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Exercise 1. Listen to some information about teenagers and exercise. Circle the best answer A, B, or
C. You will listen TWICE.
1. How long do teenagers need to do exercise per day?
A. 60 minutes B. 4 hours C. 30 minutes
2. How do teenagers stay healthy?
A. Reduce their screen time B. Have a good diet C. Maintain a healthy weight
3. What is the benefit of regular physical activities?
A. Prevent some bad health conditions
B. Help develop good habits
C. Cause sleepiness
4. What should teenagers do when they don’t have enough time to exercise?
A. Do more intense exercise the next day
B. Avoid individual sports like running or swimming
C. Do light exercise for 30 minutes instead
5. How do teenagers keep their regular exercise schedule?
A. Choose fewer intense workouts
B. Join a club
C. Exercise with their parents or friends
(Global success)
1A; 2B; 3A; 4C; 5C
Did you know that teenagers should spend at least 60 minutes daily participating in physical activities?
In today's world where 4-6 hours of screen time is very common, less than 30% of teenagers spend the
recommended time exercising. Besides a good diet, regular physical activities are an essential part of
keeping teenagers healthy as they can improve teens' physical and mental health. Exercising helps
maintain your fitness and reduces the risk of many health conditions such as heart disease, obesity, and
diabetes... If you have trouble falling asleep, daily physical activities can benefit your sleeping pattern.
Starting exercising in their teenage years, many people successfully established the habit of working
out, which is key to a healthy lifestyle. Types of exercises suitable for teens include running,
swimming, cycling and playing sports... When short of time, you don't have to spend an hour doing
intense physical activities. Instead, 30 minutes of light exercises like walking, climbing stairs, and
doing push-ups and sit-ups is acceptable. If you have a hard time committing to a regular schedule, try
choosing activities that you enjoy or asking your parents and friends to join in.
Exercise 2. Listen to a student and his mother talking about his diet and complete the table. Write
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER in each blank. You will listen TWICE.
Beef Production
Create: Greenhouse gases such as (1) ________________
Impact on the environment: Cause (2) ________________
Indirect impact: Cause (3) ________________
Solutions: Eating (4) ________________ or plant-based foods instead
Buy meat from companies that use more (5)
________________ farming techniques

(Global success)

1. methane; 2. climate change; 3. deforestation; 4. fish; 5. sustainable

Mom: Hey Noah, would you like some beef stew for dinner tonight?
Noah: Can we have something else? I'm thinking of cutting down on my meat consumption,
specifically beef.
Mom: Why do you want to do that?
Noah: Beef production has negative impacts on our environment and I want to be more responsible
with my choices.
Mom: How can cows harm the environment?
Noah: A result of cows' digestive process is methane. It’s a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to
climate change.
Mom: I didn't know that.
Noah: The production of beef also indirectly leads to deforestation. To meet the increasing global
demand for meat, forests are being cut down to make space for cattle farms.
Mom: You're a teenager, Noah. You need all the nutrients to support your growing body and that
includes protein.
Noah: There are other high-protein foods that require fewer resources to produce. I can replace meat
with fish or plant-based foods like soya, and peanuts.
Mom: You mean everyone should cut out meat from their diet?
Noah: Not really, mom. There are a lot of sustainable farming techniques so we should buy meat from
companies that value our environment.
Mom: OK, I see.
Exercise 3. Listen to some information about a student’s health and habits. Circle the best answer A,
B, or C. You will listen TWICE.
1. What did Matt love doing in his free time?
A. Watching TV and playing video games
B. Hanging out at fast food restaurants
C. Spending time with his family
2. Why does Matt want to live healthier?
A. He has just moved to live with his extended family.
B. His grandfather passed away.
C. His uncle was diagnosed with a heart disease.
3. How does Matt eat more healthily?
A. He stops eating foods with fat and salt.
B. He wakes up earlier to have breakfast.
C. He has a quick breakfast before going to school.
4. What does Math pay more attention to?
A. His appearance B. His fitness C. His heart condition
5. Why does Matt go to cooking class?
A. Because there’s no fast food restaurant near his college.
B. Because he thinks he should know how to cook.
C. Because he wants to spend time with his mother.
(Global success)

