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f PIED Ay dad hea Ahad pL Gag aD alfa pas gh SD mal Mp S Ata gal le pad TS Sel ings clan & pal bl le Span 3g Oe pol ines gy Lake 9 J jal pea y GOD coy SD yal yay cep cup COL ga GH aS Sha ELE Shy glad Quad agad SS pl ayy lly ABAD IB op Dl ly spay Riga Ayal y ad AN cha ak Mal ey all Jpn a gl gagl Spengh ede My al gel BAD CLA ALAGYY yy GD sang ysl) ILE Jy sl Ay ag ley hl S92 gay Say CL ad ly ISAS fay asl ably yall AS fay Sand ela le Gy Aig VLA gh Gaal pla iS) US ash yal Bn pl jh Y a a Dany La DRI i ae 9 al ul lie py GI SS jay Sly Ss Rees Dae 5 SAAS AAS Si Ly gg DYN 3 pl Thy Do JS Dal yal al la gal ay 1S Seal ita Sah ALY gd ppd fal dal gale pay Sh local y 6 JAAN a ny oly Sh Dae peta pal) AA ge Yay alae AS gl A sn yp ll pga lg) Ca Da SHAD) gill bie aay eYH Apel Chill GUY al i al pl tt ACHE ye cele Gull sans pds Daal yey jy any Lc aS pall sal gh nly sal 1S 2a Dlg y SK al fg ad Spe a pls AY gh ah (Gat 2) tay pay eta IS sal ua pgs AY A oe 8S ig ‘Massa Lata al py Toul ga Le Fy any phy SN chy ann Fp bl Sayin al Ugly DE ag FLA a a AISI N4e pt gl han le pa a I sae ol Soe Upalany SUD J) Ia GaN SG GB jae Clad he Ve] SS st Se ad ye Sg al ee Sars OM dad che ipl gegen LS Gp cs oS a LS) eyum pe is ans ti api Gta ghey Ab oy Lay! EGY Yl oe iy Lila Se at pL gay sie Dye PHS ed Jy ye Leak aay Rememtinaheammmel ae) sou (Gens Generations of) Aviad Joa! le Stk ise jy Jal pc cay t Bie Jee lie 8 GAAS 1B 8 ph (Computers BeiS Shy Mis pel y AACS JH) pal Ci (Vacuum Tubes) % jis) oA - (1956-1940) Ja dat Hpi AS gal yA hy 4D 3D eagle dad pa Mal paced abu YS PRA AUS 2 SOS IS nasal pS ey 55 Lead pap ny AI AS tly ll ae BR OY SI yal gd Sal oe NE a Jas NIN Jad lee BS 5 a Ah oe IS A ge aay tal Get TD Se ISA ANU gil ABN Ie Tay 9) UNIVAC) 288 aa pata ta JN Lad uae pl SAS Hs 58! Gd Spy (Universal Automatic Computer 3-1 JSS 16) ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) (Transistors) <3] - (1956-1963) 3 Jin) BS Ae A ay gh SB Ld gad ial dal la pes Nl Se gl ys gh La inns gil SSM! 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Fay saat atl pth + PC (Personal Computer) pai! etal) pay ar Easily cel a iy ol gal ada ple Shy gn fim) Cs ie Rss Al etal tLe he Lie by Spaced eas asta (Notebook) Sn Sep ada yy iS canta ga GA Cle Looe 9-1 Dy Bel JED ys eS (Minicomputers) Saal) ctpatad eas EDD pl (Midrange) lanl pata py ly pls al hyd pg ny A any La A Byte py yoy Ital ga Lh pail) pad LD odary oc gyn LYN Ls SE ye ake glia ghee pb oe Ca TON JE jit gue bys ce siscaregeat lke Alta ek (Mainframe Computers) 436 al) clasts Polar FAI Le Seale ge tLe ga 5S pd all HI ole GE pd heated ay 5 Gail oa ask a SH sl lin py aha NE yh a Sa A$ tal ad pais iy Qaeda 536 pd oy da Els Dalby SNL Syn Sal DL 9 Jaa chil PEAS SWI Jp sith gaya ala cal MoT SCY yt AA ye Cte A 8 Oe (Super Computers) da) chia eS SNA ata Sy ee I Ig pl Da ta yy sisal SU 8 SIE YN Oe (quadrllion) StS ye Js) Aga a fe a tian cuca wea Ts a ya tins Sage dhagy at Apo paki aid apo agag ak 2-1 SAD hl Sy sl Gay yy lt A oie tad LS pal oa MAYA cet BLS! Sb ON Jatt chee CS (1 (Integrated Circuits) Lassa 3p (Transistors) Sys! 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