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Lactic Acid Fermentation

-It is an anaerobic fermentation reaction that occurs in some bacteria and animal cells, such as
muscle cells.

Ex. Yogurt, Cucumber, Cabbage, etc.

Alcoholic Fermentation/ Ethanol

-the anaerobic transformation of fructose and glucose (sugars) into ethanol and carbon dioxide.

Ex. Beer, whiskey, Vodka, Cosmetics, etc.

First Step
- 6 carbon compounds/ glucose.
- Produces ATP molecules.

- 6 carbon compounds/ glucose will convert itself into 3 carbon compounds.

-Release 2 molecules of ATP and 2 molecules of 2 NADH

-will be released in the form of CO2.

- The rest of the carbon skeleton.

NAD+ Generation Back Ethanol

-Will be generated back by the conversion of acetaldehyde to ethanol.

Conversion of Ethanol
-Will take 2 hydrogen atoms from NADH and attaches to carbon atom (2 ethanol)

Conversion of NADH back to NAD+

-Releasing 2 hydrogen atoms.

-Available for another glucose to perform another glycolysis.
-Process of anaerobic respiration in which (ETC) and oxygen is not involved in order to make

Saccharomyces Cerevisiae/ Small organism

-Degrade glucose into ethanol and carbon dioxide.

Carbon Dioxide
-Makes the bread rise.

3 Main Products
- Carbon Dioxide

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