1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B
Matt is a sixteen-year-old student who is trying to live healthier. Like many boys of his own age, Matt
loved watching TV and playing video games in his free time. Skipping breakfast or having fast food for
dinner was not uncommon for Matt. He lives with his extended family. His uncle has just found out he
has a heart disease, the same condition that Matt's late grandfather suffered from. This news has pushed
Matt to make some changes to his lifestyle. He's having a more balanced diet with less fat and salt.
Even when he's late for school, Matt now tries to make time for a healthy breakfast. He also pays more
attention to his fitness and works out properly. Now he's happy with his progress toward a healthier life
but Matt's also thinking of the future. In a few years, Matt will leave for college and live an
independent life. In order to stay healthy, Matt believes he should learn how to cook and must not rely
on fast food in college. That's why he has recently signed up for a cooking class and spent more time in
the kitchen with his mother.
Exercise 4. Listen to two people talking about healthy habits and fill in each blank with no more
than two words.
 Dorothy Allen says the most important thing we need to do to be healthy is to get (1)
 The host’s teenage son always wants to sleep in on the (2) __________ and she try not to let
him get too much sleep.
 Early morning sleep helps us prepare our mind which helps us manage our (3) __________ and
avoid getting too stressed.
 Dorothy Allen says people should eat enough meat and (4) __________ to have a balanced diet
and avoid eating too much-added sugar.
 Dorothy Allen says people should spend three days a week on the one you want to focus on and
(5) __________ on the other.
(Ilearn smart world)
1 enough sleep; 2 weekends; 3 feelings; 4 vegetables; 5 two days
Bài nghe:
Host: Welcome to another episode of healthiness. Today, I'm joined by Dr. Dorothy Allen. She's here to
discuss her new book “Forever young”.
Dr. Dorothy Allen: Thanks for having me.
Host: Let's get to it. My listeners want to know what they can do to have a healthier life.
Dr. Dorothy Allen: I think the most important thing is to get enough sleep.
Host: How much sleep do you think people need? .
Dr. Dorothy Allen: In my opinion, you need to give yourself seven to nine hours in bed each night and
research supports that.
Host: My teenage son always wants to sleep in on the weekends and I try not to let him get too much
sleep. Do teens need more sleep?
Dr. Dorothy Allen: Especially important for teenagers because their brains and bodies are developing.
Early morning sleep helps us prepare our mind which helps us manage our feelings and avoid getting
too stressed.
Host: Wow. How about fitness?
Dr. Dorothy Allen: It's a mix of diet and exercise. You need to make sure you eat enough meat and
vegetables to have a balanced diet and avoid eating too much added sugar
Host: And exercise?
Dr. Dorothy Allen: I believe you need to decide if you want to focus on lifting weights or improving
your heart health. Spend three days a week on the one you want to focus on and two days on the other
then give yourself two days to chill out and keep a healthy social life.
Host: Can you tell our listeners more?
Exercise 5. Listen to a dialogue between Mr Smith and his doctor about a diet. Complete the flow
Steps for Following a Diet
Meal Planning
 Choose food and dishes from diet (1) _____________.
 (2) _____________ on which food is for each meal.
 Don't forget to include healthy snacks.
Shopping List
 Make a shopping list from your menu. Only buy food from the list to avoid buying (3)
_____________ food.
Food Diary
 (4) _____________ a food diary of everything you eat.
 This helps you (5) _____________ of what you are eating.
Bài nghe
Doctor: Mr. Smith. Let’s talk about how to follow this diet.
Mr. Smith: OK. Is this all the food I can eat?
Doctor: Correct. To begin with, you must choose food on this diet program and write down your
choices for the first week.
Mr. Smith: OK. Can I pick anything on the list?
Doctor: Yes, but then you must decide which food you will have at each meal.
Mr. Smith: You mean for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Doctor: Exactly, and some healthy snacks.
Mr. Smith: OK, then what should I do?
Doctor: The next step is to make a shopping list from the meals.
Mr. Smith: That sounds easy. I always make a shopping.
Doctor: Good! Just make sure you only buy food from the list. This way you will avoid buying
unhealthy food,
Mr. Smith: OK? Then I just follow my meal plan, correct?
Doctor: Yes. But there is one final step. You must keep a food diary and write down everything you eat
each day.
Mr. Smith: OK, but why do I have to do this?
Doctor: A food diary is an excellent way for you to keep track of the food you are eating. I will look at
it at our next appointment. And are you clear about everything, Mr. Smith?
Mr. Smith: Yes, I think so. Thank you, doctor.


Exercise 1. Listen to a podcast about fashion in the past and fill in each blank no more than two
1. The miniskirt was invented in the ____________.
2. The speakers both think that the ______________ was one of the greatest inventions in the fashion
3. Bell-bottoms could have legs opening up to _____________ centimeters.
4. A trend in the ______________ was "power dressing." Women wore shoulder pads to look powerful.
5. Rachel agrees that, ________________ sounds really cool.
(Ilearn smart world)
1. 1960s; 2. miniskirt; 3. 66; 4. 1980s; 5. power dressing
Bài nghe:
Chris: Rachel, look at this!
Rachel: Chris! What are you wearing? Are you going to a 70s party?
Chris: Haha, no, I'm not. It's because today we're talking about fashion trends in the past.
Rachel and Chris: Welcome to Fashion Dive Podcast.
Rachel: This is Rachel.
Chris: And I'm Chris.
Rachel: You know, younger generations often make fun of older generations' fashion.
Chris: Yes. But fashion trends often come back. A lot of what they wear is actually old trends.
Rachel: Right. Like the miniskirt.
Chris: Yes. It was invented in the 1960s. A British fashion designer experimented with shorter skirts,
and it became a huge trend. It was one of the greatest inventions in the fashion world, wasn't it?
Rachel: Yep!
Chris: Now, take a look at these photos. They're so stylish, aren't they?
Rachel: Erm... yes.
Chris: A big trend in the 1970s was bell-bottoms. And I'm wearing those, in case you haven't noticed.
They had large leg openings from the knees down. The openings could be as wide as sixty-six
Rachel: In the 1980s, women entered the workforce in large number and they wanted to look powerful.
This was known as "power dressing," and shoulder pads were a big part of it.
Chris: Many trends in the 80s were silly but not this one. Power dressing sounds really cool, doesn't it?
Rachel: Yes, it does.
Chris: Fashion in the 1990s …
Exercise 2. You are going to listen to Tom and Linda discussing their conflicts with their parents.
Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. Linda's parents are pleased with her choice of clothes.
2. Tom shares Linda's opinion on clothes.
3. Linda wants to look more fashionable.
4. Tom's parents don't let him play computer games.
5. Playing computer games is a form of relaxation for Tom.
(Tiếng anh 11 thí điểm)
Tom: You look upset, Linda. What's the matter?
Linda: Nothing serious. Just my parents keep complaining about my clothes.
Tom: Why don't they like them?
Linda: They think my trousers are too skinny and my tops are too tight. They don't like my sparkling
clothes or high heels. They want me to wear more casual stuff such as jeans and T-shirts.
Tom: Well, it depends on where you're going. If you're going to a party, you could dress up, but 1 don't
think you should wear flashy clothes every day.
Linda: But I really want to look more elegant and fashionable.
Tom: Well, have you thought about the cost? Perhaps your parents can't afford to buy expensive
Linda: Maybe you're right. What about you? Do you get into conflict with your parents?
Tom: Not really. But they forbid me to play computer games.
Linda: Sounds bad. What's wrong with computer games?
Tom: They think all computer games are useless. They want me to use my computer for more useful
Linda: But there are some positive benefits of playing computer sanies.
Tom: Yes, there are. I can read faster because I can concentrate more. Playing computer games after
school also helps me to relax after a hard day.
Linda: But your parents may worry about your eyesight if you look at the computer screen for a long
Tom: Yes. they probably worry about it and want me to have a healthier lifestyle with more outdoor
Linda: That's right, I think you need to tell your parents that you agree with them and explain the
benefits of computer games
Tom: That's a good idea. I hope my parents understand that. Thank you.
Linda: No problem. Thanks for your advice, too.
Exercise 3. Listen to the talk show with host Vicky Holmes and guest speaker Dr Dawson, and fill in
the blanks with one word.
From 15 to (1) __________ years of age, many teenagers spend a lot of time thinking or talking about
being in a relationship.
Young people learn how to form safe and healthy relationships with friends, parents, teachers and (2)
__________ partners.
Young people may feel more (3) __________ to talk about their relationships in the future if they
openly discuss feelings and friendships with their parents.
Most parents are always willing to (4) ___________ an ear to what their children are saying.

