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College life is often romanticized as a period of intellectual growth,self-discovery,and

lifelong friendships.However,beneath the surface lies a pervasive issue that affects
countless student stress.From academic pressures to social expectations,college stress can
manifest in various forms and significantly impact one’s well being.Understanding the
causes and effect of this stress is crucial in navigating the challenges of higher education.

Firstly,academic demands contribute significantly to college stress.The transition from

high school to college bring a sudden increase in workload and complexity,often catching
students off guard.Balancing multiple classes,assignments,and exams can be
overwhelming leading to feeling of anxiety and inadequacy.

Secondly,social pressure exacerbate the stress experienced by college students.The

quest for belonging and acceptance in a new environment can be dauting.Wheather it’s
navigating social cliques,managing roommates conflicts or dealing with peer
pressure,students often find themselves grappling with complex interpersonal.

Futhermore,financial concerns loom large over many collage students,intensifying their

stress levels.Tuition fees,living expenses,and the burden of student loans weigh heavily on
the minds of those striving for higher education.The fear of financial instability can hinder
academic performance and detract from the overall college experience.

Last of all,college stress is a multifaceted issue that impacts student across various
aspects of their lives.From academic pressures to social expectations and financial
worries,the challenges of higher education can take a toll on one’s mental and emotional
well-being.By acknowledging these stress and fostering a supportive environment,colleges
can better equip students to cope with the rigors of academic life.

Maan Joy E. Dela Cruz


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