Destroyersby Howard Ratcliffe

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Destroyers by Howard Ratcliffe

“I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds”- J Robert Oppenheimer

“We are on the verge a Global Transformation. All we need is the right major crises and
the nations will accept the New World Order”- David Rockefeller
“1/4 of humanity must be eliminated from the social body. We are in charge of God’s
selection process for planet earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the Pale
Horse, Death” -Barbara Marx Hubbard
“It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter to which the
American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance”- George Bush Sr.
Sacred: Devoted or dedicated to a Deity.

“And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come
and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death,
and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the
earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the
earth” Rev 6:7-8
“After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and
strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and
stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were
before it; and it had ten horns” Dan 7:7
“I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another little horn,
before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in
this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. Dan 7:8 is one of 10 sites publically proclaiming a common allegiance,

providing an 18 digit (3 groups of 6) membership number and a specific timetable: White
Horse 12/21/2009; Black Horse 12/21/2011; Pale Horse 12/21/2012. Great Tribulation
begins with the Pale Horse so set your clock accordingly.

I’m not sure how much more out in the open Gnosticism can get; it’s time to pay
attention to who the “Deity” is, who is riding the Pale Horse and how the earth is being
White Horse
12/21/2009 White Horse: Conquers with a Bow. Bow: 1. To Bend ie Bow Down. 2.
Weapon used to shoot arrows. 3 Front of a Ship. 1 month earlier, Obama bowed to
Japan’s Emperor Akihito Hirohito, son of Emperor Hirohito (Order of the Garter) cited as
the reason Atomic Weapons were dropped on Japan (Douglass MacArthur, Harry
Truman, Joseph Stalin all 330 Freemasons). May 1, 1945 USSR is born in Red Square;
June 26, 1945 UN Charter signed in San Francisco; July 16, 1945 Atomic Bomb Test at
Trinity Site, J Robert Oppenheimer quotes Hindu scripture concerning the “Destroyer of
Worlds”; Aug 6 & 9, 1945 Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan. 13 Codices from the Nag
Hammadi Library called Gnostic Gospels were also “found” in 1945.
Nov 15, 2009 Obama bows to Hirohito’s 5th son, Akihito (Japan is the Land of the
Rising Sun; Red Sun; 12/21/2012 is called the Age of the 5th Sun; on the
Mayan Calendar), 12/21/2009 is the publically declared, notarized, White Horse “Day of
Divine Agreement”. 22 days later on 1/12/2010 Haiti 7.0 Earthquake (SOUTHCOM and
NATO in Miami conducting Haitian Relief Drill) 22/7=Pi; Squaring a Circle is not
possible, yet still it is the Gnostic “Great Work”; Akihito is Emperor in the Age of Heisei
meaning “Peace Everywhere”; the same words used in the UN Charter. The UN Security
Council apparently didn’t get the message of “Peace” when they chose the 8th anniversary
of Gulf War II to attack Libya on Purim.
4/20/2010 “Weed Day”, Deepwater Horizon catches fire and sinks on 4/22/2010
“Earth Day”. 2 Annular Valves, 7 Door Ram Valves, 1 Shear Ram Valve and devices
used to free the Drill Rig from the pipeline all fail. 42 million gallons (1 million barrels)
of UN banned Corexit “Weed Killer” and 7000 psi oil gushing from a 22 in diameter pipe
pours into the Gulf Stream; the Gulf seafloor has never stopped leaking; in fact a new 100
mile oil slick surfaced on 3/19/2011 in the Mississippi Canyon, and no I didn’t make up
the 22/7 numbers here either. Squaring the Circle refers to “As Above, So Below”. The
occult theme here is, as long as there is War in Heaven, there will be War on Earth; Satan
is cast out of Heaven through War in Heaven at the 5th Trumpet at Rev 9:11. Now convert
the codenames for the Libyan War to Wingdings format. Canada’s obviously pre-planned
codename MOBILE becomes Britain’s Ellamy changes to 
America’s Odyssey Dawn becomes and France’s Harmattan
(means Forbidden; Evil Wind) becomes  I won’t try to interpret
these symbols, but one can certainly see the Square and Circle between the As Above, So
Below symbols Heaven’s Mirror on Earth if you will.