Vicky: Welcome to our talk show with guest speaker Dr Dawson, a psychologist. Who will be talking
about how teenagers and their parents deal with problems. Dr Dawson, most are worried about their
children getting involved in romantic relationships. What's your opinion on this?
Dr Dawson: From 15 to 19 years of age, many teenagers spend a lot of time thinking or talking about
being in a relationship.
Vicky: So do you mean this is part of the teen normal growth and development?
Dr Dawson: Yes. Young people learn how to form safe and healthy relationships with friends, parents,
teachers and romantic partners. This can prepare them for adult life. So parents should not oppose their
Vicky: I suppose many parents will feel surprised to hear this. What's your advice for the teenagers
Dr Dawson: Well, they should not be afraid to talk to their parents about their feelings and friendships.
This can help them feel confident to discuss their relationships in the future.
Vicky: So you mean teenagers should listen to their parents and ask them to listen to what they are
Dr Dawson: Exactly. Most parents are always willing to lend an ear to what their children are saying.
This is even more important when young people suffer break-ups or broken hearts. They need a
shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear.
(Tiếng anh 11 thí điểm)


Exercise 1. Listen to the conversation between a smart city project’s founder and an interviewer.
Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.
1. Why is Mr Evans being interviewed?
A. He built a smart city.
B. He has recently visited a smart city.
C. He founded a smart city project.
2. What does Mr Evans want to do?
A. Build a city where everyone and everything is connected
B. Develop new data-sharing technologies
C. Replace all conventional cities with smart cities
3. When asked to provide an example, which system does Mr Evan describe?
A. Smart infrastructure B. Smart energy C. Smart transportation
4. How can traffic jams be avoided in smart cities?
A. Cars can drive themselves.
B. Technologies allow drivers to find the best way to their destinations.
C. There are more roads in smart cities.
5. Why do officials disapprove of this project?
A. It’s too expensive. B. It’s not sustainable. C. It’s priceless.
(Global success)

1C; 2A; 3C; 4B; 5A

Elena: Today’s special guest is one of the founders of The Smart City Project, Mr Evans.
Mr Evans: Hello, Elena. I’m very excited to be here.
Elena: Let’s jump right into it. You have recently announced this new project. What is it about?
Mr Evans: Our goal is building smart cities and modernising conventional cities using our
Elena: What can we expect in a smart city?
Mr Evans: It’s a city where everything and everyone is connected. Our city will be built on the
foundation of data-sharing technologies to help it run more efficiently and its people live more
comfortably. To achieve this, we use systems of smart infrastructure, smart energy and smart
Elena: This all sounds too abstract. Can you give me some examples?
Mr Evans: Imagine a city where cars can communicate with each other and we know where they
are at all times. We can control traffic flows, find the best route and avoid traffic jams.
Elena: What is smart energy?
Mr Evans: Smart cities will use a combination of many sources of green, clean energy.
Elena: How do you respond to the argument that this project is expensive? Concerned over the cost,
some officials expressed their disapproval of this project.
Mr Evans: Yes, it takes a lot of money and resources but it’s necessary for our sustainable future.
That is priceless.
Exercise 2. Listen to a student and her grandfather and complete the summary. Write NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER in each blank. You will listen TWICE.
After watching a (1) ___________ about cities in the future, Anna asks her
grandfather to describe their city when he was young. Back then, the city looked
different because there weren’t any (2) __________________. Anna’s grandfather
predicts a rise in (3) ___________ and the number of tall buildings in the future. He
voices concern about the city’s (4) ___________ such as pollution, traffic jams and
a lack of (5) _______________. Anna mentions some solutions in the documentary
that it shows and convinces her grandfather to watch it.
(Global success)
1. documentary; 2. high-rise buildings; 3. population; 4. problems; 5. green space
Anna: Hello, grandpa. Can I ask you a question?
Grandpa: Sure, Anna.
Anna: I’ve watched a documentary about cities in the future at school and I’m curious about how our
city was when you were young.
Grandpa: It looked different compared to the city today. I moved to this city when I was just 8
years old. Back then, there were no high-rise buildings. The public transportation system was not as
extensive as it is today. To get to places, I had to walk or use my bike.
Anna: Interesting! Do you think our city will remain the same in 30 years?
Grandpa: Certainly not. I think the number of city dwellers will increase significantly. To
accommodate its huge population, people will build more tall buildings.
Anna: You don’t sound very excited.
Grandpa: How can I be? Modern cities are awful. Pollution, traffic jams, and a lack of green space
are just a few problems facing our city.
Anna: I see your point, but I love modern cities. According to the documentary, modern cities can
become smart cities in the future. Aware of these mentioned problems, people are solving them with
car-free transport systems, and roof gardens… With new technology, smart cities can make our life
more convenient. You should watch the documentary.
Grandpa: OK. I’ll check it out.
Exercise 3. Listen to city planners talking about a new form of public transportation.
 Susan doesn’t like new flying buses because they'll probably cost a lot of (1) __________.
 Michael thinks that flying buses can avoid traffic jams downtown, so they travel much (2)
 Michael thinks lots of commuters will want to fly every day if the fair isn't too (3) __________.
 Susan thinks they could encourage more people to visit our city if they increase (4)
(Ilearn smart world)
Bài nghe:
Susan: Good morning, John, Michael. So let's discuss these new flying buses. Should we use them in
our city? John, what do you think?
John: Well, Susan, I don't like them. First of all, they'll probably cost a lot of money.
Susan: Ok, John, anything else?
John: Yeah. Our city already has buses, but people don't use them. They probably won't use the flying
buses either.
John: I see. Maybe you're right. Michael, what do you think?
Michael: I don't agree with John. Lots of people have said that they don't use our buses because of
traffic congestion. They just move too slowly. Flying buses can avoid traffic jams downtown, so they
travel much faster.
Susan: Yes, that's right, Michael. They're definitely faster than our old buses, and they're much safer to.
John: I see. That sounds good. But I'm still worried about the cost.
Susan: Michael, you look like you want to say something?
Michael: Yes, Susan. Actually, it's about cost. If the fair isn't too expensive, I think lots of commuters
will want to fly every day. I think our city will collect a lot of money from this.
Susan: That's right. I think they could possibly encourage more people to visit our city too if we
increase tourism. It'll benefit everyone. So John do you agree?
John: Yes, I see your point. Okay, then.
Susan: Fantastic. So we all agree.
Exercise 4. Listen to a man talking about the city of the future. Complete the summary with NO
The city of the future will be a very exciting and high-tech place. Homes will have
solar power and many rooftops of buildings will have green (1) __________. In our
homes, we will have robots to help us and we use devices like (2) __________ to
communicate with them. We will have a lot of free time to enjoy our lives. Education
and work will take place (3) __________ but socializing in person will still be very
important. The city will have many parks, restaurants and cafés for meetings. We will
have more time for things such as (4) __________ and travel, and group activities and
sports will be popular. Transport will be fast and energy-efficient with (5) __________
that will communicate between them. A serious problem of the future city is that it will
be crowded.
Bài nghe
Today I am going to tell you about the city of the future. It will be a place that is very exciting and high
– tech. Homes will be environmentally friendly with solar power and all buildings will have green
spaces, most likely on the rooftops. Robots will assist us in our homes. We will communicate with them
through devices like smart watches. They will do the supermarket shopping and cleaning. This will
give us plenty of free time to do what we want. We will learn and work mostly online, but don't worry,
we will still socialize offline. In fact, this will become a very important part of our lives in the city. In
our free time, we will meet in many parks, restaurants and cafes around the city. We will also enjoy
hobbies and travel more. Group sports and activities will become popular as ways to get together and
socialize. Finally, transport will be fast and energy efficient with renewable fuels. Traffic will no longer
be a problem as all cars will be driverless and will communicate between each other. The only real
problem I see with the city of the future is how crowded it will be.


