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The Black coats have Arrived by Tomas D Chacon on Sunday, January 30, 2011 at 2:56pm The moonlight mile

seemed so very far away, all my reasoning was swirling into escapades full of illusionary visions of want. She was new to this game yet she too understood how our natural-ways set a precedent, we had to protect the living by remembering what we were taught by the dead. Dark clouds loomed just above our heads and the winds of change send chills up our spines, she stares at me with belief, she spoke to me with confidences, she was ready to fight for everything is at stake.

The weather this time of year is different, the trees are burnt from the sun, the rivers are dry and we have nothing to hunt, all our game has been slaughtered for the sake of imposition. The Black coats are moving faster towards the shores, multi-culture troughs of bloodlines from foreign lands have grouped inside circles of esoteric propagation, assimilating words of wisdom, words of a new and better place to be, the Black coats have mesmerizing eyes, singing songs to snakes. The visions from others is that it is an albino snake, with reddish eyes endearingly staring into the believers with controlling words, full of songs enticing each other, with saying of knowing it was evil to begin with, oiled and hard to hang onto, that spirit inside their hearts takes pride in deceit, lies, and soul stripping. We must fight to save the future children of the western sun.

The re-organizational communal laws they must live by are structured to control the individuality of each member, such laws called freedom, amendments to secure the rights of their own populous, laws dictating the future of their aspiring greed. The Black coats built imaginary walls full of imaginary lines full of imaginary title ship of ownership, thus defending those illusions with armies, using the same armies to eradicate any non-believes from the skins own deepen red veins. The storms have came and are not leaving anytime soon, we all must wear the coats, and learn to be controlled into working cattle, sheep, and bees, our government has completed a complete circle, tighten up a noose that is choking the life blood out of its own. Even the prayers of their own structured faiths are not helping, the only thing left to do if seek shelter from the rain, seek shelter from the bullets, seek shelter from the cold and prepare to fight back. The mighty thunderheads above are darken with the deepest blue hues as our lands are now pillaged, our rivers soaked with the title ships of enduring change, a change to conquer the natural elements of natures benevolent ways.

Americans we are now called, wearing dark Black coats full of individualisms, mind controllers, a culture of peoples whom are puppeteer-ed by an agenda set to perpetuate a political venue that is insane, by virtue of patronage our youthful minds are imposed to listen, to follow and listen to the great cause, patrons of a world that has changed from our innate ways into a mechanical machine, a demon designed to kill, a war machine designed without a heart, without a passion for the land we all walk on.

The silver and the gold raised the human passions into a frenzy without any regards for the lands or waters, then the industrial revolution commenced another fate which taken another bight out of our society, as a whole the working class Americans are as a puppet, we are continuously under a gun wielded by our structured law makers, the working class Americans are only a commodity for the using, these abuse is modern day slavery, without representation we are subjects of the banking rules and laws. These are visions of such statues of a time; when we could believe and watch our leaders talk without twisting words, a time back before the Black coats arrived. That time is a fiction of our imagination, an era of great change has succeeded in erasing those memories of community solidarity, as the rains wash away the fall winters snow, so should we, as a nation of peoples we must learn these unnatural laws and use them to return to where we belong, closer to the real world which was a place full of beauty, a place full of all the freshness springtime has to offer. Somewhere inside a dream-scape, I spoke to this sweet child of mine, she was looking in the direction, her eyes wide open, and told her to close hers, and bow your head, I was looking across the great plains, high above the desert floors I seen the migrations, large columns of Black coats ever so meandering along our old hunters pathways, now forever known as Trail heads, such as The Oregon Trail, leading droves of peoples from harm, leading peoples to different parts of the lands by a direction from the government, by birthright or by culture they were told by their own President where and how they can live in this new world, the land of the free. I watch intently as the world has changed ever so slowly into a controlled box, a box full of insane madmen, cluttered together tagging each other with laughs full of hate and bigotry. I feel that this hate and bigotry is

an energy that we can harness for the good, we can overcome the current impositions if we just stand up and remove this tether, these interwoven sleeves wrapped around us as a snake, leaving it on the floor where it began and belongs,,, I spoke silently raising her head sullen head, she with eyes wide open smiled and asked me why the winters are lasting far too long, asking why in this time of cold we should remove our coats, and I reached out into the skyline, pointing at the sunrise brilliantly displaying its powerful will to bring life onto this ever enduring planet we call home...

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