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Structure and Governance:

a. Analyze the decision-making process within the organization. Who has the most
power? How are decisions reached?
b. Examine the role of different member states within the organization. Are there
permanent members with special privileges?
c. Investigate the organization's funding mechanisms. Who contributes financially?

2. Functions and Effectiveness:

a. Evaluate the organization's success in achieving its stated goals. What evidence is
there of its impact?
b. Explore specific programs or initiatives undertaken by the organization. How effective
have they been?
c. Analyze the challenges the organization faces in carrying out its functions.

3. Relevance in the Modern World:

a. Discuss the organization's role in addressing contemporary global issues like climate
change, pandemics, or cyber security.
b. Explore how the organization adapts to a changing global landscape, including the
rise of new powers and technological advancements.
c. Analyze potential reforms that could improve the organization's effectiveness in the
21st century.

4. Specific Examples:

a. Have students choose a particular international organization and delve deeper.

b. Encourage them to research a specific case study where the organization played a
significant role.
c. Analyze debates and criticisms surrounding the organization's actions.

5. Comparative Analysis:

a. Compare and contrast two or more organizations working in similar areas.

b. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and how they complement or compete.
c. This can be particularly interesting for regional organizations like ASEAN and the EU.

Additional Areas:
a. The historical development of the organization
b. The role of leadership within the organization
c. The relationship between the organization and non-state actors (NGOs, corporations)
d. The impact of the organization on specific regions or countries

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