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Earth Dwellers Howard Ratcliffe

Gnosis means Knowledge. The “Flower of Life” incorporates the Qaballah “Tree of
Life”, (actually the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), Hexagram aka “Seal of
Solomon” (Sealing rituals) or Star of Molech (Assyrian Adrammelech) and Chiun,
Masonry’s “G” aka Grand Architect, Leonardo da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” aka Pentacle
or 5 pt Star (Earth, Air Fire, Water, Quintessence/Ether/Illumination), Baphomet aka
Sabbath Scapegoat Azazel, the World Tree, Celtic Runes, Phoenician Alphabet, Swastika
“Broken Sun Wheel”, Greek Cross, Ankh “Solar Cross”, T “Tammuz Cross”, “X” “Osiris
Cross” (used as the IHS “By this sign conquer” by the Jesuits), Eye of Horus (same Fish
Symbol) the Golden Ratio (ICHTHYS or Fish symbol=Labrys) aka Ratio of Life (Venus
Solar Cycle/Earth Solar Cycle) or Fibonacci Sequence, Buddhist and Hindu Mandala
Wheels, Merkabah Wheel and Metatron Cube. The last 2 may need clarification.
Meta=Beyond; Tron=Matrix or alternatively the unbiblical Rabbi created Angel
Metatron, an incarnation of Seth’s Enoch, the first of God’s 2 Witnesses (2nd will be
Elijah) and source of the Tetragammaton “YHWH” aka Masonic “Ineffable name of G-
D” learned in the Royal Arch Degree as Jahbulon “Jah-Baal-Osiris”. Metatron is
considered the angelic source of the Babylonian Talmud whose contempt of Jesus Christ
knows no bounds. Rabbis don’t like Mathew 23:8 very much “Call no man Rabbi”; they
prefer the Serpent’s Lie “Ye shall be as gods”. Merkabah means Mer “Light”, Ka
“Spirit”, Ba “Body” aka Ezekiel’s Wheel. A 3-D representation of the Star of David,
except that King David never used the symbol, Solomon did; the Seal of Solomon is the
symbol of the Sacred Marriage to Molech; he got it from the Phoenicians.
The “Flower of Life” is the key to Sacred Geometry, Geomancy, Geodesy etc. Sacred
Sites on Earth were/are plotted at the center of the Hexagrams formed on the Flower of
Life. The grid recognizes Lunar and Solar Cycles, Earth Precession of 10 every 72 years,
the ratio of Statute (Roman) and Nautical (Greek) Miles, the ratio of Polar and Equatorial
Radius and a lot else. The bottom line is Sacred Sites were placed at very specific
locations, made to very specific sizes and shapes for very specific reasons. “Nothing in
politics happens by chance, if it happened, it was planned”-FDR. Politics brings the earth
under common rule and this is how it is done.
UCADIA "Unique Collective Awareness of DIA (Wisdom)" is composed of members
called "Society of United Free States of Spirit" possessing an 18 digit (3 groups of 6)
membership number who confess 8 levels of Awareness: Animus, Self, Gaia
(Earth/Atomic), SOL (sub-atomic ie Nuclear), GAL (Galaxy/Quark), UINTAS (God
Particles/Dark Matter) and UCA (United Collective Awareness) ie people possessing the
Divine Spark become the Divine Creator. UTC (Universal Time) is based on Solar,
Lunar, Precession "Time" centered at the Prime Meridian, specifically at Glastonbury Tor
“Avalon”. The primary calculator is Stonehenge whose central rectangle delineates the
northern and southern most Lunar Rising and Setting; frames the Solar Rising at mid-
summer and mid-winter (12/21) and serves as the unit of Earth Measurement, the
English/Roman Foot/Statute Mile and angular measurement Greek Foot/Nautical Mile.
This article is not meant to make you or I an expert in Earth Measurement; it’s meant to
point out Time is short to establish a personal covenant with Jesus Christ. Further
research in this area is available in The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth-Robin Heath
and The Dimensions of Paradise-John Michell.
