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Contrastive Vowel Sounds

Guide to pronouncing the following vowels:

\a\ - pronounced with the lips stretched to the sides, jaws dropped while teeth are wide open
like when you smile
\e\ - pronounced with the lips and teeth opened mid
\e\ - pronounced with the lips and teeth only slightly opened
Whiskers – a long projecting hair or bristle growing from the face and snout of many mammals.
Commotion – a state of confused and noisy disturbance.
Whispering – speak very softly, using ones breath without ones vocal cords. Espiceally for the
sake of privacy.
Spaghetti – an italian dish consisting largely spaghetti, typically with a sauce

Reading skill using the dictionary

A dictionary is a reference book containing words, which are alphabetically arranged.

 Learn new words

 Check the meaning of a word
 Learn multiple meanings of words
 Learn how to pronounce a word
 Know related forms of the word, such as the plural form of nouns and the past tense of
 know the origin or etymology of the word

The Sounds \er\ and \ar

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