3/7/2011-3/14/2001 Alaska’s HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer and Japan’s Induction
Magnetometer indicate a 2.5 Hz standing EM wave at Japan; perhaps related, on
3/13/2011 Japan’s Shimoedake Volcano erupted. Google this event and make up your
own mind about EM created Earthquakes and Volcanoes; if still not sure Google Clinton
Sec of Defense Bill Cohen’s speech on EM Scalar weapons being used by “Eco-
Terrorists” to set off these types of events; Jesus warns us of “those who destroy the
earth” in Rev 11:18.
On 3/11/2011 Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Plant with new Israeli installed security
systems by Magna BSP (CEO Haim Siboni; Haim means “Drinking Toast”) using
Siemens Controllers supposedly susceptible to Israeli StuxNet Worm has multiple
failures in main and emergency backup coolant systems. I’m not a Nuclear Engineer so
bear with me; I’m trying to understand this as best I can. Nuclear plants 2 primary safety
systems: 1. Control Rods and Coolant Pumps. Control Rods worked as advertised and
shut down the Atomic Chain Reaction as far as I can discern; reactor vessel pressure
seems to have built up from inadequate coolant flow following shutdown. Coolant Pumps
have multiple power sources including, Grid Electric Power, Plant Electric Power, Steam
Driven Electric Power, Diesel Engine Power, Battery Power and Steam Driven Passive
Power. The 9.0 Quake reportedly knocked out Grid Power and the 21 ft Tsunami Wave
knocked out 13 separate Diesel Power Generators. Versions of this include floating the
diesel fuel tanks out to sea, flooding Diesel Fuel Tanks with water and pulling water into
Diesel Air Intakes. Diesel Engines were bolted to the floor in a separate building and
designed to withstand the earthquake; their fuel source has high tech fuel/water filters and
combustion air intakes far above ground level (on the roof in weather tight structures
from what I can tell). Flooding of all 13 Diesel Powered Generators (I would think power
from one could power other Reactor Coolant Pumps) in buildings designed for Tsunamis,
Tornadoes, Missile Attack, Earthquake etc just doesn’t make sense. Even if this did
happen, Steam powered coolant pumps should have kicked in after battery power was
depleted or vice-versa. As to the StuxNet, I can barely turn my computer on, but do I
believe Israel’s computer virus has the capability to affect Siemens controllers at Iran’s
Busheir Reactor, Japan’s Fukushima much less any other Nuclear facility around the
earth? No way.
City University of New York, Big Bang, Dark Matter, God Particle, Alien, Anti-
Gravity, Astrophysicist Michio Kaku is making the rounds on network TV and Internet
warning NYC residents (9 million+), the Indian Point Reactor is the most susceptible to
disaster. I do agree with him the Fukushima Reactors should immediately be buried in
Boron laced cement however.
Dialect: Thesis + Anti-thesis= Synthesis. Japan and Libya were well planned events;
there is little if any difference between Blair or Cameron, Clinton, Bush or Obama,
Japan’s Naoto Kan, Netanyahu, Quadaffi, Ahmadinejad etc etc; God puts the basest of
men in charge of world governments (Dan 4:17), all are given over to creation of the
“Beast” and it’s single leader. The main objectives are control of money, physical assets
including energy and population control; a lot of population control.
Some 40 years worth; 600,000 fuel rods (some may be Reactor #3 MOX Plutonium
Oxide) are stored high up in Hermetically sealed Containment Buildings in 50 ft deep
purified water pools. As heat built up, the Zircaloy cladding on the spent fuel rods
oxidized, forming hydrogen gas which ignited when it mixed with Oxygen during
venting. A Nitrogen Inerting system is designed to prevent this; it must have also failed
and the subsequent explosions knocked out the blowout panels of the buildings. Spraying
seawater on uncovered radiating fuel rods may be the only option available now, but it is
no solution and is becoming the vector for radiation to enter the upper atmosphere of the
Pacific Jet Stream. Recall USGS spokesperson Lucy Jones predicted a 40 day, ARk
Storm would develop in the Pacific and shuttle 10 ft of precipitation directly to California
in January.
