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ISFS – 5th year – TP N° 1

Choose your favourite band or singer:

a) Part 1: Find information and write about:

- The history of the group or singer (where and when they started, who are the members of the
band, where they are from, type of music they play, the language they sing in, nationality of the
band, their first and last concert (date and place), etc.)
- Describe the different members of the band.
- What is special about the band?
- Name their most popular songs. What is the most popular song?
- What instruments do they play?
- How many albums do they have?

b) Part 2: Choose your favourite song.

- Write the lyrics of the song in English. Translate it into Spanish.

- What type of music is it?
- Why do you like this song?
- How does the song make you feel?
- When do you like to listen to it?
- Explain what the song means.

c) Part 3: Opinion and personal interest.

- What is your experience with their music?

- How often do you listen to their music?
- What do you think about the future of the band?
- Have you ever been to a concert? Did you enjoy it?

Include some photos or pictures of the group / band / singers.

d) Part 4: You are a journalist and are about to interview your favourite singer or group. Prepare the
questions and then write the conversation in English.

ISFS – 5th year – TP N° 1

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