(InCompany 3.0 Pre-Intermediate) End-Of-Course Test

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End of course test

Section 1: Vocabulary and Grammar (1–24)
Part A
Read the conversation and circle the correct word in italics.
A: Would you mind if I had a (1) quick / long look at your newspaper?
B: No, (2) get / go ahead. Are you waiting for a flight?
A: Yes, but unfortunately, it’s (3) delayed / missed.
B: Yes, (4) me / mine is, too. I wonder if I could ask you a (5) help / favour?
A: What is it?
B: Could you (6) let / lend me your mobile phone? My phone is being repaired.
A: Actually, I’m not very (7) keen / happy on the idea.
B: Oh, all right. Not to (8) problem / worry.

Part B
Find the extra word in each sentence and cross it out.
9 He has worked here in 2008.
10 When did was the company founded?
11 I lived in Delhi for since three years.
12 He says me he’ll ring tomorrow morning with an answer.
13 I’m will going to apply for the job.
14 His contract isn’t being renewed by.
15 If you don’t leave now, you’ll won’t miss the plane.
16 If we would invested time and money in our website, we would sell much more.

Part C
Reorganize the letters in the box to form words. Then use the words to complete the sentences.
kcech   ​motbot   ​lead   ​socuf   ​goarbind   ​drah   ​labcane   ​esail   ​

17 Can I see your passport and pass, please?

18 Is this where I in for flight BA 567?
19 Would you like a window or seat?
20 We asked some experts to join a group and discuss teenagers and
the Internet.
21 The line is you must get your work done.
22 A sell is often seen as offensive in Japan.
23 We need to with the problem straight away.
24 There’s a delicate between working too much and working too little.

In Company 3.0 Pre-intermediate © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 END OF COURSE TEST 1

Section 2: Reading (25–36)

Part A
Read the article and then complete the memo below that the HR manager wrote. Write two to
five words in each gap. Use words and phrases from the article to help you. See the example.

Airline gags employees

Employers of the airline Fastair have been banned from gossiping during working hours.
Employees were surprised when they received a memo from the HR manager yesterday.
The memo said that employees who spread rumours or gossip about their colleagues face
the sack. Trade Unions at the company are asking for an apology but the HR manager is not
going to say sorry. He told journalists: ‘Employees have the right to work in a professional
environment. I believe the decision will promote integrity in the workplace. I wrote the memo
because some staff complained to me about increasing gossip. Fastair’s management team
agree with me and want it to stop immediately.’ However, it may not stop the gossip – the new
rumour at Fastair is that the memo may cause a strike.

From: HR Manager
To: All staff
I have recently received complaints from some staff about increasing gossip . Both
myself and the entire (25) at Fastair would like
such gossip (26) . We believe that employees have
the right to (27) and that we should all promote
(28) .
In conclusion, I’d like to remind staff that anyone who spreads
(29) could face possible dismissal.

In Company 3.0 Pre-intermediate © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 END OF COURSE TEST 2

Part B
Complete the article on the future of e-commerce with these missing sentences or parts of
sentences A–G. Write the letters on the lines.
A It will enable the consumer to access the network from anywhere
B For a while, companies believed that consumers wanted convenience more than the
best price
C The network will take that request, along with any other historical preferences the
consumer has
D People will be able to virtually shop
E The Internet and e-commerce can provide all of this
F And that is real e-commerce
G She will suggest colours, sizes and other features that match the shopper’s preferences

What consumers really want

What forms of e-commerce will dominate the immediate future? What is it that the
consumer really wants and will pay for? (30) . Catalogue shopping works on this
principle, but it makes up only two per cent of the economy.

Consumers want more than just Goodbye to the keyboard

convenience The biggest obstacle to the Net is the
Consumers really want things to be simple, keyboard. Voice recognition will make it
easy and fast. They want to be entertained obsolete. (34) – from home, the car,
when they shop. They want to comparison or perhaps even from a pair of glasses.
shop. They want the best service. They
‘Real’ e-commerce
want great prices. (31) .
The consumer will say, ‘I’d like to buy a
The virtual shopping assistant red sweater today, something in the €25
High-definition graphics and video will to €39 range.’ (35) – such as size,
be part of the everyday online shopping style and fabric. It will assemble a range
experience. (32) and interact with of options at different prices from a variety
their friends without leaving home. Artificial of stores. All in the consumer’s exact size.
intelligence will put a virtual shop assistant Then the consumer will be able to virtually
at the service of every online shopper. try on the different sweaters using a 3D
(33) . These will be stored on the model of herself stored in the computer.
company’s computers. (36) .

In Company 3.0 Pre-intermediate © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 END OF COURSE TEST 3

Section 3: Listening (37–50)

Part A
(Listening script 2.01)
Listen to the information about Marcos Galperin. Choose the correct answer (a, b or c).
Listen to the information once only.
37 2001
a was the year Galperin’s company became a partner of Ernst and Young
b was the year Galperin’s company became a partner of eBayTM
c was the year Galperin’s company became a partner of Ibazar
38 Stanford
a is the place where Galperin did his MBA
b is the place where Galperin worked for an oil company
c is the place where Galperin grew up
39 John Muse
a was the founder of a private equity fund
b was the co-founder of MercadoLibre
c was a student at a private university
40 Latin America
a is where eBayTM was a start-up company in the 1990s
b is where Galperin focused mainly on marketing and PR
c is where MercadoLibre is the largest online commerce platform
41 1.2 million
a is the number of buyers of MercadoLibre products in 2010
b is the number of MercadoLibre products sold annually
c is the number of MercadoLibre’s monthly transactions

Part B (42–50)
(Listening script 2.22)
Listen to a presentation about time management. Put the advice the speaker gives in the
correct order. See the example. Listen to the presentation once only.
Analyze what you are doing.
Have a positive attitude towards your work.
Change the behaviour of other people around you.
1 Make ‘to do’ lists.
Choose the right moment to do vital tasks.
Leave your voicemail to deal with calls.
Have reasonable expectations about how much you can do.
Close your door.

In Company 3.0 Pre-intermediate © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 END OF COURSE TEST 4

Section 4: Speaking (51–60)

You are going to give a presentation. Choose one of these topics.
• The benefits of working from home.
• The benefits of shopping online.
• The benefits of the working lunch.

Think about the topic and write the three main benefits here:

Prepare a short presentation on the topic for your partner or teacher (or the whole class).
Your partner or teacher will mark you using the following.
0 = not very well
1 = well
2 = very well
The speaker … Circle 0, 1 or 2
… introduced the topic. 0 1 2
… described the first benefit. 0 1 2
… described the second benefit. 0 1 2
… described the third benefit. 0 1 2
… summarized and ended the presentation. 0 1 2
TOTAL MARKS (maximum 10) =

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