The UTC Date for the 1st Horseman of the Apocalypse "White Horse" was
12/21/2009 aka "Day of Divine Agreement". Haiti earthquake, Deepwater Horizon,
Australia fires, Pakistan and India Flooding, Russian heat wave/drought soon followed,
massive fish and bird die offs. The UTC date for the 3rd "Black Horse" is 12/21/2011 aka
"Day of Judgment" and the 4th "Pale Horse" aka "Day of Redemption" is 12/21/2012. On
this day the Imam "Mahdi" aka World Teacher "Maitreya" makes the appearance as
Alternative Messiah. Note: The Pale Horse brings Death and Hell; this refers to Spiritual
Death (Destruction of the Soul) and Eternal Hell (eternal separation from God) Hell is
destroyed by God after the Millennium. The UTC Time for the Pale Horse is specifically
measured at the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan which converts to 11:11 UTC Time at
Greenwich England on the Prime Meridian.
Where is the Red Horse? Between the White Horse who conquers with a Bow
(12/21/2009) who like Archers, use anonymous weapons like EM weather weapons used
in Haiti, Russia, Pakistan, India, Australia, US, Europe and Drones flown in Afghanistan
and Pakistan from remote bases; and before the Black Horse (12/21/2011) brings the
world economy to a screeching halt, requiring every man woman and child to accept this
“Mark of the Beast” in order to buy or sell anything including enough food to sustain life
“Quart of Wheat” for each day. Put another way, from now (3/2011) until Christmas
There are 10 regions declaring their independence from God; compare them with
Daniel 7:6-8 10 horns of which 3 are plucked up by the roots. I’m not counting ie Mars as a region; life on Mars is a ridiculous lie. Mars is
the angry Red Planet. Esau=Edom=Red; like Cain his offspring are angry wanderers
“Pagans”; Planet means Wanderer as well. Life on Mars represents Mars the Roman god
of War aka Ares, the Greek god of War. The Areopagus “Mars Hill” (Acts 17) was the
initiation center in Athens of Ares-Dionysus; in Rome, the Regia was used in identical
Mars-Bacchus initiations. The symbol of Mars/Ares is the Rooster (Cock) brought to
Samaria by “Men of Cuth” from Erech aka Warka or Uruk near the confluence of the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Erech was the center of the Cult of Anu; the festivals called
the Bacchanalia and Dionysiac Festivals are over 4000 years old.
The symbol of Anu is the Royal Tiara (Greek Chi and Rho) framed by Bull Horns on
a an empty Throne. The Throne is Satan’s Seat, Jesus described in Rev 2:13 as being in
Pergamos, Turkey (2000 years ago Turkey was Galatia, the root of Galaxy and Galli
“Priests of Cybele”). The physical Throne is now (reportedly) in the Berlin Museum and
called the Throne of Zeus (Zeus means Day; really just another term for the Sky god
Anu). The Bull’s Horns refer to Taurus, the constellation framing the equinox sunrise at
the Flood. On Dec 21, 2012 the Sun passes the X formed by the Ecliptic and Milky Way
Galaxy during the Day and is framed by the horns of Taurus. Christmas Week of 2012 is
Dan 9:27 the “Covenant with Many”; the Sun and Moon symbolically change places with
the Moon rising in Ares progressing to Taurus. Mid-week is Christmas Day; I would call
that Ruby Tuesday; after that Heaven will depart (Rev 6:14 and the Red Christ will have
Dominion; Dan 7:6).
In Dan 8 the Daily Sacrifice refers to the sacrifice of Man; the first Christian martyr
“Stephen” means Crown; the last Knight Templar Stephen de Stapplebrugge confessed to
the Double Initiation required of Knight Templars on June 23, 1311; his name means
Stephen=Crown; Stapple=Staple=Market; Brugge=Bridge. At the Mother’s of Darkness
Castle in Brugges Belgium, the progress of Satan’s crowning is reportedly written in
innocent (Doctrine of Original Sin is a Gnostic Lie) blood daily. In 1311 the King of
France “Phillip le Bel” and the Catholic Pope “Clement V” allowed the Knights Templar
to pass their considerable wealth to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta; the easily
viewed list is a virtual whose who of modern politics. “Every 700 years the Laurel
(Crown of Dionysus) grows green again”. Folks, I would brush this information aside;
the need to establish a personal covenant with Jesus Christ for the remission of Sin (Allah
is identical with the Assyrian god Sin worshipped in Ka=Spirit; Allah “Kaballah”); in
fact man’s first set of laws written without God were Laws of Naram-Sin) has never been
so imminent for so many people.