Exercise 1. Listen to two people talking about the history of ASEAN and fill in each blank with one
word or/and a number.
 ASEAN was started in (1) __________, including Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand,
Indonesia, and Singapore.
 The first ASEAN Summit was held in (2) __________ in 1976.
 Lê Lương Minh was a Vietnamese Secretary-General from 2013 to (3) __________.
 The ASEAN Free Trade Area agreement was signed in Singapore in (4) __________.
 The first Sea Games were held in (5) __________ in 1977.
 The ASEAN creates chances for (6) __________ people to travel and study.
 The ASEAN university network was started in (7) __________.
(Ilearn smart world)
Tuấn: So what have you found out about ASEAN for our project, Lin?
Lin: I looked at the history of ASEAN, it was started in 1967.
Tuấn: Which countries were the first members?
Lin: Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, and Singapore.
Tuấn: Hmm, so they had their first summit in 1967?
Lin: No, that was in 1976.
Tuấn: Where was it held?
Lin: In Indonesia.
Tuấn: I'm sure teachers are going to ask if ASEAN has had a Vietnamese Secretary General.
Lin: There was a Vietnamese Secretary General. His name is Lê Lương Minh.
Tuấn: Yep. Do you know when he was Secretary General?
Lin: Let me think. Oh, of course. It was from 2013 to 2017. What did you find out?
Tuấn: I looked at what ASEAN does to help its members.
Lin: So what do I see and do?
Tuấn: ASEAN helps its member economies through the ASEAN Free Trade Area agreement. It was
signed in Singapore in 1992. It also organizes sporting events like the Sea games.
Lin: When were the first Sea Games held?
Tuấn: The first Sea Games were held in Malaysia in 1977. ASEAN also does a lot for young people.
Lin: What do they do?
Tuấn: The ASEAN creates chances for young people to travel and study and the ASEAN exchange
students can go to different countries in the region. The ASEAN university network was started in
Lin: I think we both have enough here to make a good project about the ASEAN, Tuấn.
Tuấn: Me too.