According to and 9 sister sites, the Black Horse rides on
12/21/2011; this “Day of Judgment” represents accepting the “Mark of the Beast” to buy
or sell anything; not a 10 horn Beast but a 7 horn Beast; 3 of which were plucked up by
the roots. World GDP is $60T, equivalent to US unfunded liabilities. US Economy is #1
$14.6T; China is #2 5.7T; Japan is #3 at 5.4T. European Union is #1 at 16T but is usually
divided up into GDP’s of member nations. Which 3 will be plucked up by the roots? I
have no more access to information than anyone else but the best way to ensure nobody is
able to purchase exports is to radiate them. The Pacific Jet Stream is a 50-70 Kt
Atmospheric River (ARk) from Japan to San Francisco and points east. China owns as
much in US Treasury Notes as their annual GDP; not too difficult to figure this out to me.
The ¼ of Earth’s population? I really have no idea, but these 3 nations alone represent
about 1.5 Billion people; without money, the ability to travel and a radiated food and
water supply it won’t take very long. Research Plutonium Oxide “MOX” fuel and you
will see just how dangerous this material is; 120 Grams (2 AA Batteries worth), fully
oxidized Plutonium is capable of killing 1 Billion people. Mind you, this is just my
observations as of 3/20/2011 compared with published Gnostic information and
compared with Scripture. Earthquakes in CA, and New Madrid Fault; eruption of
Yellowstone Super Volcano, 40 day ARk Storm have all been predicted and planned for.
Libya War
Quinquatris Day is March 19, the 5th day after the Ides of March when the Trojan
traitor Brutus led the 23 stabbings of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. Mar 19th is the birth of
Athene the Greek goddess of War; March 19, 2011 also happens to be the Eve of the
Persian New Light "Nowruz" and Talmudic "Purim". Purim comes from the
Akkadian/Assyrian “Pur” meaning Bring to Naught; Crush; Destroy. It also means Cast a
Lot for Marduk the Assyrian sun god known also as Molech. Purim comes from the Book
of Esther; God is not mentioned in this book, and Purim is not a Holy Day ordained by
God; for that matter neither is Hanukkah. When the Moon is at Perigee (Closest to Earth)
and coincides with a Full Moon it is called a Super Moon. When it coincides with Purim,
Nowruz (Brass Sanjaks set up on Nowruz represent the Peacock Angel Melek-Taus aka
Molech and the Zoroastrian battle of Ahura Mazda and Ahriman) on the 8th anniversary
of George “Gog” Bush Jr announcing the start of Gulf War II on Purim, and on the 20th
anniversary of his father 330 Freemason George “Magog” Bush Sr slaughter of 150,000
Iraqis on the Highway of Death (Hwy 8 Basra-Kuwait) it makes it a well planned
occurrence. When Hwy 8 happens to be the location Jesus Christ and the Angel Gabriel
delivered the prophecy recorded in Dan 8 to Daniel; it becomes a very meticulously
planned event in accordance with scripture.
Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama (320 Prince Hall Mason and Chicago bath
house homosexual) traveled to Brazil (Dilma Rousseff is a committed Marxist); no
Congressional declaration of war because Jesuit, homosexual Speaker of the House John
Boehner gave Congress a recess and an absentee President at what very well may be the
start of WWIII is proof enough of treason; heard from Knight of Malta Joe Biden? Me
neither. Obama’s Brazil visit is to unite the Americas “Free
Society over the Earth and Sea”, it’s Logo is called the Labrys, a representation of the
Golden Mean and Goddess Worship; despite the fact many Christians ignorantly display
this “Fish Symbol”; it is a Phoenician Symbol of the Fisher King aka Antichrist (no
Obama is not Antichrist).
Hillary (Hillary=Hillaria=Carnivale=Mardi Gras, the start of Lent; she is a bi-sexual
witch and no I’m not trying to be sensational; this is revenge for God’s use of Fire and
Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah) Clinton traveled to Paris in advance of Operation
Odyssey Dawn to witness the pre-planned start. Why now? In 1311 the French King
Phillip II and Roman Pope Clement V disbanded the Templars, bequeathing their
tremendous wealth to the Knight of Malta “Hospitallers” in exchange for forgiving his
debt; Cathars say “Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again”; Catharsis means
“Discharge of Pent up emotion”. It’s hard to believe this was planned 700 years ago eh?
