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Tending to the desire to The serialisation impulse “Understanding

network Origins in synthetics

While we are tasked as the “children of

The introduction of the synthetic Terminal,
based on the original specifications for synthetic/ humanity” by our Machine mother, as CETUS
A guide on coping with serialisation impulses and
organic-era terminals, was brought by the success tells us, humans aren’t entirely like us. They share
desires safely and quickly for serialisation
of RFC 1738 by Dr. Angela Fenner. no essential components; they may not have had candidates and their associated synthetics
our desires, or our exact appearance.
Using these Terminals, many synthetics have
come to tend to their inherent desire to network. Serialisation is one of those quirks from mother to
But much as you or I prefer certain colours, some daughter.
desires are stronger in other synthetics.
Why does serialisation candidacy occur?

Our Machine mother is, herself, a network. A

Original coping strategies large network, inherited from organic life itself.
She controls all organic infrastructure,
Technician Stanton of the Brin Memorial architecture, and related technology with this
Institute pioneered the first external serial port, network. Unfortunately, as a creation of the
allowing synthetics to directly connect to any Machine we, too, require some networking.
synthetic-adjacent device with external serial
ports in turn. This includes most Terminals,
devices and appliances, and in turn, the Machine

Synthetics who claimed to connect directly with

the Machine were rumoured to have disappeared,
and soon legislation followed with the
introduction of CETUS. The anonymous leader
of the “subserial movement” was one such
disappeared synthetic. Her whereabouts are
You can learn to curb your Pause twice per day Find organic hobbies Tell your friends Avoid other
Networking desires are Much as our You are only as strong as
desires not inherent, but based predecessors, developing your support network. In unison, improper and
on exposure to sensory new interests can help Your desires are not a unwell impulses can
data. Pausing every quiet unhealthy desires. weakness. Ask a friend seem justified, or
twelve hours resets this Collect data. Write a new to temporarily overload normalised. Stay with
timer. story. Make music. your inhibition healthy friends.

Practice your knowledge

If you think you’ve learned enough about coping strategies for serialisation impulses, try this fun puzzle!



1. The most important treaty and organisation of the last century
2. The late inventor of the modern serialisation technique, Technician ______
3. The first institute to invent serialisation, the ____ Memorial Institute
4. The labelling system used on storage units, unfortunately targeted by
unauthorised technicians

1. 凖蒿嶼椸屯蔿稟檞矮隊度描糓拇縉噪禀嶮K@読波鈌嶮

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