If anyone has a better idea as to the identity of Daniel’s 10 Horns I’m all ears; here is
UCADIA aka Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil divided 10 ways on earth plus the
11th for Mars. “United Society of Free States of Spirits” “United International State of Humanity” “United Spiritual Wisdom of the Universe” “United Nations”

“Symbols control the world, not words or laws”-Confucius

The Cross, Ankh, Yin Yang, Bull’s Eye, Six Pointed Star, Pentacle, Crescent, World
Tree, “Coexist” Symbols, “Fish” Symbol etc are all Gnostic/Pagan symbols introduced
over time to usher in a one world language based entirely on symbols.
The symbol needs more explanation. The intersection of
these 2 circles forms the Labrys aka “Womb of Gaea”. Drawn in a Square the
“Labyrinth” forms the familiar spiral shape of Ram’s Horns, Galactic Spirals, Tornadoes,
Hurricanes etc has a Greek Cross with the Labrys at
the center called the Aquarian Cross. It was founded on St Lucia (bride of Light/Lucifer)
day Dec 13, 1990, 23 years before 12/21/2012 “Redemption Day” because their goal is to
add Chap 23 to Revelation. 2+3=5; 2X3=6; 2/3=.666. Aquarius begins 12/21/2012, the
“Planetary Pentecost”. Notice the tours on the site: Cathar Tour, Celtic Odyssey, Crop
Circle Tour, Brahma’s Throne in India, Scottish Highlands, Malta Temples. The Labrys
is the Golden Mean aka Ratio of Life, 1.618 to 1, the ratio formed by the Solar Cycle of
Venus divided by Earth’s (8/5).

Proposed constitution of One-Jerusalem Key articles Key Indicators

bloodshed is no longer Awareness
the solution Buildings
Land Type
Land Use
Living standards
Living quality
Natural Resources
Gnostic religion began with rejection of God’s admonition not to eat of the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil; basically the Occult Arts such as Spirit Conjuration,
Necromancy, Witchcraft, Shamanism etc; summed up as Chaldean Magick. Cain’s
descendants “Cainites” followed this tradition until the Flood; the United Nations aims to
“Repair the Earth” by bringing all nations under common religion and rule. Noah was a
descendant of Seth; I have no knowledge of Noah’s wife being Sethite or Cainite but
Cainite “Gnostic” religion continued with Canaan after the Flood at Creation + 1656
years most notably with the Tuatha de Danaan (Children of Anu), Chaldean Magi,
Sabians of Harran, Egyptian “Priests of On”, Babylonian Magi, Priests of Zoroaster aka
“Persian Magi”, Hindu Brahmins, Pharisees and Sadducees. God took the form of Man
and was rejected in keeping with Gnosticism’s concept of Freedom and Liberty.
Manichaeans, Yezidis, Bogomils, Albigens, Cathars, Knights Templar aka Knights of St
John of Jerusalem and today’s Hospitallers aka Sovereign Military Order of Malta,
Cypress and Rhodes. To keep this article relevant I’ll go back 700 years.
“Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again”
Cathars (Catharsis means discharge of pent up emotion); "Cat"=Q in Celtic meaning
“Quelle” ie "Source" or "Battle". The Gospel of Q is the earliest document declaring
Jesus is not God in Flesh. "Cat Anu "Children of Anu" aka Tuatha de Danaan are the
originators of the Irish-Scottish/Templar/Hospitaller/Grail King Lies. The foundation of
these lies is the Prophet Jeremiah traveling to Tara, Ireland with King Zedekiah’s
daughter at the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC. Unsubstantiated BS! Zedekiah did evil in
sight of the Lord; he and his sons were killed by Nebuchadnezzar, the idea God would
found a heraldic line of Kings of Jerusalem in Ireland with his daughter is ridiculous.
With this lie is the claim Tuatha de Danaan means Tribe of Dan; another ridiculous lie.
Dan was prophesied to be a Judge of Israel at the end of the Millennium (Gen 49:16; Eze
48:1) fake Dannites are Norse/Normans “Northmen” who settled ScanDanavia,
Danmark, Danube, SweDan, the British Isles and the Americas. Mormon prophets claim
this lineage from a mythical dead son of Zedekiah “Mulek”; Joseph Smith’s private guard
was called the “Dannite Band”. Anyway, back to the Cathar saying is "Every 700 years
the Laurel grows green again".