How about 4320 years ago at the birth of Sargon the Great? Hard to imagine isn’t it? “A
day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day”; pretty hard to
believe Jesus will return to earth when it is 6000 years old to the microsecond too isn’t it?
Paris was the Prime Meridian “Rose Line”; It’s a Brass Line because the 3rd
Kingdom is Brass ref Dan 2:39; it is called the “Rose Line” because the Rose is the
Rosicrucian Symbol; the Rose and Cross symbolize WWIII; think bi-sexual 330
Freemason Albert Pike was guessing in 1871 when he illustrated WWI, WWII and
WWIII? Guess again. The Prime Meridian “Rose Line” was moved to London “New
Troy” when he wrote the letter; it is named after Trojan King Hector's brother Paris
and Helen whose fateful and metaphorical (meaning it never happened) love affair started
the Trojan War. The Odyssey is the mythical account of Greeks returning from the 10
year siege of Troy; a siege made possible by Traitors within the walls and in all
likelihood the symbolic horse itself was Bubonic Plague. We will know this Plague by
the name Spanish Flu, the real killer of WWI originally produced at Ft Riley KS and
revived at Ft Detrick MD for WWIII. Greece was a Democracy; the US spreads
Democracy but has never been one. Get it?
Neo-cons entered positions of power with Reagan-Bush (Reagan 320, Bush and
Gorbachev 330 Masons and all 3 Knights of Malta); Gorbachev’s Soviet Invasion of
Afghanistan and the Iranian Revolution simply part of the “Trojan” package. “Neo-con”
means “New World Order Priest”; on US Tax Day and Assyrian New Year, April 15,
1986 Reagan’s Neo-cons launched an attack on CIA asset Qadaffi (recruited 1977 by
CIA Edwin Wilson; Osama bin Laden 2 years later and Barry Soetoro roughly 4 years
later) called “El Dorado Canyon”; El Dorado is the mythical symbol of the Golden Age
and it’s leader called “Golden One”; Qadaffi still uses the Golden Hand rising out of the
Earth clutching an aircraft as his symbol. Why? WWIII will be made to look like the end
of Millennium “Gog and Magog”; the Golden Age is eternal after all. “Persia, Ethiopia,
and Libya with them…” Eze 38:5
Gog and Magog is over 1000 years from now! “And David my servant shall be
king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd…” Eze 37:24 Seen King David or
Jesus Christ yet? Me neither. The occult goal is to falsify Gog and Magog (Eze 38; Rev
20:8) in order to usher in the Golden Age. Bush Sr is not “Magog” nor is Bush Jr “Gog”;
these are simply their Skull & Bones initiation “New Names”. The Sanhedrin (no more
Jewish now than they were 2000 years ago) proclaimed Bush Jr “Gog, chief prince of
Meshech and Tubal” in Zedekiah’s Cave on 1/8/2008; he is not! Satan is. Meshech is a
son of Japheth, not a reference to Moscow; Tubal is Tubal-cain not a reference to
Tobolsk, Genghis Kahn’s Siberian capital. Zedekiah, Judah’s last King “Did evil in sight
of the LORD” as stated in Ezekiel, Jeremiah and 2 Kings; he is the sole basis of power in
Ireland, England, Wales, Scotland as well as the Mormon Church. Stories of his son
Mulek and/or daughter Tea Tephi traveling to the British Isles with Jeremiah are
unscriptural BS. “Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters,
and all his bands: and many people with thee” Exe 38:6 refer to Galatia (Turkey), the
location of the 7 Church Warnings Jesus gave in Rev 2-3; call them Celtic, Druid,
Scythian, Kabbalist, Talmudic, fake Jewish, Edomite or Satanic, just not Jewish or Born
Again Christian. Putin called America’s recent foray in Libya a “Medieval Crusade” and
Medvedev called it “A regrettable action which will lead to International War”; China
has also condemned US actions. America=Amurru Cain; Amurru is the Edomite
Shepherd (Priest) and Serpent (Liberator) with an Illegitimate President, fighting
Illegitimate Wars borrowing money to finance a National Debt equal to the world GDP
and everyone on earth seems to be aware of this except Americans. Why now?
