : Excuse me?
Man : New York. Aren’t you going with us to New York?
I thought everybody was going.
Woman : Oh, I don’t know. It’s such a big city, and you know I hate big cities. And in any
case, New Yorkers irritate me.
Man : Watch it. You’re talking to a New Yorker?
Woman : You’re a New Yorker? I thought you said you were from Connecticut.
Man : Well, that is where my family live now. But originally we lived in the Big Apple.
I was born there, not far from the Brooklyn Bridge.
Woman : So, maybe I should go. You can show me all the sights.
Man : Um, there’s a problem there. I was only four when we moved to Connecticut.
Of course, I’ve been there now and again since then, but I don’t really know
my way around. Don’t forget I’ve been down here in Georgia for over three
years. And I was in Thailand for two years before that when my dad was
attached to the embassy there.
Woman : Nevertheless, you have aroused my interest. And I think I would feel safer
being escorted by a real New Yorker.
Man : But I thought you said that New Yorkers irritated you.
Woman : Ah, yes but they are the ones who have never been anywhere else, and think
New York is the center of the universe.
Man : Isn’t it?
Woman : Oh, shut up. Anyway, put me down for the trip.
16. Where does this conversation probably take place?
a. In New York
b. In Connecticut
c. In Brooklyn
d. In Georgia
Jawaban: D
Key Word: I’ve been, here
Key Problem: location, inference (listening)
Kata ‘have been’ (bentuk present perfect tense) yang diucapkan oleh si pria menunjukkan
bahwa ia masih tinggal di Georgia.

17. What is not a reason for the woman’s lack of interest in the New York trip?
a. It’s such a big city
b. The man comes from New York
c. She is irritated by New York
d. She might feel unsafe there.
Jawaban: b
Key Word: I thought you came from Connecticut
Key Problem: NOT – type question
Kata kunci dari pertanyaan di atas adalah “I thought you came from Connecticut”. Wanita itu
belum tahu sebelumnya jika si pria lawan bicaranya berasal dari New York, jadi tidak mungkin
alasan itulah yang membuatnya enggan ke New York.

18. Why is the woman irritated by New Yorkers?

a. They don’t stop talking
b. They never travel anywhere
c. They think too highly of their own city
d. They are not safe to be with
Jawaban: c
Key Word: they think, center of the universe
Key Problem: Fact (listening)
Menurut si wanita, penduduk New York beranggapan bahwa New York merupakan pusat dari
alam semesta, karena alasan itulah ia sedikit sebal terhadap penduduk New York, terutama
yang belum pernah bepergian keluar kota.
19. What can we infer about the woman’s feeling when she tells the man to shut up?
a. She’s angry
b. She’s amused
c. She’s bored
f. She’s defensive
Jawaban: b
Key Word: Oh, shut up. Anyway, put me down for the trip.
Key Problem: inference (listening), intonation
Biasanya ‘shut up’ diucapkan saat sedang marah, tapi dalam konteks percakapan di atas, dapat
diartikan si wanita sedang bercanda. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari kesanggupan si wanita untuk ikut
dalam perjalanan menuju New York.

Before you try out for the basketball team, I’d like to tell you a little about the history of the
sport, which is now over 100 years old. It is a very American game being invented in America by
an American as a way to help Americanize immigrants, but also to help them retain their
ethnicity and their national pride, and also as a way to get people living in their own areas to
meet other ethnic groups by playing together. The first teams were ethnic, Poles from Detroit,
Irish from Brooklyn, Germans from Buffalo, but now the teams are national, filled with
professionals, with the best, the fastest and often the tallest players. Earlier coaches thought
big men were too clumsy to play basketball, but now the big men often have the speed and ball
handling ability of shorter men, that is bellow six feet six inches. Now, don’t worry you guys
who are five foot ten, you can still make great basketball players; but you must be strong, fast
and train hard. So, who’s for the team?