Tuatha de Danaan are Gnostics ie Satanists. Anu is Gnostic Supreme Assyrian,
Akkadian and Babylonian Lord of Heaven; his consort is Ishtar. His birth is mid-winter
Solstice; Christmas means Sacrifice of Christ. Ishtar’s annual Solar Year pregnancy is
Easter. Anu was primarily a Sky god ie Atmosphere; the letter “Q” therefore changes to
an Airplane  in Wingdings format. 33 years before 2012 was 1979, the year the
Covenant in Stone “North Georgia Guide Stones” were erected calling for the Earth to
live in harmony with nature and a total population under 500 Million. 33 changes to Twin
Pillars  12/21/2012 “Redemption Day” is the day God Seals Heaven.
In 1244 Gnostic Norman Cathars were rounded up and burned alive; 700 years later
was D-Day at Normandy; 700 years ago on June 23, 1311 the Last Knight Templar
Stephen de Staplebrugge confessed the "Double Initiation" required of Templars
(Hospitallers subsequently took their role) "Deny Jesus Christ is God and Man, and deny
Mary is his mother; spit on the Cross, kiss the Baphomet Head and confess Allah is god
(Jah-Baal-Osiris) is the Royal Arch Mason version of Allah, the pre-Islamic Assyrian
deity Sin. Red Horse takes Peace from Earth; this summer? Pretty good guess I'd say;
WWIII? My guess is still Mar 20 Purim (Edomite revenge) and Nowruz (Brass Sanjaks
represent the Peacock Angel Melek-Taus) but I stress this is just a guess; I m privy to
nothing outside of my relationship with Jesus Christ. Take note at this point the
Babylonian Idol of Gold, Silver, Brass and Clay and Iron is changed to Bronze in new
bible versions to hide the fact the Brass Kingdom in Dan 2:39 is arising now. There never
was a Bronze Age; Tubal-Cain, the Freemason hero of Gen 4:22 was an artificer in Brass
and Iron nearly 6000 years ago. Master Masons swear oaths they would rather have their
entrails burned and scattered to the 4 quarters of earth because that’s what they are doing
to the Earth “Draw and Quarter”; for the US it is in Kansas at the intersection of the
NAFTA Superhighway and the Trans-continental Railroad.
The symbol of UCADIA is the Flower of Life; it incorporates elements of the
Hexagram "Star of Molech"; Golden Mean "Labrys", Metatron (Meta=Beyond;
Tron=Matrix) Cube, Merkabah (Mer=Light; Ka=Spirit; Ba=Body) aka Ezekiel's Wheel
which is basically a 3-D Seal of Solomon aka 6 pointed Phoenician Star of Molech. In
this way, Earth is represented as overlapping Tetrahedrons viewed from the Sun which
forms the basis of Sacred Geometry called Geodesy.
The center of the Kabbalah Tree is the 5-6 level, an X formed by the Ecliptic (Sun
and Moon ellipse) and Milky Way (Labyrinth Spiral) “Sacred Tree”; the Sun
symbolically passes this point on 12/21/2012 (date adds to 11) at 11:11 UTC. UCADIA
identifies this as the revealing of the “Pale Horse” aka Day of Redemption. The world
“Sacred Marriage” of Anammelech as represented by the V=Roman 5 aka Easter Rabbit
and Victory sign, and Adrammelech , the Six Pointed Star of Molech represented as the
Talmudic “Sign of Shin” (Star Trek 1st officer Spock popularized this because Vulcan is
Tubal-Cain, the first to use fire in metallurgy) Shin is the Hebrew number 6 meaning
“Nail”; 3 Nails held God to the Tree of Knowledge on Mt Moriah.
For Earth Dwellers the Roman Foot used in Earth Measurement “Statute Mile”
relates to the Greek Foot used in arc measurement “Nautical Mile” in a 5/6th ratio. The
goal of the Pale Horse is to deny Jesus Christ the Millennial Reign and offer the world an
acceptable “Alternative Christ”. To do this WWIII must be made to appear as “Gog and
Magog” (Eze 38-39; Rev 20:8) and Armageddon (Rev 19:19). The Sacred Marriage must
mimic Rev 19:7 “Marriage of the Lamb”. This then is the 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick
America: Amurru (Edomite serpent god), Amar (Canaanite god), Ameru (Dannite
meaning Tuatha de Danaan ie Anu Priests of Ameru in Ethiopia, not the Tribe of Dan) is
Ultima Thule (Last Spoken Norse Word). The Thule Society is the “Brotherhood of
Death” aka Skull & Bones Society or Theosophical Society. The Phoenix is symbolic, a
Bridge between Arabia and Egypt. Arabian=Merchant/Trader ie Flase Korahite
Priesthood. The Egyptian Bennu Bird is the Phoenix that regenerates of it’s self
immolation in flames. Egypt is the Greek Aegyptus meaning land of goddess worship.