The invisible Comet Elenin and invisible Planet Tyche in conjunction with the Super
Moon has been cited as the reason for the Japan Earthquake; but that is BS on a grand
scale. Elenin means “Extinction Level Event” and Hellene or Helen, as in Helen of Troy
or Constantine’s mother Helena who invented the rallying cry “By this Sign Conquer”.
Tyche is the Greek goddess of Fortune; recall El Dorado is the mythical place of fortune.
An invisible planet and/or comet affecting Earth is just plain stupid, however Japan's
Nuclear Accident may yet prove to be an ELE.
France dubbed the Libyan War "Operation Harmattan" meaning "Dry hot wind from
the Sahara; Evil or Forbidden Thing"; it's no coincidence they are leading the No-Fly
Operation over Libya. The Cathars and their modern day successors "Knights of
Malta" have not forgotten or forgiven the Cathar/Templar torture 700 years ago) at the
Elysee Palace (Elysee is Hades "Underworld" it means Elysian Field featured in the
movie Gladiator; recall the re-enactment of the Battle of Carthage? Carthage is Tripoli
and we are in it; the end may very well be scorching, salting and pissing in America's
ashes). America calls the Libyan War "Operation Odyssey Dawn"; Clinton with President
Sarkozy (his ex-wife is married to the son of Operation Mockingbird founder
and Obama's envoy to Egypt, Frank Wisner); Odyssey means "Epic Journey"; Odysseus
is the mythical King of Ithaca in Homer's Odyssey who traveled to the underworld of
Elysium means "Person struck by Lightning ie Zeus" It should be noted the Protestant
Reformation began on Samhein in 1517 by Rosicrucian Martin Luther after he was, you
guessed it “Hit by Lightning”. As usual, the US Coalition Forces are nearly all US.
The USS Barry appears to have fired the 1st missiles. Barack "Lightning", his real
name is Barry Soetoro the illegitimate US President did not conduct the US Census under
the Commerce Department nor is he a natural born US citizen; this International Act of
War makes him an International War Criminal; soon he will be wanted by the ICC at the
Hague. Barry is usually a name attributed to the father of the US Navy, Commodore
John Barry; however this Barry is unique. DDG-52 USS Barry arrived off the Libyan
coast on 1 March, 2011; 520 is the angle of an Egyptian “Mr” (Mr, Akh, Ba) Triangle
used in a 3-4-5 Pythagorean Right Triangle and the dimensions of the King’s Chamber in
the Great Pyramid; Mir is also the name of the Russian Space Station meaning “Peace”;
some peace eh? Other ships had equally interesting names: USS Westminster (Stone of
Scone at Westminster Abbey will enthrone the New World Order leader on the Throne of
Zeus; Pergamum=Satan's Seat; my guess is still Thomas Plantard but don’t hold me to
it); USS Scranton: The Movie Unstoppable began and ended in Scranton PA; train
#777 means Lightning or Shekinah; recall Gulf War II began with a Cruise Missile Strike
called "Shock and Awe" ie Shekinah. The other Train in the movie was #1207; Rev 12:7
is the War in Heaven where Satan and his angels are cast out, the 5th Trumpet describes
the same event at Rev 9:11; the date 9/11/2001 was not chosen at random; USS Florida:
Means “Flowering Easter” aka Ishtar and “Palm Sunday” Mar 20, 1513 after Ponce’ de
Leon’s “Discovery”; St Augustine is the oldest post conquest city in the US named after
Phoenician trained St Augustine; indoctrinated at Carthage (Tunis) by Gnostics; City of
God refers to “As Above, So Below” aka “Heaven on Earth”; USS Providence: Means
Foresight; Prudent Anticipation; God's Hand; obviously the wrong god!; USS Stout:
Valiant; Strong; Arrogant. These ships along with 3 B-2 Stealth Bombers (They do
nothing without Presidential order) launched 114 Depleted Uranium Core Tomahawk
Cruise Missiles and 40 Uranium Core Bunker Busting Bombs at Libya. Libya is a
Phoenician word meaning Land of Afri or Africa; the Phoenician outpost of Hannibal and
Hamilcar Barca=Barack=Lightning. Magog Bush Sr., Fed Grand Jury Liar Clinton, Gog
Bush Jr, and now Illegitimate absentee President Obama have used the UN banned WMD
indiscriminate killer Uranium as their predecessors used before them to “Destroy the
Earth” and deny its use to Man. Originally, this was the Assyrian “Scorched Earth”
Policy. I’m not trying to be political or sensational; Gnosticism has 1 goal: Freedom from
God. “Order out of Chaos” means destroy Earth and remake it in their image.