20. What was the reason given for the invention of basketball?
a. To get more immigrants to come to the U.S
b. To help immigrants live in the U.S
c. To get people to move to new areas
d. To get people to live together
Jawaban: b
Key Word: as a way, to americanize, immigrants
Key Problem: fact (listening), synonyms
Pada wacana di atas, disebutkan bahwa permainan basket dimaksudkan untuk
meng’Amerika’kan para imigran, yang artinya membantu para imigran agar dapat menjadi
orang Amerika yang sesungguhnya dan dapat hidup di Amerika selayaknya penduduk asli
21. What did coaches earlier think was the problem with tall players?
a. They were too tall
b. They were not professional
c. They were too strong
d. They had poor ball handling
Jawaban: d
Key Word: clumsy
Key Problem: fact (listening), synonyms
Kata kuncinya adalah ‘clumsy’. Disebutkan pada awalnya para pelatih beranggapan bahwa pria‐
pria tinggi cenderung ‘clumsy’, berkaitan dengan ketidakmampuan untuk mengoper bola.

22. What does the coach think is a tall man?

a. Six foot
b. Six feet six inches and over
c. Six feet six inches
d. Six feet ten inches
Jawaban: b
Key Word: shorter, below, six feet six inches
Key Problem: Fact (listening)
Pelatih menyebutkan bahwa para pemain yang dikategorikan pendek adalah yang tingginya di
bawah enam kaki enam inci.

23. What would probably happen next?

a. The listeners will play some basketball
b. The listener will go home
c. The listeners will enroll for the basketball team
d. The listeners will continue listening to the coach
Jawaban: a
Key Word: try out, who’s for
Key Problem: next action, continuation (listening)
Kuncinya terletak pada kata‐kata ‘try out’ serta ‘who’s for’. Telah disebutkan di awal bahwa
para penonton datang untuk ikut serta dalam uji coba tim basket. Di akhir kalimat, si pelatih
menanyakan “Who’s for the team?” yang berarti bahwa mereka akan segera diuji coba.
Our lecture today will be a combination of geography, history and anthropology and even
modern tourism. Many travelers with a penchant for adventure have visited China’s Silk Road.
But most have seen only the northern part which is fast becoming a popular tourist spot.
However, the southern route is also well worth visiting. It is the most important in history but
the least well known part of the Silk Road. For over a millennium until the Ming Dynasty traffic
thronged along this link between China, Central Asia, Middle East and Europe. You’ve all heard
of Marco Polo. Well, he travelled on this southern route, not the northern one. And this was
way back in the twelve hundreds. It was development of sea routes between Europe and the
East, together with changes in the climate, in the political situation that eventually brought an
end to its importance as a major trade route. Now, something about the people.

24. Which subject will probably not be covered in this lecture?

a. Politics
b. History
c. Geography
d. Tourism
Jawaban: a
Key Word: a combination of, and even
Key Problem: NOT – type questions, main topic (listening)
Si pembicara menyebutkanbahwa topik yang akan dibicarakan dalam perkuliahan meliputi
geografi, sejarah dan juga pariwisata, tapi politik tidak termasuk di dalamnya.

25. What is the main topic of this lecture?

a. A penchant for adventure
b. Marco Polo
c. The major trade routes to the East
d. The southern part of the Silk Road
Jawaban: d
Key Word: however, the most important
Key Problem: main topic (listening)
Ceramah itu dimulai dengan menyebutkan bagian utara Silk Road tapi kemudian dilanjutkan
dengan penjelasan mengenai bagian selatan Silk Road.
26. For how long was the Silk Road used as trade route?
a. A million years
b. Twelve hundred years
c. A millennium
d. Two thousand years
Jawaban: c
Key Word: over a millennium
Key Problem: Fact (listening), synonyms
Kuncinya terletak pada frase ‘over a millennium’. Si pembicara mengatakan bahwa telah banyak
pedagang yang berlalu lalang di Silk Road selama lebih dari satu milenium.

27. What was not a reason for the decline in the importance of the Silk Road?
a. Politics
b. People
c. Climate
d. New sea routes
Jawaban: b
Key Word: sea routes, climate, the political situation
Key Problem: NOT – type Question
Yang menjadi kata kuncinya adalah ‘sea routes’, ‘climate’ dan ‘the political situation’. Si
pembicara menyebutkan sebab‐sebab yang membuat berakhirnya Silk Road sebagai lalu lintas
perdagangan, tapi faktor manusia tak termasuk.

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