Exercise 1. Listen to the conversation between a student and an interviewer. Circle the best answer
A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.
1. When did Kim and Mr Lee meet for the first time?
A. Before they wrote to each other about environmental issues.
B. After communicating with each other via email.
C. In the previous important interview.
2. Why did Kim get chosen for the interview?
A. She had applied many times before.
B. She was one of the few candidates that applied.
C. She was passionate about environmental issues.
3. Why does Kim care about the environment?
A. Because she grew up in a polluted area.
B. Because she loves the beach.
C. Because she knows how to positively affect our environment.
4. What happens to Kim’s clean-up campaign?
A. She still joins on weekends.
B. She is still the organiser.
C. It’s still going strong without her.
5. What is Kim’s plan after joining our organisation?
A. She wants to tackle a different bigger issue.
B. She wants to continue her programme in Khanh Hoa.
C. She wants to organise a national clean-up programme.
(Global success)
1B; 2C; 3A; 4C; 5C
Mr Lee: Hello, Kim. Sorry for being late. Have you been waiting long?
Kim: It’s alright, Mr Lee. I’ve just arrived.
Mr Lee: It’s great to finally meet you in person after communicating via email for so long.
Kim: It’s an honour to be interviewed by you. My dream has always been volunteering for an
international organisation.
Mr Lee: As you know, our programme is very popular. You stand out among other candidates
thanks to your passion for environmental issues. Can you tell me where that’s coming from?
Kim: Growing up in the coastal town of Khanh Hoa, I saw the negative impact of human activities on
our environment. The beach near my house looked and smelt awful and the shore was covered with
waste. Then I realised that I had to do something to save the beach landscape.
Mr Lee: You organised some clean-up activities in your community, right?
Kim: We used to pick up trash along the beach at weekends. Although I’m no longer the organiser,
the campaign is still going strong.
Mr Lee: Amazing. You really made a big impact. What will you do if you join our organisation?
Kim: I want to continue to do what I’ve been doing but on a bigger scale. My goal is to start a
national clean-up programme.
Mr Lee: Let’s talk more about …
Exercise 2. Listen to some information about global warming and complete a student’s note. Write
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER in each blank. You will listen TWICE.
Student’s note
 Global temperature has risen (1) ___________ Celsius every decade.
 Caused by human activities such as (2) __________________.
 About (3) ___________ percent of people over 55 considered global warming the top priority.
 Some elderly people think it’s unnecessary to change their environmentally unfriendly (4)
 More and more (5) ____________________ have introduced policies to limit global warming.
(Global success)
1. 0.18 degrees; 2. burning fossil fuels; 3. 50; 4. habits; 5. countries and governments
Per decade since 1981, Earth's temperature has risen 0.18 degrees Celsius. This number may seem
small to some people, but scientists know how disastrous this increase has been for our environment.
This is called global warming and it is primarily caused by human activities, especially burning fossil
fuels. Across the globe, we see the consequences such as natural disasters, ice melting and rising sea
Although its importance can’t be understated, there seems to be a generational difference regarding this
issue. According to a survey, more than 70 per cent of young people considered global warming the top
priority while only about 50 per cent of people over 55 agreed with this statement. One of the main
reasons is that some older people tend not to believe in the negative results of global warming and
consider it a problem for the far future, so they don’t think it’s necessary to change their
environmentally unfriendly habits.
However, the good news is that people’s opinion on this issue is changing. With more scientific
evidence and growing public support, global warming has become a top issue for many countries and
governments. We’re adopting more policies that help protect the environment and cut down on
greenhouse gasses.
Exercise 1. Listen to a music teacher talking to a potential donor and complete the summary. Write
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in each blank. You will listen TWICE.
Ms Taylor is meeting Mr Robinson, a donator, to tell him about her plan for the (1)
_______________. She wants to preserve folk music because it’s a representation of
our (2) _______________ identity and past daily life. Thanks to crowdfunding, some
traditional (3) ___________________ have been bought. With more donations from
Mr Robinson, she can have a proper music classroom and (4) _______________ the
class to students. Mr Robinson, who initially hesitated, is (5) _______________ to
provide money to preserve folk music.
(Global success)

1. music department; 2. cultural; 3. musical instruments; 4. promote; 5. convinced

Ms Taylor: Thank you so much for meeting me today, Mr Robinson.
Mr Robinson: Of course. I’m excited to hear about your plan for the music department, Ms Taylor.
Ms Taylor: I want to shift the school music department’s focus to folk music to preserve this dying
art form.
Mr Robinson: Sorry, can you make it clear why we should prioritise this genre?
Ms Taylor: It’s important to keep folk music alive and make it more approachable for young people.
It is through these songs that we see our cultural identity and daily life in the past. By teaching students
folk music, we can show them our cultural heritage and encourage them to protect it.
Mr Robinson: What have you done so far to bring folk music to school?
Ms Taylor: I came up with the idea of crowdfunding. Recognising the importance of folk music, the
online community provided enough funds for some traditional musical instruments. Having received
little funding from the school, I’m making use of an old classroom to teach a few students about folk
Mr Robinson: If I donate money to the department, what will you do?
Ms Taylor: With more money, I can redecorate our music room and promote our folk music class.
Mr Robinson: OK. You convinced me.
Exercise 2. Listen to city officials discussing a preservation project.
1. Quân and Jennifer still have a few more weeks before they have to _________ their plan to the city.
2. Jennifer thinks they should look at how much it will _________ to preserve the old statues and
3. A company wants to knock down the old buildings and build luxury _________.
4. Jennifer thinks they should ___________ the company from knocking down the buildings.
5. Quân wants to change the unused apartments into clothes stores or even a ___________.
(Ilean smart world)
Bài nghe:
Quân: Hi, Jennifer. Is this a good time to talk about the project?
Jennifer: Hi, Quân. Sure, let's talk in the conference room.
Quân: So, we still have a few more weeks before we have to present our plan to the city. What do you
think we should do?
Jennifer: I think we should look at how much it will cost to preserve the old statues and buildings.
What do you think?
Quân: I agree.
Jennifer: If it costs more than what we can make from tourism, I'm not sure we can preserve them all.
Quân: You’re right, and there's a company offering the city a lot of money to knock them down so they
can build luxury apartments.
Jennifer: It would be terrible to lose all those historical buildings, the pagoda and the statues are over
200 years old. We should definitely prevent them from knocking that down.
Quân: Yes, the Pagoda is the most popular tourist attraction in the area.
Jennifer: What about the old departments? They don't make much money. Teenagers mostly just go
there to take photos for their social media.
Quân: I've been thinking about that. I think we should change the empty apartments into closed stores
or even a museum. It was a popular idea in my city. And we can keep the original look of the outside
of the building. What's your opinion?
Jennifer: What a great idea. I believe that will work.
Quân: Okay, I'll go back to my desk and type up the plan.


Exercise 1. Listen to a student being interviewed. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in each
blank. You will listen TWICE.