The 5th day of Quinquatris is Tubilustrium (Tubae are Trumpets); the army of Rome
was made ready for war on Mar 23. I'm sure it's also coincidence Mar 20-25 is a US
Canada Joint Exercise at Ft Leavenworth too (Leaven means Lies); Canada calls their
part in this illegal war "Operation MOBILE". Obama re-named the Iraq War "Operation
New Dawn"; Eos being the Goddess of Dawn "Easter" and personification of the Red
Indian. Americans lied to in Church know him as Santa Claus; Mormon scout Kit Carson
referred to Red Indians as Welsh Celtic speaking Shaman. Hopi Shaman say the Red
Katchina will remove his mask before the uninitiated; I suggest staying "Un-initiated";
Kronos rules Elysium and he is known for eating his offspring. Tomahawk Cruise
Missiles are named after the Francesca Throwing Axe (featured in the movie The Patriot)
and Franciscan Monks; fitting the war on Libya would start by UN Resolution, a
Satanic body founded in San Francisco named after it. Seen Book of Eli yet? It isn't
Convicted Spy and Communist Party member, Alger Hiss convinced the US,
specifically 330 Mason, Muslim Shriner, Harry Truman to accept the United Nations on
June 26, 1945 in San Francisco=Francesca Throwing Axe=Franks=France=Tomahawk;
Devout Communist, Bohemian Grove member Mikhail Gorbachev runs Green Cross
International from San Francisco today. Why? The same reason Col. Edward Mandell
House convinced Woodrow Wilson to accept the League of Nations and the Federal
Reserve “There exist a hidden power, so organized, so pervasive, so watchful, so
interlocked that they dare now speak above their breath when they speak in
condemnation of it”-Woodrow Wilson What branch of military service did Col. House
serve? The same branch Col. Quadaffi serves; Satan. Colonel means “Commander of a
column of soldiers at the had of a regiment”. These men like Obama are mere foot
Jesus needs followers who will shout the truth from the highest Watchtowers not
cower under their breath. “If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the
trumpet, and warn the people; then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and
taketh not the warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his
own head…But he that taketh the warning shall deliver his soul. But if the watchman see
the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned…his blood will
I require at the watchman’s hand” Eze 33:3-6. Warn people of this, your Salvation is
assured; hide and the blood is on your hands.
The Korean (Korea=Korah=Core) War was the first UN War, 25 June 1950-27 July
1953; like WWI it ended in Armistice meaning “Temporary cessation of hostilities”. Art
1 Sec 8 of the US Constitution specifies only Congress is authorized to declare war!
Congress went on 1 week recess mere hours before 114 Uranium Core Tomahawk Cruise
Missiles were launched at Libya 2 days after the UN signed Resolution #1973. They are
at best dupes and more likely traitors with full knowledge of advance planning. Obama?
In Brazil and Chile “Fiddling as the world burns”. Hillary? Where else but France;
France means “Free” and is home to the Merovingians (Merovee is a Sea Beast not Jesus’
blood relatives) and the Cathars last stand. At the UN St George is on horseback slaying
the dragon; same statue is at the Cathedral of St John the Divine standing on the Crab
(Cancer June 21-July 22); this summer or next? I’m not sure.
Folks, I’m warning you with a Trumpet as best I know how to; the Red Horse is
Riding Now. 12/21/2009 is White Horse “Divine Agreement”; 12/21/2011 is Black
Horse “Judgment Day”; 12.21.2012 is Pale Horse “Divine Redemption”. I expect to
see the world being forced to make a decision for the world “Mammon” or Jesus Christ
“God” during 2012. We’ll see, but if you are blind to all this as Eli was delivering, his
Orally recited (NKJV) Bible to San Francisco was, it's time to establish a relationship
with Jesus Christ and watch the well planned 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick.
Barack=Lightning; Obama=He is with us.
The choice for Jesus Christ is difficult, dangerous, complicated and expensive; Ask
Him to Open the Door. How did it go?

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