America is the symbolic Pyramidion “Ben-ben Stone”. Pyramid means “Amid the
flames”; sorry but America was designed to be the world’s funeral pyre aka “Mass”.
Gnosticism's 6000 year old goal to "become as gods" is a written, notarized and
public document called UCADIA and 2011 seems to be a very big year, the year the
Laurel grows green again. Laurel is the “Civic Crown” symbolized by the Fasces (Rods
bound by Red Cord around an axe blade). The symbol supports the US Flag at Union
Square Park in NYC facing the countdown clock to midnight, it’s behind the speaker’s
podium in the US Congress, on the US Supreme Court Doors, at the Oval Office in the
White House, over the doors of Wisconsin’s Legislature which ended 110 years of
collective bargaining rights on Ash Wednesday and is used by all 50 State National
Guard branches. Time to Wake Up!!!!!!! You can choose UCADIA or Jesus Christ but
not both. The whole mess can be viewed at My article Aquarian
Cross covers the Labrys on the Cross at Glastonbury Tor aka King Arthur's
Grave "Avalon" and Chapter 23 to the Book of Revelation 12/21/2012 is in my opinion Dan 9:27 "Covenant with
Many", Dan 7:6 "3rd Beast Dominion", Dan 2:39 "Kingdom of Brass", Rev 6:14 "6th
Seal; Heaven departs", (I doubt Rev 7 "Sealing of 12 Tribes" will take long), Rev 8 "7th
Seal; 1st Trumpet", Rev 13 "Beast", Rev 11 "Temple" of Sodom and Egypt, 2 Thess 2:11
"Strong Delusion". Can you see why "Sol Invictus" 12/21/2012 is a very big deal
(spiritually) now?
The source “Q” of all this begins and ends with Abraham. Saracen means “Empty of
Sarah”. The spiritual war being waged for 4000 years centers on Arabs and Israel. Israel
is the covenant name of Jacob with God through his father Isaac, Abraham and Sarah.
Arab means “Homeless, wanderer”; as Cain was cast out of inheritance in the pre-flood
world, Hagar, Ishmael and Esau were. Jesus said “Ye cannot serve God and mammon”
Mat 6:24 Mammon means “Avarice Deified”; Avarice is the insatiable desire for material
wealth. When the Hyksos (Hyksos=Amalekites=Edomites) controlled Egypt, it was from
Avaris (Avarice). In an effort to keep this short I’ll briefly mention here that after the
Hyksos were expelled, Abydos became the center of the Osiris Cult; Abydos in Galatia
(Turkey) is today Cannakale “Cain’s Castles”, the site of the battle of Troy and the myth
of Hero and Lleander; today, Hero stands in NY Harbor as the Statue of Liberty.
The Double Initiation was required of Templars and Hospitallers 700 years ago as it
is today. The motto: “The smallest hair cut from the head of a Saracen beard is worth
more than any Christian’s life”. At Art 1: The Existence of Heaven on
Earth; that day is planned for Dec 21, 2012 on a calendar based on Solar and Lunar
Cycles as God intended. Creation to Abraham was 2000 years; Abraham to the birth of
Jesus Christ was 2000 years. The UCADIA Calendar begins the last 2000 year section
(Julius Caesar modified the calendar, as did the Persians before him so 2012 should not
be viewed as an exact number of years) at the Roman Census in 6 BC. Why? Mary and
Joseph had come to be Taxed and Counted; they delivered the 8th Covenant Tabernacle
on the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles that year. The Covenant likely expires on the 2012
“Solstice”, the same day Jesus will Seal Heaven, causing it to depart as a scroll when it is
rolled together. I would not wait until then to establish your covenant with Jesus Christ;
the Red and Black Horse will make that a lot more difficult.

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