Diane is being interviewed by an admission officer at a university that is (1)

_____________ from her house. Despite the distance, it's Diane's (2) _____________
to attend the university. For potential students, the university considers their academic
records, (3) ____________________, extracurriculars, interests and goals. Although
Diane is proud of her (4) _______________, she thinks it makes her unable to ask for
help. The interview continues while they are having a look around the (5)
(Global success)

1. hours away; 2. dream; 3. entrance exam results; 4. independence; 5. campus

Mr Bennett: Hello, Diane. Welcome to Westside University. I’m Neil Bennett, the admission officer.
Diane: Nice to meet you, Mr Bennett. It’s my honour to be selected for this interview.
Mr Bennett: I appreciate you making the trip. I know your house is hours away from the campus.
Diane: My dream is to attend this university so I didn’t mind the long ride.
Mr Bennett: As you probably know, besides academic records and entrance exam results, we also
take into account students’ extracurriculars, interests and goals to choose those who fit our school's
missions and values. Therefore, it is you that I want to know more about. What is your hobby?
Diane: I enjoy performing arts. Having joined the theatre club to improve my self-confidence, I found
out that I actually enjoy it.
Mr Bennett: Interesting. Which is the quality that you're most proud of?
Diane: I take pride in my independence. Having studied independently from a young age will help me
start college life more easily.
Mr Bennett: What do you think is your weakness?
Diane: Because of my independence, I struggle to know when to ask for help. It’s something I like to
improve about myself.
Mr Bennett: Alright. Would you like to take a look around the campus? We can talk more on the way.
Diane: I would love that.
Exercise 2. Listen to some information about important skills. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You
will listen TWICE.
1. What is the best title for this talk?
A. Pros and cons of higher education
B. Important habits for a successful student
C. Independent skills for school-leavers
2. In many universities and vocational schools, who decides which class a student needs?
A. The students B. Parents C. Teachers
3. What is the purpose of using a calendar?
A. To choose the most suitable class
B. To develop good habits
C. To manage your activities and time
4. What can independent learners do?
A. Teach in high schools B. Motivate themselves C. Perform under pressure
5. What should students do to manage their finance?
A. Make a plan on what to spend in a month
B. Get a part-time job
C. Ask for money from their family
(Global success)

1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A

Having graduated from high school, many school-leavers are looking to start a new chapter of their
lives. At higher education or vocational schools, independence is needed to be successful in pursuing
further education. Here are some independence skills that you should have before leaving high school.
In most universities, colleges or vocational schools, it is the students who choose their classes and
manage their own schedule and time. Students should take responsibility for themselves as there are
neither parents nor teachers reminding them to go to classes or do their homework. Getting into the
habit of making a to-do-list is useful. You can also use a calendar to keep track of what you have to do
and when.
As students get more mature, they are encouraged to be more independent in their learning. Teachers
expect students to learn by themselves with minimal guidance. Being independent learners also means
being able to motivate yourself and evaluate your own performance.
It's also important that students know how to manage their finance. You can set a monthly budget and
choose which to spend money on first. Whether you get allowances from your family or have a part-
time job, managing your money is essential for your journey ahead.
Exercise 3. Listen to the Teen Life podcast and circle the correct answers.
1. How many years has Emily been at university?
A. one B. two C. three
2. Which of Emily's parents is a storekeeper?
A. Mom B. Dad C. Mom and Dad
3. What is Emily interested in?
A. marketing B. economics C. drawing
4. How many of the student advisor's ideas did Emily like?
A. two B. one C. none
5. How does Emily study now?
A. in person B. on a hybrid course C. online
(Ilearn smart world)
Bài nghe:
MC: Hello and welcome to Teen Life Podcast the podcast fight for today we're focusing on finding a
good university course to apply for. Our first guest is Emily, a first year student at Greendale
University. Thanks for being on the show, Emily.
Emily: Hi.
MC: Emily, isn't it difficult to choose what to study right?
Emily: Yes, my parents own and work at a store. My mom wanted me to study economics and my dad
wanted me to do marketing, but neither option sounded interesting.
MC: So what did you do?
Emily: I went to speak to my school student advisor. He asked me about my interests. I really liked
computer games and drawing, he suggested setting either software engineering or design. Both of those
options sounded great.
MC: How did you choose which one you wanted to study?
Emily: Well, I thought about what I wanted to do after university and realized that I really wanted to
make computer games. So I decided to study software engineering, and I love it.
MC: That sounds perfect for you. So are you studying in person or live?
Emily: Actually, I'm still helping my parents at their store. So some days I go to university. Some days I
study online at the store. It's called a hybrid course.
MC: Well, I'm really glad you found a course that suits you. Thanks for joining us today, Emily.
Emily: Thanks. See you.


Exercise 1. Listen to the interview and fill in the blanks with one word.
 The book is about teenagers learning to be (1) __________ which is the most important thing to
 Teenagers spend a lot of their time with their friends and following the latest music and (2)
 Teenagers want to be independent but parents don’t help them. This causes (3) __________ and
loss of their happiness.
 Teens should learn how to (4) __________ and do their own laundry.
 Teenagers must also understand how to (5) __________ stress, which is the most important skill
for them to learn.

Woman: Today on my show, I am excited to welcome to the studio the famous psychologist Dr.
Kinsley, best-selling author of the book "Letting them go". Thank you for joining me today Dr. Kinsley,
so what does the book "Letting them go" about?
Man: Well, the book is about teenagers learning to be independent which is the most important thing
to them. It also talks about how parents can help.
Woman: How interesting, but what made you decide to write the book?
Man: Well, teenagers spend a lot of their time with their friends and following the latest music and
fashion, but what they really want to become independent. I see a lot of parents making mistakes, it’s
the main reason I write the book. Teenagers really want to be independent but parents don’t help them.
This causes arguments and loss of their happiness.
Woman: So, what should parents do?
Man: To begin with, teenagers need to learn skills needed to be independent. Parents stop doing
anything for their teenage children. For example, teens should learn how to cook and do their own
laundry as this will teach them how to use their time effectively. A part-time job can teach them about
the value of money. Teenagers must also understand how to reduce stress - this is the most important
skill for them to learn.
Woman: I see, let's discuss how parents can.
Exercise 2. Listen to an interview on Life Skills, the most popular radio show for teens and parents.
Long is the only child, so his parents tend to be (1) __________ of him.

MC: Hello and welcome to Life Skills, the most popular radio show for teens and parents. Today, I've
invited three Grade 11 students to share with us how their parents help them to become independent.
Long, would you like to start?
Long: Hi. well. I'm the only child, so my parents tend to be overprotective of me.
They didn't let me do any household chores and drove me to school until I finished Grade 9. However,
since I was a little child. I’ve always been encouraged to voice my opinions. My parents even ask for
my opinion before they make important family decisions.
MC: That’s great. That helps you develop self-confidence. And Tuan? How do your| parents help you
become independent?
Tuan: Well, my parents focus on teaching me about responsibility. I’m given a list on responsibilities,
such as doing household chores, looking after my grandparents... And my parents make sure that I
fulfill all of them. If I fail. I get punished. But if I do them well, I get a reward. This keeps me
MC: Your parents seem strict, but also very fair. What about you, Minh?
Minh: My parents set some limits and established rigid rules about important issues. I have to do
chores and follow a set routine. But I can make my own choices about personal things such as clothes,
books or toys. My parents encouraged me to consider all options before making my own decisions.
MC: Yes, setting limits can teach you self-discipline, and keep you safe and healthy. It's also great that
your parents teach you decision-making skills. I hope that one day you'll be ready to leave home and
live independently. Thank you so much for joining the show.


Exercise 1. Listen to some information about mental health issues. Circle the best answer A, B, or C.
You will listen TWICE.
1. What does a recent survey reveal?
A. Nowadays, teenagers are more likely to suffer from mental disorders.
B. 20% of teenagers experience some forms of mental disorder.
C. Teenagers are knowledgeable about mental health.
2. What is a common symptom of mental health issues?
A. Depression B. Concentration problems C. Poor academic performance
3. How ignorant are people about mental health?
A. They don’t talk to their kids about mental health.
B. They value physical health over mental health.
C. They often mistake symptoms as characteristics of being a teenager.
4. Why do young people with mental health issues avoid seeking help?
A. Because of society’s prejudices and negative attitudes
B. Because of their potential violence
C. Because of their bad temper and awful attitude
5. What should a young person with mental health issues do?
A. Share their struggles and feelings
B. Diagnose themselves by doing online quizzes
C. Find the right medication
(Global success)

1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A
Mental health is one of the most pressing issues that teenagers have to deal with nowadays. According
to a recently-conducted survey, one in five teenagers experiences some forms of mental disorder.
However, there is a lack of knowledge about mental health around people suffering from these issues.
The most common problems that teenagers struggle with are depression, anxiety and eating disorders.
The symptoms of these conditions such as sadness, concentration problems that parents and adults
hardly notice. Moreover, it’s easy to mistake these symptoms as a part of teenagers’ growth. Mental
health issues can affect young people’s physical health, personal relationship and academic
Besides the ignorance of mental health, people with mental disorders also have to face prejudices and
negative attitudes from society. Many people incorrectly assume that mentally ill people are crazy and
violent, which keeps young people from seeking help.
For people with mental conditions, recovery can be harder without timely treatment. Therefore, young
people shouldn't hide their struggles and feelings. It's important to get diagnosed by professionals. It
may take some time to find the right combination of therapy and medication for each person, but
recovering from mental health issues is possible.

Exercise 2. Listen to some information about cyberbullying. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You
will listen TWICE.
1. What is the new form of bullying?
A. Cyberbullying B. Verbal bullying C. Physical bullying
2. What is the intention of cyberbullies?
A. Spreading false information about someone
B. Collect pictures of someone
C. Cause emotional damage to someone
3. Why are online bullies more hateful compared to others?
A. They know the victims personally.
B. They can bully someone without seeing that person in real life.
C. They can create many social media accounts.
4. What percentage of young students said they had experienced cyberbullying?
A. 35% B. 12% C. 10%
5. What can be a consequence of cyberbullying?
A. Fear of human interaction
B. Depression, low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts
C. Internet and social media addiction
(Global success)
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B

Bullying is an issue that can be found in many schools of different levels. It can be physical, verbal or
emotional. In today's digital age, a new form of bullying emerging is called cyberbullying. It can
happen anywhere, anytime and be carried out by anyone with a digital device. Some examples of this
include sending and sharing information and pictures of someone with the intention of causing
emotional damage. Online bullies are usually more hateful since they don't have to come face to face
with their victims. As a result, cyberbullying is often more dangerous than other forms of bullying.
Having surveyed thousands of students, the Cyberbullying Research Center estimated that more than
35% of young people from 12 to 17 years old had experienced being bullied online. In addition, only
10% of victims of cyberbullying admitted to having trouble online. A majority of them suffered in
silence out of shame, embarrassment or fear of making it worse. This can lead to depression, low self-
esteem and suicidal thoughts. Despite the growing awareness of the issue, cyberbullying is still on the
rise everywhere due to the increasing spread of the Internet and social media.


Exercise 1. Listen to the conversation between two friends about tourism. Circle the best answer A,
B, or C. You will listen TWICE.
1. What are Matt and Ava doing?
A. They’re planning their summer holiday.
B. They’re talking about the impacts of tourism.
C. They’re discussing which heritage preservation project to volunteer for.
2. Why doesn’t Ava think Matt should visit Hawaii?
A. Because it’s tourist season.
B. Because Hawaiians don’t want more tourists.
C. Because it’s inconvenient to travel there.
3. What does Matt usually do when he travels?
A. He buys some stuff from local people.
B. He fulfils his responsibility before departing.
C. He books the cheapest tour.
4. What does Ava think about tourists?
A. They have a sense of responsibility.
B. They don’t know much about other countries' cultural heritage.
C. They can destroy the place they visit.
5. According to Matt, what is the benefit of tourism?
A. Discouraging tourists from bad behaviour
B. Helping many heritage preservation and protection projects
C. Making local people famous
(Global success)
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B
Ava: What are you doing, Matt?
Matt: Hi, Ava. Having planned a summer holiday in Hawaii, I’m learning a few basic Hawaiian
Ava: I don't think this is the ideal time to visit Hawaii.
Matt: Why not?
Ava: Having suffered from over-tourism, the locals are asking tourists to stop visiting the island.
Thousands of new arrivals every day are creating traffic jams, overcrowding and resource depletion;
and the local people have to cope with their consequences every day.
Matt: Actually, I have heard of the problem but I try to be responsible whenever I travel. I'm aware of
the impact on the environment and the local community. Therefore, I usually shop locally to help the
community's economy. When possible, I always book eco-tours.
Ava: Not every tourist shares your sense of responsibility. Some use natural heritage sites as a
backdrop for their pictures and display disrespectful behaviour towards other countries' cultural
heritage. In some cases, tourists even destroyed natural and cultural landmarks.
Matt: Some tourists can misbehave; however, I think tourism, in general, can be beneficial. It was the
financial gain from tourism that contributed to many projects that preserved and protected heritage
values. Having received more job opportunities, local people also benefit from the popularity of

Exercise 2. Listen to some information about the importance of wolves and complete a table. Write
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER in each blank. You will listen TWICE.
Timeline of Wolves in Yellowstone
1872 Yellowstone (1) ___________ was established.
(2) ___________ to early 1900s Many wolves within Yellowstone were killed.
1926 The (3) ___________ was eliminated.
the mid-1900s Scientists and biologists wanted to bring back wolves
to (4) ___________ of the ecosystem.
1995 Fourteen wolves (5) ___________ into the park.
(Global success)

1. National Park; 2. the late 1800s; 3. last wolf; 4. restore the balance; 5. were released
A natural ecosystem is a community of living and non-living beings that exist in the same environment.
These beings have a close relationship in which the removal of one species can greatly impact the
whole ecosystem. One example of this is the disappearance of wolves in Yellowstone National Park in
the mid-1900s.
When the park was established in 1872, the wolf population in the area already decreased. Due to a
lack of protection from park managers and the government's predator control programme, a large
number of wolves were killed in the late 1800s and early 1900s, which led to the eradication of the last
wolf in 1926.
Having eliminated an entire species from the ecosystem, park managers realised their big mistake. It
was wolves that kept the population of deer under control. Because of the absence of their main
predator, deer multiplied and the overpopulation destroyed plants and other species habitats.
Following the deteriorating condition of the park, many scientists and biologists suggested bringing
back wolves to restore the balance of the park's ecosystem. Campaigns for the reintroduction of wolves
began in the mid-1900s, but it wasn't until 1995 that fourteen wolves were released into the park. That
was a big success bringing about greater biodiversity and a more balanced ecosystem.
Exercise 3. Listen to two students talking about foreign species.
Steven thinks it's really interesting how people and (1) __________ have affected some ecosystems.
For 1000s of years, humans have been bringing animals to parts of the world they aren't (2)
__________ to.
Some native (3) __________ and foxes have disappeared because of Burmese pythons.
There's a video online of two guys who caught a pipe (4) __________ meters long.
Sometimes people have to kill foreign species with poison which is sad but good for the (5)
__________ in general.
(Ilearn smart world)
Bài nghe:
Girl: Hi, Steven. What are you doing here? Don't you have class?
Steven: How are you? I have a free period, so I'm reading about foreign species.
Girl: Really? What for?
Steven: I think it's really interesting how people and animals have affected some ecosystems.
Girl: What do you mean?
Steven: Well, for 1000s of years, humans have been bringing animals to parts of the world they aren't
native to.
Girl: Uh huh.
Steven: Sometimes these animals eat a lot of plants and animals that are already listed. Oh, like in
Florida in the US, people have been buying Burmese pythons as pets since the 1990s. After a few years,
those snakes get too big to be pets. Then people set them free in a national park and the snakes have
spread across the park and eaten anything they can find. Some native rabbits and foxes have
disappeared because of them.
Girl: Wow! What can they do about the snakes?
Steven: Some people are trying to hunt them. There's a video online of two guys who caught a pipe five
meters long. Do you want to see?
Girl: I don't think I want to see that. It's almost lunchtime.
Steven: Alright.
Girl: So what else can be done about foreign species?
Steven: Sometimes they have to kill them with poison which is sad but good for the ecosystem in
Exercise 4. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with one word.
 Janie is going to (1) __________ with the local environment for charity.
 Jungles not only reduce global temperatures but also are homes for (2) __________.
 The organization raises money to protect places from forest fires, farming, and (3) __________.
 Neil helped raise awareness about the melting ice caps and sold cloth bags and reusable cups to
reduce (4) __________ waste in oceans.
 Janie thinks that they need to raise awareness of oceans and climate change, so (5) __________
disasters don’t become even more common.
Neil: Hey Janie, what are you doing?
Janie: Oh! Hi, Neil! I’m just filling out to sign out form. I’m going to volunteer with the local
environment for charity. They meet twice a week and on community center in town.
Neil: Really? How did you hear about that organization?
Janie: Mr. Milk just told me about it in science class. It’s a group that helps to protect the planet’s
jungles. That’s so important, not just because they reduce global temperatures but also because they are
homes for wildlife. As a matter of fact, the Earth’s jungles are home to 80% of its animals, plants and
Neil: That’s amazing! So what does the group do?
Janie: Well, they raise money to protect these places from forest fire, farming, and deforestation. They
also run social media campaigns to show people how to reduce carbon footprint and fight global
Neil: Last summer, I volunteered with another group. I helped raise awareness about the melting ice
caps and sold cloth bags and reusable cups to reduce plastic waste in our oceans.
Janie: Great. We need to raise awareness of oceans and climate change, so natural disasters like floods,
and hurricanes don’t become even more common.

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